CV Li-Chen Fu 20231121 1
CV Li-Chen Fu 20231121 1
CV Li-Chen Fu 20231121 1
Ph.D. and M.S 1987 and 1985
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley
B.S. 1981
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Working Experience
NTU Chair Professor, National Taiwan University 2020.08-Present
Director, All Vista Healthcare Center 2018.01-Present
Director, NTU Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics 2017.07-Present
Director, Health Science and Wellness Center 2014.08-2017.07
Associate Dean, College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 2009.08-2012.07
Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical 2007.08-2020.07
Engineering, Department.of Computer Science & Information
Engineering, National Taiwan University
Secretary General (主任秘書), National Taiwan University 2005.08-2008.07
Deputy Dean, College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 2004.02-2005.07
National Taiwan University
Deputy Director, Tjing Ling Industrial Research Institute, National 1998.08-2001.07
Taiwan University
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department.of 1991.08-2007.7
Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1987.08-1997.07
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University
Technical Experience
Advisory Committee Member, Asian Control Association 2014.04-Present
BoG Member, Robotics Society of Taiwan 2007.01-Present
Editor-in-Chie, Asian Journal of Control (AJC) 1999.01-Present
Administrative Committee Member, Chinese Institute of Automation 1996-Present
BoG Member, Chinese Automatic Control Society 1993-Present
Vice President, IEEE Control Systems Society 2017.01-2018.12
BoG Member, IEEE Control System Society 2014.01-2016.12
President, Asian Control Association 2012.03-2014.03
Program Co-chair (special sessions), 2011 SICE Annual Conference 2011.09
Awards Chair, Regional Program Chairman, 2011 IEEE International 2011.05
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Conference Activity Board Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation 2010.01-2010.12
Regional Program Chairman, 2010 IEEE/RSJ International 2010.10
Conference on Intelligent Robot and Systems (IROS)
Program Director (國科會控制學門召集人), Control Program under 2009.12-2012.11
Engineering Department, National Science Council(NSC), R.O.C.
Regional Publicity Chair, IFAC World Congress, International 2008.07
Federation of Automatic Control
Editor, Advanced Robotics 2007.05-2019.03
Steering Committee Member, Asian Control Association (ACA) 2005-2014.03
Vice President, Asian Control Association 2005.04-2012.03
Program Chairman, 2004 IEEE Conference on Control 2004.08
Applications(IEEE CCS)
President (理事長) Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS) 2004.01-2007.12
Administrative Committee Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation 2004.01-2005.12
Society (IEEE RAS)
Program Chairman, 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation 2003.05
Distinguished Research Fellow (特約研究), National Science Council, 2001.08-2007.07
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Program Co-Chair, 2001 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation 2001.05
Program Committee Member, 2001 IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on 2001.07
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
Steering Committee Member, Asian Control Professors’ Association 2000.07-2004.12
Program Committee Member, Symposium on “Advance on Nonlinear 2000.07
Systems and Nonlinear Control”, Beijing, P.R. China
Program Committee Member, 1999 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and 1999.05
Editor, Journal of Control Systems and Technology 1998.01-1998.12
International Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conf. 1997.09
on Intelligent Engineering, Systems (INES'97)
International Program Committee Member, 8th International Conf. on 1997.07
Advanced Robotics (ICAR'97)
International Program Committee Member, IEEE/RSJ Conf. on 1997.07
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'97)
International Program Committee Member, The 35th IEEE Conf. on 1996.12
Decision and Control
Associate Editor, Automatica 1996.10-1999.10
Technical Program Committee Member, 1996 IEEE Intl. Conf. on 1996.04
Robotics and Automation
Administrative Committee Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation 1996.01-1998.12
Society (IEEE R&A)
Technical Program Committee Member, 1995 IEEE Intl. Conf. on 1995.05
Robotics and Automation
Associate Editor, Journal of Control Systems and Technology 1994.01-1997.12
International Affairs Committee Member, IEEE Control Systems 1993-2010
Technical Program Committee Member, 1993 IEEE Intl. Conf. on 1993.05
Robotics and Automation
Chairman (Founding), IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 1993.04-1994.12
Chapter (IEEE R&A)
Technical Program Committee Member, 1993 Intl. Symposium on 1993.01
Intelligent Robotics
Technical Program Committee Member, 1992 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on 1992.07
Intelligent Robots and Systems
Chairman, IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter (IEEE CSS) 1992.01-1992.12
Vice Chairman, IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter (IEEE CSS) 1992.01-1992.12
Assistant Engineer, Microbot Incorporation, Mountain View, CA 1985.06-1985.08
Program Chairman, 13th National Symposium on Automatic Control, 1989.01-1989.12
Vice Chairman & Secretary, Chinese Institute of Engineers, U.S.A., 1984.09-1986.05
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Research Assistant, 1983.08-1987.07
Lieutenant Lecturer, Missile Command Post, R.O.C. 1981.09-1983.07
Research Interests
Social Robotics, Smart Home, Visual Detection and Tracking, Virtual Reality, and Control Theory
& Applications.
Patents (專利)
1). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、吳俊緯、林奕廷、羅宇廷、劉韋志, 發明名稱:
原子力顯微鏡掃描方法, 中華民國發明第 I582429 號, 2017/5/11~2035/1/8。
2). Inventor:Fu, Li-Chen, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Chung-Da Lim, Chia-Ming Wang, and Shih-Huang
Tseng, Patent Title:Rehabilitation Device with Pace Pattern Projecting Function and Seat
Structure and Control Method Thereof, 美 國 專 利 , Patent No. US 9,510,992 B2,
3). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、李楷文、廖苡文、王成文、賴金鑫, 發明名稱:
肢體復健既訓練系統, 中華民國發明第 I554262 號, 2016/10/21~2033/05/12。
4). 專利權人:林正凱、劉添華、傅立成、蕭傑夫, 發明人:林正凱、劉添華、傅立成、蕭
傑夫, 發明名稱:以電流變化偵測技術的預測電流控制法應用於內嵌式永磁同步電動機
及同步磁阻電動機驅動系統, 中華民國發明第 I543521 號, 2016/07/21~2032/04/10。
5). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、曾廷恩、劉安陞、蕭伯豪, 發明名稱:人型影像
追 蹤 系 統 及 其 人 型 影 像 偵 測 方 法 與 追 蹤 方 法 , 中 華 民 國 發 明 第 I503756 號 ,
6). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:顏羽君、傅立成、楊宗翰、劉方正、廖峻鋒, 發明名稱:
一 種 具 多 階 層 推 論 架 構 的 資 訊 處 理 系 統 , 中 華 民 國 發 明 第 I486914 號 ,
7). Inventor:Huang, Cheng-Ming, Yi-Tzn Lin, Li-Chen Fu, and Pei-Yung Hsiao, Patent Title:
Visual Tracking System and Method Thereof, 美 國 專 利 , Patent No. US 8,885,876 B2,
8). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、林正凱, 發明名稱:內藏式永磁同步電動機的轉
軸角度估測方法, 中華民國發明第 I433446 號, 2014/04~2031/04。
9). Inventor:Lu, Ching-Hu, Li-Chen Fu, Patent Title: Pressure Sensing Based Localization and
Tracking System, 美國專利, Patent No.: US 8,648,732 B2, 2014/2/11~2032/10.
10). Inventor:Lo, Ming-Fang, Li-Chen Fu, Pei-Yung Hsiao, Yi-Ming Chan, and Li-An Chuang,
Patent Title: Pedestrian Detector, 美國專利, Patent No.: US 8,649,564 B2, 2014/2/11.
11). Inventor : Fu, Li-Chen, Hung-Yu Lin, Christopher Young, and Jia-Yuan Yu, Patent Title:
Rehabilitation Device, 美國專利, Patent No.: US 8,532,841 B2, 2013/09/10~2032/12.
12). 專利權人:中山科學研究院, 發明人:傅立成、李忞蔚、蕭培墉、羅民芳, 發明名稱:影
像式夜間行人偵測系統及方法, 中華民國發明第 I401473 號, 2013/07~2029/06。
13). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:陸敬互、傅立成, 發明名稱:感壓式定位追蹤系統, 中華
民國發明第 I399565 號, 2013/06~2028/12。
14). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、黃聖智、洪紹剛、陳美勇, 發明名稱:六自由度
精密定位系統, 中華民國發明第 I359344 號, 2012/03~2028/03。
15). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、黃正民、林怡孜、蕭培鏞, 發明名稱:影像追蹤
及其方法, 中華民國發明第 I357582 號, 2012/02~2028/04。
16). 專利權人:台灣大學 , 發明人:傅立成、吳兆麟,、廖文豪, 發明名稱:使用者追蹤及服
務提供系統及方法, 中華民國發明第 I356312 號, 2012/01~2027/08。
17). 專利權人:台灣大學, 發明人:傅立成、王威文、何政昌、周晏榆, 發明名稱:復健暨訓
練裝置及其控制方法, 中華民國發明第 I354550 號, 2011/12~2028/05。
18). Inventor : Fu, Li-Chen, Sheng-Chih Huang, Shao-Kang Hung, Mei-Yung Chen, Patent
Title :Six-Degree-of-Freedom Precision Positioning system, 美國專利 , Patent No.: US
7,940,150 B2, 2011/05~2029/05.
19). Inventor:Wu, Chao-Lin, Li-Chen Fu, Patent Title : Methods and Systems for Tracking Users
and Providing Services, 美國專利, Patent No.: US 7,804,416,B2, 2010/09/28 ~2029/05/20.
20). 專利權人:中央研究院, 發明人:黃英碩、洪紹剛、傅立成、林明彥, 發明名稱:掃針式
原子力顯微鏡之光束追蹤系統, 中華民國發明專利第 I285273 號, 2007/08~2025/04。
21). Inventor : Hwang, Ing-Shouh, Shao-Kang Hung, Li-Chen Fu, and Ming-Yen Lin, Patent Title :
Beam Tracking System for Scanning-probe Type Atomic Force Microscope, 美國專利,
No. 7,249,494, 2007/07/31~2027/07.
22). Inventor : Fu, Li-Chen (傅立成), Patent Title : Novel Maglev Positioning System, 美國專利,
No. US 7,185,590 B2, 2004/03~2024/03.
23). 專利權人:傅立成 , 發明人:傅立成,黃世勳,蕭培鏞,陳琮仁,王俊哲, 發明名稱:
一種以電腦視覺為基礎之車道偵測安全警示方法及其系統 , 中華民國發明專利第
I268878 號, 2006/12~2024/03。
24). 發明人:吳清平、傅立成、楊式興、陳健文、彭俊銘, 發明名稱:自動調控每分鐘通氣
量之人工呼吸器及其方法, 中華民國發明專利第 I260219 號, 2006/08~2024/08。
25). 專利權人:傅立成 , 發明人:傅立成,黃世勳,蕭培鏞,陳琮仁,王俊哲, 發明名稱:
一 種 以 電 腦 視 覺 為 基 礎 之 乘 車 安 全 警 視 系 統 , 中 華 民 國 發 明 專 利 第 I245715 號 ,
26). 專利權人:傅立成 , 發明人:傅立成及蔣宗哲, 發明名稱:電梯群控制裝置, 中華民國
發明專利第 I225030 號, 2004/04~2021/07。
27). 專利權人:國立台灣大學 , 創作人:傅立成、陳美勇及林佐柏, 新型名稱:新型平面式
磁浮定位裝置, 中華民國新型專利第 M247331 號, 2004/10~2013/12。
28). 專利權人:傅立成 , 發明人:傅立成、林銘宏及黃安志 發明名稱:半導體晶圓製造廠
之模擬、排程系統, 中華民國發明專利第 201419 號, 2004/04~2022/02。
Invited Talks
傅立成, “失智症照護的科技輔助 – 進階篇,” 失智症公共識能教育講座 , 2021.09.19
(Invited Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Life Quality Improvement with AI Boosted Socially Assistive Robots,” SICE
Annual Conference, September 9, 2021, Japan. (Plenary Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “AI Empowered Social Robotics for Better Human Care,” 2020 IEEE
International Conference on Robotic Computing (IEEE IRC), Nov.9, 2020. (Keynote Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “人工智慧醫療的新進展,” 台灣臨床研究倫理審查學會 2020 學術年會,
November 28, 2020. (Plenary Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “AI Empowered Social Robotics for Better Human Care,” 2020 IEEE
International Conference on Robotic Computing (IEEE IRC), Nov.9, 2020. (Keynote Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Future Trend of AI and Robotics in Medical Application and Related Facilities,”
High-Tech Facility International Forum, SEMICON TAIWAN 2020, Taipei, September 24,
2020. (Keynote Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “AI is a key to advance Social Robotics,” Kyoto University, October 11, 2019
(Department Seminar)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Development of Atomic Force Microscopy: A Key to Explore the Nanoscale
World,” The 2017 Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2017), Gold Coast, Australia, December,
2017. (Semi-Plenary Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Future Outlook of Advanced Medical and Healthcare Environments Surrounded
by Robot Assistants,” 3rd Asian Congress of Robotic and Endoscopic Surgery (2017 ACRES),
Taipei, December 2017. (Invited Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Robot’s Social Intelligence in Human-Robot-Interactive Environment,” 2017
International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2017), Taiwan,
September, 2017. (Plenary Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “機器人–人類生活中的好幫手!” TSMC, November 2016.
Fu, Li-Chen, “How to Make a Robot More Socially Friendly with AI ? ” Foxconn, Taiwan, June
Fu, Li-Chen, “How to Make a Service Robot Socially Friendly in a Human Society ?” The 2014
Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2014), Taiwan,
November, 2014. (Keynote Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “Social Interaction of Intelligent Robots in Human Society,” 2014 International
Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2014), Shanghai, China,
October, 2014. (Keynote Speaker)
Fu, Li-Chen, “AFM Technology & Application : From Past to Future, 11th IEEE International
Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), Taichung, Taiwan, June 2014 (Keynote
Fu, Li-Chen, “Next Generation Atomic Force Microscopy: Technology Application,” The
22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 2014 (Keynote
Fu, Li-Chen, “Smart Home Energy Saving System,” CRESE Special Session, SICE Control
Division Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013 (Keynote Speaker).
Fu, Li-Chen, “Enabling ICT for Smart Home Development ─ A Perspective in Home Energy
Saving,” Foxconn, Taiwan, 2013.
Fu, Li-Chen, “Real-Time Visual Surveillance with Active Camera,” SICE Annual Conference,
Fukuoka, Japan, August, 2009.
Fu, Li-Chen, “Intelligent Robot Development-Social Robot/Ambient Intelligence,”
International Workshop on Intelligent Robot and Embedded Software(IRES), Gyeongju, Korea,
Fu, Li-Chen, “Advanced Applications of Computer Vision Technique to Our Living and
Transportation,” Symposium on Application of Information Science and Technology, Keelung,
Taiwan, August, 2007 (Keynote Speaker).
Fu, Li-Chen, “Computer Vision Based Driver Safety Assistance System,” Symposium on
Development of Active and Passive Safety System of Advanced Vehicles, Taipei, Taiwan, July
28, 2006.
Fu, Li-Chen, “Communication and Cooperation among Multiple Mobile Robots,” Symposium
on Mobile Robot Technology,” December 9, 2005, Taipei.
Fu, Li-Chen , “Advanced Visual Tracking with Bayesian Filter,” Dept. of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, U.C. Berkeley, July, 2004.
Fu, L.-C., “Intelligent Flexible e-Home: Past, Presence, and Future,” The 13th Automation
Technology Conference, June, 2004 (Keynote Speaker).
Fu, L.-C., “e-Manufacturing---A Total Solution for Due-date Prediction,” e-Operations
Symposium, MITD, TSMC, December, 2003.
Fu, L.-C., “What’s Happening in Recent Control Literature? ”National Automatic Control
Conference, Taoyuan, 2001.
Fu, L.-C., “Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Systems and Robotic Application,” Advance on
Nonlinear Systems and Nonlinear Control Summer Workshop, Beijing, July, 2000.