Chapter - 2 - Appropriation - Accounts
Chapter - 2 - Appropriation - Accounts
Chapter - 2 - Appropriation - Accounts
Grants detailing working expenses and other revenue expenditure as voted by Parliament.
Grant detailing expenditure on Assets Acquisition, Construction and Replacement voted by
A dedicated Central Road Fund was created by the Central Government from collection of cess from
petrol and diesel. A share of collection is provided to Railways for construction of road over/under
bridges and safety works at unmanned railway crossings.
Revenue 194901.56 5342.27 200243.83 191555.67 (-) 8688.16
Capital 98565.36# 467.55 99032.91 93308.62 (-)5724.29
Total Voted 293466.92 5809.82 299276.74 284864.29 (-) 14412.45
Revenue 142.27 4.43 146.70 121.16 (-) 25.54
Capital 119.35 57.23 176.58 147.76 (-) 28.82
Total 261.62 61.66 323.28 268.92 (-) 54.36
Grand Total 293728.54 5871.48 299600.02 285133.21 (-) 14466.81
#This excludes an amount of ` 30,100 crore given by the Ministry of Finance out of National
Investment Fund (NIF) as part of General Budgetary Support at Budget Estimate stage and
` 28,185.12 crore at Final Modification stage.
The Table 2.1 lists out the total expenditure of IR as ` 2, 85,133.21 crore during
2014-15, of which nearly 67.22 per cent was spent on revenue grants which
include working expenses on administrative, operational and maintenance
activities while 32.78 per cent was spent on capital grant dealing with creation
and augmentation of infrastructure facilities through Assets Acquisition,
Construction and their Replacement/Renewal. This Table also indicates savings
of 4.35 per cent (` 8,713.70 crore) under revenue grants and savings of 5.80 per
cent (` 5,753.11 crore) under capital grant against the sanctioned provisions
available in 2014-15.
An analysis of grant-wise expenditure revealed that the net saving of
` 14,466.81 crore was a result of savings of ` 14,957.18 crore under 13 revenue
grants, two segments of capital grant, eight revenue appropriation25 and three
segments of capital appropriation, adjusted by an excess of
` 490.37 crore in two revenue grants, three revenue appropriations, one
segment of capital grant as are shown in Appendix-2.1.
Appropriation refers to expenditure charged on Consolidated Fund of India.
Group-wise estimates, expenditure and variation under the revenue grants are
detailed in Table 2.3.
Table- 2.3 Group wise Estimates, Expenditure and Variation (2014-15)
(` in crore)
Particulars Original Supplementary Total Actual Variation Percentage
Grant/ Provision Sanctioned Expenditure w.r.t. variation
Appropriation Grant Sanctioned
(-) Saving/
(+) Excess
Policy Formulation
and Services
1111.57 00.00 1,111.57 1,170.44 (+) 58.87 (+) 5.30
Common to all
Superintendence and 6472.70 1.37 6474.07 6107.15 (-) 366.92 (-) 5.67
Service on Railways
Repairs and
32105.96 918.80 33024.76 32367.27 (-) 657.49 (-) 1.99
Operation 64357.73 840.85 65198.58 58305.20 (-) 6893.38 (-) 10.57
Staff Welfare,
Retirement Benefits 40382.13 731.83 41113.96 39873.27 (-) 1240.69 (-) 3.02
and Miscellaneous
Railway Funds and
Payment to General 50613.74 2853.85 53467.59 53853.49 (+) 385.90 (+) 0.72
The main reasons for variations with reference to sanctioned provisions are as
• Indian Railways Policy Formulation
Increase in expenditure towards staff cost and retirement benefits, more
expenditure under Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP)
surcharge during the year.
• General Superintendence and Service on Railways
Reduction in expenditure towards staff cost, contingencies, leave
encashment, computer stationary, advertisement and publicity and
other expenses, less legal expenses, less drawl of stock from store and
low consumption of electricity during the year.
• Repairs and Maintenance
Reduction in expenditure towards salary and wages, staff cost,
materialization of less contractual payments, less expenditure on
procurement of non-stock items, less drawl of stores from stock, less
expenses on repair/contingent expenses/conservancy work, decrease in
Periodical Overhaul (POH), less adjustment of workshop debits, less
Passenger Reservation System (PRS) channels bills and miscellaneous
expenses than anticipated.
• Operation
Reduction in expenditure towards staff cost, less materialization of
contractual obligations, less drawl of lubricants and consumable stores
from stock, less expenses on Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
pertaining to Freight Operating Information System (FOIS) and Parcel
Management System, less expenses towards freight and handling
charges, sales tax/excise duty and value added tax (VAT) and decrease
in average rate of oil purchased during the year, than anticipated.
• Staff Welfare, Retirement Benefits and Miscellaneous
Reduction in expenditure due to less receipt of claims for
reimbursement of tuition fees, less receipt of bills for medicines, less
direct purchases, less expenditure towards staff cost, less drawl of
stores from stock, less materialisation of contractual obligations, less
purchase of medicines, less adjustment relating to Railway Protection
Force, Railway Protection Special Force, Government Railway Police
less adjustment of debits pertaining to territorial army, less receipt of
debits from pension disbursing authorities, less expenses towards
commutation of pension and ex-gratia pension, finalisation of less
number of death cum retirement gratuity cases and less expenses
towards deposit linked insurance scheme during the year, than
Table 2.4 gives the grants and appropriations wherein expenditure was
incurred in excess of authorized expenditure during 2014-15.
Table 2.4 Excess Expenditure (2014-15)
(` in crore)
Grant No. Particulars Original Supplementary Actual Excess
Provision provision Expenditure
2 Miscellaneous Expenditure
(General) 831.45 0.00 901.52 70.07
14 Appropriation to Funds-
Depreciation Reserve Fund,
Development Fund, Pension 41478.74 2814.72 44679.94 386.48
Fund, Capital Fund, Debt
Service Fund
16 Railway Safety Fund
2198.00 1.90 2233.03 33.13
Total-Voted-Revenue and
44508.19 2816.62 47814.49 489.68
Appropriation Revenue-Charged
Working Expenses –
3 General Superintendence 0.00 1.3733 1.3757 0.0024
and Services
Working Expenses –
7 Repairs and Maintenance of 0.00 0.0315 0.4962 0.4647
Plant and Equipment
Working Expenses –
Provident Fund, Pension
13 0.555 0.1013 0.8665 0.2102
and Other Retirement
Total- Revenue-Charged 0.555 1.5061 2.7384 0.6773
Grand Total 44508.7450 2818.1261 47817.2284 490.3573
For the above mentioned grants and appropriations where excess expenditure
occurred, supplementary provisions were obtained in all except in one grant
and Grant No. 2- Miscellaneous expenditure -General. In Appropriation No.3-
Working Expenses- General Superintendence and Services and Appropriation
MoR in their Action Taken Note (ATN) on Chapter 2 of the Audit Report No.
19 of 2014 mentioned that all the Zonal Railways have been cautioned to
2.2.3 Savings
Repairs and
Maintenance of Plant
and Equipment
9 Operating Expenses- 19713.11 0.00 19074.47 (-) 638.64
10 Operating Expenses- 35181.17 0.00 29025.32 (-) 6155.85
11 Staff Welfare and 5111.38 65.83 5016.46 (-) 160.75
12 Miscellaneous 5338.77 315.82 5106.28 (-) 548.31
Working Expenses
13 Provident Fund, 29792.70 350.00 29635.76 (-)506.94
Pension and Other
Retirement Benefits
16 Capital 79272.06 0.00 73684.47 (-) 5587.59
16 Railway Funds 17095.30 465.65 17391.12 (-)169.83
Reasons for savings were attributed to less expenditure towards staff cost,
salary and wages, contingencies, leave encashment, computer stationary,
advertisement and publicity, less legal expenses, less debits from pension
disbursing authorities, less expenditure towards commutation of pension, ex-
gratia pension, finalization of less number of death cum retirement gratuity
cases, less expenditure towards Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme,
materialization of less contractual payments, less expenditure on procurement
of non-stock items, less drawl of stock from store, decrease in Periodical
Overhaul (POH) activity, less adjustments of workshop debits, less Passenger
Reservation System (PRS) channels bills, less expenditure on Annual
Maintenance Contract (AMC) pertaining to Freight Operating Information
System (FOIS) and Parcel Management System (PMS), less consumption of
High Speed Diesel (HSD) OIL, decrease in average rate of oil purchased, less
requirement of fund under diesel traction, decrease in rate of energy purchased
from outside source, less expenditure on repair of medical equipments, non-
filling up of vacancies, less payment of leasing charges other than IRFC, less
receipt of claims for reimbursement of tuition fees, less receipt of bills for
medicines, less direct purchases, less adjustment relating to Railway
Protection Force, Railway Protection Special Force, Government Railway
Police, less adjustment of debits pertaining to territorial army and less
miscellaneous expenses during the year than anticipated.
Grant No. 16 – Capital and Railway Funds – Reasons for savings under this
grant are given in succeeding para.
2.2.4 Persistent Savings
There were persistent savings of over ` 100 crore in following grant for the
last seven years ending 2014-15 as shown in the Table 2.8.
Table 2.8 Persistent Savings
(` in crore)
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Grant No. 16-
1,723.38 2,815.59 861.94 3,565.24 8,217.50 4,788.64 169.83
Railway Funds
Para 2.2.4 of Report No. 19 of 2014- Union Government (Railways) – Railways Finances.
2.4 Surrenders
Budget Estimates are usually calculated by IR after taking into account zonal
railways requirements which are analyzed and moderated Re-appropriation of
funds is done through Final Modification Statement29 (FMS). Rule 519 of
Indian Railway Financial Code (Volume-I) provides that control of
expenditure should be done through preparation in advance of estimates of the
expenditure to be incurred, the allotment of fund through budget grants for the
‘Savings’ represent the difference between the sanctioned grant and actual expenditure.
‘Surrender’ represents the difference between ‘Sanctioned Grant’ and ‘Final Grant’.
Final Modification Statement referred to final re-appropriation of fund from one unit to other or from
one work to other within the framework of rules. It is usually done at the fag end of the year.
year on the basis of these estimates and continuous and concurrent review of
the expenditure as incurred against the details of the estimates and against the
sanctioned grants, so that revisions of estimates or re-appropriations of funds
are arranged for at the earliest.
Rules30 provide that Zonal Railways should furnish the statements showing the
additional allotments required (both voted and charged) or surrenders to be
made, during the current financial year under each head of appropriation, as
prescribed in the budget orders, and requiring the sanction of the President.
Based on the statements received from the zonal railways, RB prepares a Final
Modification Statement.
Audit reviewed all the 196 cases of re-appropriations relating to Grant
Accounts Nos. 3 to 13 of zonal railways. Summary of railway-wise grant
accounts is given in Appendix-2.2.
The following analysis revealed that the estimation of the final grants as a
result of FMS was defective:
• It was seen that in 46 cases, the actual expenditure exceeded the final
• In eight cases, the actual expenditure even exceeded the sanctioned grants
implying that surrender was not required in those cases.
• In 24 cases, zonal railways received additional funds through re-
appropriation at the fag end of the year though the actual expenditure was
less than the sanctioned grant.
Such instances indicate poor budgetary control and resulted in consequent
issue of injudicious re-appropriation orders.
IR operates one Grant for capital expenditure. Grant No. 16 i.e. Works Grant
is the largest grant in terms of allocation and area of activities in the field. It
deals with expenditure on construction, acquisition and replacement of assets
of IR. This grant has four segments and draws its funding from four distinct
Capital-budgetary support advanced by General Budget of Government of
India (GoI),
Railway Funds-internal resources kept under three different reserves31,
Railway Safety Fund-financed by Railways’ share of diesel cess from
Central Road Fund, and
Para 385 and Para 386 of Indian Railway Financial Code-Volume-I
Reserves-Depreciation Reserve Fund (DRF), Development Fund (DF) and Capital Fund (CF).
¾ Capital
Analysis of this segment of grant revealed that there were net savings (under
voted) of ` 169.83 crore (0.96 per cent of the sanctioned grant).
Further examination of source wise allocation and expenditure under voted
portion of funds revealed the following:
¾ There was an excess of ` 129.66 crore constituting 1.41 per cent of the
sanctioned provisions under DRF.
¾ There were savings of ` 286.73 crore constituting 9.89 per cent of the
sanctioned provisions under DF.
¾ There were savings of ` 12.76 crore constituting 0.23 per cent of the
sanctioned provision under CF.
• Railway Safety Fund
This source of capital expenditure is funded by IR’s share of diesel cess in
Central Road Fund. Available fund is utilized for road safety works like
manning of un-manned railway crossing and construction of road over/under
bridges. There was an excess expenditure of ` 33.13 crore against sanctioned
grant of ` 2,199.90 crore constituting 1.51 per cent during 2014-15.
• Open Line Works (Revenue)
This segment of the grant was financed from the revenue of IR. Cost of all
works (other than passenger amenities works) whether new or additional
improvement/replacement, where cost is less than ` one lakh, is chargeable to
this segment of grant. During 2014-15, no fund was allocated under this
segment of the grant.
The Table below depicts the status of Budget Estimate and Actual with regard
to ‘Appropriation to funds’ and ‘Amount utilized’ from the funds during the
last three years:
Table 2.12-Appropriation to Railway Funds and withdrawal there from during
the last three years ended 31 March 2015
(` in crore)
Fund Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
DRF Appropriation to Fund (BE) 9,700.00 7,700.00 7,050.00
Appropriation to Fund (Actual) 7,050.00 8,100.00 7,975.00
Excess (+)/Short (-) Appropriation (-)2,650.00 400.00 925.00
Expenditure/withdrawal from fund 7,045.47 7,119.91 7,286.93
DF Appropriation to Fund (BE) 10,557.00 3,550.00 300.00
Appropriation to Fund (Actual) 7,815.00 3,075.00 1,374.93
Excess (+)/Short (-) Appropriation (-)2,742.00 (-) 475.00 1,074.93
Expenditure/withdrawal from fund 2,457.82 2,561.43 2,644.07
CF Appropriation to Fund (BE) 5,000.00 5,433.80 5,662.74
Appropriation to Fund (Actual) 451.25 500.00 6,233.36
Excess (+)/Short (-) Appropriation (-)4,548.75 (-) 4,933.80 570.62
Expenditure/withdrawal from fund 0 0 5,449.24
Total Appropriation to Fund (BE) 25,257.00 16,683.80 13,012.74
(Railway Appropriation to Fund (Actual) 15,316.25 11,675.00 15,583.29
Funds) Excess (+)/Short (-) Appropriation (-) 9,940.75 (-) 5,008.80 2,570.55
Expenditure/withdrawal from fund 9,503.29 9,681.34 15,347.24
From the above, it is seen that the appropriations under DF and CF was made
in excess of the budget estimate due to availability to net revenue surplus.
Appropriation of fund under DRF exceeded by 13.12 per cent of the Budget
2.6.2 Re-appropriation within Grant No. 16
Works/activities under each segment of the grant were grouped under 33 Plan
Heads (Minor Heads of Account) like Construction of New Lines, Doubling,
Gauge Conversion, Rolling Stock etc. Investment decisions which form the
budget estimates for construction, acquisition and replacement of assets
(Works Budget) were processed through the annual "Work, Machinery and
Rolling Stock Programme" prepared on the basis of advance and continuous
planning process.
Despite detailed exercise in formulation of Works Budget of Capital Grant,
non-utilization of sanctioned grant (as tabulated in Table No.2.10) besides
large scale re-appropriation of original allocated funds had been noticed.
Some of the cases of re-appropriation of funds are given in the Table 2.13.
Railway Funds 1600 (Voted) – Traffic Facilities – yard remodeling (-) 29.79 (5.64)
and others
Railway Funds 1700 (Voted) – Computerization (-)20.46 (10.87)
Railway Funds 2100- (Voted)- Rolling Stock (-) 139.30 (6.89)
Railway Funds 5300 (Voted) – Passenger Amenities and Other (-)87.57 (8.54)
Railway user’s Amenities
Railway Safety 2900 (Voted) – Road Safety Work – Level Crossings (+) 16.96 (4.10)
Paragraph 409 and 410 of Indian Railway Financial Code (Volume-I) prescribed limit for permissible
variations which is 5 per cent or ` 50 lakh whichever is less and for Grant No.16 it is 10 per cent or
` 100 lakh whichever is less.
IR need to take a comprehensive relook at its budgeting process and make the
projections more realistic, so as to ensure that funds are fully utilised for the
purposes sanctioned by the Parliament.
MoR in its reply stated that the PAC’s recommendations are noted for strict
compliance. Apart from fixing responsibility for lapses at suitable levels MoR
is committed for computerisation at various accounting activities to bring
about efficiency and expediency in its functioning. It shall always remain the
endeavour of MoR to avoid misclassification/mistakes altogether. Despite
PAC’s remarks on misclassification, the instances of misclassification were
noticed during 2014-15 also. Further, MoR in its ATN on Chapter 2 of the
Audit Report No. 19 of 2014 mentioned that instructions have been reiterated
to the Zonal Railways for strengthening/tightening the system and sensitize the
staff to avoid misclassifications while booking expenditure, besides enforcing
accountability for correctness of allocation of expenditure by taking up
defaulting staff appropriately.
The savings in the Revenue Grants and Capital Grant indicate that the core
activities, creations of assets, value addition for which the funds were
demanded through Demands for Grants were not done and the desired benefits
could not be achieved by the Railways. At the same time, incurring of excess
expenditure over the sanctioned grants indicates that the unauthorised
expenditure incurred without the same voted by the Parliament/President’s
The PAC, time and again expressed their strong displeasure on budgeting and
recommended that the Ministry of Railways should evolve a mechanism to
assess and project realistic requirement of funds both at Budgetary and
Supplementary stages so that timely action is taken to avoid the excess
expenditure as far as possible. However, despite recommendations of the
PAC, the realistic Budget projection could not be made by the Ministry of
2.11 Recommendations