SMS CaseStudy
SMS CaseStudy
SMS CaseStudy
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2 authors, including:
Monica Shukla
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
All content following this page was uploaded by Monica Shukla on 13 October 2021.
Smart Manufacturing System (SMS) is facilitating new ways for humans and machines to work together,
empowering businesses to achieve greater insights, reduce the risk of error and make better decisions. This
revolution in the manufacturing sector is possible through digital transformation, up-gradation to new technological
developments and effective use of data and thus making the manufacturing sector more intelligent and smart. In
recent times, significant efforts have been undertaken by the Indian government to promote the implementation of
SMS in the Indian manufacturing sector to leverage the benefits of this technological transformation. Thus, this
paper presents the status quo of SMS implementation in Indian “Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)” and
discusses the various initiatives undertaken by the Indian government and private players. In addition, five case
studies are conducted which either is seeking or have already implemented SMS system in their working
environment. The study also comprehends detail about challenges faced by SMEs in SMS implementation and
finally elaborate the future scope of SMS based research.
Implementation Challenges, Indian Manufacturing Sector, Multiple Case Study, Smart Manufacturing, SMEs.
1. Introduction
Manufacturing sector is constantly evolving and producing real value for the manufacturers in all shape and sizes.
However, complexity in manufacturing, increased global competition, radically changing the demands of the
customer and need of higher system security requires some pervasive application of network and some real-time
monitoring. Smart Manufacturing System (SMS) potentially addresses these issues through highly automated system
and advance enabling technologies (Shukla and Shankar, 2021). SMS is believed to be one of the promising
technologies that are associated with artificial intelligence and real-time system making the manufacturing practice
more efficient (Fedorov et al. 2015).
Smart manufacturing is often associated with Industry 4.0, the term introduced in an exposition held in Germany,
with an intension to promote 4th phase of industrial revolution (Moyne and Iskandar, 2017). This revolution
considers smart manufacturing as its central element and generally the term is interchangeably used by the most of
the researcher (Kagermann et al. 2013). SMS is set to revolutionize the present manufacturing ecosystem by
incorporating use of recent technological developments. Furthermore, this will create foundation for a new digital
manufacturing era (Shukla and Shankar, In Press).
Smart Manufacturing leverages advance technologies which provide promising approaches to address specific
issues. The most important ones are “Big Data Analytics (BDA, Cloud Computing (CC), Digital Twin (DT),
Internet of Things (IoT), 3D Printing and Cyber-Physical System (CPS)”. These technologies can be integrated as
per the need of the industry instead of going for complete SM system implementation. This can foster great
advantage to SMEs where financial capability is a constraint in SMS implementation. SMEs have potential to play a
crucial role in boosting the Indian economy as they can contribute greatly to the country’s socio-economic
development (Shukla, 2018). This sector also contributes in generating employment opportunities thus fostering
rural development (Abubakr et al. 2020).
This paper is organized in 7 sections, the next section comprises of details of smart manufacturing in India and its
need. Whereas section 3 elaborates the SMEs contribution towards India’s development, followed by initiatives
taken by Indian government for successful SMS implementation in section 4. The section 5 and 6 consists of five
case studies of Indian SMEs and potential challenges faced by SMEs in SMS implementation. The section 7
represents the concluding remarks of the paper.
X axis: Year
Y axis: INR (in Billions)
Figure 1. Manufacturing sector growth rate from 2018 to 2021 (fourth quarter report) (Source: “Central Statistics
Organization, India”)
Being one of the highest growths in employment government and researchers are bound to focus on manufacturing
and transform it into Smart Manufacturing. Implementation of such technology is such a vital thing to do in India
that it can open many doors of opportunities not only in terms of economic growth but also improve international
relations. Technologies are standing on the verge of being use but accepting or adopting is getting difficult by the
management to do. But hopes can never go down by quoting the examples the evolution of software technology in
this country although people and experts were skeptical about it (Patibandla and Petersen, 2002).
Each country has separate definition for SMEs. European countries generally categorize SMEs based on number of
employee (i.e. workforce size). In Indian context, SMEs can be considered as basic concept while MSME is its
broader term. The ministry of MSME India has setup few objectives for MSME. These include increasing
employment and contribution to GDP, encouraging innovation and improvement in administration activities. One
can say Micro enterprises can be skeptical to introduce SMS into working due to the limit of investment. So, going
for just SMEs can make this integration possible without such limitation. Although a need for change in the
limitation is raised by the stake holders time to time. SMEs are emerging with high potential and dynamic sector for
the growth Indian economy as compared to other enterprises. SMEs not only provide large employment with less
capital cost as compared to “Multi National Enterprises (MNEs)” and also provide growth opportunities to rural
regions also. This helps a country to eliminate regional imbalances, also fair and equitable distribution of national
wealth. This sector contributes to socio-economic status the country through integration of different culture into one
organization. These enterprises have proven their sustainability with highs and lows of Indian economy time to time.
SMEs produce 45% of total industrial outputs and are often considered as the backbone for the evolution of
manufacturing sector development ( The contribution of SMEs is significant towards
country’s economy. Few of the characteristics of SMEs are as follows:
Generating employment to larger masses
Capacity to produce and fulfill customize product demand
Being competitive in domestic and global markets
Capability to adopt new technologies
Generating new entrepreneurs
Low capital investments requirements
Use of domestic resources
Location wise mobility
Low intensive imports
Technology-oriented industries
Training to provide knowledge and developing skills of rural workers
Srinivasan & Kadu, (2018) analyzed well the importance of SMEs to transform the industries from industry 2.0 from
industry 4.0. The author in the article with a deep study concluded that with the growth of this sector requires a
significant push towards introduction and adoption of new technology is necessary to industrial upliftment. Thus,
targeting this sector for bringing SMS into practice in India is a viable option for the upliftment of Indian
manufacturing sector. However, there exist several roadblocks for the transformation of SMEs. Some of them are
elaborated in next subsection.
Many SMEs are reluctant to grow, resulting in reduced productivity. (To avoid regulatory and taxation
related hurdles).
Those who choose to grow, have a different set of problems to deal with (SMEs’ exposure to bank credit
was drastically falling due to the high interest rates).
Another issue originates due to repayment timelines. (MNEs get an interest-free repayment timeline of 120
days; SMEs get only 60 days to pay back their interest-loaded bank loans) (
These companies are not market leaders in their segments; they are unable to hold a bargaining power in
the price battle. They struggle to maintain quality while coping with reducing profit margins.
Supply chain inefficiencies.
Global and local competition.
Insufficient skilled manpower.
In a global economy landscape, India is showing its presence through its technology transformation and Digitization.
Indian Government on September 25, 2014, launched a “Make in India” initiatives
( to boost manufacturing sectors. The motto behind this initiative is to
encourage the multinational as well as domestic manufacturers to make Indian economy as one of the self-dependent
strong economy. This national programme designed to encourage local manufacturers for innovations, enhance skill
development, and facilitate investment to produce products within the country. In addition, Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion are promising to make the contribution of Indian manufacturing sector to 25% of GDP by the
year of 2022. This initiative is built on four pillars:
1. New Processes: For example, creating possibilities for “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)” and focusing on
improving the “Ease of Doing Business” index, as India jumped 23 places and holds 77th rank among 190
economies. (
2. New Infrastructure: The government intends to have world class infrastructure and to develop industrial
corridors keeping in forefront the “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” registration.
3. New Sectors: This initiative targeted 25 sectors to promote and allows open business access to work.
4. New Mindsets: Government came out with the concept of “Zero defect, zero effect” where seeking the
possibility of having “zero defects” and having “zero effect” on the adverse conditions.
This dream can be accomplished by the implementation of Smart Manufacturing in our factories as this technology
responds well and leads to a quick business transformation, maintaining the economy and leads to fulfillment of
demand customization with no time (Davis et al, 2012). The author also believes that an IT-enabled smart factories
and supply networks works for national interest and a strategic approach can open the rooms for such
implementation. Therefore, various projects are undertaken and proposed by the government to foster Smart
Manufacturing in India.
The year of 2020 has been a devastating year due to pandemic accompanied by nation-wide lockdown. This
situation eventually affected country’s economy in large scale mainly due to industries and business shutdowns.
Therefore, Indian Government (on 12th May 2020) came out with a “Self-reliant” movement called Aatmanirbhar
Bharat Abhiyaan. This campaign started with the vision of new India raised a clarion call to the nation giving a
boost to the country’s economy. The objective of Aatmanirbhar Bharat is to promote indigenous products and ensure
that these should match their imported counterparts thus, making India a stronger player in the global market.
The Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan is an important mission for country’s economy revival and progress. The
government added various other sectors along with this initiative scheme to prosper and provide easy investment
facilities. Sectors like telecommunication, pharma, medical devices, automobile, and auto components etc. are
promoted where there is way to increase domestic manufacturing. This initiative was much needed at this time of
pandemic as India has huge potential to achieve self-reliance but it requires proper implementation of this initiative
on ground by Indian government and proper allocation of funds to both multinationals companies as well as to
SAMARTH Udhyog Bharat 4.0 is an industrial growth initiative by “Department of Ministry of Heavy Industry and
Public Enterprises of Government of India”. This initiative is India’s response to revolution like Smart
Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. SAMARTH is basically created for programme contents with the experts to bring
awareness about Industry 4.0.
Vision of SAMARATH: “To facilitate and create eco system for propagation of Industry 4.0 set of technologies in
every Indian manufacturing by 2025, be it MNC, large, medium or small-scale Ultimately, Industry 4.0 is set to take
root across the manufacturing ecosystem. But only by understanding and harnessing the technologies driving
Industry 4.0, will manufacturers stay on the cutting edge of this new digital era”. (
Mission of SAMARATH: The mission of the SAMARTH Udhyog Bharat 4.0 is divided into six piers. They are as
1. Awareness and demystification about the technology
2. Experience and demo centers
3. Training and skill development
4. Industry and academia
5. Engineering research and applicable for Industry 4.0 technologies
6. International cooperation
Apart from this, five centers are open under this programme uniquely design for spreading awareness about advance
technology and Industry 4.0. These five centers are known as “Common Engineering Facility Centre (CEFC)”
especially stressed that these centers would have resource sharing so that resource utilization is maximized and
common platform for Industry 4.0. The five CEFC centers are:
1. “Kirloskar Center for Learning in Industry 4.0 Lab Pune”
2. “IITD-AIA Foundation for Smart Manufacturing”
3. “Industry 4.0 Indian IISc Factory R&D Platform”
4. “Smart Manufacturing Demo and Development Cell at CMTI”
5. “Industry 4.0 projects at DHI CoE in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur”
The evolution of Smart Manufacturing is still under the microscope and need more research and development. India
to have an economic growth needs this SMS in its conventional manufacturing system.
CII also known as “Confederation of Indian Industry” and is formed that consist people for industry, academia, and
government to try and collaborate to work for continuous growth of Indian industries. This confederation is non-
government and non-profit works to make Indian industries more sustainable, more advance, and more competitive
in global market. This alliance was founded in 1895, includes around 9000 members both public and private
including SMEs and MNEs and around 3000 industrial membership from 265 regional and national industries.
CII’s has launched a smart manufacturing platform that is designed for industries seeking for technological change
and make an Industry 4.0 enabled India. This vision requires skilling of workforce and collective wisdom of all the
industrial experts forming the alliance. Further, this confederation helps in consulting, auditing, research institute,
technology provider and various international collaborations to bring industrial excellence in Indian industries.
Furthermore, training program, case-studies, studies and publication, state level intervention center and
demonstration facilities, advisory services, business opportunities are also the beneficiaries of this platform.
This initiative started with the ambitions to provide a flexible, open and highly secure solution for manufacturing
organizations. Siemens, IBM, and Red Hat have joined hands to launch a Hybrid Cloud Initiative. With a single
manufacturing site generation over 2,200 terabytes of data with most going unanalyzed, the three organizations aim
to increase real time value from operational data. The main intension of this initiative is that the Siemens Digital
Industries Software can be applied to IBM’s open hybrid cloud approach and set up on Red Hat's OpenShift. By
doing so, these three organizations aim to increase the deployment flexibility of “MindSphere” which is Siemens’
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) leading service solution. This is platform has been created for customer to run
MindSphere on-premises thus unlock the speed and agility in factory and plant operations and seamless support,
updates and connectivity through cloud technology.
4.5.2 Wipro 3D
Wipro limited is a global corporation delivering information technology solution, innovation strategy and business
consulting services. It has started center for 3D printing called Wipro 3D. This initiative solely focus on metal
additive manufacturing which is providing services and solutions to aerospace, defense, space, industrial and
tooling, healthcare, automotive and nuclear sectors. Wipro 3D also provides consultation regarding adaption of
additive manufacturing technology, additive engineering services, deployment, research and development,
operations, and solution of this technique into an individual’s organization. The main feature of this center is that it
provides a customize solution through as per the organization’s requirement seeking for the solution. Believing in
the power of future of additive manufacturing, Wipro 3D is working at its way and working successfully. It is trying
everything like to train, consult and provide solution to change conventional manufacturing practices with this
advance technology.
5. Case Study
In this paper, five industrial case studies have been comprehended to present a realistic approach on SMS
implementation in Indian SMEs. The case study is conducted through a semi-structured interview with the
employees at various levels of the case companies and the study is confined to “National Capital Region (NCR)” of
India. NCR constitute of few district of Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and whole of Delhi. Out of five cases
presented, two companies have successfully implemented SMS and the other three are in the planning stage to
implement the same. The detailed of the cases is discussed below:
5.1 Case A
Company A is also an auto ancillary company situated in Noida, Uttar Pradesh and established in the year 2009. It is
manufacturer and trader of efficient range of thermoforming and packaging trays. Apart from this, company
manufactures blister tray, fiber reinforced plastics, rubber rings and rubber profiles which are fireproof and
recyclable. This company has implemented SMS in its production system to give utmost attention towards
maximum satisfaction of the clients. The company also offers its client that if any new item is not developed in 96
hours, the delivery will be free for the same. This company also caters the needs of the clients by well-developed
and smart system facilities. These facilities installed with advance machine and tools that have a production capacity
of 10 tons per months, thus meeting client’s demand on time.
After ditching conventional system over SMS, the company now connects to its machinery for monitoring the
complete production process at the plant. This was achieved by setting sensors into factory machine which can
further be utilized to collect the data for monitoring the condition and cycle time of machines. The real-time
monitoring and advance data analytics can alert workers for any type of bottleneck situation. Moreover, this can help
to predict any kind of machine failures making operators enable to schedule maintenance activity well before time of
failure and thus making machine more durable with longer operating and running time. The experts of the industry
claims that using data analysis in above described way resulted into more than 20% output increase in specific areas,
thus providing on-time delivery and better customer satisfaction. Lastly, implementing SMS can give a greater
insight to industry processes thus enabling it to reduce machine breakdown and optimize production processes. This
company has craved its good reputation in Indian market and willing to globalize by adding more smart systems into
their production.
5.2 Case B
Company B is located in Delhi and was established in 1993. It is a pioneer in the Indian snacks’ food market and its
range of corn ring snacks became India’s most successful packaged food. This company is in the business of
manufacturing, selling and marketing of packaged snacked food and has been successful for 27 years. The company
maintains healthy practices while producing baked snacks and is yet tasteful. It became most popular among kids as
preferred choice by the mothers. Today, this company has won over the client across West, Central and North India.
Being a public company listed on the “Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)” limited and “National Stock Exchange
(NSE) of India Limited. The company has two manufacturing unit one in Noida and Gaziabaad both near Delhi head
office. The company installed “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)” technology to handle (track and manage)
large amount of food packaging. RFID technology uses low-power radio waves communicate and identify
information stored on a RFID tag attached to the object, such as in food packets.
Earlier the company used to manually track inventory which can be difficult, as the company produces different
kind of products and store a lot of items in factories itself for specific procedures. For specific items, the products’
expiration dates are needed to be tracked closely, as the stock out can lead to conducting long inventory checks.
Over last 12 years the company has prospered at a “Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)” of 21.9%, and
sales turnover increasing around 485cr INR (approx.) from 80.2cr INR (approx.) in financial year 2018-2019. The
company now wants to extend its reach to global markets and is very optimistic and open to new technologies and
innovation for robust and efficient manufacturing.
5.3 Case C
Company C is a medium enterprise located in Delhi, established in year 2011 and manufacturer of premium
mattress, and serving perfect sleep solutions to their esteemed customer. This company has revolutionized the
mattresses industry in India with its commendable services. With its current employee strength of 800, the company
produces around 700 mattresses every day. This is a 100% home-grown company and matching the class and style
with most of the leading mattresses company. The company produces well-crafted, well-engineered mattresses
backed by science, technology and innovation, and has extended its hands orthopedic products. To provide custom
made products to their customer in various fabrics, design, comfort and size, company is seeking for advance
technologies. Company also wants to extend its commitment to social, ethical, and environmental responsibilities.
Therefore, SMS implementation can fulfill the goals of the company. The first goal is to develop the smart
production line. In the smart production line, the machines are upgraded to cyber-physical systems and can
intelligently interact with their environment. The company is focused on automatic process and product quality
control. The second goal is to develop a consistent machine to machine communication to link the production chain
as a basis for the smart customized fabric. To do this, an existing strategy from other industrial branches is picked
and concretized for the company with an implementation recommendation.
5.4 Case D
Company D is an electric vehicle manufacturing of Gurugram District of Haryana and established in 2011
overshadowed many Chinese companies. The company manufactures electric scooters, electric school van, electric
loader, and electric rickshaw (e-rickshaw) amongst which e-rickshaws is its core competency product. With high
quality, durability and certified e-rickshaw has made a specific place in the market, breaking Chinese monopoly in
this field. This company is however a small-scale company, which has made a unique place in the market through its
pioneering efforts in electric vehicles. Having dealer networks all over India, the company guarantees superior
quality, latest design feature and top management inputs in sales and services. Presently, it is producing more than
700 vehicles and vision to produce around 2000 vehicles in a month. Company needs a concrete SM system
implementation strategy with an intension to make a household name in electric battery-operated vehicle and
removing the dependency on foreign companies for the same. SMS implementation can help in making autonomous
and smart electric vehicles. For automakers, this technological transformation can be an effective approach of
handling huge amount of data for their vehicle-related command and decision. Furthermore, embedding “cloud-
based storage and communication platform (CSCP)” can be an effective way to overcome the challenges faced by
these automakers.
5.5 Case E
Company E is an auto ancillary company started in the year 2013 in Gurugram district of Haryana. The company
was started with a meager investment of around ₹13 lakhs for a manufacturing unit with an area of 500 sq. yard.
This company manufactures truck/trailer body parts, automotive parts, framework accessories, electronic
components, OHE fittings, special bolts and nuts, sheet metal stamping and parts fabrication. Apart from this,
company offers customized solutions to the clients’ technical problem. Though being a small enterprise, the
company is progressing steadily. About 90 percent of their products are exported in countries like USA, Germany,
and New Zealand. During last 6 years, the company has achieved sales turnover around of USD 1.5 million and
aspire to touch sales figure of USD 2.5 million. Therefore, the company is planning to undergo technological
transformation to setup modern unit with the company’s own tool room, forge shop, machine shop and a well-
equipped laboratory.
By 2022, company is planning to implement SMS in 50% of their auto-parts manufacturing unit. The company
wants to use 3D Printing i.e. Additive Manufacturing (AM) for rapid manufacturing of spare parts with minimum
scrap waste. This technology facilitates the automakers to produce low costs tools and saves from future losses in
production when investing in high-cost tooling. Through this, the company can vision mass customization of
products with quick turnaround. The AM platform closely analyzes the design and can collect data that is further
stored and manufactured in a virtual warehouse. The 3D printing application requires evaluation in engineering and
investment difficulties to produce the components as required specification and can achieved through data analytic.
Moreover, the company can also facilitate supply chain optimization through its virtual inventory. The company will
produce virtual parts warehouse consisting of 2500 components for a heavy equipment manufacturer. Furthermore,
this can be a good solution for value chain of the companies maintaining high maintenance and infrequently ordered
auto parts.
country’s economy and are intending to integrate their existing system with SMS. But the implementation of SMS in
SMEs often comes with many challenges. Some of them are summarized as below:
1. Integration: Manufacturing industry in India is strong advocate of “if it is not broken, do not fix it” idiom.
Existing system and machines are used for many years without taking efforts to integrate advance system.
This happens to Indian SMEs because integrating or replacing machine can cost them huge amount which
is very hard to bear by smaller companies.
2. Connectivity: Implementation of wireless connectivity with IoT is preferred over conventional wired form
in industries for an advance infrastructure. But this change may lead to the concern of network security. To
overcome this issue is another complexity which comes in the way of SMS implementation.
3. Capital Investment or Financing: SMS implementation comes with the issue of capital investment. It is
quite difficult to convince management on releasing funds regarding new technologies. Therefore, it is
important to quantify benefits related to new system implementation to compare the operational
improvements in existing system.
4. Lack of Skill: The main issue after getting funded by management is that who will take the responsibility of
SMS implementation? The solution to this issue lies in training and skill development of employees. These
skilled and train workforces can help industries with the place to design, develop, implement, and maintain
the SMS. The training and skill development expectation for this system implementation is quite high.
Employees should be enabled to deal with system architects with a detailed knowledge of manufacturing
environment, data analytics and implementation strategies.
5. Cyber-security: The security of network is a big challenge when the systems are becoming more
technologically advanced. Smart Manufacturing technology is a data-based technology which processes,
analyses and transmits information through one channel to another. Generally, the internet-based systems
are more prone to cyber-attacks which can lead to huge production loss by machine-down time, lack of
trust between partners and customers. Hence, a concrete management plan and mitigation techniques is
much needed to eliminate this attacks.
7. Conclusion
The manufacturing sector is globally witnessing a new period of radical change and transformation. Several advance
economies are focusing on the implementation of SMS to withstand the competitiveness of the market. Further,
SMEs across India accounted for nearly 30% of India's GDP and 48% of export in the financial year 2019-20 (PTI,
2018). Indian government is much focused on their SMEs as these units also drives employment, exports, and
provides inclusive growth opportunities. Implementation of SMS in SMEs will act as a catalyst in improving the
manufacturing prosperity of these enterprises and of the nation. Companies can strategies the implementation of this
industrial automation using a suitable framework and with clear system architecture. Instead of going for a high-cost
sophisticated transformation, SMEs can deploy simple and affordable customized automation support system. As
transformation is not about cost; it is also about how much improvement it brings in manufacturing practice. The
cases discussed in this paper is a clear evidence to prove that small or single technology transformation provided a
major help in their production output. Furthermore, the government is also showing clear interest in providing
platforms or SMS and Industry 4.0 implementation, especially in SMEs to move the steady growth of manufacturing
sectors. With some successful initiatives like SAMARTH, Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Make in India, the Indian
government is providing financial support and ease of doing businesses to SMEs. Apart from the Indian
government, the private firms are also coming forward to joins hands in bringing the SMS implementation in Indian
It is observed through this study that SMEs are going under the required amount of transformation as financial
constraints restrict them from complete transformation. Case company A an auto ancillary company by installing
real-time monitoring in their machinery benefited around 20% output increases in their production. Similarly, Case
company E a food-producing, and packaging company integrated an RFID system for tracking and monitoring food
packaging. By this single integration, the company benefited from the increase in sales turnover 485cr INR (approx.)
from 80.2cr INR (approx.) by minimizing food waste. The other three case companies also believed in the potential
of SMS and rather than waiting for complete transformation companies planned to implement this system in specific
areas. SMEs in India are highly organizing themselves in terms of improving their technology infrastructure and
skill management. However, many challenges are in the way of these technologies evolving completely in the Indian
Scenario. But with the confluence of the wisdom of researchers, academicians, “public private partnerships (PPPs)”
and government members; the complete existence of the SMS in Indian manufacturing can become reality.
The authors would like to thank the management of five companies (considered in this study) who allowed the first
author to visit their plant and carry out the case study. The authors also thank the employees of these organizations
for their valuable insights.
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Monica Shukla is a research scholar in the Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Technology
Delhi, India. She also holds Master degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from National Institute of
Technology Raipur, India. She received silver medal for excellence performance in her M.Tech degree. She also has
3 years of teaching experience and her areas of research include Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Management, Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making etc. She has published papers in International
Journals and Conferences. Further, she is also the corresponding author of this article and could be contacted
through [email protected].
Ravi Shankar is currently ‘Amar S. Gupta Chair Professor of Decision Science’ and Professor of Operations and
Supply Chain Management in the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.
He is also Honorary Visiting Professor of Decision Science at School of Economics and Management,
Loughborough University, UK. His research citations exceed 32,250 with an h-index of 74 and i-index of 233 (as on
08 August 2021). He has authored more than 10 books and published more than 400 papers in reputed international
journals and conferences.