Sensores NDC Sens
Sensores NDC Sens
Sensores NDC Sens
► Composites
► Compact measurement form factor
► Single-sided measurement
► 100% digital measurement technology Introduction material, many of the photons are scattered
The NDC Backscatter Gamma sensor back, losing some of their energy in the process.
(GBS) is an integrated source and detector
instrument that provides a thickness or weight These backscattered photons strike a 100%
measurement from one side of the sheet. Its efficient scintillator detector that produces
compact size allows product measurements flashes of visible light. These light flashes
to be taken from areas of the process that are enter the photomultiplier tube where they are
often inaccessible to conventional sensors. It converted into electrons and amplified. The
can also be configured to either measure in output from the photomultiplier tube is a train
fixed point or to scan the web. of pulses whose height is proportional to the
energy of the detected gamma photons, and
Compared to other gauging techniques, whose pulse rate (pulses per second) are
the GBS sensor offers a robust, cost-effective proportional to the mass (or weight per unit
measurement solution that is reliable, accurate area) of the material being measured.
and easy to maintain.
Theory of Operation
This unique sensor employs the Compton
Photon Backscatter measurement principle
known as gamma backscatter, or GBS. When
gamma rays of photons are directed at a
Measured by Commitment
Technical Specifications
NDC Technologies Inc. NDC Technologies sa NDC China NDC Germany NDC Singapore
Tel: +1 626 960 3300 Tel: +32 4 239 90 10 Tel: +86 21 6113 3609 Tel: +49 1801 977112 Tel: +65 91994120
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
NDC Technologies Ltd NDC Beta LaserMike NDC Japan NDC Italy NDC India
Tel: +44 1621 852244 Tel: +1 937 233 9935 Tel: +81 3 3255 8157 Tel: +39 0331 454 207 Tel: +91 9890800697
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
In line with its policy of continuous improvement, NDC reserves the right to revise or replace its products or services without prior notice. The information contained in this document may
not represent the latest specification and is for indicative purposes only.
Measured by Commitment