Pathogenesis and Management of Fracture-Related Infection

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Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578

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Narrative review

Pathogenesis and management of fracture-related infection

M. Depypere 1, 11, *, M. Morgenstern 2, R. Kuehl 3, E. Senneville 4, T.F. Moriarty 5,
W.T. Obremskey 6, W. Zimmerli 7, A. Trampuz 8, K. Lagrou 1, 10, W-J. Metsemakers 9, 11
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
Department of Infectious Diseases, Gustave Dron Hospital, University of Lille, Lille, France
AO Research Institute, Davos, Switzerland
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
Interdisciplinary Unit for Orthopaedic Infections, Kantonsspital Baselland, Liestal, Switzerland
Charit €tsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universita
e e Universita €t Berlin, Humboldt-Universita
€t zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Centre
for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Berlin, Germany
Department of Trauma Surgery, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Development and Regeneration, KU Leuven, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Both fracture-related infections (FRIs) and periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs) include or-
Received 23 May 2019 thopaedic implant-associated infections. However, key aspects of management differ due to the bone and
Received in revised form soft tissue damage in FRIs and the option of removing the implant after fracture healing. In contrast to
9 August 2019
PJIs, research and guidelines for diagnosis and treatment in FRIs are scarce.
Accepted 10 August 2019
Available online 22 August 2019
Objectives: This narrative review aims to update clinical microbiologists, infectious disease specialists
and surgeons on the management of FRIs.
Editor: L. Leibovici Sources: A computerized search of PubMed was performed to identify relevant studies. Search terms
included ‘Fracture’ and ‘Infection’. The reference lists of all retrieved articles were checked for additional
Keywords: relevant references. In addition, when scientific evidence was lacking, recommendations are based on
Antimicrobial therapy expert opinion.
Consensus guidelines Content: Pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of FRIs are presented. Whenever available,
Diagnosis specific data of patients with FRI are discussed.
Diagnostic criteria
Implications: Management of patients with FRI should take into account FRI-specific features. Treatment
pathways should implement a multidisciplinary approach to achieve a good outcome. Recently, inter-
Fracture-related infection
Infection national consensus guidelines were developed to improve the quality of care for patients suffering from
Treatment this severe complication, which are highlighted in this review. M. Depypere, Clin Microbiol Infect
© 2019 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Introduction than in uninfected patients. Length-of-stay is the most important

driver for total healthcare costs [2,3]. Furthermore, a recent sys-
Fracture-related infection (FRI) is a major complication in tematic review focusing on chronic/late onset FRI stated that
musculoskeletal trauma surgery [1]. Recent studies show that recurrence of disease occurs in 6e9%, leading to amputation of the
median costs per patient are six to seven times higher in infected affected limb in 3e5% [4].
Whereas published data on periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is
extensive, published consensus guidelines on diagnosis and treat-
ment of FRI are still lacking. Thus, finding an optimal treatment
* Corresponding author. Melissa Depypere, Department of Laboratory Medicine, strategy is a challenge for surgeons, clinical microbiologists and
University Hospitals Leuven, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
infectious disease specialists. Although both are implant-related
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Depypere).
1198-743X/© 2019 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Depypere et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578 573

‘biofilm’ infections, management strategies for PJI cannot be recent consensus conference addressed this issue and formulated
completely extrapolated to patients with FRI [5]. The main differ- recommendations [23]. Specifically in high-risk patients (i.e. open
ence to the management of PJI is the fact that fracture fixation fractures), three major areas seem to be important: soft tissue
devices can be removed without loss of function after osseous coverage, and systemic and local antibiotic therapy. First, experts
healing [5]. Therefore, antibiotic suppression until bone consoli- agree that early soft tissue coverage is a key aspect in infection
dation can be a curative option in patients with FRI [6]. Further- prevention. Guidelines recommend that open fracture wounds
more, similarly to PJI, FRI can manifest in a wide variety of clinical should preferably be covered within 72 hr, and no later than 7 days
scenarios. However, for FRI there are not only multiple [24]. A delay of 1 week in soft tissue coverage following debride-
anatomical locations, but also multiple fracture patterns, ment may increase the risk for recurrent infection [23]. Second, it is
different degrees of soft tissue injury as well as different accepted that early administration of prophylactic antibiotics has a
patient conditions (poly-vs. isolated trauma) [7]. protective effect with respect to FRI [25]. First-generation cepha-
The aim of this narrative review is to summarize the current losporins are recommended, with only limited evidence for the
literature on diagnosis and treatment concepts for FRI after frac- additional administration of an antibiotic with broad-spectrum
tures of the extremities and pelvis. Gram-negative coverage in case of severe soft tissue damage (i.e.
GustiloeAnderson type III injuries) [23,26e28]. In patients with
Pathogenesis closed fractures antibiotic prophylaxis is limited to a single dose
before surgery [29]. In patients with GustiloeAnderson type IeII
Biofilm formation on the surface of foreign material is crucial in injuries, duration should not exceed 24 hr. In patients with
the pathogenesis of FRI [8]. Microorganisms in a biofilm survive GustiloeAnderson type III injuries the duration of pre-emptive
much higher antibiotic concentrations than planktonic ones and, therapy is not clear, owing to a lack of comparative studies. How-
therefore, systematically applied antibiotics mostly do not reach ever, it should not exceed 72 hr. Finally, in case of open fractures,
the necessary therapeutic levels [9]. For this reason, successful systemic antibiotics alone are often not sufficient because the
management of FRI requires a combination of surgical and anti- damage to the surrounding tissues and blood vessels, by which
microbial treatment [5,6,8]. systemic antibiotics would normally reach the tissueeimplant
FRI generally occurs exogenously due to the trauma itself (e.g. interface. A recent meta-analysis by Morgenstern et al. [30]
open fracture), during insertion of the fixation device or during showed a significant risk reduction of infection when using pro-
disturbed wound healing or late soft tissue coverage in cases of phylactic additional local antibiotics, mainly polymethyl methac-
open fractures. Haematogenous infections are rare [8,10]. Table 1 rylate (PMMA; bone cement), for open fractures. However, because
gives an overview of the most commonly identified microorgan- of limited data, future studies on the role of local antimicrobials in
isms causing FRI [11e13]. Polymicrobial infections are frequent patients with open fractures are necessary [19,23,30].
(20e35%), and mainly occur in patients with open fractures [6,11].
Time is an important aspect in the pathogenesis of FRI for the Diagnosis
following reasons [5]. First, maturation of biofilms occurs over the
course of weeks and determines the efficacy of antimicrobial The lack of a clear definition of FRI hampered interpretation of
therapy [14]. Second, fracture healing leading to bony consolida- research in the field [31]. Therefore, members of the FRI
tion is crucial for cure of infection and takes place over the course Consensus group published, and recently updated, a definition of
of weeks to months. Third, the extent of bone involvement needs FRI based on diagnostic criteria [7,32]. Two levels of certainty of
consideration when developing a treatment strategy. Preclinical diagnostic features were defined. Criteria could be either confir-
models have shown that within the first 2 weeks after fracture matory (infection definitively present) or suggestive for FRI
fixation, the bone does not show signs of osteomyelitis or (Table 2) [7,32].
osteolysis, despite the presence of bacteria on the implant [5].
Over the course of the following weeks, histological signs become Clinical signs
present. Currently, many classifications are based on these three
factors and on time in general. Willenegger and Roth [15] classi- According to two systematic reviews, purulent drainage and
fied early-, delayed- and late-onset infections, occurring within 3, wound dehiscence/breakdown are confirmatory signs of infection,
3e10 and > 10 weeks after initial fracture fixation. Other authors because the implant communicates with the skin microbiome
proposed a limit of 6 weeks after fracture fixation to differentiate [4,33]. Other local clinical signs such as pain, heat, redness and
between acute and chronic infections [16]. At the present time, swelling are only suggestive [7].
classifying FRIs based on any of these time related cut-offs remains
arbitrary. Serum inflammatory markers

Prevention In musculoskeletal trauma patients, these diagnostic tests

should be interpreted with caution [7]. A secondary rise after initial
Infection rates after internal fixation ranges from 1e2% (closed decrease or an otherwise unexplained consistent elevation over a
fractures) up to 30% (open fractures), and are higher than elective
joint replacement [17].
The risk of developing an FRI is multifactorial and depends on
the location and severity of the injury, the extent of concomitant Table 1
Most common microorganisms in fracture-related infection [11,12]
injuries and on the host's physiology [1,5]. Several risk factors for
infection have been identified, such as male gender, diabetes mel- Microorganism Frequency (%)
litus, smoking, polytrauma, lower extremity fractures and injury Staphylococcus aureus 30e42%
severity (according to the GustiloeAnderson classification) Coagulase-negative staphylococci 20e39%
[18e21]. Enterobacteriaceae 14e27%
To date, uniformly accepted guidelines related to prevention of Anaerobes 16%
Streptococci 11%
infection in fracture care are unavailable [1,17,19,22]. However, a
574 M. Depypere et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578

Table 2
Diagnostic criteria for fracture-related infection

Confirmatory criteria Suggestive criteria

Clinical signs Clinical signs

Sinus tract Local/systemic (e.g. local redness, swelling, fever)
Wound breakdown New-onset joint effusion
Purulent drainage or the presence of pus Persistent, increasing or new-onset wound drainage
Microbiology Laboratory signs
Phenotypically indistinguishable pathogens identified Increased serum inflammatory markers (ESR, WBC, CRP)
by culture from at least 2 separate deep tissue/implant specimens Radiological and/or nuclear imaging signs
Histopathology Microbiology
Presence of microorganisms in deep tissue specimens, Pathogenic microorganism identified from a single deep tissue/implant specimen
confirmed by using specific staining techniques for bacteria and fungi
Presence of >5 PMNs/HPF in chronic/late-onset cases
(e.g. fracture nonunion)

ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; WBC, white blood cell count; CRP, C-reactive protein; PMNs, polymorphonuclear neutrophils; HPF, high-power field.

period in time should increase suspicion of FRI [7]. Although concluded that, although sonication fluid culture is not superior to
studies focusing on patients with an acute/early FRI are currently tissue culture in the diagnosis of FRI, it may be a useful adjunct,
lacking, the diagnostic accuracy of serum inflammatory markers alongside conventional cultures, especially in antibiotic-pretreated
(i.e. C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leucocyte patients [41]. A recent study by Dudareva et al. [40] reported that
counts) in chronic/late-onset FRI was reviewed by van den Kie- tissue cultures are more sensitive, and may be more specific, than
boom et al. [34]. Individual serum inflammatory markers are only sonication for the diagnosis of orthopaedic device-related in-
suggestive, but not confirmative of FRI [7,34]. fections. Although sonication seems to be a useful adjunct to con-
ventional tissue culture and is therefore included in the recently
Imaging published consensus definition, its added value in FRI still needs to
be established [32,41].
The most commonly used imaging modalities are conventional As organisms can exist in slow growth mode and small
radiography (i.e. X-ray), computed tomography (CT), magnetic numbers, enrichment broth cultures are helpful [43]. Enrichment
imaging resonance (MRI), three-phase bone scan (BS), fluo- broths can be sub-cultured when cloudy or after a defined period of
rodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and time. This can take up to 14 days for detection of slow-growing
white blood cell (WBC) or antigranulocyte antibody (AGA) scin- pathogens (e.g. Cutibacterium acnes) [44,45].
tigraphy [32]. In a systematic review, Govaert et al. [35] analysed Localized growth and low numbers of organisms can lead to
the accuracy of these imaging techniques for the diagnosis of FRI. sampling errors and an inevitable proportion of culture-negative
The review included seven studies on nuclear imaging techniques, specimens [46]. Therefore, current recommendations state that
two on MRI and one on CT. Studies regarding conventional radi- preferably five or more deep tissue samples should be taken
ography could not be identified. Although most data are available intraoperatively with separate instruments, from sites around the
on nuclear imaging, conventional radiography is generally per- fracture and adjacent to implants [32,46]. Moreover, tissue speci-
formed first when FRI is suspected. Suggestive radiological signs of mens show the greatest accuracy when inoculated in blood culture
infection are implant loosening, bone lysis, failure of progression of bottles [47,48]. Bacterial culture of sinus tracts is not recommended
bone healing (i.e. non-union), sequestration and periosteal bone as contamination with commensal skin flora is common [12,32].
formation [7]. Despite a high diagnostic accuracy, nuclear imaging To avoid false-negative culture results, antimicrobial therapy
is still not a conclusive test to establish the presence of FRI, and is should be stopped at least 2 weeks before sampling [42,46]. In
therefore categorized as suggestive in the consensus definition addition, antibiotics should be administered immediately after
[32]. sampling in suspected infection. In cases where there is implan-
The imaging modality of choice depends on local availability, the tation of a new device, PJI data show that administering antibiotics
clinical questions, and experience with each technique of the at the start of the procedure does not compromise culture results
medical specialists involved [32]. and could protect the newly implanted device [49].

Microbiology Histopathology

Positive cultures of an identical pathogen from at least two Studies focusing on histopathology in FRI are limited. A patho-
separate deep tissue/implant specimens is considered a confirma- gnomonic sign for infection is the presence of microorganisms in
tory criterion of FRI (Table 2) [7,32]. Furthermore, in case of highly deep tissue taken during an operative intervention, as confirmed by
virulent pathogens (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, b- histopathological examination using specific staining techniques
haemolytic streptococci) one positive sample should raise a high (e.g. Grocott methenamine silver stain for invasive fungal in-
suspicion of infection [7,36]. fections) [7].
Swab cultures have a low sensitivity and a high risk for The diagnostic value of the presence of polymorphonuclear
contamination. Therefore, tissue cultures should be preferred neutrophils (PMNs) in tissue biopsies is less clear. In the systematic
[5,37,38]. Homogenization is considered as preferred method for review by Onsea et al. [41], only three studies on histopathology
processing tissue samples. Methods to facilitate biofilm disruption were identified. Recently, however, a study on the value of quan-
include vortexing, sonication or beadmill processing [36,39]. Son- titative histopathology for the diagnosis of chronic/late-onset FRI
ication detaches biofilm-encased bacteria from the implant [39,40]. (i.e. unhealed fractures, more than 2 months from injury) has been
Onsea et al. [41] published a systematic review on tissue and son- published [50]. In this study, a novel bimodal approach was used to
ication fluid sampling for the diagnosis of FRI [42]. The authors confirm or exclude infection. The complete absence of PMNs had a
M. Depypere et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578 575

high correlation with aseptic non-union (specificity 98%, positive retention (DAIR). The second consists of debridement, implant
predictive value 98%). On the other hand, the presence of >5 PMN/ removaldin case the fracture has healeddor exchange, combined
high power field (HPF) was associated with FRI (specificity 100%, with antimicrobial therapy. Fig. 1 shows a treatment algorithm
positive predictive value 100%). Therefore, the presence of neu- describing the basic treatment principles for FRI. As shown in Fig. 1,
trophils in biopsy samples (>5 PMNs/HPF) was included in the FRI the choice for implant retention or exchange depends on multiple
consensus definition as a confirmatory criterion [32]. factors, one of them being the ability to perform a proper
debridement (e.g. considering implant type). This is illustrated by
Polymerase chain reaction the fact that the rate of treatment failure in case of DAIR is higher in
the presence of an intramedullary nail than plate osteosynthesis
Scientific data on molecular techniques, such as PCR, in the field [54]. This can be explained by the fact that the intramedullary canal
of FRI are scarce [41]. These tests are rapid diagnostic techniques cannot be debrided in the presence of an implant.
that can detect viable and non-viable microorganisms. However, The cornerstone of every surgical approach is a judicious and
the high sensitivity of PCR comes along with the risk of false- well-planned debridement with removal of all dead tissues and
positive results from contaminants [51]. acquisition of deep tissue biopsies for microbiology and histopa-
Currently, new molecular technologies are being used for the thology. This is followed by osseous stabilization (if required) with
diagnosis of PJI. Next-generation sequencing (NGS), for example, is implant retention, exchange or external fixation, dead space man-
capable of sequencing all DNA present in a given sample, resulting agement, delivery of antimicrobial therapy using local and systemic
in a more complete picture of the microbial genomes present and antimicrobials and sufficient vital soft tissue coverage [55].
has been proven useful in the identification of causative organisms Fracture stability is crucial for bone consolidation and eradication
in culture-negative PJI [52,53]. NGS also often shows the presence of infection. Although the presence of a foreign body increases the
of multiple organisms that were missed with regular tissue culture, risk of infection up to 100 000-fold [56], experimentally contami-
questioning the reliability of conventional culture methods [52]. nated fractures without internal fixation have been shown to be
But this has not been specifically applied to FRI at the present time. more prone to infection than similar fractures treated with internal
fixation [57,58]. Indeed, the advantage of implants for stabilization
Treatment outweighs their increased susceptibility to infection [59].
A major area of discussion remains the time point after which a
General concepts DAIR procedure in FRI is no longer advisable. Various clinical
studies reported excellent results with success rates of 90% and
Successful management of FRI includes fracture consolidation, more for implant retention in acute/early onset FRIs, occurring
restoration of the soft tissue envelope, return to function, preven- within 3 weeks after fracture fixation [11,60]. In FRIs manifesting up
tion of residual chronic infection and eradication of infection [5]. As to 6 weeks after osteosynthesis, DAIR could achieve success rates of
fracture fixation devices can be removed without loss of function around 70% [54,61]. If a DAIR is applied more than 10 weeks after
after osseous healing, suppressive therapy can bridge the time to fracture fixation the success rate decreases to 51e67% [11,62]. These
bone consolidation and removal of the internal fixation device [5]. studies implicate a continuum with declining success rate rather
than a clear cut-off. The treating multidisciplinary team has to be
Surgical aspects aware of the biological process of maturing biofilm and therefore
declining success rate of implant retention as time elapses post
Surgical management of FRI is based on two main concepts. The fracture fixation. Data show that antibiotics will not be able to
first consists of debridement, antimicrobial therapy and implant eradicate an infection after a certain age of biofilmdno matter how

Fig. 1. Algorithm describing the basic treatment principles for fracture-related infection (FRI). 1Preconditions for implant retention are: a stable osteosynthetic construct, a vital soft
tissue envelope, the ability to perform a proper debridement (considering implant type and the presence of necrotic tissues) and the time interval between fracture fixation and FRI
manifestation. Other factors influencing the decision process are the anatomical localization of the fracture (i.e. articular) and the host physiology [5]. 2Implant exchange in one or
two (multiple) stages. 3Difficult-to-treat infection: no biofilm-active antibiotic available while implant in situ; due to antibiotic resistance of the pathogen, drug intolerance of the
patient or incompatible drug-interactions. 4Eradication therapy: 12 weeks of antimicrobial therapy. Data from periprosthetic joint infections, no exclusive data for FRIs. 5Suppressive
antibiotic therapy until implant is removed. 6Osteomyelitis treatment: 6 weeks of antimicrobial therapy.
576 M. Depypere et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578

long one treats with antibiotics [5,14]. Thusdaccording to the bone or joint infections, and randomly assigned within 7 days after
current conceptdage of a biofilm/infection changes the surgical surgery to receive either IV or oral antibiotics to complete the first
approach (partial removal of the biofilm in case of DAIR, complete 6 weeks of therapy. Results showed non-inferiority of oral antibi-
removal in case of implant exchange) but not the duration of otics [71,72]. Therefore, the current recommendation is that IV
antibiotic treatment. Nevertheless, future studies will be necessary therapy should be limited to 1e2 weeks, until the patient (e.g. soft
to improve understanding and optimize and individualize the tissue) is stable and culture results are known.
duration of antibiotic treatment. As studies solely focusing on FRI are scarce, targeted antibiotic
Local application of antimicrobials at the site of infection treatment strategies are currently extrapolated from guidelines for
through different carriers has gained increasing attention [5]. other implant-related infections (i.e. PJI). Rifampicin is the agent of
Especially in the light of impaired blood flow to the site of infection choice to treat biofilm in staphylococcal implant-related infections.
and necrotic bone tissue, the advantage of achieving very high local It should only be initiated after thorough debridement to diminish
concentration of antimicrobials with low systemic exposure is the bacterial load and when wounds are dry to avoid superinfection
compelling [5,63]. Furthermore, after an extensive debridement with resistant microorganisms [73e75]. Because of rapid emer-
they can be an important treatment option for ‘dead-space man- gence of resistant microorganisms, rifampicin must be given with a
agement’. In clinical practice, gentamicin, tobramycin, vancomycin, companion antibiotic [76,77]. The first choice for oral combination
and clindamycin are the most commonly available commercial therapy in staphylococcal infections is a fluoroquinolone. However,
formulations for local antibiotic delivery in case of prevention and monotherapy with ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin against staphylo-
treatment of FRI. This is because they are industrially incorporated cocci is also not recommended because of rapid emergence of
into PMMA, collagen fleeces and other bone void fillers (i.e. ce- resistance and a high treatment failure rate [78e80]. Other anti-
ramics) that are readily available for clinical use [63]. For PMMA, staphylococcal drugs such as cotrimoxazole, minocycline or fusi-
where the exothermic polymerization process can result in tem- dic acid can be combined with rifampicin, but they have been less
peratures exceeding 100 C, thermal stability is a key factor in intensively studied [81]. Linezolid monotherapy appears inferior to
determining the suitability of an antibiotic for incorporation [64]. a combination of rifampicin and linezolid in animal models,
Moreover, any antimicrobial or carrier should be thermally stable at although evidence suggests reduced levels of linezolid in combi-
body temperature for the duration of release [64]. A recent study nation with rifampicin in vivo [82,83]. Further studies are needed
found that b-lactam antibiotics degrade quite rapidly at 37 C, while regarding combination therapy. We consider glycopeptide antibi-
excellent long-term stability was observed for aminoglycosides, otics (vancomycin/teicoplanin) as an option for methicillin-
glycopeptides and fluoroquinolones [64]. resistant staphylococci for the initial intravenous therapy [84]. For
Successful cure of FRI requires not only surgical debridement implant-related infection caused by Cutibacterium acnes, the role of
and fracture consolidation, but also soft tissue management rifampicin is unclear. Although rifampicin was highly efficacious in
including soft tissue reconstruction and revascularization, if an animal infection model [85], its clinical value in Cutibacterium
needed [65]. The objective of soft tissue coverage is to provide a infections is less clear, because of a lack of prospective, randomized,
robust antimicrobial barrier that prevents further contamination of controlled studies [45,86].
the fracture site and a biological environment conductive to frac- In case of streptococcal infection, IV benzyl penicillin is rec-
ture healing. Furthermore, it will improve antibiotic delivery by ommended, for enterococcal infections ampicillin is first choice.
improving vascularization. Current clinical data suggest that Both should be given for one to two weeks followed by oral therapy
optimal definitive soft tissue coverage should be achieved as soon with amoxicillin. For ampicillin-resistant enterococci, vancomycin
as possible, not only for the prevention of FRI [66], but also in case or daptomycin are first choice antibiotics for the whole treatment
of treatment [67]. There is no evidence to indicate that negative course [55].
cultures at the time of debridement improves long-term outcome Fluoroquinolones have excellent activity on GNB biofilms
or decreases risk for persistent infection [68,69]. The type of flap, [75,87]. They should only be started after debridement and when
albeit muscular or fasciocutaneous, local or free also remains the wounds are dry, because of selection of resistance to fluo-
controversial. Overall, it appears that muscle, fasciocutaneous, free roquinolones when bioburden is high [75,87]. Non-fermenters,
and pedicled flaps have similar results [70]. such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, should be treated initially with
b-lactam antibiotics such as piperacillin/tazobactam, cefepime,
Antimicrobial therapy ceftazidime or a carbapenem, although they have inferior bacteri-
cidal activity as compared to fluoroquinolones [88]. There is some
Empirical antibiotic therapy in vitro evidence of a decrease in bacterial killing rate with a high
After surgical debridement and sampling, empirical antibiotic bacterial load, so the addition of an aminoglycoside for 2e5 days
therapy should be started in case of high suspicion of infection. The can be considered [89].
choice of empiric therapy depends on the local epidemiology of
microorganisms and individual risk factors of the patient (i.e. pre- Follow-up
vious antibiotics, comorbidities, allergies, previous hospitalisations,
previous debridement at the same site, previously recovered Data regarding clinical and radiographical follow-up times are
pathogens). As a rule, initial empiric therapy should include a lipo/ currently lacking. In general, a follow-up of a minimum of
glycopeptide and an agent against GNB, thereafter it should be 12 months after cessation of therapy is required. Furthermore, the
adapted according to culturing results as soon as possible [55]. follow-up frequency depends on local preferences and policies and
on the extent of infection.
Targeted treatment strategies
The duration of targeted antibiotic therapy is not based on Summary and recommendations
comparative trials, but expert opinion. In case of implant retention,
a total treatment duration of 12 weeks is recommended, whereas FRI remains one of the most challenging complications in
after implant removal, 6 weeks is considered as sufficient [5]. musculoskeletal trauma surgery. Recently, efforts were made by
Duration of intravenous (IV) therapy is derived from the results multiple scientific organizations to improve the diagnostic and
of the OVIVA trial [71]. In this study, 1054 adults were treated for treatment strategies related to FRI. There is increasing evidence
M. Depypere et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (2020) 572e578 577

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