Stair Analysis and Design ST Des Temp

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Stair Design

1.00 m 1.70 m 0.80 m

Riser = 16.5 cm
Thread = 30 cm
Waist = 16 cm
θ= 28.81 º
θ Stair width = 0.9 m

Dead load at Steps:

Average slab thickness = 0.183 m

- Own wt. of slab = 0.90 x 25 x 0.183 4.11 KN/m

- 3cm cement screed = 0.90 x 23 x 0.03 = 0.621 KN/m
- 3cm marble floor finish = 0.90 x 27 x 0.03 = 0.729 KN/m
5.46 KN/m

- Live load = 4.00 KN/m2 [EBCS-1 Table2.10]

Design Load = 1.3DL + 1.6LL

= 13.50 KN/m

Dead load at Landing:

- Own wt. of slab = 0.90 x 25 x 0.16 3.60 KN/m
- 3cm cement screed = 0.90 x 23 x 0.03 = 0.621 KN/m
- 3cm marble floor finish = 0.90 x 27 x 0.03 = 0.729 KN/m
4.95 KN/m

- Live load = 4.00 KN/m2 [EBCS-1 Table2.10]

Design Load = 1.3DL + 1.6LL

= 12.84 KN/m

Modeling 13.50
12.84 12.84

RZ = RZ =
22.991 23.055
1.00 1.70 0.80

Design actions
- design moment = 19.991 KNm
- design shear = 23.055 KN
Stair Design

Check for Deflection

5 wL
Δ max = w = 9.46 KN/m
384 EI L = 3.50 m
E = 29.0 Gpa
I = 0.0003 m4
= 2.0745 mm

- According to EBCS-2 Sec. 5.2.2 The final deflection shall not exceed the value:

δ= = 17.50 mm OK!
Check for Shear Capacity

V c =0 . 25 f ctd k 1 k 2 b w d
fctd = 1000 Kpa
k1 = k 1 =1+50 ρ = 1.1
k2 = 1.6-d = 1.471
Calculated Shear Capacity = 45.36 OK!

Reinforcement calculation
b = 0.9
d = 0.129

[ √ ]
fyd = 260,870
1 2 mR n
ρ= 1− 1− fcd = 11333
m f yd rmin = 0.00125 [EBCS 2]
m= fyd = 23.02
Rn = Mu = 1334.79
r = 0.0055

A s = ρ bd
As = 0.0006
Using f 10 (As = 8E-05 )
Use 8.07 Bars

Use f 10 @ 110 mm
(As/m = 0.00064 )

Check Capacity

M n= A s f yd [ d−
] Asfyd = 0.0164
Mn = 20.25 = 1.3% Reserve
Stair Design

- According to EBCS-2 Sec. the ratio of the secondary reinforcement to the

main reinforcement shall be at least equal to 0.2. Thus transverse reinforcement:

As = 0.0001
Using f 10 (As = 8E-05 )
Use 1.61 Bars

Use f 10 @ 300 mm

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