U3 K2 Oosd
U3 K2 Oosd
U3 K2 Oosd
Table 1
Solution: 6 Studying the current system and evaluating all of its issues
(With step Modelling this system
wise marking) Modelling the new system around these issues, in order to fix
Modelling the new physical environment
Evaluating any alternatives
Choosing the best system approach
Creating the graphical specifications
Question:7 Discuss various tools of structured analysis.
Tools of Structured Analysis:
Following are the various tools and techniques which are used for system
development. They are –
• ER Model
Solution: 7
• Flowchart
(With step
• Data Flow Diagrams
wise marking)
• Decision Trees
• Decision Tables
• Structured English
• Data Dictionary
Question:15 Which are the best features of OOPs, and why explain?
Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are three
fundamental elements of object-oriented programming that
distinguish it from non-OOP languages.
Encapsulation is the process of creating self-contained modules that
Solution: 15
connect processing processes to data. Classes are organized into
(With step
hierarchies, and inheritance enables one class’s structure and
wise marking)
functions to be transferred down the hierarchy. Finally, object-
oriented programming enables the creation of procedures regarding
objects whose precise type is unknown until runtime is known
as polymorphism.
Table 3
procedural Oriented
Programming Object-Oriented Programming
In object-oriented
In procedural programming, programming, the program is
the program is divided into divided into small parts
small parts called functions. called objects.
Object-oriented programming
Procedural programming follows a bottom-up
follows a top-down approach. approach.
Object-oriented programming
There is no access specifier in has access specifiers like
procedural programming. private, public, protected, etc.
Adding new data and functions Adding new data and function
Solution: 16 is not easy. is easy.
(With step
wise marking)
Procedural programming does Object-oriented programming
not have any proper way of provides data hiding so it
hiding data so it is less secure. is more secure.
In object-oriented
In procedural programming, programming, the concept of
there is no concept of data data hiding and inheritance is
hiding and inheritance. used.
Avoid it.
Flatten the class hierarchy.
Break out separate objects.
5 Implement method resolution : Method resolution is one. main
features of an object-oriented language that is lacking in a non object-
oriented language. Method resolution can be implemented in a following
Avoid it.
Resolve methods at compile time.
Resolve methods at run time.
6. Implement associations : Implementing associations in a non
oriented language can be done by :
Table 4
Table 5
Question:26 Explain the role of classes and objects in analysis and design.
classes and objects are the key abstractions of the problem, and these are
cooperative structures the mechanisms of the implementation.
During these phases of development, the focus of the developer must be upon
Solution: 26 the outside view of these key abstractions and mechanisms. This view
(With step represents the logical framework of the system, and therefore encompasses
wise marking) the class structure and object structure of the system. In the later stages of
design and then moving into implementation, the task of the developer
changes: the focus is on the inside view of these key abstractions and
mechanisms, involving their physical representation.