1-Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement-Wiley (2015) - 26

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Table 1.5 Subcategory (Continued)


Method and Level of General

Establishmenta Description Benefit Application
Thermal and biological treatment

Ground freezing Remove heat from ground to Increase strength; reduce water Suitable for saturated clay and
Level = 2 reduce soil temperature below flow and ground movement sand; used for temporary
freezing point and turn protection during excavation
geomaterial into solid
Biological treating
Utilize vegetation and roots to Increase strength and stiffness; Suitable for cohensive and
Level = 1
increase shear strength of soil reduce erodibility and cohesionless geomaterials;
or change soil properties by liquefaction potential requires more research and
biomediated geochemical field trial before it is adopted
process, including mineral in practice
precipitation, gas generation,
biofilm formation, and
biopolymer generation
Level of technology establishment: rating scale 1 = not established, 3 = averagely established, and 5 = well established (most of the
ratings are based on the recommendations by the SHRP II R02 team; however, some ratings with an asterisk * are adjusted or added from
the international perspective and the author’s judgment).

earth walls. Among these options, cut and fill are two For roadway construction, options for subgrade and base
different situations. Option (a) is often adopted when course (or ballast) can be: (1) natural subgrade and granular
there is open land. It is also least expensive and easy for base, (2) lime/cement-stabilized subgrade and base, and
vegetation. Options (b) and (d) are often adopted when (3) geosynthetic-reinforced subgrade and base.
there is limited space. Option (b) using slurry walls, gravity For all applications, unimproved conditions should be
walls, or cantilever walls is often most expensive among evaluated against performance criteria first. If unimproved
all the options but gains large useful land. Reinforced conditions satisfy the performance criteria, no ground
earth walls are typically less expensive than slurry walls, improvement is needed; otherwise, ground improvement is
gravity walls, and cantilever walls. Option (c) is between required.
option (a) and options (b) and (d) in terms of land re- 1.5.2 Factors for Selecting Ground
quirement/utilization and cost. Option (c) has flexibility of Improvement Method
different slope angles and may still establish vegetation.
Ground improvement methods can be used for options (b), Selection of ground improvement method should consider
(c), and (d). the following conditions: (1) structural conditions,

Figure 1.1 Options for foundations (modified from Mitchell and Jardine, 2002).

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