Compare The GTM With The DM

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Goals How to communicate in the target To be able to use the target language
language communicatively
Roles Teacher: directs the class activities. Teacher: The authority in the
Student: Less passive then in GTM. classroom.
Teacher and Student are more Student: Do what the teacher saying.
Characteristics Students need to associate meaning Students are taught to translate from
with the target language directly. one language into another. They
The syllabus used in the DM is memorize native language
based upon situations or topics. equivalents for target language
Students practice vocabulary by vocabulary words.
using new words in complete
S-T interaction The initiation of the interaction There is little student initiation and
S-S interaction goes both way, from teacher to little student-student interaction.
students and from students to
Language Language is primarily spoken, not Literary language is considered
viewed written. superior to spoken language.
Culture Culture consisting of the history of Culture is viewed as consisting of
viewed the people who speak the target literature and the fine arts.
language, the geography of country
where the target language spoken,
and the information about the
dailylives of the speakers of the
target language.
Areas & Skills Areas: Vocabulary Areas: Vocbulary and Grammar
Skills: all four skills, reading and Skills: Reading & Writing, less
writing based upon what the attention to speaking and listening,
students practice orally first. pronunciation less than any.
Native Not used in the classroom Mostly used
Evaluation No formal evaluation. Students are Ask the student to translate from
asked to demonstrate their native language to target language or
knowledge about the language the other way. Questions about the
using both oral and written skills. target culture. Ask students to apply
grammar rules.
T respond to S The teacher tries to get students to The teacher corrects students
errors self-correct. immediately.
Tên: Đào Nguyễn Thảo Vi

MSSV: 207NA60238

Lớp: 221_DNN0221_03


Pre-task: Introduce the topic; give ss clear instructions; prepare ss to perform the task

Pre-task: Introduce the topic; give ss clear instructions; prepare ss to perform the task

While task: Ss perform the task in small gr or pairs; ss prepare the report; ss report the
outcome of the task to the class; T monitors and provide support.

Post-task: T provide feedback; Ss evaluate their performance; T may conduct some form of
practice of specific lg. features language.

Design a task:

Task: Interview

Organization: Ss work in groups of four

Duration: 10 minutes

Topic: Interview your friends & find out what their parents ask them to do on weekends.



T introduces the task: “…………”

T gives instructions: “…………….”

T prepares Ss for the task:

T provides a task model: …….


Task cycle

Ss work in groups of 4

Ss interview their friends

Ss report the results in front of class

T provides supports when necessary

Language focus

T provides feedback

Conduct practice with the structure: ‘…………..’

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