Banfield, E. (1963) - American Foreign Aid Doctrines
Banfield, E. (1963) - American Foreign Aid Doctrines
Banfield, E. (1963) - American Foreign Aid Doctrines
Price: $1.00
aid so confidently proposed by policymakers and so readily s u p
ported, or at any rate tolerated, by the public? This question re-
quires consideration of the nature of American political culture and
of democracy in general.
It should be noted that doctrines are under discussion here, not
programs or practices. Foreign aid programs and practices may, of
course, be very different from what the doctrines attempt to justify.
It should be noted too that only nun-military aid is under discussion.
The study is organized in three main parts. The first discusses
the doctrines which justify non-military aid mainly or ultimately on
the ground of its contribution to our national security. The second
discusses the doctrines that justify it on other grounds. The third
appraises the character of the discussion of aid doctrines and tries
to show why the nature of American democracy has led to a senti-
mental and unworkable approach to the subject.
MOSTOF THOSE WHO write about aid justify it mainly or ulti-
mately, but usually not solely, on the ground that it will contribute
to national security. This position is based on one or the other of
two largely incompatible doctrines.' One, which will be called the
doctrine of indirect influence, asserts that national security will be
promoted by using aid to transform fundamentally the cultures
and institutions of the recipient countries. The other, which will
be called the doctrine of direct influence, takes the cultures and
institutions of the recipient countries as given and seeks to achieve
the purpose (promotion of national security) by bringing influence
to bear directly either upon the governments of the countries con-
cerned or upon their public opinions.
to maintain at least that minimum of political stability that is essen-
tial in order for the Government to carry out certain critical tasks.
These and other prerequisites are not all present in any of the
underdeveloped areas.''
Such factors are in general more important obstacles to develop-
ment than are lack of technical knowledge or of foreign capital.
If cultural and other conditions favor development, it will occur
without aid. (Japan and Russia, to cite recent cases, did in fact de-
velop without it.) If cultural conditions do not favor development,
no amount of aid will bring it about. (Cuba and Haiti, for example,
have received large amounts of both technical assistance and foreign
capital without development taking place.) Probably no country
is so poor that it cannot accumulate capital,ll and the Western world
codd not if it tried prevent the wholesale borrowing of its tech-
nical knowledge by underdeveloped countries able to make use of it.
Where populations have a "will" to limit births, the population
capital" (viz., a substantial degree of literacy and that small number of people
with knowledge and skills for managerial and technical tasks, a substantial
measure of social justice, a reliable apparatus of government and public
administration, and a clear and purposeful view of what development
involves), J. K. Galbraith declares that "In practice, one or more of these
four factors is missing in most of the poor countries." "A Positive Approach
to Foreign Aid," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 39:3, 1961, pp. 444-57. Professor
Simon Kuznets has observed that it is not the physical equipment of a
country that constitutes the major part of its capital but rather "the body of
knowledge amassed from tested findings and the capacity and training of the
population to use this knowledge effectively." In United Nations, Processes
and Problems of Industrialization in Under Developed Countries (New
York: 1955), p. 5. See also T. W. Schultz, "Investment in Human Capital,"
American Economic Review Vol. LI:1, 1961, pp. 1-17. For discussions of
the cultural conditions of growth, see Ralph Braibanti and J. J. Spengler,
Traditions, Values, and Socio-Economic Development (Durham, N. C. :
l1 Cf. Simon Kuznets, Six Lectures on Economic Growth (Glencoe: 1959),
pp. 80-81.
problem will solve itself; where they do not, there is nothing much
that can be done.12
But even if all cultural and institutional prerequisites of growth
were present, it might not be possible for certain underdeveloped
countries ever to achieve levels of living even roughly approximating
those of the West. A modern economy must draw upon a large
complex of basic raw materials, including land, water, fossil fuels,
and minerals of many kinds. Even with free international trade,
shortages of some resource would set limits on the level of develop-
ment that some of the most disadvantaged countries-India, for
It should not be surprising if a donor over-values his gift. Amer-
ican aid doctrine certainly exaggerates greatly the importance of both
technical assistance and foreign capital in the development process.
Only in the most backward countries can either kind of aid make a
crucial difference, or perhaps even an important one. In the nature
of the case, the greater the need of a country for aid, the less evi-
dence there is that it has a capability to develop. The most prosper-
ous and promising of the underdeveloped countries-Mexico, for
example-may not require any aid in order to grow at a satisfactory
rate. There is, to be sure, an important middle group of countries-
India is a conspicuous example-which can absorb large amounts
of aid and which offer some promise of developing. In time, too,
some of the most backward countries may be brought by aid to the
condition of this middle group. Nevertheless, despite these qualifi-
cations, there is a built-in perversity in the situation which makes it
impossible to use large amounts of aid with effectiveness in most
l2 The existence of a cheap and effective oral contraceptive does not put
it within the power of governments to reduce population growth; a reduc-
tion will occur only as there is a widespread desire within the societies in
question to limit births, and this will not arise except in consequence of
general improvement in levels of living. See Robert C. Cook's article in the
issue of Law and Contemporary Problems cited above, p. 387.
l3See Richard L. Meier, Science and Economic Development (New York:
Although aid is seldom, or perhaps never, an indispensable pre-
requisite to economic development and although even under the most
favorable circumstances it is not likely to be the "key" to develop-
ment, it may, as both Milton Friedman and J. K. Galbraith have
emphasized, do much to retard development if improperly used.14
There is much that should be done by government in underdevel-
oped areas (e.g., provision of roads, elementary education, a mone-
tary system, law and order), Friedman says, but there are crucial
advantages in letting private business do as much as possible. One
such advantage is that private individuals, since they risk their own
funds, have a much stronger incentive to invest wisely. Another
is that private individuals are more likely than state bureaucracies
to abandon unsuccessful ventures. The availability of resources at
little or no cost to a country inevitably stimulates "monument-
building," i.e., investment in projects adding little or nothing to the
productivity of the economy. Under these circumstances, he con-
cludes, countries would develop faster without aid than with it.
Even if it does begin, economic development may not last very
long or get very far. Continued growth, David McCord Wright has
pointed out, involves discovery and use of new ideas.15 The devel-
oping society must produce a social outlook, institutions, and eco-
nomic organization which, generation after generation, will bring
to the fore men who will produce new ideas. That such men come
to the fore in one generation, Wright observes, is no guarantee that
they will in the next. The long-run economic prospect, therefore, is
very uncertain in any society, including, of course, a highly developed
one like our own.
questions with a quotation from Max Weber: "The spread of Western cul-
tural and capitalist economy did not, ips0 facto, guarantee that Russia would
also acquire the liberties which had accompanied their emergence in European
history . . . European liberty had been born in unique, perhaps unrepeatable,
circumstances at a time when the intellectual and material conditions for it
were exceptionally propitious." Lipset believes that, despite this dim outlook,
encouraging the spread of democracy "remains perhaps the most important
substantive intellectual task which students of politics can still set before
themselves." "Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Develop-
ment and Political Legitimacy," American Political Science Review, Vol.
LIII:l, 1959, p. 103.
l7 op. at., p. 22.
action. But to the extent that aspirations for economic advancement
are not fulfilled or fulfilled only inadequately, urban populations
may become a very responsible element for radical propaganda of
various sorts and may easily be induced to support forms of totali-
tarian policies on the left or on the right.18
In India, Asia, Africa, and Latin America the more economically
developed regions have been more prone to violence than the less
developed ones.16
If aid raises the level of expectation in a country without affording
a steady accompanying increase in actual satisfaction, it is, perhaps,
more likely than not to create discontent and revolution. This is
the implication of an analysis by James C. Davies. According to him:
Revolutions are most likely to occur when a prolonged period of
objective economic and social development is followed by a short
period of sharp reversal. The all-important effect on the minds of
people in a particular society is to produce, during the former
period, an expectation of continued ability to satisfy needs-which
continue to rise-and, during the latter, a mental state of anxiety
and frustration when manifest reality breaks away from anticipated
reality. The actual state of socio-economic development is less
significant than the expectation that past progress, now blocked, can
and must continue in the future.20
In most parts of the underdeveloped world the real question is.
not whether there can be created a political system that is democratic
or stable, but whether there can be created one capable of modern-
izing the country at all. "No new state,'" Edward A. Shils has.
written, "can modernize itself and remain or become liberal and
democratic without an elite of force of character, intelligence and
high moral qualities." Very few of the underdeveloped countries,
he says, have such elites; those that do have them may under favor-
able circumstances enjoy democracy that is to some extent tutelary,
Bert F. Hoselitz, Sociological Aspects of Economic Growth (Glencoe:
1960), pp. 228-29.
l9 For an illuminating discussion of these matters with respect to India,
24 Barbara Ward Jackson finds that the Congress Party of India is well
6, 1961:
Portable transistor radios are becoming a key factor in Latin-American
politics, according to leading radio and television executives in Panama.
Their role is to bring politicians' messages, appeals and, upon occasion,
speeches to hundreds of thousands of peasants who never had any form of
direct communication with the politically-active cities.
The core of the role played by these transistor radios in bringing about
this change is the flashlight batteries on which so many of the sets operate.
The humblest country store stocks them for countryfolk who live far
beyond the end of the last power line. A recent survey showed that one-
third of the population of Latin America comes into this category.
economic development, they would probably find the opportunity for
rule by propaganda irresistible.
Rule by propaganda requires a constant supply of program ma-
terial, of ideas exciting or challenging enough to stir the masses into
a state of mind that will make them amenable to control. "Positive"
appeals for "constructive" action-appeals, say, for great national
crusades against poverty, disease, and ignorance~mayserve the
purpose. In general, however, appeals to hate and fear will probably
work better. The example of Castro suggests that excoriating the
capitalist, the colonialist, the foreigner, the Yankee, and (although
not in Cuba) the white man is likely to be the cheapest, easiest and
most dependable way to rally the people, make them cohere as a
nation, and secure possession of their energies and loyalties.
Where propaganda is to be the basis of governmental power,
the West is at a great and probably hopeless disadvantage. It is
Identified (unfairly, of course, in the case of the United States)
with the hated system of colonialism, the horrors of which increase
with every retelling and the virtues of which have already been
forgotten. The great principles for which the West stands, such
as the worth of the individual, are unintelligible to the masses in the
underdeveloped areas; the meaning of democracy, it need hardly be
said, cannot be shouted over the radio to a street mob. The Com-
munists, on the other hand, are under no such handicaps. The
Marxist ideology is, as Adam B. Ularn has remarked, the natural
one for backward societies to adopt.26 It provides people who are
undergoing transition from a pre-industrial to an industrial society
with a doctrine that makes sense of what must otherwise appear
to them a senseless world. The Soviet Union, moreover, is an under-
developed country that has "made good," whereas the United States,
the richest country by far, is the conspicuous symbol of all that is
hateful and threatening.
26 Adam B. Ulam, The Unfinished Revolution (New York: 1960), Ch.
on August 14, 1962 that the Agency for International Development classify
applicants in four priority categories according to their ability and willing-
ness to make use of aid. Bowles went so far as to list particular countries
he thought might be included in the two top categories. He acknowledged
that the exigencies of Cold War (or other) politics might require giving
Developed Societies Not Necessarily Peaceful
If the underdeveloped countries were to become fully developed
and "modernized," they would not necessarily be peaceful. As
Rupert Emerson has observed:
The great wars which have seriously threatened mankind in recent
history have taken place within the fraternity of the rich and
developed states. Can there be any clear assurance of a gain for
peace in the multiplication of well-to-do, industrialized states,
modeled precisely after those which have been the principal
warmakers of modern t i m e ~ ? ~ s
The disparity between the richness of some nations and the poverty
of others does not, as is so often asserted, tend toward war. Poor,
pre-industrial nations do not attack rich, industrial ones, much as
they might like to. Nor does being "undemocratic" incline one
nation to attack another if the attack cannot possibly be successful.
By the same token, any nation, however developed or democratic,
may be aggressive. Millikan and Rostow have no basis for their
confidence that democratic societies "can be relied upon not to
generate conflict because their own national interests parallel ours
and because they are politically healthy and mature."29 On the
contrary, it may be taken for granted that in the long course of
history the interests of any nation are likely to conflict with those
of any other, including, of course, the United States, and that when
this happens the relative power of the nations, not their political
"health" or "maturity," will determine the outcome.
Millikan and Rostow assert that as underdeveloped countries
gain confidence they will become easier to deal with.
Once they see that they are wholly capable of standing on their own
feet, they can afford to be less quixotic and nervous in their foreign
aid to countries not qualifying by the "economic and social" criteria. These
would be "exceptional cases," he said, and might be financed from the
Special Contingency budget. The approach he recommended was "tough-
minded," he said, and conservatives would "applaud and support" it.
Rupert Emerson, From Empire to Nation (Cambridge: 1960), p. 415.
29 Op. cit., p. 4.
policies. A confident nation, making progress at home, is likely to
conduct its foreign policy with poise and good sense.s0
This also overlooks the fact of power. The Soviet Union is a
confident nation, but it is nevertheless infinitely dangerous to us.
Twenty-five years ago, when its confidence was much less, it was no
danger at all. The difference is that its power has increased. What
counts is not the confidence of nations but their power. The peace
of the world would be perfectly safe if the underdeveloped nations
(and the others also!) were utterly without confidence, providing
they were also utterly without power.
Finally, if the countries in question were to become entirely peace-
able, our national security would not necessarily be increased and it
might even be decreased. It would not be increased if we possessed
deterrents sufficient to prevent any nation, warlike or peaceable,
from attacking us, and it might be decreased if countries now willing
to risk war in support of our policy were (having become peaceable)
no longer willing to do so.
gone must be counted as costs against the actions that are taken. !
For example, if for fear of jeopardizing some long-run gain that is
to be had by transforming the economic and political life of a recip-
ient country we fail to take actions that would benefit us in the short
run, the loss of the short-run benefits must be counted as a cost
against the gain in the long-run benefits. To give another example,
to the extent that aid for non-defense purposes interferes with, or
precludes, measures for defense purposes, the loss in terms of the
latter must be charged as a cost against the former.
in return for assurances that the Soviet Union would not be allowed
to penetrate the country.
Bribery is a special case. Here the bargain is with politicians
in the underdeveloped country who act from personal interest rather
than duty.
2. Business Friendship. The aid is given to create or maintain a
relationship that is expected to have mutual advantages over time.
The aid is, so to speak, a payment on an open account, it being tacitly
understood that political advantages will be given in return.
3. Maintenance of Friendly Governments. The aid is intended to
strengthen and to keep in power a government which is friendly, or
at least not unfriendly. This may be done by undertakings, including
of course economic development, which will increase the prestige
of the recipient government or the confidence its public have in it.
4. Prestige. The aid is intended to exhibit dramatically the power
of the giver and thereby to increase it. As Hobbes said in the Levia-
than, "Reputation of power is power, because it draweth with it the
adherence of those that need protection."
5. Good Will. The aid is intended to make the recipient feel
well disposed toward the giver and to put him under an implied
obligation to return kindness for kindness. Few people expect gov-
ernments to be moved by such sentiments as gratitude, but it is
fairly widely believed that public opinion may be so moved and that
it may have some effect on the policy of governments.
6. Moral 'Force. The aid is expected to affect public opinion by
exerting moral force. The giver expects that the nobility of his
action will inspire the recipient to act nobly too.
In most discussions of the doctrine of direct influence, these
differences of approach are not clearly recognized. The term "im-
pact" is sometimes used to describe any approach that is expected
to make its effect by influencing opinion. It is evident, however, that
different approaches require different means. For example, measures
to promote "business friendship" would not generate "moral force."
Distinctions along these lines are therefore implied even when they
are not made expressly.
Those who make any distinctions of this kind at all usually disdain
the approaches at the "quid pro quo" end of the scale and approve
those at the "moral force" end. David Lilienthal, for example, says
that the policy of extending aid in order to buy the allegiance of
the underdeveloped countries, or to keep the Soviets from buying it,
has not worked, cannot be made to work and has got us into a
moral mess." He asks:
What can we say in defense of an American policy, however
disguised with diplomatic rhetoric, which from time to time displays
the representatives of a noble nation up to their elbows in the
cynical international bazaar, there to bargain and haggle and make
deals by which we trade our money or credit or technical aid for
Lilienthal favors the moral force approach. He urges a program
of aid from which we would seek nothing for ourselves and which
would therefore give the world "a demonstration of the kind of
people our system of political and economic freedom is capable of
We could [he says] provide an example by which the rapidly
emerging nations of the world could weigh and judge the virtue
of making increasing freedom for the individual-with justice for
his neighbor-the cornerstone of their own evolving societies.
Hans J. Morgenthau, although he does not condemn the "quid
pro quo" and "business friendship" approaches, also emphasizes
"moral force":
This plausibility of the American purpose, established in the eyes
of the world by deeds, must again become the foundation upon
which, supported by the modern techniques of propaganda and
foreign aid, the world-wide influence of America must rest.3s
It is worth noting that Morgenthau couples propaganda with aid
and that he puts propaganda first. The objective of "impact" aid
1960), p. 28.
is to create an opinion favorable to the United States, not to change
the conditions of life in the underdeveloped country except as doing
so may be necessary in order to create a favorable opinion. Though
deeds, as Morgenthau says, are a necessary condition of effective
propaganda, they count only as the accompanying propaganda makes
them count; to the extent that this propaganda fails to turn them
to account by changing opinion, they are wasted. It follows, then,
that if "impact" can be increased by spending more on propaganda
and less on deeds, we ought to make the change.
It is not obvious why Americans so generally condemn the "quid
pro quo" and "business friendship" versions of the direct influence
doctrine. To bribe a foreign statesman to keep his country free may
not be evil at all. But if it is, it is a kind of evil that respectable
statesmen have always deemed it their duty to do when the security
and welfare of their countries demanded. Where bribery is not
involved, the justification of "reason of state" is not necessary. If a
government is willing to give political favors in exchange for
material resources, it is hard to see why either it or a government
which accepts its offer should be criticized. As Aristotle remarked,
the expression "friendly governments" means governments that
exchange favors, not ones that love each other.
The other ways of exercising influence are in fact open to moral
objections that cannot be made against bargains. In a bargain, each
party decides for itself whether it is willing to do as the other wants
and, if so, on what terms. -That is to say neither is manipulated by
the other. The other modes of influence, including of course "moral
force," do involve manipulation; they are exercised unilaterally, and
if a party responds to influence, it does so without necessarily being
aware that it is being manipulated: without, that is, realizing that
the favor or generous deed was done simply to elicit the response
wanted by the infl~encer.8~
34 Some countries are said to find the moral claims implied by gifts particu-
larly odious. For this reason, apparently, the Soviets offer credits rather
than grants. Their propaganda in the underdeveloped countries stresses the
mutual benefit of aid arrangements rather than the generosity of the Soviets.
Joseph S. Berliner, Soviet Economic Aid (New York: 1958), p. 147.
Instead of regretting the occasional necessity of putting aid on a
business basis, we should wish that we could do it more often.
Unfortunately our opportunities will be few. The underdeveloped
countries are in most cases pathologically sensitive about national
"honor," and the suggestion that we should get something for what
we give is always bitterly resented. Only the most reactionary gov-
ernments-those without ideology, which exist more or less as the
private possession of a monarch or a ruling clique-will sell political
favors. Doing business with these will make it all the harder to
come to terms with the ideologically-based governments that will
eventually replace them. Though the purchase of political favors
may be indispensable as an expedient in some cases, it is not a
widely available possibility.
For the United States to seek to increase its prestige by the use of
aid makes little sense. The power of this country is not underrated.
(The Soviets are in a different position; their power is new and has
to be seen to be believed.) Military prestige, moreover, is of little
value so long as it is understood on all sides that Soviet power, world
opinion, and our own scruples will prevent us from using force in
any event. Our experience with Cuba is a case in point. The case
for using aid to increase our reputation for non-military power is
even poorer. No underdeveloped country doubts our ability to give
or withhold enormous advantages.
"Good will" and "moral force" can make their effect only by
working upon public opinion rather than upon governments. The
public opinion of an underdeveloped country does not include the
opinion of the peasants, who in most places are the vast majority.
If our grain prevents the peasant from starving, he may be grateful,
but his gratitude has no effect upon the policy of his country because
politically he does not exist. Those who do make a difference are
the people of the cities, especially the primate cities, and, above all,
the small group which rules.
To suppose that the masses in the cities will feel grateful towards
us because we have improved the peasant's lot or saved him from
starvation is probably unrealistic. It is hardly less so, perhaps, to
suppose that the ruling groups will be moved to gratitude or respect
by our gener~sity.~~ They will assume that our actions are really
selfishly motivated, and that our claims to the contrary are hypocrisy.
Although they are largely Western educated, these elites do not
entirely share our moral standards. In some places, the very idea
of public-spiritedness is incomprehensible; actions we think noble
appear as merely foolish.36 Where nationalism is strong and ruling
groups value increases in material welfare mainly for what they
contribute to the prestige of the new nation, our concern for the
material welfare of the individual, far from inspiring respect, may
increase the ardent nationalists' contempt for us.
These considerations suggest that if aid is to have political effect
it must work upon the educated class. Undertakings which stir
national pride or afford direct material benefits to that class are
likely to succeed best. Building an ostentatious capital city or sup-
porting schools, theatres, and supermarkets in primate cities may
do more to create politically significant sentiment in favor of the
United States than much more costly projects to prevent mass starva-
tion in the hinterland. The charge so often made, that our aid does
not reach the people who need it most, is beside the point if our
object is to exercise influence through gratitude and respect. For
example, an observer complains that our aid program in Guatemala
has been politically shortsighted because it has dealt with basic
problems :
The decisions as to the kinds of technical assistance to be given
stemmed from a laudable but politically short-sighted philosophy
that only long range and "basic" problems should be tackled-
hence the great emphasis on primary education, agricultural exten-
Times, March 23, 1961, p. 14. Cf. also the conclusions of Berliner with
regard to Soviet aid, op. kt., p. 183.
There is also some danger that we will create bad will by our
efforts to create good will. The obligation to be grateful is often
accompanied by resentment. The people of the underdeveloped
countries are moved by strong feelings of both inferiority and superi-
ority, and it would not be surprising if receiving substantial amounts
of aid made many of them dislike us th0roughly.4~
upon all of them in all things. Tensions like those that now exist
between the Russians and the Chinese and between both the Russians
and the Chinese and the Yugoslavs would certainly arise. But even
if they did not-even if all of the underdeveloped countries entered
fully into a monolithic bloc hostile to the United States-we would
not necessarily be cut off and isolated. The monolith would find
trade with us to its advantage; the present restrictions on East-West
trade, it is worth noting, are mostly of our making.
Let us assume the worst, however: viz., that all of the under-
developed countries fall completely under the control of the Soviet
Union and that it uses its control to try to isolate and destroy us.
Even in this event, we could probably survive and we might even
The economic consequences of such isolation would be endurable.
Trade with the underdeveloped countries is relatively unimportant
to us. They are comparatively cheap sources of certain raw materials,
but at some additional cost we could either produce these raw
materials ourselves or find substitutes for them from within our
borders. The cost might be no greater than that of extending aid
at the levels that would be necessary in order to achieve much by it
(say $6 billion a year). If one takes into account the higher prices
that we may have to pay for raw materials as the underdeveloped
countries develop, it is doubtful whether "aid and trade" is a better
prospect for the United States from a purely business standpoint
than "no aid and no trade;"41
Economists say that, undesirable although it would be, autarchy
is a possibility for the United States. If all trade beyond our borders
were to be permanently stopped, our gross national product would
not necessarily be greatly reduced. W e would have to get along
foreign trade. Wolf, op. cit., p. 281, concludes that anticipated gains from
trade and increases in strategic materials supplies "should not be aid objec-
tives because, in effect, they can't be." According to E. S. Mason, of. cit.,
p. 16, "There is a little merit in this case but so little that it does not, in my
opinion, justify a substantial program of foreign aid and technical assistance
on these grounds alone."
without acceptable substitutes for a few things like tea, coffee, and
bananas, but everything else required to sustain our economy at its
present level for an indefinite time could be found within our
borders. Our gross national product might even increase gradually,
although not, of course, nearly as fast as it would if there were
international trade?=
Unless the technology of war changes fundamentally, the United
States and Western Europe could probably survive militarily if all
of the underdeveloped countries were in Communist hands. Until
we possessed a supply of atomic bombs, bases around the world were
essential to our defense. They are still enormously valuable, but
We do not have them in most of the under-
they are not e~sential.4~
These considerations may appear academic in the worst sense of
the word. As a practical matter, the state and federal constitutions
will doubtless be got around or, if necessary, changed. Locke's
philosophy, which most Americans have never heard of and many
others do not accept, may be judged obsolete. Those who judge it so
should be prepared, however, to offer other principles that will tell
us when and how far the state may justly coerce the individual. N o
one believes that it may strip him of his property or his life in order
to serve any and every "special interest9'-not even any and every
large one. Where, then, is the line to be drawn?
8Millikan and Rostow say, p. 150, that "From the revolutionary begin-
nings of our history the United States has, on balance, acted in loyalty to
the conception that its society has a meaning and a purpose which transcend
the nation." See the proposals by Adlai Stevenson for vast international
humanitarian undertakings and his question, "How can we be content in
such an age to keep our political thinking within the narrow bonds of class
or race or nation?" In Harlan Cleveland, ed., The Promise of World Ten-
sions (New York: 1961), pp. 135-36. President Kennedy justified a pro-
posal to use $10,000,000 to preserve Nubian temples on the upper Nile on
also have one to prevent them from all acts of folly and imm~rality?~
Those who expound the doctrine of our world responsibility
ought to be prepared to acknowledge that to whatever extent we
have a responsibility we must also have a right to exercise authority.
The claim that one has responsibility for another implies the inequal-
ity of the two and, consequently, the right of the superior to give,
and the duty of the inferior to accept, tutelage. The doctrine of
American responsibility is therefore really an incomplete and con-
fused version of the now unfashionable notion of the "white man's
burden." The difference between the two doctrines-a very impor-
tant one-is that whereas the old one frankly recognized the neces-
sity of joining authority to responsibility the new one passes over
the subject of authority in embarrassed silence.
The claim that we have a special responsibility for the welfare
of mankind is sometimes made to rest upon our unique commitment
to the principle of democracy; democracy, it is said, implies world
the grounds that our government has some responsibility for maintaining
the civilization in which we share. "By thus contributing to the preservation
of past civilizations," he said, "we will strengthen and enrich our own."
See Arthur S. Miller, "Toward a Concept of National Responsibility," The
Yale Review, L1:2 (December 1961), pp. 195-96.
This sort of argument can also be used to the discomfiture of those who
think that the action of a nation should always be absolutely self-interested.
Since any increase in the power of any nation represents some threat (how-
ever small, remote, and contingent) to our national interest, a perfectly self-
interested policy would require that we not only withhold aid but seek
actively to retard the development of all countries, except as we anticipate
some offsetting (net) advantage to us from their development. Commonsense
and humanity rebel against this conclusion, of course. Even Alexander
Hamilton, who was much opposed to national altruism, did not recommend
a policy of absolute selfishness; policy, he said, should be regulated by
national interest as far as justice and good faith permit. Richard B. Morris,
ed., Alexander Hamilton and the 'Pounding of the Nation (New York:
1958), p. 411.
If it is hard to know where to draw the line against national interest, it is
no less hard to know where to draw it against national altruism and world
community, and commitment to it imposes upon us a duty to bring
it about. This view has been searchingly criticized by Joseph
C r ~ p s e y .Democracy,
~~ he maintains, is predicated upon the belief
that the enjoyment of natural rights depends absolutely on the divi-
sion of mankind into nations; therefore it is not a basis for the
amalgamation of the human kind into one mass, and it neither
depends upon nor leads up to a fundamental moral duty. We should
give aid as "a sign of grandeur," he says, not because the principle
of democracy imposes any obligation to do so upon us.
The Peace Corps, Richard Rovere reports from Washington, "is at least
as much an effort to dissolve apathy and boredom in this country as it is a
scheme for improving the conditions of life in the underdeveloped nations.
It is an attempt to revive and find a fitting use for American idealism."
The New Yorker, March 25, 1961, p. 131.
the closer attachment to collective values that is necessary. Both
of these questions are, of course, open to much dispute.
The other main way in which, according to some, an extensive
aid program would improve the quality of our national life is by
stimulating and inspiring the elites within our society. Aid, it is
said, would release energies among us just as it would release them
in the underdeveloped countries. According to Myrdal:
Not merely to save the world, but primarily to save our own souls,
there should again be dreamers, planners, and fighters, in the
midst of our nations, who would take upon themselves the impor-
tant social function in democracy of raising our sights-so far ahead
that their proponents again form a definite minority in their nations
and avoid the unbearable discomfort for reformers of a climate of
substantial agreement. This is only possible if they enlarge the
scope of their interests to encompass the world scene. They must
again become internationalists, as they were when the reform move-
ments started in the wake of the Enlightenment and the French
As this suggests, giving reformers vast resources to work with
would tend to increase both their influence and that of the very idea
of reform; the effect of extensive aid on reformers and on reform
might be something like that of the development of nuclear power
on scientists and on science. Looking at the matter from a slightly
different perspective, aid may also be valued as one of the activities
which will serve to occupy the growing leisure of an affluent middle
class in a society having a strong bent towards "service" and organi-
zational behavior.
loSome American writers on aid think this country at fault for not attach-
ever, by the giver rather than the receivers), American writers on aid place
great confidence in organizational arrangements and planning. For example,
Galbraith, after finding at least four "crucial" prerequisites of development
missing in most of the poor countries (see footnote 8, first section), is led
not to question the possibility of a successful aid program (the voters, he
says, did not intend inaction when they put the new administration into
office) but instead to propose that the underdeveloped countries be required
to make Positive Development Plans. "By establishing targets and agreeing
upon the steps to achieve them," he says, "all the barriers to development will
be brought into view." Zbid, p. 454. It does not occur to him, apparently,
that factors more fundamental than organization may have kept the barriers
from coming into view or that, even if the barriers are now brought into
view, it may be impossible to eliminate them.
12 W. Averell Harriman, "Leadership in World Affairs," Foreign Affairs,
See Lorna and Felix Morley, The Patchwork History of Foreign Aid
(Washington: American Enterprise Association, 1961).
14 By an "interest" is meant an end which an actor seeks to attain for his
own benefit rather than for the benefit of the whole society. A "principle,"
by contrast, is a statement about what is believed to be good for the whole
the arguments of their opponents and to call these to public atten-
tion. Competition of interests tends, therefore, to bring a wide range
of policy alternatives into consideration and to expose each of them
to searching criticism. When, by contrast, principles, as distinguished
from interests, are at stake, the incentive to exercise influence is
usually much less and the amount of information and criticism
generated in the course of discussion is correspondingly less. When
the principles are ones about which there is general agreement, the
amount of information and criticism is likely to be at a minimum.15
This has been the case in the discussion of aid. Some interests have
indeed been active, but these (mainly farmers and manufacturers
wanting subsidized markets) have almost all been in favor of aid
and therefore have had no incentive to analyze it critically. For the
most part, decisions about aid have been based on principles-
principles about which there was general agreement-and not on
the outcome of competition among interests. For this reason, aid
has not been discussed as informatively as have those other matters-
the farm problem, for example-about which a variety of powerful
interests contend.
Because it concerns principles much more than interests, aid as an
issue is peculiarly serviceable to the President. One of the most
conspicuous features of our political system is the necessity for him
to gather in one way or another enough influence to mitigate the
extreme decentralization of formal authority contrived by the Found-
ing Fathers. In former times, state and local political machines and
the patronage and logrolling prerogatives of the Presidency went
far toward giving him the influence he needed. These are still im-
portant, but much less so, and the amount of power the President
needs to govern the country has meanwhile greatly increased. It is
becoming ever more necessary, therefore, for him to enlarge his
power by appealing directly to the public through press and tele-
vision. Sir Henry Sumner Maine observed three-quarters of a century
extreme cyclical unemployment, social equity for the Negro, the provision
of equal education opportunity, the equitable distribution of income-none
of all these great issues is fully resolved; but a national consensus on them
exists within which we are clearly moving forward as a nation. The achieve-
ment of this consensus absorbed much of the nation's creativeness and ideal-
ism over the past ninety years. If we continue to devote our attention in the
same proportion to domestic issues as in the past, we run the danger of
becoming a bore to ourselves and the world. We shall be quarreling over
increasingly smaller margins, increasingly narrower issues. While enjoying
the material fruits of a rich and complacent society, we shall become pro-
gressively isolated from the vital issues of the world." Millikan and Rostow,
op. cit., p. 194.
Kenneth W. Thompson, Christian Ethks and the Dilemmas of Foreign
Policy (Durham, N. C. : 1959), pp. 58-59.
gadget after another. As Thompson, describing the American view
of the world after 1914, puts it:
. War was widely attributed to the wickedness of governments
and, more specifically, to the nefarious role of secret treaties. A
philosophy of international relations was born and flourished which
because of its simplicity and directness engendered widespread pop-
ular appeal-an appeal that continues to the present day. It was a
philosophy which in a spirit of buoyant optimism looked to democ-
racy and national self-determination as twin sources of international
peace and order. The creation of popular regimes on the Anglo-
American model throughout the world was heralded as the sure
corrective to those harsh conflicts that for centuries had wracked
international life. Once the numerous subject peoples had achieved
political societies reflecting the popular will, their ancient rivalries
with "oppressor" states and the struggles between conflicting
dominions warring over territorial claims would come to an end.
The unquenchable faith of contemporary Western homo sapiens in
man's potentialities for progress spiraling ever upward found ex-
pression in assurances that a brave new world merely awaited the
fulfillment of these goals.
However, faith in the future has had its roots not only in democ-
racy and national self-determination; it also resides in the confidence
that novel international institutions have rendered diplomacy obso-
lete. Implicit 'here is a belief that the certainty of progress is
waiting at the other end of a charter, a constitution, or a court
judgment. The United Nations emerges in the minds of some of
its American champions as an organization that may confidently be
expected to do away with alliances, balance of power, secret
diplomacy, and state rivalries.19
History, Thompson says, has dealt harshly with these views and
our faith in them has been rudely shaken. He forgets, apparently,
about foreign aid. The same old zeal to make the world safe for
democracy is expressed anew in this. Aid is for the 1960's what
arbitration and the World Court were for the 1920's, and what
the United Nations was for the decade just passed.
Ibid., p. 79.
The Dangerous Goodness of Democracy
The reason for our inveterate devotion to these millennia1 ideas
is to be found in the nature of our kind of democracy.20 Ours is
the only country in which the public at large participates actively
in the daily conduct of government; it is the only one in which the
opinions of amateurs on foreign affairs are listened to by statesmen
and taken seriously by them; consequently it is the only one in which
the moral standards of the general public are decisive in the making
of policy.21
The moral standards of a people are necessarily very different from
those of its statesmen. A statesman learns early that it is his duty
to act according to the rules of virtue, not those of goodness.22
Goodness pertains to persons, and is expressed in their everyday
relations; it calls for (among other things) kindness, liberality, com-
passion, and the doing of justice. Virtue, by contrast, pertains to
statesmen and is expressed in the actions by which they protect good
citizens from both bad citizens and foreign enemies. Virtue has
little to do with goodness, and may be entirely at odds with it in
concrete cases; frequently the statesman must act unjustly or without
kindness in order to protect the society-he must, in short, be vir-
tuous but not good. As Churchill has written, "The Sermon on the
by him on August 14, 1962 (see footnote 27, first section), said: "It has
been pre-tested over a period of years before many audiences in most states
of the Union." I
=This discussion of goodness and virtue draws upon Leo Strauss,
thoughts on Machiauelli (Glencoe: 1958), pp. 264-65.
Mount is the last word in Christian ethics. Everyone respects the
Quakers. Still, it is not on these terms that Ministers assume their
responsibilities of guiding states,"z3
Nations, the orthodoxy of political realism tells us, do what their
vital interests require, however immoral those things may be. This
may be true of nations that are governed by statesmen free to act
as their judgment dictates. It is not, however, true of those gov-
erned, as ours is, by public opinion. A nation governed by public
opinion may act contrary to its fundamental moral standards when
swept by passion or when self-deceived. But it does not act so from
deliberation or calculation. What is more, it is strongly impelled
to express in action the positive principles of its morality, i.e., its
American foreign policy has long been heavily tainted with good-
ness, and our country, consequently, has frequently acted against
its own interests. Political realists, overlooking the difference between
the morality of peoples and that of statesmen, have usually regarded
American goodness as mere hypocrisy and have looked in the usual
places for the "real" reasons of national interest that they were
sure must exist.24
25 Saint Augustine, after remarking that a judge may torture and condemn
an innocent man "not with any intention of doing harm, but because his
ignorance compels him, and because human society claims him as a judge"
concludes that although we may acquit the judge of malice "we must none
the less condemn human life as miserable." If the judge must subordinate
goodness to virtue, he ought at least to regret the necessity. "Surely it were
proof of more profound considerateness and finer feeling were he to shrink
from his own implication in that misery; and had he any piety about him,
he would cry to God, 'From my necessities deliver Thou me.' " The City
of God, Modern Library Edition, pp. 682-83.
people may be persuaded that the indiscriminate use of aid is folly
(events may persuade them of this even though their leaders tell
them the contrary). But this will not necessarily improve our foreign
policy very greatly. The millenial and redemptionist character of
that policy will not necessarily be changed thereby; if the American
people cannot express their goodness through foreign aid they will
doubtless End some other way of expressing it. To the extent that
public opinion rules, our policy will reflect goodness. This is a
cause for concern because goodness is, by its very nature, incapable
of understanding its own inadequacy as a principle by which to
govern relations among states.
Books and Pamphlets
Galbraith, J. K. Economic Development in Perspective (Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1962).
Goldwin, Robert A. ed. "Essays on Foreign Aid Doctrines" (title as yet unannounced),
(Chicago: Rand-McNally and Co.) .
Liska, George. The N e w Statecraft (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960).
Millikan, Max F. and Rostow, W. W. A Proposal (New York: Harper & Brothers;
Millikan, Max F. and Blackmer, D. L. M. eds. The Emerging Nations (Boston: Little,
Brown and Co., 1961).
Niebuhr, Reinhold. Our Moral and Spifitual Resources for In/ernational Cooperation,
U . 5. Department of State, International Organization and Conference Series IV,
February 1956.
Schelling, T. S. in the American Assembly. International Stability and Progress, 1957.
Wolf, Charles Jr. foreign Aid, Theory and Practice in Southern Asia (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1960).
Brzezinski, Zbigniew. "The Politics of Underdevelopment," World Politics, Vol. IX,
No. I, 1956.
Galbraith, J. K. "A Positive Approach to Foreign Aid," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 39,
No. 3, 1961.
Galbraith, J. K. "Rival Economic Theories in India," Foreign Affairs, July 1958.
Friedman, Milton. "Foreign Economic Aid: Means and Objectives," The Yale Review,
Summer 1958.
Harriman, W. Averell. "Leadership in World Affairs," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 32,
No. 4, 1954.
Lilienthal, David. "Needed: A New Credo for Foreign Aid," New York Times
Magazine, June 26, 1960.
Wright, David McCord. "Stages of Growth vs. the Growth of Freedom," Fortune,
December 1959.
Government Documents
86th Congress, 1st Session, House Document No. 215. Part 2, "Conclusions Concern-
ing the Mutual Security Program," 1959. See especially the papers by Paul H. Nitze
and John H. OhIy.
The Rescue of the Dollar, Wilson E. Labor Unions and Public Policy, Ed-
Schmidt-1963 ward H. Chamberlain, Philip D. Brad-
ley, Gerard D. Reilly, and Roscoe
The Role of Gold, Arthur Ken@- Pound-1958. 177 pp. ($4.50)
National Aid to Higher Education,
Pricing Power and "Administrative" George C. S. Benson and John M.
Inflation-Concepts, Facts and Policy Payne-1958
Implications, Henry IF. Briefs-1962
Agricultural Surpluses and Export Pol-
Depreciation Reform and Capital icy, Raymond F. Mikesell-1958
Replacement, William T. Hogan-
1962 The Economic Analysis of Labor Un-
ion power, Edward H. Chamberlin-
The Federal Antitrust Laws, Jerrold 1958
G. Van Cise-1962
Post-War West German and United
Consolidated Grants: A Means of Kingdom Recovery, David McCord
Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility, Wright-1957
George C. S. Benson and Harold F. The Regulation of Natural Gas, James
McClelland-1961 W . McKie-1957
Inflation: Its Causes and Cures, Re- Legal Immunities of Labor Unions,
vised and Enlarged Edition, Gottfried Roscoe Pound-1957
*Automation-Its Impact on Economic
The Patchwork History of Foreign Growth and Stability, Almarin Phillips
Aid, Lorna Morley and Felix Mor- -1957
*Involuntary Participation In Unionism,
U. S. Immigration Policy and World Philip D. Bradley-1956
Population Problems, Virgil Salera- The Role of Government in Develop-
1960 ing Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,
*Inflation: Its Causes and Cures, Gott- Arthur Kemp-1956
fried Haberler-1960 The Role of The Federal Government
Voluntary Health Insurance in the in Housing, Paul P. Wendt-1956
United States, Rita R. Campbell and The Upper Colorado Reclamation Proj-
W . Glenn Campbell-1960 ect, Pro by Sen. Arthur V. Watkms,
Unionism Reappraised: From Classi- Con by Raymond Muley-1956
cal Unionism to Union Establishment, *Federal Aid to Education-Boon or
Goetz Briefs-1960 Bane? Roger A. Freeman-1955
United States Aid and Indian Economic States Rights and the Law of Labor
Development, P. T. Bauer-1959 Relations, Gerard D. Reilly-1955
Improving National Transportation Pol- Three Taft-Hartley Issues: Secondary
icy, John H. Frederick-1959 Boycotts, "Mandatory" Injunctions, Re-
placed Strikers' Votes, Theodore R.
The Question of Governmental Oil Im- Iseman-1955
port Restrictions, William H. Peterson
What Price Federal Reclamation? Ray-
-1959 mond Muley-1955
Labor Unions and the Concept of
Public Service, Roscoe Pound-1959 * Out of Print.
Private Investments Abroad, Charles R. *Monetary Policy and Economic Pros-
Carroll-1954 perity: Testimony of Dr. W. W.
Farm Price Supports-Rigid or Flex- Steward (July 3-4, 1930) before the
ible, Karl Brandt-1954 Macmillan Committee with introduc-
tion by Donald B. Woodward-1950
*Currency Convertibility, Gottfried Ha- Corporate Profits in Perspective, John
berler-1954 Linter-1949
The Control of the Location of In- *Current Problems of Immigration Pol-
dustry in Great Britain, John Jewkes icy, E. P. Hutchinson-1949
Guaranteed Employment and Wage
The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Plans. A Summary and Critique of
Act, John V . V a n Sickle-1952 the Latimer Report and Related Docu-
The Economics of Full Employment: ments, William A. Bewidge and
An Analysis of the U.N. Report on Cedric Wolfe-1948
National and International Measures The Foreign Loan Policy of the United
for Full Employment, Wilhelm Ropke States, J. B. Condliffe-1947
-1952 *Proposals for Consideration by an In-
Price Fixing for Foodstuffs, Earl L. ternational Conference on Trade and
Butz-195 1 Employment, J. B. Condliffe-1946
Manpower Needs and the Labor Sup- The Market for Risk Capital, Jules I.
ply, Clarence D. Long-1951 Bogen-1946
An Economic Approach to Antitrust For Studies 1953 and Earlier, Each
Problems, Clare E. Griffin-1951, Study 50 Cents Unless Otherwise Shown
($1.00) in Listing.
*Valley Authorities, Raymond Moley- For all Studies 1954, to Date, Each
1950 Study One Dollar.
*Farm Price and Income Supports, 0. B.
Jesness-1950 * Out of Print.
No. 1-The Economic Status of the ary Schools. Bills by Sens. McNamra
Aged. A Special Analysis and Hart, Cooper, et id., Morse, et d.,
No. 2-Proposals for Federal Aid to and others
Depressed Areas. Bills by Sens. No. &Proposed Social Security
Douglas, et al., Dirksen, et a!., Scott; Amendments of 1961 (not including
Reps. Flood, Gray, Van Zandf, Mor- proposed health care benefits for the
gan, and Saylor aged)
No. 3-Proposals to Provide Tempo- No. 7-Proposed Housing Act of 1961
rary Extended Unemployment Com- No. 8-Proposals to Provide Health
pensation Benefits. Bill by Rep. Mills Care for the Aged Under Social Se-
No. 4-Proposals to Amend the Fair curity. Bills by Sens. McNamara,
Labor Standards Act of 1938. Bills by Anderson, Javits; Reps Gilbert, St.
Sens. Dirksen and McNamara; Rep. Germin, King
Roosevelt No. 9-Proposals to Revise the Proce-
No. 5-Proposals for Federal Assistance dure for the Election of President and
in Financing Elementary and Second- Vice President
No. 10-Proposals for Taxation of For- No. 14ÑTh Berlin Crisis: Part I:
eign Source Income. Background. A Special Analysis
No. 11-Proposals to Prohibit Manu-
facturers of Motor Vehicles from En- No. 15-The Berlin Crisis: Part 11:
gaging in the Finance or Insurance Elements of U. S. National Strategy.
Business: Bills by Sen. Kefauver; Rep. A Special Analysis
No. 12-The "Truth in Lending" Bill. No. 16-The Berlin Crisis: Part 111:
Bill by Sen. Douglas, et al. Legal and Economic Factors, Propos-
No. 13-The Drug Bill. Bill by Sens. als, and Strategic Lines of Action. A
Kefauver and Hart Special Analysis