Agron 512

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Course Title : Principal and Practices of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

Course Code : AGRON 512

Credit Hours : 3 (2+1)
Lecture schedule – Theory

No. of Name of the Faculty

S. No. Topic
1. Soil fertility and productivity concept, differences and 1
factors affecting
2. Features of a good soil management 2
3. Problems of supply and factors affecting availability 2
of nutrients
4. Relation between nutrient supply and crop growth 1
5. Organic farming - basic concepts and definitions 2
6. Criteria of essentiality of nutrients, essential plant 3
nutrients – their functions, nutrient deficiency
7. Transformation and dynamics of major plant nutrients 2
8. Preparation and use of farmyard manure, compost, 3
green manures, vermicompost, biofertilizers and other
organic concentrations their composition, availability
and crop response
9. Recycling of organic wastes and residue management 1
10. Soil less cultivation 1
11. Commercial fertilizers; composition, relative fertilizer 3
value and cost, fertilizer mixtures and grades
12. Crop response to different nutrients 2
13. Residual effects and fertilizer use efficiency; 2
agronomic, chemical and physiological methods
14. Methods of increasing fertilizer use efficiency 1
15. Nutrient interactions 1
16. Time and methods of manures and fertilizers 1
17. Foliar application and its concept 1
18. Relative performance of organic and inorganic 1
nutrients and economics of fertilizer use
19. Integrated nutrient management 1
20. Residue wastes in crops 1
Lecture Schedule – Practical
Sr. No Topic No. of
1. Determination of soil pH and soil EC 2
2. Determination of soil organic C 2
3. Determination of available N,P,K and S in soil 4
4. Determination of total N,P,K and S in soil 2
5. Determination of total N,P,K and S in plant 4
6. Computation of optimum and economic yield 2

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