Astm A29-A29m (2020)

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: A29/A29M − 20

Standard Specification for

General Requirements for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy,
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A29/A29M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* 1.2 In case of any conflict in requirements, the requirements

2 of the purchase order, the individual material specification, and
1.1 This specification covers a group of common require-
this general specification shall prevail in the sequence named.
ments which, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order
or in an individual specification, shall apply to carbon and alloy 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units
steel bars under each of the following ASTM specifications (or are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
under any other ASTM specification which invokes this each system are not necessarily exact equivalents; therefore, to
specification or portions thereof): ensure conformance with the standard, each system shall used
Title of Specification ASTM
independently of the other, and values from the two systems
DesignationA shall not be combined.
Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Bars:
Steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched and Tempered A321 1.4 For purposes of determining conformance to this speci-
Steel Bars and Shapes, Carbon Rolled from “T’’ Rails A499 fication and the various material specifications referenced in
Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades A575 1.1, dimensional values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in
Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality A576
Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical A663/A663M the right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting
Properties values in accordance with the rounding method of Practice
Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Me- A675/A675M E29.
chanical Properties
Steel Bars for Springs, Carbon and Alloy A689 NOTE 1—Specification A29/A29M previously listed dimensional toler-
Cold-Finished Carbon Steel Bars:
ances for cold-finished bars; these are now found in Specification A108.
Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-Finished A108
Cold-Drawn Stress-Relieved Carbon Steel Bars Sub- A311/A311M 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
ject to Mechanical Property Requirements safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Hot-Rolled Alloy Steel Bars:
Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades A322 responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars Subject to End-Quench A304 priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
Hardenability Requirements mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or Cold-Finished, A434/A434M
Quenched and Tempered 1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought, for Elevated Tempera- A739 dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
ture or Pressure-Containing Parts, or Both
Cold-Finished Alloy Steel Bars:
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished, A434/A434M Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
Quenched and Tempered mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought or Cold-Finished, A696
Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Components
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
These designations refer to the latest issue of the respective specifications, 2. Referenced Documents
which appear either in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05, or as
reprints obtainable from ASTM. 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
A108 Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-
A304 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars Subject
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, to End-Quench Hardenability Requirements
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.15 on Bars.
Current edition approved July 1, 2020. Published July 2020. Originally approved
in 1957. Last previous edition approved in 2016 as A29/A29M – 16. DOI: For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
10.1520/A0029_A0029M-20. contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications, see related Specifi- Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
cation SA-29/SA-29M in Section II of that Code. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
A29/A29M − 20
A311/A311M Specification for Cold-Drawn, Stress- AIAG B-5 02.00 Primary Metals Tag Application Standard
Relieved Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Prop-
erty Requirements 3. Terminology
A321 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched and 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Tempered (Withdrawn 2007)4
3.1.1 cold-finished steel bars—steel bars produced by cold
A322 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades
finishing previously hot-wrought bars by means of cold
A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
drawing, cold forming, turning, grinding, or polishing (singly
of Steel Products
or in combination) to yield straight lengths or coils in sections
A434/A434M Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-
that are uniform throughout their length and in the following
Wrought or Cold-Finished, Quenched and Tempered
sections and sizes:
A499 Specification for Steel Bars and Shapes, Carbon
Rolled from “T” Rails rounds—9 in. [230 mm] and under in diameter,
A575 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant squares—6 in. [150 mm] and under between parallel
Quality, M-Grades surfaces,
A576 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, hexagons—4 in. [100 mm] and under between par-
Special Quality
allel surfaces,
A663/A663M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Mer-
chant Quality, Mechanical Properties flats—1⁄8 in. [3 mm] and over in thickness and not
A675/A675M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot- over 12 in. [300 mm] in width, and
Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties special bar sections.
A689 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for 3.1.2 hot-wrought steel bars—steel bars produced by hot
Springs forming ingots, blooms, billets, or other semifinished forms to
A696 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought or yield straight lengths (or coils, depending upon size, section,
Cold-Finished, Special Quality, for Pressure Piping Com- and mill equipment) in sections that are uniform throughout
ponents their length, and in the following sections and sizes:
A700 Guide for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods rounds—7⁄32 in. to 10.0 in. [5.5 mm to 250 mm],
for Steel Products for Shipment
A739 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought, for
Elevated Temperature or Pressure-Containing Parts, or squares—7⁄32 in. to 6.0 in. [6 mm to 160 mm],
Both inclusive;
A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemi- round-cornered squares—7⁄32 in. to 8.0 in. [6 mm to
cal Analysis of Steel Products 200 mm], inclusive;
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to flats—1⁄4 in. to 8 in. inclusive, in width: 13⁄64 in. in
Determine Conformance with Specifications
minimum thickness up to 6 in. in width; and 0.230 in. in
E112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
minimum thickness for over 6 in. to 8 in. in width, inclusive
2.2 ASME Code:5 [over 5 mm in thickness up to 150 mm in width; and over 6 mm
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in thickness for over 150 mm through 200 mm in width].
2.3 Federal Standards:6 Maximum thickness for all widths is 4 in. [100 mm];
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
Fed. Std. No. 183 Continuous Identification Marking of Iron hexagons and octagons—1⁄4 in. to 41⁄16 in. [6 mm to
and Steel Products 103 mm], inclusive, between parallel surfaces;
2.4 Military Standard:6 bar size shapes—Angles, channels, tees, zees, when
MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products—Preparation for Ship- their greatest cross-sectional dimension is under 3 in. [75 mm];
ment and Storage and
2.5 Other Standards:7 special bar sections—Half-rounds, ovals, half-ovals,
AIAG B-1 Bar Code Symbology Standard for 3-of-9 Bar other special bar size sections.
Codes 3.1.3 lot—unless otherwise specified in the contract or
order, a lot shall consist of all bars submitted for inspection at
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
the same time of the same heat, condition, finish, size, or shape. For bars specified in the quenched and tempered condition,
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME when heat treated in batch-type furnaces, a lot shall consist of
International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http:// all bars from the same heat, of the same prior condition, the
Copies of military specifications, military standards, and federal standards same size, and subjected to the same heat treatment in one
required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be tempering charge. For bars specified in the quenched and
obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer, or from tempered condition, when heat treated without interruption in a
DLA Document Services, Building 4/D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA
continuous-type furnace, a lot shall consist of all bars from the
Available from Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), 4400 Town Center, same heat, of the same prior condition, of the same size, and
Southfield, MI 48075-1104, subjected to the same heat treatment.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
A29/A29M − 20
4. Chemical Composition squares, hexagons, and the like. Chips are taken by milling or
4.1 Limits: machining the full cross section of the piece. Drilling is not a
4.1.1 The chemical composition shall conform to the re- feasible method for sampling sizes 0.75 in.2 and smaller.
quirements specified in the purchase order or the individual Applicable to products where the width of the cross
product specifications. For convenience, the grades commonly section greatly exceeds the thickness, such as bar size shapes
specified for carbon steel bars are shown in Table 1 and for and light flat bars. Chips are taken by drilling entirely through
alloy steel bars in Table 2. Bars may be ordered to these grade the steel at a point midway between the edge and the middle of
designations and when so ordered shall conform to the speci- the section, or by milling or machining the entire cross section.
fied limits by heat analysis. Applicable to large rounds, squares semifinished,
4.1.2 When compositions other than those shown in Tables etc. Chips are taken at any point midway between the outside
1 and 2 are required, the composition limits shall be prepared and the center of the piece by drilling parallel to the axis or by
using the ranges and limits shown in Table 3 for carbon steel milling or machining the full cross section. In cases where
and Table 4 for alloy steel. these methods are not practicable, the piece may be drilled on
the side, but chips are not taken until they represent the portion
4.2 Heat or Cast Analysis: midway between the outside and the center.
4.2.1 The chemical composition of each heat or cast shall be When the steel is subject to tension test
determined by the manufacturer in accordance with Test requirements, the tension test specimen can also be used for
Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751. product analysis. In that case, chips for product analysis can be
4.2.2 The heat or cast analysis shall conform to the require- taken by drilling entirely through the tension test specimens or
ments specified in the product specification or purchase order. by the method described in
These can be the heat chemical range and limit for a grade 4.3.4 When chips are taken by drilling, the diameter of the
designated in Tables 1 and 2, or another range and limit in drill used shall conform to the following:
accordance with 4.1.2, or with requirements of the product Area of Sample Cross Section, Approximate Drill Diameter,
specification. in.2 [cm2] in. [mm]
16 [100] or less 1⁄2 [12.5]

NOTE 2—Heat analysis for lead is not determinable since lead is added Over 16 [100] 1 [25.0]
to the ladle stream while each ingot is poured. When specified as an added
element to a standard steel, the percentage of lead is reported as 0.15 to 4.3.5 The minimum number of samples to be taken from
0.35 incl, which is the range commonly specified for this element. material representing the same heat or lot before rejection by
the purchaser shall be as follows:
4.2.3 If requested or required, the heat analysis shall be
reported to the purchaser or his representative. Minimum Number
of Samples
4.2.4 Reporting of significant figures and rounding shall be 15 tons [15 Mg] and under 4
in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology Over 15 tons [15 Mg] 6
A751. 4.3.6 In case the number of pieces in a heat is less than the
4.3 Product Analysis: number of samples required, one sample from each piece shall
4.3.1 Merchant quality carbon bar steel is not subject to be considered sufficient.
rejection for product analysis unless misapplication of a heat is 4.3.7 In the event that product analysis determinations are
clearly indicated. outside the permissible limits as prescribed in 4.3.2, additional
4.3.2 Analyses may be made by the purchaser from finished samples shall be analyzed and the acceptability of the heat
bars other than merchant quality representing each heat of negotiated between the purchaser and the producer.
open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace steel. The 4.4 Referee Analysis—In case a referee analysis is required
chemical composition thus determined shall not vary from the and agreed upon to resolve a dispute concerning the results of
limits specified in the applicable specification by more than the a chemical analysis, the referee analysis shall be performed in
amounts prescribed in Table 5 and Table 6, but the several accordance with the latest issue of Test Methods, Practices, and
determinations of any element, excluding lead, in a heat may Terminology A751, unless otherwise agreed upon between the
not vary both above and below the specified range. Rimmed or manufacturer and the purchaser.
capped steel is characterized by a lack of homogeneity in its
composition, especially for the elements carbon, phosphorus, 5. Grain Size Requirement
and sulfur; therefore, when rimmed or capped steel is specified 5.1 Austenitic Grain Size—All requirements for austenitic
or required, the limitations for these elements shall not be grain size control in Section 5 refer to the size of the austenite
applicable. Because of the degree to which phosphorus and grain which forms during a subsequent bar reheating operation
sulfur segregate, the limitations for these elements shall not be at or above the recrystallization temperature. These require-
applicable to rephosphorized or resulfurized steels. ments do not apply to, nor do they in any way control, the prior
4.3.3 Samples for product analysis shall be taken by one of austenite grain size or the ferrite grain size of the bar in the
the following methods: as-rolled condition. Applicable to small sections whose cross-sectional 5.1.1 When a coarse austenitic grain size is specified, the
area does not exceed 0.75 in.2 [500 mm2] such as rounds, steel shall have a grain size number of 1 to 5 exclusive as

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
A29/A29M − 20
TABLE 1 Grade Designations and Chemical Compositions of Carbon Steel Bars
Heat Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
Grade Designation
Carbon Manganese Phosphorus, max Sulfur, maxA
B, C, D, E, F
Nonresulfurized Carbon Steels
1005 0.06 max 0.35 max 0.040 0.050
1006 0.08 max 0.25–0.40 0.040 0.050
1008 0.10 max 0.30–0.50 0.040 0.050
1010 0.08–0.13 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1011 0.08–0.13 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1012 0.10–0.15 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1013 0.11–0.16 0.50–0.80 0.040 0.050
1015 0.13–0.18 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1016 0.13–0.18 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1017 0.15–0.20 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1018 0.15–0.20 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1019 0.15–0.20 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1020 0.18–0.23 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1021 0.18–0.23 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1022 0.18–0.23 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1023 0.20–0.25 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1025 0.22–0.28 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1026 0.22–0.28 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1029 0.25–0.31 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1030 0.28–0.34 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1034 0.32–0.38 0.50–0.80 0.040 0.050
1035 0.32–0.38 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1037 0.32–0.38 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1038 0.35–0.42 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1039 0.37–0.44 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1040 0.37–0.44 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1042 0.40–0.47 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1043 0.40–0.47 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1044 0.43–0.50 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1045 0.43–0.50 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1046 0.43–0.50 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1049 0.46–0.53 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1050 0.48–0.55 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1053 0.48–0.55 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.050
1055 0.50–0.60 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1059 0.55–0.65 0.50–0.80 0.040 0.050
1060 0.55–0.65 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1064 0.60–0.70 0.50–0.80 0.040 0.050
1065 0.60–0.70 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1069 0.65–0.75 0.40–0.70 0.040 0.050
1070 0.65–0.75 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1071 0.65–0.70 0.75–1.05 0.040 0.050
1074 0.70–0.80 0.50–0.80 0.040 0.050
1075 0.70–0.80 0.40–0.70 0.040 0.050
1078 0.72–0.85 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.050
1080 0.75–0.88 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1084 0.80–0.93 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1086 0.80–0.93 0.30–0.50 0.040 0.050
1090 0.85–0.98 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.050
1095 0.90–1.03 0.30–0.50 0.040 0.050
Resulfurized Carbon SteelsB,D,F
1108 0.08–0.13 0.60–0.80 0.040 0.08–0.13
1109 0.08–0.13 0.60–0.90 0.040 0.08–0.13
1110 0.08–0.13 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.08–0.13
1116 0.14–0.20 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.16–0.23
1117 0.14–0.20 1.00–1.30 0.040 0.08–0.13
1118 0.14–0.20 1.30–1.60 0.040 0.08–0.13
1119 0.14–0.20 1.00–1.30 0.040 0.24–0.33
1132 0.27–0.34 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.08–0.13
1137 0.32–0.39 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.08–0.13
1139 0.35–0.43 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.13–0.20
1140 0.37–0.44 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.08–0.13
1141 0.37–0.45 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.08–0.13
1144 0.40–0.48 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.24–0.33
1145 0.42–0.49 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.04–0.07
1146 0.42–0.49 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.08–0.13
1151 0.48–0.55 0.70–1.00 0.040 0.08–0.13
Rephosphorized and Resulfurized Carbon SteelsD,F
Grade Designation Carbon Manganese Phosphorous Sulfur Lead
1211 0.13 max 0.60–0.90 0.07–0.12 0.10–0.15 ...
1212 0.13 max 0.70–1.00 0.07–0.12 0.16–0.23 ...

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
A29/A29M − 20
TABLE 1 Continued
Rephosphorized and Resulfurized Carbon SteelsD,F
Grade Designation Carbon Manganese Phosphorous Sulfur Lead
1213 0.13 max 0.70–1.00 0.07–0.12 0.24–0.33 ...
1215 0.09 max 0.75–1.05 0.04–0.09 0.26–0.35 ...
12L13 0.13 max 0.70–1.00 0.07–0.12 0.24–0.33 0.15–0.35
12L14 0.15 max 0.85–1.15 0.04–0.09 0.26–0.35 0.15–0.35
12L15 0.09 max 0.75–1.05 0.04–0.09 0.26–0.35 0.15–0.35
High-Manganese Carbon SteelsB,C,D,E,F
Grade Designation Former Designation Carbon Manganese Phosphorous, max Sulfur, max
1513 ... 0.10–0.16 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.050
1518 ... 0.15–0.21 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.050
1522 ... 0.18–0.24 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.050
1524 1024 0.19–0.25 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.050
1525 ... 0.23–0.29 0.80–1.10 0.040 0.050
1526 ... 0.22–0.29 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.050
1527 1027 0.22–0.29 1.20–1.50 0.040 0.050
1536 1036 0.30–0.37 1.20–1.50 0.040 0.050
1541 1041 0.36–0.44 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.050
1547 ... 0.43–0.51 1.35–1.65 0.040 0.050
1548 1048 0.44–0.52 1.10–1.40 0.040 0.050
1551 1051 0.45–0.56 0.85–1.15 0.040 0.050
1552 1052 0.47–0.55 1.20–1.50 0.040 0.050
1561 1061 0.55–0.65 0.75–1.05 0.040 0.050
1566 1066 0.60–0.71 0.85–1.15 0.040 0.050
1572 1072 0.65–0.76 1.00–1.30 0.040 0.050
Heat Chemical Ranges and Limits, percent
Merchant Quality M Series Carbon Steel Bars
Grade Designation Carbon ManganeseG Phosphorous, max Sulfur, max
M 1008 0.10 max 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1010 0.07–0.14 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1012 0.09–0.16 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1015 0.12–0.19 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1017 0.14–0.21 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1020 0.17–0.24 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1023 0.19–0.27 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1025 0.20–0.30 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1031 0.26–0.36 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
M 1044 0.40–0.50 0.25–0.60 0.04 0.05
Maximum unless otherwise indicated.
When silicon is required, the following ranges and limits are commonly specified: 0.10 %, max, 0.10 % to 0.20 %, 0.15 % to 0.35 %, 0.20 % to 0.40 %, or 0.30 % to
0.60 %.
Copper can be specified when required as 0.20 % minimum.
When lead is required as an added element to a standard steel, a range of 0.15 to 0.35 % inclusive is specified. Such a steel is identified by inserting the letter “L” between
the second and third numerals of the grade designation, for example, 10 L 45. A cast or heat analysis is not determinable when lead is added to the ladle stream.
When boron treatment for killed steels is specified, the steels can be expected to contain 0.0005 to 0.003 % boron. If the usual titanium additive is not permitted, the
steels can be expected to contain up to 0.005 % boron.
The elements bismuth, calcium, selenium, or tellurium may be added as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.
Unless prohibited by the purchaser, the manganese content may exceed 0.60 % on heat analysis to a maximum of 0.75 %, provided the carbon range on heat analysis
has the minimum and maximum reduced by 0.01 % for each 0.05 % manganese over 0.60 %.

determined in accordance with Test Methods E112. Confor- By agreement between purchaser and supplier, co-
mance to this grain size of 70 % of the grains in the area lumbium8 or vanadium, or both, may be used for grain refining
examined shall constitute the basis of acceptance. One test per instead of or with aluminum. When columbium or vanadium is
heat shall be made. used as a grain refining element, the fine austenitic grain size
5.1.2 When a fine austenitic grain size is specified, the steel requirement shall be deemed to be fulfilled if, on heat analysis,
shall have a grain size number of 5 or higher as determined in the columbium or vanadium content is as follows (the content
accordance with Test Methods E112. Conformance to this of the elements shall be reported with the heat analysis):
grain size of 70 % of the area examined shall constitute the Steels having 0.25 % carbon or less:
basis of acceptance. One test per heat shall be made unless the Cb 0.025 min
V 0.05 min
provisions of or are exercised. When aluminum is used as the grain refining Steels having over 0.25 % carbon:
element, the fine austenitic grain size requirement shall be Cb 0.015 min
deemed to be fulfilled if, on heat analysis, the aluminum V 0.02 min
content is not less than 0.020 % total aluminum or, alternately,
0.015 % acid soluble aluminum. The aluminum content shall
be reported. The grain size test specified in 5.1.2 shall be the 8
Columbium (Cb) and Niobium (Nb) are alternate names for element 41 in the
referee test. Periodic Table of the Elements.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
A29/A29M − 20
TABLE 2 Grade Designations and Chemical Compositions of Alloy Steel Bars
NOTE 1—Small quantities of certain elements are present in alloy steels, which are not specified or required. These elements are considered as incidental
and may be present to the following maximum amounts: copper, 0.35 %; nickel, 0.25 %; chromium, 0.20 % and molybdenum, 0.06 %.
NOTE 2—Where minimum and maximum sulfur content is shown it is indicative of resulfurized steel.
NOTE 3—The chemical ranges and limits shown in Table 2 are produced to product analysis tolerances shown in Table 6.
NOTE 4—Standard alloy steels can be produced with a lead range of 0.15 to 0.35 %. Such steels are identified by inserting the letter “L” between the
second and third numerals of the AISI number, for example, 41 L 40. A cast or heat analysis is not determinable when lead is added to the ladle stream.
Heat Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
Designation Phosphorus, Sulfur,
Carbon Manganese SiliconA Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Vanadium
max max
1330 0.28–0.33 1.60–1.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... ... ...
1335 0.33–0.38 1.60–1.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... ... ...
1340 0.38–0.43 1.60–1.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... ... ...
1345 0.43–0.48 1.60–1.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ...

4012 0.09–0.14 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.15–0.25 ...
4023 0.20–0.25 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4024 0.20–0.25 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.035–0.050 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4027 0.25–0.30 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4028 0.25–0.30 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.035–0.050 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4032 0.30–0.35 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4037 0.35–0.40 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4042 0.40–0.45 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4047 0.45–0.50 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.20–0.30 ...

4118 0.18–0.23 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.40–0.60 0.08–0.15 ...
4120 0.18–0.23 0.90–1.20 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.40–0.60 0.13–0.20 ...
4121 0.18–0.23 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.45–0.65 0.20–0.30 ...
4130 0.28–0.33 0.40–0.60 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4135 0.33–0.38 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4137 0.35–0.40 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4140 0.38–0.43 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4142 0.40–0.45 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4145 0.43–0.48 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4147 0.45–0.50 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4150 0.48–0.53 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 0.15–0.25 ...
4161 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 0.25–0.35 ...

4320 0.17–0.22 0.45–0.65 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 0.40–0.60 0.20–0.30 ...
4340 0.38–0.43 0.60–0.80 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 0.70–0.90 0.20–0.30 ...
E4340 0.38–0.43 0.65–0.85 0.025 0.025 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 0.70–0.90 0.20–0.30 ...

4419 0.18–0.23 0.45–0.65 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.45–0.60 ...
4422 0.20–0.25 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.35–0.45 ...
4427 0.24–0.29 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... ... 0.35–0.45 ...

4615 0.13–0.18 0.45–0.65 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4620 0.17–0.22 0.45–0.65 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4621 0.18–0.23 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 1.65–2.00 ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4626 0.24–0.29 0.45–0.65 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.70–1.00 ... 0.15–0.25 ...

4715 0.13–0.18 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.70–1.00 0.45–0.65 0.45–0.60 ...
4718 0.16–0.21 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.90–1.20 0.35–0.55 0.30–0.40 ...
4720 0.17–0.22 0.50–0.70 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.90–1.20 0.35–0.55 0.15–0.25 ...

4815 0.13–0.18 0.40–0.60 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 3.25–3.75 ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4817 0.15–0.20 0.40–0.60 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 3.25–3.75 ... 0.20–0.30 ...
4820 0.18–0.23 0.50–0.70 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 3.25–3.75 ... 0.20–0.30 ...

5015 0.12–0.17 0.30–0.50 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.30–0.50 ... ...
5046 0.43–0.48 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.20–0.35 ... ...

5115 0.13–0.18 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5120 0.17–0.22 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5130 0.28–0.33 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 ... ...
5132 0.30–0.35 0.60–0.80 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.75–1.00 ... ...
5135 0.33–0.38 0.60–0.80 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.05 ... ...
5140 0.38–0.43 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5145 0.43–0.48 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5147 0.46–0.51 0.70–0.95 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.85–1.15 ... ...
5150 0.48–0.53 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5155 0.51–0.59 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...
5160 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...

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TABLE 2 Continued
Heat Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
Designation Phosphorus, Sulfur,
Carbon Manganese SiliconA Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Vanadium
max max

E50100 0.98–1.10 0.25–0.45 0.025 0.025 0.15–0.35 ... 0.40–0.60 ... ...

E51100 0.98–1.10 0.25–0.45 0.025 0.025 0.15–0.35 ... 0.90–1.15 ... ...

E52100 0.98–1.10 0.25–0.45 0.025 0.025 0.15–0.35 ... 1.30–1.60 ... ...
52100B 0.93–1.05 0.25–0.45 0.025 0.015 0.15–0.35 ... 1.35–1.60 ... ...

6118 0.16–0.21 0.50–0.70 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.50–0.70 ... 0.10–0.15
6150 0.48–0.53 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.80–1.10 ... 0.15 min

8115 0.13–0.18 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.20–0.40 0.30–0.50 0.08–0.15 ...

8615 0.13–0.18 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8617 0.15–0.20 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8620 0.18–0.23 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8622 0.20–0.25 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8625 0.23–0.28 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8627 0.25–0.30 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8630 0.28–0.33 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8637 0.35–0.40 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8640 0.38–0.43 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8642 0.40–0.45 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8645 0.43–0.48 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8650 0.48–0.53 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8655 0.51–0.59 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...
8660 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.25 ...

8720 0.18–0.23 0.70–0.90 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.7 0.40–0.60 0.20–0.30 ...
8740 0.38–0.43 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.20–0.30 ...

8822 0.20–0.25 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.40–0.70 0.40–0.60 0.30–0.40 ...

9254 0.51–0.59 0.60–0.80 0.035 0.040 1.20–1.60 ... 0.60–0.80 ... ...
9255 0.51–0.59 0.70–0.95 0.035 0.040 1.80–2.20 ... ... ... ...
9259 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.70–1.10 ... 0.45–0.65 ... ...
9260 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 1.80–2.20 ... ... ... ...

E9310 0.08–0.13 0.45–0.65 0.025 0.025 0.15–0.30 3.00–3.50 1.00–1.40 0.08–0.15 ...
Standard Boron SteelsC
50B44 0.43–0.48 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.20–0.60 ... ...
50B46 0.44–0.49 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.20–0.35 ... ...
50B50 0.48–0.53 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.40–0.60 ... ...
50B60 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.40–0.60 ... ...

51B60 0.56–0.64 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 ... 0.70–0.90 ... ...

81B45 0.43–0.48 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.20–0.40 0.35–0.55 0.08–0.15 ...

94B17 0.15–0.20 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.30–0.60 0.30–0.50 0.08–0.15 ...
94B30 0.28–0.33 0.75–1.00 0.035 0.040 0.15–0.35 0.30–0.60 0.30–0.50 0.08–0.15 ...
Silicon may be specified by the purchaser as 0.10 % maximum. The need for 0.10 % maximum generally relates to severe cold-formed parts.
The purchaser may also require the following maximums: copper 0.30 %; aluminum 0.050 %; oxygen 0.0015 %.
These steels can be expected to contain 0.0005 to 0.003 % boron. If the usual titanium additive is not permitted, the steels can be expected to contain up to 0.005 %
boron. When provisions of or are exercised,, the grain size test shown in 5.1.2 shall be the referee
a grain size test is not required unless specified by the test unless an alternative test method is agreed upon between
purchaser. Unless otherwise specified, fine austenitic grain size the manufacturer and the purchaser.
shall be certified using the analysis of grain refining element(s). Referee Test—In the event that the chemical analysis
of columbium8 or vanadium does not meet the requirements of

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
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TABLE 3 Heat Analysis Chemical Ranges and Limits of Carbon Methods and Definitions A370, and especially Supplement I
Steel Bars thereof, on steel bar products.
Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
6.3 Retests:
When Maximum of Specified Lowest
Elements is:
Maximum 6.3.1 If any test specimen shows defective machining or
CarbonA ... ... 0.06 develops flaws, the specimen may be discarded and another
to 0.12, incl ... ... substituted.
over 0.12 to 0.25, incl 0.05 ... 6.3.2 If the percentage elongation of any tension specimen
over 0.25 to 0.40, incl 0.06 ...
over 0.40 to 0.55, incl 0.07 ... is less than that specified and any part of the fracture is more
over 0.55 to 0.80, incl 0.10 ... than 3⁄4 in. [20 mm] from the center of a 2 in. [50 mm]
over 0.80 0.13 ... specimen, or is outside the middle half of the gage length of an
Manganese ... ... 0.35 8 in. [200 mm] specimen as indicated by scribe scratches
to 0.40, incl 0.15 ... marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be
over 0.40 to 0.50, incl 0.20 ...
over 0.50 to 1.65, incl 0.30 ...
6.3.3 For “as-wrought” material, if the results for any
Phosphorus to 0.040, incl ... 0.040B original tension specimen are within 2000 psi [14 MPa] of the
over 0.040 to 0.08, incl 0.03 ...
over 0.08 to 0.13, incl 0.05 ...
required tensile strength, within 1000 psi [7 MPa] of the
required yield point, or within 2 % of the required elongation,
Sulfur to 0.050, incl ... 0.050B retesting shall be permitted. If the original testing required only
over 0.050 to 0.09, incl 0.03 ...
over 0.09 to 0.15, incl 0.05 ...
one test, the retest shall consist of two random tests from the
over 0.15 to 0.23, incl 0.07 ... heat or lot involved. If the original testing required two tests of
over 0.23 to 0.50, incl 0.09 ... which one failed by the amounts listed in this paragraph, the
SiliconC ... ... 0.10
retest shall be made on one random test from the heat or lot. If
to 0.10, incl ... ... the results on the retest specimen or specimens meet the
over 0.10 to 0.15, incl 0.08 ... specified requirements, the heat or test lot will be accepted. If
over 0.15 to 0.20, incl 0.10 ...
over 0.20 to 0.30, incl 0.15 ...
the results of one retest specimen do not meet the specified
over 0.30 to 0.60, incl 0.20 ... requirements, the material is subject to rejection.
6.3.4 For thermally treated bars, if the results of the me-
Copper When copper is required 0.20
min is generally used
chanical tests do not conform to the requirements specified,
Lead D
When lead is required, a range two more tests may be selected for each bar failing, and each
of 0.15 to 0.35 is specified of these retests shall conform to the requirements of the
product specification.
CalciumE 6.3.5 If a bend specimen fails, due to conditions of bending
SeleniumE more severe than required by the specification, a retest shall be
permitted from the heat or test lot involved for which one
The carbon ranges shown in the column headed “Range” apply when the
specified maximum limit for manganese does not exceed 1.10 %. When the
random specimen for each original specimen showing failure
maximum manganese limit exceeds 1.10 %, add 0.01 to the carbon ranges shown shall be used. If the results on the retest specimen meet the
requirements of the specification, the heat or test lot will be
For steels produced in merchant quality the phosphorus maximum is 0.04 % and
the sulfur maximum is 0.05 %.
It is not common practice to produce a rephosphorized and resulfurized carbon
steel to specified limits for silicon because of its adverse effect on machinability. 7. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
A cast or heat analysis is not determinable when lead is added to the ladle
stream. 7.1 Hot-Wrought Bars—The permissible variations for di-
Element specification range as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier. mensions of hot-wrought carbon and alloy steel bars shall not
exceed the applicable limits stated in Annex A1 for inch-pound
values and Annex A2 for metric values.

8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance

6. Mechanical Property Requirements
8.1 The material shall be free of injurious defects and shall
6.1 Test Specimens: have a workmanlike finish.
6.1.1 Selection—Test specimens shall be selected in accor-
dance with the requirements of the applicable product specifi- 9. Rework and Retreatment
cation or in accordance with Supplement I of the latest issue of 9.1 For thermally treated bars only, the manufacturer may
Test Methods and Definitions A370, in the sequence named. retreat a lot one or more times, and retests shall be made in the
6.1.2 Preparation—Unless otherwise specified in the appli- same manner as the original tests. Each such retest shall
cable product specification, test specimens shall be prepared in conform to the requirements specified.
accordance with the latest issue of Test Methods and Defini-
tions A370, and especially Supplement I thereof. 10. Inspection
6.2 Methods of Mechanical Testing—All mechanical tests 10.1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
shall be conducted in accordance with the latest issue of Test entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
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TABLE 4 Heat Analysis Chemical Ranges and Limits of Alloy Steel Bars
NOTE 1—Boron steels can be expected to have 0.0005 % minimum boron content.
NOTE 2—Alloy steels can be produced with a lead range of 0.15 to 0.35 %. A cast or heat analysis is not determinable when lead is added to the ladle
Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
Element When Maximum of Specified Open-Hearth or Basic-Oxygen
Electric Furnace Steel Maximum Limit, %A
Element is: Steel
Carbon To 0.55, incl 0.05 0.05
Over 0.55–0.70, incl 0.08 0.07
Over 0.70 to 0.80, incl 0.10 0.09
Over 0.80–0.95, incl 0.12 0.11
Over 0.95–1.35, incl 0.13 0.12
Manganese To 0.60, incl 0.20 0.15
Over 0.60–0.90, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.90–1.05, incl 0.25 0.25
Over 1.05–1.90, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.90–2.10, incl 0.40 0.35
Phosphorus Basic open-hearth or basic-
oxygen steel 0.035
Acid open-hearth steel 0.050
Basic electric-furnace steel 0.025
Acid electric-furnace steel 0.050
Sulfur To 0.050, incl 0.015 0.015
Over 0.050–0.07, incl 0.02 0.02
Over 0.07–0.10, incl 0.04 0.04
Over 0.10–0.14, incl 0.05 0.05
Basic open-hearth or basic-
oxygen steel 0.040
Acid open-hearth steel 0.050
Basic electric-furnace steel 0.025
Acid electric-furnace steel 0.050
Silicon To 0.20, incl 0.08 0.08
Over 0.20–0.30, incl 0.15 0.15
Over 0.30–0.60, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.60–1.00, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.00–2.20, incl 0.40 0.35
Acid steelsB
Nickel To 0.50, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.50–1.50, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.50–2.00, incl 0.35 0.35
Over 2.00–3.00, incl 0.40 0.40
Over 3.00–5.30, incl 0.50 0.50
Over 5.30–10.00, incl 1.00 1.00
Chromium To 0.40, incl 0.15 0.15
Over 0.40–0.90, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.90–1.05, incl 0.25 0.25
Over 1.05–1.60, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.60–1.75, incl 0.35
Over 1.75–2.10, incl 0.40
Over 2.10–3.99, incl 0.50
Molybdenum To 0.10, incl 0.05 0.05
Over 0.10–0.20, incl 0.07 0.07
Over 0.20–0.50, incl 0.10 0.10
Over 0.50–0.80, incl 0.15 0.15
Over 0.80–1.15, incl 0.20 0.20
Tungsten To 0.50, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.50–1.00, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.00–2.00, incl 0.50 0.50
Over 2.00–4.00, incl 0.60 0.60
Vanadium To 0.25, incl 0.05 0.05
Over 0.25–0.50, incl 0.10 0.10
Aluminum Up to 0.10, incl 0.05 0.05
Over 0.10–0.20, incl 0.10 0.10
Over 0.20–0.30, incl 0.15 0.15
Over 0.30–0.80, incl 0.25 0.25
Over 0.80–1.30, incl 0.35 0.35
Over 1.30–1.80, incl 0.45 0.45
Copper To 0.60, incl 0.20 0.20
Over 0.60–1.50, incl 0.30 0.30
Over 1.50–2.00, incl 0.35 0.35
Applies to only nonrephosphorized and nonresulfurized steels.
Minimum silicon limit for acid open-hearth or acid electric-furnace alloy steels is 0.15 %.
Not normally produced in open-hearth.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Jul 25 08:03:14 EDT 2020
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TABLE 5 Permissible Variations for Product Analysis of Carbon with this specification. All tests (except product analysis) and
Steel inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to
Over Under shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted
Limit, or Maximum of
Element Maximum Minimum
Specified Range, %
Limit, % Limit, %
as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the
CarbonA 0.25 and under 0.02 0.02
over 0.25 to 0.55, incl 0.03 0.03 10.2 All required tests and inspection shall be made by the
over 0.55 0.04 0.04
Manganese 0.90 and under 0.03 0.03 manufacturer prior to shipment.
over 0.90 to 1.65, incl 0.06 0.06
PhosphorusA,B basic steels 0.008 ... 11. Rejection
acid bessemer steel 0.01 0.01
0.008 ... 11.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection because of
Silicon 0.35 and under 0.02 0.02 noncompliance to the requirements of the specification shall be
over 0.35 to 0.60, incl 0.05 0.05
Copper under minimum only ... 0.02
reported by the purchaser to the manufacturer within 30
LeadC 0.15 to 0.35, incl 0.03 0.03 working days after receipt of samples.
Rimmed and capped steels are not subject to rejection on product analysis 11.2 Material that shows imperfections capable of adversely
unless misapplication is clearly indicated.
Resulfurized or rephosphorized steels are not subject to rejection on product affecting processibility subsequent to its acceptance at the
analysis for these elements unless misapplication is clearly indicated. purchaser’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall
Product analysis tolerance for lead applies both over and under to a specified be notified.
range of 0.15 to 0.35 %.

12. Rehearing
TABLE 6 Permissible Variations for Product Analysis of Alloy 12.1 Samples that represent rejected material shall be pre-
Steel served for two weeks from the date rejection is reported to the
Permissible Variations manufacturer. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the
Limit, or Maximum of
Specified Range, %
Over Maximum Limit or tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within
Under Minimum Limit, %
that time.
Carbon 0.30 and under 0.01
over 0.30 to 0.75, incl 0.02
over 0.75 0.03
13. Product Marking
Manganese 0.90 and under 0.03 13.1 Civilian Procurement—Bars of all sizes, when loaded
over 0.90 to 2.10, incl 0.04
Phosphorus over maximum only 0.005 for shipment, shall be properly identified with the name or
Sulfur 0.060 and under 0.005 brand of manufacturer, purchaser’s name and order number,
Silicon 0.40 and under 0.02 the ASTM designation (year date is not required), grade
over 0.40 to 2.20, incl 0.05
Nickel 1.00 and under 0.03 number where appropriate, size and length, weight of lift, and
over 1.00 to 2.00, incl 0.05 the heat number for identification. Unless otherwise specified,
over 2.00 to 5.30, incl 0.07 the method of marking is at the manufacturer’s option and may
over 5.30 to 10.00, incl 0.10
Chromium 0.90 and under 0.03 be made by hot stamping, cold stamping, painting, or marking
over 0.90 to 2.10, incl 0.05 tags attached to the lifts of bars.
over 2.10 to 3.99, incl 0.10
Molybdenum 0.20 and under 0.01
13.1.1 Bar code marking may be used as an auxiliary
over 0.20 to 0.40, incl 0.02 method of identification. Such bar-code markings shall be of
over 0.40 to 1.15, incl 0.03 the 3-of-9 type and shall conform to AIAG B1. When barcoded
Vanadium 0.10 and under 0.01
over 0.10 to 0.25, incl 0.02
tags are used, they shall conform to AIAG B5.
over 0.25 to 0.50, incl 0.03 13.2 Government Procurement:
minimum value specified, 0.01
under minimum limit 13.2.1 Marking for shipment shall be in accordance with the
only requirements specified in the contract or order and shall be in
Tungsten 1.00 and under 0.04 accordance with MIL-STD-163 for military agencies and in
over 1.00 to 4.00, incl 0.08
Aluminum 0.10 and under 0.03 accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies.
over 0.10 to 0.20, incl 0.04 13.2.2 For government procurement by the Defense Supply
over 0.20 to 0.30, incl 0.05 Agency, the bars shall be continuously marked for identifica-
over 0.30 to 0.80, incl 0.07
over 0.80 to 1.80, incl 0.10 tion in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 183.
LeadA 0.15 to 0.35, incl 0.03
Copper to 1.00 incl 0.03 14. Packaging
over 1.00 to 2.00, incl 0.05
14.1 Civilian Procurement—Unless otherwise specified, the
Product analysis tolerance for lead applies both over and under to a specified
range of 0.15 to 0.35 %. bars shall be packaged and loaded in accordance with Guide
14.2 Government Procurement—MIL-STD-163 shall apply
is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works when packaging is specified in the contract or order, or when
that concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The Level A for preservation, packaging, and packing is specified
manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for direct procurement by or direct shipment to the govern-
to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance ment.

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15. Keywords
15.1 alloy steel bars; carbon steel bars; cold finished steel
bars; general delivery requirements; hot wrought steel bars;
steel bars


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
contract or order.

S1. Flat Bar Thickness Tolerances

S1.1 When flat bars are specified in metric units to a
thickness under tolerance of 0.3 mm, the thickness tolerance of
Table S1.1 shall apply.

TABLE S1.1 Thickness and Width Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Square-Edge and Round-Edge Flat Bars Ordered to 0.3 mm Under
NOTE 1—Tolerance under specified thickness 0.3 mm.
Tolerances over Specified Thickness for Thickness Given, mm Tolerance from Specified Width, mm
Specified Width, mm
Over 6 to 12, incl Over 12 to 25, incl Over 25 to 50, incl Over 50 to 75, incl Over 75 Over Under
To 25, incl ... ... ... ... ... 0.5 0.5
Over 25 to 50, incl ... 0.5 1.3 ... ... 1.0 1.0
Over 50 to 100, incl 0.5 0.7 1.3 2.1 2.1 1.5 1.0
Over 100 to 150, incl 0.5 0.7 1.3 2.1 2.1 2.5 1.5
Over 150 to 200, incl 0.5 1.0 1.3 2.1 2.9 3.0 2.5
When a square is held against a face and an edge of a square-edge flat bar, the edge shall not deviate by more than 3° or 5 % of the thickness.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Listed below are permissible variations in dimensions

expressed in inch-pound units of measurement.

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TABLE A1.1 Permissible Variations in Cross Section for Hot-
Wrought Round, Square, and Round-Cornered Square Bars of
Permissible Variation
from Specified Size, in.A Out-of-Round or
Specified Size, in.
Out-of-Square, in.B
Over Under
To 5⁄16, incl 0.005 0.005 0.008
Over 5⁄16 to 7⁄16, incl 0.006 0.006 0.009
Over 7⁄16 to 5⁄8, incl 0.007 0.007 0.010
Over 5⁄8 to 7⁄8, incl 0.008 0.008 0.012
Over 7⁄8 to 1, incl 0.009 0.009 0.013
Over 1 to 11⁄8 , incl 0.010 0.010 0.015
Over 11⁄8 to 11⁄4, incl 0.011 0.011 0.016
Over 11⁄4 to 13⁄8, incl 0.012 0.012 0.018
Over 13⁄8 to 11⁄2, incl 0.014 0.014 0.021
Over 11⁄2 to 2, incl 1⁄64 1⁄64 0.023
Over 2 to 21⁄2 , incl 1⁄32 0 0.023
Over 21⁄2 to 31⁄2, incl 3⁄64 0 0.035
Over 31⁄2 to 41⁄2, incl 1⁄16 0 0.046
Over 41⁄2 to 51⁄2, incl 5⁄64 0 0.058
Over 51⁄2 to 61⁄2, incl 1⁄ 8 0 0.070
Over 61⁄2 to 81⁄4, incl 5⁄32 0 0.085
Over 81⁄4 to 91⁄2, incl 3⁄16 0 0.100
Over 91⁄2 to 10, incl 1⁄ 4 0 0.120
Steel bars are regularly cut to length by shearing or hot sawing, which can cause
end distortion resulting in those portions of the bar being outside the applicable
size tolerance. When this end condition is objectionable, a machine cut end should
be considered.
Out-of-round is the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters of
the bar, measured at the same cross section. Out-of-square is the difference in the
two dimensions at the same cross section of a square bar between opposite faces.

TABLE A1.2 Permissible Variations in Cross Section for Hot-

Wrought Hexagonal Bars of Steel

Permissible Variations Out-of-Hexagon

Specified Sizes Between from Specified Size, in.A (Carbon Steel and
Alloy Steel) or Out-
Opposite Sides, in.
of-Octagon (Alloy
Over Under Steel), in.B
To 1⁄2, incl 0.007 0.007 0.011
Over 1⁄2 to 1, incl 0.010 0.010 0.015
Over 1 to 11⁄2 , incl 0.021 0.013 0.025
Over 11⁄2 to 2, incl 1⁄32 1⁄64 1⁄32

Over 2 to 21⁄2 , incl 3⁄64 1⁄64 3⁄64

Over 21⁄2 to 31⁄2, incl 1⁄16 1⁄64 1⁄16

Over 31⁄2 to 41⁄16, incl 5⁄64 1⁄64 5⁄64

Steel bars are regularly cut to length by shearing or hot sawing, which can cause
end distortion resulting in those portions of the bar being outside the applicable
size tolerance. When this end condition is objectionable, a machine cut end should
be considered.
Out-of-hexagon or out-of-octagon is the greatest difference between any two
dimensions at the same cross section between opposite faces.

TABLE A1.3 Permissible Variations in Thickness and Width for Hot-Wrought Square Edge and Round Edge Flat BarsA
Permissible Variations in Thickness, for Thickness Given, Over and Under, in.B Permissible Variations in Width, in.
Width, in. 0.203 to 0.230, 0.230 to 1⁄4, ⁄ to 1⁄2,
14 Over 1⁄2 to Over 1 to 2, Over 2 to 3, Over 3 Over Under
excl excl incl 1, incl incl incl
To 1, incl 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.010 ... ... ... ⁄
1 64 ⁄
1 64

Over 1 to 2, incl 0.007 0.007 0.012 0.015 ⁄

1 32 ... ... ⁄
1 32 ⁄
1 32

Over 2 to 4, incl 0.008 0.008 0.015 0.020 1⁄32 3⁄64 3⁄64 1⁄16 ⁄
1 32

Over 4 to 6, incl 0.009 0.009 0.015 0.020 1⁄32 3⁄64 3⁄64 3⁄32 1⁄16
Over 6 to 8, incl 0.015 0.016 0.025 1⁄32 3⁄64 1⁄16 1⁄8 3⁄32

When a square is held against a face and an edge of a square edge flat bar, the edge shall not deviate by more than 3° or 5 % of the thickness.
Steel bars are regularly cut to length by shearing or hot sawing, which can cause end distortion resulting in those portions of the bar being outside the applicable size
tolerance. When this end condition is objectionable, a machine cut end should be considered.
Flats over 6 to 8 in., incl, in width, are not available as hot-wrought steel bars in thickness under 0.230 in.

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TABLE A1.4 Permissible Variations in Thickness, Length, and
Out-of-Square for Hot-Wrought Bar Size Angles of Carbon Steel
Permissible Variations in Thickness, Permissible
for Thicknesses Given, Variations for
Specified Length of
Over and Under, in. Length of Leg,
Leg, in.A
To 3⁄16, Over 3⁄16 to 3⁄8, Over 3⁄8 Over and
incl incl Under, in.
To 1, incl 0.008 0.010 ... 1⁄ 32

Over 1 to 2, incl 0.010 0.010 0.012 3⁄ 64

Over 2 to 3, excl 0.012 0.015 0.015 1⁄16

The longer leg of an unequal angle determines the size for tolerance. The
out-of-square tolerance in either direction is 11⁄2 °.

TABLE A1.5 Permissible Variations in Dimensions for Hot-

Wrought Bar Size Channels of Carbon Steel
Permissible Variations in Size, Over and Under, in. Out-of-
Specified SquareA if
Size of Depth of Width of Thickness of Web for Either
Channel, Thickness Given Flange,
SectionB FlangesB in./in. of
in. Flange
To 3⁄16, incl Over 3⁄16
To 1 ⁄ , incl
12 ⁄
1 32 ⁄
1 32 0.010 0.015 1⁄32

Over 11⁄2 ⁄
1 16 ⁄
1 16 0.015 0.020 1⁄32

to 3, excl
For channels 5⁄8 in. and under in depth, the out-of-square tolerance is 3⁄64 in. ⁄in.
of depth.
Measurements for depth of section and width of flanges are overall.

TABLE A1.6 Permissible Variations in Dimensions for Hot-Wrought Bar Size Tees of Carbon Steel
Permissible Variations in Size, in.
Specified Size of
Width or DepthB Thickness of Flange Thickness of Stem Stem out-of-
Tee, in.A
Over Under Over Under Over Under SquareC
To 1 ⁄ , incl
14 3⁄64 3⁄64 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.020 1⁄ 32

Over 11⁄4 to 2, incl 1⁄16 1⁄16 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.020 1⁄16

Over 2 to 3, excl 3⁄32 3⁄32 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.020 3⁄32

The longer member of the unequal tee determines the size for tolerances.
Measurements for both width and depth are overall.
Stem out-of-square is the variation from its true position of the center line of the stem measured at the point.

TABLE A1.7 Permissible Variations in Dimensions for Half-

Rounds, Ovals, Half-Ovals, and Other Special Bar Size Sections
Due to mill facilities, tolerances on half-rounds, ovals, half-ovals, and
other special bar size sections vary among the manufacturers and
such tolerances should be negotiated between the manufacturer and
the purchaser.

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TABLE A1.8 Permissible Variations in Length for Hot-Wrought Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Flats, and Bar Size Sections of Steel
Specified Size of Specified Size of Flats, in. Permissible Variations Over Specified Length, in.A
Rounds, Squares,
and Hexagons, in. Thickness Width 5 to 10 ft, excl 10 to 20 ft, excl 20 to 30 ft, excl 30 to 40 ft, excl 40 to 60 ft, excl

Mill Shearing
To 1, incl to 1, incl to 3, incl ⁄
12 ⁄
34 1 1⁄4 1 3⁄ 4 2 1 ⁄4
Over 1 to 2, incl over 1 to 3, incl ⁄
58 1 1 1⁄2 2 2 1 ⁄2
to 1, incl over 3 to 6, incl 5⁄ 8 1 1 1⁄2 2 2 1 ⁄2
Over 2 to 5, incl over 1 over 3 to 6, incl 1 11⁄2 1 3⁄4 2 1⁄ 4 2 3 ⁄4
Over 5 to 10, incl ... ... 2 21⁄2 2 3⁄4 3 3 1 ⁄4
0.230 to 1, incl over 6 to 8, incl 3⁄ 4 1 1⁄ 4 1 3⁄4 3 1⁄ 2 4
over 1 to 3, incl over 6 to 8, incl 11⁄4 1 3⁄ 4 2 3 1⁄ 2 4
Bar Size Sections ... ... 5⁄ 8 1 1 1⁄2 2 2 1 ⁄2
Hot Sawing
To 31⁄2, incl 1 and over 3 and over 1 1⁄ 2 1 3⁄4 2 1⁄ 4 2 3 ⁄4
Over 31⁄2 to 5, incl ... ... ... 2 2 1⁄4 2 5⁄ 8 3
Over 5 to 10, incl ... ... 2 1⁄ 2 2 3⁄4 3 3 1 ⁄4
No permissible variations under.
Shorter lengths are not hot sawed.

TABLE A1.9 Permissible Variations in Length for Recutting of

Bars Meeting Special Straightness Tolerances
Sizes of Rounds, Squares, Tolerances Over Specified Length,
Hexagons, Width of Flats and in.A
Maximum Dimension of Other
Sections, in.A To 12 ft, incl Over 12 ft
To 3, incl ⁄
14 ⁄
5 16

Over 3 to 6, incl ⁄
5 16 ⁄
7 16

Over 6 to 8, incl 7⁄16 9⁄16

Rounds over 8 to 10, incl. 9⁄16 11⁄16

No tolerance under.

TABLE A1.10 Permissible Variations in Straightness for Hot-

Wrought Bars and Bar Size Sections of SteelA
Standard tolerances ⁄ in. in any 5 ft and (1⁄4 in. × length in ft)/5

Special tolerances ⁄ in. in any 5 ft and (1⁄8 in. × length in ft)/5


Because of warpage, straightness tolerances do not apply to bars if any
subsequent heating operation or controlled cooling has been performed.


A2.1 Listed below are permissible variations in dimensions

expressed in SI units of measurement.

TABLE A2.1 Tolerances in Sectional Dimensions for Round and Square Bars and Round-Cornered Square Bars
Tolerance from Out-of-Round, or
Size, mm Specified Size, Over Out-of-Square
and Under, mm or %A Section,B mm or %A
To 7, incl 0.13 mm 0.20 mm
Over 7 to 11, incl 0.15 mm 0.22 mm
Over 11 to 15, incl 0.18 mm 0.27 mm
Over 15 to 19, incl 0.20 mm 0.30 mm
Over 19 to 250, incl 1% 1.5 %
The tolerance shall be rounded to the nearest tenth of a millimetre after calculation.
Out-of-round is the difference between the maximum and the minimum diameters of the bar, measured at the same cross section. Out-of-square is the difference in the
two dimensions at the same cross section of a square bar between opposite faces.

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TABLE A2.2 Tolerances in Cross Section for Hot-Wrought Hexagonal and Octagonal Steel Bars
Out of
Tolerance from Specified Size, mm Hexagon or
Specified Size Between
Out of
Opposite Sides, mm
Over Under Octagon,
To 13, incl 0.18 0.18 0.3
Over 13 to 25, incl 0.25 0.25 0.4
Over 25 to 40, incl 0.55 0.35 0.6
Over 40 to 50, incl 0.8 0.40 0.8
Over 50 to 65, incl 1.2 0.40 1.2
Over 65 to 80, incl 1.6 0.40 1.6
Over 80 to 100, incl 2.0 0.40 2.0
Out of hexagon or out of octagon is the greatest difference between any two dimensions at the cross section between opposite faces.

TABLE A2.3 Thickness and Width Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Square-Edge and Round-Edge Flat BarsA,B
Tolerances from Specified Thickness for Thickness Given Over and Under, mm Tolerances from Specified
Width, mm
Specified Width, mm
Over 6 to 12, Over 12, to 25, Over 25 to 50, Over 50 to 75
Over 5 to 6, incl Over 75 Over Under
incl incl incl
To 25, incl 0.18 0.20 0.25 ... ... ... 0.5 0.5
Over 25 to 50, incl 0.18 0.30 0.40 0.8 ... ... 1.0 1.0
Over 50 to 100, incl 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.0
Over 100 to 150, incl 0.25 0.40 0.50 0.8 1.2 1.2 2.5 1.5
Over 150 to 200, incl 0.40 0.65 0.8 1.2 1.6 3.0 2.5
When a square is held against a face and an edge of a square edge flat bar, the edge shall not deviate by more than 3° or 5 % of the thickness.
Flats over 150 to 200 mm, incl in width are not available as hot-wrought bars in thickness 6 mm and under.

TABLE A2.4 Thickness, Length, and Out-of-Square Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Bar Size Angles
Tolerances in Thickness for Thickness Given, Over and Under, mm Tolerances
for Length of
Specified Length of
Leg Over
Leg, mmA,B Over 5 to
To 5, incl Over 10 and Under,
10, incl
To 50, incl 0.2 0.2 0.3 1
Over 50 to 75, excl 0.3 0.4 0.4 2
The longer leg of an unequal angle determines the size for tolerance.
Out of square tolerances in either direction is 11⁄2 ° = 0.026 mm/mm.

TABLE A2.5 Dimensional Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Bar Size Channels

Tolerances in Size, Over and Under, mm
Out of Square of
Specified Size of
Thickness of Web Either Flange per mm
Channel, mm
Depth of SectionA Width of FlangesA of Flange Width,B mm
To 5, incl Over 5
To 40, incl 1 1 0.2 0.4 0.03
Over 40 to 75, excl 2 2 0.4 0.5 0.03
Measurements for depth of section and width of flanges are overall.
For channels 16 mm and under in depth, out of square tolerance is 0.05 mm/mm.

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TABLE A2.6 Dimensional Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Bar Size Tees
Tolerances in Size, mm
Specified Size
Width or Depth,B Thickness of Flange Thickness of Stem Stem Out of
of Tee,A mm
Over Under Over Under Over Under SquareC
To 30, incl 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 1
Over 30 to 50, incl 2 2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 2
Over 50 to 75, excl 2 2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 2
The longer member of the unequal tee determines the size for tolerances.
Measurements for width and depth are over all.
Stem out of square is the tolerance from its true position of the center line of the stem measured at the point.

TABLE A2.7 Permissible Variations in Dimensions for Half-Rounds, Ovals, Half-Ovals, and Other Special Bar Size Sections
Due to mill facilities, tolerances on half-rounds, ovals, and other special bar size sections vary among the manufacturers and such tolerances should be
negotiated between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

TABLE A2.8 Length Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Octagons, Flats, and Bar Size Sections
Specified Size of Flats, mm Tolerances over Specified Length, mmA
Specified Size of Rounds, Thickness Width 1500 3000 6000 9000 12 000
Squares, Hexagons and to to to to to
Octagons, mm 3000, 6000, 9000, 12 000, 18 000,
excl excl excl excl excl
Hot Shearing
To 25, incl to 25, incl to 75, incl 15 20 35 45 60
Over 25 to 50, incl over 25 to 75, incl 15 25 40 50 65
to 25, incl over 75 to 150, incl 15 25 40 50 65
Over 50 to 125, incl over 25 over 75 to 150, incl 25 40 45 60 70
Over 125 to 250, incl ... ... 50 65 70 75 85
Bar Size Sections over 6 to 25, incl over 150 to 200, incl 20 30 45 90 100
over 25 to 75, incl over 150 to 200, incl 30 45 50 90 100
... ... 15 25 40 50 65

Hot Sawing
To 90, incl 25 and over 75 and over 40 45 60 70
Over 90 to 125, incl ... ... 50 60 65 75
Over 125 to 250, incl ... ... 65 70 75 85
No tolerance under.
Shorter lengths are not hot sawed.

TABLE A2.9 Length Tolerances for Recutting of Bars Meeting Special Straightness Tolerances
Sizes of Rounds, Squares, Hexagons, Tolerances over Specified Length, mmA
Octagons, Widths of Flats and
Maximum Dimensions of Other To 3700 mm,
Over 3700 mm
Sections, mm incl
To 75, incl 6 8
Over 75 to 150, incl 8 11
Over 150 to 200, incl 11 14
Rounds over 200 to 250, incl 14 18
No tolerance under.

TABLE A2.10 Straightness Tolerances for Hot-Wrought Bars and Bar Size SectionsA
Standard Tolerances 6 mm in any 1500 mm and (length in mm/250)B
Special Tolerances 3 mm in any 1500 mm and (length in mm/500)B
Because of warpage, straightness tolerances do not apply to bars if any subsequent heating operation or controlled cooling has been performed.
Round to the nearest whole millimetre.

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A29/A29M − 20


A3.1 New materials may be proposed for inclusion in A3.1.3 The application shall be accompanied by test data as
specifications referencing this specification of general require- required by the applicable specification. Test data from a
ments subject to the following conditions: minimum of three test lots, as defined by the specification, each
A3.1.1 Application for the addition of a new grade to a from a different heat, shall be furnished.
specification shall be made to the chair of the subcommittee A3.1.4 The application shall provide recommendations for
that has jurisdiction over that specification.
all requirements appearing in the applicable specification.
A3.1.2 The application shall be accompanied by a statement
from at least one user indicating that there is a need for the new A3.1.5 The application shall state whether or not the new
grade to be included in the applicable specification. grade is covered by patent.


Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A29/A29M – 16) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 1, 2020.)

(1) 4.1.1 – Missing verbiage “and for alloy steel bars” was (3) Table A1.8 and Table A2.8 – Minimum listed size for hot
added to Table 2 reference. sawing was deleted; “Smaller sizes and” was deleted from
(2) – Maximum Cb, V, Cb + V verbiage was deleted. Footnote B.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600;

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