Meal Plan Umair
Meal Plan Umair
Meal Plan Umair
A little about
your Dietitian
Dear Client:
Your ideal weight according to your height is 75kgs. Your goal requires maximum 4 months to reach
your destination. You will achieve this goal with patience and consistency Inshallah.
The Hunger Scale
Weak & Dizzy
Hungry ! EAT
Comfortably Hungry
Slightly Hungry
Uncomfortably Full
I feel sick
Thank you for subscribing my diet
plan.I've compiled this meal plan
tailored to your needs. It's
important to remember that
everyone is having different needs.
I congratulate you on taking the
first step towards your better
health. Many Many good wishes for
you. Hope You will enjoy this
weight loss journey. If you have
any question, You can contact me