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Synergy from Teams

CHAPTER 8 Successful advertising campaigns are created by teams consisting of members

who have different areas of expertise.
EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING and Creative Brief - is a description of what the advertising campaign is to
SALES PROMOTION Synergy – is the sum up of the results produced by a team, and important to
creative advertising.
I. Developing an Effective Advertising Campaign Brainstorming – is one way to generate ideas which is an organized approach of
generating a large number of ideas to help achieve objectives.
The Need for Creativity in Advertising
Creativity is a key element in effective advertising campaigns. It makes
an advertising standout from the crowd, earning it more memorable but cannot Determine the Desired Results of an Advertising Campaign
be judged on creativity alone. Creative advertising must have a purpose- to Advertising Campaign Objectives:
influence consumer’s product and brand buying decisions.
 Build brand awareness. This is the initial objective for new brands of products
Creative advertising - is a form of marketing that uses original concepts, and services. If consumer is not aware of the brand existence, few sales will
designs, and storytelling to effectively communicate a message or promote a made. To build brand awareness, advertising may use many forms of
service or product. To create an advertising campaign, a team will look at the promotion including Advertising, sales promotion, and publicity.
brand, understand how they communicate and who their target audience is.  Communicate product benefits. Advertiser must supply information that
explains the benefits obtained from purchasing the product. A consumer
wants to know, “What’s in it for me?” Advertiser may promote benefits
Elements of Creativity in Advertising related to money, health, convenience, leisure time, family, the environment,
 Creative Ads make a connection with the target audience. or other issues.
 Creative Ads have an element of unexpectedness.  Encourage trial purchases. Companies must encourage consumers to try a
 Creative Ads use mischief to keep the audience interested. specific product for the first time. Advertisements draw attention to the
 Creative Ads provide concrete images. product, and sales promotions (coupons, free samples, price discounts, and
 Creative Ads use storytelling. rebates) motivate consumer to try it.
 Creative Ads builds momentum.  Create, change, or reinforce consumers’ attitudes about a brand . Advertising is
~Creative ads that have one or more of these elements are more memorable used to remind consumers about the product’s benefits and encourage repeat
and are more likely to influence the consumers’ buying behavior. purchases. Advertisers try to convince consumers that their brand is
superior and persuade consumers to switch brands.
 Attain brand loyalty. This is the objective that every company strives to meet.
A company must continue to provide the brand that provides more
satisfaction than the competitive brands, and the advertising campaign must
continue communicate the benefits of the brand.
Types of Trade Sales Promotion
 Push Money – is a bonus given to salespeople for selling a specific brand.
II. Developing an Effective Sales Promotion Strategy  Deal Loader – is a premium given by a manufacturer to a retailer for
ordering a certain quantity of product. There are two types;
Consumer Sales Promotion o Buying loader – is a gift given for making a specified order size.
Sales promotion is a marketing strategy generally involves short-term, o Display Loader – gives the contents of a display to the retailer after
incentive-offering, and interest-creating marketing activities- which aims to the promotional campaign.
motivate and influence a purchase or other desired action from the company’s  Trade Allowance (or trade deals) – is a reward offered by manufacturer to
customers. retailers in the exchange for supporting the manufacturer’s brand by
Types Consumer Sales Promotion performing various marketing activities.

 Coupon - is a certificate that entitles the buyer to a price reduction on a

product or service.
 Price Deals - this allow customers to save money instantly when the
purchase is made.
 Rebates – is a refund of money offered to consumers who purchase a
specific product.
 Premiums – is an item offered to consumers for free or at a reduced price
with the purchase of another item.
 Loyalty Marketing Program – this is used by companies to reward
customers for making repeat purchases. Sometimes in form of points per
total product purchased and later can be exchange into goods or services.
 Sampling – provides consumers with the opportunity to use a product on a
risk-free trial basis.
 Contests and Sweepstakes – this is used by the companies to gain publicity
and to create interest in a product or brand.
 Point-of-Purchase Display – this is used by retailers to promote a particular
brand and encourage impulse buying.

Trades Sales Promotion

Trade promotions are incentives that manufacturers offer retailers to
encourage them to stock their products and ensure they get the proper attention.

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