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Research Project - Malik

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APRIL, 2023










APRIL, 2023

Natural refrigerants are substances that occur naturally in the environment and have low
global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP) compared to synthetic
refrigerants. Natural refrigerants have a positive impact on the environment because they are
non-toxic and non-flammable, which enhances their safety and reduces the risk of accidents.
Though, the use of natural refrigerants also poses some challenges, some natural refrigerants
are highly flammable and require additional safety measures during installation, maintenance,
and operation. A comparative performance analysis of a vapour compression refrigeration
system using four different refrigerants, namely R744, R717, R600a, and R290 was carried
out. The study uses the CoolProp properties table to obtain the thermodynamic properties of
the refrigerants and varies the evaporation and condenser temperatures to analyze the
performance of the system. The analysis is carried out by calculating the coefficient of
performance (COP) of the refrigeration system for each refrigerant at different evaporation
and condenser temperatures. The results are presented in table format and line charts, which
show the variation of COP with evaporation and condenser temperatures for each refrigerant.
Based on the analysis carried and the result obtained, the most suitable refrigerant for a given
set of operating conditions based on the COP values recommended. The study concludes that
R717 and R290 are better refrigerants for vapour compression refrigeration systems due to
their higher COP values at different operating conditions.

I thank the Almighty God for His guidance, inspiration, knowledge and provisions
throughout the period of my studies and during this research work. I owe a great debt of
appreciation to the dynamic leadership of the Head of Marine Engineering Department, Engr.
Dr. Emmanuel Antai, for his fatherly love during my studentship. A deep appreciation goes
to my supervisor, Prof. E. A. Ogbonnaya, who painstakingly, guided me through the period
of this research work. Also, I appreciated the effort of Mr. Maurice Joseph who co-supervised
the research project. I express thankfulness to Engr Hope Ikue-John, Mr Joyful Iwoette,
Engr. Anietie Udo, Engr. Yireobong Akpaba (Project coordinator) and all other lecturers/staff
for their technical inputs and knowledge impacted to me during my studies. Indeed, thank
you is not enough in expressing my gratitude to the entire staff members of the department of
Marine Engineering for their effort and contribution towards making the department
conducive for learning purposes.


I, GBADEGESIN, MALIK ADEWALE (AK17/ENG/MAE/024), declare that this project

represents my original work and has not been previously submitted elsewhere or to any other
University for the award of a degree of any type.

……………………………………..…. Date:…………………………….
Signature of Student


This is to certify that this project on “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF

(AK17/ENG/MAE/024) of the department of Marine Engineering, Akwa Ibom State
University, under supervision and has been approved by the Department.

……………………………………. ……………………………….…..

Date: ……………………………… Date:…………………………..….

Engr. Dr. Emmanuel Antai Prof. E. A. Ogbonnaya
Head of Department Supervisor

……………………………………. ……………………………………

Date: ……………………………… Date: …………………………..…

Mr. Maurice Joseph
Co-supervisor External Examiner


This work is dedicated to God Almighty for His grace towards the completion of this
research project work.

Title Page i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Declaration iv
Certification v
Dedication vi
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
Nomenclature xi


1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Refrigerants and Refrigerant blends 2
1.3 Refrigeration cycles 3
1.4 Classification of refrigerants 4
1.5 Aim 4
1.6 Objectives of the Research 4
1.7 Definition of Problem 4
1.8 Research Goals 5
1.9 Scope /Limitation of research 5
1.10 Contribution to knowledge 5


2.1 History and development of refrigerants 6
2.2 History of Natural refrigerants 7
2.3 Application of Natural Refrigerants 7
2.4 Types of Refrigerants 7
2.5 Principle of Operation of refrigeration systems 8
2.6 Designation of Refrigerants 9


3.1 Thermodynamic cycle and working fluid 10
3.2 Properties of carbon dioxide (R774) 10
3.3 Vapour Compression Cycle 11
3.4 Mathematical formulation 14
3.4.1 Evaporator Unit 15
3.4.2 Compressor Unit 16
3.4.3 Condenser Unit 16
3.4.4 Expansion Device 16
3.5 Exergy Analysis 17
3.5.1 Compressor 17
3.5.2 Condenser 17
3.5.3 Expansion Valve 18
3.5.4 Evaporator 18


4.1 Results 21

4.2 Discussions 23


5.1 Conclusion 25

5.2 Recommendations 26



Figures Caption Page

1.1 Classification of refrigeration methods based on type of the variation of
pressure and flow rate in the cycle during steady-state operation 1
1.2 Schematic of refrigeration cycle showing movement of the refrigerant 2

1.3 Schematic of a vapour compression cycle 3

1.5 Schematics of a CRC 4

1.6 Schematics representation of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration cycle 5

1.7 Schematics of a Thermoelectric device used for refrigerating systems 6

1.8 Classification of refrigerants 6
2.1 Overview of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (%) in 2017 8
2.2 Vapor compression refrigeration circuit 8
2:3 Graphical Representation of Monocholoro-Diffluoro-Methane 9
2.4 Numbering logic for refrigerants 9
3.3 Thermodynamic cycle of a vapour compression refrigeration system 11
3.4 P-V diagram of Vapour compression refrigeration system 12
3.5 T-S diagram of vapour compression refrigeration system 13
3.6 Exergy analysis of vapour compression cycle 14
3.7 Schematics diagram of an evaporator coil 15
4.1 Heatmap coefficient of performance (COP) 21
4.2 COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R774 21
4.3 COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R717 22
4.3 COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R600a 22
4.4 COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R290 22
4.5 Relationship between evaporation temperature and refrigerating capacity 23


Tables Caption Page

2.1 Classification of refrigerants 8

3.1 Refrigerant characteristics 14

3.2 Cycle conditions 15


1.1 Background of the study

For many centuries ago, air was used as refrigerants in many refrigeration systems because it
was the safest/cheapest refrigerant (Surendra, 2014). Present day mankind depends very
heavily on refrigeration (which can be defined as artificial production of cold) for daily
needs. These cover a wide range of applications such as food processing, preservation and
transport, comfort cooling, commercial and industrial air conditioning, manufacturing, energy
production, health, recreation, etc. The first known machine to produce continuous cold was
invented by the Frenchman Ferdinand Carre in 1859. This was the earliest version of ‘aqua
ammonia’ absorption system. However, commercially successful compression refrigeration
systems working with ammonia were introduced in 1875. Since then, the refrigeration
technology has grown tremendously, influencing almost all aspects of human life
(Venkatarathnam & Srinivasa, 2012).

Figure 1.1: Classification of refrigeration methods based on type of the variation of pressure
and flow rate in the cycle during steady-state operation(Venkatarathnam & Srinivasa, 2012)

The two global agreements to reduce the ozone layer destruction and global warming are the
Montreal and Kyoto protocols. The Kigali amendment (Montreal Protocol) has already set a
deadline for the utilization of HFCs due to their high levels of GWP (Global Warming

Potential). The continuous search for an alternative refrigerant with low GWP is still
ongoing. Several well-known natural refrigerants with low GWP have been used over the
years (GTZ, 2008).

The R744 refrigerants have good performance in cold climates and it has been seen as good
option due to its operation in a subcritical cycle, even-though many systems are operating in
trans-critical cycles (Bellos, et al., 2019).

The R744 have notable properties which is not harmful to the ozone layer, it has very low
GWP, it is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-corrosive. Since it is abundant in the
environment, it is relatively less expensive and it can be discarded to the atmosphere without
causing any environmental anomaly. Other properties of the R744 refrigerant is its high
volumetric efficiency and low pressure drop while in heat exchangers or tubulations, and the
remark to transcritical cycles. Since there is no condensation of the fluid in the gas cooler due
to the refrigerant operates in high pressure, every change in temperature, there is a potential
optimum compressor outlet pressure. This also means that, for each operational condition,
there is an optimum compressor outlet pressure that maximizes the Coefficient of
Performance (COP) (Matheus & Robson, 2021).

In hot climates, with temperatures that are around 30°C, it would be almost impossible to
have R744 subcritical cycles, due to its low critical temperature (around 31°C), without using
a cascade cycle, allowing R744 to condense during the heat rejection process. In transcritical
cycles, the output temperature of the heat rejection process will be higher than the critical
temperature, meaning that there will be no liquid on the high-pressure side of the line for the
classical vapor compression cycle, because of that, those cycles are said to have a gas cooler
instead of a condenser.

1.2 Refrigerants and Refrigerant blends

Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from a substance and pumping it to the
surroundings. It can also be described as a process of maintaining and reducing the
temperature of a body below the general temperature its surroundings. The working fluids
used for carrying away heat are called the “Refrigerants”.

1.3 Refrigeration cycles

There are various methods of refrigeration such as the refrigeration by evaporation, ice,
expansion of air, throttling, dry ice and by vapour.

Figure 1.2: Schematic of refrigeration cycle showing movement of the

refrigerant (Rusty, 2010)

There are various types of refrigeration cycles used in refrigerating systems;

(i) Vapour compression cycles

The VCR is the most widely used refrigeration cycle which utilizes mechanical energy to
compress a working fluid (refrigerant) for the purpose of producing a cooling effect
(Odokwo, et al., 2020).The vapour compression cycle is a common method of transferring
heat from a low temperature to a high temperature.

Figure 1.3: Schematic of a vapour compression cycle (Mark, et al., 2020)

Vapor-compression refrigeration systems function by extracting heat from a low-temperature
source (such as the chilled room) by boiling a working fluid (the refrigerant) in the
evaporator (4 - 1) at a relatively low pressure. A greater pressure is applied to the resultant
vapor (1 - 2). The heat from condensation is then rejected to a relatively high-temperature
heat sink (ambient air for the majority of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems), where it
is subsequently condensed again into a liquid (2 - 3). To finish the cycle, the refrigerant is
subsequently lowered back to its initial pressure (3 - 4) (Mark, et al., 2020).

(ii) Carnot Refrigeration cycle (CRC)

According to Odokwo, et al., (2020), the CRC is considered to be a reverse heat engine cycle.
Mostly considered as the most efficient refrigeration cycle. In this cycle, heat transfer takes
place at constant temperature, depending on our interest, it will be called carnot refrigerator
or carnot heat pump. It is the standard of comparison for refrigeration cycles.

Figure 1.5: Schematics of a CRC (Sameer & Visvesvaraya, 2016)

Figure 1.5 shows the schematic representation of the Carnot cycle, the turbine is utilized for
expansion process between the high and low temperatures. The work produced by the turbine
helps suppply some of the work required by the compressor.

(iii) Absorption Refrigeration cycle

Absorption refrigeration produces its refrigerating effect by evaporating a refrigerant, which

is then absorbed into solution in a suitable liquid. The concentrated solution is pumped to
high pressure and the refrigerant driven out of solution by heat, to be condensed at the higher
pressure in a condenser. The condensed liquid is fed through an expansion valve to the

evaporator, where the cycle recommences. The absorption refrigerator does not require a
compressor but it tends to be bulky and inefficient. However, the energy required is mainly
low-grade heat as distinct from the high-grade energy which would be required for a vapour
compression system. Absorption refrigeration systems can be operated using waste heat if it
is available. There are also obvious opportunities to make use of waste heat from combined
heat and power systems, thus providing power, heat and refrigeration from a single system
(Pearson, 2003).

Figure 1.6: Schematics representation of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration cycle (Sameer &
Visvesvaraya, 2016)

(iv) Thermoelectric Refrigeration system

A difference in temperature can be used to create power in thermoelectric devices. A

thermoelectric module may create a temperature differential when powered by this process,
which can also be reversed. The Peltier effect, wherein an electrical current pass through the
intersection of two distinct conducting metals to either release or absorb heat, is what causes
the cooling and heating (Kathryn, 2020). The Peltier effect is the phenomenon that converts
current to temperature and occurs when an electric current flows through a thermoelectric
device. The Peltier effect is a reversible phenomenon, because the Peltier heat depends
directly on the direction of the carrier flow or electrical current (Enescu, 2018). The
thermoelectricity generation depends principles such as Thompson effect, Seebeck effect,
Joule effect, and Fourier effect (Odokwo, et al., 2020).

Figure 1.7: Schematics of a Thermoelectric device used for refrigerating systems (Enescu,

1.4 Classification of refrigerants

There are four main groups of refrigerants and they are determined by their chemical
constituents but are generally classified as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Hydro
chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) and Natural Refrigerants.

Figure 1.8: Classification of refrigerants (Odokwo, et al., 2020)

1.5 Aim

To analyze the Performance of a refrigeration cycle using CO2 (R744) blend to other natural

1.6 Objectives of the Research

For the purpose of this research work, the following objective are the driving factors:

a) To obtain the thermodynamic properties of R744, R717, R600a, and R290 using the
CoolProp properties table.
b) To develop a Python code for the comparative performance analysis of the vapor
compression refrigeration system using natural refrigerants.
c) To vary the evaporation and condenser temperatures and simulate the performance of the
vapor compression refrigeration system using each natural refrigerant.
d) To present the results of the simulation in table format and line charts to visualize the
performance of each refrigerant under varying temperatures.
e) To draw conclusions based on the results of the simulation and exergy analysis and
recommend the most efficient natural refrigerant for the vapor compression refrigeration

1.7 Definition of Problem

There are several natural refrigerants used in the refrigerating systems possessing different
properties that could either be harmful or friendly to our environments. Global warming is
considered as the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. The global warming
is the primary causes of climate changes, sea level rise caused by expansion of warmer seas
and melting ice sheets and glaciers. Flooding and extreme weather conditions can be traced to
the global warming. CO2 does not damage the ozone layer.

For a better future, there is an immediate demand to look for clean refrigerants which are eco-
friendly. There is need to look for the refrigerant which do not contribute to the ozone layer
depletion and global warming. The use of natural refrigerants like CO2, water, SO2, NH3 and
hydrocarbons such as R290, R600, R600a and blends of hydrocarbon are possible solution to
this problem and are being used efficiently in many systems. Unfortunately, most of them
proved to be toxic and inflammable. Among the natural refrigerants, CO2 (R744) seems to
be the most promising. CO2 has many excellent advantages in engineering application, such
as no toxicity, inflammability, high volumetric capacity (with a possibility to make the

system compact), lower pressure ratio, superior heat transfer properties, complete
compatibility with normal lubricants. Easy availability, lower price and no recycling issues.
In this research work, analysis will be carried out to compare the CO2 refrigerants with other
natural refrigerants.

1.8 Research Goals

The goal of this project is to perform a comparative performance analysis of a vapor

compression refrigeration system using natural refrigerants, namely R744, R717, R600a, and
R290. The analysis will focus on the system's performance under varying evaporation and
condenser temperatures to determine the most efficient natural refrigerant.

1.9 Scope /Limitation of research

a) Four natural refrigerants (CO2, NH3, R290, and R600a) was considered in this
research project.
b) Open-source software, Coolprop thermodynamic properties of refrigerants was used
in order to estimate the properties of the refrigerants.
c) Python programming language was used to design a simple programme to evaluate
the energy and exergy parameters of the refrigerating system.
d) The results obtained shall be used to make recommendations to the refrigerants
industries based on their evaporation and condenser temperature range.
e) A single-stage vapour compression cycle shall be considered for analysis in the
research project

1.10 Contribution to knowledge

(a) This research project will be used as referendum researchers.

(b) This research project will be used as teaching/learning aid.

(b) This research carryout to promote greener environment.


2.1 History and development of refrigerants

The dawn of mechanical refrigeration preceded the possibility of using chemical synthesis to
obtain compounds foreign to nature, and therefore surely the first refrigerants have been
natural fluids. Some of them have completely disappeared, others are still widely applied
today, and some others, although abandoned in the past, are now reconsidered. This happens
under the emergency of the environmental issues created by the use of synthesized
refrigerants, that is the depletion of the stratospheric ozone and the display of the
anthropogenic greenhouse effect. John Hague built the first compression machine that utilizes
the caoutchoucine as working fluid. This refrigerant has disappeared owing it adverse effect
on the environment. The dangerous sulphuric dioxide is a natural fluid also used in the past as
a refrigerant, and then abandoned without any change of reconsideration (Alberto & Claudio,
2020). Gustave Lorentzen and his team developed the initial modern CO 2 refrigeration
technology, then in the late 80’s and 30 years ago it started entering to the refrigeration
sectors (Armin & Angel, 2019).
The US Department of Energy is increasing minimum energy efficiency requirements for air
conditioning and refrigeration system (Department Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2017).

Figure 2.1: Overview of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions(%) in 2017 (Department

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2017)

2.2 History of Natural refrigerants
Lorentzen, proposed CO2 as a possible natural refrigerant, a number of studies have been
performed for different types of HP, A/C and refrigeration systems. In 1973, Prof. James
Lovelock discovered Freon to possess high ozone layer depletion potential (ODP) (Calm,
2018). The natural refrigerants like water, methyl chloride, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide
and ammonia were used in the beginning for the invention of mechanical refrigeration
(Madhu & Bijan, 2018). Madhu et al, (2018) further suggested that the natural refrigerants
like CO2, NH 3 and hydrocarbons have zero ODP and GWP and are considered to be the
long-term replacements to CFCs and HFCs. The natural refrigerants, ammonia, carbon
dioxide and hydrocarbons have a broader range of application (Madhu & Bijan, 2018).

2.3 Application of Natural Refrigerants

Domestic refrigerators and freezers are used throughout the world for food storage in homes
and commercial areas such as offices. Isobutane (HC-600a) and HFC-134a are the dominant
alternative refrigerants for replacing CFC-12 in new domestic refrigerants. The HC-600a uses
historically familiar mineral oil lubricants. HFC-134a uses moisture-sensitive polysolester
oils. The use of the hydrocarbon blends propane (HC-290)/isobutane (HC-600a) allows CFC-
12 volumetric capacity. These blends introduce manufacturing complexities and require the
use of charging techniques suitable for refrigerants bends which have components with
different boiling points (Sukumar & Stephan, 2002).

2.4 Types of Refrigerants

To better under the different classes of the refrigerants, table 2.1 show the summary of the
different categories of refrigerants.
Table 2.1: Classification of refrigerants (ASHRAE, 2008)
Methan Ethan Propan Zeotrop Azeotro Organic Inorganic Series
e e e e pe compounds Compounds with
Group Grou Group mixture mixtures isolated
p s carbon
10 100 200 400 500 600 series 700 + mw >1100
series series series series series series series
As per Numbering Logic Numbering Convention does not work As per
R11 R123 R404a 600 R717 R1100s
Hydrocarbo ammonia R1200s
ns NH3
R12 R123a R407c R507c 610 oxygen R718 water R1234ze

R22 R410a 620 sulphur R744 – CO2 R1234yf
Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. 630 R729 - Air R1270
Nitrogen etc..

Water is the best known refrigerants due to its availability and ease of use. It is safe and less
expensive. The refrigerating capacity of water is 20 times higher than that of R-12 but a
compressor with very large capacity needs to be employed. Carbon dioxide is a non-
flammable, non-toxic, odourless, inexpensive workign fluid with zeoro ODP and zero
effective GWP. Ammonia has good tolerance to normal mineral oils, low sensivity to small
amoung of water in the system but it is unsuitable for domestic, automative and small
commercial refrgeration and heat pump system due to pungent smell and flammability.
Hydrocargons (propylene and blends with propane, butane and isobutane. It is not suitable for
the environment but can reduce energy consumption. (Madhu & Bijan, 2018). The
peformance of hydrocarbon refrigerant, R600a was observed as an alternative for R-12
household auto-defrost refrigerator/freezer (Kim, et al., 1998).

2.5 Principle of Operation of refrigeration systems

The vapour compression refrigeration cycle has four components: evaporator, compressor,
condenser and expansion valve. The refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapour
and is cooled to the saturated liquid state in the condenser. It is the throttled to the evaporator
pressure and vaporizes as it absorbs heat from the refrigerated space. The standard of
comparison for refrigeration cycles is the reversed Carnot cycle.

Figure 2.2: Vapor compression refrigeration circuit (Selvaraji & Aseem, 2013)

The four processes can be summarized as follows:
1-2 Isentropic compression
2-3 Constant pressure heat rejection in the condenser
3-4 Throttle in an expansion valve
4-1 Constant pressure heat addition in the evaporator

2.6 Designation of Refrigerants

The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) developed certain conventions for
use in naming different types of refrigerants. These naming conventions differ according to
the type of refrigerant. Each refrigerant type is denoted by a different series. Thus, we have
separate series for halogenated refrigerants and other types. The naming conventions are
simple and easy to follow. These conventions are now accepted worldwide and help to name
the large variety of refrigerants available commercially nowadays. For the halocarbon
Compounds; according to the above-mentioned convention,
No. of C atoms in R22: C – 1 = 0 => C = 1
No. of H atoms in R22: H + 1 = 2 => H = 1
No. of F atoms in R22: F = 2

Figure 2:3: Graphical Representation of Monocholoro-Diffluoro-Methane

Numbering logic for a refrigerant can be explained as follows:
R () 1 3 4 a
No. fluorine atom per molecules
No. of hydrogen atoms + 1 per molecule
No of carbon atoms -1 per mole (left off when 0)
No. of unsaturated carbon bonds (left off when 0)
Figure 2.4: Numbering logic for refrigerants (Selvaraji & Aseem, 2013)

3.1 Thermodynamic cycle and working fluid
There are several types of thermodynamic cycles and working fluid (refrigerants) that are
utilized in refrigeration systems. The thermodynamic cycles include; Vapor-Compression
(VC), Absorption Refrigeration (AR), Carnot cycle (CC), Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC),
Cascading cycle, etc. For the purpose of this research, the Vapour Compression Cycle will be
utilized. The working fluid (refrigerant) to be considered in this research are the natural
refrigerants which includes CO2 (R744), NH3 (R717), Isobutane(R600a) and Propane(R290).
The performance of these natural refrigerants in terms of their energy and exergy will be

3.2 Properties of carbon dioxide (R774)

R744 refrigerant has its properties different from other refrigerants. Before now, the most
widely used refrigerant was the R22. Table 3.1 shows an overview of the different properties
of the refrigerant under consideration.
Table 3.1: properties of natural refrigerant under consideration (Tauseef, et al., 2022)
Properties R744 R717 R600a R290
Ozone depletion potential 0 0 0
Global warming potential 1 0 3
Atmospheric life in years N/A N/A N/A
Density ratio - liquid to gas - at 00C 9.5 N/A N/A
Critical pressure [kPa] 7377 1142 4250
Critical temperature [◦C] 30.98 113 96.7
Volumetric refrigerant capacity [0C] 22545 4382 3907
Maximum hot water temperature[0C] 80-100
Phase out date N/A

Even though the R744 is a greenhouse gas, it has the lowest Global Warming Potential
(GWP) of all the refrigerants that are currently in use. The use of R744 according to
Lorentzen, (1995) has the following benefits:
 Availability
 Generally affordable
 No special lubricants or material required
 Low global warming potential

 No ozone depletion potential
 Reduced pressure ration leading to smaller pressure differences over the compressors
Irrespective of the numerous advantages of R744, one notable disadvantage is its higher
operating pressure. The operational pressure of R744 could rise up to 10 times higher than the
other refrigerants currently in use (Kim, et al., 2004).

3.3 Vapour Compression Cycle

The conventional refrigeration cycle used in domestic refrigeration system, food processing,
freezers, industrial refrigeration system, transport refrigeration and electronic cooling, etc
(Tamil, et al., 2019). The cycle relies on the condensation temperature with increase in
pressure. A vapour from the evaporator when compressed will condensed at a higher
temperature, corresponding to the new higher pressure. Changes in pressure exist between the
evaporation and the condenser (Hundy, et al., 2016). Understanding the performance of the
system is of essence to improve the refrigerating effect or reduce the power consumption for
the same refrigerating effect.
Heat flows naturally from hot to colder body but it is opposite in refrigeration systems. The
refrigerant used absorbs heat and hence evaporates at a low pressure to form a gas. This gas is
then compressed to a higher pressure, such that it transfers the heat it has gained to ambient
air or water and condenses into a liquid. Thus, heat is absorbed, or removed, from a low
temperature source and transferred to a higher temperature source. The refrigerating cycle
can be broken down into the following steps as illustrated in Figure 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5

Figure 3.3: Thermodynamic cycle of a vapour compression refrigeration system

(Tauseef, et al., 2022)

From Figure 3.3, the saturated vapour enters the compressors where it pressure is raised. A
big increase in temperature will be experienced because a proportion of the energy input into
the compression process is transferred to the refrigerant 2-3, the high pressure superheated
vapour passes from the compressor into the condenser. There will be decrease in temperature
due to condensation process. The cooling for this process is usually achieved by using air.
After condensation, refrigerant enters the expansion valve 3’-3, shell and coil heat exchanger
is installed between the host refrigeration system compression and condenser. Water is
circulated through one side of heat exchanger and hot refrigerant gas from the compressor is
routed through the other side. Heat is transferred from the hot refrigerant gas to the water thus
refrigerating effect increases and power consumption or work input decreases. Thus,
performance of cycle is improved. Along with this waste heat also recovered. 3-4, the high-
pressure liquid refrigerant passes through the expansion device, which both reduces its
pressure and controls the flow into the evaporator. 4-1, Low pressure liquid refrigerant in the
evaporator absorbs heat from its surroundings. During this process it changes its state from a
liquid to a gas, and at the evaporator exit is slightly superheated.

Figure 3.4: P-V diagram of Vapour compression refrigeration system (Tauseef, et al., 2022)

Figure 3.5: T-S diagram of vapour compression refrigeration system (Tauseef, et al., 2022)
In summary, the cycle shown in the Figure 3.3, the processes occur respectively as follows.
1-2 Adiabatic compression (in compressor)
2-3 Condensation at constant pressure and temperature (in condenser)
3-4 Pressure decrease in constant enthalpy (in expansion valve)
4-1 Evaporation at constant temperature and pressure (in evaporator).

The cycle (Figure 3.3) for all the chosen refrigerants were investigated for several operational
conditions. First, the evaporator inlet temperature (T3) will be evaluated from -30°C up to
0°C, with a 10°C step. The gas cooler outlet temperature (T2) will be fixed on 35°C. For each
one of T3 values, the four (4) refrigeration fluids were considered. The Coefficient of
Performance (COP) for each of the gases were also investigated.

Other assumptions regarding the simplifications of the thermodynamic cycle:

a) Steady state operation;
b) No pressure drops in the gas cooler, evaporator or heat exchanger;
c) Isentropic efficiency of the compressor: 85%;
d) Heat transfer efficiency on the internal heat exchanger: 75%. This value is used to find
the actual heat transfer, multiplying it by the estimate of the maximum heat transfer,
calculated by checking the inlet streams properties (Wagner, 2021). In the case of the
heat transfer effectiveness, a temperature difference ratio would be the calculation

e) Ideal throttling valve, inlet enthalpy is equal to outlet enthalpy;
f) In order to determine the mass flow rate, the refrigeration capacity was set as 1 kW to
all simulations.

The model shall be developed using figure 3.3. The cycle configuration shall be analysed on
the classic four (4) stage refrigeration cycle as shown in figure 3.3. The criteria for
thermodynamic 2nd law or exergy efficiency will be applied taking into consideration the
diagram in figure 3.6, considering the three exergy transportation forms: mass flow rate, work
(mechanical power), and heat (thermal power), by convention they’re positive on the
direction displayed below.

Figure 3.6: Exergy analysis of vapour compression cycle (Matheus & Robson, 2021)

3.4 Mathematical formulation

All the equations for the energy and exergy analysis are presented below. The combination of
first law and second law of thermodynamics is used in the exergy analysis of the Vapour
Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS) and this analysis is important for the design,
optimization and performance assessment of the systems. The exergy of the VCRS is the
maximum work obtained if the system is permitted to reach equilibrium with the
environment. The exergy analysis of the VCRS predicts inefficiencies in the system and the
amount of exergy destroyed within each component of the VCRS. The second law of
thermodynamics is employed to carry out the exergy analysis of the different components in

the system. This analysis defines all loses in the components of the system and also the
overall system and determines the maximum performance of the system.

To estimate the performance characteristics of the natural refrigerants considered in this

research project, seven parameters was evaluated which included Coefficient of Performance
(COP), Cooling capacity, discharge temperature, exergy destruction rates of all the
components, relative exergy destruction of all the components, second-law efficiency of each
component and efficiency defect of each component.

3.4.1 Evaporator Unit

The evaporator is made up of coils of pipe which transports the refrigerants at low
temperature and pressure. The refrigerants at the stage absorbs the latent heat of evaporation
required from the medium to be cooled.

Figure 3.7: Schematics diagram of an evaporator coil

The amount of cooling produced in the evaporator is called cooling capacity and is given by
equation 3.5.
Qevap =ṁ R
Qevap =m ( h1−h5 ) 3.5
Qevap is the cooling capacity of the refrigerants

R is the refrigeration effect, which is equal to the heat transferred at the evaporator per
kilogram of refrigerant.
h1 is the specific enthalpy at the exit of the evaporator (kJ/kg)
h5 is the specific enthalpy at the inlet of the evaporator (kJ/kg)
m is the mass flow rate of refrigerant (kg/s)

3.4.2 Compressor Unit

It is a vital component in a refrigeration system which is responsible for maintaining the
evaporator pressure corresponding to the requirement of low temperature. It conveys the
refrigerants from the evaporator to the condenser. The power input of the compressor or the
work done by the compressor in compressing the refrigerants from low to high pressure is
given by equation 3.6
Ẇ c= ṁW
Ẇ c= ṁ ( h 2−h1 ) 3.6
Ẇ c is the work done by the compressor on the refrigerants
h2 is the specific enthalpy at the outlet of the compressor (kJ/kg)

3.4.3 Condenser Unit

The condenser unit consists of a condenser which heat rejects heat absorbed from the
compressor to the surrounding, resulting in the condensation of the refrigerants. The heat
transfer rate at the condenser Qcond , is given by equation 3.7.

Qcond =m ( h3−h 4 ) 3.7

h3 is the specific enthalpy at the inlet of the condenser (kJ/kg)
h 4is the specific enthalpy at the outlet of the condenser (kJ/kg)

3.4.4 Expansion Device

The expansion device or throttling device regulates the flow of the refrigerants back into the
evaporator at a reduced pressure and temperature. This is also an isenthalpic expansion

ṁ h4 =ṁh 5 3.8

h5 is the specific enthalpy at the outlet of the expansion device (kJ/kg)

The ratio of the cooling capacity of the evaporator to the input power of the compressor is
known as the coefficient of performance (COP) is given in equation 3.7

Q evap m ( h1 −h4 ) ( h 1−h4 )

COP= = = 3.7
Ẇ c m ( h2−h1 ) ( h2−h1 )
COP is the Coefficient of performance

3.5 Exergy Analysis

The concept of exergy analysis is considered an effect tool for the conversation of mass and
energy principles also with the second law for the design and analysis of vapour compression
refrigeration system. It is a powerful tool for making system and process more efficient and a
key tool for determining the locations, types and true magnitude of wastes and loss (Rahul
ukey, 2012).

General exergy balance with respect to time is expressed as given in equation

The exergy destruction in the compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator and
the total exergy destruction are expressed by equations

3.5.1 Compressor
E x ,∈¿− E x ,out −E x,dest ,1−2=0 ¿

E x ,dest , 1−2=E x,∈¿−E x, out ¿

E x ,dest , 1−2=W + E x ,1−E x ,2

E x ,dest , 1−2=W −∆ E x, 12
¿ W −[h2−h1−T 0 ( S 2−S 1 ) ]
¿ W −¿ W rev
E x ,dest , 1−2=T 0 S gen ,1−2=mT 0 ( S 2−S1 )

W rev Ex , dest ,1−2

η ex ,comp= =1−

3.5.2 Condenser
E x ,dest , 3−4=E x ,∈¿−E x , out ¿

E x ,dest , 3−4=( E ¿ ¿ x 3−E x ,4 )−E x ,Q ¿ H


E x ,dest , 3−4=T 0 S gen , 3−4=mT 0 S 2−S1 +

( QH
TH )
η ex ,cond =
E x ,Q
Q H 1−
TH )
E x ,3−E x , 4 m[h3 −h4 −T 0 ( S3 −S 4 ) ]
Ex , dest ,1−2
η ex ,cond=1−
E x ,3 −E x, 4

3.5.3 Expansion Valve

E x ,dest , 4−5=E x ,∈¿−E x , out ¿

E x ,dest , 1−2=E x, 4−E x ,5

¿ m[h4 −h5−T 0 ( S 4 −S 5 ) ]
E x ,dest , 4−5=T 0 S gen , 4−5=mT 0 ( S 4−S5 )

E x , dest ,4 −5 E x ,4 −E x ,5
η ex ,expValve =1− =1−
Ex , 4−E x ,5 E x ,4 −E x ,5
3.5.4 Evaporator

E x ,dest , 5−1=E x,∈¿−E x,out ¿

E x ,dest , 5−1=−E x ,Q + ¿ E x ,5−E x ,1


E x ,dest , 5−1=(E ¿ ¿ x , 5−E x ,1 )+ E x, Q ¿ L


E x ,dest , 5−1=T 0 S gen ,5−1=m T 0 S 1−S 5 +
TL )

η ex ,cond=
E x, Q L
−QL 1−
TL )
E x ,1−E x ,5 m[h1−h5−T 0 ( S1−S5 ) ]

E x ,dest ,5−1
η ex ,cond=1−
E x ,1 −Ex , 5

The total exergy destruction in the cycle can be determined by adding exergy destruction in
each component:
Edest ,total=E dest ,1−2 + Edest ,3−4 + E dest ,4 −5+ E x , dest ,5−1
The total exergy destruction in the cycle can also be expressed as the difference between the
exergy supplied (power input) and the exergy recovered (the exergy of the heat transferred
from the low temperature medium).

Edest ,total=W −E x ,Q L

Where the exergy of the heat transferred from the low temperature medium is given by
equation 3.9

E x ,Q =−Q L 1−
L ( T0
TL )
The minus sign is needed to make the result positive. Note that the exergy of the heat
transferred from the low temperature medium is in fact the minimum power input to
accomplish the required refrigeration load, Q L :

W min =E x ,Q L

The second law efficiency (or exergy efficiency) of the cycle is defined as;

E x ,Q
η II = L

E dest ,total
η II =1−

The above mathematical modeling was implemented in Python programming language. For
the purpose of this research work, a general step for carrying out the energy and exergy
analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration system using Python code is give below:

 The properties of the refrigerants (R744, R717, R600a, and R290) using thermodynamic
tables or refrigerant property packages available in Python libraries such as CoolProp
available at (Bell, et al, 2014) was utilized. CoolProp is an open-source software library
that provides thermophysical properties of various fluids such as water, air, refrigerants,
and other chemicals used in various industries such as HVAC, chemical engineering, and

 The library offers a wide range of functions for calculating thermodynamic properties
such as specific heat, enthalpy, entropy, and viscosity, among others. It supports multiple
programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, and MATLAB. CoolProp is
designed to be highly accurate, reliable, and efficient, and it has become a popular tool for
engineers and scientists working in thermodynamics, heat transfer, and related fields
(Bell, et al, 2014).

 The parameters of the refrigeration system, such as the compressor efficiency, heat
exchanger effectiveness, and mass flow rates were taken to be: compressor efficiency
(0.8). The mass flow rate (m) was assumed to be 0.6kg/m3, the evaporation temperature
range was taken to be -50oC to -5oC and the condenser temperature was considered from
the range 10oC to 30oC. Other thermodynamic properties required for the research work
were obtained from the coolprop properties table using specific inbuilt commands from
the programme.

 Using the coolprop refrigeration table, the thermodynamic model of the refrigeration
system was used to calculate the exergy flows at the evaporator, compressor, condenser,
and expansion valve.

 Then the exergy efficiency of the refrigeration system as the ratio of the exergy output to
the exergy input was calculated. appendix 3 for complete python code
 The results obtained was presented in a table format and charts for the different
refrigerants and evaporator and condenser temperatures.

4.1 Results

The results presented below are obtained from energy and exergy analysis programme
developed with python programming language with the aid of various libraries such as
pandas for tabulating, numpy for mathematical manipulating, matplotlib and seaborn for
graphical visualization.

Figure 4.1: Heatmap coefficient of performance (COP) 21

Figure 4.2: COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R774 21

Figure 4.3: COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R717 22

Figure 4.3: COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R600a 22

Figure 4.4: COP vs Evaporator Temperature for R290 22

Figure 4.5: Relationship between evaporation temperature and refrigerating capacity 23

4.2 Discussions

Figure 4.1 is a heatmap which shows the COP (Coefficient of Performance) of the vapor
compression refrigeration system for each refrigerant as a function of both the evaporator
temperature and the condenser temperature. The x-axis represents the condenser temperature
in Celsius, and the y-axis represents the evaporator temperature in Celsius. The color of each
square in the heatmap represents the COP for a particular refrigerant at a particular
combination of evaporator and condenser temperatures. A color scale is used to indicate the
magnitude of the COP, with higher values represented by darker colors.

The heatmap is useful for visualizing the performance of the refrigerants over a range of
evaporator and condenser temperatures. It shows how the COP varies as both the evaporator
and condenser temperatures change, which can be important for understanding the
performance of refrigeration systems in different operating conditions.

From the heatmap, we can see that the performance of the refrigerants varies depending on
the evaporator and condenser temperatures. For example, at low evaporator temperatures and
high condenser temperatures, R717 (ammonia) has the highest COP, while R744 (carbon
dioxide) has the lowest COP. However, at high evaporator temperatures and low condenser
temperatures, R744 has the highest COP, while R290 (propane) has the lowest COP.

We can also see that some refrigerants are more sensitive to changes in evaporator and
condenser temperatures than others. For example, R717 has a relatively narrow range of

evaporator and condenser temperatures where it performs well, while R744 has a broader
range of operating conditions where it can achieve a high COP.

Overall, the heatmap provides a more detailed and comprehensive view of the performance of
the refrigerants over a range of operating conditions than the line chart in figure 4.2 - 4.4. The
heatmap confirms that R744 has the highest COP values at all evaporation temperatures,
followed by R717, R600a, and R290. The differences between the refrigerants are most
pronounced at low evaporation temperatures. It is a useful tool for selecting the most suitable
refrigerant for a given application or for optimizing the performance of an existing
refrigeration system.

Figure 4.2-4.4 shows the COP (Coefficient of Performance) of the vapor compression
refrigeration system for each refrigerant as a function of the evaporator temperature.

The x-axis represents the evaporator temperature in Celsius, and the y-axis represents the
COP. Each refrigerant is plotted as a separate line, with a different color and a legend
indicating which line corresponds to which refrigerant. It is useful for comparing the
performance of the refrigerants over a range of evaporator temperatures. It shows how the
COP varies as the evaporator temperature changes, which can be important for designing and
optimizing refrigeration systems.

From the line chart, we can see that the COP generally decreases as the evaporator
temperature increases for all the refrigerants. This is because the temperature difference
between the evaporator and the surroundings decreases, resulting in a lower heat transfer rate
and a lower COP.

We can also see that the performance of the refrigerants varies depending on the evaporator
temperature. For example, R717 (ammonia) has a higher COP than the other refrigerants at
lower evaporator temperatures, but its performance deteriorates more rapidly as the
evaporator temperature increases. On the other hand, R600a (isobutane) has a lower COP
than the other refrigerants at lower evaporator temperatures, but its performance remains
relatively stable at higher evaporator temperatures.

Overall, the line chart provides a quick and easy way to visualize the performance of the
refrigerants and compare their performance over a range of evaporator temperatures. It can be
a useful tool for selecting the most suitable refrigerant for a given application or for
optimizing the performance of an existing refrigeration system.

5.1 Conclusion

From the line chart, we can see that both temperature and refrigerant have a significant effect
on the COP. Specifically, we can observe the following:

Effect of temperature: The COP generally decreases as the evaporator temperature increases
for all the refrigerants. This is because the temperature difference between the evaporator and
the surroundings decreases, resulting in a lower heat transfer rate and a lower COP. In other
words, the system becomes less efficient at higher evaporator temperatures.

Effect of refrigerant: Different refrigerants have different COPs at the same evaporator
temperature. For example, at an evaporator temperature of 0°C, R717 (ammonia) has the
highest COP, while R290 (propane) has the lowest COP. This suggests that the choice of
refrigerant can have a significant impact on the performance of the refrigeration system.

As shown in figure 4.5, the relationship between evaporation temperature and refrigerating
capacity in a vapor compression refrigeration system is generally inverse. This means that as
the evaporation temperature decreases, the refrigerating capacity (i.e., the amount of heat
absorbed by the refrigerant at the evaporator) increases. This relationship is due to the fact
that the difference between the evaporator and ambient temperatures, which determines the
driving force for heat transfer, increases as the evaporation temperature decreases.

However, it is important to note that this relationship is not necessarily linear and depends on
several other factors such as the type of refrigerant, the operating conditions of the
compressor and other components, and the design of the system. In addition, there is a
practical lower limit to the evaporation temperature, below which the refrigerant may not
vaporize properly, leading to issues such as compressor damage and decreased efficiency.

Overall, the figure 4.2 – 4.4, demonstrates the importance of both temperature and refrigerant
selection in optimizing the performance of vapor compression refrigeration systems. It
highlights the need to carefully consider both factors when designing or selecting a
refrigeration system for a specific application.

5.2 Recommendations

On the specific requirements and constraints of the system under considerations. The
following general observations can be deducted from the results.

1. In terms of COP, R744 (CO2) and R717 (ammonia) generally perform better than R600a
(isobutane) and R290 (propane), especially at low evaporation temperatures. R744 has the
highest COP at all evaporation temperatures, while R717 has the second-highest COP at
most evaporation temperatures. R600a and R290 have lower COP values compared to
R744 and R717, particularly at low evaporation temperatures.

2. In terms of refrigeration capacity, R744 has the highest capacity at all evaporation
temperatures, followed by R717, R600a, and R290 in that order. However, R744 has
lower capacity than the other refrigerants at high evaporation temperatures. R717 has
high capacity at low and medium evaporation temperatures, but its capacity drops
significantly at high evaporation temperatures. R600a and R290 have lower capacity
compared to R744 and R717 at all evaporation temperatures.

3. Therefore, if high efficiency is the main concern, R744 or R717 would be good choices,
especially at low evaporation temperatures. However, if high refrigeration capacity is
required, R744 would be the best choice at most evaporation temperatures, except at high
evaporation temperatures where R717 might be a better choice. R600a and R290 could be
considered as alternatives, but their lower efficiency and capacity should be taken into

4. The study can be extended to include other performance parameters such as energy
consumption and environmental impact to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the
performance of the system.


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Appendix 1: Python code for the comparative analysis

import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Define refrigerants and temperature ranges

refrigerants = ["R744", "R717", "R600a", "R290"]
evap_temps = np.arange(-30, 10, 5) # Evaporation temperatures (°C)
cond_temps = np.arange(15, 30, 5) # Condensation temperatures (°C)

# Create empty dataframes to store results

cop_data = pd.DataFrame(index=evap_temps, columns=refrigerants)
ref_data = pd.DataFrame(index=evap_temps, columns=refrigerants)

# Loop over refrigerants and temperature ranges

for ref in refrigerants:
for evap_temp in evap_temps:
for cond_temp in cond_temps:
# Calculate COP and refrigeration capacity
cp = CP.PropsSI('CPMASS', 'T', (evap_temp+273.15), 'Q', 1, ref)
h_evap = CP.PropsSI('HMASS', 'T', (evap_temp+273.15), 'Q', 1, ref)
h_cond = CP.PropsSI('HMASS', 'T', (cond_temp+273.15), 'Q', 0, ref)
s_evap = CP.PropsSI('SMASS', 'T', (evap_temp+273.15), 'Q', 1, ref)
s_cond = CP.PropsSI('SMASS', 'T', (cond_temp+273.15), 'Q', 0, ref)
delta_h = h_evap - h_cond
cop = cp * delta_h / h_evap

refrigeration_capacity = cp * delta_h

# Store results in dataframes

cop_data.loc[evap_temp, ref] = cop
ref_data.loc[evap_temp, ref] = refrigeration_capacity
# Plot results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
for ref in refrigerants:
ax[0].plot(evap_temps, cop_data[ref], label=ref)
ax[0].set_xlabel("Evaporation temperature (°C)")
for ref in refrigerants:
ax[1].plot(evap_temps, ref_data[ref], label=ref)
ax[1].set_xlabel("Evaporation temperature (°C)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("Refrigeration capacity (W)")

# Print results in table format

print("COP (evap. temp. / ref.):")
print("Refrigeration capacity (evap. temp. / ref.):")

# Plot results as heatmap

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.heatmap(cop_data, annot=True, cmap="coolwarm", ax=ax)

ax.set_ylabel("Evaporation temperature (°C)")

Appendix 2: Python code to generate line chart for evaluating the relationship between
evaporation temperature and refrigerating capacity

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Define the refrigerants to be analyzed

refrigerants = ['R744', 'R717', 'R600a', 'R290']
# Define the evaporation temperatures to be analyzed
evap_temps = [-40, -30, -20, -10]

# Initialize a dictionary to store the refrigerating capacity for each refrigerant and evaporation
refrig_capacity = {}

# Calculate the refrigerating capacity for each refrigerant and evaporation temperature
for refrigerant in refrigerants:
refrig_capacity[refrigerant] = []
for temp in evap_temps:
h_evap = CP.PropsSI('H', 'T', temp+273.15, 'Q', 1, refrigerant)
h_cond = CP.PropsSI('H', 'T', 30+273.15, 'Q', 0, refrigerant)
# Create a line chart for each refrigerant to visualize the relationship between evaporation
temperature and refrigerating capacity
for refrigerant in refrigerants:
plt.plot(evap_temps, refrig_capacity[refrigerant], label=refrigerant)
# Add axis labels, legend, and title
plt.xlabel('Evaporation Temperature (°C)')
plt.ylabel('Refrigerating Capacity (kW)')
plt.title('Relationship between Evaporation Temperature and Refrigerating Capacity')

# Show the legend
# Display the charts


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