Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Components of Food
1. Describe Food.
->Food is a basic requirement for all living organisms. It provides energy for carrying out normal
physiological activities. There are different components and they have different nutrients. They all
come together to provide wholesome nourishment to us.
For Example:
2. Desribe Nutrients.
->A nutrient can be defined as components that are needed by our body to grow, survive and carry on
different daily activities.
Our food contains mainly five major kinds of nutrients namely vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates,
proteins and fats. Additionally, food also contains water and dietary fibres/roughage and water which
are also required by our bodies.
4. Describe Carbohydrates.
->Carbohydrates main function is providing energy to the body. These are found in our food in the
form of sugar and starch i.e., simple and complex carbohydrates.
For example , It is found in bread, potatoes etc.
Simple Carbohydrates: These are also referred to as simple sugars, containing single
monosaccharide units and found in natural sources of food i.e. milk, fruits and vegetables. These
carbohydrates add certain sweetness to the food. They raise the level of blood glucose quickly but are
easier to break down.
Complex Carbohydrates: These are also referred to as polysaccharides, meaning they contain
hundreds or thousands of such monosaccharide units. These are typically found in wheat grain, white
bread, kernel and cakes. They are relatively less sweet than simple carbohydrates and also raise blood
glucose level rather slowly. However, these are tougher to break down. Cellulose is present in plant
cell wall. It is a complex carbohydrate. Humans cannot digest cellulose.
5. Perform Iodine Test for Carbohydrates.
->Carbohydrates present in all food item are tested by Iodine test. Few drops of dilute iodine solution
are added to the sample food item. If the colour changes from brown to blue-black, the presence of
starch is confirmed.
6. Describe Protein .
-> Proteins performs the very essential function of helping our body grow and repair itself. These are
found in food items such as milk, pulses, eggs, meat etc. Foods containing proteins are called ‘body-
building’ foods.
7. Perform Test for Proteins.
->Proteins in the food sample are tested by copper sulfate and caustic soda solutions. The sample food
item is made into very dilute paste and the above solutions are added to it. If the colour of the
resulting solution changes to purple, the presence of protein is confirmed.
7. Describe Fat.
-> Fats are also responsible for providing energy to our body. In fact, they provide more energy than
carbohydrates. The body uses fat as a fuel source. Fats are essential for the absorption of vitamins A, D,
E and K in the body. Butter, cheese, oil are all examples of fat-rich foods.
->Fats in the food are tested by a simple paper test. A little amount of sample food is wrapped in a
paper and crushed. If the paper gets an oily patch, the presence of fat in the food is confirmed.
9. Describe Vitamins.
->Vitamins help in protecting our bodies from various kinds of diseases. They also help in keeping our
eyes, gums, bones and teeth in good shape.
->While dietary fibres do not provide any such nutrition to our bodies but nevertheless are an
important component of food. They help in easy absorption of food, helps in movement of bowel and
prevents constipation. It helps our body get rid of undigested food. Cereals, fruits and vegetables are
some of the roughage rich foods.
->Water performs the essential function of absorbing nutrients from our food. It also helps in
releasing waste from our body in form of sweat and urine.
->A diet that has the right balance of the essential nutrients required by the body like carbohydrate,
protein, fats, minerals, roughage is termed as a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains whole grains
like rice or wheat for carbohydrates, pulses like dal and meat or egg for proteins, vegetables for
minerals, vitamins and fibres.
A balanced diet includes a combination of protein-rich pulses, sprouted seeds etc. with combinations
of various flours and cereals for carbohydrates and fats along with fruits and vegetables which
provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Components of a balanced diet Some components of a balanced diet are as follows :
i. Fats: Some part of our energy requirement is fulfilled by fats. Fats can be found in fatty foods such
as butter, ghee, oil, cheese, etc.
ii. Proteins: We need proteins for growth purposes and to repair the wear and tear of the body.
Protein also helps in building muscle. It is found in dairy products, sprouts, meat, eggs, chicken, etc.
iii. Carbohydrates: We need the energy to process and it is fulfilled by carbohydrates. Carbs provide
us energy. Carbohydrates can be found in rice, wheat, chapati, bread, etc. Cereals are our staple food.
iv. Minerals and Vitamins: Vitamins, Minerals, and Fibre improve the body’s resistance to disease.
We mainly obtain it from vegetables and fruits. Deficiency diseases like Anemia, Goitre, etc can be
caused due to lack of mineral in the body.
->Obesity is a medical condition that results from excess intake of fat-rich foods. The excess fat gets
accumulated to such an extent that it starts negatively affecting one’s health, well-being and the ability
to carry out certain activities.
->Sometimes simply getting adequate amounts of food might not be enough if the food does not
contain the required nutrients in the right amounts. Prolonged usage of such nutrient-less food may
result in a condition known as Deficiency.
->Diseases that occur from the lack of an element in the diet, usually a particular vitamin or mineral
are known as deficiency diseases.
i. A diet lacking proteins may result in skin diseases, stunted growth, diarrhoea, swelling of face and
discolouration of hair.
ii. A diet deficient in both carbohydrates and protein may hinder the growth completely and the
person becomes so frail and lean that he or she might not even be able to move.
iii. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can cause diseases like scurvy, goitre, anaemia etc. as
mentioned in the tables above.
Hence one must always make sure to include all nutrients in their food and drink a good amount of
water to maintain a healthy body that is free from diseases.
18. Some important deficiency diseases and their symptoms mentioned below :
->Improper intake of nutrient-rich food may lead to another condition called malnutrition or
undernutrition. Without adequate intake of food, our bones become brittle, our muscles weaken and
our thinking becomes foggy. In such situations, our bodies are said to become malnourished.
->When there is lack of protein in our bodies, repair of wounds and an injury becomes difficult. When
this is combined with inadequate intake of calories, it leads to a condition known as Protein-
energy Undernutrition.
Kwashiorkor: People with severe protein deficiency are often at high risk of developing this disease.
People in rural areas are more likely to suffer from this disease, as there is lack of protein rich food. If
one often indulges in diets that are high on carbohydrates and low on protein it can lead to them
showing symptoms of kwashiorkor i.e. Edema (puffy appearance due to retention of fluid), inability to
gain weight and bulging of abdomen.
Marasmus: Children and young adults are more likely to develop this disease. If there is inadequate
intake of both energy and protein, it tends to manifest as marasmus. Chronic diarrhoea, weight loss,
dehydration and stomach shrinkage are the major symptoms of marasmus.
->Carbohydrates are the main energy sources. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet results in lack of
energy and stamina.
22. What is the Deficiency of Proteins.
->Growing children need more proteins in their diet. Lack of proteins in the diet weakens muscles.
Deficiency of proteins leads to a disease called kwashiorkor. Deficiency of proteins along with
carbohydrate deficiency is called Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM). It leads to marasmus.
->Water is very essential for proper functioning of our body. Excess loss of water from the body leads
to a condition called dehydration.Dehydration causes loss of salts and leads to weakness in the body.