Aoe PL
Aoe PL
Aoe PL
Registrations : Dec 1st to Dec 15th. Registration closes on Dec 15th at 11:59 PM
Season 1 games :
Sign up form
League Rules and Settings
1. League Structure
Table 1
Group A Group B
Team 1 Team 2
Team 3 Team 4
Team 5 Team 6
Team 7 Team 8
4. Bidding Process
***Final Group format and total teams will be released on registration - format may or
may not changed accordingly
6. Scheduling
All teams will be provided with the schedules considering the timeframes and sets to be
completed. We hope that the teams check the schedules and follow the timings
The timings mentioned in the schedules are the time at which the games are expected
to start.
This scheduling will help the teams to play on a specific time without having the hassle
to schedule between themselves.
Still, in rare cases if a team is unable to play at the given schedule for any set, the team
can approach the Admins and re-scheduling can be done. But we hope that all teams
will try their best to follow the prescribed schedule to observe smooth functioning of
the tournament.If games scheduled go too long, then the next match of that team will
start soon after the first set ends. Please make sure that you are not postponing any
matches to the next day.
Teams being late to the scheduled time of the match will be strictly penalized.
If a team is not able to play their 4 players even after 20 mins of the scheduled time, the
opponent team will be granted an admin win for that particular game.
At the start of each set in the League stage, the first map will be a random map from the
Common Map Pool which will be chosen by a random generator.
Home Maps that can be picked by a team are divided into 5 categories, each with 3
different maps.
Map Categories
A toss will take place to determine who will be picking the home map first. Home map
will be picked from the 5 categories. Loser of the toss cannot pick from the category
that the winner picked.
Ex: - If Team A chooses the category - “Closed Map” and picks one of the three maps,
Team B will not be able to choose this category for this Set, and has to choose another
Also, no team can repeat a Category for their Home Maps in the League stage.
Ex : -If Team A picked Hideout as a home map against Team B then he can’t pick Rage
Forest against C - as they are in the same category “Closed Map”
8. Slinging
A player can only sling to an ally after the player who wants to sling reaches the
Imperial Age. Any type of slinging done before reaching Imperial Age will result in an
admin win to the opponent or at the discretion of the opponent.
9. Admin Restart
Admin Restart Resource Bug (Admin Restart): Player with Bugged Resources pauses
the game, takes a screenshot and contacts the Admin. All calls for restart to be taken by
Admin. Cutoff time in game - 7 minutes. (General criteria: missing/bugged/trapped
herdable, hunt, and forage bushes | inaccessibility of more than: 4/7 main gold tiles, 3/5
main stone tiles | trapped starting villager/scouting unit)
Players will try to save and restore games if any player drops. If a save and restore is not
possible due to any game issues, the players will have to restart the game with the same
positions and civilizations. During save and restore, players will make sure to
disconnect from the game directly. Please consult admins in any such situation.
10. Sportsmanship
Insulting, cheating, abusing and unfair game-play is strictly prohibited. Any kind of
smurfing/ one player using another player’s account/ spec-cheating will lead to instant
disqualification from the tournament. As this is an in-house tournament to promote
player-participation and enjoyment for all, we hope that all players play the games in
good spirit.
Host on a server agreed upon by both teams before beginning every match. It will be
the responsibility of the players to check and verify. Once the game begins it will be
continued. If players cannot agree on the server then please contact the moderators.
If a player accidentally picks a wrong civilization, the opponent team gets the right to
either let the player pick the original civilization or choose the player’s civilization.
The games must have spectate-on with a 3 minute delay for every match.
1. Nomad start maps (Nomad, Land Nomad, Water Nomad, African Clearing)
a. Treaty Length - 5 mins
2. Regicide Fortress:
a. Game Mode: Regicide
3. Rage Forest:
a. Reveal Map: Explored
Players are forbidden from streaming their POV on stream as well as on discord.
All the streamers interested to cast the matches on their channel are welcome to do so
after informing the admins priorly.
Any rules and dates are subject to change as per Admin team (below mentioned)
discretion before the start of the tournament. Their say will be binding and final on all
rulings - this will be done by a majority vote in case of a non-unanimous decision.
At the start of the tournament, only non-playing Admins (which can have additions
based on existing Admins voting for addition) will constitute as part of the Admin
team. The revised admin team will be constituted at the start of the league.
Their say will be binding and final on all rulings - this will be done by a majority vote in
case of a non-unanimous decision.
Admin team