79 Methodology
79 Methodology
79 Methodology
In consideration of these proposals the Contractor has made reference to Kenya Roads and
Bridges General Specifications, Specific Specification and other International Standard
pertaining to the normal and permitted construction practices.
a) Project Data
DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD :180 day calculated from the date of substancial
The works shall constitute various maintenance activities on the road including works such as the
general scope of work: earthworks, passage of traffic, construction of shoulder to pavement,
preparation of natural material sub base and base, ,so our initial work plan shall consider all the scope
of work execution considering each in every stage and its quantity and quality control.
4. The Contractor personnel, taking part in the active remediation activities, will receive the
required medical surveillance (initial entrance physicals) prior to any hazardous or
intrusive site work being performed.
Immediately after site handover and possession of site we shall provide our plans for:
✓ Material supply
✓ Location of site office with designated location of equipment yard, material stock-pile yard
and waste material deposition yard
✓ Water and electricity supply or power devise to site.
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The contractor shall maintain a daily diary to record the operation(s) being inspected and record (but
Since certain operations will need to be inspected on a daily basis, others periodically or several times
a day, the contractor proposes to avail an inspector as long as the operation is taking place.
v) Meetings
There will be site meetings as regularly as required, with Engineer's Representative. The meetings
will deal, inter alia, with the following matters: Approval on rejection of executed work elements,
Work schedule and methods, Traffic safety and management e.t.c. The minutes of site meetings shall
be signed by the participating parties. Copies of the minutes will be sent to the Engineer together with
the progress reports.
a) Surveying
Upon possession of site contractor will verify survey controls established for the original design and
check the coordinates and levels assigned to reference points established by the Contractor in addition
to verifying setting out of: earthwork profiles road carriageways, Points of Intersection and
intermediate Bench Marks, records of existing road and ground levels along cross-sections at
specified intervals, setting out of other works such as drainage structures, erosion checks, etc. and
Establishing the validity of survey controls to be used in the project. The verification of staking will
be achieved using the surveyor as indicted in the document and within the tolerances specified in the
construction documents.
The Contractor will seek the approval to excavate and scarify existing bituminous material, including
mixing the new material or stock piling, within the alignment. The purpose of this request is basically
two fold in so far as the Contractor would utilize the existing material, which will be deemed suitable
for construction after excavation. The contractor will request for consideration of reuse of excavated
material as long as the quality can be demonstrated to be that of sub grade materials of CBR>30 as
this will be economical to the project as well as attaining quality.
i) Stone Pitching
In order to remove the existing pavement which includes Asphalt concrete, some hand packed stone
base, the
Contractor proposes to:
■ Mark out the line of services, locate and expose these services by careful excavation along the
marked lines: power and telecommunication cables, storm water sewers, and any other service
line encountered on site.
■ Protect by providing Class B uPVC cable duct with concrete surround to the already exposed
services lines in order to allow for compaction without damages as excavation and preparation
of Base and sub base continues
Work Execution Programme Page 3
■ Repair existing manholes and adjust to level the manhole heights and cover slabs
In forming sub grade care will be taken to avoid over excavation of the sub grade layer. Any over
excavation shall be rectified by providing, placing and compacting approved regulating layer to
reinstate such areas to the required level and width.
The Contractor proposes to undertake compaction on section wise. The completed excavated section
in which the compaction is to be carried out will be leveled and compacted to a smooth profile in
order to ensure the depth of the compacted sub grade layer achieved the desired level and density.
Approved material for base and sub base layer shall be hauled to the place of disposition by truck
which shall discharge its load as uniformly as possible along the finished sub grade section of the
Immediately, the material is deposited in the working area and processed as per the specification,
oversize fractions will be picked out manually and deposited on the outer edges of the works area for
subsequent removal from site and remaining material spread. Each layer width shall be compacted to
desirable passes of a vibratory roller with the aim of establishing the optimum compaction required.
Drainage Structures The contractor shall ensure that: Formwork is of the required standard, props
used are strong enough to support the framework, reinforcement and concrete to be poured, approved
concrete mixes are adhered to and proper vibration of fresh concrete is done, proper curing materials
are used and kept moist as required and all props and formwork are not removed prematurely
All the test results will be recorded on standard forms showing the source of material, exact location
of test, type of test earned out and indicating approval, and if not reasons for rejecting the section. If
excavation is done to the specified level but the in situ material is found to be unsuitable, new
instructions may have to be issued.
D Preparation of Surfaces
M/s Bridges promotions limited intend to prepare surface of the carriage way and repair areas of
potholes, road edges and other repair areas when instructed by excavating off unsuitable or failed
material and debris, trimming off excavated edges, cleaning and compacting the resulting surfaces and
applying prime coat as per the specification. After the surface has been inspected and approved by the
RE, the contractor will move with speed to apply the for the required levels and slopes.
Upon completion the RE will be requested to check on the levels and a slope before measurements
certification is done.
2.2 Proposal on Material testing and quality control
The contractor will ensure that the best standards of workmanship and materials are obtained for the
Employer within the terms of the contract including controlling over what will be accepted into the
works. Material testing will be done at the Ministry of Roads Laboratory by their own personnel in
frequent time frames as shall be deemed necessary to ensure quality and controls on the materials
used and works executed on the roads in accordance with the SSRBC standards.
During the preparation of the pre-mix, regular grading for aggregates and fines will be carried out to
ensure consistency. In the field test will be carried on the density and bitumen content and other
parameters in accordance with specification.
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2.3 Proposal on Measurement
Joint Measurement will be taken by both our site personnel and SIVAP appointed Engineers
Representative on site at such frequent time requested by the contractor and approved by the
Engineer's Representative.
▪ Various signboards will be erected to show major deviation and ensure smooth traffic management
of traffic through the works.
▪ When total closure of the road is necessary the contractor will liaise with the employer and relevant
agencies to disseminate the information and inform the public in good time through most appropriate
b. Workers Safety
Quality control and safety represent increasingly important concerns for project managers. Defects or
failures in constructed facilities can result in very large costs. Even with minor defects,
re-construction may be required and facility operations impaired. Increased costs and delays are the
result. In the worst case, failures may cause personal injuries or fatalities. Accidents during the
construction process can similarly result in personal injuries and large costs. Indirect costs of
insurance, inspection and regulation are increasing rapidly due to these increased direct costs.
BPQCASMT project manager’s treys to ensure that the job is done right the first time and that no
Work Execution Programme major accidents occur on the project.
As with cost control, the most important decisions regarding the quality of a completed facility are
made during the design and planning stages rather than during construction. It is during these
preliminary stages that component configurations, material specifications and functional
performance are decided. Quality control during construction consists largely of
insuring conformance to this original design and planning decision.
While conformance to existing design decisions is the primary focus of quality control, there are
exceptions to this rule. First, unforeseen circumstances, incorrect design decisions or changes desired
by an owner in the facility function may require re-evaluation of design decisions during the course of
construction. While these changes may be motivated by the concern for quality, they represent
occasions for re-design with all the attendant objectives and constraints. As a second case, some
designs rely upon informed and appropriate decision making during the construction process itself.
For example, some tunneling methods make decisions about the amount of shoring required at
different locations based upon observation of soil conditions during the tunneling process. Since such
decisions are based on better information concerning actual site conditions, the facility design may be
more cost effective as a result.
With the attention to conformance as the measure of quality during the construction process, the
specification of quality requirements in the design and contract documentation becomes extremely
important. Quality requirements should be clear and verifiable, so that all parties in the project can
understand the requirements for conformance. Much of the discussion in this chapter relates to the
development and the implications of different quality requirements for construction as well as the
issues associated with insuring conformance.
Safety during the construction project is also influenced in large part by BPQCASMT,s decisions
made during the planning and design process. Some designs or construction plans are inherently
difficult and dangerous to implement, whereas other, comparable plans may considerably reduce the
possibility of accidents. For example, clear separation of traffic from construction zones during
roadway rehabilitation can greatly reduce the possibility of accidental collisions. Beyond these design
decisions, safety largely depends upon education, vigilance and cooperation during the construction
process. BPQCASMT workers will have to be constantly
▪ In line with our safety and standards proceeding, we will ensure the works are carried out with
maximum safety at the site and at batching area. Safety gears will be provided to all staff on site
including things like helmets, safety boots (steel toe boots), reflective overalls and jackets, dust
Work Execution Programme June/2020 masks, and first aid kits. The contract shall conduct
weekly safety drill/inductions and briefs onsiteand equip staff with basic fast aid skills
▪ The contractor will make available to the staff onsite and public on the emergency contact list to be
reached in case of an accident.
▪ Details of the nearest hospital from site will be provided to the staff.
▪ A vehicle will be provided by the contractor to the staff which will be stationed with driver on site so
as to reach any staff in need of medical assistance to the nearest fastest incase major emergency that
may occur
c. Accident preparation
4.0 Environment Compliance and Social Management Plan
During the construction period, the Contractor's proposes to take into account environmental considerations
and compliance with stipulations and or mitigation measures for environmental protection as presented in the
Contract Documentation.
Dust Control: To reduce dust problem the contractor will frequently spray water on the road by his own
water bowser on dusty section by two men who will be charged.
Pollutants: In order to avoid such accidents and should they occur our staff will do their utmost best to make
sure resources freed from any pollutants.
Disposal of Waste matter: Waste material will be loaded into our tippers and disposed to the suitable
damping sites
HIV Prevention: All site staff will receive counseling regarding dangers of engaging on unprotected sex and
advised on usage of protection. Voluntary counseling and testing will be arranged on site.
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