Test Bank For Western Civilization 8th Edition Jackson J Spielvogel 2
Test Bank For Western Civilization 8th Edition Jackson J Spielvogel 2
Test Bank For Western Civilization 8th Edition Jackson J Spielvogel 2
the contents of an individual . Test bank may contains the following types of
9. The Recovery and Growth of European Society in the High Middle Ages.
11. The Later Middle Ages: Crisis and Disintegration in the Fourteenth Century.
12. Recovery and Rebirth: The Age of The Renaissance.
15. State Building and the Search for Order in the Seventeenth Century.
16. Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the
18. The Eighteenth Century: European States, International Wars, and Social
19. A Revolution in Politics: The Era of the French Revolution and Napoleon.
26. The Futile Search for a New Stability: Europe between the Wars, 1919-1939.
27. The Deepening of the European Crisis: World War II.
30. After The Fall: The Western World In A Global Age (Since 1985).
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Declaration of Independence, 4
Democratic Party, 17
Democratic nomination, 1856, 17
Despatches, Cipher, 234
Disunion Conventions, 53
Disbandment of provisional army, 15
Douglas’ amendment, 80
Garfield, 253
———— —assassinated, 260
Ghent, treaty of, 20
Governors, loyal, address to President, 144
Grangers, 218
Grant, 191
Greenback Party, 194
Kansas admitted, 56
Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 55
Kansas struggle, 71
Know-Nothing Party, 55
Land distribution, 45
League, White, 223
Lecompton constitution, 79
Legal Tender Decision, 194
Liberal Republicans, 199
Lincoln, 1st administration of, 120
———— 2d „ „, 177
Lincoln and Douglas debate, 73
Log-Rolling, first exhibition of, 8
Louisiana, purchase of, 15
———— fears of the people for the result, 15
———— price paid, 16
Louisiana’s Representatives admitted, 168
Pairing off, 37
Particularists, 5
Peace Convention, 106
Peace Parties, 19
Pensions, naval, 40
Pierce, Franklin, election of, 54
Politics, current, 298
Polk, James K., nomination of, 45
Pre-emption system, 37
Prohibitory Party, 196
Protective tariff, 21
Protective Tariff discussions, 28
Proclamation, Lincoln, 169
———— Emancipation, Sept. 22, 1862, 141
———— ———— January 1, 1863, 143
Readjusters, 263
Rebellion, Congress on the eve of, 113
Recall of American Minister and declaration of war of 1812, 18
Reconstruction, 169
———— act 39th Congress, 171
———— act supplemental 40th Congress, 172
———— measures, text of, 171
Reform in Civil Service, 200
Republican Association of Washington, 70
———— Convention, Chicago, 86
———— and Federal Parties, 8
———— Party, 69
———— Liberal, 199
Returning Boards, 217
Tariff, 44
Taxes, Confederate, 153
Taxes, Internal, 151
Taylor, Zach., nomination of, 50
Topeka Constitution, 79
Tory Party, 3
Treasury, deficit, 45
Twenty-first rule, 53
Tyler, John, succession of, 39
Vacancies happening during the recess may be filled temporarily by the President, 2
2 16
in representation in Congress, how filled, 1 2 13
Veto of the President, effect of, and proceedings on, 1 7 14
Vice-President of the U. S. to be President of the Senate, 1 3 14
how elected, 2 1 16
amendment, .. .. 19
shall, in certain cases, discharge the duties of President, 2 1 16
may be removed by impeachment, 2 4 17
Vote of one house requiring the concurrence of the other, 1 7 14
right of citizens to, not to be abridged on account of race or color, (15th
amendment), .. 1 20
Interest Laws of all the States and Territories of the United States, 5004