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Agrochemical business unit products for plant protection LAMBERTI supplies specialty chemicals, technical assistance and consultancy services to fulfill all needs of the agrochemical market Thanks to continuous innovation and close collaboration with its partners, LAMBERTI is acknowledged to be amongst the best chemical suppliers in this field Furthermore, by combining environmental concern with sustainable development, LAMBERT! provides products and services to the agrochemical industry able to improve performance and the well being ofall LAMBERTI is committed to assist its customers by providing continuous technical support for the best use of its chemical products and formulation development using tools such as theological studies, particle size determination, static contact angle determination, and all main standard CIPAC methods. LAMBERTI collaborates with its customers in improvement and fine tuning of all kind of pesticide formulations, LAMBERT offers the opportunity to establish collaborations and cooperative projects to find innovative or alternative solutions to pesticide formulation trouble shooting for: use of new surfactants and co-formulants development and optimization of new formulations. development of new applications registration of formulations ro oo WATER Se Ces i te te ee oh ) Era (max %) pccsabaal rey ey EMULSONAGICAL ‘calm satin visu £0 ME ae 7 co | ous | os | co [ee] © | EGME | cpasocensensi0 ansonAcca.7 | cakimsatnacnian | 7 | “ear | os | | we | 0 | <0 eon | seso | erawcen ena rourevena | FOE, hans we | 0 | <0 eon | sec | ernsoor eos ro oo Tin roLronKTs | PoE enysxayiacna | 100 | way | 1 | w [mo] & [] emaomimen OLFORn | OE rjeyseaatona| 100 | way | 1 | 9 [rma] © [eO.ewse| ePasooen nore ROLrORWTas | POE wjeeyateunit| 100 | tw | 1 | «@ [rma] © [eOeWSE| cmwomrmote rovronmmat | roecjeanieqtacoa | 1 | uma | 1 | 0 [so] © |eoewse| crewomimore OLFORTRG roc @irieacna | io | mma | 1 | 1 [ral ewa | ESEY | emaocrn enor roLronTRe roc ativan | io | mma | 1 | 12 [100] ewa | ERE | emnaocrn enaio roirontmie | eoEa\eansoyacna | 100 | sae | 1 | a [ue] wa | S&E® | emacenimew MsonAsoss | POE weaved | 100 | ume | 1 | [eo] © |[ecense| cpewomroe eAsonAciso | Poe(rsaiewanna | 10 | ime | + | w |iao/ewmen| OW | crmwomimae BAASONAF an | FOEQH)GT-cieaco| 100 | poe | 7 | @ [ree] © [EOEWSE| cmwomimsia Daisowarixs | PoE wow cwsawm | wo | te | 1 | 2 [eo] © |eewse| emmomimow rouauro.o+ | eoewcie crear | roo | uaa | 1 | 7 [ee] © [coewse| cmwomnmore AASONAG7TION | FOECOHHtem! | 100 | ied | 08 | <0 [ima] & [EOENSE| EPMsomioeD musonaszriia | roccesynites | 10 | sae | os | 1 [ree] con | S82 | crmwomimon NE amusonas rman | rocceriyniter | 100 | sate | os | a [rar] eon | Ese | erscmn ieee se Sie enusonacrrain | roc vsyniien | ro | sd | os | os lige] eon | UGE | ePaiocen ise ee EMULSON AG 740A POE, Fowe, ec a MsonAarisn | roca vite | 10 | td | os | so» [ima] con | NS | crnwomimon wusonacen | poccearnoters | 100 | ta | os | 2 [me] cpa | SMe BMsonastea | POE(r)axyybren | 100 | wa | os | 1 [rs] eon | OME cmusonastia | Poccinasyyrers | 100 | sae | os | er [ua] con | SMe AASONAGTASZ04 | FOE-POPisonbend | 100 | sald | 08 | 5 |ia7] & [£0.80,Se| ePMioomiesn rowroneeees | F0E-PoPmnpten | 100 | pee | os | o | - | con | 25 | cmwomimare emusovasion | POE-POPamcopayrws| ico | paie | 05 | 37 e.oa [0.50.36] epasocrnena60 BMASONAG OAC [POE-POPEaAcnoymes| wo | maw | | o Eon [ eMsonasioan [POE-POPeaconoymes| 2 | ta | a | <0 e.oa [ew se,s0 EMAsOWAG 10s | POE-POPGaconoymes| 100 | wold | os | Eon [£0 56.5| Erno omToe enusonasre | PoE-roPayecna | 100 | sae | 1 | a8 eon | EME | emnso cr e036 mnsonacate | r0E-rortayatoms | 100 | ia | 1 | <0 =| EME | ernsocrn costo cua.reace | r0E-rortayatoms | 100 | uae | 1 | 1 «| EME | ernwo crn costo comupairesos | roe-rortatyacom | ico | wa | 1 | 5 & | GME | censor ate enusonasano | PoE-roPbiyecna | 10 | aa | 1 | os eon | EME | emnso cr e036 COS) Se Ces i te te ee oh coy ced coy bai — seer cea oy ce To aT TA a aaron caer a ume [om [me f+ | |- [om [a | msec r= ES aaa 7S ee eee moo eres (oe Peso Le ime Ilo [recess sce TT |S EMULSON CO POE: me (2) aso of oo | aus 1 | igs | 3 | co | 167] aa |eo,stew| emoor reas SORBLENEP ror woman To | pate | 9 | <0 [iss] © [ec.siew| emscrieose IS Ce et eee iy g PE (2) sn SonBLENES O(a a | caw | s | as [uo] & fecs.ew) errsocrnsosio POE sean SORBLENEO sa a | wa | s |

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