Investorreport 108
Investorreport 108
Investorreport 108
• To lay down criteria and terms and conditions with regard to identifying
persons who are qualified to become Directors (Executive and Non-Executive)
and persons who may be appointed in Key Managerial and Senior
Management positions and to determine their remuneration.
• To determine remuneration based on the Company’s size and financial
position and trends and practices on remuneration prevailing in peer
companies, in the industry.
• To carry out evaluation of the performance of Directors and review
evaluation made by the management of the Company of performance of Key
Managerial and Senior Management Personnel, Board and Committees of the
• To provide them reward linked directly to their effort, performance,
dedication and achievement relating to the Company’s operations.
• To retain, motivate and promote talent and to ensure long term sustainability
of talented managerial persons and create competitive advantage. In the
context of the aforesaid criteria the following policy has been formulated by
the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“NRC”) and adopted by the
Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 29, 2014 and updated from
time to time.
The NRC and this Policy are in compliance with Section 178 of the Companies Act,
2013 read along with the applicable rules thereto and Regulation 17 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR”) as
applicable to the parent company.
Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used in this policy and
not defined herein but defined in the Companies Act, 2013 or LODR as may be
amended from time to time shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them
• The Committee while designing the remuneration package considers the level
and composition of remuneration to be reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain
and motivate the person to ensure the quality required to run the company
• The NRC while considering a remuneration package must ensure a balance
between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long term performance
objectives appropriate to the working of the company and its goals.
• The Committee considers that a successful remuneration policy must ensure that
a significant part of the remuneration package is linked to the achievement of
corporate performance targets and a strong alignment of interest with
• The remuneration policy reflects a balance between the interests of the
Company’s main stakeholders as well as a balance between the Company’s short-
term and long-term performance objectives appropriate to the working of the
Company and its goals. As a result, the structure of the remuneration package for
the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management is designed to
balance short-term operational performance with the medium and long-term
objective of creating sustainable value within the Company, while taking into
account the interests of its stakeholders.
• To ensure that highly skilled and qualified senior executives can be attracted and
retained, the Company aims for a total remuneration level that is comparable to
levels provided by other companies that are similar to the Company in terms of
size and complexity.
• In designing and setting the levels of remuneration for the Directors, Key
Managerial Personnel and Senior Management, the NRC also takes into account
the relevant statutory provisions and provisions of the corporate governance
code, societal and market trends and the interests of stakeholders.
2However, the above guiding principles shall not apply to the following cases:
(i) where an existing officer of the Company working in the same department is
promoted to the position of the Sr. Management (other than Whole time
Director or Executive Director or any position qualifying as Key Management
Substituted vide the SEBI Circular dated May 9, 2018 amending the SEBI (LODR), 2015
Inserted as per the Board resolution dated 20.12.2014
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Personnel). Provided that the officer who is being promoted has been in
employment with the Company or Group Company for at least one year.
(ii) when remuneration structure is changed without material increment.
This Policy is divided in four parts: Part – A covers the nomination and
appointment, Part – B covers remuneration and perquisites etc., Part – C covers the
matters common to Part –A and Part-B and Part – D covers succession planning.
The key features of this Company’s policy shall be included in the Board’s Report or
uploaded on the website and a link referred to in the Board’s Report as per
applicable laws in force at the relevant date.
The Committee shall identify persons who may be appointed as directors of the
Company and recommend their appointment to the Board of Directors in this
regard. While recommending appointment of any such persons as directors the
Board of Directors shall consider following aspects:
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b. Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats to Company’s business,
c. Existing composition of the Board of Directors,
d. Diversity, skills, expertise of existing directors,
e. Background, skills, expertise, reputation and qualification possessed by
persons being considered,
f. Specific requirements under Companies Act, 2013, standard listing
agreement and any other laws as to composition of the Board.
g. the said person is not debarred from holding the office of director pursuant to any
SEBI order.3
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I) Remuneration of directors, Independent Directors, KMPs, senior
management personnel
The Managing Director, CEO and Whole-time Director shall be eligible for
a monthly remuneration as may be approved by the Board on the
recommendation of the NRC and approved by the shareholders and
Central Government, wherever required.
If, in any financial year, the Company has no profits or its profits are
inadequate, the Company shall pay remuneration to its Managing Director,
CEO, Whole-time Director in accordance with the provisions of Schedule V
of the Companies Act, 2013 and if it is not able to comply with such
provisions or if in the opinion of NRC the incumbent should be paid
remuneration more than the maximum prescribed in Schedule V, with the
previous approval of the Central Government.
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If any Managing Director, CEO, Whole-time Director draws or receives,
directly or indirectly by way of remuneration any such sums in excess of
the limits prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 or without the prior
sanction of the Central Government, where required, he / she shall refund
such sums to the Company and until such sum is refunded, hold it in trust
for the Company. The Company shall not waive recovery of such sum
refundable to it unless permitted by the Central Government.
(c) Commission:
• The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall review the performance of
each current director and consider the results of such review.
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For this purpose, the committee will obtain quantitative information (number
of meetings attended) from the Secretarial Department and qualitative
information from the Board which will carry out an exercise of self-evaluation.
A) Board:
C) Individual Directors:
The Board of Directors in their meeting shall review the above implementation and
compliance and may inform the committee their views and suggestions, if any.
(e) Removal:
Due to reasons for any disqualification mentioned in the Companies Act, 2013,
rules made thereunder or under any other applicable Act, rules and
regulations, the Committee may recommend, to the Board with reasons
recorded in writing, removal of a Director, KMP or Senior Management
Personnel subject to the provisions and compliance of the said Act, rules and
(f) Retirement:
The Director, KMP and Senior Management Personnel shall retire as per the
applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the prevailing policy of
the Company. The Board will have the discretion to retain the Director, KMP,
Senior Management Personnel in the same position / remuneration or
otherwise even after attaining the retirement age, for the benefit of the
The Committee shall take a report from each functional head, on annual basis, about
progress made by him / her and about efforts taken by him /her for development of
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a) The Talent Acquisition Team within the HR function of the Company, after
receiving a mandate that falls within the preview of the NRC, shall complete
the Pre-employment formalities laid down in the Group Talent Acquisition
b) Once the candidates are interviewed and screened by the Talent Acquisition
(TA) Team and Hiring Manager, the final short list to be presented to the
NRC for its recommendation and consideration.
c) The NRC shall then put forward its recommendations and consideration to
the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final.
d) The NRC has a right to question the credentials of a candidate put forward to
it by TA Team. In case of any discrepancy TA Team should reconsider the
e) The remuneration to be considered for the Position should be within the
grade/band defined in the Grades, Designation and Bands Policy of the
Group and considering the attributes like:
(i) Experience Profile
(ii) Academic & Professional qualification of the respective candidates
(iii) Existing Compensation & benefits
(iv) Market synergy
(v) Internal Role-wise compensation study to maintain the equity
(vi) Importance of the position for sustenance / growth of the business.
The Board of Directors on the recommendation of the NRC may deviate from this
Policy if there are specific reasons to do so in a specific case.
This policy is effective from April 1, 2014 and modified as per Companies
(Amendment) Act, 2017 made effective from May 7, 2018.
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