Lib Sci
Lib Sci
Lib Sci
● Every library, irrespective of its size and type, acquires, processes, and makes
available library material for use by the library users.
● In a library, the activities are grouped on the basis of job analysis into different
sections, and thus executed.
● These sections are made up of several sub-sections or units.
1. Acquisition Section
- It is an important functional unit of collection development. It acquires
relevant reading materials or information sources, such as, journals,
books, and periodicals, which are useful for the existing and potential
- Need and purpose:
a) achieve the objectives of the library,
b) satisfy the needs of the users of the library,
c) acquire best available reading materials deemed fit for the
d) acquire materials of preservation value within the scope of the
library, and
e) acquire material within the available resources (fund, space
and staff).
- Functions:
a) Selection - The process of selection revolves around the users of the library. It
is the process of selecting the best material for library.
b) Selection in Public Libraries - A public library has a wide range of users which
may include children, youth, old aged people. The need of the users may be
based on their economic class, education level, socio-cultural background,
etc. A public library has the responsibility of serving the community and
preserving the relevant information of the region.
c) Selection in Academic Libraries - The guiding factors of the academic library
are based on the educational courses and the demands of the students, and
support staff. Since, the universities offer research programmes, the selection
of material must be done with proper care.
d) Selection in Special Libraries - A special library is meant to serve the
information needs of the parent organization of a library. Hence, the selection
of information sources is based on the short term and long term programmes
of the parent organization.
i) Authority (Authenticity): The expertise and affiliation of the author regarding the
subject of writing should be assessed.
ii) Accuracy: The content of the document should be accurate and authentic
iii) Bibliographies: Document should be supported by references in case of nonfiction
book. The format of bibliography should be standard and information should be
iv) Vocabulary: The vocabulary of the document should be at par with the level of the
users for whom it has been written.
v) Fiction: In the case of a book of fiction, the author, title, style, theme, plot, setting,
characters, and reviews should be evaluated.
- Before ordering the materials for acquisition, pre-order search is conducted to avoid
- After the process of pre-order search is completed, a purchase order is generated
and sent to the approved vendor/ supplier of the library.
- Order supplied by vendor with bill or invoices.
- Every lib maintains its stock register for details of acquired materials. This is called
accession register. It has fourteen columns for recording the bibliographical details.
● Modes of Acquisition
1. Purchase of selected material.
2. Gift from non commercial institution, author.
3. Exchange from other institution.
4. Online acquisition from vendor’s portal.
5. Consortia based acquisition, the libraries come together, form a group and
acquire e-sources collectively to save funds.
● Cataloguing Section
1. the process of creating catalogue of the library holdings on the basis of
catalogue rules or code adopted by a particular library.
2. In India, Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) and Classified
Cataloguing Code (CCC) are practised.
- Functions of Cataloguing Section:
1. Preparing Catalogue: cataloguer prepares different cards for books or any
other material acquired by the library.
2. Labelling and Pasting: The cataloguing department prepares books or any
materials for service. Different types of labels as authority stamp, spine label,
due date slip, book pocket, etc. are prepared and pasted.
3. Cards Checking by Chief Cataloguer: The quality of catalogue is very
important. Hence, the checking of entries and labels pasted on the books is
carried out by the chief cataloguer. If needed, corrections are done before
releasing the catalogue cards for filing.
4. Filing Catalogue Cards: The cataloguing department files the catalogue
cards as per the filing code adopted by the library.
5. Preparation of Addition List: cataloguing department prepares the list of
new additions to the library holdings for informing the users of the library
within a stipulated period.
● Circulation Section
- It allows the users to issue library books and satisfy their reading quest.
- the library has the mechanism to lend books and other library resources to its
member for a certain period of time.
- This process is known as circulation.
- It promotes maximum and productive use of the library material.
● Binding Section
- Libraries have two major objectives, firstly, to satisfy the information needs of
the users, and secondly, to preserve the intellectual heritage of the society for
- Some of the reasons of having good and attractive bindings are as follows:
- (i) To reduce the risk of mishandling
- (ii) To guard against wear and tear
- (iii) To avoid shabbiness
- (iv) To create new-cover to appeal and attract readers
- (v) To preserve perishable and frail materials
- (vi) To ensure entire satisfaction of users
● Maintenance Section
- responsible for shelving, re-shelving, maintaining orderly arrangement of the
collection and taking care of all types of library material and associated
- This section performs the following functions:
1. Shelving and Display of the library material
2. Maintenance of the collection
3. Preservation of the library collection
2. Referral Service
- service which, if unable to provide the information required, refers the enquirer
to another potential source or service
1. Mobile Applications for Libraries - include i) mobile interface to lib website and
catalogue ii)mobile reference service iii) downloadable ebook and audiobook
2. Application of Cloud Computing in Libraries - to i)develop cloud based digital lib ii)
share searchable lib data iii)host websites iv) search scholarly content
● Library automation is the general term for ICT applications in the library, which has
replaced manual systems in libraries. It ensures effective effective management and
utilization of the library resources.
2. Cataloguing
- Each book undergoes technical processing
- In the process of cataloguing, catalogue cards are prepared based on
a cataloguing standard,like AACR-2 or CCC.
- It is used for preparing a specific card for each book.
- The process of preparing cards for the recently purchased books is
done, the books are ready to be placed in the stacks.
3. Circulation Control
- In this process, documents are provided on loan to the library users.
- In this service, a user is allowed to borrow library documents for a
specific period of time.
- It is controlled on the basis of a library’s circulation policy.
- This polic specifies which type of user is entitled to get a specific type
of document and for how many days.
- If a user does not return books within the due date, it is the duty of the
library staff to remind him/her so that the specific book(s) may be
provided to other users.
1. Acquisition
● It acquires reading materials (books, maps, charts, etc).
● Manual acquisition system requires the maintenance of vast amount of data,
innumerable files, records, etc., which involve repetitive tasks.
● The following are the main tasks in the acquisition section:
1. Selection of documents
2. Ordering of documents
3. Create purchase orders
4. Extended procurements
5. Expenditure out of allocated funds
6. Tracking up-to-date expenditures
2. Cataloguing
● They are the windows to the library collection and their automation has far reaching
effect on the quality of services.
● In manual environment, much valuable time of professional staff is invested in the
preparation of catalogue cards for each book.
● Checking for duplicate entries is another tedious and time consuming process.
● Computerized catalogue can generate list of recent arrivals, print catalogue cards
and prepare bibliographies.
● It is a computerized catalogue available to public for searching online.
● It is an interactive search module of an automated Integrated Library Management
● It is very dynamic, highly flexible, easy and capable to meet almost every possible
approach of the user.
4. Circulation
● It involves direct interaction between users and staff, and therefore requires
efficient and speedy service.
● The main functions in this section are:
1. Issue of docs
2. Return of docs
3. Renewal of docs
4. Hold of docs
5. Message notices to users
6. Inventory control
5. Serials Control
● Serials mean publications issued at regular intervals and intended to be
continued indefinitely.
● They include journals, newspapers, annual reports, monographic series, etc.
● It deals with a large no. of publications and expenditure.
● Main tasks performed in the serials control section are:
1. Subscription to journals
2. Subscription to e-journals & database
3. Renewals of e-journals & database
4. Monographic serials
5. Invoice processing
● The automated serial control system assists in making the system efficient as:
- It reminds regarding the due date of the periodical receiving
- It reminds the due date for the next issue
- It reminds about sending periodical subscription in advance
6. Reporting
● Library automation software has to be managed in such a way
that users get maximum benefit.
● The reporting features of library automation software includes
the following:
- Various reports and statistics related to lib activities
- Tools for the analysis of statistical information
- Lists of user, publishers, and suppliers
- Stock verification and develops stock verification report,
● ILMS is a library automation system in which data is entered in one module to avoid
data redundancy.
● Some of the significant lib automation software are Software for University
Libraries (SOUL), and KOHA.
● SOUL is an ILMS.
● It is developed by the University Grants Commission’s INFLIBNET Centre located at
● primarily developed for fulfilling the requirements of college and university libraries
but now can be sued by all types of academic lib.
● first version, SOUL 1.0 was released in 2000 and latest version SOUL 2.0 was
released in 2008.
● Main features of SOUL 2.0 are: (IMP)
- provides multilingual support for Indian and other foreign languages based on
- Compliant with MARC-21, AACR-II, MARC-XML, and other international
- Based on client-server architecture.
- supports multi-platform for bibliographic databases like My SQL,etc.
- Users can develop reports of their choice and format
- Provides in-built facility for sending reports through e-mails.
- presents a user-friendly OPAC with simple and advanced search.
- Provided at an affordable cost.
● Installation: (not imp)
- The basic technological requirements for using SOUL are as follows:
- Computer processor: Pentium IV or higher version
- Minimum processing speed: 1.6 GHz
- Minimum RAM: 512 MB (Although recommendation is 1 GB)
- Hard disk space required: Minimum 400 MB
- Windows based operating systems like XP or Vista or 2003 or 2008 server
● Cataloguing Module
The features of the catalogue module are:
1. allows cataloguers to create their own templates for data entry
2. allows user-generated customized reports
3. Multi-lingual database
4. Supports full MARC-21 bibliographic format
● Open source: Meaning - Open source software is a software, available with its
source code and license. Its copyright holder is provided the right to study, and
distribute the software to anybody for any type of purpose.
● Open Source Software for Libraries - The most popular open source library
automation software are: Koha, Evergreen, OPALS (Open Source Automated Library
System), NextGenLib,etc.
● Merits of Open Source software -
1. normally available free of cost.
2. One can download it with its source code for any type of library usage.
3. One is allowed to modify its source code for satisfying his/her requirements.
● Created in 1999
● developed in 2000 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in
New Zealand
● includes all the main features related to library management, like:
(i) easy interface for librarians and users
(ii)Web 2.0 compliant
(iii)Union catalogue facility
(iv)customizable search
(v)budgets and pricing info
● important role in accessing union catalogue of library, reference, facts finding etc
● concerned only with the bibliographic reference of sources
● most commonly used bibliographic online databases in India is DELNET
5.Multimedia Databases
1. Boolean Operators
2. Phrase Searching and Match Exact Word/Phrases
3. Field specific search and limit field search
4. Truncation and wild card
5. Proximity search
6. Range searching(most useful with numerical info)
7. Keyword searching
8. Word stemming