Energies 10 01217 v2
Energies 10 01217 v2
Energies 10 01217 v2
Electric vehicles are considered to be an important step towards mitigating dependency on
crude oil, protecting the environment and improving transportation sustainability. Many
manufacturers have made major investments in electric automobile technology opening up
employment and growth opportunities for individuals with knowledge in the required field.
The E-Mobility space encompasses several technologies: the important one being
electrochemical energy storage and conversion, electric drivetrain, power electronics, etc.
The electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices used in Electric Vehicles (EV) are
primarily batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors. These devices invariably require power
electronic interface to couple with the vehicle drivetrain and charging stations.
The programme will provide a basic understanding of the working of the storage
devices from a single cell to pack level, duty cycles led sizing of storage, and basics of
power electronics required for interfacing devices with drivetrains. The programme
content will also include various aspects of charging from device to electrical grid level
as well as an introduction to smart grids, net metering and system integration.
Thus, the programme is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the Electric Vehicle
(EV) Technology to individuals and working professionals. The programme will help to cater
for the training and development need of industry 4.0 and enable the participants to build the
required skill set, capabilities and knowledge in the e-mobility domain.
India's automobile sector alone is
worth hundreds of billions of
dollars, contributing to around
7% of our GDP. Comparatively,
the EV industry is predicted to
reach $15 billion by 2030 before
continuing to climb in the next
10-12 months, the Electric
Vehicle (EV) ecosystem requires
over 10,000 engineers.
By enhancing their skill set now, they can acquire highly sought-after profiles and open
themselves up to several promising opportunities (as per the report by India Today).
Gain Industry
Industry-Oriented Group experts
insights from Project Peer-to-peer
field experts Learning
Global and Indian Energy Scenario and Charging Station and Battery Swapping
Energy Policy Overview of Electric Vehicle Station Equipment Various Batteries for
(EV) & Charging Station (CS) Market in Electric Vehicles Type of Chargers EV
Global and India Government Regulations & Charging Station DC Fast Charging
Subsidies Policies for Electric Vehicles Regenerative Braking.
Impact of EV on Economy & Environment
Technology advancement for Green
Mobility Various Business models- Electric
Vehicle Fleet Management- Charging Classification of Battery Material & Cell
Network Infrastructure- Battery Swapping technology Battery pack Production Line
Station. Battery thermal management system Cell
Capacity Testing Battery layout drawing &
FUNDAMENTALS OF EV − design Selection of Battery Pack
Construction Materials Cells Spot welding
Working Principle of Electric Vehicles- BMS Integration Battery and fire safety
Classification of Electric motor and Power standards Battery Pack Enclosure
Electronics Topology- Future Powertrain Installation Battery Pack Ageing (Charging
Concepts, Design and Development, Discharging) Test Battery pack Quality
Prototyping and Manufacturing. Types of Testing Preparation of Battery pack Data
Electric Vehicle & its Configurations. Electric sheet Pack specification, safety sign,
Vehicle Supply Equipment and Standards Levelling Boxing for Transport.
Assembly of Electric Vehicles Installation of
Types of Motors, Selection and sizing of coordination Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) and
Motor- RPM and Torque calculation of Vehicle-to-Grid Wireless charging
motor- Motor Controllers- Component integration Digital and information
sizing- Physical locations- Mechanical technology Solar Energy for EV Charging
connection of motor- Electrical connection station Electric Vehicles: Myths vs. Reality.
of motor-Function of CU-Development
Process- software- Hardware- Data INDIAN AND GLOBAL STANDARDS AND
Management- GUI/HMI. SCENARIO −
15 5000
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