Study-of-electric-scooters-Markets-cases-and-anlyses South America

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Markets, cases and analyses

Markets, cases and analyses

Study prepared by Sidera Consult at the request of the German

Cooperation, through the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) and the Ministry of
Economy (ME).

Carolina Ures
Daniel Guth
Diego Ures
Victor Andrade

Ministry of Economy
January 2020
Presidency of the Republic
Jair Messias Bolsonaro

Minister of Economy
Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes

Special Secretary for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness

Carlos Alexandre da Costa

Secretary for Development of Industry, Trade, Services and Innovation

Gustavo Leipnitz Ene

Technical support
Cooperação Alemã para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável por meio da Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

National Director
Michael Rosenauer

Project director
Jens Giersdorf


Coordination and operation staff Proofreading
ME - André Sequeira Tabuquini, Bruno de Almeida Ribeiro, Ana Terra
Gustavo Duarte Victer, Marcelo Vasconcellos de Araújo Lima,
Ricardo Zomer e Thomas Paris Caldellas Layout design
GIZ - Anna Palmeira, Bruno Carvalho, Fernando Sources, Marcus Barbara Miranda
Regis e Jens Giersdorf
Authors Enrique Villamil
Carolina Ures, Daniel Guth, Diego Ures e Victor Andrade
Technical coordination Efficient Propulsion Systems Project – PROMOB-e (Bilateral
Carolina Ures (Sidera) e Fernando Sources (GIZ) Technical Cooperation Project between the Secretariat of
Development of the Industry, Trade, Services and Innovation
Technical review - SDIC and the German Cooperation for Sustainable
Fernando Sources (GIZ) Development (GIZ)

SDCI/Ministry of Economy Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Esplanada dos Ministérios BL J - Zona Cívico-Administrativa, (GIZ) GmbH
CEP: 70053-900, Brasília - DF, Brasil. SCN Quadra 1 Bloco C Sala 1501 – 15º andar Ed. Brasília
Telefone: +55 (61) 2027 – 7293 Trade Center, CEP: 70711-902, Brasília-DF, Brasil. +55 (61) 2101-2170


The ideas and opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Ministry of Economy
or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Duplication or reproduction of all or parts and distribution for
non-commercial purposes is permitted, provided that the PROMOB-e project is cited as the source of the information. For other commercial
uses, including duplication, reproduction or distribution of all or parts of this study, written consent from the Ministry of Economy and the
GIZ is required.
I MARKET MAPPING............................................................................................ 10

A. INTRODUCTION TO MARKET MAPPING............................................................. 11

B. THE SECTOR OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS............................................................. 12

1 The Global Market���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
2 Brief Regional Analysis / Latin America����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
2.1 Argentina��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
2.2 Paraguay��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
2.3 Uruguay���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
2.4 Bolivia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
2.5 Chile�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
2.6 Colombia��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
2.7 Costa Rica������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
2.8 Ecuador���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
2.9 Mexico������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
2.10 Overview and Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19

C.REGULATORY FRAMEWORK............................................................................. 21
1 Circulation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
2 Import of Electric Scooters���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22


MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................. 23
1 Charging types��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
2 Corrective and Preventive Maintenance����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23

II CASE STUDIES OF USE OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS................................................ 25

A. CONTEXTUALIZATION..................................................................................... 26

B. METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 27

C. USES OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS........................................................................ 28

1 Case Study No. 1 / Sharing Services���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
1.1 The Electric Scooter Sharing Market��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
1.2 Electric Scooter Sharing Companies���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
1.3 Additional Notes on the Sharing Market Potential in Brazil................................................ 35
2 Case Study No. 2 / Food Delivery Service������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
2.1 Delivery Operators Worldwide and in Brazil������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
2.2 Food Delivery at Events�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
2.3 Conclusions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
3 Case Study No. 3 / Integrated Solutions: From Production to Aggregate Services�������������������� 40
3.1 The Use of Electric Scooters in the Netherlands������������������������������������������������������������� 40
3.2 Electric Dutchman / SPECS e-Mobility������������������������������������������������������������������������ 42
4 Case Study No. 4 / Postal Delivery Services������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44
4.1 Fleet Description����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
4.2 Taiwan Post Office��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
4.3 Austrian Post Office������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
4.4 Spanish Post Office�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
4.5 Concluding Notes on Postal Delivery Services��������������������������������������������������������������� 49
4.6 Notas Conclusivas Acerca dos Serviços de Entregas Postais��������������������������������������������� 50
5 Case Study No. 5 / Municipal Services������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
5.1 First Service����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
5.2 Security and Support����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
5.3 Miscellaneous Services in Madrid������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
5.4 Concluding Notes on Municipal Services���������������������������������������������������������������������� 54

III SWOT ANALYSIS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55

A. STRENGTHS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
1 Sustainability Aspects����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
1.1 Reduction of GHG Emission�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
1.2 Reduction of Noise Pollution�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59
2 Reduction of Operating Costs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 59
2.1 Energy Efficiency����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
2.2 Energy Expenditure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
2.3 Maintenance Costs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
3 Mobility versus Traffic����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
4 Integrated Fleet Management Systems������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 63
5 More Efficient Batteries��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
6 Diversity of Applications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
7 Reduction of Accidents��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66

B. WEAKNESSES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 67
1 Initial Investment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
2 Lack of Battery Charging Structure����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
3 Lack of Skilled Labor-force���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69

C. OPPORTUNITIES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
1 Low Competition������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 70
2 Global Growth��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
3 Possibility of Fleet Rental������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 71
4 Possibility of Reducing the Tax Burden������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
5 Energy Sustainability in Brazil������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 73
D. THREATS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
1 Tax Burden�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
2 Generic Classifications and Regulatory Uncertainty������������������������������������������������������������ 75
3 Lack of Knowledge and Cultural Barriers��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
4 Competition with Other Ultralights����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78
5 Recycling and Disposal of Batteries����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79

E. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Conclusion 1: Financing Possibilities for Brazilians���������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Conclusion 2: Alternative with Higher Quality and Lower Cost������������������������������������������������ 82
Conclusion 3. Factors that Can Be Reduced, Making the Final Price More Competitive��������������� 83

IV APPENDIXES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84


1 Australia����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
1.1 Vmoto������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
2 Germany����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
2.1 GOVECS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
2.2 Emco�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
2.3 Unu���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
3 Brazil���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
3.1 Riba Brasil������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
3.2 Sousa Motos���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
3.3 Wind do Brasil�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
4 China���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
4.1 Niu����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
4.2 Luyuan������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 88
4.3 Sunra�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
4.4 Yadea������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
5 Colombia���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
5.1 Electrika���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
5.2 Auteco������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 89
6 Spain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
6.1 Bultaco����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
6.2 Next Electric Motors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 89
6.3 Nuuk�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
6.4 Silence������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 89
6.5 Torrot������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
6.6 Volta Motor Company, S.L���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
6.7 e-Broh������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 90
6.8 Going Green���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
6.9 Lem Ev������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 90
7 United States����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
7.1 GenZe������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
8 France�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
8.1 Peugeot����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
8.2 RedE�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
9 Netherlands������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
9.1 Iva Mobility������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
10 India��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
10.1 Ather Energy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
10.2 Hero Electric�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
10.3 Twenty-Two Motors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
10.4 Okinawa Autotech������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
11 Italy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
11.1 Piaggio���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
11.2 Askoll������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 92
11.3 Megroup�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
12 Luxembuourg��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
12.1 Ujet�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
13 Israel�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
13.1 Blitz Motors���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
14 Poland������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 94
14.1 Vectrix����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
15 United Kingdom����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
15.1 E-Rider���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
16 Taiwan������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 94
16.1 Gogoro���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94

B. CHARGING POINTS......................................................................................... 96
1 BeCharged�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
2 iONEX�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
3 Bloova�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
4 ChargePoint������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96

C. ELECTRIC SCOOTER MAINTENANCE COMPANIES............................................. 97

1 Auteco�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
2 MyMobility Veículos Elétricos������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 97
3 Norauto������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 97

E. ELECTRIC SCOOTER SHARING COMPANIES������������������������������������������������������ 99

1 Innovation and Technology Cooperation Projects���������������������������������������������������������������101
1.1 Planning���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������101
1.2 Implementation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
1.3 Financing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
1.4 Procedure�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
2 Italy�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
3 Denmark����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
4 Norway������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
5 Netherlands������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
6 Spain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
7 Portugal�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
8 Austria�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
9 Switzerland������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
10 France�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
11 Belgium����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
12 United Kingdom����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
13 Taiwan�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
14 Australia��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106
15 United States��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106
16 Germany��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106

G. BILLS IN PROCESS IN BRAZIL�������������������������������������������������������������������������107

1 Federal Senate��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
1.1 Bill 3.986/2019................................................ �����������������������������������������������������107
1.2 Bill 5.590/2019�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
1.3 Senate Bill 340/2016����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2 Chamber of Deputies�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.1 Bill 5.272/2019�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.2 Bill 3.435/2019�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.3 Bill 9.616/2018�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.4 Bill 1.967/2019�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.5 Bill 7.582/2017�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.6 Bill 3.948/2015�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
2.7 Bill 3.412/2015�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.8 Bill 1.964/2019�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.9 Bill 1.371/2015�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.10 Bill 8.291/2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.11 Bill 7.167/2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.12 Bill 1.618/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.13 Bill 1.410/2015����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.14 Bill 156/2015������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.15 Bill 3.197/2019����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.16 Bill 6.503/2016���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
2.17 Bill 874/2019������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.18 Bill 4.106/2015����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.19 Bill 7.262/2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.20 Bill 3.339/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.21 Bill 4.086/2012���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.22 Bill 4.825/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.23 Bill 8.402/2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.24 Bill 8.630/2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.25 Complementary Bill 560/2018��������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.26 Bill 9.393/2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
2.27 Bill 902/2015������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.28 Bill 6.954/2017���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.29 Bill 7.785/2017����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.30 Bill 7.342/2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.31 Bill 2.145/2015���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.32 Bill 7.344/2014����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.33 Bill 2.226/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.34 Bill 3.274/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.35 Bill 3.242/2019���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.36 Bill 349/2019������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
2.37 Bill 4.507/2012���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110


Electric mobility (e-Mobility) is a term related to the

development of electric powered vehicles. In response to a
demand for more sustainable alternatives, electric vehicles
can represent, for companies and individuals, both the first
acquisition and an option for the partial or total replacement
of fleets that operate on the basis of fossil fuels and emit
Um veículo motorizado de transporte cômodo, fácil
so-called greenhouse gases (GHG). A comfortable, easy-to-handle and inexpensive
manejo e barato, de duas rodas, no qual o
condutor condiciona as suas pernasthe
motor vehicle, in which driver
para con-
a frente
This market study addresses topics applicable to all electric ditions
de seuhis legs forward
tronco, of his
sobre uma trunk, on em
plataforma, a platform,
vez de
vehicles, but is focused on the particularities of electric rather than
para osto the sides,
lados, como as occurs
ocorre onmotocicletas.
nas motorcycles.
scooters, with three main objectives:

1. present the specificities of electric scooters or scooters Finally, appendixes I, II and III present the world’s leading
(“electric scooters” or “e-scooters”) to potential users; 1 manufacturers of electric scooters , charging infrastructures
and their maintenance, while Appendix IV provides a
2. clarify and demystify doubts inherent in its use in public comparative table of specifications between selected models
and private fleets. in order to help operators start assessing what is on the
market and what model to look for to create possible
3. and serve as a tool for decision makers of Brazilian fleets. Appendix V lists the relevant sharing companies in
public and private companies in assessing the the international market, the multiplicity and scope of which
replacement, expansion or maintenance of their demonstrate that major European cities have incorporated
contingent of combustion vehicles. this type of vehicle as one of the mobility alternatives with
the greatest potential for growth and adherence, especially
The first part of this study explains key aspects and provides of the young public. Appendix VI provides a brief account
an overview of the electric scooter sector. Next, a brief of international incentives that directly or indirectly benefit
description of the regulatory framework currently in force in the electric scooter segment, and Appendix VII indicates the
Brazil is offered. In the following chapters, we discuss case bills that may impact the segment, with their menus and
studies whose applications could be adapted to the Brazilian other details.
context and, next, we bring a SWOT analysis (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), i.e., listing the It is clarified that the central scope of the study is the use of
main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of electric scooters as members of corporate fleets. Thus, the
the potential use of electric scooters in public or private material is not aimed at models developed for acquisition
corporate fleets in the country. by the individual end-user, as a means of transport or for
sports activities, but rather for companies that mainly use
scooters or motorcycles as an instrument in the provision of
their services.

Scooter is a term that defines two types of product: 1. open two-wheeled light vehicle, in which the driver sits on a closed engine with his legs together
and his feet resting on a floor board; or 2. vehicle normally mounted for recreation, consisting of a stirrup mounted on two wheels and a long steering
lever, driven by one foot resting on the stirrup and the other pushing against the ground, designated in Brazil as “scooter”. In this study, the focus is type
1. Source:, accessed 17 June 2019.


delivery, traffic control, maintenance of dealership services
The global market for electric vehicles has been growing and defense. Since 2008, citizens in Madrid, Barcelona
exponentially. The electric scooters, specifically, was and other Spanish urban centers use these vehicles in an
valued at 17.630 billion dollars in 2017, with a compound increasing and positive way, which explains the existence,
annual growth rate (CAGR)2 predicted at 12.8% between even, of local manufacturers. And this trend is not exclusive
2017 and 2026.3 to Spain, but widespread in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

In all the cases analyzed in this study, common elements

This is a segment whose technology has more than 110 are noted: the very low maintenance cost, the practicality of
years4 and that has been developing for decades but has the supply – i.e., the charging of the battery at considerably
experienced abrupt growth in the last 10 years, mainly due lower costs than those similar to combustion – and the
to the technological development of a central component: absence of local noise and atmospheric pollution in its use.
the battery. All these elements are welcome in Brazilian urban centers
and indicated as of absolute relevance by potential users.
In important European cities, several municipal services
today are provided by electric scooters,such as postal


1 THE GLOBAL MARKET Electric scooters are marketed under the MCN 8711.60.00
(“motorcycles, incl. mopeds and cycles equipped with an
HS is the condensed acronym for Harmonized Commodity auxiliary engine, with or without side cars – with electric
Description and Coding System, an internationally motor for propulsion”), a rating created in 2017, whose code
standardized coding of goods, developed and maintained is in force since January 1, 2018. Although recent, it is still
by the World Customs Organization. The HS has numerous a generic tariff classification, in the same MCN as mopeds,
functions, among which stand out: i.e., also applicable to electric bicycles and electric kick-

• determine the tax rates of the good;


• define its administrative treatment. This overlap prevents a clear analysis on the import data of

• enable foreign trade statistical calculations.

electric scooters in Brazil because the import data under

this MCN are agglutinated with other products. Because of
determine export or import tax rates. this, it is difficult to get longer and more detailed historical

• and check approving bodies, for example, the Ministry

of the Environment and Inmetro.
series that allow electric scooter import volume and value
statistics, as well as accurate demand projections.

It is noticeable, however, that the supply in Brazil is currently

The MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (MCN)5 is a quite small. Despite the growth and positive prospects for
convention for the categorization of goods adopted since 1995 the electric scooter market, it is still an immature segment,
by Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, based on the HS. and large companies are only emerging in the sector. The
companies Asians, however, have strong consolidation and

CAGR refers to the rate of return required for an investment to grow from its initial balance to its final balance. Thus, the magnitude of the CAGR is
considered one of the main indicators to analyze the viability of an investment.
Source: The MCN represents the specific tariff classification system
for the Mercosur block. It is an eight-digit code established to identify the nature of goods and promote the development of international trade, as well
as facilitate the collection and analysis of foreign trade statistics.
The NCM represents the specific tariff classification system for the Mercosur block. It is an eight-digit code established to identify the nature of goods
and promote the development of international trade, as well as facilitate the collection and analysis of foreign trade statistics.


prominence: it is estimated that 40 million motorcycles were
sold and electric bicycles, among which between 30 and 35
• offering an efficient infrastructure for quick and
practical charging of scooters, or allowing the swift
exchange of batteries (in stations, for example).

million for the Chinese domestic market, as early as 20156.
training of labor-force for the assembly of scooters
Surprisingly, the Japanese giants of the motorcycle sector – locally.
Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki – have not released,
so far, products of global relevance in the electric segment.
In order to change this scenario and identifying the potential
• identification of maintenance centers to support
user companies in their initial difficulties with their
respective fleets, training of additional units, as well
of the market, these companies recently announced the joint
as prompt replacement service of defective parts by
development of standardized removable batteries, which can
manufacturers; and

be used indistinctly in the models of the four manufacturers.
The goal is to lower their development costs, making electric design of a sustainable and complete after-use
vehicles also more economically viable and thus expand their solution, including reuse, disposal and recycling of
performance in the market of electric mopeds. Suzuki and batteries and other components of the electrical
Kawasaki have not yet publicly revealed their electric scooter system, compatible with Brazilian legislation.
designs. Already Honda and Yamaha showed, at the last
Tokyo Motor Show 2019, models that will sell initially in Asia
and subsequently in the rest of the world.7 2 BRIEF REGIONAL ANALYSIS / LATIN AMERICA

Despite the absence of traditional manufacturers of mopeds, Although the Latin American market for electric scooters is
the segment of electric scooters advances around the world, incipient, at least 45% of the countries in the region have
with greater or lesser speed, developed mainly by small and already adopted measures that favor its development. In
medium-sized companies, unknown to the public. addition, some local and global companies have decided
regionally for the partial replacement of their fleets in order
According to the study presented here and experts and to adapt to GHG reduction targets, as well as to reduce their
companies in the sector interviewed, the deployment of costs.
electric scooter assembly lines on a commercial scale in
Brazil and the development of the market as a whole would The Latin American region can particularly benefit from
proceed in a more accelerated way, provided that present the accelerated transition to electric mobility, considering
some factors: that it has one of the electricity generation matrices with

• feasibility of the cost of assembly or production;

lower GHG emissions, due to the high participation of

hydroelectric generation and the progressive evolution in
compatibility of the sale price of electric scooters with the market of other renewable energy sources.
the income of Brazilians.

• modernization of the regulatory framework to deal

specifically with electric scooters and allow appropriate
Among the Latin economies, some examples stand out,
including public policies, which had a clear positive and
accelerating effect on the market of electric vehicles and,
industrial policies.

consequently, electric scooters.
definition of tax policies and incentives that reduce
the cost of imported and domestically assembled 2.1 ARGENTINA

• running autonomy adjusted to the needs of different

Argentina currently has bills with incentives to increase the
supply of electric mobility, working on specific regulations

on electric vehicles, establishing the conditions for the
adaptation of user habits to the particularities of the installation or operation of centers for their charging and, at
electric model. the same time, exploring options for the local development
of the electric mobility industry.

Honda’s Benly e: and Gyro e: models reach the Japanese market in 2020, joining the electric version of the PCX. In the case of Yamaha, the presented
models are still conceptual: E01 and E02 should expand the line of electric scooters of the brand, which already sells the EC-05 in the Asian market.
This model also works with shared batteries.


The country faces, however, obstacles such as the lack of report that the legal device has undergone several changes,
industrialization in the area and the high cost of electricity losing its effectiveness.14
after the removal of subsidies from the federal government,
as well as a regulatory issue regarding the registration of On the other hand, a new national policy is being
scooters as vehicles. developed, the so-called National Electromobility
Strategy, with the support of the Inter-American
Previously, some companies started importing vehicles Development Bank (IADB), the Ministry of Information
of this type, framing them as bicycles or toys that would Technology and Communication of Paraguay, the
therefore not be subject to registration or licensing. The International Automobile Federation ( FIA) and the
controversy was resolved in November 2018 by stating of Paraguayan Touring and Automobile Club. This policy
the Registry of Motor Vehicle Property and Pledge Credits aims to transform local transport and seek sustainable
(DNRPA, in Spanish): and electric alternatives.15 In May 2019, the Electric
Mobility and Smart Cities Fair took place, which was
All motor vehicles in Argentina must be licensed, attended by major industries and the IADB.16 And even
regardless of the type of propulsion they have without a structured charging network, since 2018
(gasoline or electric power).8 electric scooters are seen most often in Ciudad del Este.17

The text includes motorcycles, trikes, scooters, tricycles and 2.3 URUGUAY
motor quadricycles in the category “vehicles” and clarifies
that the standard would have been in force since 1988. Due Uruguay stands out as an example of attention to the sector,
to widespread non-compliance with the regulations, there with regulation and incentive policies already in place, 18
is still no critical volume of registers, so the DNRPA reports charging network and awareness campaigns.19 In 2014,
that it cannot estimate the number of electric scooters in the government created an inter-institutional alliance to
circulation.9 carry out strategic actions aimed at developing regulatory,
technical and fiscal instruments that stimulate the gradual
Such difficulties did not prevent the creation, in 2007, of electrification of the vehicle fleet. This is because, in addition
Lucky Lion, 10 first Argentine operator of 100% electric to the objectives commonly associated with the electrification
vehicles (although with Chinese capital), which already has of the fleet, the country aims, for sovereignty issues, to reduce
about 40 dealerships.11 companies such as Spanish Movo, its dependence on fossil fuels by migrating to electricity,
Cabify,12 and Mexican Grin are preparing to enter the which not only produces, but also exports.
As a result, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and
2.2 PARAGUAY the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay
approved tax reductions for electric vehicles – for example,
Although a tax incentive law for the import of electric cars the internal specific tax (IMESI), which, by decree 246/012,
was passed in 2012, Paraguayan entrepreneurs in the sector it began to tax such vehicles by 5.75%, while combustion



vehicles pay from 23% to 46%.20 On the other hand, electric No specific information on scooters or other vehicles is yet
utility transport pays only 2.3%, lower than other vehicles. available, but the Bolivian government promises to fill the
Thus, electric vehicles are taxed in IMESI at a rate 75% to regulatory gap for all segments.
95% lower than that of the others.
In turn, the Investment Promotion Law (Decree 02/12)
offers incentives for projects related to attracting financial The understanding of Chile is to opt for a long-term vision,
resources to projects that include electric vehicles. oriented to prioritize public transport and non-motorized
modes. The country also believes that generating a critical
The country also inaugurated, in 2017, the first electric mass of electric vehicles brings several benefits, including
route in Latin America, going from Colonia to Punta del services and experiences.25
Este, with charging points every 60 km.21
In sign of the opening of the Chilean government to electric
According to the Uruguayan edition of the newspaper vehicles, in 2017 arrived in Santiago the first electric buses
El País, electric vehicles are increasingly conquering for the public transport system.26
Uruguayans and, according to information from Sibilas
Soto Consultores, the sale of these vehicles grew 133% in Already in 2018, the National Electromobility Strategy was
2018, including bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, tricycles launched, a joint effort of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry
and others,22 as a reflection of incentive policies and of Transport and Telecommunications and the Ministry of
demand growth. Environment.27 The policy recognizes that the country is
not a major global player in the market, for not producing
2.4 BOLIVIA vehicles and consuming them on a low scale, but highlights it
as one of the largest lithium reserves in the world (to better
By holding the largest lithium reserve in the world,23 the understand the subject, see section 2.4 Bolivia). The capacity
volatile metal that is the main component of batteries today of this reserve, by itself, changes Chile’s place on the map
considered more energy efficient from an energy point of of electric mobility, giving it relevance in the interaction with
view, Bolivia stands out in the electrical market. other global players in the face of the potential power of
attraction for battery cell manufacturers from this input.
Although it does not have the technology, knowledge or
capital necessary to exploit it, the country has already With a target of 40% of private vehicles and 100% of
entered partnerships with Germany and China24 in this public transport vehicles being electric by 2050, Chile has
regard and has been reaping the benefits. In September established the following implementation guidelines:28
2019, then-President Evo Morales drove the first 100%
manufactured electric car in Bolivia, and Quantum’s 1. Establish necessary regulations and standards for
plant in Llajta, Cochabamba, has already launched its components that promote the efficient development
first vehicles. of electromobility from an energy, environmental and
mobility point of view.

The IMESI is a type of indirect and selective tax for certain types of consumption, such as beverages, cosmetics, tobacco, vehicles and fuels, which
can be charged once at the first marketing or at the time of importation of the good. In this sense, it is like the Brazilian Tax on Industrialized Products


2. Strongly increase the entry of electric vehicles in public With its actions in development, and despite the specific
transport larger and smaller in the different cities of incentives not yet fully outlined, Chile remains strong in
the country. its goal of being a reference in electric mobility in South
3. Support the research and development of
electromobility and enhance the formation of human
capital at its different levels, to allow the progress of
the segment.
Colombia has shown significant growth in electric vehicle
4. Promote the development of electromobility, licensing in general in recent years, having even broken
generating new possibilities that allow the market to a register, with more than a thousand electric vehicles
sustain itself. circulating.30 In the words of the president of the National
5. Create space for knowledge transfer and dissemination
Association of Sustainable Mobility (Andemos),
of information necessary for the different parties to
make the ideal decisions regarding electromobility. throughout 2018, Colombia led sales of electric
vehicles in Latin America, with 390 units, followed by
It is undeniable that mopeds and, of course, electric Mexico, with 201 registers, and Ecuador, with 130
scooters will be a particularly important part of the goal of units.31
private transport. There are already on the market players
like Citycoco, Egomoto Movo and Super Soco. The graph below shows the progress of scooter and electric
motorcycle registrations in Colombia from 2011 to 2018. It
In early 2018, the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels is worth noting that the data of electric mopeds include the
of Chile (SEC) issued an official statement that allows any fleet of various products, such as sports motorcycles and
commercial establishment to install public charging stations kick-scooters.
for electric vehicles, opening the field for new companies,
electricity distributors and retail companies.29

Graph - Sales of Electric Scooters and Motorcycles in Colombia


230 234
168 165 163

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Number of units registered in the period

Source: MOVE-2018.32

Source: Electric mobility: advances in Latin America and the Caribbean and opportunities for regional collaboration. 2018. Available at: http:// Accessed 21 Oct. 2019.


Already in the first three months of 2019, there was an
expressive growth of 82% in the licensing of electric
motorcycles and electric scooters compared to the same
period of 2018: from 324 units, it jumped to 590, as shown
in the chart below.33

Graph - Sales of Electric Scooters and Motorcycles in Colombia

1st quarter of 2018 and 2019

Total: 590

105 101 Total: 324

January February March

Registers in 2018 Registers in 2019

Source: Andemos.34

Regarding tax incentives, Law 1.819/2016 provides a institutions and commercial establishments offering parking
differentiated value-added tax (VAT), of 5%, for parts and must allocate at least 2% of the spaces for electric vehicles.35
charging centers of electric and hybrid vehicles. Executive
Decree 1.116/2017, promulgated by the Colombian Ministry 2.7 COSTA RICA
of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, establishes tax benefits
of 0% and 5% import tax for electric and hybrid vehicles, Costa Rica also aspires to play a relevant role in the world’s
respectively. It also grants 0% import tax for electric vehicle decarbonization goals, an expectation that is justified by
charging stations. the 2019 Champions of the Earth Awards, awarded by the
United Nations (UN).36
In March 2018, the text of the Law for Electric Mobility
was approved in the Senate (Bill 75) to promote electric The country has almost 100% of its demand for energy
vehicles. It includes a definition of electric vehicle and sets supplied by renewable and own sources37 and plans to lead
the amount of applicable fees, so that taxes may not exceed the decarbonization of the economy, becoming one of the
1% of the commercial value of the vehicle. The same bill first countries to free itself from fossil fuels. At the heart
proposes the creation of a discount on the periodic or of this agenda is the electrification of transport to take
technical-mechanical review of the vehicle and emissions advantage of this capacity.38
assessments. The government also proposed to issue
compulsory insurance policies for electric vehicles with a Recently, in 2019, was promulgated by Executive Decree
lower rate than that of regular vehicles. In addition, public 41.561-MR-MINAE the National Plan of Decarbonization, in

Source:, Accessed June 2019.
Source: Accessed 21
Oct. 2019.


line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.39 The goal of Also opens doors for public-private partnerships for the
the plan is that by 2035, 70% of buses and taxis will be zero deployment of charging points, with the aim of reaching
emission (to reach 100% by 2050), while the fast passenger 100% of the fleet consisting of electric vehicles.
train operates 100% with electricity.
Without losing sight of the electrification of the private
fleet, Costa Rica encourages the market by exempting the All electric vehicles, including scooters, are exempt from
selective consumption rate – which represents between 30% the environmental tax on vehicle pollution, which stimulates
and 53% of the total value of vehicles – while hybrids pay companies to act with mobility in a sustainable way.42
a fee equivalent to 10% of the total price of the vehicle.
The exemption applies to all new electric and rechargeable In Ecuador, unlike Brazil, these types of scooters are
hybrid vehicles, including hybrid and electric scooters and still cataloged by the National Transit Agency (NTA) as
motorcycles imported into the country.40 bicycles and, for this reason, do not require licensing,
license plates or rating, as long as they do not exceed the
In November 2018, as part of the national goal, the speed of 35 km/h.
country’s National Postal Service announced the plan to
electrify its delivery fleet, which involves the introduction of In 2018, 70 electric mopeds were sold in Ecuador, with an
348 electric mopeds in the medium term. In addition, the average value of US$ 2,300, with another 120 imported and
measure represents a drastic reduction in spending on the distributed in the country.
distance traveled, from € 28.8/km, with fuel, to € ₡ 1.37/
km, with electricity.41 As for charging, Ecuador has concluded an international
agreement between the Universidad Salesiana, Deea
Also, in 2017, the Costa Rican Congress passed Law 9,518, Solutions GmbH and Tratural Co. Ltd., from Germany,
which provides tax incentives for private and public electric responsible for the design and installation of a power plant,
vehicles and institutional fleets. The law encourages the in which mechanisms were developed with the energy of
purchase of electric vehicles in public tenders and sets the solar panels at charging stations to stimulate the use of
goal to electrify at least 5% of the bus fleet every two years. electric vehicles.

Figure - Monthly Sales of Electric Vehicles in Ecuador between 2015 and 2018

30 28
25 23 22
19 20

15 12 11 12
10 8
7 6
5 5 4
5 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 1

Source: AEADE, Autoplus 2018



2.9 MEXICO Finally, Mexico’s robust vehicle industrial park, currently
the sixth largest powerhouse in the manufacture of these
Mexico is cited as a success story by Jorge Barrigh, goods, 48 also leaves it ahead of most of its competitors –
president of the Latin American and Caribbean Council including in Latin America – in the race for the manufacture
on Renewable Energy43, thanks to the regulatory opening of electric vehicles.
in the area of renewable energies initiated by its Legal
Framework of Renewable Energies in Mexico.44 2.10 OVERVIEW AND CONCLUSIONS

Among the measures adopted for the benefit of electric According to the UN Environment, the environmental
vehicles are exemption from the new vehicle tax, exemption situation in Latin America is expected to worsen in the
from the annual vehicle property tax (tenure payment) by coming years due to the excessive increase of its vehicle
most Mexican States and exemption from the restriction fleet. In the words of Leo Heileman, regional director of the
and environmental verification in Mexico City. entity, the fleet of combustion vehicles in Latin America

Mexico’s National Electric Mobility Strategy was launched “it is expanding faster than in any other area of
in September 2018, led by the Secretariat of Environment the World”49, putting even the Paris Agreement
and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), in collaboration with on Climate Change at risk, since “the region alone
the Secretariat of Energy, the Ministry of Finance and Public contributes about 10% of the greenhouse gases
Credit, the Ministry of Economy and the Mexican Association emitted in the world”.50
of Automotive Industry (AMIA), as well as representatives of
the electric vehicle industry. With short-term actions, some The region, however, has the cleanest energy matrix in the
of its goals are to promote the production of electric vehicles, world, with a 25% share of renewable sources.51 Some
increase the charging infrastructure and gradually electrify countries, such as Uruguay52 and Costa Rica, 53 already
vehicle sales in the country. The goal is to electrify 5% of new have their demand for electricity met by more than 90% by
vehicle sales by 2030, 50% by 2040 and 100% by 2050. renewable sources.

The country already has the largest network of charging In this sense, the Development Bank of Latin American
centers in Latin America, with 2,000 stations (the result of (CAF) indicates that the region needs to improve its energy
collaborations with major automakers), 45 and the largest production processes and the use of energy to achieve
number of licensed electric vehicles.46 energy efficiency and improve its population’s access to such
resources as its global competitiveness.54 It is also a fact that
In addition, Mexico City already has several sharing the region holds the largest lithium reserves on the planet.55
companies, renting bicycles, scooters and electric bikes.47



For all these reasons, various international bodies 56 57 58 support the acceleration of the transition for electric
and private institutions seek to point directions and develop mobility in Latin America.59 The first two axes have to
greater cooperation in the region, including with European do with the establishment of a balanced regulatory floor,
and Asian countries. allowing electric vehicles to compete on an equal footing
with combustion-like vehicles. The other two are related to
The UN Environment suggested in its studies four priority the creation of conditions and infrastructures that facilitate
axes that, if treated in an integrated way, can decisively the deployment of electric mobility.

Figure - UN Environment Priorities Axes for Latin America

1 2 3 4


Emissions and Eliminate fuel subsidies Adapting critical mass Charging networks
fuel standards Regulate imports to electric vehicles Differentiated rates
Labeling of used vehicles Having pilots in Creation of innovation
CO2 emissions tax key sectors platforms
Adopt temporary Technical training
Disseminate and
raise awareness

Source: ONU, Move: Movilidad eléctrica em Latinoamérica.

Local countries are already moving, granting tax and non-

tax incentives, according to the following framework, and
set regional goals, such as an electric route between the
Mercosur countries.60



Figure - Summary of Incentive Policy Instruments in Latin America
Category Political instrument Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Mexico Panama
VAT discount/exemption ■ ■ ■ ✔ ✔ ✔ ■ ■
Purchase Import tax discount/exemption
incentives ✔ ✔ ■ ✔ ✔ ■ ✔ ■
Other ✔ ✔ ■ ■ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Discount/exemption from
movable property tax ■ ■ ■ ■ ✔ ■ ✔ ■
incentives Tolls or parking exemption ■ ■ ■ ✔ ✔ ■ ✔ ■
Other ■ ■ ■ ■ ✔ ■ ✔ ■
Exemption from movement
restrictions ■ ■ ■ ✔ ✔ ■ ■ ■
Other Other Incentives ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ✔ ✔ ■
National electric mobility strategy ✔ ■ ✔ ✔ ✔ ■ ✔ ✔
Regulation of charging stations ■ ■ ✔ ■ ✔ ■ ■ ■
✔ Full incentive/policy instrument approved and implemented
✔ Partial incentive/political instrument at the design stage

Source: Euroclima e Aecid.61

For incentive policies in other regions of the world, see

Appendix VI.



The Brazilian legislation is relatively ambiguous regarding Electric bicycles were regulated by Resolution 465/2013
two-wheeled vehicles, and the segment would benefit from a of the National Traffic Council (CNT), which equated them
modernization. The Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB – Law 9.503, to conventional bicycles with human propulsion.63 This
of September 23, 1997) does not make a clear distinction measure put an end to confusion among traffic agents and
between motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and electric insecurity among users of electric bicycles due precisely to
bicycles, mainly due to the fact that electric vehicles did not the lack of differentiation with mopeds.
yet represent a reality when the CTB was promulgated.62
The ambiguity regarding mopeds, however, remains.
For the CTB, a motorcycle is a two-wheeled self-propelled According to the CTB, the moped is a two to three-wheeled
vehicle, with or without a side car, driven by a driver in a vehicle that has an internal combustion engine and whose
mounted position. The motor scooter is a two-wheeled self- speed does not exceed 50 km/h.64 The scooter has an
propelled vehicle, driven by a driver in a sitting position. electric motor, and this is the main difference between the
two. However, the resolution of the National Traffic Council
(CONTRAN) 315/2009, amended by Resolution 465/2013,
equated the moped to:

Appendix I to the CTB.


[all electric cycle] fitted with an electric propulsion Similar Vehicles Configuration (LCM), issued by the Brazilian
engine with a maximum power of 4 kW (four Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
kilowatts), whether or not fitted with driver-driven (IBAMA), which certifies that the scooter is within the current
pedals, the maximum weight of which, including the environmental regulations and takes on average 15 days to
driver, passenger and cargo, does not exceed 140 kg be issued. With the license in hand, it is necessary to issue
(one hundred and forty kilograms) and the maximum the Certificate of Suitability to the Traffic Legislation( CAT),
speed declared by the manufacturer does not exceed which will prove that the vehicle is compatible with Brazilian
50 km/h (fifty kilometers per hour).65 traffic regulations and meets the safety criteria required by
the National Traffic Department (DENATRAN). The CAT
In this way, electric scooters falling within the above takes, on average, 30 days for its release.
description for power, weight or maximum speed are
subject to the use of appropriate helmet and clothing and Once approved, it is necessary to hire an accredited and
are allowed to run only on the bearing tracks, never on experienced professional to carry out the service of
cycle lanes and cycle lanes. In addition, it is mandatory vehicle import and customs clearance. This will initiate
to hold an Authorization for the Driving of Mopeds or the import procedures, requiring the Tracking of Agents
National Driver’s License - Category A, in addition to Activity (RADAR), which is a simplified import authorization
the need for registration, licensing and plate, according for amounts less than US$ 150,000, given by the Federal
to Resolution CONTRAN 555/2015 and Resolution Revenue. The dispatcher will also register an Import Permit
CONTRAN 231/2007. (LI) in the Integrated System of Foreign Trade (SISCOMEX),
which will be sent to IBAMA and the Secretariat of Foreign
Trade (SECEX). Such bodies will prove that the interested
party has complied with the confirmation and proof of
In summary, following the standards already found for
destination requirements for the tires.
traditional motorcycles, electric scooters will require
registration, licensing and plate, as well as the use of
You will also be asked to provide the Material Safety Data
helmet and possession of own authorization to drive it,
Sheet (MSDS), a product safety data sheet containing
either as a moped (Authorization for Driving Mopeds,
specifications for the material and safe handling of the
ACC), or as a motorcycle.
battery, as well as information on material composition,
chemistry, toxicity, storage, handling and disposal. The
MSDS must be supplied by the battery manufacturer.

2 IMPORT OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS After completing all these steps, the scooters will be legally
able to enter Brazilian territory. But it is of utmost importance
As for the import of scooters, in parts or assembled, at first to wait for the issuance of the CAT before authorizing the
there is no need for a license for specific or different import exporter to ship the goods, thus avoiding unnecessary costs
than is already required for the import of motorbikes and for customs clearance by not presenting this document.
Finally, scooters must undergo a tax inspection before being
Once the moped to be imported has been defined, an released.
application for approval must be made, stating the make,
model, version and accessories, if applicable. Only new According to the experience of the importers interviewed
vehicles may be imported. in this study, since there is familiarity with the import
procedure, it does not represent any burden to the
For the scooter to be allowed to enter Brazil, it is necessary operation, being quite predictable and without bureaucratic
to obtain the License for Use of Mopeds, Motorcycles and obstacles that deserve to be highlighted.

Source: artigo 1º da Resolução Contran 315 de 2003. Source:



Appendix I contains a list of the world’s leading charging. This model is especially interesting for operators
manufacturers of electric scooters. Of those questioned, of delivery and sharing services.
most showed, in an interview, an interest in operating in the
Brazilian market through partnerships or independently. Its
condition, however, is that there is a regulatory movement 2 CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE
more favorable to the segment, particularly with reductions MAINTENANCE
in import taxes (II) and on industrialized products (IPI).
The preventive and corrective maintenance of electric
scooters, further dealt with in Appendix III, is one of
1 CHARGING TYPES its major competitive advantages. The moving parts of
vehicles, as with all equipment, suffer wear in use, by the
As explained in Appendix II, electric vehicles sold today friction of the movement itself, even with the periodic
come from the factory, usually with a 110-volt Level 1 application of lubricating oils. Rui Almeida, director of
portable charger, connected to a simple household outlet, automaker Riba Brasil, 68 explains that, while combustion
and do not require special installation. Some manufacturers, motorcycles have approximately 100 moving parts, 50
in turn, offer a charger of Levels 1 and 2, bivolt (i.e., from to 60 only in the engine, electric scooters have only 8
110 to 240 volts), so that at first it is not necessary to install moving parts:69 have no belts, pistons or gears to wear
specific charging infrastructure. Level 3 charging is possible and no filters, candles or oils to change, nor valves or
in fast or express charging stations, whose more intense clutches to adjust. Corrective maintenance, therefore, is
current allows for faster charging. However, this technology reduced and, depending on use, topography and driving,
is not used in electric scooters on a commercial scale, due represents a cost up to eight times lower compared to the
to the increased wear of the cells, which reduces the life of combustion bike, as will be detailed in the Chapter III. In
the batteries.67 the perception of fleet operators, the operational economy
is one of the main positive factors, although the purchase
In a conventional outlet, full charging of the battery can price of scooters is, in general, slightly higher than that of
take from 3 to 8 hours, depending on the model of the combustion motorcycles.
scooter. In this way, battery switching stations become
particularly interesting when faster and/or frequent charges Maintenance of the mechanical part of scooters, which
are required. includes chassis, brake and bearing, can be done in
traditional mechanical workshops, that is, in the same ones
Older models are charged at stations for the whole scooter that do the maintenance of combustion mopeds. In general,
(Bloova). Although visually they look like bicycle sharing the most worn and sometimes replaced part is the tire.
stations, in this case they fulfill the functions of parking
and charging the vehicle. Models that have removable For possible electrical problems, the usual thing in the
batteries (Emco or Gogoro) have been taking up space market is the replacement of the defective part with a new
in the segment; because they are portable, the batteries one, because the cost of labor-force to repair it does not
can be taken for charging in places such as offices or pay financially. Who is responsible for this replacement,
apartments, as well as allowing drivers to change them depending on the mode of acquisition, contracting and/or
and continue driving without having to take long breaks for business model of the service.

Some electric motorcycles, that is, models with higher power and weight, therefore not classifiable as electric scooters, have models with the
possibility of fast charging (CCS type), such as those existing for automobiles, for example, models manufactured by Zero Motorcycles. These are
usually the high standard sports motorcycles and the same system cannot be used for charging those electric vehicles that are not manufactured and
adapted to receive level 3 charge.
Moving parts are front and rear wheel bearing, steering box, bushings and balance bearing, shock absorbers and throttle, brake disc and brake pad.


Within the context of the development of the current market example, with Govecs (Germany) and Torrot (Spain). In
in Brazil, it is most likely that the first agents in the provision the Brazilian context, a scenario with the potential to be
of maintenance services are the operators and automakers replicated is that of the German manufacturer UNU, in
already found in the market, such as the companies Riba partnership with Bosch Service for the maintenance service
and Wind do Brasil. of its electric scooters. Considering the breadth of Bosch
Service’s network in Brazil, a possible partnership in similar
In addition, the manufacturers themselves usually provide ways can be promising for the purposes of credibility and
maintenance service for the fleets. This is the case, for satisfactory coverage of the Brazilian market.




Urban mobility and the opportunities of this market have making by replacing combustion motorcycle/scooter fleets
been an important topic of debate around the world. The with electric equivalents. However, it is important to point
solutions are as diverse as the challenges faced by urban out the limitations found during the collection of information
centers: for each problem, multiple and integrated solutions. about the electric scooter sector in Brazil and worldwide.

There are, however, points of convergence in the evolution Difficulties were found in the collection and organization of
of most alternatives, such as the search for increased primary data due to slight interest by private companies,
efficiency, reduction in costs and sustainability. In the case which either do not have them or create barriers to access
of electric mobility, the solution includes electrification from them by strategic secrecy. Even data collection systems such
ultralight vehicles, such as bicycles and kick-scooters, to as the Annual Industrial Production of the Brazilian Institute
heavy ones, such as trucks and buses. of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Annual Social
Information Report (RAIS) or the Foreign Trade Database
Both public and private entities use electric mobility (Ministry of Economy) do not have data or historical series on
worldwide as an important ally in reducing GHG emissions this segment, nor do segregated import statistics that allow
and noise pollutants and, consequently, its environmental the projection of demand for classification and size problems
impact. The differential of electric vehicles is that their of companies and the segment itself. Finally, there are still
management occurs by powerful tools for large fleets, no sales volumes in Brazil that allow the establishment of a
allowing behavioral control, increased safety, fulfillment technically acceptable numerical standard.
of goals and performance of functions, all these elements
especially important for any corporation. As it is a segment not yet consolidated, in short, of incipient
numbers in view of its potential, the cases selected and
While some parties, especially European and Asian, are incorporated in this study boil down to small companies –
moving steadily towards the change in the energy matrix of often start-ups – or innovation divisions of large corporations
their means of transport, the segment’s progress in some or pilot projects of these. Most of the companies interviewed
countries is more slowed down, not due to lack of demand, did not have any metrics of economy, efficiency, usability,
but mainly due to lack of financial resources and information well-being, or even the impact of any government measures.
or the lack of public policies of incentive. It is in this context
that we present case analyses of corporate fleets of electric On the other hand, the absence of secondary data, produced
scooters in the world, always keeping in mind the potential by companies, by sectoral entities or even by the public
reproduction, adapted to the Brazilian context. authority, intensifies this fragility that is the lack of numbers
for those who want to invest or just know this market. In
By evaluating certain applications of companies and public summary, the segment of electric scooters:
agents that already adopt electric scooters in the provision
of their services, in logistics and transport, the objective
of this chapter is to allow reflection, clarify and demystify
• it is incipient, fragile, unconsolidated, composed of
small companies and start-ups and innovation divisions
and pilot projects.

doubts inherent to the use of this type of vehicle in public
and private fleets through concrete experiences. does not present enough years to carry out the analysis
of historical series.
The following case studies have, therefore, the great
advantage of enabling the Brazilian market of electric • does not enable segregated import statistics that allow
demand projections.

scooters to develop from the good experiences of other
countries and avoid bad ones, in a segment whose history is nor does it have sales volumes in Brazil that can
insufficient, but the evolution is intense. establish a technically acceptable numerical standard.

Economies were selected in which the segment can be This chapter is composed of five case studies, selected
considered more mature, although not fully consolidated. because they deserve greater prominence and represent
The lessons learned allow the acceleration of the learning a more concrete opportunity in the Brazilian context if
curve, the reduction of financial and human expenditures they were used as a positive reference and capable of duly
and the increase in efficiency at the time of eventual decision adapted reproduction.



The analyses were grouped considering the various about costs and price formation, only partially answered,
applications of electric scooters and the cases identified with with limited numerical content and unrepresentative since
the help of the manufacturers, importers and operators of most companies still lack due control of performance and
the vehicles themselves.70 These recommended their large economy metrics.
current institutional customers and the most representative
examples of each application. The information collected was organized in this section
in a way addressed to all Brazilian companies that have
The information was collected through field surveys, an interest in replacing their combustion fleet with more
desk research and, mainly, semi-structured face-to-face sustainable alternatives, as well as to foreign manufacturers
interviews, via telephone or video call with assemblers, that potentially want to invest in electric mobility in Brazil.
managers and users of companies and municipalities that For European scooter producers, an understanding of the
use electric scooters to provide services in Brazil and country’s specific context, which of course is still unknown,
abroad. In addition, structured questionnaires were sent was noted as a priority point.

Figure - Research Sources

200+ +300 30+

Emails, Interviews, articles and experts of various
Questionnaires, Meetings other sources nationalities
and Conferences

Associations in Manufacturers Mobility and

Brazil and of e-Scooters Sustainability
Companies abroad experts
Agencies in
Innovation, Public
Sustainability or Agents Importers and
Universities and
Mobility Assemblers of
Think Tanks
Electric Vehicles

The major manufacturers are described in Appendix I.



Among the most common uses in the surveyed urban technological update, without its acquisition and
centers, some were identified that would possibly be without worrying about maintenance.

beneficial in the Brazilian context, presenting, therefore,
greater potential for adherence to the national economy and the practicality of charging the batteries, as
and local drivers. opposed to the expensive supply of combustion
Figure - Demand Potential for Electric Scooters in Brazil
The main reason for the expansion of the market of electric
motorcycles and scooters for sharing, however, was the fact
that urban centers are highly congested and light vehicles
provide greater agility in circulation.
Deliveries deliveries
In terms of consumers’ perception of sharing services,
we add to the elements indicated above the concern with
Public and
Industrial sustainability issues, especially on the part of the millennials’
security generation.

Public Integrated
services Solutions
The largest fleets of shared electric scooters in Europe are
Sharing found in Madrid and Paris. Global data from the sector show
that almost all vehicles shared in urban centers (92%) –
including scooters – are electric, and 95% are made available
via free-float sharing72 (i.e., without specific stations for pick-
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult. up and return). This offers a particularly convenient mobility
option for routes with a usual radius of up to 8 km in urban
Of these applications, five are analyzed in greater depth as areas, without the need for investment in the ownership of a
follows: sharing services; meal delivery services; integrated vehicle, or the risks and costs associated with its acquisition.
solutions; postal delivery services; and municipal public INDEPENDÊNCIA E CONVENIÊNCIA
services, with emphasis on security. Figure - What
Usufruto Doessem
do veículo the
E Sharing
no altoUser
incorrer custo Seek?
de sua
aquisiçã veículo sem incorrer no alto custo de sua
Usufruto do veículo sem
incorrer no alto custo de sua
Use of do veículo
the vehicle sem incorrer
without no alto custo
incurring de sua
the high cost of
its acquisition.
Inovações conferem alternativas cada vez mais
Inovaçõesde conferem alternativas cada devezrecarga
CONVENIENCE eletricidade, em estações
Between 2016 and 2017, scooter sharing around the world PRATICIDADE
Inovações DE OF
conferem CHARGING
alternativas cada vez mais
rápida oudedeeletricidade, em estações
baterias more
extraíveis de recarga
e imediatamente
Innovations provide
Inovaçõesde conferem
práticas and
eletricidade, more
em estações practical
cada devezrecarga
almost quadrupled in number of trips,71 in line with the rápida ou de baterias extraíveis e imediatamente
ternatives to electricity, in fast charging stations or
rápida oudede eletricidade, em estações
baterias extraíveis de recarga
e imediatamente
spread of the culture of sharing all kinds of product and substituídas.
rápida ou deand immediately
baterias replaced
extraíveis batteries.
e imediatamente
service via mobile apps. SEGURANÇA
Riscos atrelados à propriedade são da empresa de
Riscos atrelados ànão do usuário.
propriedade são da empresa de
Risks linked
Riscos atreladosto àownership
propriedadeare thedasharing
são empresacompany,
The main reasons for such abrupt growth are: compartilhamento,
not theatrelados
não do usuário.
user. à propriedade são da empresa de
compartilhamento, não do usuário.

compartilhamento, não do usuário.
the independence and convenience of coming/going MAINTENANCE

Both corrective
Tanto and preventive,
corretiva quanto
MANUTENÇÃO preventiva, also in charge
igualmente a of the
Tanto corretiva quanto do
preventiva, igualmente
facilitando aa
cargo daprovider,
MANUTENÇÃO facilitating
prestadora usability.
the low cost in the face of the possibility of the final Tanto corretiva quanto preventiva, igualmente a
cargo da prestadora do serviço,
usabilidade. facilitando a
cargo corretiva quanto do
da prestadora preventiva,
serviço, igualmente
facilitando aa
consumer to enjoy products of high value and constant usabilidade.
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult. serviço,
cargo da
usabilidade.prestadora do facilitando a

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


Driven by the sharing service, the growth of the electric The following graph demonstrates the relevance of vehicle
scooter market is especially noticeable in Spain. According purchase to the provision of sharing services (referred to as
to data from the National Association of Companies of “rental”) in total electric mopeds:
the Two-wheeled Sector (ANESDOR), between 2017 and
2018, while the moped market grew by 8.9%, there was an
increase of 71.8% specifically of electric mopeds.73

Graph - Acquisitions of Electric Motorcycles and Scooters in Spain

2018 7328

2017 4266

2016 1371

2015 600

2014 687

2013 1140

2012 1457

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Companies Individuals Rental

Source: ANESDOR, 2019. Prepared by Sidera Consult.

It is interesting to note that the forecasts of the Spanish some fear of investment in equipment and innovation by
association are that this growth will continue in 2019 and companies. According to the Spanish association, companies
2020 in even greater progression. feared the issue of rules that could make the business
financially unfeasible and, as the rules and limitations
The association also stated that greater legal certainty, became clearer, operators were willing to intensify their
through the publication of usability standards (such as efforts to develop the market. This is also expected to occur
traffic rules and necessary safety equipment) and even some in Brazil.
limitations (of maximum speed for motorcycles and scooters,
for example), was a great stimulus for the development We already have the presence of some companies offering
of this segment in Spain. The lack of predictability and the service of sharing motorcycles and electric scooters in
regulatory problems of the past, as shown today in the some large urban centers in the Brazilian territory, such
Brazilian scenario, was observed as one of the biggest as the city of São Paulo. Globally, dozens of companies
obstacles to the growth of the sector. are now part of a growing network of sharing systems: in
Appendix V, there are some examples of electric scooter
As with all other technological advances, the Spanish sharing companies in operation, the multiplicity of which is
regulatory environment took time to adapt, which generated an indication that the market requires this business model.

Source: Accessed 25 July 2019.


In general, the fleets available for sharing are their own, already met. The compartment containing the helmet has
since the applications require electronic adaptations to sensors to prevent theft. Thus, the trip is only completed
the equipment and the manufacturers of the scooters do – and the charge suspended – when the helmet is properly
not allow the specifications of the vehicles to be modified, repositioned on the console. In addition, in this business
under penalty of loss of warranty of the vehicle. Most of model, the use of removable batteries is the most common
the manufacturers identified in the study, however, have option, allowing its rapid replacement so that the scooter
a version of the scooters specifically designed for shared continues in circulation.
urban use, whose usual top speed is 45 km/h (Europe) or 50
km/h (Brazil). Typically, they allow use by two passengers, as The preventive and corrective maintenance of vehicles is
well as accommodate the helmet for the driver. entirely in charge of the sharing company through its own
workshops, which replace defective components whenever
In more modern models, some concerns regarding the safety necessary directly with their manufacturers.
of the use of the vehicle and their capacity for autonomy are

Figure - Map of Electric Scooters Sharing Services

Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.74


1.2.1 Cooltra

The e-Cooltra sharing service is a segment of the Cooltra operating in eight cities. It has a fleet of more than five
company, which, in turn, also offers combustion motorbikes thousand units and, in Brazil, operates in partnership with
rental services in several European cities, as well as a food the Brazilian Riba in its sharing arm.
and document delivery service.
The company, founded in 2006 in Barcelona as a rental service
The e-Cooltra company is currently one of the largest of combustion scooters, has as its competitive advantage the
players in the electric scooter sharing service in Europe, time of operation and consolidation in this mobility market.

The interactive version of this map, with an indication of the companies operating in each locality, can be accessed at:


Foundation When it confirmed with its Brazilian partner that the
2006 electric alternative could also be viable for its fleet, Cooltra
replicated the Brazilian experience in Spain.
More than 5,000 electric vehicles Additional motivation for e-Cooltra’s plans came from
the Spanish government: at the time of advent of sharing,
Manufacturers of their Electric Scooters specific benefits were offered to companies operating with
Askoll e Govecs electric vehicles. The incentive was part of the MOVALT
(Alternative Mobility Support Plan) and MOVEA (Impulse
Coverage Mobility Plan with Alternative Energy Vehicles) Plans and
8 cities (Lisbon, Rome, Milan, Barcelona, Valencia, provided discounts between 600 and 800 euros for the
Malaga, Palma de Mallorca and Madrid) acquisition of L1 type mopeds,75 classification applicable to
electric scooters. The plan still exists, under the nickname
Transition process MOVES Plan, covering all types of electric vehicles,76 but
with some modifications of the original scheme. In addition,
The path taken to reach the current success was quite the company enjoyed other benefits offered by the local
rough. The first 25 electric scooters of the parent company government, such as the exemption of licensing fees.
Cooltra were acquired in November 2009, but this first
experience of the company was negative because of the Suppliers
then low performance of its batteries, despite the high cost
and quality vehicle. Outcome: the operation barely survived. The choice of the electric scooter model for the e-Cooltra
sharing service required meeting the specifications
Three years later, in October 2012, e-Cooltra, the group’s requested by the authorities and the local market, such as:
free-float sharing division, was also created in Barcelona,
• Maximum speed of 45 km/h;

when electric scooters finally began to play a positive role in
the company’s operations. removable lithium battery;

• space to store helmet.

Interestingly, the decision of the Spanish operator to give
another chance to the electric segment was influenced by and application for user and for remote fleet
the movement in Brazil: the company Riba, its affiliate, management.
had acquired 50 electric scooters also in 2009, betting
that this type of vehicle would be the future of mobility in Battery life and performance were fundamental factors in
Brazilian urban centers. Time later, Riba’s decision to place the planning and choice of vehicles that would be made
its electric scooters for sharing services derived from its available by the company in this new phase, especially after
positive experience, in these years, of exclusively electric a negative initial experience in operation.
fleet, especially regarding the significant reduction of
operational costs, key to any fleet operation, and the search
for sustainability.

This is the European Union’s classification for ultralight two-wheel vehicles, with variation of subcategories L1eA and L1eB, in accordance with EU
Regulation 168/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2013 on approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel
vehicles and quadricycles.
The purpose of these support schemes is to promote the development of electric mobility at all levels, both in private and in commercial use, with
incentives even for electric buses and trucks. The installation of the electric charging point and the support for companies that bet on greener
transport systems are also subsidized. Salinas, Raúl. “This is the government aid to buy an electric bike.”, Autobild. Source: www. Accessed 21 Feb 2019.


Figure - Govecs model for e-Cooltra scooter to be unlocked without needing a key, using only
the user’s smartphone.

Charging and Batteries Replacement

As mentioned, removable batteries are an essential

requirement for business viability. The company’s scooters
have only one battery, which is replaced throughout the day
as needed by an e-Cooltra team.

On the disposal of batteries at the end of their useful life,

in the case of Govecs models, the manufacturer itself took
responsibility for the replacement and correct disposal.
With Askoll, there has been no disposal or replacement of
batteries yet, since their service life has not yet ended for
any of the units sold.
Source: e-Cooltra
Customer profile
The first supplier of electric scooters for e-Cooltra sharing
was the German company Govecs. The fact that it is a The target audience of the sharing service is made up
company based in Europe was decisive for issues of supply of residents themselves because, pe la perception of the
of maintenance services, quality of the product offered and, company, tourists tend to rent cars instead of using the
above all, alignment with the European regulations in force. sharing service. It has also been observed that young users,
whose distances to be covered range from 2 km to 4 km,
Figure - Askoll model for e-Cooltra tend to choose, for comfort and speed, kick-scooters
instead of walking, or use scooters and bicycles. In large
urban centers, 60% of the routes up to 8 km are made
with kick-scooters, bicycles and scooters , the latter being
the favorite for the routes between 4 km and 8 km.77 The
electric scooter , in this sense, serves users similar to the
systems of shared bikes and electric kick-scooters, but
has the advantage of allowing to travel relatively greater
distances than these in a more agile way.

In addition, the sharing of electric scooter was thought

as a complementary option to other modes of transport,
especially the commuting, mostly carried out by public

Source: Cooltra Declared Preference

In 2018, e-Cooltra switched suppliers, acquiring eSpro A short questionnaire was structured with questions
model electric scooters from the Italian manufacturer Askoll. about the importance of some regulatory measures, the
The reasons indicated for the exchange were technological relationship with the company and the decision to operate
advances, the more modern design and the fact that it is electric scooters. The responses revealed that the decision
lighter, an advantage for the performance of scooters due to to operate or manufacture electric vehicles was based,
the increased battery life. The Italian company made color especially, on the economic gain achieved by electric
adaptations and included the e-Cooltra logo, a wider seat, scooters, despite the higher initial capital, and on the role
for two passengers, and support service for the use of the that the environmental agenda has taken on globally in
sharing application. The latter innovated by allowing the recent years.

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


Comments on the e-Cooltra model 1.2.3 Movo

Because they are related parties, the experiences of The sharing company Movo, 80 created in 2017 in Spain, has
e-Cooltra in Europe and Riba in Brazil are intertwined and the private transport platform Cabify as one of its biggest
strengthened, allowing to optimize the development of the investors. This has allowed its venture in Latin America, where
operation in one and the other region at each negotiation Cabify has a strong presence, since the beginning of 2019.
step, in a continuous symbiosis and beneficial for both.
From this case study, it was identified, in the partnership in In addition to the advantage of having the support of a
which the operators of more mature markets join the South company already active in the market of shared vehicles,
American to explore the local segment, one of the most Movo recently received a contribution of R$ 22.5 million
promising models for development, at solid steps, in the new from Mutua Madrileña and the venture capital fund Seaya
territories of operation. It was also noted that it is important Ventures, evidencing the importance and potential of this
for local mobility experts to be in a strategic position for the market.81 The company expects to operate in 10 countries,
operation, in order to incorporate their knowledge of local including Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, by the end of
cultural and regulatory specificities into their day-to-day 2019.82
activities, being able to unravel any obstacles more easily.
1.2.2 Coup-e August 2016

Another important player is the German Coup-e Scooter Fleet

Sharing,79 which has a competitive advantage by being a 1,500 units
subsidiary of the German multinational engineering and
electronics Robert Bosch GmbH. Bosch, in turn, is one of Manufacturers of their Electric Scooters
the world leaders in the supply of batteries and electrical Niu
components to various manufacturers and automakers of
electric scooters. Coverage
6 cities (Madrid, Buenos Aires, Bogota, Santiago,
It is no coincidence, therefore, that Coup-e so quickly Mexico City and Montevideo)
became the largest electric scooter sharing company in
Germany, being also present in a relevant way in France Comments on Coup-e and Movo models
and Spain. In February 2019, the company acquired 1,500
electric scooters that were equally distributed between Easy access to the considerable financial, commercial and
Berlin, Paris and Madrid, totaling a fleet of 5,080 units. technological resources of Bosch and Cabify offer Coup-e
and Movo, respectively, clear competitive advantages.
The business model of the companies proved particularly
appropriate to the development of this new segment since
Foundation essential factors to the operation are offered by a strong and
August 2016 consolidated partner.

Fleet In addition to Coup-e, there are other examples reported in

5,080 electric vehicles Appendix I of how the partnership model aiming to exploit
different competitive advantages can work. The histories
Manufacturers of their Electric Scooters are varied: senior managers of technology companies stay
Askoll and Govecs ahead of the business, traditional combustion motorcycle
companies migrate to electric, innovation centers, research
Coverage and development are involved in product engineering,
Gogoro partnerships are established with universities or traditional

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
80 Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
patinetes-eletricos-no-brasil.html. Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


sharing companies other types of vehicles. In all these 1.2.5 Riba Share
cases, the robustness of one of the partners undoubtedly
gave scope to the most successful operations. The company began its work in sharing services in December
2018, with 50 scooters, covering the neighborhoods of Vila
In the development of the segment in Brazil, the already Olimpia, Itaim, Moema, Jardins and Brooklin. As informed
active automakers, Riba and Wind, for example, can offer by its regional director, Rui Almeida, it intends to expand the
their deep knowledge of the local market as a competitive operation to several other neighborhoods, with 300 scooters,
advantage. Its understanding of local consumers and by the end of 2019. The goal is to contribute progressively to
their demands, in addition to the applicable regulations, the relief of heavy car traffic in São Paulo.84
constitutes a valuable prerogative in the structuring of a joint
venture with foreign manufacturer to explore the Brazilian or Areas with high vehicle density and potential for adherence
even South American market. to micromobility alternatives were prioritized by individuals
moving around the region. From São Paulo, the company
1.2.4 Muving seeks to reach the coverage of seven more cities in Brazil
– Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro,
Of Spanish origin, Muving has been a strong competitor Recife, Florianópolis and Brasilia – in 2020, in addition to its
in the share market in Europe. The company expanded internationalization, in 2022, to Santiago, Bogota, Mexico
its reach to the United States in June 2018, starting City and Buenos Aires. Riba Share charges around R$ 9.65
operation through the city of Atlanta, with 75 scooters. for a 15-minute ride.
The location was chosen based on the support offered
by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and the dialogue The CEO of the Riba Group, Island Costa, describes the
established with the local government, including for the motivation of his venture:
elaboration of a regulation on the operation of the service.83
In 2006, we thought Riba to undertake as a
propellant of electric scooters in Brazil, despite the
Foundation timid numbers of scooters around here. We imagined
September 2017 the streets of the big centers transforming with style,
lightness, friendly to the environment (less pollution,
Fleet less noise and less accidents) and with a huge dose of
3,000 electric vehicles safety, by controlling the speed of an electric vehicle
being very simple and intelligent.
Manufacturers of their Electric Scooters
Torrot We understand that this undertaking is becoming a
reality after all these years; we also know that soon
Coverage the mobility in the big centers, the coming and going,
12 cities (Granada, Barcelona, Malaga, Zaragoza, will become much lighter, safe and fun.
El Puerto de Santa Maria, Valencia, Cordoba,
Cadiz, Madrid, Seville, Murcia, Atlanta). We believe that Riba is contributing to these changes
and, as an organization, continues its trajectory
Comments On the e-Cooltra Model focused on massifying the market with this modal,
looking seriously and fairly to its stakeholders/
Muving is characterized by a widespread business model. shareholders.
In the short time since its foundation, the company decided
to spread the share to eleven cities in Spain and already In reinforcement of its expansion plans, in 2014 Riba began
set out for its internationalization: it was the first European a strategic partnership with the Center of Excellence for the
company to breakthrough into the American market. In its Innovation of the Automotive Industry in Portugal (CEIIA).
first year of activity and in arms with the traditional Torrot, The entity is an international reference in sustainable
Muving served 185,000 users. mobility and studies, promotes and integrates operations

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
Source: Riba.


between governments, companies and innovation and To facilitate the replacement of batteries and increase the
research centers, seeking to popularize and enable the use autonomy for users, the company intends in 2020 to install
of electric vehicles.85 This society is proving to be so fruitful exchange stations (or swapping) in strategic points of the
that it has been expanding to other areas of collaboration city of São Paulo, a model to be eventually extended to
and applications, still confidential, but of great magnitude other cities.
and possible impact for Brazil.
Figure - Riba Share Model POTENTIAL IN BRAZIL

It was identified a change in the mentality of the new

generations –especially regarding consumption and
locomotion habits –, who seek more and more engagement
with sustainable agendas.86 This demand adds to the sharing
market potential for electric alternatives in Brazil, including

Congestion rates are increasing, which makes cities open

to new mobility systems and alternatives vehicle sharing –
technologies, mainly to individual combustion mobility. In
addition, some studies point out that sharing systems end up
attracting users of public transport.

Source: Riba Share In view of the studies described above, it can be understood
that there is a growing interest in the market for sharing
Currently, both the maintenance of scooters and the electric motorcycles and scooters in the world, and that this
replacement of batteries are done directly by Riba itself in its phenomenon has already reached, even if in an embryonic
maintenance workshop, where the training of its workforce way, the South American cities.
takes place.
It is also observed the participation of large investors in
sharing start-ups, identified as a promising alternative
Foundation capitalization. In this regard, Appendix I shows the extent to
2006 which the funds are committed to increasing shareholdings
in these companies.
100 electric scooters

Manufacturers of their Electric Scooters



Official Website: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
A series of research carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics (IBOPE) in partnership with Rede Nossa São Paulo in the
city of São Paulo indicates the growing support of young people between 16 and 24 years to measures that limit and discourage the use of polluting
vehicles. Source: Accessed 10 Oct. 2019.


Figure - Sharing Market Potential

9,1 mi
Driver's license for motorcycles only in SP

What encourages the

combustion motorcycle

FCredit facility, low price of

benefits, transit, exemptions

26,4 25%
from the federal government,
in addition to the
Millions of motorcycles shortcomings of public Women
7,9 inhabitants per transport
Source: Detran-SP.

In Brazil, there are 26.4 million mopeds, representing 7.9 women’s interest in this market, of 50.1% in the last six years.
inhabitants per vehicle. According to a 2018 survey on the
vehicle fleet in Brazil, the number of motorcycles is higher The entire national population contingent licensed for driving
than that of cars in 45% of cities.87 motorcycles, therefore, is already able to drive the electric
scooters without any additional training or licensing.89
In the state of São Paulo alone, there are 9.1 million national
driver’s licenses (CNH) for motorcyclists, required to drive Compared to large European cities, where the sharing model
electric scooters. A quarter of the licensed users throughout has already prospered, the potential of Brazilian metropolises
the country are women, and this proportion increases every is significant, as shown in the following figure. We highlight
year, and among mopeds, women use scooters more, with the data related to population and fleet densities that exist
52% participation.88 Marcos Fermanian, president of the today, noting the examples of Madrid, Paris, Barcelona
Brazilian Association of Manufacturers of Motorcycles, and São Paulo. The information indicated below reinforces
Mopeds, Scooters, Bicycles and the Similar Vehicles the perception of the great latent potential, even more
(Abraciclo), points to the practicality of locomotion and the considering that European urban centers have less intense
sense of freedom as some of the reasons for the growth of traffic than those found in the capitals of Brazil.

Figure - Comparison of Sharing Numbers/Europe and Brazil


Coverage: 50 km² Coverage: 80km² Coverage: 60km² Coverage: 16km²

Population: 3.2 mi Population:22.2 mi Population: 1.7 mi Population: 12.1 mi
No. of scooters: 4,665 No. of scooters: 4,300 No. of scooters: 2,530 No. of scooters: 100
Number of companies: 6 Number of companies: 3 Number of companies: 5 No. of companies: 1
Fleet density: 93/km² Fleet density: 54/km² Fleet density: 42/km² Fleet density: 6/km²

Source: Riba, updated by Sidera Consult.

Source: National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM).
Source: Accessed 31 Oct. 2019.


Finally, it is imperative to remember that, while in European Electric scooters have proved to be still very relevant in
cities the sharing activities are impossible for three to four deliveries in the cities in which they are used, because they
months of winter, the milder Brazilian climate allows the allow daily routes around 100 to 120 km, according to the
service to be provided without any seasonal interruption Regional Director of Riba, Rui Almeida, versus the 40 km on
and, therefore, without suspension of revenue, making the bicycles. The deliverer sees advantage in this performance
operation even more profitable. since the operating area goes from 3 km with conventional
bikes or kick-scooters to up to 10 km per delivery with
scooters. As a result, the delivery person with an electric
2 CASE STUDY NO. 2 | FOOD DELIVERY scooter or electric bicycle is not physically exhausted at
SERVICE the end of the day, precisely the peak hours of requests for
Electric scooters are used by meal delivery companies
around the world, and respondents reported as prominent Finally, an externality observed, and not necessarily
factors for their employment: anticipated by the interviewed companies, was the

• the reduction of the environmental impact used as an

appeal to the consumer and brand appreciation among
improvement of the general safety of delivery people with
electric scooters that used combustion motorcycles before.
Lower regulatory speeds contributed to the reduction in the
the young audience.

number of serious accidents. Additionally, when incidents
operational savings (energy and maintenance) for own and falls occur, the wider fairing of the scooters absorbs
fleets. impact and protects drivers’ legs, knees and heels.

• and the advanced scooter management apps in

Especially after the astonishing growth of the application
delivery segment around the world, including in Brazil,
deliverers generally work much more than the regulatory
In the perception of the surveyed companies, the image gain workload at an intense pace.90 By not emitting noise and
for incorporating an electric fleet, even if partial, was 8 on air pollution as combustion mopeds, electric scooters also
a scale of 1 to 10. provide a better quality of life when performing functions.

The possibility of remote control of vehicle performance and Safer and quieter travel results in less stress for operators
use is indicated by food delivery companies as one of the and drivers, better quality delivery and better service, in
most appreciated advantages of electric scooters , because which the food remains intact in its container. According
it provides metrics that increase efficiency in deliveries, to interviews with delivery companies in Brazil, health and
including management of average and maximum speeds, safety care motivates the dedication and greater productivity
vehicle location, time and quality of delivery. of deliverers, who are absent less due to fewer accidents and
reduced impact of air and noise pollution.
The current models usually used by delivery companies
allow the displacement for 70 km to 110 km with the battery 2.1 DELIVERY OPERATORS WORLDWIDE AND IN
– lithium or lead – in full charge. This autonomy can also BRAZIL
be managed through intelligent load management systems,
available for some models and equally provided by some One of the possible models of operation is that in which the
rental service companies. food delivery company makes the vehicles available to its
deliverers at competitive prices, negotiated with a sharing
All this data is collected and build reports to managers at operator, which, in turn, customizes the vehicles with the
the desired frequency. brand of the contractor.

As for the vehicle itself, manufacturers have been offering for

years different types of electric scooters whose specifications
have been optimized for food delivery services.



Deliveroo, a British company with There are, however,
extensive operations in Europe and restaurants of varying
Asia, for example, began in 2019 to rent sizes, with own delivery
electric scooters with its logo, in London, service, who have
for its deliverers. invested in the use of electric scooters. The Domino’s
Pizza network is one of the precursors in this market, using
The service is made available through a partnership with electric scooters for delivery services since 2011,94 as part
an electric scooter sharing company, Elmovo.91 Dan Warne, of a global initiative to reduce the environmental impact
managing director of Deliveroo for the UK and Ireland, of the brand. Group franchises in Australia, New Zealand,
commented, on the election of the platform by electric the Netherlands and France use electric scooters. In the
alternatives: French network, in January 2018, 18% of units already used
scooters and/or electric bicycles. Domino’s has been using
Deliveroo wants every meal it delivers to be truly different scooter manufacturers in several cities, notably
amazing, but that will only be possible if delivery the Italian Askoll, and it is estimated that the network will
is sustainable along with the excellent food use more than 500 electric scooters in the main markets of
we offer. Scooters and electric bikes represent Europe (Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland) by
an environmentally friendly solution to reduce the end of 2019.
emissions, which save money from deliverers in the
long run. In Brazil, Domino’s does not yet have its own fleet of electric
Scooters , but hires, as its own employees, registered
On the other hand, the English company Just Eat, a according to the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT),
competitor of Deliveroo, operates in 13 countries of Europe, professionals who have vehicles (own or rented) and can
Asia, Oceania and America under another business model, operate them in the performance of their delivery activities.
which also encourages the use of electric scooters by its
deliverers and restaurants: it has established an alliance The group demonstrates a lot of concern with the cost
with the British manufacturer Eskuta and offers discounts globally, but also with the environment, the management
of up to 45% on its service fees so that partner restaurants of its deliverers and their well-being; therefore, it seeks
acquire this type of vehicle.92 innovative solutions, especially in the most dense markets
in which it operates around the world, such as New York,
The Dutch delivery company, with operations Seattle, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Regarding the
in ten European countries, offers a third model: it has its environmental concern, Carlos Eduardo Martins, CEO of
own platform and fleet, which allow its service providers to Domino’s do Brasil, explains that the company understands
rent electric scooters to carry out deliveries.93 that its sustainability efforts could be reflected positively
in the construction of a brand equity, i.e., adding value to
The most common operating model in Brazil among the the brand for consumers and enhancing their sales. The
largest food delivery service platforms does not require investment with sustainability actions would therefore be
its own delivery personnel, working with independent one of the best marketing actions of the network, eventually
drivers. Thus, delivery companies usually do not have their reverting to higher revenue for the company. In this sense,
own fleets and work with specialized logistics operators. they have a lot of receptivity to the use of bicycles and
This independence, however, did not stop delivery apps electric scooters in their local operation, in line with what
or services from beginning to spur their first riders to use already leads elsewhere in the world.
electric scooters.

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
Source: Accessed 9
Oct. 2019.
See, for example, the French platform: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


Another large restaurant network that has adhered to deliverers for different urban needs and challenges. In
electric scooters for years is Burger King. In Spain, the a statement to the press about the initiative, Fernando
manufacturer Silence is one of its main suppliers (the same Martins, iFood’s logistics innovation manager, explained
as the Madrid Post Office) of vehicles, whose fleets are that the company
rented. In Brazil, the use of electric scooters by Burger King
is still under analysis. [bet] on innovation and the creation of a multimodal
environment that complements itself to bring more
Still in Spain, more specifically in the city of Mallorca, Pizza efficiency for operation, improving the experience of
Hut began in 2018 to test the use of electric scooters , also consumers, restaurants and delivery partners.
under the modality of fleet rental, but with the differential
of having the company Cooltra as supplier of scooters Due to the fact that they do not operate with their own
and deliverers, its employees, 95 in an integrated solution vehicles, the platforms interviewed have not conducted, so
“pilot vehicle”. On its website, the French manufacturer far, studies for the measurement of costs, performance and
of e-scooters RedE also presents Pizza Hut as one of its efficiency in the delivery times of meals that could be based
customers. on a decision to partially or totally replace the fleet.

In Brazil, iFood, foodtech leader in Latin America, processes In addition to a widespread corporate concern with
21.5 million deliveries per month. The deliverers are sustainability, there are increasing regulatory challenges
independent partners, being more than 83,5 thousand active that restrict combustion vehicles in some areas of large
registrations. For a significant number of partners, acting cities, enabling only deliveries on foot, by bicycles or
through applications is a way of supplementing income. electric vehicles. In March of this year, for example, the
central region of Madrid became a “green zone”, through
Seeking to bring more efficiency the implementation of sanctions for all unauthorized access
to the operation and improve the (i.e., combustion vehicles). At certain times of the day, the
experience of the deliverers, iFood established perimeter can only be accessed by “eco” (hybrid)
began to test electric modes, such as or electric vehicles. Thus, to drive 24 hours without any fine
bicycles and kick-scooters, as well as scooters. In a recent or restriction, food delivery companies will need to employ
survey conducted with deliverers, it was found that 91% of vehicles without GHG emissions at least in part of their fleets.
respondents like to use electric modes and that 80% believe
that they offer more agility and efficiency. Between March This trend of establishing free spaces for cars and other
and August 2019, more than 60 thousand deliveries with the combustion vehicles, in which better air quality is sought, is
electric alternatives were completed. expected in Brazilian metropolises. As explained in Chapter
III, Brazilian urban centers, when planning and implementing
Also, in October, the company started the pilot project their “green zones”, demand ecological alternatives with
of electric scooters in São Paulo in partnership with Riba, respect to vehicles that can transit there.
in the region of Avenida Paulista and in the Itaim Bibi
neighborhood. Recently announced a new generation of 2.2 FOOD DELIVERY AT EVENTS
electric kick-scooters. The company prioritizes stronger
structures, stability and greater battery autonomy, as well A niche market in food delivery is the use of electric scooters
as reinforcement in the security and signaling system. at sporting events, common in Brazil, to support this activity
and other services.
This and other innovation, technology and logistics projects
were prioritized in the company’s strategic plan after the The absence of pollution and smoke coming from the exhaust
contribution of US$ 500 million. is a major advantage in the use of electric scooters. In some
cases, the use of combustion vehicles can even impair the
The company has the understanding that the diversity performance of athletes, such as in cycling or running events.
of modes of transport provides greater engagement of The electrical option eliminates this concern.

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


• As plataformas de gestão e integração dos veículos elétricos
propiciam um controle com exatidão e acompanhamento de
métricas passíveis de ajustes.
• Ciclomotores proporcionam maior estabilidade das
embalagens que a pé ou bicicleta, gerando maior qualidade
The use in events also includes logistical support in the na entrega.
Dinâmicaofdas Large Cities
case of events with long distances to be covered, such as The denser
Cidades the city, the more it adheres to a solution
racetrack or music festivals. that reduces
Cidades congestion.urgem por alternativas que contribuam
In addition,
para established
um melhor and expanded
fluxo no trânsito. green
Além disso, zonesverdes
as zonas
The live entertainment company require mobility
estabelecidas alternatives
e ampliadas thatopções
exigem do notdehave access
acesso que não
Tickets4Fun periodically rents restrictions.
tenham restrição.
from 16 to 20 electric scooters for Acesso a Fundos de
Access to Sustainability Funds
periodic organizational support at
Some “green”
Algumas açõesactions
podemmean access
significar to financial
acesso a programas
events at the Interlagos racetrack in the city of São Paulo. benefit programming and anincentivo
incentive to reduce
de benefícios financeiros e de à redução de emissões
The company that organizes the stock car races also GHG emissions.
de GEE.
rents scooters for the same purpose, usually from 6 to
10 vehicles per event. In the same vein, racing teams and
other companies working at major events at the São Paulo
race track, at musical events, such as Lollapalooza, for 3 CASE STUDY NO. 3 / INTEGRATED
entertainment or even at theme parks use scooters for the SOLUTIONS: FROM PRODUCTION TO
delivery of food supplies in the preparation of meals made AGGREGATE SERVICES
on site, in addition to other forms of logistical support.
During the research on companies operating in the market
2.3 2.3 CONCLUSIONS of electric scooters, it was found that especially start-ups
seek a path of integrated and complete solutions.
The following is a summary of the main benefits reported
by the companies questioned. It is worth noting that the Some of them venture to offer a set of solutions ranging
last point, regarding the financing of the operation by from the manufacture and customization of the vehicle to
private and government funds due to the positive impact operation systems and maintenance and charging facilities
on sustainability, will be detailed in Chapter III, as well as for lithium batteries. Although it is a relatively new trend
in Appendix I, in which the financing programs accessed amid electric mobility, the concern of manufacturers with
ers na Entrega de Refeições?
in the development of the segment are described for each all stages of use of their products can be observed in some
company studied, as well as in Appendix VI, in which companies.
incentive schemes are reported around the world.
For this study, we sought a young company – SPECS
e-mobility – with integrated solutions for the use of electric
Redução do Impacto scooters in the Dutch market. Through this example, we
Reducing Environmental Impact observed innovative strategies and a common concern
Empresas adotam políticas de sustentabilidade, em
geral por
observe sustainability
pressão de seus
policies, usually
consumidores, among the players of this segment: the economic
due to pressure from their consumers, voluntarily or sustainability of their services and products in market
voluntariamente ou por requisição de seus controladores
due to the requirement of their foreign controllers. economies still very dependent on combustion engines.
Fidelização e Valorização da
Marca The current scooter rental model of Wind do Brasil is
Brand Loyalty and Appreciation
Jovens, que são usuários mais frequentes de entregas
Young people, who are the most frequent users of aimed at the corporate public and is similar to the Dutch
de refeições por aplicativos, são especialmente atentos
meal deliveries through apps, are especially attentive model presented here: the company rents the vehicle with
toquestões de sustentabilidade.
sustainability issues. a maintenance package on site during the term of the
Economi contract. Wind also offers the possibility to customize the
ooters na Entrega
Para de aRefeições?
a Economy
users, the electricelétrica
scooter scooter becomes
torna-se mais
vehicle with the visual identity of the company.

more competitive
competitiva a partir from
dos 12,000
12.000to a
15,000 km (fuel,
(combustível, and management)
manutenção e gestão), como explicitado a NETHERLANDS
seguir. e
Controle and Control
• Asplatforms fordethe
plataformas management
gestão anddos
e integração integration Before we present the case study of a Dutch company, it is
veículos elétricos
of electric
propiciamvehicles provide
um controle comcontrol
exatidãowith accuracy
e acompanhamento
necessary to carefully analyze the scenario of scooters in
the possibility of tracking
passíveis de ajustes. metrics that can be that country in the light of important regulatory changes.
• Ciclomotores proporcionam maior estabilidade das
Mopeds provide greater stability to packaging than
transport queor
by foot a bike,
pé ougenerating
bicicleta, gerando
higher maior
in delivery.
na entrega.
Dinâmica das Grandes
Cidades congestionadas, urgem por alternativas que contribuam
para um melhor fluxo no trânsito. Além disso, as zonas verdes CASE STUDIES OF THE USE OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS 40
estabelecidas e ampliadas exigem opções de acesso que não
tenham restrição.
Acesso a Fundos de
b. Mopeds – Two-wheeled vehicle equipped with
Dutch legislation classifies scooters into two types:
combustion or electric engine system, the power of
a. Light Mopeds – Two-wheel vehicle equipped with a which does not exceed 50 cc or 4 kW. Mopeds are
combustion or electric engine system, whose power limited to a speed of 45 km/h and their driver must
does not exceed 50cc or 4 kW. Light mopeds are have a yellow license (plate), in addition to being
limited to a speed of 25 km/h and their driver must over 16 years old. Helmet use is mandatory, and
have a blue license (plate), in addition to being over 16 these vehicles can only run on the road (i.e., streets,
years old. The use of the helmet, at the national level, highways etc.), its circulation on cycle paths is not
is not mandatory for this category, and the circulation allowed.
of these vehicles is allowed on cycle paths.

Figure - Scooters with Plates Directly from the Production Line

The yellow plate indicates a moped, and the blue one, a light moped

Recently, in April 2019, the city of Amsterdam decreed a a. the incompatibility of sharing cycle path structures, in
ban on the circulation of light mopeds on its main cycle view of the increase in the number of users of the light
paths, restricting circulation to roads and making helmet mopeds themselves, as well as a growth in the use of
use equally compulsory for this category. cargo bikes, electric and tricycles.
b. the demand of the cyclists themselves, who pressed
According to the interviews, the measure has the potential for the city hall to adopt such a measure, especially
to affect thousands of users of these vehicles who saw as for safety reasons.
the main advantage exactly the possibility of circulation in
the extensive and well-connected network of bicycle routes c. the bragging of the measure as part of a strategy to
in Amsterdam. The main reasons for the adoption of such a reduce carbon emissions since most of the fleet of
restrictive measure were, according to reports: 96 mopeds and light mopeds is still driven by combustion

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


Table - Number of Light Mopeds and Mopeds with Plates adding integrated services to the needs of its customers,
in the Netherlands per year such as food deliveries, postal and maintenance services.98
Year Light moped Moped Total
The operation began in June 2016, with the creation of a
2008 339.941 423.189 763.130 prototype that was subjected to strict rules and clearance by
2009 386.025 464.87 850.895 the official control bodies of the European Union.99 Between
2010 435.247 496.145 931.392 5% and 10% of all investments made by the company are
2011 487.380 515.517 1002.897 directed to the regulatory processes: the company maintains
2012 526.771 509.333 1036.104 an employee dedicated exclusively to follow the regulation
2013 560.427 499.050 1059.477 and its constant changes.
2014 588.801 487.700 1076.501
2015 617.800 481.749 1099.549
The final product of the company is a vehicle of approximately
240 kg (including passenger), with its own design,
2016 647.968 477.878 1125.846
interchangeable battery (swappable), steel frame, engine and
2017 680.563 473.085 1153.648
Bosch system and exclusive controller software created by the
Source: SWOV – Institute for Road Safety Research company for its fleet.

The measure edited by the Amsterdam City Hall is quite Figure - Exclusive Model from Electric Dutchman
recent and its impacts are still speculative. However, there
is consensus, both among manufacturers and users of
mopeds, that such a measure will have a negative effect on
some level for the mopeds market – if not for those up to 45
km/h, certainly for light mopeds, which exist today in greater
volume and may lose even more competitiveness in the face
of a market of electric bicycles (pedelecs) in solid growth.97

While the restrictions mentioned may have some impact, it

is undeniable that scooters play an important role for the
Dutch mobility ecosystem. The practicality, ease, agility and
low cost of these vehicles have induced their popularization,
and today it is common to observe different uses of scooters
in Dutch cities – either for individual transport, or for
deliveries of products and food. Source: Electric Dutchman.


This case study is an example of According to Dave Brommert, director of marketing and
an integrated solution of electric communication of the company,
mobility, although the main activity
of the company is the manufacture [the] main purpose of the electric scooters of the
of electric scooters, both mopeds Electric Dutchman project has always been to
and light mopeds. serve business users, such as the food and product
delivery market, urban logistics, utilities and electric
The company SPECS e-mobility, located in the city of scooter sharing systems. But there are also liberal
Laarbeck (130 km from Amsterdam), has in its portfolio the professionals, especially those who do supervision of
manufacture of electric scooters by Electric Dutchman, a works or who need to move with practicality and high
project whose goal is to offer customizable electric scooters, frequency within the city.

Source: Accessed 9 Oct.
Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
That is, an electric scooter from SPECS/Electric Dutchman can be marketed in any country of the European Union.


The company’s main customers are now concentrated in the 3.2.3 Maintenance
Netherlands and at the time of the visit the company was
making its first sales to other countries. Some important Maintenance of the circulating fleet of electric scooters is
retail networks, such as Domino’s and Shell distributor, done by the company, in direct contact with customers.
stand out. However, scooters of the Electric Dutchman According to Brommert,
project have also been sought after for various uses, such
as shared recreational use, through a fleet of 20 scooters we work with a list of specific and reliable customers
purchased by the traditional Het Klooster Van Dalfsen hotel to monitor and search for possible problems and
for the use of their guests; or to support street events, such maintenance solutions based on experience and
as organizing the BinckBank Tour 2019, road cycling race continuous improvement, until we reach a product
that featured electric scooters in production and support of maximum excellence. It is a constantly rising
during the event days. learning curve.

3.2.2 New and Customized Fleet One of the solutions and alternatives that the company is
seeking is the possibility of partnering with Bosch to use
Between 100 and 110 electric scooters have already been its network of workshops for maintenance and services.
produced and marketed by the company between 2017 According to Brommert, this is already a reality in the
and the beginning of 2019. The company’s projection is to Netherlands, for example, for electric bicycle cyclists.
reach, already by 2020, the mark of one thousand electric
scooters produced and circulating. 3.2.4 Batteries – Charging and Reverse Logistics

The model and design of the vehicle allow the customization About the lithium batteries of electric scooters, Brommert
of some parts and the placement of the customer’s visual clarifies that
identity, as can be seen in the following images:
one of the systems we are developing is a network of
Figure - Visual Identity of Customers on Scooters retail partners that can receive a battery used by one
of our customers and deliver a new one, charged, at
the same time. Because our system is of removable
batteries (swappable), people do not need to own the
battery system or the charging. The idea is for the
company to do this and users just replace one battery
with another, at various points in the cities. It is a
developing idea.

In addition, according to Brommert, the protocol is that all

batteries are collected by the company after the end of their
service life, that is, after 4 or 5 years, 1,000 full charges
or 40 to 50 thousand kilometers driven. All batteries are
received by the manufacturer after the end of the service life
and sent to partner companies for reuse in other products
and functions, such as notebooks or no-breaks. Batteries,
therefore, are not directly disposed of, but reused by other
manufacturing industries.


3.2.5 Declared Preference Questionnaire 44 CASE STUDY NO. 4 | POSTAL DELIVERY
The responses of this stage revealed that the decision to
operate or manufacture electric vehicles depends on the Electric scooters for postal services are gaining more
importance and the role that the environmental agenda has supporters around the world every day. One can mention
assumed globally. Very clearly, this paradigm shift translates the Taiwan Postal Service and that of Austria, as well as
into comfortable and ethical decisions, combined with the the Spain Post Office or even the Spanish private company
understanding of an image gain – for the company/brand Unipost, which also provides postal delivery services.
–, in view of the marketing appeal with customers and For these and other members of the International Postal
consumers. Corporation, a cooperative made up of dozens of post
offices worldwide, electric vehicles are an important tool
3.2.6 Conclusion and Analysis of work, since these agencies have committed to a goal of
reducing carbon emissions by 20% by 2025, in addition to
As can be deduced from the Dutch case study, recent the 20% already amortized between 2008, reference year,
changes in the traffic regulation of the light mopeds category and 2014.101
in Amsterdam have the potential to impact the production
chain as a whole of these vehicles, forcing producers to The Brazilian Post Office, although not part of this
adapt to the new realities. organization, uses some of its sustainability references
as voluntary guidelines. In this sense, they made a pilot
The positioning of SPECS and the Electric Dutchman project project with the electric scooters of Brazilian Riba, started
to present integrated and customizable business-to-business on January 9, 2013 and ended on September 20 of the
(B2B) solutions for a myriad of customers – with diverse same year.
intentions and expectations – proved to be an important
market differential. From preparation to the start of the test, Riba’s scooters
underwent, as usual, their own reengineering regarding their
Although the company is young (the operation began only in storage capacity, total weight of the vehicle with orders,
2018), its growth in such a short time, it’s already successful battery autonomy, efficiency when getting on the scooter
implemented projects and the prospect of partnerships and on delivery routes and optimization of charge planning.
with large networks that seek environmental and financial Already during the pilot project, the scooters ran 10,205
sustainability solutions point to a very positive projection of km in total, driven by 16 postmen from six distribution
short and medium terms. centers. Of the 10,205 km driven, 7,367 km were monitored
(72.19%), consuming 601.22 kWh at a cost of R$ 201.93. In
In addition, the declared preference survey applied to other words, it was found a significant operating economy,
the Dutch company’s management revealed that the which would probably be even greater if the operation of
sustainability and climate change agenda was the most the electric power plants gained scale. For the same route,
relevant attribute for the decision to start the production of regular post office motorcycles would consume R$ 851.63
electric scooters in the country.100 in supply, that is, a 421.75% higher cost.

Finally, on the concentration of integrated services under As for the maintenance – preventive and reparative – and
the umbrella of the same company and/or the same project exchange of components, if applied the current factor of the
(Electric Dutchman), the scale of the project allows the Post Office for maintenance per kilometer driven (R$ 0.18/
company to be able to adapt to the needs of customers km), the cost would be R$ 1,836. 90 with the combustion
in a level of almost handmade solution – either through motorcycles to run the same 10,205 km traveled by
changes in the production process, in the incorporation of electric scooters – i.e., 765.38% higher than that of electric
accessories and technologies, or by offering proprietary scooters.
systems for the management of logistics operations.

This agenda has growing popular support: change-
policies-in-the-netherlands. Accessed 25 Oct. 2019.
Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


Regarding the environmental impact, based on the noting that, in addition to the value of the vehicle itself, the
kilometers driven by the Post Office with electric scooters, the necessary infrastructure is more expensive: a charging point
company ceased to launch near a ton of CO2 and more than for electric cars represents a unit cost of R$ 200,000.00,
90 kg of CO during the implementation of your pilot project. according to the Brazilian Post Office, while scooters could
Whereas the São Paulo fleet is around 1,500 mopeds, it is be recharged in traditional outlets.
estimated that the company would have stopped releasing
330 tonnes of CO2 and about 2 tonnes of CO by replacing Regarding combustion motorcycles, the capital cost of electric
the combustion fleet with electric scooters in the same period, similar vehicles in Brazil is still higher, which causes a natural
if it were possible. resistance in their use for any application. However, it was
observed that the inflection point regarding the total cost can
The emission of GHG, however, was not the only point in occur in less than a year depending on the intensity of use of
favor of electric scooters in terms of sustainability: the non- the equipment, since the savings of electrics in operation is
use of lubricating oils, air filters and oil, and the consequences significant, especially in relation to maintenance and energy
of the use of such components, i.e. the cost of cleaning the consumption (fuel versus electricity).
environment and collecting such waste was also a benefit.
Still, in the final report of the pilot project Correios-Riba, it There is also a trend of cheaper vehicles with their manufacture
was observed that on a larger scale, not to mention the progressive technological
development of all their accessories, components and parts,
one of the most noticed aspects in the use of the which in many cases leads to gains in competitiveness. The
electric scooter by the postal workers and the vehicle battery alone corresponds, on average, to 40% to 60%
population in general was the absence of noise. The of the final price of the scooter. Thus, the reduction in the
electric scooter allowed postmen to perform their cost of manufacturing and selling price of batteries directly
function more carefully and safely, without adding to impacts the value of electric scooters.
the noise pollution of urban centers.
The following graph, which presents the historical evolution
Whenever feasible and appropriate in terms of weight and of battery prices in recent years, allows the correct deduction
volume of the cargo or document to be delivered, electric that this component is the main focus in innovation research
scooters could represent one of the lowest cost solutions to in the segment, both to reduce its weight (increasing the
the demand for sustainability compared to electric cars and autonomy of the vehicle) and to increase its energy storage
vans. In the contrast between cars and scooters, it is worth capacity and performance, faster charging, among others.

Figure - Lithium Batteries Price History | Weighted Means ($/kWh)


707 11%
373 26%
288 18%
214 176

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: Bloomberg.102



On the subject, Rui Almeida, director of Riba, clarifies: with trucks, vans, motorcycles and bicycles. In the transition
to an electric fleet, it was possible to observe the entry of
the driving part of electric vehicles has undergone electric scooters, replacing both combustion motorcycles,
limited technological evolution in the last 120 vans and bicycles.
years, but the Achilles’ heel of electric scooters is
effectively the batteries, i.e., their storage capacity, On the other hand, electric scooters also compete with
size and, most importantly, their weight. The latter electric bikes in the transition to a sustainable fleet and
– weight – is the factor of greatest susceptibility to in productivity gains. This was the case of the Croatian
the performance of electric vehicles. By reducing the National Post Office, which, after testing with the two modes,
weight of the battery and the vehicle in general, the chose to invest in electric bicycles for the replacement of
autonomy is increased, fewer horses are needed to combustion vans.
get it out of inertia. Lighter scooters achieve better
performance. Electric bikes and electric scooters provide reduced delivery
time, with the postman’s faster return to your unit compared
Although several aspects of comparability have been quite to the walk or conventional bike ride. In addition, both
favorable to the use of electric scooters as a replacement electrical alternatives minimize fatigue, which makes the
vehicle to combustion mopeds, in the final report of the work of the operator more efficient and increases the well-
pilot project of the Brazilian Post Office with Riba, there is being and quality of life in the performance of their functions,
resistance and even rejection to electric scooters by usual in a similar way to what was observed with food deliverers.
drivers of combustion motorcycles: From this perspective, it can also be assumed that, in view
of the increase in delivery efficiency, a smaller contingent of
when presenting scooters for the first time, regardless postmen riding electric vehicles can perform the same work
of the distribution center, the first reaction was to that today is done by several deliverers on foot.
discredit the possibility of the scooter meeting the
needs of the Post Office. These impressions were In Brazil, postal document delivery services are now
gradually losing support with the daily use of the performed by pedestrians, cyclists (generally for deliveries
vehicle and should, like everything, always be seen on flat terrain) and motorcyclists, while drivers of cars and
from a much broader context that is that of cost- vans are responsible for packages. This segmentation, in
benefit. the current perception of the Brazilian Post Office itself,
represents a logistical inefficiency that requires a revision
For fleet managers, therefore, there is an important challenge and probable updating.
to be overcome regarding this cultural resistance of their
motorcyclists, in order to encourage the use of the vehicle, Electric scooters, in turn, could be used for the delivery of
breaking quite rooted paradigms, although unfounded. documents and packages in an efficient and economical way,
Without this change and the effective engagement of users, as pointed out by the experiences of Austria, Taiwan and
the acquisition or rental of electric scooters can turn out to Spain and the pilot project itself carried out in Brazil. The
be an expensive and meaningless move. following examples of success can be used as inspiration for
the Brazilian context.
As in Brazil, it is common in most countries that the postal
delivery service is mainly done by companies or state Chunghwa Post, Taiwan’s official
bodies. Among the private parties, this is a concentrated, postal service, already uses
conservative sector, with few companies dominating the electric scooters in about 20% of
international market, 103 of which all employ electric vehicles its fleet of vehicles in operation, a move that has occurred
in their operation, even if partially. In the public sector, it in the last two years. The goal is to make it completely
was also possible to identify multiple companies around the electric by 2023, which is the term set out in the Air
world that invest in the transition from the combustion fleet Pollution Reduction Action Plan, in 2017, by the Taiwanese
to an electric fleet. government. The main objectives of the plan are: halving
the number of days with a Code Red Air Quality Alert by
In general, postal delivery companies have mixed fleets, the end of 2019, replacing all public vehicles with electric by

Source: Accessed 12 July 2019.


2030, banning the sale of combustion scooters by 2035 and Of the 9,000 Chunghwa Post scooters, since January 2018,
requiring that all mopeds and cars in the country be electric 1,627 are electric, as the following chart shows.104
by 2035 and 2040, respectively.

Graph - Number of Electric Scooters from Chunghwa Post

2018 2019
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult

Electric scooters are mainly used for deliveries in urban [that of a] strong vehicle, that would fit
areas, with the old combustion-powered motorcycles being your daily work and be able to move
used only in rural or mountainous areas.105 of the 1,627 faster and safer in urban traffic. Easy to
electric scooters in operation, 1,000 were rented and the drive and park.106
other 627, purchased. The model in use has autonomy of 50
km by full charge and removable manganese battery. Similarly, to the Taiwanese Courier, the initiative is part of
the program to neutralize carbon emissions, which, in the
The supplier of the scooters is the Taiwanese company case of the Austrian company, has been in force since 2011.
GreenTrans, which offers both the rental service and
the possibility of purchase. According to Taiwanese Post The vehicles have an autonomy of 96 km, with one or two
operators interviewed, there is a preference for the rental lithium batteries, an average weight of 7.5 kg, which can
model, whose cost proved more competitive, in addition be charged directly on the scooter or on the regular outlet,
to including the convenience of vehicle maintenance and when removed.
immediate replacement of units that eventually fail.
The growth and projections for 2020 of the electric vehicle
4.3 AUSTRIAN POST OFFICE fleet of the Austrian Postal Service Company are shown
in the following chart. Notable are not only the constant
In 2018, the Austrian Post evolution of the share of electric vehicles in the fleet, but
Office (Österreichische Post AG) also the gain in relevance of scooters and electric bicycles.
purchased just over 100 electric
scooters from the Italian manufacturer Askoll, whose
request was:

Source: Accessed 12 July 2019.
Source: Accessed 12 July 2019.
model eSpro K2. Source: Accessed 16 July 2019.


Graph - Evolution of the Electric Vehicle Fleet of the Austrian Post Office




2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2020e

Cars and Vans Scooters and Bicycles

Source: Österreichische Post AG, translated by Sidera Consult.

By 2020, the 1,800 electric vehicles will account for about 4.4 CORREIOS DA ESPANHA
25% of a total fleet of seven thousand vehicles. The goal,
however, is to gradually increase this proportion. In March In Spain, since 2016, electric scooters are
2019, as part of the global EV100 initiative, led by the gradually incorporated into the fleets of
Climate Group, the Austrian Post, together with the Swiss various cities109 in order to reduce carbon
Post Company, committed to have a 100% electric fleet by emissions associated with deliveries. That
2030.107 year, 100 units were acquired, and in 2017,
another 200 were added to the fleet of the Spanish Post
For the implementation of this fast-track fleet replacement Office, plus 300 in 2018. There were almost 600 vehicles
initiative, the Austrian Post relied on financial support from in just over two years, constituting today one of Europe’s
the European Union, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural largest fleets of electric vehicles from postal delivery
Development (EAFRD), the Austrian Ministry for Sustainability companies.
and Tourism, the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology, the Klimaaktiv Mobil Funding Program The 2017 acquisition was based on the estimate that the
and the Climate and Energy Fund. In addition, funding is electric scooters would save 500 euros per 1,000 kilometers
complemented by monetization through innovative postal driven, and a total of 90,000 liters of diesel compared to
services, including food delivery, the promotion of self- the existing combustion motorcycles in the fleet.110 In fact,
service solutions, carbon offsetting activities, digital payment as a result of the non-use of diesel, CO2 emissions were
solutions and the internationalization of operations, including reduced by 200 tons that year. The initiatives also resulted
to other continents. in further reductions in emissions of nitrous oxide and other
atmospheric contaminants, in addition to noise pollution
This move by the Austrian Post Office is not an isolated itself, contributing to the improvement of air quality in
action for the agency’s sustainability, but only an arm of 42 Spanish urban centers.
local and several international projects, including a plan to
reduce food waste in South Africa and another plan to use The Spanish Post Office’s sustainable delivery strategy
biomass in Thailand. The environmental awareness that the prompted the purchase of 200 scooters in June 2019,
company transmits in its actions is reflected in reputation and another 1,150 in August of the same year. It is worth
gains and brand appreciation to consumers and the European noting that the The Spain Post Office declares that the
population in general. Although revenue may not be the electricity used by the new fleet comes entirely from
driving force behind its innovation and sustainability projects, renewable sources.
the company sees increasing profitability in its operations.108

Source: Accessed 26 July 2019.
Source: Accessed 15 July 2019.
Source: Accessed 15 July 2019.


Finally, given the tendency to increase packages of orders, The latest models purchased by Correios from the company
the need for innovation and efficiency measures in the long Silence, therefore, show significant evolutions in their
term, and the continuous investment in electric scooters , specifications: maximum speed much higher than the
are understood by the government as priorities, in order first models, rising from 50 km/h to 80 km/h, increased
to complement the modes whose movement of weights or autonomy from 75 km to 125 km and load capacity of 175
volumes is more limited (especially for deliveries on foot and kg. Finally, it is worth remembering that not only the Post
with conventional bikes). Office, but other Spanish municipal services, seek to make
the night charging of batteries, more slowly and at more
The Spanish authorities interviewed also reported competitive energy costs.
vehemently that they must constitute examples for the
population in every way so that they deserve the respect Figure - Scooters Acquired by
of their citizens. Their commitment to sustainability is just Spain Post Office in 2019
one of several obligations they must maintain, honor and
communicate openly to the public. Manufacturer: Silence
Model Scutum S02
Image - Philip VI, King of Spain, inspecting the Scooters
Purchased by the Spain Post Office, in Support of the Speed: 80km/h (before 50km/h)
Fleet Replacement Initiative Autonomy: up to 125 km (before 75 km)
175 kg load (before 50 kg)
Model created specifically for delivery services
Removable battery, not interchangeable
Modalities: Sport, City and Eco

The Spanish Post Office also has a special division for urgent
deliveries, Correos Express, which has a delivery project
in the historic centers of Spanish cities and aims at the
complete replacement of combustion vehicles by electric
bicycles and scooters in the near future.


Source: Diário de Tarragona.111 In France, the company Chronopost, the express delivery
arm of the state-owned La Poste, also already uses electric
In every year, the purchased models scooters. There is no data on the current fleet, but it is
were manufactured by the local known that the model chosen was that of the French
company Silence, and adapted manufacturer RedE.112 Within its social responsibility policy,
and customized to the requirements of the Post Office. The in June 2018, the company managed to implement the plan
required specifications were modified with each purchase, to have in Paris a 100% free fleet of combustion engines
indicating that, in addition to the advances of technology by July 2019.113 The acquisition of electric scooters ,
and innovation, users and managers requested adjustments therefore, is in line with this policy.
to the model originally acquired from continuous use and
in search of a better experience of postmen and managers. The Croatian National Post, Croatia’s national postal
This movement of successive adjustments and evolution service company, has many combustion scooters and has
was observed in all applications analyzed, not only in postal already started the process of replacing its fleet with electric
delivery services. scooters and bicycles. In 2015, as part of the Pro-e-bike

Source: Accessed 15 July 2019.


project, supported by the European Union, the first test was own delivery service, but which continue to be marketed
carried out with a electric scooter in its delivery service, to third parties, including with expansion plans for China
with great acceptance by users and deliverers.114 The test and the United States.115 The German company has not
involved bicycles as well, and, despite the satisfaction with yet publicly disclosed the development of its own model of
both vehicles, most of the investments after the test were electric scooters .
directed to electric bicycles, due to their lower cost.
Among the private companies offering the postal delivery SERVICES
service, the German DHL International GmbH also stands
out for its initiatives in electric mobility. In 2014, DHL In interviews with the postal services, the post offices
acquired StreetScooter GmbH as part of its effort to emphasized the following points, which favor the use of
transition from combustion to electric fleet. Despite the electric scooters in their operation, replacing combustion
name, StreetScooter does not produce electric scooters: vehicles:
its main products are electric vans, initially aimed at DHL’s

Figure - Benefits Reported by Interviewed Agencies


Speed limitation Versus traffic Reduction of Integrated
Reduction of
has resulted in (with respect to maintenance system and
Noise and Air
fewer accidents
Pollution cars and vans) and supply fleet
as well as less
Brand and delivery time costs management
occurrences (with respect to optimizes
and less stressed bicycles) operation

Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.


Municipal services range from public services of

conservation, support, charging and maintenance in the
supply of electricity and gas to traffic control, as well as
public defense.

Source: Accessed 19 July 2019.


Figure - Examples of Municipal Services with Electric Scooter Fleets in Other Regions of the World





Source: Elaboração Sidera Consult.

The city of Madrid, for example, uses electric scooters for including support to the Military Police; municipal guards
numerous municipal services, with emphasis on public safety. from other locations have shown similar interest, on the
Silence, a Spanish manufacturer, even added to its product recommendation of GCM-SJC.
portfolio a model designed especially for police forces, more
robust and with top speed higher than standard. 5.1 FIRST AID

In this sense, it is interesting to remember that there are The first-aid service usually involves moving ambulances,
Brazilian municipal guards who use bicycles and kick-scooters but often accidents or occurrences can be solved or
to perform their duties. Scooters could complement this minimized by only one person with equipment transported
use for regions where geography, mobility, distance or high in smaller vehicles.
temperatures discourage the use of other modes of transport.
In the case of first aid, the possibility of the customized model
Although still on a small scale, Wind do Brasil has a positive reaching speeds greater than that of conventional electric
experience with the Municipal Civil Guard of São José dos scooters is a determining factor since fewer minutes in care
Campos (GCM-SJC), home city of the automaker. The service can save lives. The goal, it is noted, is not to transport
GCM-SJC is the object of international study, because it the patient, but only to stabilize him and provide the first care.
is the largest western fleet of electric vehicles intended
for public services. Due to its inclination towards electric The main reason for using electric scooters, in these cases,
mobility, the GCM-SJC tested scooters and electric bicycles eliminates the need to move a larger vehicle, whose mobility
from Wind do Brasil to carry out rounds in city parks. is reduced by traffic, and anticipates the care of paramedics,
usually transported by ambulances. Thus, having identified
The model chosen was the bicycle, since the rounds in the the possibility of quick resolution with the healthcare
parks demand movement on rough tracks. Because of their professional on the electric scooter, there is no need to
low height relative to the ground and their smaller rims than move more people and larger vehicles. It was reported
those of bicycle wheels, scooters did not meet this need as even lower exposure of the victim to carbon emissions by
well, regardless of whether they were powered by electricity vehicles closest to the care area. Finally, if there is a need
or combustion. However, GCM-SJC was interested in its for support, the person who made the first call can inform
use for other security services and round provided on the complementary team exactly the type of support and
asphalt terrain and with large pedestrian circulation, the equipment they will require.


Such a program has existed in Israel since 2006, run the chosen motorcycle is trail type, 250 cc, because
by the non-governmental organization (NGO) United it has adequate torque for most situations that
Hatzalah. The work done by the organization was able require the intervention of the SAMU 192, without
to significantly reduce the response time to emergencies, the obligation to develop high speed. The power
from an average reaction of traditional ambulances from of the chosen model allows to achieve safe speeds,
12 to 15 minutes to about 3 minutes, 116 Due to the use compatible with agile driving, to the point of allowing
of mopeds, called ambucycles. The vehicles have all the the arrival of Motolance, on average, about 3 to 5
equipment available in an ambulance, but the stretcher. In minutes before the ambulance.
2017, the organization responded to more than 295,000
calls in Jerusalem, with a volunteer corps of 4,000 doctors Thus, the eventual transition to an electric model will
and a fleet of 650 ambucycles. require meeting these demands of performance and design,
in addition to the inclusion of the possibility of electric
Figure - Scooter Model Used by Emergency Service propulsion in the ordinance. It points out the case of the
electric scooter used by the Madrilenian municipal guard,
developed by the manufacturer Silence, which has similar
specifications and allows the customization of vehicles for
the required municipal services.

Motolances are already in use in several Brazilian states,

such as Rio Grande do Sul, Pernambuco, Espírito Santo and
Distrito Federal. This allows a transition of the fleet, with a
simpler adaptation, since the idea of emergency care using
a two-wheeled vehicle is already widespread.


Among the main advantages of electric scooters for

this application, the interviewees again cited distance
management of each professional’s driving behavior,
average speeds, compliance with pre-established routes
and other protocols, as well as the possibility of remotely
Source: United Hatzalah/Shira Hershkopf controlling the real autonomy of scooters , facilitating fleet
management and optimization of resources and expenses.
In Brazil, the “motolance” was incorporated into the
Emergency Mobile Care Service (SAMU) intervention fleet In addition, when you think about its use inside
throughout the SAMU 192 Network through Ordinance condominiums, shopping centers, factory parks or parking
No. 2971 of December 8, 2008. The regulation contains lots, as part of the security and/or maintenance system,
in its annex technical guidelines for the use of motorcycles, there is the advantage of not having to remove the scooter
stating that they must have a motor with at least 250cc and from the place to refuel at regular stations. This solves the
be of the trail type. problem of reimbursement of gasoline expenses and supply
frauds faced by some condominiums and companies. By not
The Minimum Program for the implementation of having to leave to refuel, or to bring fuel to refuel in the
Motolances in the SAMU 192 Network, published by the facility, it promotes a safer operation from the point of view
Ministry of Health, explains that117: of the subject to accidents - either an incident on the public
road, or by the irregular handling of fuels.

Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.
Source: Accessed 9 Oct. 2019.


In fact, the question of speed counts in favor of scooters, noise at low speeds could prevent 2,400 injuries each year,
since in Brazil it is limited by legislation to 50 km / h. This a data especially relevant for the visually impaired.
means that the security agent does not exceed the speed in
closed environments, such as condominiums or shopping Similarly, since July 1, 2019, new four-wheel models of
center parking lots, in flagrant situations of bad conduct, electric vehicles in the European Union require an acoustic
promoting the physical safety of drivers and pedestrians. vehicle alert system (AVAS), a noise-emitting device that
goes into action whenever the vehicle is below 19 km/h
In relation to autonomy, the experience of the automaker (12MPH). Theoretically, the system will prevent pedestrians
Wind do Brasil, one of the companies interviewed, shows and cyclists from being taken by surprise by cars that would
that models with interchangeable batteries (swappable) or otherwise be almost silent.
spare scooters are prioritized for replacement while charging
the one that was in use. This happens because the model Manufacturers such as Ford, however, have created specific
that requires charging impairs some operations that require safety features for their electric vehicles used by security
constant round. agents, aiming to tailor them to the needs of police and
security services across the country. They therefore required
A controversial point of use in security services is the fact the possibility of equipping the new law enforcement
that electric scooters are quiet. vehicles with devices to turn off mandatory noise, which
would allow them to be silenced in situations where police
On the one hand, there is the elimination of noise pollution, officers do not want to give their location, such as when they
which is highly positive in the sustainability and comfort try to approach a suspect or arrest him.
factor not only of the drivers themselves, but also of the
residents of the condominium and of people who live in 5.3 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES IN MADRID
the space being monitored. The benefit of silence is even
greater when considering the preservation of the sleep of The city of Madrid can be considered a benchmark in terms
residents on the night routes. Studies show that noise from of electric fleet. The first tests with electric vehicles of the
cities strongly interferes in the quality of sleep of humans Madrilenian City Hall were done in the 1990s, in parks
and animals, decreasing their quality of life. and gardens. However, it was in 2017 and 2018 that the
inclusion of electric cars took place significantly, so that,
On the other hand, some interviewed security agents currently, most of the services provided are made by electric
working in Madrid reported the perception that the sound vehicles incorporated into the municipal fleet.
made by the vehicle is one of the factors that inhibit possible
criminal activities, given the association between vehicle The Air Quality and Climate Change Plan A, the main local
noise and the presence of security forces. guide on the topic, establishes milestones in 2020 and 2030
to reach a proportion of 75% and 90%, respectively, of clean
In the experience of the customers of the automaker Wind vehicles (categories “zero”, i.e., electric, and “eco”, i.e.,
do Brasil, however, the doubt about where the electric hybrids) in the municipal fleet.
vehicle is means a greater inhibiting factor than the noise
emission by the vehicle, alerting about its presence and, In 2018, an investment of 270,000 euros was made for the
thus, revealing its position. The stealthy action of electric installation of electric charging points for cars and scooters
vehicles has been shown to be more efficient, since the in buildings and municipal centers. The electric vehicle
action of invaders is preceded by a study of routines, and rental and acquisition contracts assume an approximate
the fact of not knowing where they are during the action annual cost of 1,100,000 euros, but the measurements are
makes the attacker uncomfortable. not yet made in a systematic way, in order to enable the
quantification of real savings in the medium or long term.
Although no specialized literature addressing the issue has
been identified, this understanding seems to have resonance According to Rafael Moran Llanes, the deputy director-
in other jurisdictions. In the United States, for example, the general of the Body of Agents of Mobility in the City of
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Madrid, in spite of the acquisition of two generations of
will require all hybrid and electric vehicles to emit artificial electric scooters , there is a tendency for some managers
noise by September 2020. The entity conducted a study in to develop a migration model for the acquisition of the
which it noted that hybrid vehicles were involved in 1.18 lease, because the cost of the operation would be more
times more pedestrian accidents than vehicles with internal competitive than the maintenance of the vehicle and the
combustion engines. The agency estimates that artificial instant replacement of the drives that will eventually fail.


On January 1, 2019, in addition to the security services Positive reports were collected, justifying its use for reasons
and the post office, Madrid’s zero-emission municipal ranging from agility in roads of heavy traffic to the lower
fleet consisted of 243 electric cars, 5 plug-in hybrid cars, exposure of people to the emission of monoxide and carbon
6 electric trucks and 23 electric scooters. To this fleet are dioxide in case of accidents, the prevention of fraud, theft
added those of the outsourced companies that provide and diversion of inputs or vehicles themselves and the
services to the city, with 25 electric cars, 29 electric trucks reduction of noise pollution.
and 1 electric truck. These vehicles were integrated into
multiple urban activities, such as environmental inspection Although Madrid was the most prominent among the
and cleaning, administrative services, support for green cases analyzed, especially for the variety and scope of the
areas and health services. services in question, the study was able to detect other
projects in progress, as well as opportunities with systems
5.4 CONCLUDING NOTES ON MUNICIPAL SERVICES already deployed with combustion mopeds that could be
replaced by electric scooters with some ease, providing
The options for the use of electric scooters in municipal recognized benefits. In Brazil, regulatory adaptations
services are diverse and include from the first care, in cases remain as barriers, in addition to the design and power
of medical emergency, to maintenance services for public adjustments of the vehicles for some cases, such as use
equipment, security, inspection of areas, cleaning and others. as motolances.



Based on the data collected and the interviews conducted to other mobility options. In the opposite direction, we also
in the market research and case studies, strengths, analyzed the weaknesses, shortcomings that the segment
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the electric has in relation to its combustion similar vehicles.
scooter segment were identified and verified, in an objective
way, the feasibility of developing a market of its own in On the external environment – opportunities and threats
Brazil, as occurs in other economies in the world. –, present the factors that exist outside the limits of the
segment, but that somehow influence it. Although they
For the analysis of strengths and weaknesses, the internal must be monitored continuously, as they are the basis for
environment of the segment included the set of human, strategic planning, it is not possible to control them.
financial and physical resources. Above all, it is possible
to exercise control over these resources, because they are Finally, if we consider that external factors homogeneously
intrinsic to the segment, can be managed and managed influence all companies operating in the segment, we can
strategically and together they become a competitive affirm that only those who can better identify changes and
advantage for the development of the segment in relation can adapt will take better advantage of the opportunities.

Figure - Positive and Negative Points Most Cited by Respondents in Brazil





In countries such as China and India, the pros and cons in in battery charging and maintenance, but also in relation to
the use of electric scooters very much coincide with the the exemption of applicable taxes and fees. As negatives,
responses of respondents to this study in Brazil, despite the shortage of charging stations, the high insurance costs
the profound disparities in the level of maturation of each and the few maintenance workshops were pointed out.118
of these markets. It is relevant to consider the perception
of both these economies since the entire Latin American Another relevant perspective was that of a leading group in
region is still structuring the segment and can benefit from the electric vehicle market: Renault does not yet operate
the mistakes and successes of other regions. with electric scooters but is the leader in the electric vehicle
market in the world. In his interview, he identified three
As positive points of the Chinese and Indian segments, the main challenges for the development of the market in Brazil
significant reduction of pollutant emissions and transit, the that deserve attention and, in a way, motivate their absence
better traffic flow when scooters become more abundant in this segment:
and the reduction of operating costs were indicated, mainly


• High prices: the acquisition of electric scooters (whose
batteries are the most expensive component) requires
Honda, Yamaha or Suzuki, is valued at close range,
approximately R$ 10,000.

a high investment for the population of developing
economies, despite being justified after less than a Tax burden: the import tax is also an obstacle, and
year of use, unlike larger electric vehicles. its reduction would contribute to lower the price for

the consumer. The improvement of tax conditions
Lack of incentives to low prices: according to their would allow, in the short and medium term, cheap
studies, 6% of the Brazilian population could pay, electric vehicle in Brazil and, in the long term, develop
for example, an electric car of the simplest models the domestic market. In this way, the business would
for R$ 150,000. However, for the same price, you be structured via imports and assembly initially, with
can purchase a luxury combustion vehicle. It is worth the expectation that, in a second moment, the local
noting that, in the case of electric scooters, a company production would oversee supplying the demand.
recognizes that the prices are less divergent and there
are some exceptions where the value of the electric Electric vehicles generally constitute a growing market in
scooter is even more competitive than its similar Brazil and, according to studies, a significant part of the
fuel version. Despite this situation is rare, the best population is interested in electric mobility.119 In addition,
model of the automaker Wind do Brasil, for example, Brazil and other Latin American countries are already well
costs between R$ 9,000 and R$ 10,000, while the advanced in terms of renewable energy, which is favorable
basic combustion motorcycle of large multinationals, to the development of the electric vehicle market.


1 SUSTAINABILITY ASPECTS Development Goals. The offer of electric scooters seems to

meet the growing demand of society, in its various spheres,
1.1 REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSION for mobility solutions compatible with the reduction of
environmental impacts.
In the interviews conducted, sustainability was cited as one
of the two main factors that led or would lead companies to The burning of fossil fuels 120 – especially diesel and gasoline
the transition to or acquisition of electric scooters , receiving – by means of transport accounts for 13.8% of Brazilian
an average score of 9 on a scale of 0 to 10 of importance. GHG emissions, being its main source of emission in cities.
Nationally dominated and widespread technologies, such as
The global search for economic, social and ecological ethanol and biodiesel, can mitigate these lashing effects, but
advancement is motivated by the collection of end electric or hydrogen cell-driven vehicles are the most efficient
consumers and the general population, but also by access to at eliminating this source of GHG and reducing pollutant
government schemes to support “green” projects, national emissions. Migration to vehicles and fleets with a predominantly
programs to reduce emissions and improve air quality or renewable energy matrix, therefore, becomes a central agenda
even global investors policies that follow the UN Sustainable to achieve the objectives associated with sustainability.

Source: MARX, Roberto; MELLO, Adriana Marotti de; ZILBOVICIUS, Mauro; LARA, Felipe Ferreira de. Spatial contexts and firm strategies: applying
the multilevel perspective to sustainable urban mobility transitions in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1 Dec. 2015.
DA SILVA, Luiz C. P. et al. Sustainable campus model at the University of Campinas—Brazil: an integrated living lab for renewable generation,
electric mobility, energy efficiency, monitoring and energy demand management. In: Leal Filho W., Frankenberger F., Iglecias P., Mülfarth
R. (eds). Towards Green Campus Operations. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham. 2018. Access at:
COSTA, Evaldo; PAIVA, Arthur; SEIXAS, Julia; COSTA, Gustavo; BAPTISTA, Patricia; Ó. GALLACHÓIR, Brian: Spatial planning of electric vehicle
infrastructure for Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018.
Source: Accessed 12 Oct. 2019.

Brazil has a goal, set in its Nationally Determined There is also an increasing awareness and movement of the
Contribution (NDC) following the 2015 Conference of population of large Brazilian urban centers for better air
the Parties (COP 21) in Paris and the signing of the Paris quality, with the intensification of demand for reduction of
Agreement, to reduce GHG emissions in 43% by 2030 pollutants for their well-being. Recent studies have been
compared to 2005 levels. The implementation phase of this published that corroborate the extent to which traffic
target begins in 2020.121 contamination significantly affects the health of urban

Figure - Research on Air Quality Programs and Emission Restrictions in São Paulo

For example, in response to a poll conducted by IBOPE, In conclusion, it is clear that the concern for sustainability
7 out of every 10 people in the city of São Paulo require motivates the use of electric scooters as alternatives to
air quality program and GHG emissions restriction. It is traditional mopeds, since companies recognize that electric
assumed that this will be increasingly demanded from the vehicles help reduce GHG emissions, which lead to climate
municipal legislator and that traffic restriction measures will change, and do not emit exhaust pollutants, which are
be implemented even more intensified and extensive than harmful to human health.
Paulista Aberta and municipal traffic restrictions.
The environmental benefits of electric vehicles intensify
In turn, the drivers of electric scooters, in pilot tests or if they are driven by electricity from renewable sources,
permanent fleets, cited an improvement in their health, with including wind, solar, geothermal, water and biomass.
fewer breathing problems and absences from work, as well However, even though electricity is generated from fossil
as a general well-being, due to the lower daily exposure to fuels, there are significant reductions in global GHG
pollutants. emissions, and electric vehicles are always less polluting
than conventional combustion vehicles.123


1.2 REDUCTION OF NOISE POLLUTION Electric vehicles are quieter than conventional vehicles.
Compared to most combustion motorcycles, the only noises
The reduction of noise pollution was mentioned as a relevant that scooters generate are those caused by wind resistance
element of sustainability in the replacement of combustion or friction of tires at moderate to higher speeds.
fleets by electric scooters, having been mentioned by users
in all the applications detailed in the case studies of the The adherence to electric scooter fleets contributes to a
previous chapter. healthier environment in the cities and areas where they
circulate, and the welfare externalities of drivers are not
Vehicle traffic is one of the main factors contributing to negligible, even if they are inserted in traffic with other
noise pollution (approximately 55% of urban noise in Europe combustion vehicles.
and up to 90% in Brazilian centers, such as São Paulo).124
According to the World Health Organization, more than
half of the world’s population occupies urban spaces, with 2 REDUCTION OF OPERATING COSTS
alarming estimates of demographic growth.125 It was found
that, in 86% of Brazilian cities, traffic noise levels exceed the There are several aspects intrinsic to electric vehicles
legal maximum.126 that result in a significant reduction in operating costs
compared to those incurred in combustion fleets. The
Numerous studies in the most diverse countries, including data are objective and convincing, and these savings
Germany, Finland, Switzerland and Norway (i.e., economies must certainly be considered in the decision of Brazilian
with levels of noise pollution far below those experienced companies about the acquisition or rental of combustion
in Brazil), have related pollution with increased anxiety, motorcycles or electric scooters.
depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders,
strokes and impaired mental health, as well as diabetes and The Italian manufacturer Askoll, for example, uses as a
obesity,127 in addition to the obvious hearing damage for marketing strategy the information that in three quarters,
users with greater exposure to noise pollution. in Italy, fully recovers the difference in the cost of the
scooter compared to the equivalent of combustion,
The “noise maps” are used as tools for urban planning becoming, from there, more economical. This is because
strategies, aiming at the quality of life of the local population, the liability insurance is reduced, tolls are free for five
as they allow the quantification of noise, the evaluation years and, finally, foreseeing daily trips of 40 to 55 km,
of its exposure, the development of future scenarios, the the annual cost of energy supply will be around 90 euros.
identification of conflict areas and proposals for solutions. This is the graphic presented by the manufacturer itself
Although “noise maps” are not yet configured as a Brazilian on its page aimed at Askoll’s corporate customer service
reality, there are several legal and normative devices that model, eSpro:
already deal with the reduction of noise pollution.128

Source: Brazilian Association for Acoustic Quality. Available at:
highlight+ajaxSearch_highlight1. Accessed 14 Oct 2019.
Source: World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines for community noise. Berghund, Birgitta; Lindvall, Thomas; Schela, Dietrich H. (eds.). 1999.
Available at: / 1999/a68672.pdf. Accessed 14 June 2014.
Source: Cruz, Mauro Vieira. Acoustic mapping law of the city of São Paulo: urban planning and noise management. São Paulo, 2017. Available at:
Source: Sørensen, Mette et al. Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incident diabetes: a cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives, v.
121, n. 2, p. 217–222, 2013. Accessed at: Accessed 3 Oct. 2019.
Liu, Lijie et al. Chronic noise-exposure exacerbates insulin resistance and promotes the manifestations of the type 2 diabetes in a high-fat diet mouse
model. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0195411, 2018. Available at: Accessed 3 Oct. 2019.
Source: Federal Law 10.257/2001, known as the City Statute; CONAMA Resolution 001/1990, which deals with noise emission; CONAMA
Resolution 002/1990, which establishes the Silence Program; CONAMA Resolution 020/1994, which establishes the Noise Seal; and technical
standards NBR 10.151:2000, NBR 10.152:1987 and NBR 7.731:1983.

Graph - Askoll Cost-distance Ratio

r increase
- po
i on
st er Reduction
bu coot
om e-s of Costs
C A skoll

2.450,82 €*
Purchase (+VAT)
1.248,00 €*

*tall prices
reflect the Italian 15,000 km 30,000 km 45,000 km
Distance Travelled

Source: Askoll

In the scenario proposed by Askoll, with 14,600 km or electric vehicles convert from 59% to 62% of the
approximately one year, the turning point would already electricity from the grid into power on the wheels.
be reached, in which the operation with fleets of electric Conventional gas-powered vehicles convert only 17%
scooters is more economical than with similar combustion. to 21% of the energy stored in the fuel into power on
Assuming an average of 40 km per day and equivalent levels the wheels.129
of electric tariffs in Brazil and Italy, the electric scooter in
Brazil would be more advantageous from the 375th day, i.e., When converting fuel energy into propulsion, most of it is
with just over a year of use. wasted on heat and while the engine is stationary. On the
other hand, an electric motor has conversion efficiency of
The conclusion of all the simulations, based on the 85% to 90%, i.e., converts from 85% to 90% of the electricity
experiences of Brazilian operators Riba and Wind do supplied to it in motion. The difference between the efficiency
Brasil and the operational expenses raised for themselves of the engine and that of an electric car is accounted for
and their customers, was: there is a time when it is more by the losses attributed to the charging and discharging of
advantageous to have electric fleets instead of combustion; the battery and the conversion of alternating current (AC)
this inflection point varies according to several factors, but into direct current (DC) and vice versa. Less wasted energy
usually occurs between six months and one year of use. leads to less energy consumed, which contributes to greater
environmental benefit.
Safety services in Brazil, for example, are mostly – 98% –
Electric vehicles are more efficient in energy conversion provided by combustion motorcycles such as the Honda Bros
compared to conventional vehicles. According to the Office of model, whose energy efficiency is 18%, because of losses
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the United States due to friction with parts, especially the transmission. On
Department of Energy: the other hand, comparable electric mopeds have efficiency
greater than 90%,130 which translates into savings, since the
electricity consumed in charging is wasted to a lesser extent.


It is noteworthy that numerous variables impact the result of gasoline of R$ 4,50/l, 131 the price of electricity of R$
of energy efficiency measurement, including vehicle weight, 0,80/kWh, 132 and it was assumed that a combustion bike
load and driver weight, vehicle model etc. travels 20 km/l of gasoline, while the scooter spends from
1 kWh133 to 4kwh every 80 km.134 It was achieved five to
2.2 ENERGY EXPENDITURE ten times less consumption of the scooter compared to the
combustion motorcycle.
For an approximate calculation, we took the average price

Table - Comparison of Operating Costs | Energy

Suzuki Burgman 125i Suzuki EN 125 Yes NXR 160 BROS ESDD
Year Electric scooter 135
2012136 2009137 FLEXONE 2019138
Maximum autonomy (km) 40.0 300,6 490.0 432.0
Power (W) 2000.0 6619.0 9561.0 10738.3
Power (HP) 2.72 9.00 13.00 14.60
Consumption km/L - 50.1 35.0 36.0
Charger consumption (kWh)* 0.918 - - -
Consumption km/kWh 43.6 - - -
Gasoline (R$/l)** - 4.50 4.50 4.50
Electricity (R$/kWh) 0.50*** - - -
Consumption R$/km 0.01 0.08 0.12 0.11
Consumption km/kWh 87.1 12.2 8.5 8.8
Current price (April 2019) R$8,990.00 R$9,017.00 - R$13,492.00

Source: Wind do Brasil, prepared by Sidera Consult.

* for a 360 minutes charge
** city average of São José dos Campos (SP) – April 2019
*** extrapolated value

Finally, European respondents confirmed that electric and oils that require to be changed. Also, no adjustment
vehicles have several performance benefits. According to of valves or clutches is required. This is all due to the
them, electric motors offer quiet and smooth operation and absence of a combustion engine, which implies a significant
stronger acceleration, as well as requiring less maintenance reduction in the number of parts and their friction between
than combustion engines. them. Maintenance is therefore limited to mechanics, which
includes only chassis, brake, bearing and tire. As for the
2.3 MAINTENANCE COSTS electrical part, the battery should be changed every three
years of use, approximately, according to interviews with
Electronic systems are more resistant than mechanical manufacturers.
ones, because they break less often due to less friction and,
logically, less wear. As a result, electric vehicles last longer Finally, according to Rui Almeida, director of Brazilian Riba,
and therefore reduce the environmental impact in their use it is estimated that the life of the electric scooter requires to
compared to vehicles powered by fuel. change it every 10 to 15 years and therefore requires three
to four battery changes. The service life of the combustion
About maintenance, the cost is also reduced because there mopeds cannot exceed six years, to preserve the safety of
are no belts, pistons or wearable gears, or filters, spark plugs the driver.

Source: National Petroleum Agency (ANP), average price until October 2019.
Source: ENEL. Available at:
As measured by the Paulista State University (UNESP), with whom the company Wind do Brasil has an academic agreement.
Equivalent to a full battery, depending on the model.
Model chosen for comparison: WIND e-Tec/e-Comfort. Source: Wind do Brasil.

Table – Comparison of Maintenance Costs
Item Electric scooter139 Combustion motorcycle140
Refueling with fuel Unnecessary Close to maximum autonomy or before
Clutch maintenance Unnecessary With wear
Synchronize throttle and idling Unnecessary Every 100,000
Change engine oil filter Unnecessary Every oil change
Change engine oil Unnecessary Every 100,000
Check engine oil level Unnecessary Whenever starting
Adjust valve clearance Unnecessary From the first routine check-ups
Change air filter Unnecessary Every oil change
Replace secondary transmission items Unnecessary Every 12,000 km
Check fuel hoses Unnecessary With each routine check-up
Replace spark plugs Unnecessary Check every 6,000 km
Replace fuel filter Unnecessary Every 10,000 km
Adjust clutch cable Unnecessary With each routine check-up
Source: Wind do Brasil, prepared by Sidera Consult.

Graph - Comparison of Maintenance Costs









0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000

WIND e-Tec/e-Comfort NXR 160 BROS ESDD FLEXONE 2019

Source: Comparativo dos modelos Wind e Bros, elaboração Sidera Consult.

In the comparison between the combustion and electric 3 MOBILITY VERSUS TRAFFIC
models, it is clear the economy of the electric scooter,
although there are spending peaks, indicated in the graph, The data referring to the negative externalities of traffic
which correspond to battery changes. on the well-being of the population and the economy are
alarming: according to the World Bank, in 2015, more than
Sustainability appears as a primary factor for the 55% of the population of the planet lived in urban centers,
manufacture and use of electric scooters, but the reduction and this share will grow to 75% by 2030.141 Moreover,
of costs with supply and maintenance is certainly a positive the expectation is that more than fifty global cities have a
point of absolute relevance for the growth of the segment. population of at least 10 million. It is also estimated that
global demand mobility in urbanized areas – in terms of

The Wind e-Tec/e-Comfort model was used for the analysis.
For the analysis, low displacement mopeds (125cc) were taken.
Source: Accessed 12 Aug. 2019.

passengers per kilometer per year – is expected to double the young man and the middle-aged adult are
by 2050.142 All these figures impact urban mobility and, abandoning the car. Abroad, even stronger than here,
consequently, are already reflected in intensification of the the car, which was once a status symbol, has been
challenges typical of cities. tied to the environmental issue. We live in the era of
the shared economy.146
The average daily time spent in 2019 for the Brazilian to
travel around the city to perform his main activity, such The segment of micromobility vehicles experiences
as work or study, is 2 hours and 58 minutes, equivalent to unprecedented warming,147 precisely because it can provide
31 days a year.143 This period exceeds what would be the companies that their employees pass through traffic and
statutory leave of a worker.144 Micromobility thus offers an regain, at least partially, control of their time in the face of
escape from this stressful phenomenon: average speeds increasing urban congestion.
higher than the current average of 15 km/h in the world’s
major urban centers, less time spent waiting in car queues, Companies have invested more than US$ 5.7 billion
lower cost of ownership and health benefits from being in micromobility start-ups since 2015, with more
outdoors.145 than 85% targeting China. The market has already
attracted a strong customer base and has done it
Financial losses in the country are greater than R$ 111 about two to three times faster than car sharing.
billion for the time wasted in traffic, according to a survey In just a few years, for example, several start-up
of the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN). micromobility companies have accumulated valuations
This value falls short of reality because it does not account in excess of US$ 1 billion.
for several factors. The fact is that transit prevents the due
economic growth of some regions, making it impossible, Electric scooters are definitely not the solution, but only an
for example, the swift delivery of basic supplies and fresh alternative that, together with others, can unlock cities in
and perishable food, and entails logistical losses or, at best, Latin America depending on the number of cars. The choice
higher energy consumption for refrigeration in the transport by this means of transport is linked to the other advantages
of food. In addition, stopped traffic causes a delay in the first it offers, discussed in the present study.
care, as already discussed in Chapter II.

Faced with a complex challenge, the solutions will also be 4 INTEGRATED FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
multiple. The offer of electric scooters, especially in sharing
services for the commute home-work-home, arises as a The technology included in most models of electric scooters
business opportunity, working in a complementary way to today has been developed in such a way as to allow easy
other options. integration of systems for complete and thorough monitoring
of mopeds. It can be said that they are vehicles designed
It is no coincidence, therefore, that from 2014 to 2015, the and built since their conception in a deeply integrated way.
number of driving licenses issued in São Paulo, for example,
collapsed from 826,267 to 663,081. Adriano Pires, director By integrated systems, we mean the existence of control panels
of the Brazilian Center for Infrastructure (CBIE) and PhD in for all metrics, i.e., for the user and the manager. For the user,
Industrial Economics from the University of Paris XIII, has the data of speed control, autonomy control and geolocation
his interpretation of this abrupt fall: are mainly available in real time and with accuracy.

Source: Accessed 12
Aug. 2019.
Assuming 254 working days in a year. In 2019, there was an increase of 20 minutes on average, considering the 2015 benchmark.

For corporate fleet drivers, the registration made by fleet or employee is alerted immediately, with the exact
employees is usually fast, using the name and the indication of the location of the driver and can make the
institutional email. From registration, one can book, lock, necessary arrangements for his rescue.
unlock and drive each scooter. The information is displayed
on the panel, in which it is controlled up to the geographical For managers who have an interest in fleet control, the
limits that the scooter is enabled to go – outside the metrics made available by the software offered by the
authorized perimeters, the vehicle can be switched off manufacturers of electric scooters are accurate and useful,
automatically or the fleet manager can be alerted. All with pre-ready modules for the main applications that allow
options are customized by the company that makes the the optimization of the operation in all its cost components
vehicles available. Some models have, even, a safety button and quality in function performance, to the smallest detail.
for the event of accidents, in which the responsible for that

Figure - Information Controlled via Fleet Manager Control Panel

• Initial and Final Odometer • Energy consumed and

Reading/Distance (odometer, generated, and maximum/
GPS, speed). average power (measured on
• Duration of the trip.
• Time moving, stopped,
• Average/Maximum Speed.
accelerating, braked,
• Minimum/Maximum decelerating, at constant
Acceleration. speed.

• Number of stops (and per km). • Estimated average

consumption, measured.
• Average time between stops.
• Gain or loss of autonomy.
• Altitude variation (positive/
negative/total). • Cost of electricity and
equivalent fuel.
• Initial and Final Battery
Charge/Variation. • Emissions saved CO2, CO, HC +
NOx, NOx, PM.
• Distance per delivery; energy
consumed, and maximum/ • Base origin/destination.
average power (estimated).

Source: Compilation by Sidera Consult.

The integration facilitates the management of vehicles vehicle, including the maintenance history of all its electric
individually and the fleet, as well as the feasibility of high scooters. This fleet management panel also tracks route
logistics complexity services, whether sharing, delivery or deviations, how much of the fleet is available, the average
service. Speed control and profile monitoring and driving mileage and age of the scooter, as well as insurance costs.
behavior allow managers to optimize service performance The panel uses modifiable parameters, making it easier to
and establish optimal routes for each task. In this way, they view by vehicle.
make it possible to direct the attention of those professionals
with a direction not in accordance with the company’s For the manager, reports are generated to track all metrics
standards, aiming at adequacy. Autonomy control is critical at the desired frequency.
to optimizing battery recharging, while geolocation increases
owners’ security along with keyless unlocking, which is an The inclusion of software with similar functions is also
advantage for sharing services. possible in other vehicles, such as combustion motorcycles.
This post-purchase alteration has inferior performance and
The costs associated with maintenance and fuel are much higher costs, since it is not a common practice, which
displayed in graphs, usually comparing year-to-year data is also why there are few companies that offer this type of
on a monthly basis. The manager can also select each control, an extra effort that has not been carried out since
month to track detailed cost information related to each the vehicle was designed.

5 MORE EFFICIENT BATTERIES consumers still pose challenges, especially with regard to
the initial capital required for the acquisition of equipment,
Technological advances in terms of batteries, especially as which is more expensive because it is electric, and the taxes
regards their charge density, making them extractable and imposed on it. The B2B concept, however, is promising.
more competitive, are the focus of the main research and
development efforts of the electric scooter segment around Taking the service sector in Brazil, including the public ones,
the world. This is a positive cycle, in which the greater it is noticed how widespread is the use of motorcycles in
consumption of scooters stimulates research for more all regions of the country, largely for the reasons explained
modern models in order to meet the demand for innovations. in Chapter II: credit facility in the acquisition, low price of
services, exemptions from the federal government, besides
As demonstrated in the case studies of the previous chapter, limitations in the coverage of public transport. In most of
these technological advances have also allowed new these applications, the replacement by electric scooters is
applications to use electric scooters. Models with removable not only feasible, but would provide better performance and
batteries or that allow simultaneous use of two batteries result advantages for users and managers in various situations.
in greater autonomy without pause for charging, allowing From the analysis of the cases presented, therefore, there
travel longer distances. is visibly a large market to be exploited in the replacement
of a large part of the existing fleets in Brazil.

6 DIVERSITY OF APPLICATIONS As reported in the previous chapter, some of these

companies have already shown interest in this partial or
The case studies presented some of the numerous possible total fleet exchange, seeking market studies and conducting
applications for electric scooters: food delivery service, negotiations with local automakers that can meet their
sharing service, postal delivery service, municipal services, demand. Several of these corporations, moreover, have
among others. already been in search of the implementation of pilot tests
or even a personalized experience, definitively incorporated
The experience of Riba Brazil has shown that direct sales to into their business.

Figure - Potential Applications for e-Scooters in Brazil and Major Companies

Sharing Delivery Event Industrial Post Office Public and

• Jump • Loggi support Fleets and other private
• Tickets For Fun • Royal Dutch public security
• Riba Share • Mammoet
Shell services • Grupo Protege
• MObi7 Gestão • iFood • KM Staff
e Eventos • Coca-Cola • Correios do • G4S Brasil
Rastreamento • Uber Brasil
• IMM Esporte e • Makro Brasil • Haganá
• Grin Scooters • Rappi Entreteni- • Comgás Serviços de
mento • Heineken
• DHL Express Segurança
• InBev

Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.

7 REDUCTION OF ACCIDENTS Figure - Mortality Rates of Electric Scooters and Motor-
cycles in Europe
Traffic collisions and run-ins claim 1.35 million lives globally
Scooter Motorcycle
every year. With more than 37,000 deaths per year on the
streets, avenues, roads and highways, Brazil figures as the For every Every For every Every
Country 1 million 100,000 1 million 100,000
fourth country that kills most in traffic, losing only to China, inhabitants vehicles inhabitants vehicles
India and Nigeria.148 Austria 5.0 1,4 11.9 3.1
Czech Rep. 2.1 0,2 11.3 3.6
In response to this problem, Brazil is a signatory to the Finland 0.8 0.3 5.7 2.1
“Decade of Action for Road Safety” (2011 - 2020), proposed
France 5.9 2.7 14.5 7.8
by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/UN –an
Germany 1.3 0.6 10.3 2.2
agreement – commitment signed by several countries to
United 0.4 2.3 9.3 4.9
reduce by at least 50% the number of deaths in the period of Kingdom
a decade. Measures that help to reduce traffic occurrences, Greece 5.2 0.3 36.6 3.6
therefore, are urgent, as they are intended not only to Netherlands 3.7 1.9 4.7 1.4
comply with the country’s international commitment but, Portugal 10.0 2.5 17.7 12.2
above all, to save lives.
Slovenia 3.0 1.8 17.0 22.7

Therefore, one of the main issues associated with policies Source: European Commission.150
to extend road safety is the control of the speed limits of
vehicles circulating on public roads. The higher the speed, The countries were selected for having data collected in
the greater the damage in the event of a hit and collision, the last ten years, which allow a more accurate historical
and the worse the responsiveness of the vehicle and the analysis. It is worth remembering that the number of claims
driver in the defensive direction. varies according to the intensity of the use of mopeds,
and that a more correct denominator would be kilometers
Millionaire investments were generated by cities, states and driven. The fact is that the speed limitation of scooters,
the Union to enable the supervision and control of speed electric or not, is a positive impact factor in reducing
limits, especially on roads, highways and arterial roads. accidents compared to motorcycles.

And, regarding speed control and monitoring of the driving Along the same lines, according to a study by the
profile, electric scooters can act directly in reducing Government of São Paulo, the increase of 1 km/h in the
accidents and deaths in traffic, because reduced speeds maximum standard speed of vehicles results in an increase
are inherent characteristic of the vehicle. Several models of 3% in the incidence of accidents that result in injuries and
have a factory limit of 50 km/h, with the possibility of an 4% to 5% in the registration of fatal accidents. In the case of
even greater and personalized reduction. In the countries of run-ins, the risk of death of an adult pedestrian is less than
the European Union, for example, electric scooters have a 20% if he is hit by a vehicle at 50 km / h, but reaches almost
speed limit of 45 km/h. This reduction alone decreases the 60% at 80 km/h.151
severity of possible accidents.
It is clear, therefore, that the transition to a fleet of electric
According to the CEO of Riba Share, Island Costa, it is scooters means greater safety for drivers and pedestrians,
estimated a 50% reduction in the chances of fatal accidents and a consequent reduction in costs and other negative
with the use of electric scooters when compared to externalities related to accidents for the whole society.
combustion motorcycles.149 Riba’s estimates are consistent
with the latest figures of fatalities in Europe with mopeds:

Source: Accessed 12 Oct. 2019.
Statement given by Island Costa during the 2nd SINDLOC-SP Business Meeting on August 13, 2019.
Source: Accessed
19 Aug. 2019.


1 INITIAL INVESTMENT ways, from a discount on the price to a credit that can
be used in the tax rebate. The measure aims to increase
The price of an electric scooter in Brazil today is, on average, demand to allow scale production and, consequently,
one and a half to two times that of a combustion motorcycle generate a reduction in prices.152
of equivalent category, with rare exceptions. Although the
return in the short or medium term is noticeable in all An expansion of these sustainability-focused funding to
simulations, the value of the initial investment, as well as the include also electric scooters, by government or private
absence of attractive financing schemes, tends to intimidate initiatives, would be coherent and promising. Banco
and discourage fleet owners from considering electrical Santander, for example, has launched a program to finance
alternatives. electric bicycles for individuals like the one proposed, to
verify the growing demand in the Brazilian market and
The difference is mainly due to the production on a smaller the unavailability of resources of potential buyers. Cassio
scale, the tax incentives received by combustion bikes Schmitt, Director of Credit and Recovery products for
manufactured in the Manaus Free Zone and the high costs individuals at Santander Brasil, explains his motivation,
of electric batteries, largely also imported, which today which would be equally compatible for electric scooters:
represent 45% to 50% of the value of the vehicle.
we started with an action for our employees, with
On the other hand, the prospect is of reducing the prices of special conditions for the purchase of the electric bike
electric scooters, because the demand for electric vehicles through the partnership with Vela Bikes and Sense.
has been growing worldwide, driving manufacturers to And we realized the opportunity to support people in
increase their production. In addition, the cost of batteries the search for real alternatives of urban mobility to
has fallen by about 75% since 2008, as demonstrated in the escape the chaotic traffic of cities, in a sustainable way.
previous chapter.
An additional alternative is the operating model of Taiwanese
In the first moment, the obstacle of the initial costs for a Gogoro: battery costs are not accounted for in the price of
fleet transition to electric scooters can be partially overcome the scooter. Instead, the battery is offered by subscription to
with financing and credit lines of its own for electric mobility, end users. This allows the company to extend the technology
in order to reduce the difference between the value of the and efficiency of the batteries of its vehicles without passing
combustion bike and that of the electric scooter . Similar on the costs to the user. The price of the scooter in Taiwan
initiatives already exist in some developing countries to is around US$ 3,000.00 to US$ 4,000. 00, while the battery
promote the use of renewable energy and the acquisition of subscription costs between US$ 10.00 and US$ 30.00
electric and hybrid cars. per month, depending on the range of users. This value
proposition was the main reason why the company managed
Alternatively, the rental of fleets shows an opportunity and to sell more than the market leader in Taiwan already in
possibility for the transposition of this obstacle, as will be the second month of launch. In addition, by evaluating data
better explored below. from the GoStations network, the scooters themselves, the
batteries and the user’s movement, Gogoro analyzes the
The countries with the greatest presence of electric scooters ideal location for new GoStations, enabling an optimized
have practiced a monetary incentive to the buyer in different match between supply and demand for batteries.

Source: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.

Figure - Competitive Advantage Toolbox





Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.

With regard to the import tax, Mercosur’s list of offers in the rest of the Customs Union, have ambitious plans for its
Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and the European regional development, prioritizing partnerships with Korean
Union has recently been published.153 The list is not yet and Chinese companies, which practically control the
definitive, but gives strong indications of the goods to be technology of battery cell production in the world. Its goal
deducted and to what extent. It seems that electric scooters is to enjoy the abundant deposits of the so-called lithium
will have a tariff reduction of 20% to 10% whenever they come triangle, between Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.157
from the European community, from the implementation of
the agreement, expected for 2021.154 The reduction would Finally, regarding the possibility of local assembly, there
impact the other taxes and, consequently, the potential price are already some companies operating in the market, such
that would reach scooters for internalization in Mercosur. as Riba, Wind do Brasil and others of smaller size in the
For scooters of other origins, however, the import tax Federal District and in the Northeast, targeted by foreign
would remain at the non-preferential level, i.e., 20%, unless manufacturers for partnerships that enable their expansion
equivalent liberalizations were agreed in other preferential and penetration in the regional market of South America.
agreements that are under negotiation.155

There is also the expectation of revision of the Common 2 LACK OF BATTERY CHARGING STRUCTURE
External Tariff and liberalization of several tariff positions
in Mercosur156 in the coming months, whose content, Another challenge for the market of electric scooters
however, was not disclosed, and the inclusion of the position in Brazil is the time and the offer of charging options.
of electric scooters in this revocation is uncertain. Currently, most electric mopeds can be charged in
conventional outlets, but a full charge requires between six
As for the manufacture or assembly of batteries in Mercosur, and eight hours. Unfortunately, fast charging technology is
strong companies in the segment, both in Brazil and in the not yet available for electric scooters.

Official document available at:

Some countries are already expanding their charging become difficult to access, with a delay in replacing parts.
infrastructure for scooters and other electric vehicles. In
Israel, instead of charging the battery, drivers go to the Renault, a leader in the segment in Europe, a pioneer in
stations where they can exchange the discharged battery for the field of electric vehicles and with more than a decade of
a fully charged one, model that is also being developed in experience, expressed interest in developing its presence in
other countries, such as Taiwan, as already cited in this study. Latin America, more particularly in Brazil.159 However, did
not report plans for the development of electric scooters .
In Brazil, there was an initiative of the National Electric Despite this, his testimony is relevant.
Energy Agency (ANEEL) in 2018, with the approval of
Normative Resolution 819/2018. By the Resolution, any He pointed out that, in the world, 30,000 of its employees
interested party was allowed to carry out charging activities are trained in electric mobility and that this training would be
of electric vehicles, including for the purpose of commercial fundamental for the development of the market. In Europe
exploitation at freely negotiated prices, the so-called public and other third countries, Renault has also developed a
charging.158 Although the Resolution is aimed at charging network of dealerships prepared and trained based on its
cars, it can be considered an indication for future public international experience, including in the maintenance of
charging stations also for scooters. In addition, the country electric vehicles.
has only projects under discussion on the topic, which,
effectively, needs to be prioritized and addressed. There are still few workshops and professionals specializing
in the maintenance of electric vehicles. The body shop
and mechanics can be done by professionals specialized in
3 LACK OF SKILLED LABOR-FORCE motorcycles. However, the electrical part, depending on the
problem, requires specialized labor-force, mainly because
In Latin America, only a small volume of electric vehicles misconceptions and failures in this type of maintenance can
is marketed. However, as a global leader in 100% electric generate serious or even fatal occurrences.
vehicles, Renault can represent an example to be followed
by the segment of electric scooters. The company has a In Brazil, partnerships between manufacturers of electric
network of dealerships in Latin America and has the Zero scooters and batteries would allow not only the research
Emission Specialist Center, with qualified technicians, and development of models to meet the demands of
trained to perform all the necessary repairs on ecological different applications, but also the training and agility in
vehicles. In addition, in Brazil, Renault has a training center, the maintenance services of scooters in general. This type
whose technician, graduated in France, oversees training his of partnership has already been established, for example,
colleagues in maintenance. In addition, it has an agreement between the German manufacturer UNU and Bosch Service
with the electricity company Itaipu for the installation of for the maintenance service of its electric scooters. The
one of the two training centers for automobile technicians. agreement allowed UNU users access to broader workshop
networks, with capillarity, efficiently addressing the problem
Although the maintenance of electric scooters is simpler of lack of training.
and cheaper, cost up to six to eight times lower than that of
similar combustion, it is a point of insecurity for users. This Thus, in an ideal scenario, the growth of the electric scooter
is because, if there is no representative of the manufacturer sector depends on a qualification of professionals to provide
in the locality where the vehicles are in use, the service can the necessary manpower for its maintenance.

Interview with Eric Guillon, General Manager of Latin America Electric Vehicle Business Development in France, and Leandro Trevisan, responsible
for Latin America Business Development in Brazil.



While in major European cities there are five or six companies The electric scooter market was valued by Polaris Market
acting in parallel in the most common applications, such as Research at US$ 17.63 billion in 2017.160 According to
sharing scooters , for example, in Brazil have been identified the Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change
a few small-sized assemblers of electric scooters , among (InnoZ), in the sharing sector alone, between 2017 and
them Riba Brasil, Wind do Brasil and Sousa Motos. None, 2018, the number of electric scooters almost tripled. In
however, with large-scale production or effectively domestic the previous year (from 2016 to 2017), this number almost
reach. Thus, new players entering the segment will enjoy quadrupled.161
low competition, both in Brazil and in Mercosur, despite the
large market. Another study, prepared by MarketsandMarkets, 162 estimates
that the global market for electric scooters and motorcycles
From a contrasting perspective, the competition of the grows at a CAGR of 35.8% (2019-2027) and that a greater
other micromobility modes was mentioned in the interview, emphasis on reducing GHG emissions would boost the
which could, in theory, pose a threat, as detailed in the market. In France, for example, the segment of electric
following section. The great market growth for ultralight scooters equivalent to 125 cc grew 52% in 2015 compared
vehicles in a very short time, such as kick-scooters and to 2014, by independent analysis of Frost & Sullivan.
electric bicycles, is noticeable and highlights the potential
for market exploration for electric scooter companies, as The study identified that the growth in demand for two-
already discussed throughout this study. On the alleged wheeled electric vehicles, sustainable alternatives and at
competition, Ricardo Rossi, head of Institutional Relations more affordable prices compared to cars, is significant in the
of Wind do Brasil, offered his perception: world market of electric mopeds. However, it also pointed
out that the lack of infrastructure or charging stations
I do not consider [that there is competition]. There is and performance constraints can create an obstacle to its
room for all modes, and the electric mobility public development.
already comes up with an idea of what they want
even before the acquisition. They idealize many things This trend continues with the approximation of the
and it is up to us to elucidate doubts and myths, so deadlines for banning the sale of new combustion vehicles
that it is a positive experience. But in this context, it in the European Union and in other countries. In Taiwan,
is common for people to already imagine themselves for example, the legislative change prohibiting the sale of
using the vehicle before owning it, which helps a lot. new combustion motorcycles from 2035 was one of the
Commonly, faced with one or another obstacle to main reasons for the fleet transition from the local postal
the acquisition of electric scooter, we at Wind offer delivery service. Brazil also has bills in this direction (see
alternatives from our portfolio, but rarely the person Appendix VII).
gets out of the initial idea. So, everything depends on
the correct application and the desire of each one, Moreover, from the interviews conducted, the growth of the
because the choice for an electric scooter goes far sector of automobiles, bicycles and electric kick-scooters
beyond the acquisition of a means of transport: it is the pulls the sector of electric scooters, since it brings the
complementation of a style allied to ideals of conscious electric mobility of consumers closer.
sustainability that the individual wants to convey.

Source: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source: Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change (InnoZ) GmbH. Global ScooterSharing Market Report 2018, Nov. 2018.

3 POSSIBILITY OF FLEET RENTAL Owning and operating a vehicle becomes less and less
attractive in metropolitan areas. Own vehicle imposes
As explained earlier, the higher cost of purchasing electric expenses such as insurance, taxes, maintenance and supply.
scooters is one of the main obstacles to their greater There are even traffic jams and scarce or expensive parking
diffusion in developing economies, such as Brazil. In spaces. Consequently, according to the Boston Consulting
addition to the mentioned aspects aimed at increasing the Group, it is approximately 50% cheaper to use sharing
competitiveness of these vehicles, the option of fleet rental services than having a car in large urban centers.164
can be a solution to deal with this problem.
The transition from property to sharing and rent is not
Some of the scooter manufacturers offer this possibility. completely new. In recent decades, people have already
The case of the Brazilian Riba is emblematic. The company changed from a property model to renting and sharing with
had a difficult start while betting on the direct-to-end movies, music and even houses. Now the same phenomenon
consumer model of electric scooters. The growth came with is happening with the vehicle industry. In the United
the transition to the corporate fleet rental model, both for States alone, estimates by the Boston Consulting Group
continuous use and for major events. say that by 2030, a substantial portion of the 175 million
Americans living in the nation’s largest cities will use shared
It has already been observed the growth of the trend in autonomous electric vehicles, which will make up 25% of
the migration from the purchase of the own vehicle to the miles traveled.165
the use of sharing services, both for final consumers and
for companies. Market bets point to a completely new All these movements signal an intense paradigm
transportation paradigm, where sharing, subscriptions and reconstruction, which will imply a demand for mobility
leasing will be preferred over ownership. alternatives, not focused on vehicle ownership. In this
scenario, opportunities also arise in the electric scooter
In Brazil, car sharing services companies currently operate sector.
about 8,000 vehicles and have 230,000 registered users.
The consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that by
2030, one in every three kilometers of traffic in the world 4 POSSIBILITY OF REDUCING THE TAX BURDEN
will be driven on shared vehicles. In the United States, China
and Europe, the industry is also expanding. International Within the range of measures to positively impact the
consulting firm Frost & Sullivan estimates that there are consumption of electric scooters, it is worth highlighting the
more than 7 million users of this service globally, a number possible reduction of the tax burden, prioritizing II and IPI.
with estimates to triple within five years.163 In addition to
this, the already mentioned growth of the market for sharing The list of exceptions to the Common External Tariff (LETEC)
electric scooters and the reduction in the number of car is a governmental mechanism that allows the modification
owners, per thousand inhabitants, in some metropolises, as of tariffs applied to products imported to Mercosur, with
shown in the table below. reduction or increase in relation to the tariffs negotiated and
consolidated by its States Parties before the World Trade
Table - Trend of cars per 1,000 inhabitants Organization (WTO).
GDP per
No. of cars Brazil has the right to create exceptions to the tariffs applied
Population capita No. of cars
City (2009) by Mercosur for up to 100 MCN tariff positions. Under the
(millions) 2025 (2025)
(US$) legislation currently applicable, for inclusion in LETEC, a
Tokyo 38,5 46.494 353 340 petition is required, submitted, analyzed and approved by
New York 25,9 67.591 230 220 the Technical Group on Temporary Changes to the Mercosur
London 14,4 57.746 400 340 Common External Tariff (GTAT-TEC).

Source: Frost & Sullivan, 2011

As mentioned, electric cars today enjoy reduction of the II166 4. the existence of regional production of a similar
as an instrument to promote new technologies of propulsion good, but the same one does not have the
and attraction of investments for national production. characteristics required by the production process
Similarly, there is the possibility of petition for the inclusion of the industry of the requesting country; and
of electric scooters in LETEC.
5. shortage of regional production of a raw material
A second alternative would be to analyze the possibility of for a given input, even if there is regional
pleading the reduction for the tariff positions of parts and production of another similar raw material for
parts of the electric scooter to the ex-tariff regime of non- input via an alternative production line.”
produced auto parts.167 For this, it would be necessary to
check which parts and components of the scooter do not From the initial analysis made possible by this study, it is
have domestic production. concluded that the options of the Regime of Non-produced
Auto Parts and of Reduction of Tax Rate by Shortage are
As the current legislation does not provide for any MCN of the most promising. In this case, in-depth studies on the
parts for motorcycles or mopeds, the petition for inclusion national industry of components and parts of electric
or to be featured in the tax classification would also have to scooters would be needed, as well as statistical data to
be prepared with solid data and arguments that would justify corroborate any petitions.
it. There is also the possibility of pleading for the extension
of the scope of the national strategy for the development of For permanent tariff reductions, in case of non-existence
the automotive sector, according to Law 13.755 of 2018, in of manufacturing in Mercosur, the petitions for alteration
order to also consider electric scooters. have lower tariff level limit, corresponding to 2%, with some
Finally, the mechanism of shortage of Mercosur, regulated
by Resolution GMC 08/08,168 allows to reduce the rates of In Brazil, until the moment of preparation of this study,
II to up to 2% in cases of: the Ministry of Economy is responsible for receiving and
analyzing all the procedures for reducing import taxes
1. “impossibility of normal and fluid supply in the (LETEC, Shortage and Permanent Alteration) of the
region, due to imbalances of supply and demand. national productive sector and the public sector. After initial
evaluation, proposals with a favorable opinion are sent for
2. the existence of regional production of the discussion in Mercosur.
good, but the characteristics of the production
process and/or the quantities requested do not In addition, there are mechanisms to reduce other taxes
economically justify the expansion of production. in the chain, especially the IPI, equivalent to what was
developed for electric bicycles, still pending final resolution.
3. the existence of regional production of the good, but This topic will be covered in Section D, “Threats”.
the producer State Party does not have exportable
surpluses sufficient to meet the required needs.

Source: CAMEX – Ministry of Economy. CAMEX approves reduction of the import tax rate for electric and fuel cell powered cars. Available at: http:// importacao-para-carros-eletricos-e-movidos-a-
celulas-de-combustivel. Accessed 31 July 2019.
Source: MDIC. Legislation of the Regime of Non-produced Auto Parts. Available at:
article/105-assuntos/competitividade-industrial/1813-legislacao-do-regime-de-autopecas-nao-produzidas. Accessed 31 July 2019.
Source: MDIC. Tariff reduction for shortage. Available at: exterior/reducao-
tarifaria. Accessed 31 July 2019.
Source: MDIC. Permanent change. Available at: atuais-4.
Accessed 31 July 2019.

Regarding the manufacture or assembly of electric scooters cars, depending on the energy efficiency of the car, which
in the country, law 11.196, nicknamed the Law of Good, is demonstrates the evolution of the segment towards the
a tax incentive granted to companies that invest in research promotion of sustainable vehicles.
and development, allowing the recovery of up to 27.2%
of the expenditure linked to the activity of technological Of the mechanisms available to reduce government
innovation. 170 The deducted amounts may be reinvested costs in Brazil, finally, were identified those potentially
in research and development, providing innovations to the applicable to the production and import of scooters. It is
market, through: important to highlight that, for any effective application

• deduction in the calculation of profit for the payment

of Income Tax.
of the benefits and instruments, it will be necessary to do
detailed feasibility study, follow the procedures and draft a
petition for inclusion, as well as perform the management

• up to 50% reduction in IPI.

of approval processes.

• accelerated depreciation and deduction in the result for

the payment of Income Tax and Social Contribution.
Finally, it is worth recalling what has already been mentioned
above about the recent signing of the Preferential Trade
Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, which

• accelerated amortization and deduction on the result

for the payment of Income Tax.
makes it possible to liberalize a substantial part of the trade
between the two blocks and which, probably, will include
scooters and other European components, whose import taxes

• exemption from taxes on shipments made abroad

for registration and maintenance of trademarks and
will be reduced when the agreement enters into force.

To benefit from the Law of Good, the company needs
to register in the FORMS system. Once this is done, its Finally, it is important to return to the theme of sustainability
evaluation and eventual approval by the Ministry of Science, and note that the magnitude of the environmental benefits of
Technology, Innovations and Communications will take place. electric vehicles is somehow conditioned to the sources used
for the generation of electricity to recharge the batteries.
As for the rates of circulation, in six states of northeastern
Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul, owners of electric vehicles Brazil and Latin America can particularly benefit from the
are already exempt from the property tax on Motor Vehicles accelerated transition of electric mobility, as they have one
(IPVA), while in three states – Mato Grosso do Sul, São of the energy matrices with lower GHG emission, due to
Paulo and Rio de Janeiro – the rate of this tax is reduced the high participation of hydroelectric generation and the
for electric vehicles, in general by 50%. There are moves to progressive evolution in generation based on renewable
extend the IPVA exemption for such vehicles in the Federal sources.
District and in the states of Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Amapá,
Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Brazil’s energy matrix has more than 50% of renewable
Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraíba, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, sources (well above the world average of 14%). According
Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Tocantins. to the Brazilian Energy Master Plan 2016-2026, renewable
energies represent 80% of electricity generation (65%
Regarding the possibility of expanding benefits for electric hydroelectric and 6% wind). In some areas of Northern
scooters , the Rota 2030 – automotive regime implemented and Northeastern Brazil, wind farms generate energy at
by the Brazilian federal government currently in force – does a productivity level of 60% (the world average of 24.7%)
not yet provide specific benefits for the commercialization and, in relation to solar irradiation, a key parameter for the
of electric or hybrid motorcycles.171 However, it already generation of electricity by solar source, the states of Minas
provides for lower tax burden for hybrid and electric Gerais, Bahia and Piauí present a global record.

By Article 2 of Decree 5.798/2016, technological innovation is “the conception of new product or manufacturing process, as well as the aggregation of
new features or characteristics to the product or process that implies incremental improvements and effective gain in quality or productivity, resulting
in greater competitiveness in the market”.

Graph - Share of Renewables in the Electrical Matrix / Brazil vs. World

Brazil (2018) 83.5%

Brazil (2017) 80.5%

World (2016) 24.0%

OCDE (2016)* 3.8%

0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 120.0%

Renewables Non-renewables

Source: BEN 2019.172

* OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

The availability of a predominantly renewable electric on sustainability. It is a positive aspect, too, for the
matrix in Brazil represents a positive aspect for the replacement of fleets, since it is possible here a complete
development of the segment of electric scooters cycle of electricity, from generation to the use of vehicles,
for companies in search of mobility solutions based with very low GHG emissions.173


1 TAX BURDEN Table - Compared Tax Burden

Electric Combustion
In addition to the previous section and despite their obvious Combustion Electric
scooter vehicle
Tax engine (NCM car (NCM
contribution to the fulfillment of the Brazilian GHG reduction (MCN
8711.20) 8703.60.00)
agenda, electric scooters currently have no incentive or 8711.60.00) 8703.2)
benefit for import or assembly in Brazil, at levels identical to II 20% 20% 0 a 7%* 35%
those of combustion motorcycles. The high cost of internal IPI 35% 35% 7 a 18%* 7 a 25%
taxes (IPI, PIS, COFINS), as well as the high II, today represent PIS 2,1% 2,1% 2,62% 2,62%
impediments to the expansion of the segment. Cofins 9,65% 9,65% 12,57% 12,57%
ICMS 18% 18% 12% 12%
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult
*Variations due to LETEC, considering energy efficiency and vehicle weight.
Hybrid vehicles are not being considered

Source: Energy Research Company, National Energy Balance – BEN 2019.
It is worth mentioning that producing batteries for electric vehicles requires important energy and resources, which can reduce their ecological benefits.

Figure - Taxes Subject to Reduction

The tax rate for electric cars II
is reduced from 0% to

IPI For electric cars, the tax
falls to up to 7%

The rates for mopeds are PIS/Cofins
reduced compared to
those for
ICMS For mopeds, and for cars, the
rate is 12%

Source: RFB, prepared by Sidera Consult.

As for federal taxes, the II of an assembled scooter is 20%, In addition to the movement of the private sector
and the IPI is 35%. For scooter parts, import taxes range described throughout the study, there are now at least
from 4% to 35%, and up to 18% for the IPI.174 The incidence 40 bills that seek to encourage more sustainable vehicles,
of high taxes hindered the growth of the electric scooter reduce their taxes, provide public infrastructure for
sector in Brazil and removes the competitiveness that would charging and even ban the manufacture and import of
enable its more pulverized use by cities. combustion vehicles (Appendix VII). Thus, there are
indications, both from the national context and from
Specifically the IPI, at the level of 35%, makes the electric external influence, that electric vehicles will end up at
scooter comparable to luxury or superfluous items, such least enjoying the same benefits already identified for
as perfumes (42%), fur coats (35%) and electronic games electric cars in Brazil in the medium term.
(20%), or products whose consumption represents a risk to
the health of the population, such as alcoholic beverages
(30%), cigarettes (30%) and firearms (45%). Even makeups 2 GENERIC CLASSIFICATIONS AND
(22%), statuettes and other ornamentation objects (20%) REGULATORY UNCERTAINTY
and fireworks (30%) generate more reasonable IPI taxation
compared to that of electric scooters. An economic and legal environment to encourage the
transition to an electric fleet requires, minimally, legal
The policy of excessive encumbrance on a good with so certainty, i.e., certainty with respect to applicable laws
many positive externalities to the economy and the national and regulations, as well as protection against retroactive
population, in terms of sustainability, health and mobility, changes. This is a basic precondition for private and
among others, is in alignment with what is observed in the corporate users, as well as manufacturers, to be able to
rest of the world, that is, seeking a pattern of exemption invest in the segment of electric scooters as an effective
from this good. mobility alternative.

On the other hand, an appropriate tax classification

facilitates the regulatory monitoring by the companies in the
sector and the monitoring of the government on the growth
of the number of products in circulation in the country, to
identify policy needs and demands.

Source: TEC WIN. Available at: Accessed 31 July 2019.

Figure - Regulatory Optimization

Applicable Regulation Circulation Rules

Scooters respect the same rules Clarity regarding the circulation
as motorcycles in most of scooters and their parking
parts of the world would be beneficial.

Own Classification Production Incentives

would provide incentives and Equating the benefits
own policies, including reduced concentrated in Manaus would
tax burden stimulate the sector

Specific Policies Green Areas

Examples of European cities
Electric scooters need their own
followed by Brazil
regulations and rules for recycling
Population of Brazilian urban
centers ask for solutions for
better air quality
Source: Elaboração Sidera Consult.

As a relatively new product, electric scooters are marketed Appendix I to the CTB defines the moped as the
under a generic classification, also applicable to electric
bicycles and kick-scooters. As already noted in this two- or three-wheel vehicle, fitted with an internal
document, this overlap inhibits clear and accurate analysis combustion engine, of a cylinder capacity not
of the import data of electric scooters in Brazil and the exceeding fifty cubic centimeters (3.05 cubic inches)
generation of historical series that allow technically and of a maximum manufacturing speed not
substantiated demand projections. Consequently, it is exceeding fifty kilometers per hour.
difficult to find any government guidelines for promoting
and obtaining tax incentives, or even structuring industrial Article 1 of Resolution 315/2009, which “establishes the
policies and attracting investments, both financial and equalization of electric-cycle vehicles with mopeds and
intellectual, relevant to the segment. mandatory equipment for driving on public roads open to
circulation”, in turn, defines the limits of engine power (up
Electric scooters are classified in a generic way and with data to 4 kW) and speed (up to 50 km/h). Let’s see what the text
combined with those of electric bicycles and kick-scooters of the resolution says:
also in the nomenclature of the IBGE’s Annual Industrial
Survey (PIA). According to this research, in 2016, 16,362 for the purposes of equating to a moped, a cyclo-
electric mopeds were manufactured in the country, but it electric vehicle is understood to mean any two- or
is uncertain how much of this quota refers to the product three-wheel vehicle equipped with an electric
analyzed here. propulsion engine with a maximum power of 4 kW
(four kilowatts) with or without pedals driven by the
In this scenario of regulatory obscurity, in which there are no driver, whose maximum weight including driver,
specific rules for electric scooters , doubts arise regarding passenger and cargo, does not exceed 140 kg (one
the need for specific qualification, licensing, license plate hundred and forty kilograms) and whose maximum
and registration, which implies transaction costs and speed declared by the manufacturer does not exceed
insecurity for companies that wish to acquire them. 50 km / h (fifty kilometers per hour).

Similarly, the classification of electric scooters for the effects The Council thus defined weight limits, including the
of traffic on roads throughout the country – today grouped load, the driver and the vehicle itself, creating a situation
both in Appendix I of the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB) and of legal uncertainty. The limitation of weight to 140 kg
in resolutions 315/2009 and 465/2013 of the CNT – needs for mopeds and cycloelectrics, where electric scooters
revision and updating. are inserted, practically makes the development of this
segment impossible, since it becomes unlikely to meet such
a requirement.

In Brazil, the average weight of men is estimated at 73 kg the drivers or the load, is between 70 and 150 kg, depending
and, of women, 63 kg. Considering a light load of 10 kg, we on the model, as shown in the table below, with some of the
will have 83 kg and 73 kg, respectively, adding up with the most internationally known models.
weight of the individuals. The weight of a scooter, without

Figure - Models of Scooters and Their Weights

Cooltra Dafra (50cc) Golvecs Schwalbe Nuuk Askoll eS3

150 kg 90 kg 120 kg 115-130 kg 70 kg

Source: Prepared by Sidera.

Unable to comply with this requirement, producers, vehicles.175 Regarding the need to adapt these traffic rules,
importers and users, contrary to the law, are subject to the one of the priorities of ABVE is the strategy that consists
inspection and application of penalties by legal regulations of involving the Brazilian National Standards Organization
that, in theory, would be unenforceable to the characteristics (ABNT) in the classification of safety rules and, subsequently,
of this vehicle. bringing them to the attention of legislators, in order to build
together the best regulatory framework.
That is, there are rare scooter models available internationally
that could fit Brazilian standards if we add the weight of the
vehicle to the driver and to the minimum load. Therefore, an 4 LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURAL
important component of regulatory gap and discouragement BARRIERS
for new investors in this market is triggered.
One of the challenges identified by the interviewed
The Brazilian Association of Electric Vehicles (ABVE) manufacturers is the general lack of knowledge regarding
prioritizes the action with the authorities and business entities the product, its usability, its charge and aspects related
related to the automotive sector, aiming to make decisions to maintenance and applicable regulation, among others
that encourage the development and the use of electric addressed throughout this study.

Figure - Points to Be Clarified to Potential Users

Motorcyclists need to adhere to a new
way of driving and new habits:
ergonomics, noise, refueling, etc.

Municipal and federal
Test & Launch
governments, potential
Dozens of manufacturers
corporate customers, and
around the world can offer
customized fleets for various
types of activities and services

- Cost 5 to 10 times higher than
with fuel - 6 to 8 times higher costs with combustion vehicles
- Requires regular electrical - Common aspects of combustion motorcycles and
outlet scooters
- Electrical components assistant network
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.


We can also mention the so-called range anxiety, which In the scenario of a budding industry relevant to the national
refers to the anxiety of potential users regarding the market, it would be interesting that the described benefits
autonomy of the vehicle, that is, whether it will be possible were equated and extended in favor of the electric scooter
to complete the trip or the working day without running industry.
out of battery power. The fear, however, is unfounded.
Firstly, because it is possible to have clear control over Although there is practically no competition between
the distance that one can still travel. Secondly, because suppliers of electric scooters in Brazil, the product, by its
the level of customization of electric scooters, in general, characteristics, competes with other ultralight vehicles, such
considers the needs of each application, for example, as kick-scooters and electric bikes.
the recommendation to use models with interchangeable
battery for sharing services. One of the target markets for potential investors in the
electric scooter sector in Brazil is the postal or food delivery
Besides that, the scooters have built-in charger and rely service. In this branch, the use of both electric bicycles and
only on a common outlet for charging. In the exceptional electric kick-scooters has become widespread. Eventual
case of need of an emergency charge, it is possible competition in the branch loses, in this case, the argument
to achieve it, especially considering that most recent of sustainability gain in a comparative analysis in the
models have a removable battery and the use will be in an transition from combustion motorcycles to electric scooters.
urban environment. As more modern batteries are more
widespread and accessible, ignorance and fears of possible An example of this competition is the case of the Croatian
new users are warded off. Postal Service, which, after testing with electric bicycles
and electric scooters, opted for bicycles. The reasons were
In the markets where combustion motorcycles are more that, in addition to electric bicycles having the same benefits
widespread, including Brazil, the need for a change in the as scooters, they increase the level of physical activity of
user’s paradigm was sometimes difficult to overcome, since employees and have a lower initial cost. In addition, bicycles
motorcyclists declared that they are accustomed to the do not require permission to drive, as is the case with
position in which they place themselves on motorcycles electric scooters in Brazil.
and did not want to change. On scooters, the driver
conditions the legs in front of the trunk, on a platform, and In the sharing service of electric scooters, the perception
not at the side, as occurs with traditional motorcycles. For reported by some users was of competition with the sharing
use by providers and public agents, their managers were services of electric kick-scooters. The kick-scooters
sometimes forced to create incentives for changing habits, presented some intrinsic advantages, such as the smaller
including the award for those who ventured to test the new size, the dispensability of the driver’s license and the
vehicles. In other cases, the cultural barrier was transposed familiarity of the end customers with certain brands already
by the indication of two options: perform activities on foot well established in the sector.
or with electric scooters. Practically compelled, users
eventually adapted to different conditions, even going so However, there is market space for both services. Firstly,
far as to enjoy the novelty. because the challenges of urban mobility are complex,
therefore, they require combined solutions and several
alternatives. Secondly, because the electric kick-scooter
5 COMPETITION WITH OTHER ULTRALIGHTS meets the demand for displacements from one to two
kilometers, 178 while the electric scooter has advantage for
In Brazil, 97% of combustion motorcycles are manufactured displacements from 2 kilometers.
in the Manaus Free Zone.176 This means that they enjoy
significant tax benefits, which contribute strongly to the low In addition, electric kick-scooters have faced regulatory
prices of motorcycles in the country and their adherence clashes in several cities around the world, and one of the
by the population of all social classes. The production is main reasons is the place where they circulate (whether on
strongly dominated by two actors, Honda and Yamaha, who sidewalks, bike paths or on the streets, with cars). Electric
accounted for 78% and 13.5%, respectively, of the volume scooters do not face this dilemma, their space is defined,
of new bikes placed in Brazil in 2018.177 which facilitates the relationship with regulators.

Source: Scarpetta e Gonçalves, 2015.
Source: FENABRAVE. Yearbook 2018. Available at:
numeros&idtipo=6&layout=indices-e-numeros. Accessed 19 Aug. 2019.

From the point of view of mobility and sustainability, however, commitments in the area of solid waste disposal, which
competition is positive for providing complementary would permeate other legislative efforts in the country.
alternatives to the diversity of users, most of which are less
aggressive to the environment. Thus, the country has been moving in this direction for some
time, even before the publication of the National Solid Waste
Policy (PNRS, Law 12.305/2010), 182 with laws, ordinances
6 RECYCLING AND DESTINATION OF and normative instructions related to the destination of
BATTERIES waste in force since 2000, such as Law 9.974/00 and other
regulations for environmental protection.
In the Report on the Implementation of the Strategic
Action Plan on Batteries: Building a Strategic Value Chain The PNRS treats batteries in a specific way, establishing in
for Batteries in Europe, released in April 2019, batteries its article 33 the obligation of manufacturers, importers,
were identified as a strategic value chain, as they constitute distributors and traders to structure and implement reverse
a key element for the already ongoing transition to clean logistics systems, upon return of products after use by the
energy.179 It also concluded that a sustainable chain is consumer, including and expressly for cells and batteries. It
essential, that is, from the acquisition of raw materials to also encourages non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling
the end of life, including reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and treatment of waste. Finally, there are regulations on
recycling and disposal, ideally in the light of a circular the import of new batteries with prior authorizations and
economy approach. . licenses issued by IBAMA, 183 and specific limits of lead,
cadmium and mercury for products marketable in the
Cells and batteries are, however, generally considered toxic national territory established by CONAMA Resolution
waste, because their content often includes substances 401/2008.184
such as mercury, lead, cadmium and lithium. Lithium is,
for example, formally considered hazardous according to It is also required the presentation of the competent plan
guidelines and publications such as the Occupational Safety of management of cells and batteries, contemplating the
and Health Administration, from the US,180 and Directive environmentally appropriate destination and the registration of
2006/66/EC, from the European Union.181 those involved in the Federal Technical Register (CTF), among
other requirements that require more detailed legal analysis.
In the midst of scandals in the use of African countries and
other regions as a toxic waste dump, in 1989 the Basel Offenses related to the environment are punishable under
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements Law 9.605/1998,185 for both legal entities and individuals.
of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was adopted, Restrictive fines and penalties of law apply (provision
establishing international mechanisms to control the of services to the community; temporary prohibition of
movement of hazardous waste, among others, in order to rights; partial or total suspension of activities; pecuniary
curb illegal trafficking and provide for the intensification of provision; home collection). To the legal entity, fines and
international cooperation for the environmentally sound penalties restrictive of rights are also applicable: partial
management of this waste. The convention obliges its or total suspension of activities; temporary prohibition
parties to ensure that hazardous waste is disposed of in an of establishment, work or activity; and prohibition of
environmentally correct manner and, in the same sense, contracting with the public authorities.
encourages them to minimize the quantities moved across
borders, so that they treat and dispose of waste as close Faced with an extensive regulatory scenario such as the one
as possible to the place of generation, as well as how to in Brazil, it is essential to provide adequate regulatory advice
prevent or minimize the generation of waste at the source. to any company that wants to enter the market.
Brazil acceded the Convention in 1992, making important

Source: Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries
and accumulators. Available at:
Source: Normative Instruction of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA No. 8, of 14 July 2017. http:// julho-


The objectives of this study were centered on the The limitations, however, do not overshadow the positive
introduction of macro dimensions and some specific, and optimistic prognosis for the market of electric scooters
inherent to electric scooters, with content aimed at potential that this study glimpsed evidenced. The global trends of
corporate users, operators and investors. The objectives this market and the urgency of the environmental agenda
of this study were also to clarify and demystify doubts for are two attributes that allow us to affirm, with an even
the use of electric scooter fleets, as well as assist decision conservative tranquility, that the electric vehicle market in
makers of public and private companies in their assessments Brazil only tends to grow by leaps and bounds in the years
about the acquisition of electric fleets or replacement of to come.
combustion fleets.
The global electric scooter market was valued at $ 17.6
Because this is an exploratory-descriptive study, some billion in 2017 and the annual growth forecast is 12.8%
difficulties were present and represent limitations of the by 2026. Some Latin American countries, as we saw in the
analysis: the absence of reliable secondary data, especially study, have advanced in programs and policies to encourage
from the government; the distrust of most private electric fleets in their countries, as is the case of Uruguay,
companies interviewed in opening their numbers for a where electric vehicles have taxation 75% to 95% lower than
study on this market; and the incipience of this market still that of combustion vehicles, resulting in a 133% increase in
little consolidated, which made it impossible to reliable sales of electric vehicles in 2018.
projections about this sector in Brazil.


In developed countries, investments in mobility projects are

encouraged through the provision, by public and private banks, of
financial capital with a term equivalent to investment projects.

In Brazil, the segment lacks

de-bureaucratized long-term
The solution involves
changing public policies,
but also the necessary
increase in legal certainty,
As a result, the Brazilian
so that investors have the
entrepreneur often ends up
guarantee that long-term
financing long-term projects
capital will be safeguarded,
with short-term capital and
without regulatory
high cost, or simply gives up
the segment.

Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.

Although it is a rising market and already inserted in a feasibility of the cost of assembly, compatibility of the final
context of a global value chain, motorcycle market giants price with the income of Brazilians, uncertainty of regulatory
such as Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki, for example, framework, running autonomy (battery), user habits, fast
do not yet have products of global relevance in the electric charging infrastructure, skilled labor-force and sustainable
segment. According to interviews conducted for this study solution in the post-use still represent important barriers to
with major players in the motorcycle sector, factors such as the entry of large players in the market of electric scooters .

As the study showed in Chapter I, the regulatory framework management applications in operation have also proved to
for electric scooters is still extremely confusing, as CTB itself be important for these operators.
did not incorporate the specificities between two-wheeled
motor vehicles, notably motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and In integrated solutions, research on companies operating
cycloelectrics. CONTRAN sought to correct and update the in the electric scooter market identified a set of small
regulatory framework, as we saw in Chapter III; however, the businesses (start - ups) seeking a path of integrated and
results for electric scooters are still unsatisfactory and cause complete solutions – often from the production/manufacture
some legal uncertainty. and customization of the vehicle to the supply of fleet
management and control systems.
However, there are cases of success and reference around
the world with the use of electric scooters. The present study For postal delivery services, due to the goals of electrification
sought to highlight such examples to serve as inspiration, of the fleet – which we find in the main companies (public
provocation and, even, reference for Brazil. and private) – electric scooters are increasingly used. The
increasing volumes of deliveries, associated with the need
What stood out from the case studies was the diversity for greater mobility and restrictions on the movement of
of uses for different purposes. The study deepened such large vehicles-especially in the central areas of cities – point
cases into five categories that best synthesize the uses and to a path in which electric scooters and electric bicycles will
potential use of electric scooters in corporate fleets: food gain space in the fleets of postal delivery systems. One of
delivery services; sharing services; integrated services; the examples presented in the study, the Taiwanese delivery
postal delivery services; and City public services, with service (Chunghwa Post), already uses electric scooters in
emphasis on safety. 20% of its fleet in operation.

In the service of shared electric scooters , a broad survey Finally, the study presented cases of use of electric scooters
with the main operators of shared systems, located for municipal services, with emphasis on general maintenance
especially in Europe and Brazil, revealed that 95% of the services, traffic control, public safety and emergency medical
systems are free-float (without fixed stations) and that users care. About the latter, an interesting case was presented in
seek these services for independence and convenience, Israel, where 650 scooters-ambulances responded to more
safety, practicality in loading and guaranteed maintenance. than 295 thousand emergency calls in the city of Jerusalem,
That is, not owning a vehicle turns out to be something in less time compared to traditional care and often avoiding,
desired, especially in large urban centers. even, the displacement of ambulances.

In the food delivery service, the advantages associated with The study concluded with an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses,
the economy with energy expenditure and maintenance Opportunities and Threats about the electric scooter market,
gained prominence among the cases analyzed. Scooter fleet which can be summarized in the following table:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• Sustainability • Top initial • Low competition • High tax burden
• Reduced operating investment
• Global growth • Regulatory
costs • Lack of structure uncertainty
for charging • Possible fleet rental
• Mobility versus traffic
batteries on public • Cultural barriers
• Integrated fleet • Possible reduction
management roads of the tax burden • Competition with
systems • Lack of skilled other ultralights
• Energy
• Efficient batteries labor-force Sustainability in • Recycling and
• Diversity of uses Brazil disposal of batteries
• Reduction of

The analysis on the forces showed the reduction of air scooters are at least five times more efficient than
and noise pollution and the change of the energy matrix combustion motorcycles. While electric vehicles convert
to a renewable option as fundamental dimensions of the between 51% and 62% of grid energy into wheel power, in
sustainable attributes associated with electric scooters. This gasoline vehicles this conversion is only 17% to 21%.
gains even greater prominence in a country with a wide offer
of renewable sources of electricity (hydraulic, solar and Maintenance costs are also advantageous: 40% lower
wind), but still very dependent on fossil fuels. As a result, than for combustion models. European company data
almost 14% of GHG emissions come from fossil fuels and indicated that, with 15 thousand kilometers rotated, it
90% of urban noise comes from vehicular traffic. is already reached the point where the operation with
electric scooters becomes more economical than with
Still in relation to forces, the study revealed that electric combustion scooters.


The reality observed in Brazil and globally was that the

highest initial cost implies dammed demand, surpassed
only with significant initial capital injection.

A well-organized, consolidated and efficient

segment can have significantly increased earnings
and numerous positive externalities for the
country: greater well - being of users of corporate
fleets and the general population, contribution to
meeting sustainability goals and greater
profitability for operators.

By optimizing the segment, the revenues

generated feedback the operations, and The first stimulus could be a vitamin complex of
reduce the dependence on financing, external capital, application of the best productive
currently so expensive in Brazil techniques identified around the world, and intense
government support.

Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.

To conclude the analysis of the forces, the study highlights investment, showing how electric scooters are one and a half
fleet management and control as essential factors and to two times more expensive than combustion motorcycles
important differential of electric vehicles. Through software of equivalent category. Similarly, the lack of infrastructure
it is possible to control the autonomy, view the geolocation, for charging and skilled labor-force were exploited as
monitor the profile and the direction, unlock the vehicle with weaknesses, especially to deal with the specificities of each
smartphones and electronically control the speed limits. producer or operator.
This last dimension is one of the most assertive measures
regarding road safety, because the electronic control of the The analysis of opportunities reinforces the dimensions
speed limits allows to adjust the speed of the vehicle in identified as strengths, especially in identifying the potential
circulation to the characteristics of the traffic infrastructure of this market. In Brazil and Mercosur, as we have seen,
and the correct sharing of the road aiming at the safety of there are only small automakers and operators, which
all users and reducing, in this way, the risk factors associated emerges as an opportunity for new players. The real
with human failures. possibility of reducing the tax burden and access to incentive
funds – both public and private – ends the list of important
The analysis on weaknesses was focused on the high initial opportunities for this sector.


Government tax-free Equating government
policies would give support granted to
competitiveness to the combustion
sector. motorcycles.

Batteries could be
developed in Mercosur,
given the lithium mines in INNOVATION
the region.
Programs to encourage
TAXES AND TOLLS innovation such as those
described in the study and
General measure of incentives of the Brazilian
elimination of all charge government would stimulate
components. the accelerated service of
dammed demand.
Source: Prepared by Sidera Consult.

Finally, the analysis on threats was focused on four and international market that meets the requirements of the
dimensions: tax classification (MCN), regulatory regulatory standard.
uncertainties, high tax burden, competition with other
ultralights and disposal of batteries. The high tax burden on this sector is an inhibitory factor,
and therefore a real threat to its development. Only the
The first dimension, the generic tax classification (MCN), applicable IPI of 35% is higher than that of superfluous and
prevents the obtaining of data on this market and hinders health-damaging products such as alcoholic beverages,
the adoption of tax incentive policies. As we have seen, Code cigarettes and revolver bullets.
8711.60.00 mixes electric kick-scooters with electric bicycles,
electric scooters and other cycles with auxiliary motor. In turn, competition with other lightweight vehicles,
especially combustion motorcycles, proved to be an
Regulatory uncertainties related to traffic and circulation important threat, since 97% of the national production of
rules today represent an important threat to the development combustion motorcycles is found in the Manaus Industrial
of this sector. An example of this is the impossibility for Hub, with voluminous tax incentives and benefits.
producers and operators to comply with a CONTRAN
standard – Resolution 315/2009, which limited the weight Finally, the last major threat is the need for correct
of scooters to 140 kg, including the driver – because there disposal of batteries and electronic components, in view
are rare models of scooters on the international market of scandalous situations throughout the 20th century of
weighing less than 70 kg. Considering the average weight of irregular (and illegal) disposal of electronic waste – highly
Brazilians (73 kg), it is difficult to find a model in the national harmful to the environment, especially to groundwater.





Vmoto Limited is a global manufacturing and distribution GOVECS was founded in 2009. Unlike many other
group of electric powered scooters and other two-wheeled manufacturers, the company designed its vehicles as pure
vehicles, whose capital is Australian-owned. It sells electric e-scooters from the very beginning, the frame of which was
scooters designed in Europe and manufactured at its developed specifically for this modality. Manufactures a
30.0002 plant in Nanjing, China, to be later distributed from variety of electric vehicles at its Polish plant, which has 230
Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. In other words, Vmoto seeks employees, and distributes products of its own brand, as
to combine low-cost Chinese manufacturing capabilities well as those developed and produced for other brands. The
with European design and is committed to offering products main line is that of electric scooters, marketed to private
at competitive prices and high performance to international users and to operators of B2B fleets, including for delivery
markets. It operates through three main brands: Vmoto services, in a transport version under the brand name go
(brand focused on the value market in Asia), E-Max (brand GOVECS! The company markets its electric scooters in
aimed at international B2B markets with a premium the United States and 17 countries and puts on the market
product) and Super Punch (outsourced brand that Vmoto 3,500 additional vehicles each year. Since 2010, GOVECS
provides in international markets in business-to-consumer has been in a cooperation agreement with Bosch, which
(B2C) format. In addition to operating under these brands, offers maintenance services to its customers. In July 2015,
the company manufactures original equipment for various GOVECS acquired the complete factories of the pioneering
custom customers (such as original equipment manufacturer, e-scooter manufacturer Vectrix, which was also located
OEM). In 2018, it sold 10,875 two-wheel electric vehicles in Wroclaw, expanding its production capacity to 20,000
and had a total revenue of US$ 19.6 million (an increase of units per year. GOVECS e-scooters are serving the police in
30% over the previous year), driven largely by the growth of Leiden (Netherlands) and the Domino’s Pizza food service
international sales, with 10,081 units sold during the period chain in several European cities, as well as independent
– sales in the European market in the same period continued e-scooter sharing services based in the city of San Francisco,
in an abrupt upward trend, with 4,280 units, representing California. In addition, GOVECS’ rental scooter fleets are
an increase of 310% over 2017. The company continued to being used in San Francisco, Barcelona and Ibiza and in the
develop strong delivery, sharing and rental relationships with UNESCO Natural Heritage Site of Geirangerfjord, Norway.
its customers and end consumers, with orders that would be
delivered throughout 2019. In Brazil, the company already
operates through the automaker Riba. Grillparzerstrasse 18
Munich 81675 Alemanha
Suite 5, 62 Ord Street, West Perth [email protected]
Western Austrália 6005
[email protected]
+86 187 5207 9789


EMCO has been producing electric scooters since 2011, 3.1 RIBA BRASIL
specializing in sharing fleets and delivery services through
the retro and Classic product lines, with models from Riba, a pioneer in Brazil in the development and
1,000 to 3,000 watts, maximum speeds from 25 to 45 representation of electric scooters has a business
km/h and autonomy up to 130 km. The dual lithium-ion, relationship with the leading manufacturers of this segment
removable battery, controller and motor are all developed in the world. It has been on the market for more than nine
by EMCO itself. In numerous cities, EMCO has successfully years and has its assembly cell in Minas Gerais, where it has
implemented and manages various concepts of electrical government incentives. Riba currently has three business
mobility – technically and logistically. In addition to sales in models in Brazil: Riba Share, a sharing system available in
Germany, EMCO achieved greater success in the markets of the city of São Paulo; B2B, which consists of renting fleets
Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey. The company does to other companies; and selling to individual users. The
not disclose the number of electric vehicles and electric original parts of the models assembled by Riba are currently
scooters produced, nor their annual income. from the E-Max line, acquired from the company Vmoto.
Breslauer Straße 34-38 Rua Francisca Emília
Lingen (Ems) Bairro Vila Firmiano Pinto
49808 Alemanha São Paulo (SP) – Brasil
+49 591 / 9140 - 0
2.3 UNU
Sousa Motos started its operations at the industrial
Unu is a German manufacturer of electric scooters based in hub of Manaus in 2010. The company specialized in the
Berlin, founded in 2013 with the support of the Technical development of specific assembly lines for two-wheel
University of Munich. The vehicles are assembled in China products, owning the first factory in Manaus in the two-
and distributed in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France wheel segment with electric powered vehicles. The two-
and the Netherlands. All three models of scooters offer wheel segment has a technology agreement signed with
power less than 4 kW and a maximum speed of 45 km/h, suppliers in China, granting technology for approval with
placing the scooter in the EC L1e vehicle class, according the competent bodies since the beginning of its operations,
to the European classification. The scooter has a technology in 2010, with the electric bicycle line. Sousa Motos employs
that allows partial charging with braking. In addition, the approximately 150 employees and its total production
Unu-scooter is customized on demand for each customer, capacity of the two-wheeled line is 9,000 units per year, with
assembled in China and delivered a few weeks later. Scooters a shift of work and clear possibility of expansion without
are sold via the internet, but it is possible that customers significant cost increase.
schedule a display or a test drive with a representative of the
company. Unu has a partnership with Bosch service for the
provision of maintenance. In order to ensure the availability Av. Tiradentes, 3091 – Saúde
of this service, scooters are only marketed to regions that 03980-150
have Bosch service workshops. After the introduction of Guarulhos (SP) – Brasil
Unu-scooter in Germany, sales were extended to Austria, [email protected]
Switzerland and in 2016 to the Netherlands, where the +55 92 2125-8370 / 92 3618-6801
scooter is also offered in a 25 km/h version, which in the
Netherlands allows the rider to drive without a helmet and
on bike paths.
+49 (0) 30 220121299

3.3 WIND DO BRASIL of products, composed by three series, N, M and U, but with
various models and specifications for consumers, delivery
Wind do Brasil is a Brazilian company, automaker of and sharing services. Some scooters are equipped with
lightweight electric vehicles (mopeds, bicycles and self- two high-performance lithium-ion batteries, which can be
balancing duocycles). Founded in 2013 in the Paraíba Valley, removed and charged at any time, while others are recharged
known technological hub of the state of São Paulo, began directly into the outlet. 60v35ah batteries have enough
its activities importing electric vehicles from Asia to study power for an autonomy of more than 100km at an average
the Brazilian market and validate the acceptability of the speed of 70km/h. Its app monitors the battery, offers GPS
Brazilian to the new mobility technology. For his pioneering and an anti-theft system that alerts the driver when the
work, he encountered, in the first years of activity, a still scooter is moved. Niu won seven major international design
incipient Brazilian legislation on electric mobility. Always awards, including Red Dot, iF, Good Design, Idea, Red Star,
adjusting to the changing regulations, it used this to also DFA and Golden Pin in 2017 for the M Series scooters. Niu’s
initiate its own developments, adapt its portfolio to the net revenue in 2017 was US$ 116.2 million, an increase of
demands of customers and offer products more consistent 116.8% over 2016. Niu reported about US$ 155 million in
with the segments in which it operates and with the Brazilian net revenue in the first nine months of 2018, with just under
reality. Internationally recognized as one of the companies 10% of sales in foreign markets.
that dictates the Brazilian model of electric mobility, currently
Wind do Brasil focuses efforts on the development of new
electric mopeds and electric motorcycles, as it did with its No. 5 Lingxiang Road, WEZ, Wujin, Changzhou – China
newly renovated line of electric mopeds (4th generation). In [email protected]
full expansion, Wind do Brasil has also been implementing its
network of dealerships and is structured to bring its assembly 4.2 LUYUAN
line to its own factory in Brazil.
A Luyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. it is a Chinese company based in Jinhua, south of Shanghai, and has seven factories
Av. Dr. João Guilhermino 426 – Centro in China and Vietnam. Since 1997, it focuses on the two-
12.210-131 wheel electric vehicle market and is one of the pioneers in
São José dos Campos (SP) – Brasil the electric vehicle industry in China. The company designs,
[email protected] develops and produces various electric vehicles, including
+55 (12) 3209 7518 bicycles, scooters and touring cars. The series cover retro,
+55 (12) 9 6666 1031 sports and utility style, applied in personal use aimed at
students and urban travelers, family utilities or delivery
services. It has total production capacity of 6 million units
4 CHINA of electric vehicles, counting on a network of more than
11,000 dealers and more than 1,300,00 Chinese customers.
4.1 NIU Luyuan also exported to more than 70 countries. Recently,
the company has established thousands of chain stores
Niu is a company based in Wujin, China, founded in 2014 by and employs more than 10,000 trade representatives in
Li Yinan, former vice president of Huawei and CTO of Baidu, China, its market-focus. It stands out for having complete
and Token Hu, former employee of Microsoft. The company production systems and research and development capacity
has about 500 employees and is a large Chinese participant in battery, motor, controller, charger and metal frame.
of electric scooters, with more than 26% market share. Niu
operates throughout Europe, Mexico, Chile, Argentina,
Nepal, Israel, India, Malaysia and New Zealand. In its first Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
year, the company had more than 100,000 customers Add: No.168, Shicheng Street
worldwide with the N1 and M1 scooter models. At the end Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province – China
of 2018, its global sales of e-scooters reached 640,000 units Tel: +86-579-8227.25.28
since its foundation. Currently, Niu designs, manufactures [email protected]
and markets smart e-scooters and has a simplified portfolio

4.3 SUNRA than 12 thousand vehicles sold in the last six years. Their
business philosophy is to create quality of life through clean
Founded in 1999, Jiangsu Xinri, better known as SUNRA, is alternative mobility solutions. In 2017, it established new
a Chinese company located in Wuxi, China, specializing in charging stations, located in 13 strategic points of Bogota, in
research and development, production and distribution of order to provide more usefulness and practicality to users.
electric vehicles, their components and parts. It has six local
factories, with more than 5,000 employees, including 500
engineers. The company has annual production capacity Av. Boyacá No. 74 – 05 Esquina
of 4 million electric vehicles, including bicycles, scooters, Costado Norte – Sur – Santa María del lago
motorcycles, tricycles and cars. It has exported to more than +57 315 2591143
70 countries, but apparently focuses on the local market. [email protected] 5.2 AUTECO

No. 501 Xishan Road, Anzhen, Xishan District, Wuxi,
Jiangsu Province – 214106 – China Autotécnica Colombiana S.A.S. (Auteco) is a motor vehicle
[email protected] and motorcycle manufacturer in Colombia.186 It was the first
+86-510-88109820 motorcycle manufacturer in the country, founded in 1941; at
the beginning of its operations, it was limited to selling spare
4.4 YADEA parts, auto parts and combustion motorcycles. In 2003,
Auteco established an alliance with Taiwanese producer
Yadea is mainly engaged in research and development, Kymco, entering the electric vehicle market in Colombia
manufacture and sale of two-wheel electric vehicles and, with a market share of 32.6%, maintains the national
and related accessories and has four plants in China, leadership for the 10th consecutive year. Auteco has two
with more than 3,000 employees, plus a strong research automakers, with about 1,600 employees in three cities,
and development team in Shanghai and Wuxi, with 340 in addition to the backup team for commercial activity. In
professionals. Its main products include scooters, batteries total, there are about 670 points selling Auteco products,
and Chargers, bicycles and parts of two-wheeled electric 620 authorized service centers and more than 2,500 spare
vehicles. The group has an annual production capacity of parts stores across the country. All these points of trade
approximately 6 million electric two-wheel vehicles. Its allies generate more than 6,000 jobs. As for the 1,006 units
commercial network, consisting of 1,824 distributors and of his Starker scooter sold until May 2019187 in Colombia,
more than 9,000 outlets in China, was responsible for the the following are the main models:
increase in sales of scooters and electric bicycles from
3,319,582 units in 2016 to 4,060,030 units in 2017. Yadea Starker E3
has also exported to more than 70 countries through its The E3 is a Starker electric bike with a maximum speed of
international distribution network. Total revenue from sales 55 km/h and autonomy of 65 km at an average speed of
of two-wheeled electric vehicles and accessories increased 45 km/h.
by approximately 17.8% in 2016 to more than$ 1 billion in
2017, with 51.3% generated by electric scooters. Starker Avanti 2.0
The Avanti 2.0 is a starker electric bike with a maximum speed of 55 km/h, range of 80 km at an average speed of
45 km/h and maximum power of 2,500 W. It is the main
model of the company.
Starker e Cargo
5.1 ELECTRIKA Electric bike developed for the B2B market, mainly delivery,
with 75 km/h maximum speed and autonomy of 100 km at
Being the largest brand of electric bicycles in Colombia, it an average speed of 45 km/h, in addition to power from
produces mopeds and electric scooters and has had more 2,500 W to 4,000 W.


Starker Shipper 6.3 NUUK
Electric starker motorcycle with rear seat that opens and
becomes a loading platform and side hardware for fastening. Nuuk’s first units went on sale in January 2016. From that
With a maximum power of 2,500 W and autonomy of 50 km moment on, the offer expanded in Spain. In 2018, the
in the city, the bike Shipper is ideal for companies or self- company began planning market expansion to Europe and
employed who are dedicated to transporting items or light America. The Volta BCN model has a maximum power of 25
goods and who make short but frequent trips. kw (35 hp), which is equivalent to a combustion motorcycle
from 250 to 400 cm3. According to the company, maintenance is eminently preventive, to check the condition
Colombia of parts that suffer deterioration by use, such as tires, brake
levers and brake oil.

Santa Ana Kalea, 14 – Pol. Ind.
6.1 BULTACO Barrondo 48450 Etxebarri, Bizkaia –
Spain [email protected]
Bultaco was a Spanish manufacturer of combustion +34 944 263 833
motorcycles inaugurated in 1958. Due to industrial unrest
and market pressures, Bultaco’s production was closed
in 1979; the plant reopened in 1980 but closed again in 6.4 SILENCE
1983. In May 2014, a new Bultaco was announced and the
company has been selling street electric motorcycles since Silence has created designs, developed technologies and
2015. The research and development department is located manufactured electric scooters and batteries with its own
in Madrid, while the factory in Barcelona. technology since 2011. It has clients such as Correos España
(the Spanish postal service), the Madrid traffic agents service and the Barcelona City Council. Since 2015, it is expanding
Calle Gobelas, 13, Urb. La Florida internationally.
28023 Spain
+34.910.13.37.03/ 935.79.99.24 C. Santiago Rusiñol, 18-20
Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona
[email protected]
Next Electric Motors was founded in 2017 by entrepreneurs
from the world of motor and technology. Its goal is to
develop electric scooters that represent the real alternative 6.5 TORROT
to combustion motorcycles in all aspects: design, user
experience and price, to eliminate all entry barriers to the Torrot Electric Europa S. L. is a Spanish company dedicated
adoption of the electric vehicle. to the production of bicycles, velocipedes188 and electric
mopeds. It was founded in 1948 and took on the position of renowned European manufacturer of combustion
La Marina de València, Muelle de la Aduana s/n, Edificio motorcycles; after a troubled corporate history, it closed its
Lanzadera doors in the 1990s. It was reborn in 2011 as Torrot Electric
Valência – 46024 Spain Europa SL, with a manufacturing line focused on exclusively
[email protected] electric vehicles, from the collaboration with the Andalusian
Institute of Technology, the Catalan Technological Center
ASCAMM Foundation, Projetos Automotivos Técnicos,
Grupo Constant and Edalma Inversiones, and the owners of

Velocipede is a three-wheeled electric vehicle.

the brand Torrot. The initial forecasts were greatly exceeded,
and in 2016 the turnover of the company was 16 million C/ Tarento, 9, Plataforma Logística Zaragoza PLAZA
euros. Its electric scooter models, Muvi189 (for individual user Zaragoza
and sharing) and Muvi Business190 – with different capacities 50197 Spain
and load models (refrigerated, thermal, standard, from 25 [email protected]
to 85 liters), for delivery, police, mobility agents, first aid, +34 876 269 494 / 976 933 003
forest rangers, environmental tax, postal services, among
others –, are sold in more than 30 countries. It has more 6.8 GOING GREEN
than 300,000 registered users in the mobile application
developed by the company for operational management,
logistics and fleet maintenance, customer service, control [email protected]
of motorcyclists’ driving and communication.
6.9 LEM EV
C/ Los Moros, 32 Lem Ev started its activities in September 2007 in a
El Puerto de Sta María – Cádiz – 11500, Spain consortium of companies with different specialties,192 in
[email protected] order to propose an urban scooter that complied with two
+34 972 406 115 basic principles: offer a safe and pleasant driving and reduce
energy consumption, favoring sustainable mobility.
6.6 VOLTA MOTOR COMPANY, S.L [email protected]
C. Vilatenim 33, Nau 3.1
17600 Spain 7 ESTADOS UNIDOS
[email protected]
+34 872 020 412 7.1 GENZE

Mahindra GenZe, which operates under the brand name

OTHER SPANISH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATED WITH GenZe or GenZe by Mahindra, is a brand of electric bicycles
INDUSTRIES OF OTHER COUNTRIES (Small factories) and scooters. It is a subsidiary of the Mahindra Group of
India. In 2013, GenZe presented its first electric bike and
electric scooter. The name GenZe is the abbreviation
6.7 E-BROH of Generation Zero Emissions, in reference to the zero-
emission characteristic of its vehicles. Its headquarters are
eBroh is a company that seeks to explore the market niche in Fremont, California. Their products are manufactured,
of economical electric motorcycles.191 This brand wants hand-assembled and tested on roads in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
to take to the big cities the models eBroh Strada Max and The GenZe electric scooters were launched on the market in
Spuma Li, and reach the public of the scooters with prices 2015 and are used by Postmates delivery service. They are
between 2,309 and 4,995 euros, respectively. also available through the public scooter sharing system of
Scoot Networks, which received investments from the
private equity of the Mahindra Group.

Muvi catalog available at,cntnt01,getfile,0&cntnt01_d=SjlKQUVrakFxZENQaE51bGNSQ0ty-
Muvi catalog available at,cntnt01,getfile,0&cntnt01_d=Mk5kZEVvQzdzMTU4NDZFT3BMN-
Consortium formed by Luma, a leading European company in the manufacture of anti-theft Motorcycles, owner of the Italian helmet brand Lem, with
eight subsidiaries worldwide; Inmotec, dedicated to engineering for the development of racing bikes; and Dhemen, an industrial design company
awarded several times in world competitions, such as the iF or the Red Dot Award.

2901 Bayview Drive
Fremont, CA 9.1 IVA MOBILITY
94538 - United States
[email protected] Iva Mobility focuses on the mobility market with maximum
+1 855-464-3693 speed up to 45 km/h, mainly supplying combustion and
electric scooters and tricycles for the specialized trade. In
addition, it distinguishes itself as a supplier to companies
8 FRANCE seeking mobility and micromobility, selling its products to
its own dealer network in the Netherlands, Belgium and
8.1 PEUGEOT Germany. The electric scooters have a removable lithium-
ion battery from Bosch that gives them autonomy of up to
Peugeot Motorcycles S. A. manufactures two-wheel 80 km, being recharged in approximately six hours. The
motor vehicles. The company offers combustion and company does not disclose the number of electric vehicles
electric scooters and mopeds, and sells its products via produced or sold annually, nor their annual revenue.
its subsidiaries, its importers and dealers in France and
internationally. The company was founded in 1898 and is
headquartered in Mandeure, with factories in Mandeure and +31 085-4016831
Dannemarie, France, and Jinan, China. Since January 20, [email protected]
2015, Peugeot Motorcycles S. A. has been operating as a Sportlaan 391, 3364 DK Sliedrecht
subsidiary of Mahindra Two Wheelers Limited. Netherlands
electrique 10 INDIA
257060 Valentigney Cedex
France 10.1 ATHER ENERGY

8.2 REDE Ather Energy was founded in 2013 by Tarun Mehta and
Swapnil Jain. In early 2014, it received US$ 65,000 in
REDE is a start-up founded in 2015, which designs its investments from the Madras Indian Institute of Technology
electric scooters in France and partially assembles them in (IIT Madras) and Indian entrepreneur Srini V. Srinivasan.
China. Once imported to France, the finish by the technical In December 2014, Flipkart founders Sachin Bansal and
team takes place in the workshops in Montrouge, near Binny Bansal invested US$ 1 million in the company. In May
Paris, before entering the French market. It works with well- 2015, Ather Energy received an additional US$ 12 million
known suppliers, such as Bosch, for engines, and Lenovo, from Tiger Global for investments in vehicle development,
for removable lithium-ion batteries, with a range of 60 km. testing, production and launch. In February 2016, the
In addition, to meet the needs of delivery professionals, company launched the S340 smart scooter at a Surge
there is the option of buying two batteries, which ensures Technology Conference 2016 in Bangalore. Hero MotoCorp
greater autonomy. The RedE scooters are available for then invested US30 million in the series B financing round
lease and rental with purchase option, and of the current in October 2016 and obtained a 32.31% stake in the
transactions, 80% are rented. The company is developing company, again investing US$ 19 million in 2018. In May
complete options for users, including rentals with other 2019, Ather Energy raised an investment of US$ 51 million
services, such as maintenance and warranty, and training in its last round of financing, highlighting the US$ 32 million
for delivery professionals, so that they remain in compliance investment, again from Sachin Bansal. Currently, it has a
with French legislation. The network focuses on four market factory, with installed capacity from 20,000 to 25,000 units.
segments: foodtech (Uber Eats, Deliveroo), delivery (Sushi Its main models are the Ather 340 and the Ather 450.193
Shop, Pizza Hut), Express Delivery (Amazon, Fnac) and
official institutions (Paris City Hall).
3rd Floor Tower D IBC Knowledge Park, Bannerghatta Main Road
[email protected] Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560029 India
+33 682743674 +91 7676 600 900


10.2 HERO ELECTRIC first electric vehicle that opened the doors for the transport
of goods and people using renewable energy sources, but
In 1956, the Hero brand was launched by the late Dayanand only in 2018 was born the electric version of the scooter,
Munjal with the aim of providing mobility to millions in India. powered by a 2 kW battery. It has an autonomy of 100 km,
In the following years, the brand expanded to various fields, and the lithium-ion battery has full charging in four hours.
such as bicycles, motorcycles and health, and became one The Vespa is equipped with two driving modes thanks to
of the most renowned and trusted names in the world in its two buttons on the handlebar, the Eco and the Power. The
industry. For ten years, Hero Electric has been a pioneer Eco energy saving allows longer battery life, limiting the
and market leader in the two-wheel electric vehicle industry speed to 30 km/h, while the Power mode exploits the engine
and other electric mobility modes in India. Currently, it has power in full (45 km/h). The electric scooter can be
about 610 points of sale and service throughout the country easily connected to the phone via Bluetooth to get all the
and plans to increase the production capacity of its Ludhiana necessary information through a central panel positioned
unit to about 80,000 units by April 2020, also investing in a on the handlebars. The monitor tracks the operational
new facility in South India. status of the vehicle: mileage, battery level, geolocation
and updating of the phone-calls, messages and even music. Except for private users, the electric Vespas were assigned
50 Okhla Industrial Estate (Phase III) to the School of Student Marshals by the General Command
New Delhi of the Carabinieri. Italy is the main market for the electric
110020 – India Vespa, although this is also relevant in the United States and
+18 602 662 2662 in three major eastern metropolises: Beijing, Shanghai and
[email protected] Singapore. The Piaggio Group has six production centers in
Italy, India and Vietnam, as well as operating a joint venture
10.3 TWENTY-TWO MOTORS in China. In 2018, consolidated revenues were 1,389. 5
million euros, an increase of 4.3% compared to 2017.
Vatika Business Park
4th Floor, Tower-1 – Sec-49 Sohna Road Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25
Gurgaon 56025 Pontedera, Italy
122018 – India
[email protected] 11.2 ASKOLL
+91 124 4315900
The Italian group Askoll was founded in 1978 by Elio
10.4 OKINAWA AUTOTECH Marioni. Today the group has factories in Italy, China,
Mexico, Romania and Slovakia, being the Brazilian devoted to another line of products, components of household
Unit No. 119, 1st Floor, JMD Megapolis, Sector 48, Sohna appliances. The group launched the line of business
Road involving the production and sale of electric vehicles for
Gurgaon, Haryana urban mobility in 2015, and currently produces three
models of electric scooters: eS1, eS2 and eS3. The eS1
122018 – India model won the 2016 Grand Prix, a competition promoted
by No Smog Mobility that received nearly 1,600 entries.
In addition, the eS2 was a success for the company, as it
11 ITALY was the best-selling model of e-scooter in Italy at the end
of 2016, with a market share of about 50%. In addition,
11.1 PIAGGIO the eS3 model won the award for best electric vehicle in
Motor Days. The main features of these models are high
The Italian Piaggio Group, founded in 1884, is the largest energy efficiency, low consumption, low use of raw material
manufacturer of scooters and motorcycles in Europe and and the fact that all their most sophisticated technical
one of the world leaders in this sector. Piaggio & Co. it components (battery, electronic control unit, motor) are
operates in the field of scooters, bicycles and motorcycles developed internally, which gives them more competitive
using the brands Piaggio, Vespa, Gilera, Aprilia, Moto advantage. Production is organized into four departments.
Guzzi, Derbi and Scarabeo. His electric scooter is the green The first manufactures the batteries from the battery cells
evolution of an Italian icon. In 1975, the company created a purchased from the suppliers, and transforms them into

the final battery, designed and assembled by the group. ME Group S.r.l.
The second produces the engine with a manual assembly, Via Oscar Romero 1 – 25040 Passirano (Brescia) Italy
followed by an automatic test phase. The third and fourth +39 030 63 92 148
departments assemble the various components of the [email protected]
e-scooters to the final product. In 2018, Askoll achieved
annual production capacity of about 6,600 e-scooters and
revenue of 14.175 million euros. The company is currently
focusing on expanding its business partnerships, some 12 LUXEMBOURG
already established with major operators in the sharing
sector (such as Cooltra and Mimoto) and postal services 12.1 UJET
also abroad (with Austrian Post Office and Nexive), with
long-term rental companies (ALD Automotive) and other Ujet was founded in 2015 as a spin-off of OCSiAI, the
professional operators (in particular, operating in the area world leader in the manufacture of graphene nanotubes.
of food delivery, Domino’s and Burger King). It is headquartered and factory in Luxembourg, offices in
Germany, where the vehicles are designed, and has an international team of more than 60 professionals. In 2018,
Via Industria, 30 the company started the global launch of its electric scooter
36031 Dueville – VI, Italy at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas and
then in Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Monaco and Luxembourg. In
11.3 MEGROUP 2019, it made the release in the rest of the European Union
and Russia. The Ujet scooter has a lightweight and robust
MeGroup is an Italian start-up that designs and folding structure (weighing 49 kg), composed of advanced
manufactures the ME model, the world’s first scooter with a alloy and carbon fiber composite, materials commonly used
patented frame of sheet molding compound (SMC).194 The in the aerospace segment, as well as nano-increased tires,
company was born in 2013 from a joint venture between the lightest in its class, according to the company. The motor
three companies: Scalvenzi Società Cooperativa, a leader can reach its maximum speed (45 km/h) in a matter of
in the production of waste compaction systems; Rossa, seconds with the 3-kW electric motor on the wheel, offering
a communication agency specializing in strategies and instant torque of up to 80 Nm. The lithium-ion batteries
design for companies in the industrial sector; and Vehicle are removable and can be chosen from two sizes, with an
Engineering & Design, which operates in the automotive estimated range of up to 75 km for the smallest or 150 km
sector (with customers such as Alfa Romeo, Opel and Fiat). to the largest, refillable in three or six hours, respectively.
According to MeGroup, the scooter has high mechanical, The battery case is removable and can be taken out, like a
thermal and resistance against atmospheric agents. To small luggage. The scooter is equipped with two wheels at
bring his prototype to the market, MeGroup has created a the bottom and a telescopic handlebar. The app for iOS and
successful crowdfunding campaign, raising 300,000 euros Android operating systems dedicated allows you to lock and
and considerably increasing the visibility of the company, to unlock the scooter, track its location, monitor performance
the point that even the BBC has named it as “the new Italian and notify any potential alerts. The Ujet scooter design has
icon after the Vespa”, for its original design. The production won recognition from leading design professionals and won
line of ME is extremely simplified: it consists of a mold of the two of the most prestigious awards in the world, the Red
first stage and a subsequent stage of assembly and testing, Dot Award 2019 and the Gold Award 2019. The company
and the traditional production cycle (welding, galvanizing did not disclose information about units of electric scooters
and painting) is not necessary, neither lubricants or thinners sold, nor the annual income.
need to be used. All this happens between Brescia, Bergamo
and Milan, in the factories of MeGroup and the company’s
production partners. His scooter can accumulate 21.6 kWh 1, Rue de la Poudrerie
of electricity and guarantees 80 km of autonomy, with 3364 Leudelange
eight hours for full charging. It has dual charging mode: Luxembourg
removable battery or direct connection to 220V household +352 2786 34 46
socket. The company does not disclose information about
units sold or annual income.

Sheet moulding compound é um material de poliéster reforçado com fibra de vidro, pronto para moldar, enchimentos minerais, pigmentos e
resinas que tornam o quadro resistente, elástico e leve, usado principalmente na moldagem por compressão.


13.1 BLITZ MOTORS 15.1 E-RIDER E-Rider is the UK’s leading retailer of bicycles, electric

Israel Bak 7 mopeds and electric motorcycles. Sells directly to customers
Tel-Aviv online to help keep prices as low as possible. E-scooters are
6701912 – Israel equipped with removable lithium batteries for charging. The
[email protected] company does not disclose data in terms of electric scooters
+972-722-555-722 sold or annual revenue.
14 POLAND 160 Kemp House, City Road, Londres
EC1V 2NX – United Kingdom
14.1 VECTRIX [email protected]
+44 19 28 583.030
Vectrix Corporation, formerly known as Breeze Acquisition
Corporation, was founded in 1995. Based in Poland, it is
dedicated to the design, development and production of two- 16 TAIWAN
and three-wheel vehicles with zero emission engine for the
United States and internationally. It provides e-scooters for 16.1 GOGORO
individual passengers, fleet operators, delivery services and
municipalities, and has strategic partnerships with companies In 2011, Horace Luke and Matt Taylor founded the Taiwanese
such as Parker Hannifin Corporation, Brembo, Marzocchi, start-up Gogoro, a company focused on integrating the
Pirelli, Gold Peak, ZLKL, ESD, Plastal, Grimecca and GP latest in technology and innovation with power management,
Batteries International, Ltd. Vectrix has introduced new intelligent mobility and connectivity. Gogoro is a venture
innovative versions of lithium-ion power systems (traction capital company, currently with 1,200 employees. In 2015,
batteries), which increase the autonomy and performance it launched the first line of the Smartscooter™ model, as
of scooters: in cooperation with Amita Technology (TW), well as its network with more than 1,248 lithium-ion battery
batteries have been developed that offer a capacity of up to exchange stations, called Gogoro ® Energy Network. By the
16 kWh, with autonomy of 280 km. In 2016, they upgraded end of the same year, more than 4,000 Smartscooters™ were
the 50cc VX-2 scooters with removable batteries to attract sold and their share in the electric scooter market in Taiwan
private users and fleet operators. In January 2017, they reached 33.94%. After having sold 10,000 units in 2016,
released a new high-speed charger, with 6.6 kW. it was announced in 2017 the second model, the Gogoro
2, which can reach 95 km and has a sensor that collects information such as speed, battery level, consumption rate,
Vectrix Sp. z o.o. (Ltd) system failures and falls of the scooter. This information is
ul. Brochowska 21 presented to pilots through Gogoro® mobile applications,
52-019 Wrocław, Poland which can also be used to define energy efficiency – the
L Phone: +48 510 167 338 riding style can be optimized by adjusting the amount of
EN Phone: +48 501 212 022 energy to be saved with regenerative braking. In addition,
[email protected] users can pair their smartphones with Smartscooter™ to lock
and unlock the vehicle with ease. In Taiwan’s electric scooter
market, Gogoro’s sales reached a new record of 123,000
units, and in 2018, the company exported more than
50,000 units and established the leadership in the domestic
market. It plans to build two battery exchange stands
every day, with the goal of having 1,000 of them across

the island by the end of 2018. In addition, the company exchange mechanism first created by Gogoro. In addition,
began selling B2B: the market leader in the logistics sector, Yamaha Motor and Gogoro announced in September 2018
the company DHL, is already using Gogoro e-scooters for a new partnership for the development of electric vehicles
their deliveries. In addition, in the summer of 2018, the in the Taiwan market. Regarding to the production of these
company hit the streets of Madrid and Ishigaki Island in vehicles, it is important to note that all parts are designed
Japan after a successful launch in Paris and several cities in and manufactured entirely by Gogoro, except the batteries,
Germany. The number of Gogoro scooters being employed designed in partnership with Panasonic.
by sharing companies in foreign markets now totals more
than 4,000 vehicles. Yamaha, Aeon and PGO have turned
the Gogoro power grid into their flagship technology No 18, Songshou Road Xinyi District
platform for their new e-scooters, which would be launched Taipei City,
in 2019. As they separately develop their e-scooters, the 110 Taiwan
three manufacturers will also continue to incorporate the [email protected], [email protected]
electronic control system, the smart battery and the battery +886-2-2729-8777


The practicality of electric scooters finds in the charging or any combination of them. Power stations can be
structure a great advantage, since any point of electrical customized to meet a diversity of business requirements. The
network serves to recharge them, i.e., no specific structure Charging Infrastructure Solution is designed for companies
is required for such, as with electric cars. or governments that want to build an energy infrastructure
to provide charging services to a market. Includes removable
Solutions have been presented around the world for batteries, power stations, an operating system, management
immediate recharging; the Spanish Torrot, for example, software, applications and system customization. The fleet
has scooters that send a location signal when they are low operation solution is designed for companies that require an
load. Immediately after the signal, a technician from the electric fleet to fulfill their business functions. It is especially
company replaces the battery with a full-charged one, which suitable for logistics companies and retail companies that
he takes with him. Such a model is more practical for the provide delivery services.
user, who does not have to worry or spend time on charging
until fullness.
Kwang Yang Motor CO., LTD.
More recently, the model of charging stations has been No.35, Wansing St., Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City –
developed, already well spread on the Asian continent, 80794 Taiwan
whose incorporation into the Brazilian segment is something +886-7-382-2526
feasible in strategic points of the city, according to [email protected]
information from the automakers. The idea is that the user
can change the battery when the charge ends, at stations, 3 BLOOVA
leaving the battery discharged and picking up a full one.
The Ipiranga Network (pump stations), which already offers Bloova Style is a system suitable for private, public and
fast charging stations for electric cars, has shown interest commercial use. For this flexibility, the charger is available
in placing stations in some of its stations, instructing its with different authorization methods, from access keys and
franchisees to generate the charge for energy, as it already RFID technology to smartphone apps. Several solutions that
does for cars. Smart alternatives to the traditional charging allow monetization of charge are possible.
system are indicated below.
1 BECHARGED North Circular Road
The system offered by BeCharged is especially designed for 1000 England
electric scooters: it is equipped with two separate sockets, [email protected]
and the aluminum housing makes this charging station
very robust. The screen and LED lights allow a simple and 4 CHARGEPOINT
interactive communication with the user, being suitable for
indoor and outdoor use and for private and public areas. ChargePoint designs, builds, and supports all the technology
There is the possibility to provide personal identity by that powers the charging network, from charging station
placing a logo and prevent unauthorized access. hardware to power management software for a mobile
application. ChargePoint also has charging stations, with industrial design, for each type of electric vehicle,
Sassevaartstraat 46 bus 305 – Gent customizable according to demand.
9000 Belgium
32 (0)9 395.05.93
[email protected] fleet/
USA 240 East Hacienda Avenue – Campbell, CA
2 IONEX 95008-6617 – United States
iONEX Commercial offers a range of charging solutions, [email protected]
including standard charging, fast charging, battery switching


The maintenance segment – preventive and corrective – of 2 MYMOBILITY VEÍCULOS ELÉTRICOS

electric scooters is not concentrated in one or a few players.
Quite the contrary, this is a large market, totally fragmented MyMobility is a multifunctional company dedicated to
and formed by small and medium-sized companies. electric vehicles in a pioneering way in Brazil, unifying several
types of urban locomotion 100% electric. Created in 2016
As detailed throughout this study, workshops offering by Artur Bauab, with the aim of bringing electric mobility to
traditional mechanical support can also serve to electric the daily life of people and companies, it specializes in the
scooters. Because they are smaller and generalist marketing (sale and lease) of electric powered vehicles, in
workshops, however, they depend on adequate training to addition to providing maintenance service and spare parts.
offer after-sale support, both for institutional clients and
individuals. Rua Caravelas, 324
Vila Mariana – São Paulo
For electrical issues, the usual thing on the market is to +55 11 2306-9421
replace the defective part with a new one, usually supplied [email protected]
or purchased from the manufacturers, because the cost of
labor to repair them does not pay financially.

Norauto, the main autocenter in Europe and with 45 years
Auteco, already described in this study, is a motor vehicle of market, has, in Spain, a team of approximately 2,000
and motorcycle manufacturer from Colombia. It was the professionals distributed in more than 85 workshops and
first Colombian motorcycle manufacturer, established in in its headquarters, located in Burjassot (Valencia). It has
1941, in the city of Medellin, and today is a leader in the services aimed at various combustion and electric vehicles.
manufacture and maintenance of electric scooters in the A company in the process of expansion, Norauto Spain aims
country. to reach 100 workshops by 2020. Norauto’s workshops
offer multi-brand solutions to drivers in terms of equipment, maintenance, comfort, safety and alternative mobility.
Colombia Norauto is part of the Mobivia network, which includes
more than 21,000 employees in 20 federated companies
in 11 countries, with the same goal: to facilitate mobility.

The following table presents some of the main information
of the recommended fleet models from the manufacturers
identified in this study.

Table - Specifications of Selected Models of Scooters

Manufacturer Model Autonomy Maximum speed Charging time Charging method Note
Askoll eSpro45 71 km 45 km/h 0% a 80% = 5,5 h Wired or removable battery
Askoll eSpro70 96 km 70 km/h 0% a 80% = 7,5 h Wired or removable battery
Emco Novi 130 km 45 km/h 100% = 3,5 h Wired or removable battery
E-Rider 50 Cargo 110 Km 70 km/h 100% = 6 h Wired
GO!T2.6 100 km 45 km/h 0% a 80% = 5,5 h Wired, removable battery or
charging station
GO!T3.6 90 km 83 km/h 0% a 80% = 5,5 h Wired, removable battery or
charging station
Niu N-Series 70 km 45 km/h 100% = 6 h Wired
Riba/ Vmoto eMaxCity 70 km 45 km/h 0% a 70% = 3 h Wired or removable battery
Riba/ Vmoto eMax 120D 110 km 75 km/h 0% a 70% = 1,5 h Wired or removable battery
S02 215 km 80 km/h - Charging station Version for
police (trail)
Starker Avanti 2.0 80 km 55 km/h 100% = 8-12h Wired
Torrot Muvi L3e 100 km 60 km/h 100% = 2,5 ou 5 h Wired or removable battery
Muvi L1e 100 km 45 km/h 100% = 2,5 ou 5 h Wired or removable battery Features fast


Figure - Specifications of Scooter Models

Company Coverage
Spain (Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona and Seville)
Acciona Mobility
Portugal (Lisbon)
Alma Mobility Spain (Madrid)
Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Posnania, Koszalin, Trójmiasto, Breslávia, Łódź, Rzeszów , Kielce , Ostrowski ,
Powiat, Serock, Lublin, Katowice Bydgoszcz Białystok, Bydgoszcz)
Hungary (Budapest, Pecs)
Blinkee Bucharest (Romania)
Sweden (Stockholm)
Croatia (Split and Omiš)
Bloom United States (university campus)
Bounce India (Bengaluru)
France (Paris and Nice)
Italy (Milan and Rome)
Germany (Berlin and Tübingen)
Coup-e Scooter € France (Paris)
Spain (Madrid)
Deins und Meins by Wunder fleet Germany (Gütersloh)
Econduce Mexico (Mexico City)
Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga)
eCooltra Italy (Rome, Milan and Palma de Mallorca)
Portugal (Lisbon)
Eddy Germany (Dusseldorf)
Emmy Germany (Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf and Berlin)
Evo Sharing Germany (Essen and Oberhausener)
Felyx Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam)
FlowBie Germany (Bielefeld)
Frank-e Sharing by Wunder fleet Germany (Frankfurt)
GGo Global Australia (Perth)
Switzerland (Geneva and Zurich)
More cities not yet released
GoShare by Gogoro Taiwan (Taoyuan City)
Sharing + plataforma de troca de United States (university campus)
Gotcha (trikes) Austria (Vienna)
GoUrban Italy (Milan)
GoVolt China (Shenzhen)
Immotor (Ehuandian) – apenas France (Toulouse, Lyon, Bordeaux) and more cities not yet released
estação de troca de baterias
Indigo wheel Spain (Madrid)
Ioscoot Canada (Vancouver)
Lebanon (Beirut)
Germany (Lingen)
Meli-Sharing by Share2move Italy (Milan and Turin)
Mimoto Austria (Vienna)
Mo2drive Austria (Vienna)

Company Coverage
Mobility Switzerland (Geneva)
Mobiscoot Germany (Bruchsal)
Moritz by Share2move Spain (Barcelona)
Italy (Milan)
Motit France (Paris)
Spain (Madrid)
Movo Spain (Madrid, Seville, Granada, Cadiz, Malaga, Valencia, El Pto de Sta Maria, Zaragoza, Cordoba)
Muving United States (Atlanta and more cities not yet released)
Muving (Estados Unidos) Germany (Norden, Norddeich)
NeroSharing by share2move Austria (Vienna and Graz)
ÖAMTC easy way United States (Austin, Dallas, Hoboken)
OJO Germany (Osnabrück)
Oki-Sharing by share2move Brazil (São Paulo)
Riba Share United States
Scoobi United States (San Francisco)
Scoot Belgium (Antwerp and Brussels)
Scooty United States (San Francisco)
Spain (Barcelona)
Scoot Networks
Italy (Rome)
Scuter Germany (Stuttgart)
Stella Germany (Krefeld)
SWK KRuiser Sharing (frota Wunder) India (Chandigarh)
Toocs India (Bangaluru)
Tresmoto United States (Portland)
Tryshared Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)
Vimotor app India (Bengaluru, Mysuru, Hyderabad)
Vogo Taiwan (Taipei)
WeMo Malta
Whizascoot Portugal (Lisbon)
Wyze Spain (Barcelona and Valencia)
France (Bordeaux)
India (Bangaluru)
Yulu China (80 cities)
Zeebike Italy (Rome and Milan)
Zig Zag


The existence of incentive funds and international 1 INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY

government programs of financing and promotion is a public COOPERATION PROJECTS
tool to give breath to a still incipient and fragile sector,
disseminate and popularize the use of electric scooters , in 1.1 PLANNING
addition to promoting the technological advancement of this
electric alternative whose experience is positive in the urban Innowide is a program that aims to finance start-ups,
centers in which they are used. small and medium-sized European companies to conduct
Viability Assessment Projects (so-called VAPs) in markets
Sales of conventional scooters have grown greatly because of outside Europe.196 The aim is to help the beneficiaries to
the increase in the purchasing power of the final consumer. progressively access markets of developing economies (e.g.
In addition, the governments of various countries have Brazil, Russia, India, China and Mexico), in transition and,
adopted various measures to reduce air pollution levels, finally, developed countries.
establishing rules on the use of conventional scooters, taxes
associated with them and a number of other regulations. At Innowide’s VAPs are preliminary regulatory, political-
the same time, they have also stimulated the rise of hybrid socio-economic, technical (including update, transfer
and electric scooters by offering attractive incentives and and integration) and market assessments that seek, in a
subsidies to their owners. In China, the government offers comprehensive, balanced and coherent manner, to validate
subsidies from US$ 600.00 to US$ 1,000.00 each purchase the feasibility of innovative business solutions along
of an electric or hybrid scooter, depending on the size of the emerging global value chains.
battery. Cities such as Beijing and Shanghai also offer free
location for customers of electric scooters. These projects should identify and evaluate the framework
of preconditions that may favor or block the implementation
Already in the United States, the government has allocated of solutions and collaboration models in the target
donations of about US$ 2.4 billion for the development of countries. They should also include a detailed definition of
hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as high-density batteries. the feasibility of such solutions and business models, with
The United States administration has also granted incentives their implementation strategies, in addition to:
to customers of electric vehicles, including scooters, in the
form of tax credits worth up to US$ 7,500, depending on the
battery type of the hybrid or electric vehicle.195
• present a creative partnership with a local partner
(subcontractor from a target country such as Brazil,
Russia, India, China and Mexico) - be it supplier,
In this sense, some of the following are presented: customer, consultant, legal consultant, research and
development provider, collaborator or absorber,
among others.

main incentives worldwide in favor of electric scooters,
aiming to provide examples that can be replicated or structure a wide variety of activities to explore the
adjusted for Brazil, both by the government and the private practical, technological and commercial feasibility of
sector. an innovative solution and how it fits to meet local
conditions and demands.

• last up to six months.


• structure the project so that it is the first phase of the
business model of a potential innovative technological
of the bilateral program should be presented to the CDTI,
cooperation project with an agent in that country in the
short or medium term.

Each participant, through its administrative bodies – CDTI
have total eligible project costs of at least 86,000 in Spain and, in Brazil, FINEP and FAPESP –, is responsible
euros, to be financed by a maximum of 70%, with a for the evaluation and subsequent certification of approved
fixed donation of 60,000 euros. projects with a “quality seal”, which offers participating

• companies:

be carried out by a small or medium-sized company
established in a member state of the European added value associated with international cooperation
Union, which subcontracts a partner in the country of and official recognition of the technological level of
destination (in this case, Brazil). participants.

After the implementation of the project, the European

• sufficient information that makes it easier for
companies to obtain financial aid in each country,
company should be empowered to propose future activities according to their own rules and without international
in the target market with the strategic partner, which may remittance of financial resources.
involve future investment decisions on the part of potential
buyers, investors and end users. Collaboration projects with Brazilian entities can, in some
cases, be presented at any time of the year and, in others,
1.2 IMPLEMENTATION only through specific calls to be published.

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), Both international certification and bilateral projects are
based in Spain, has signed two agreements with Brazilian jointly issued by CDTI and the corresponding counterpart
public entities to promote and facilitate bilateral research and in Brazil. In parallel, the CDTI also informs interested
innovation projects between companies from both countries. companies about granting or obtaining this certification.
The first was signed with the Studies and Projects Finance
Company (FINEP) and contemplates the establishment of a 1.3 FINANCING
bilateral technological cooperation program between Spanish
and Brazilian companies.197 The minimum budget for the project of a company to be
selected is 175,000 euros. In the case of projects developed
The second, signed with the São Paulo State Research by a consortium or with the International Energy Agency
Foundation (FAPESP), established a bilateral Technological (IEA), the minimum budget of the project will be 500,000
Cooperation Program between Spanish companies and small euros. The research and development projects presented
and medium-sized enterprises (less than 250 employees) in may be financed by a partially repayable investment, with a
the state of São Paulo.198 financial coverage of up to 75% of the total approved budget
and may exceptionally reach 85%. The refundable and non-
Both agreements have as their goal that the companies of refundable fractions (NRT) go up to 33%.
the two countries develop in collaboration research and
development projects that address the needs or challenges of To qualify for NRT, projects must have the corresponding seal
the specific market and represent a technological contribution certifying the existence of cooperation between the entities
of high industrial relevance and commercial potential. The and the international nature of the proposal. To consolidate
objective is to position itself in new markets and establish the NRT associated with CDTI funding as an international
means for long-term relationships with companies and/or cooperation project, it will be necessary to verify the
entities that complement European resources and capabilities maintenance of the international character of the project until
to jointly share risks and be more competitive.199 its completion. At the end of the project, an International
Completion Report must be issued.
Since the project is defined among all participants, the form


1.4 PROCEDURE of exchange of an old motorcycle for a brand new one.The
discount occurs at the time of purchase, anticipated by the
The company must register its idea on the CDTI website dealer, which is then reimbursed by the state in the form of
by submitting a research and development project request a tax credit. Those interested should go to the dealership
with international technological cooperation (PCTI) / with their used scooter and proceed with the purchase.200
unilateral projects. The applicant shall provide the following
documentation and conduct these activities:

• a chart (Gantt), where the tasks to be performed by

each participant of the international consortium are

The incentives consist of offering free parking for electric


vehicle drivers in central Copenhagen and exemption from
application form written in English (except for projects the registration fee and scooter property tax.201
in which only Spanish and Ibero-American companies
are involved) and emphasizing the project, the activities
of the participants and the importance of it for all 4 NORWAY
partners. It must be agreed, concluded and signed by
all parties of the international consortium. Drivers of electric scooters can travel on motorways without

• Consortium Collaboration Agreement: document in

English, which ensures the execution of the project
paying a toll and to use the preferred lanes of public
transport. Other forms of incentives include exemption from
purchase tax, VAT, as well as registration fee and annual
and describes the agreed conditions for exploitation circulation tax.202
of the results. It must be submitted and signed by the
legal representatives of all participating entities before
its final approval by the CDTI. The document should 5 NETHERLANDS
include a section reflecting the specific commitment
of the parties to hold the following meetings with In the Netherlands, buyers of electric scooters can get a
the presence of the CDTI in the premises of the non- local incentive in the city of Rotterdam, consisting of a
Spanish partner: bonus of 300 euros, provided that the electric scooter is
• project presentation meeting, to verify the active intended to replace a conventional, combustion, registered
cooperation between the participating companies before 2010.203
and ensure the achievement of the objectives.
• meeting to present the results of the project.

2 ITALY The objective of the MOVES Plan (incentives for Efficient

and Sustainable Mobility) is to promote the development of
In Italy, the bonus for buyers of electric scooters is called the electric vehicle at all levels, both in private scope and
Ecobonus. It consists of a fund of 10 million euros, valid only in commercial use, including the use of electric buses or
for new vehicles, registered for the first time in Italy between trucks. The installation of the electric charging point will
1 March 2019 and 31 December 2021. The contribution is also be subsidized, as well as assistance to companies that
in the form of a discount on the listed price of up to 30% bet on sustainable transport systems.
(up to3,000 euros). The discount is available only in case

Source: Accessed 19 Aug. 2019.
Source: Amsterdam Roundtable Foundation and McKinsey & Company The Netherlands. Available at:
up%20for%20a%20new%20phase/Electric%20vehicles%20in%20Europe%20Gearing%20up%20for%20a%20new%20phase.ashx. Accessed 20
Aug. 2019.
Source: Accessed 15 Aug. 2019.

The aid for electric motorcycles includes between 600 and 8 AUSTRIA
800 euros of public subsidy for those models with two or
three wheels and a maximum speed of more than 45 km/h. The country was one of the first to offer incentives for
In other words, this aid does not include electric scooters, electric motorcycles. Since March 2017, Austria has
even though it is the best-selling electric motorcycle model in had a federal incentive program for electric bicycles and
Spain. This is due to the strong presence of sharing companies motorcycles (including scooters). The collective organization
in the country: Spain is the world leader in shared scooters. of importers and the Austrian bicycle industry, Arge2Rad,
participates financially in the electric mobility package of the
Despite this, the plans Movea204 and Movalt,205 in force, Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of the Environment.
respectively, in 2017 and 2018 were largely responsible for Thus, the federal government incentive of 375 euros can
the exponential growth in the number of electric scooters be doubled per electric vehicle. The benefit can be used by
through the Spanish streets. individuals, businesses, communities and associations who
purchase a motorcycle or electric bicycle.209
In addition to the public aid, the plans stipulated that
manufacturers and dealers themselves should apply discounts
to make the purchase of electric motorcycles a viable option 9 SWITZERLAND
for the largest number of customers.206
Switzerland does not have, at the federal level, incentive
The Spanish government’s plans aim to stimulate the purchase programs for the acquisition of electric vehicles. However,
of vehicles using alternative energy sources, the installation of the purchase of electric scooters is encouraged by discounts
electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the development on motor vehicle taxes in most cantons.210
of incentives to implement electric bicycle lending systems.207

Support from Paris City Hall
Currently, state support is aimed at the purchase of cars,
motorcycles and electric bicycles, provided that for urban The Paris City Hall is doing everything possible to reduce
use, through the so-called Environmental Fund. pollution in the capital, which includes offering financial
aid for the purchase of two-wheeled electric vehicle. The
The incentive for the introduction of two-wheeled vehicles amount available for this program is up to 400 euros. The
and electric mopeds (including scooters) translates into a aid from the city hall is, however, limited to electric scooters
20% discount on the value of the vehicle, up to a maximum with power equivalent to 50 cc and electric bicycles.211
of 400 euros. The amount allocated by the Environmental
Fund is 100 thousand euros.208

Source: e
documentos/ayudas_y_financiacion/informe_final_web_3.pdf. Accessed 15 Aug. 2019.
Source: Accessed 15 Aug. 2019.
Source: Salinas, Raúl. Estas son las ayudas del gobierno para comprar una moto eléctrica., Autobild, 21 Feb. 2019. Available at: www. Accessed 15 Aug. 2019.
noticia.html. Accessed 15 Aug. 2019.
Source: Eco. “Elétrico? Dez perguntas e respostas sobre o apoio do Estado.” ECO, 10 Mar. 2019, Available at:
quer-um-eletrico-perguntas-e-respostas-sobre-os-apoios-do-estado/. Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source: Ankaufförderung Für E-Motorräder Verdoppelt.,, January 4, 2017. Available at: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source: Accessed 20 Aug.
Source: Aide Financière. Aide Financière, November 3, 2018, Available at: Accessed 20 Aug.

Financial support from the national government any registration fee when they register an electric motorcycle
(including electric scooter). That is, there is no tax or any fee
The government bonus for a two-wheeled vehicle purchased to put it into circulation. Since April 2018, Flanders also
in 2019 is up to 900 euros if the maximum engine power is offers a zero-emission discount of 25% on the purchase
at least equal to 2 kilowatts, within the limit of 27% of the price (with a maximum of 750 euros for Class B mopeds
cost of acquisition. For a scooter with lower power, this aid and 1,500 euros for electric motorcycles).212
is up to 20% of the total price, with a discount limit of 100
euros. This state aid is valid for individuals and companies
and can be combined with other local aid. 12 UNITED KINGDOM

Financial support for individuals The United Kingdom was one of the first to offer incentives
for the purchase of electric vehicles, including scooters.
Some other French cities offer subsidies for individuals in Consumers are entitled to a discount on the price of new
the purchase of electric scooters: low-pollutant vehicles through a government grant to car

• Metropolis of Nice Côte d’azur: the subsidy is fixed at

25% of the purchase price, up to a limit of 150 euros.
dealerships and manufacturers. A fund of up to £ 7.5 million
was made available from the summer of 2015 through 2020,

whereby buyers get a 20% discount on the purchase, limited
Roannais Agglomération: up to 200 euros of to £ 1,500 per vehicle.213 The dealer will include the amount
assistance, limited to 20% of the tax-free price per of the subsidy (maximum of 3,500 pounds) in the price of
electric scooter. the vehicle.214

• city of La Motte Servolex: 20% subsidy, limited to 300


city of Villeneuve-Les-Avignon: assistance of 200
euros, with limit of two units per residence. As a way of encouraging electric mobility, Taiwan has put
into action a plan to install 3,300 battery charging and
Financial support for companies charging stations for electric scooters between 2018 and
2022.215 The number of charging stations and batteries
For companies, the best benefits are offered by the French exchange installed in Taiwan, with the help of government
regions for the acquisition of a fleet or electric vehicle. funding, reached 1,825 in 2017. The plan aims to raise that

• Île-de-France: for small and medium-sized enterprises

and companies with less than 50 employees, the
number to more than 5,000 by the end of 2022.

Taiwan has implemented several programs in recent

amount of assistance is from 1,500 euros to 3,000 years to encourage public adoption of electric scooters.
euros per scooter according to its characteristics, The Environmental Protection Administration offers NT$
limited to five vehicles per company.

3,500 (about $ 110) for the purchase of the vehicles, with
Hauts-de-France: the same aid as in Île-de-France. an additional NT$ 2,500 (about US$ 80) if the buyer is
exchanging a combustion motorcycle. As the government
began in 2016 offering incentives for people to replace fuel-
11 BELGIUM powered scooters with electric models, the country’s total
scooter manufacturing was pushed to 1.1 million units in
In the region of Flanders, public authorities do not charge 2017.216

Source: Deux-roues électriques: quels incitants en Belgique? GreenCars.Be!, 17 Dec. 2018, Available at: roues-
Source: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source:,6,10,15,18&post=127518. Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.
Source: Accessed 20 Aug. 2019.

There are also local government subsidies, ranging from
NT$ 1,200 to NT$ 12,000 for new purchases and from
• Arizona: reduced annual license fee of US$ 4.00/
US$ 100.00 in value for electric motorcycles. For the
first 12 months, the value is 1% of the manufacturer’s
NT$ 2,100 to NT$ 17,000 for vehicles purchased to replace
suggested retail price (MSRP). For subsequent years,
combustion scooters, with additional subsidies available
the value is 15% lower than the value of the previous
in some regions. There are also subsidies such as special
12-month period. Minimum license tax for registration:
parking spaces and free access to national parks.
US$ 5.00. (The regular vehicle license tax is US$ 2.80/
US$ 100 in assessed value based on 60% MSRP).
14 AUSTRALIA • Illinois: the registration fee for electric motorcycles
should not exceed US$ 35.00 for two years or US$
The Australian Government does not offer subsidies to 18.00/year. The regular motorcycle registration fee is
electric vehicles, so it is up to states to provide incentives. US$ 38.00/year).
For example, the state of Victoria offers a discount of AU$
100 on hybrid and electric vehicles and licensing fees are
waived on electric vehicles. 16 GERMANY

Munique E-Mobil
The local government of Munich offers up to 25% off the net
Federal tax credit cost of purchasing an electric motorcycle, up to a maximum
of 1,000 euros, to residents of Munich or companies based
The U.S. federal government offers a tax credit titled in the city.
E-motorcycle Federal Tax Credit. This is an amount that can
be deducted from the taxes due by the taxpayer. The amount Exemption from Motor Vehicle Tax
is 10% of the value of the new vehicle purchased, limited to
US$ 2,500.00. The amount of the credit is determined by The tax exemption for electric vehicles is 10 years for the
the final price of the invoice, including additional accessories first registration between May 18, 2011 and December 31,
and batteries purchased on the same invoice.217 2020. The tax exemption always starts from the first date
of registration of the vehicle. In the event of a change of
State incentives ownership within the exempt period, the new owner of the
vehicle will receive tax exemption for the remaining period.
Some states offer other incentives to purchase electric After the end of the tax exemption, the motor vehicle tax to
motorcycles: be paid is reduced by 50%.218

• California: state rebate of US$ 900.00 (currently

suspended, waiting for funds).
Electric service vehicles

• San Joaquin Valley: US$ 1,000. 00 off. The calculation of the tax exemption does not use the total

• Maryland: tax credit of US$ 100.00/kWh (effective

July 1, 2017-June 30, 2020, pending funds).
price of the vehicle, as is the case with conventional vehicles,
but a reduced amount, depending on the battery power.

When buying an electric vehicle, a portion of the taxable
Massachusetts: US$ 450.00 discount (limited funds). amount will be deducted per kWh of energy stored on the

• Oregon: US$ 750.00 discount (effective January 1,

motorcycle. The amount of the benefit will be reduced by 50
euros every year until 2022.

Source: Electric Motorcycle Incentives || ZERO MOTORCYCLES. Available at: Accessed 19 Aug. 2019.
Paragraph 9, subitem 2, KraftStG.


The following are the forty bills in process in Brazil to consumption verified in the activity of charging electric
for the electric mobility sector, both in the Federal vehicles intended for public passenger transport.
Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies. We highlight Situation: Joint Procedures
those that directly or indirectly affect electric scooters.
2.2 BILL 3.435/2019

Author: Valtenir Pereira – MDB/MT

1 FEDERAL SENATE Date of submission: 6/11/2019
Synopsis: Provides on the mandatory installation of charging
1.1 BILL 3.986/2019 point for electric and hybrid cars in covered parking lots
with more than 200 spaces.
Author: Senator Irajá Situation: Joint Procedures
Synopsis: Changes Law 8.989, of 24 February 1995, to
grant exemption from the IPI to motorcycles or motorbikes 2.3 BILL 9.616/2018
of domestic manufacture equipped with engine of
displacement not exceeding 250 cubic centimeters acquired Author: Pastor Eurico – PHS/PE
by professional motorcyclists (mototaxi drivers), labor Date of submission: 2/21/2018
cooperatives or persons with disabilities. Synopsis: Grants tax incentives for the production and
Date: 7/9/2019 marketing of vehicles powered exclusively or partially by
electric motor.
1.2 BILL 5.590/2019 Situation: Joint Procedures

Author: Senator Daniella Ribeiro 2.4 BILL 1.967/2019

Synopsis: Establishes tariff to pay for the deployment of
charging points for electric and hybrid vehicles and provides Author: Hélio Lopes – PSL / RJ
other arrangements. Date of submission: 4/2/2019
Date: 10/22/2019 Synopsis: Grants exemption from the IPI, the contribution
to PIS/PASEP and COFINS for the import and marketing
1.3 SENATE BILL 340/2016 on the domestic market of vehicles equipped solely with an
electric motor.
Author: Senator Telmário Mota Situation: Joint Procedures
Synopsis: Provides for the exemption of the IPI in the
acquisition of electric vehicles and gives other provisions. 2.5 BILL 7.582/2017
Date: 9/13/2016
Author: Beto Rosado – PP/RN
Date of submission: 5/9/2017
2 CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES Synopsis: Provides for the marketing and circulation, in the
national territory, of passenger cars, domestic or foreign
2.1 BILL 5.272/2019 production, equipped with combustion engines and electric
Author: Carlos Henrique Gaguim – DEM/TO Situation: Joint Procedures
Date of submission: 9/30/2019
Synopsis: Grants tax incentives under the IPI, IOF and 2.6 BILL 3.948/2015
IRPJ to vehicles equipped with exclusively electric motor,
classified in codes 8702.40.10 and 8702.40.90 Ex 02 of the Author: Marcelo Belinati – PP/PR
IPI Incidence Table; changes law 10.485, of July 3, 2002, Date of submission: 12/10/2015
to reduce to zero the rate of contributions PIS/PASEP and Synopsis: Establishes incentives for the use of renewable
COFINS, charged on the sale of electric vehicles and their fuels and high-efficiency engines and authorizes the
components; and changes the law 10.438, of 26 April manufacture of diesel engines for passenger vehicles.
2002, to grant a discount on electricity tariffs applicable Situation: Joint Procedures

2.7 BILL 3.412/2015 2.12 BILL 1.618/2019

Author: Carlos Henrique Gaguim – PMDB/TO Author: Zé Vitor – PMN/MG

Date of submission: 10/27/2015 Date of submission: 3/20/2019
Synopsis: Provides tax incentives to produce electric or Synopsis: Provides for mandatory charging points for
hybrid vehicles and for the installation of energy supply electric vehicles in new residential buildings, the installation
points. of charging stations for electric vehicles on public roads
Situation: Joint Procedures and changes in the allocation of resources of the Energy
Development Account.
2.8 BILL 1.964/2019 Situation: Joint Procedures

Author: Hélio Lopes – PSL / RJ 2.13 BILL 1.410/2015

Date of submission: 4/2/2019
Synopsis: Provides incentives to expand the use of electric Author: Fábio Faria – PSD/RN
energy for propulsion of motor vehicles. Additional data: Date of submission: 5/6/2015
It changes Law 10.438, of 2002. Synopsis: Provides tax incentives for the production and
Situation: Joint Procedures marketing of electric or hybrid vehicles.
Situation: Joint Procedures
2.9 BILL 1.371/2015
2.14 BILL 156/2015
Author: Deley – PTB/RJ
Date of submission: 5/5/2015 Author: Roberto de Lucena – PV/SP
Synopsis: Grants tax benefits relating to IPI, II, contribution Date of submission: 2/3/2015
to PIS/PASEP and Contribution to the Financing of Social Synopsis: Provides for the exemption of IPI and II charged
Security charged on operations with cars equipped with on the marketing of machinery, equipment, structures and
engines driven exclusively by electric energy. other components necessary for the manufacture of electric
Additional data: It changes Law 10.865, of 2004. cars.
Situation: Joint Procedures Situation: Joint Procedures

2.10 BILL 8.291/2017 2.15 BILL 3.197/2019

Author: João Gualberto – PSDB/BA Author: Sebastião Oliveira – PL/PE

Date of submission: 8/16/2017 Date of submission: 5/29/2019
Synopsis: Establishes a ban on the production and Synopsis: Establishes the mandatory installation of charging
marketing of passenger cars and Urban Cargo Vehicles points for electric vehicles on public roads and in residential
(UCV), domestic or foreign production, powered by internal and commercial environments.
combustion engines, and provides other provisions. Situation: Joint Procedures
Purchases of vehicles for public administration use are
electric powered vehicles. 2.16 BILL 6.503/2016
Situation: Joint Procedures
Author: Evandro Roman – PSD/PR
2.11 BILL 7.167/2014 Date of submission: 11/17/2016
Synopsis: Changes Law 12,715, of September 17, 2012,
Author: Eliene Lima – PSD/MT Law 8,383, of December 30, 1991, and Law 9,074, of July
Date of submission: 20/2/2014 7, 1995.
Synopsis: Extinguishes the rates of IPI that is charged on Additional data: Deals with tax incentives to industry,
vehicles powered by electricity. through the inclusion as a beneficiary of the Inovar-Auto
Situation: Joint Procedures Program of companies that manufacture or market parts and
components intended exclusively for use in the manufacture
of electric or hybrid vehicles powered by ethanol and/or
Situation: Joint Procedures

2.17 BILL 874/2019 Synopsis: Grants tax benefits relating to the IPI, II,
contribution to the PIS/PASEP and Contribution to the
Author: Edna Henrique – PSDB/PB Financing of Social Security charged on import operations
Date of submission: 4/2/2019 of cars equipped with engine driven exclusively by electric
Synopsis: Provides for measures to promote an increase in energy, and establishes tax incentive to the production
the number of public charging points for electric vehicles. and marketing of motor vehicles powered by electricity or
Situation: Joint Procedures hybrids.
Situation: Joint Procedures
2.18 BILL 4.106/2015
2.23 BILL 8.402/2017
Author: Marcelo Belinati – PP/PR
Date of submission: 12/16/2015 Author: Danrlei de Deus Hinterholz – PSD/RS
Synopsis: Establishes incentives for the use of renewable Date of submission: 8/29/2017
fuels and high-efficiency engines to ensure a healthier Synopsis: Modifies Law 12.715, of September 17, 2012,
environment. to provide on the prohibition of the marketing and import
Situation: Joint Procedures of cars powered by diesel oil and automotive gasoline from
January 1, 2040.
2.19 BILL 7.262/2017 Situation: Joint Procedures

Author: Altineu Côrtes – PMDB/RJ 2.24 BILL 8.630/2017

Date of submission: 3/29/2017
Synopsis: Grants tax benefits of IPI, II, contribution to the Author: Sublieutenant Gonzaga – PDT/MG
program of Social Integration and Training Program of Date of submission: 9/20/2017
Public Servant Assets and Contribution to the Financing Synopsis: Changes the wording of caput Article 72 of Law
of social security charged on operations on cars that have 8.383 of December 30, 1991 and caput Article 2 of Law
engine driven exclusively by electric energy. 8.989, of February 24, 1995, expand the scope of these
Additional data: It changes Law 10.865, of 2004. devices, in relation to taxi drivers.
Situation: Joint Procedures Situation: Joint Procedures

2.20 BILL 3.339/2019 2.25 COMPLEMENTARY BILL 560/2018

Author: Rodrigo Agostinho – PSB/SP; Rosana Valle – PSB/SP Author: Arnaldo Jardim – PPS/SP Data of submission:
Date of submission: 6/5/2019 12/19/2018
Synopsis: Provides for the prohibition of production, Synopsis: Provides for the differential treatment of goods
commercialization, sale, licensing and circulation of new and services, and the processes of production and provision
vehicles of self-propelled traction, powered by fossil fuel, on on the grounds of the environmental impact they cause, as a
the date specified in the national territory, gives new wording general principle of economic activity on the environment and
to Law 10.438 of April 26, 2002, and gives other provisions. ecological balance, and the establishment of special criteria for
Situation: Joint Procedures taxation, with the aim of preventing imbalances in competition
for goods and services with less environmental impact.
2.21 BILL 4.086/2012 Situation: Joint Procedures

Author: Fernando Coelho Filho – PSB/PE 2.26 BILL 9.393/2017

Date of submission: 6/19/2019
Synopsis: Provides tax incentives for the production and Author: Carlos Henrique Gaguim – PODE/TO
marketing of electric or hybrid motor vehicles. Date of submission: 12/19/2017
Situation: Awaiting the opinion of the rapporteur in the Synopsis: Exempts from IPI motor vehicles powered by
Committee on Economic Development, Industry, Trade and electric or mixed engines and reduces to zero the contribution
Services (CDEICS) rates for PIS/PASEP and COFINS on such vehicles.
Additional data: It changes Laws 4.502, of 1964, and
2.22 BILL 4.825/2019 10.925, of 2004.
Author: Daniel Freitas – PSL/SC Situation: Joint Procedures
Date of submission: 9/3/2019

2.27 BILL 902/2015 2.32 BILL 7.344/2014

Author: Luciano Ducci – PSB/PR Author: Danrlei de Deus Hinterholz – PSD/RS; Ricardo Izar
Date of submission: 3/25/2015 – PSD/SP
Synopsis: Extends the IPI exemption for the benefit of Date of submission: 4/2/2014
autonomous professional motorcyclists, cooperatives Synopsis: Provides for the IPI exemption for the purchase of
and people with disabilities, established by Law 8.989, of electric bicycles, mechanical, and their accessories.
February 24, 1995, to the acquisition of electric and hybrid Situation: Joint Procedures
Situation: Joint Procedures 2.33 BILL 2.226/2019

2.28 BILL 6.954/2017 Author: Aureo Ribeiro – SOLIDARI/RJ

Date of submission: 4/10/2019
Author: Carlos Henrique Gaguim – PTN/TO Synopsis: Provisions on the use of electric-powered bicycles,
Date of submission: 2/20/2017 whether equipped with pedals driven by the driver and
Synopsis: Provides tax incentives to encourage the use of electric-powered kick-scooters or not. (Bill of Sustainable
electric or hybrid powered vehicles. Urban Mobility)
Additional data: It changes Law 10.485, of 2002. Situation: Joint Procedures
Situation: Joint Procedures
2.34 BILL 3.274/2019
2.29 BILL 7.785/2017
Author: Eli Corrêa Filho – DEM/SP
Author: Luiz Nishimori – PR/PR Date of submission: 4/6/2019
Date of submission: 6/6/2017 Synopsis: Provides on the Shared Micromobility System as
Synopsis: Establishes tax incentive for the industrialization an instrument of the National Urban Mobility Policy.
and commercialization of hybrid and electric powered
vehicles. 2.35 BILL 3.242/2019
Situation: Joint Procedures
Author: Vinicius Poit – NOVO/ P; Lucas Gonzalez – NOVO/
2.30 BILL 7.342/2014 MG
Date of submission: 5/30/2019
Author: Ricardo Izar – PSD/SP; Danrlei de Deus Hinterholz Menu: Changes Law 12.587, of January 3, 2012, to regulate
– PSD/RS the transportation with electric motorized cycle vehicles and
Date of submission: 4/2/2014 gives other provisions.
Synopsis: Provides on the regulation of electric bicycles Situation: Joint Procedures
throughout the national territory.
Situation: Joint Procedures 2.36 BILL 349/2019

2.31 BILL 2.145/2015 Author: Felipe Carreras – PSB/PE

Date of submission: 2/4/2019
Author: Jhc – SD/AL Synopsis: Changes the IPI rate for mopeds in position
Date of submission: 6/30/2015 8711.60.00 of the MCN.
Synopsis: Establishes incentives to produce energy Situation: Joint Procedures
from alternative renewable sources and biofuels and for
electric and hybrid motor vehicles, amending Law 9.249, 2.37 BILL 4.507/2012
of December 26, 1995, and Law 9.250, of December 26,
1995; and provides other measures. Author: Ângelo Agnolin – PDT/TO
Situation: Joint Procedures Date of submission: 10/9/2012
Synopsis: Grants tax incentives to electric and hybrid cars.
Additional data: It changes Law 10.865, of 2004.
Situation: Joint Procedures

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