FS 2 Episode 1 Nethyy
FS 2 Episode 1 Nethyy
FS 2 Episode 1 Nethyy
Field Study 2 Episode 1
1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx
videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
- Because of the adage "once a teacher, forever a student," exceptional instructors never
stop learning, according to the four stages of the PPST. A great teacher eats an apple, which
represents the interaction between students and a teacher, according to the TEDx films I
watched, thus that is one of the qualities of a great teacher. A excellent teacher is laid-back,
which means that they don't take themselves too seriously and remain composed under pressure.
A great teacher likes to teach, A great teacher isn't a teacher, A great teacher thinks like a kid but
acts like an adult.
Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?
- I pride myself on having a patient and friendly nature. Additionally, there are aspects of
my personality that I need to work on in order to become a better communicator, listener, and