Understanding Indian Culture 19
Understanding Indian Culture 19
Understanding Indian Culture 19
The individuals are different from each other in terms of number of factors, i.e. castes,
creeds, races, religions, ethnicities, genders, age groups, educational qualifications,
occupations, communities and socio-economic backgrounds. In spite of these differences,
they have one of the major goals of promoting enhancement of overall standards of living. In
order to achieve this goal, the individuals are required to augment their knowledge and
understanding in terms of norms, values, morals and ethics. These need to be put into
operation in an adequate manner. One needs to understand that in spite of promoting well-
being and goodwill of oneself, one needs to promote welfare of family and community
members as well. Hence, from the stage of early childhood, throughout the lives of the
individuals, they are required to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of
Indian culture and heritage. Understanding the characteristics of Indian culture influences the
overall standards of living on a comprehensive basis. The individuals, belonging to all
communities reinforce clarity of mind and implement the characteristics in an effective
manner in their lives. Therefore, it is well-understood, one needs to acquire an efficient
understanding of Indian culture and heritage in an effective manner. The main concepts that
are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance
of culture, characteristics of Indian culture and generating information regarding Indian
culture leads to progression of individuals, communities and nation.
The history and culture of India are ancient, dynamic and spanning back to the ancient
civilization. Culture refers to the patterns of thought and behaviour of individuals. Culture is
a comprehensive term, it includes values, rules, norms, ethics, conduct and patterns of social,
economic and political organizations. These are passed on from one generation to the other
by formal as well as informal processes. Culture comprises of the ways, by which one person
acts as a member of the society. The individuals generate information in terms of ways, by
which one person acts as a member of the society (Satpathy, n.d.). In this manner, all the
achievements of group life are collectively called culture. In the popular parlance, the
material aspect of culture, such as, scientific and technological achievements are seen as
distinct from culture. It is considered as non-material, such as, higher achievements of group
life, i.e. art, culture, music, literature, philosophy, religion and science. Culture is the product
of such an organization and expresses itself through language, arts, philosophy and religion.
Furthermore, it also expresses itself through social habits, customs, economic organizations
and political institutions.
When the individuals study Indian history, they will be able to generate information in
terms of norms, values and cultures. The historical leaders have rendered an important
contribution in the preservation of culture and heritage (Chapter – II, n.d.). The culture is of
two types, i.e. material and non-material. The first includes, technologies, instruments,
material goods, consumer goods, household design and architecture, modes of production,
trade, commerce, welfare and other types of social activities. The non-material forms of
culture are, values, norms, ethics, principles, standards, literature, arts and other ritual
activities. The culture is referred to the invaluable possession of all societies. The material
and non-material aspects of culture are independent of each other. The cultures are required
to be understood and put into practice in their overall standards of living. Indian culture is the
oldest of all the cultures in the world. Culture is considered to be the soul of the nation. The
individuals will have to acknowledge and abide by cultures. Culture is referred to as the
collection of values of human life, which establishes the identity of the society.
Culture is referred to the expression of one’s nature within the modes of living and
thinking. Culture has an influence upon the lives of the individuals in terms of number of
factors. These include, implementing effective communication processes with others,
establishment of terms and relationships with others, different types of leisure and recreation
activities, enjoyment and the implementation of different types of tasks and activities. In the
material culture, there are number of factors that need to be taken into account, i.e. attire,
food and household goods. On the other hand, non-material culture includes, norms, values,
standards, principles and ethics. Culture varies from place to place and from one country to
another. These are characterised by distinctive cultures and traditions. The individuals have
their own lifestyles, occupations, differences in attire, food, festivals, events, rituals, customs,
traditions, political, cultural, social and economic activities. Within the course of time, the
individuals are required to bring about transformations within their cultures. One of the
important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, positivity needs to be reinforced in
putting into operation all the cultures.
In India, throughout the country, there are cultural sites, historical places, monuments,
and religious places. These places signify the culture, beauty and architecture of the country.
Apart from these, there are other factors that put emphasis on material artefacts, intellectual
achievements, philosophy, treasures of knowledge, scientific inventions and discoveries.
These are a part of heritage. Within the Indian framework, the contributions of Baudhyana,
Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and astrology,
Varahamihir in the field of physics, Nagarjuna in the field of chemistry, Susruta and Charak
in the field of medicines and Patanjali in the field of yoga are regarded as profound treasurers
in the Indian culture heritage. Changes can be brought about in culture, but not in heritage.
When the individuals go to foreign countries to acquire education or to get engaged in
employment opportunities, they are required to adapt to the norms and values of that nation.
In other words, one needs to acquire an efficient understanding of culture of that nation.
Therefore, it is well-understood, individuals will acquire an understanding of the meaning
and significance of culture.
Characteristics of Indian Culture
A Cosmic Vision
The framework of the Indian culture places the individuals within the conception of
the universe as the divine creation. It is not anthro-pocentric (human centric) and considers
all the elements of the nation, both living and non-living. These are considered as the
manifestations of the divine. In this manner, it respects God’s divine and promotes the ideal
of co-existence. The cosmic vision synthesises human beings, nature and God as an integral
whole. This is reflected in the perspective of Satyam-Shivam and Sundaram. Therefore, a
cosmic vision is a characteristic of Indian culture, which has been understood by the
individuals, belonging to both urban and rural communities.
Sense of Harmony
Indian philosophy and culture made an attempt to achieve an innate harmony and
order. This is extended to the entire cosmos. Indian culture assumes that the natural cosmic
order, inherent in the nature is the foundation of the moral and social order. Inner harmony is
supposed to be the foundation of the outer harmony. External order and beauty will naturally
follow from the inner harmony. Indian culture balances and seeks to synthesise the material
and the spiritual. This is illustrated in the concept of Purushartha. The inner beauty of the
individuals remain throughout one’s lives, whereas, the external beauty of the individuals is
temporary. Therefore, sense of harmony is the characteristic of Indian culture, which is of
utmost significance for individuals to understand.
Within the country, tolerance and liberalism are found in all religions, castes,
communities and so forth. Many cultures of foreign countries have also been prevalent
throughout the country. One of the advantageous factor is, Indian society make provisions of
opportunities to all cultures to thrive. This will be facilitating in promoting enhancement of
overall living conditions of the individuals. The India is a secular country. In India, all the
individuals have the right to practice the religion of his or her own choice. Throughout the
country, the various cultures that are practiced are, Shaka, Huna, Buddhist, Jain, Shithiyan,
Muslim, Christian and Sikh cultures. These are acknowledged throughout the country. The
development of the feelings of tolerance towards cultures is acknowledged in the Indian
society. Within different types of professional settings, i.e. educational institutions of all
levels and various types of employment settings, the individuals are different in terms of
cultures. Hence, in order to achieve professional goals, individuals will have to form positive
viewpoints in terms of different factors and individuals. In other words, one needs to form
positive viewpoints regarding various factors and individuals, whom one is working and
dealing with. Therefore, tolerance is an expedient characteristic of Indian culture.
Indian culture put emphasis on leading to up-gradation of norms and values among
individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-economic backgrounds. The
individuals need to ensure, they are putting into operation norms and values in their overall
standards of living. In this manner, they are rendering an important contribution in
reinforcing continuity and stability. Furthermore, individuals will put emphasis on various
factors, which would be facilitating in bringing about improvements in their overall quality of
lives. The individuals are required to put emphasis on generating information in terms of all
factors, which are necessary in emerging into moral and ethical human beings and productive
citizens of the country. The generation of information in terms of different factors will be
facilitating in doing well in their tasks and activities. In other words, individuals will
contribute efficiently in leading to an increase in motivation and concentration levels towards
putting into operation different types of tasks and activities. In other words, it is well-
understood, continuity and stability is put into practice in one’s tasks and activities.
Therefore, continuity and stability is an eminent characteristic of Indian culture.
The meaning of the term, adaptability is referred to flexibility and compliance. Within
neighbourhoods, in all communities, individuals are different from each other in terms of
cultures. But they are required to form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with each
other. They need to communicate with each other in terms of various types of aspects, which
would be facilitating in promoting enrichment. Within different types of professional settings,
i.e. educational institutions of all levels and various types of employment settings, the
individuals are different in terms of cultures. Hence, in order to achieve professional goals,
individuals will have to adjust with each other. Indian culture put emphasis on leading to up-
gradation of morals, ethics and values among individuals, belonging to all communities,
categories and socio-economic backgrounds. The individuals need to ensure, they are putting
into operation morals, ethics and values in promoting enrichment of their overall standards of
living. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, individuals are
required to possess an amiable attitude and an adjustable nature. This will be facilitating in
forming cordial and amiable terms and relationships with others. Therefore, adaptability is a
meaningful characteristic of Indian culture.
Spirituality is referred to the soul of the Indian culture. The existence of the soul is
accepted. The ultimate aim of the individuals is not physical comforts, but it is self-
realisation. There has been prevalence of the viewpoint that when the individuals reinforce
the traits of helpfulness and co-operation, treat each other with respect and courtesy and
dedicate themselves to the services of the Almighty, they will be able to bring about
improvements in their overall quality of lives. In this manner, they will render an important
contribution in carrying out their job duties and responsibilities in a well-ordered and
satisfactory manner. Therefore, spirituality is a characteristic of Indian culture, which has
been acknowledged by individuals, belonging to all communities.
Religious Dominance
The concept of religion has the central place in the Indian culture. Vedas, Upanishads,
Purans, Ramayan, Mahabharata, Gita, Agama, Tripitak, Quran and Bible are the religious
texts that have influenced the lives of the individuals. The individuals augment their
information in terms of different factors, which have enabled them to live productive lives.
The different aspects in terms of which individuals generate information are, generosity,
kind-heartedness, compassion, optimism, restraints, good conduct, friendliness, sympathy,
honesty, respect, goodness, decency, forgiveness and righteousness. From the stage of early
childhood, throughout the lives of the individuals, the individuals are required to focus on
these aspects and put these into practice. Therefore, religious dominance is a characteristic of
Indian culture, which has rendered an important contribution in promoting enrichment of
overall quality of lives of the individuals.
The concepts regarding good karma and good deeds have an important influence
within the context of Indian culture. From the stage of early childhood, throughout the lives
of the individuals, they are required to perform good deeds in order to obtain good results.
One needs to render an important contribution in promoting well-being and goodwill of
others. In other words, one should not hurt or do any harm to anybody. It is believed that one
takes action during good virtue and perform good deeds. It takes birth in higher order and live
a comfortable life. When individuals perform bad deeds, they are required to take birth in
lower order. Furthermore, they are required to undergo pain and suffering in their lives.
Upanishads state that the fruits of action are required to be appropriate. Hence, it is
comprehensively understood that individuals are required to experience the outcomes of good
and bad deeds. Therefore, it is well-understood, individuals, belonging to all communities,
categories and socio-economic backgrounds are required to perform good deeds in order to
obtain good results.
Emphasis on Duty
Within Indian society, individuals are putting emphasis on duty. An aimless life is
regarded as the meaningless life. Hence, all individuals, belonging to all communities,
categories and socio-economic backgrounds have different types of goals and objectives to
achieve. Some of these are, acquisition of good-quality education; getting engaged in
employment opportunities; enhancing one’s career prospects; augmenting different types of
skills and abilities; promoting good health and well-being, physically as well as
psychologically; promoting a normal mind-set; forming an effective social circle; managing
financial, technical, material and information resources in a satisfactory manner; leading to
up-gradation of one’s personality traits and bringing about improvements in one’s overall
standards of living. Indian culture generates information among individuals in terms of ways,
which would be facilitating in the achievement of desired goals and objectives. Hence,
individuals are required to put emphasis on duty in an effective manner. One of the important
aspects that needs to be taken into account is, individuals will have to make use of their
competencies and abilities in promoting well-being of community members. Therefore,
emphasis on duty is a characteristic of Indian culture, which has been acknowledged by
individuals on a comprehensive basis.
The joint family system is the family system, when two or more nuclear families live
under the common roof. This comprises of aunts, uncles, parents, children, siblings, cousins
and so forth. In most cases, the members of the joint family share the same kitchen. This is
apparently understood that individuals belonging to all communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds are overwhelmed by different types of problems and challenging
situations. Hence, within joint families, individuals will be able to obtain support and
assistance from each other in providing solutions to different types of problems and
challenging situations. As a consequence, individuals will be able to lead to up-gradation in
motivation and concentration levels in doing well in their tasks and activities and generating
desired outcomes. Furthermore, individuals will do well in their job duties and bring about
improvements in their overall quality of lives. One of the important aspects that needs to be
taken into account is, family members need to communicate with each other in an effective
manner. Furthermore, one needs to create an amiable environment within homes. Therefore,
the joint family system is a characteristic of Indian culture, which would be facilitating in
developing mutual understanding among family members.
In India, there has been prevalence of caste system. The individuals, belonging to
various castes are engaged in different types of occupations. But they have one of the vital
goals of bringing about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The four castes within
the Indian society are Brahmins, Kashtriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. The Brahmins are the
top-most castes. They are priests and teachers. The Kashatriyas are warriors and rulers. The
Vaishyas are traders, merchants, artisans and craftsmen. The Shudras are cleaners and
sweepers. In the present existence, there have been formulation of programs and measures,
which are facilitating in bringing about improvements in overall quality of lives of the
individuals. The individuals are provided with complete rights and opportunities, which
would make provision of options to them, so they can promote enrichment of their overall
standards of living. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, all
castes need to acquire an understanding of the rights and opportunities that are made
available to them. Therefore, the caste system is a characteristic of Indian culture, which is
facilitating in bringing about improvements in overall living conditions of individuals.
Unity in Diversity
In India, in all communities, individuals are different from each other in terms of
number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, gender, age groups, ethnicity, educational
qualifications, occupations, communities, and socio-economic backgrounds. In spite of these
differences, the individuals, belonging to all communities and socio-economic backgrounds
are required to work in collaboration and integration with each other in doing well in their job
duties and generating desired outcomes. Within different types of professional settings, i.e.
educational institutions of all levels and various types of employment settings, the individuals
are different in terms of cultures. Hence, in order to achieve professional goals, individuals
will have to form positive viewpoints in terms of different factors and individuals, whom one
is working and dealing with. In other words, one needs to reinforce a constructive approach
and form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with other individuals, within and
outside the homes. Hence, individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds are rendering an important contribution in accepting all types of
cultures. Therefore, unity in diversity is a noteworthy characteristic of Indian culture.
Culture is Learned and Acquired
Changes can be brought about in cultures, but not in heritage. When the individuals
go to foreign countries to acquire education or to get engaged in employment opportunities,
they are required to adapt to the norms and values of that nation. In other words, one needs to
acquire an efficient understanding of culture of that nation. The individuals migrate to other
countries in order to promote enhancement of their career prospects. Hence, in this manner,
their culture undergoes transformations. With advancements taking place and with the advent
of modernization and globalization, the individuals are making use of various types of
modern, scientific and innovative methods and materials. These are facilitating in carrying
out different tasks and activities in an efficient manner. The individuals, belonging to all
communities, occupations, categories and socio-economic backgrounds are required to get
engaged in regular practice in order to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms
of different types of methodologies and procedures. Hence, as modernization is taking place,
the culture is undergoing transformations in terms of different factors. Therefore, culture
undergoes transformations is a characteristic of Indian culture, which has been acknowledged
by individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-economic backgrounds.
Generating Information regarding Indian Culture Leads to
Progression of Individuals, Communities and Nation
Indian culture put emphasis on leading to up-gradation of morals, ethics and values
among individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-economic
backgrounds. The individuals need to ensure, they are putting into operation morals, ethics
and values in promoting enrichment of their overall standards of living. In this manner, they
are rendering an important contribution in reinforcing continuity and stability. Furthermore,
individuals will put emphasis on various factors, which would be facilitating in bringing
about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The individuals are required to put
emphasis on generating information in terms of all factors, which are necessary in emerging
into moral and ethical human beings and productive citizens of the country. The generation of
information in terms of different factors will be facilitating in doing well in their job duties
and responsibilities. Furthermore, individuals will render an important contribution in
overcoming setbacks in an effective manner. In addition, these will be prevented from giving
rise to impediments within the course of implementation of job duties. Therefore, it is
understood on a comprehensive basis that generating information regarding Indian culture
leads to progression of individuals, communities and nation.
Culture refers to the patterns of thought, behaviour of individuals, values, rules,
norms, ethics, conduct and patterns of social, economic and political organizations.
Characteristics of Indian culture are, a cosmic vision, sense of harmony, tolerance, continuity
and stability, adaptability, receptivity, spirituality, religious dominance, thoughts about karma
and reincarnation, emphasis on duty, the joint family system, the caste system, unity in
diversity, culture is learned and acquired and culture undergoes transformations. Generating
information regarding Indian culture leads to progression of individuals, communities and
nation. Finally, it can be stated, generating information regarding Indian culture is facilitating
in promoting well-being of individuals, communities and nation as a whole.
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