BECRC - Hydrogen Powering of Vessels - Phase I Report - A4 - E20112023

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The Blue Economy CRC is funded in part under the Australian Government’s CRC Program, administered by the Department of
Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. The CRC Program supports industry-led collaborations between industry, researchers and
the community.

» Hongjun Fan, University of Tasmania

» Nagi Abdussamie, University of Tasmania
» Andrew Harris, BMT
» Peggy Shu-Ling Chen, University of Tasmania
» Evan Gray, Griffith University
» Ehsan Arzaghi, University of Tasmania
» Prashant Bhaskar, University of Tasmania
» Javad A. Mehr, University of Tasmania
» Irene Penesis, Blue Economy CRC

Fan, H., Abdussamie, N., Harris, A., Chen, P. S.-L.,

Gray, E., Arzaghi, E., Bhaskar, P., Mehr, J. A., &
Penesis, I. (2023). A review of the feasibility of
utilising hydrogen as a marine fuel in Australia.
Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre.


This study was funded by the Blue Economy

Cooperative Research Centre (research
project number 1.21.007). The authors would
like to thank the following stakeholders that
contributed to the content of this report.


Department of Treasury
and Finance, Tasmania

This report has been prepared solely for the use of the Blue Economy CRC-Co and
the Project Parties. This report is not intended for any other purpose, and shall not
be provided to any other Blue Economy CRC Participant or non-Participant without
the prior approval of the Blue Economy CRC CEO.
The Blue Economy CRC-Co acknowledges that it is, and will continue to be, solely
responsible for making any decisions based on the information contained in this
report, or when implementing any advice or recommendations in this report.

2 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Executive Summary 6 4.2.1 Hydrogen Fuel Cost 29

1. Background 8 4.2.2 System Replacement and 29

Maintenance Cost
1.1 Decarbonisation Goals 8
4.2.3 Carbon Taxes 29
1.2 Decarbonisation Pathways and 9
Hydrogen’s Role 5. Regulatory Framework 30

2. Current Status of Hydrogen 11 5.1 IMO Regulations 30

Applications in the Maritime Sector
5.2 Flag State’s Regulations 31
2.1 Existing Hydrogen-powered 11
Vessels 5.3 Classification Societies’ Rules 31

2.2 Future Hydrogen-powered 17 5.4 International and National 31

Vessels Standards

3. Technologies 17 5.5 Professional Organisations’ 32

3.1 Energy Conversion 17
6. Training and Competence 33
3.1.1 Fuel Cells 17
6.1 Ship Crew 33
3.1.2 Internal Combustion Engines 20
6.2 Bunkering Workers 33
3.2 Hydrogen Storage 20
7. Feasible Ship Types for Utilising 34
3.2.1 Physical-based storage 21 Hydrogen

3.2.2 Material-based Storage 22 8. Safety 34

3.2.3 Suitable Hydrogen Storage 22 8.1 Hazards and Prevention 34

Methods on Ships
8.2 Safe Design Process of a 36
3.3 Hydrogen Bunkering 22
Hydrogen-Powered Vessel

4. Total Cost of Ownership 26

9. Conclusions & Recommendations 38

4.1 Capital Expenditure 26

9.1 Findings 38

4.1.1 Hydrogen Storage Equipment 26

9.2 Recommendations 39

4.1.2 Hydrogen Fuel Cell System 27

10. Appendix 40

4.1.3 Battery Pack 28

11. References 44

4.2 Operational Expenditure 29

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 3

Figure 1. Australian domestic maritime 8 Figure 20. Mobile compressed hydrogen 25
GHG emissions. bunkering truck.

Figure 2. Decarbonisation pathways for 10 Figure 21. Cryogenic liquid hydrogen 25

vessels. bunkering truck.

Figure 3. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 11 Figure 22. Hydrogen tank trailer onboard 25

delivery years. “Hydro Bingo”.

Figure 4. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 12 Figure 23. Estimated cost of Type IV tank 26

countries. system for maritime use.

Figure 5. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 12 Figure 24. Estimated costs of PEMFC 27

ship types. systems and PEMFC stacks for maritime
Figure 6. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 12
power source type. Figure 25. Estimated cost of Lithium-ion 28
batteries for maritime use.
Figure 7. Selected typical hydrogen- 13
powered vessels. Figure 29. Status and progress of the 30
regulatory framework for hydrogen-
Figure 8. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 14 powered vessels.
ship lengths.
Figure 27. Bow-tie diagram model for the 36
Figure 9. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 14 safety design of a hydrogen-powered
new-build or retrofit. vessel.

Figure 10. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 15 Figure 28. Safe design process of a 37

hydrogen storage methods. hydrogen-powered vessel.

Figure 11. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 15

energy conversion methods.

Figure 12. Hydrogen-powered vessels by

fuel cell single module power.
Figure 13. Hydrogen-powered vessels by 16 Table 1. Selected market available 19
fuel cell power. maritime FC systems.

Figure 14. Schematic of a PEM fuel cell. 18 Table 2. Comparison of hydrogen storage 23
Figure 15. Schematic of the fuel cell 18
power system. Table 3. Classification societies’ rules or 31
Figure 16. A simplified FC powertrain for 19
a vessel. Table 4. Selected international hydrogen 32
Figure 17. Hydrogen storage methods. 20
Table 5. Professional organisations’ 32
Figure 18. Type I-V compressed hydrogen 21 guidelines.
Table 6. Hydrogen safety hazards and 35
Figure 19. Compressed hydrogen 24 preventions.
bunkering station

4 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

AC Alternating current IMO The International Maritime
AFC Alkaline fuel cell
ISO The International Organization for
AIP Approval in principle Standardization

AMSA The Australian Maritime Safety LHV Lower heating value

LNG Liquified natural gas
AUD Australian dollars
LOHC Liquid organic hydrogen carrier
BoP Balance-of-Plant
MCFC Molten carbonate fuel cell
CAPEX Capital expenditure
MCH Methylcyclohexane
COFs Covalent organic frameworks
MEPC The IMO’s Marine Environment
CTV Crew transfer vessel Protection Committee

DBT Dibenzyl toluene MOFs Metal-organic frameworks

DC Direct current Mt Million tonnes

DOE Department of energy OPEX Operational expenditure

ETS Emission trade system PAFC Phosphoric acid fuel cell

EU European Union PEM Proton exchange membrane

FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester PEMFC Proton exchange membrane fuel cell

FC Fuel cell
PIMs Polymers of intrinsic microporosity
GHG Greenhouse gas
SGMF The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel
HT- High-temperature PEMFC
SOFC Solid oxide fuel cell
HVO Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
SOLAS The International Convention for the
H2 Hydrogen Safety of Life at Sea

ICE Internal combustion engine STCW The International Convention on

Standards of Training, Certification
IEC The International Electrotechnical and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
TCO Total cost of ownership
IGF The International Code of Safety for
Code Ships Using Gases or Other Low- US United states
flashpoint Fuels
USD US dollars

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 5

This study examined the viability of
utilising hydrogen as a power source for
domestic vessels in Australia. It delved
into the motivating factors driving the
acceptance of hydrogen as a marine fuel,
explored the existing and anticipated
advancements in hydrogen-powered
vessels, analysed the technological
and economic considerations involved,
evaluated the readiness of regulations
and standards, and assessed the need for
training. Additionally, the study identified
specific vessel types that are well-suited
for hydrogen adoption and provided a
comprehensive overview of the safety
design principles applicable to hydrogen-
powered vessels.

The study revealed the below key findings:

» Australia’s domestic maritime fleet

predominantly consists of small vessels. NET ZERO
Currently, hydrogen energy solutions are EMISSIONS
better suited for these smaller vessels,
aligning perfectly with the imperative for
BY 2050
Australia’s domestic maritime sector to attain
net zero emissions by 2050.

The existing hydrogen-powered vessels worldwide, which are mainly of smaller size,
serve as valuable examples for the adoption of hydrogen technology in Australian waters.

» Hydrogen fuel cell (FC) systems, already well-

established in the automotive sector, can
be utilised on ships considering the marine
» Compressed hydrogen and cryogenic liquid
hydrogen storage methods are feasible in
the short term. Metal hydrides offer safety
advantages and high storage efficiency, making
them suitable for maritime applications in the
future. The potential of liquid chemical hydrogen
carriers is limited due to the complexity and
high energy consumption associated with the
dehydrogenation process.

6 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

» Hydrogen bunkering operations have been » The design process of a hydrogen-powered
carried out globally. The high-pressure refuelling vessel incorporates both the regulatory
technologies in the automotive industry provide established design method and the alternative
valuable references for compressed hydrogen risk-based design methods, considering the
bunkering. Cryogenic liquid hydrogen bunkering safety risks associated with hydrogen and
has also been successfully demonstrated. In the current insufficiency of regulations and
the case of smaller vessels, the portable tank standards.
swap mode using ISO tank containers can be
a convenient option for both compressed and
liquid hydrogen.
To address the identified gaps and
» The total cost of ownership (TCO) of a hydrogen accelerate the adoption of hydrogen
FC-powered vessel can be evaluated using on vessels in Australia, the following
available data. The estimated 2022 constant recommendations were proposed:
cost range for 700 bar Type IV tanks for
maritime use is AUD1490-2210 per kgH2, while » Developing or adopting regulations and
for 350 bar Type IV tanks, the estimated 2022 standards for designing, building, and
constant cost range is AUD1192-1768 per kg of certifying hydrogen-powered vessels in
hydrogen. For PEMFC systems with a power Australia.
output of 100-250 kW, the projected 2022 » Establishing risk assessment methods
constant cost range is between AUD3486 and for designing and assessing hydrogen-
7499 per kW, depending on the production powered vessels.
» Establishing and implementing
The estimated 2022 constant cost range for comprehensive training programmes
PEMFC stacks is between AUD504 and 812 per for ship crew and bunkering workers to
kW, depending on the production scale. The facilitate the adoption of hydrogen on
2022 constant cost of a lithium-ion battery pack vessels.
for maritime use is estimated to be AUD331/ To expedite the use of hydrogen on
kWh. The estimated levelised cost of hydrogen vessels in Australian waters to meet the
dispensed by refuelling stations in Australia country’s net zero emission target, the
could range from AUD6.78-15.60/kg according to study recommends the following actions:
CSIRO. The FC stack and battery are anticipated
to be replaced several times throughout the » Conducting conceptual hydrogen
ship’s lifespan. powertrain design for selected target
vessels in Australia.
» The regulatory, normative, and standard
framework for hydrogen-powered ships is » Evaluating and comparing TCO of
steadily taking shape, with obstacles in this potential hydrogen-powered vessels with
regard gradually being overcome. other zero-emission solutions.

» Training programmes related to hydrogen- » Assessing and comparing the lifecycle

powered vessels have not yet been built and GHG emissions of potential hydrogen-
conducted in Australia. It is imperative to powered vessels with other zero-
promptly initiate training programs for the emission solutions from a lifecycle
operation and bunkering of hydrogen-powered perspective.
» Building or retrofitting hydrogen-powered
vessels and gathering relevant data to
lay the foundation for the widespread
adoption of hydrogen-powered vessels
In the initial stages, the implementation
on a large scale in Australia.
of feasible hydrogen-powered ships
should primarily target small-sized By implementing these recommendations,
vessels operating on fixed routes. This Australia can take substantial steps
approach ensures the practicality of fuel towards establishing a sustainable
bunkering and the availability of hydrogen and zero-emission maritime industry,
power systems. harnessing the potential of hydrogen as
an environmentally friendly and efficient
marine fuel.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 7

Decarbonising Australia’s maritime fleet requires coordinated efforts from both Australian-
flagged international ships and domestic vessels. As a signatory country to the International
Maritime Organization (IMO), Australian-flagged international navigation ships must follow
the IMO’s decarbonisation roadmap (IMO, 2023). Meanwhile, Australia’s domestic maritime
sector must align the country’s emission reduction timeline. This report is specifically
dedicated to the decarbonisation of Australia’s domestic maritime sector using hydrogen as
an energy source.


Australia has announced to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, and cut
emissions by 43% from 2005 levels by 2030 (Australian government, 2022; Reese, 2021). Therefore, the
emission reduction timeline for Australia’s domestic vessels should align with this overarching goal.

Based on the data submitted by the Australian Government to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (Australian government, 2023), Figure 1 illustrates Australia’s domestic
maritime navigation carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) emissions from 2005 to 2021. In recent years,
domestic maritime emissions have consistently hovered around 2 million tonnes per year, constituting
approximately 0.4% of the nation’s total annual emissions. To achieve the decarbonisation targets, these
emissions should be reduced by 43% from 2005 levels, reaching 1.31 million tonnes annually by 2030,
and ultimately reach zero emissions by 2050.

Figure 1. Australian domestic maritime GHG emissions.

Percentage of domestic navigation emissions in Australia’s total emissions

(0.40%) (0.40%)
(0.37%) 2.5351 2.4384 (0.41%)
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e)/

2.3042 (0.36%) (0.39%) (0.45%)

(0.34%) 2.0875
2.2631 2.29 2.0932
2.1421 (0.37%)
(0.29%) (0.31%) 1.881
(0.31%) (0.35%) 2.0595
1.819 1.8137
(0.28%) 1.7015 1.7856
1.5649 (0.32%)
(0.26%) 1.625
Million tonnes (Mt)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

8 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

8704 To mitigate GHG emissions from vessels, various
operational and technical measures, and market-
based mechanism (carbon tax and subsidies)
have been identified, as shown in Figure 2.
VESSELS MEASURING Operational measures comprise a range of
strategies, including voyage optimisation
methods, such as optimising speed, port
LONG WITH VALID logistics, vessel capacity, and on-board energy
CERTIFICATES OF management, and digitalisation of shipping using
SURVEY OPERATING IN technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT)
AUSTRALIAN WATERS and autonomous shipping. Technical methods
focus on implementing energy-saving measures,
exploring alternative fuels or energies, and using
the carbon capture technology. Energy-saving
measures may include optimising vessel design,
improving engine technologies, utilising improved
propulsion technologies, and adopting power

82% assistance methods. Alternative fuels and energy

sources include using low emission fuels such
as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and adopting zero
or near zero emission fuels or energy. Using
operational measures, low emission fuels, and
REQUIRING REPLACEMENT carbon capture method may prove effective
WITH NEWER ALTERNATIVES in achieving medium decarbonisation targets;
IN THE NEXT 10-20 YEARS however, to achieve zero emission target,
utilising zero emission fuels or energy is the sole
viable option.

Zero emission fuels or energy compromises

biofuels and green electricity. Viable biofuels
include Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME),
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), Bio-LNG,
and Bio-methanol. The green electricity
can be stored in batteries or e-fuels (or so-
called “Power-to-X”), which include hydrogen,
e-ammonia, e-methanol, and e-LNG. Each fuel
or energy form has a role to play in achieving the
zero-emission target.

In Australia, small vessels are responsible

for major portion of GHG emissions from the
domestic navigation sector.

According to the Australian Maritime Safety

Authority (AMSA), as of July 2023, there are
8704 domestic small vessels, measuring less
than 50 meters long, operating within Australian
waters with valid certificates of survey. Among
these vessels, 7114 (82%) are already over a
decade old, necessitating their replacement
with newer alternatives within the next 10-20
years. Vessels have long lifespans (25-30 years).
This means that the new vessels will remain in
operation through 2050. Therefore, it becomes
crucial to explore energy sources capable of
facilitating zero emissions for these upcoming

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 9

This study focuses on utilising hydrogen on Australian domestic vessels. This is primarily because:

» Hydrogen serves as an excellent carrier of renewable energies such as wind, solar, and hydropower,
which can be released as heat through combustion or as electricity through fuel cells (FCs), and the only
additional input required is oxygen, and the sole by-product produced is water. Not only GHG emissions
but also air pollutants, such as sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, could be well
addressed using hydrogen as a fuel.
» Current hydrogen solutions are better suited for small vessels.

Figure 2. Decarbonisation pathways for vessels.

optimisation Speed reducing

Advanced port logistics

Operational Optimise vessel capacity utilisation

Onboard power management

Digitalisation Utilising the Internet of Things (loT)

Autonomous shipping

Vessel design Optimum ship demensions

Light weight materials

hull coatings

Ballast reduction and trim optimisation

Air lubrication

Energy savings Engine technology Enhanced fuel injection system

Waste heat recovery

Propulsion technology Large arm propellers

Maritime Contra-rotating propellers (CRP)

Options Podded propulsor propeller (POD)

Propeller ducts

Pre-swirl stators

Post-swirl fins and rudder bulbs

Power assistance Flettner rotors

Towing kites


Solar panels

Technical Alternative
options Low emission fuels LNG
Zero/near zero emissions fuels/energy

Biofuels Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME),

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO),...


Carbon Capture Bio-Methanol

Green electricity Battery

Carbon tax
Market E-fuels Hydrogen


10 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

The first hydrogen-powered boat, called “Hydra,” made its debut in Germany in 2000.
Designed as a passenger boat, it featured a metal-hydride hydrogen storage tank capable
of storing 3kg of hydrogen, along with a 6.8kW alkaline FC serving as its primary power
source. The refuelling process for Hydra took approximately thirty minutes. With a cruising
speed of 4.8 knots, the boat could travel for 16 hours on a full tank. Unfortunately, the ship
owner went into liquidation in September 2001. However, before its untimely demise, this
ground-breaking creation transported over 1600 passengers (Butler, 2019).

Since then, the maritime industry has witnessed a growing number of hydrogen-powered ships being
constructed or retrofitted to explore their feasibility and demonstrate their potential. Currently, more
and more hydrogen-powered vessels are under construction, on order, or under development. This
section provides an overview of these hydrogen-powered vessels and discusses the prospects of future
advancements in this field.


As of June 2023, a total of 41 hydrogen-powered vessels have
undergone testing and most of them are currently operational.

The information of these vessels can be found in Appendix Table A1. Figure 3 shows the number
of vessels categorised by their respective delivery year. As the maritime industry prioritises the
decarbonisation of its operations, the emergence of hydrogen-powered vessels has been on the
rise since 2021, and 19 out of the existing ships (46%) were delivered after 2021. Figure 4 presents a
breakdown of the number of ships based on the countries. It is evident that a considerable proportion
of these vessels are in Europe, while the United States (US), East Asian countries such as China, Japan,
and South Korea, as well as New Zealand, have also some hydrogen-powered vessels.

Figure 3. Hydrogen-powered vessels by delivery years.

Number of Vessels

3 3
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1

Delivery Year

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 11

Figure 4. Hydrogen-powered vessels by countries.

Number of Vessels

4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1


The fleet of existing hydrogen-powered vessels comprises a diverse range of ship types,
encompassing passenger ships, cargo ships, tugboats, sailing boats, and race boats.

The distribution of these ship types is presented in Figure 5, highlighting the versatility and feasibility
of utilising hydrogen across various vessel categories. Figure 6 shows that most of these vessels use
hydrogen as main power source.

Figure 7 shows photos of the selected vessels. Most the existing hydrogen-powered vessels are
classified as small-sized vessels, as illustrated in Figure 8. A significant majority of these vessels,
specifically 34 (83%) out of the total have a length of less than 50 meters. This indicates that the
existing cases of small-sized vessels utilising hydrogen can be crucial references for achieving the zero-
emission target for Australia’s domestic maritime sector.

Figure 5. Hydrogen-powered Figure 6. Hydrogen-powered

vessels by ship types. vessels by power source type.

12 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Figure 7. Selected typical hydrogen-powered vessels.

2023, Inland cargo barge, “Antonie”, 2023, Inland container barge, “H2 Barge 1”,
The Netherlands The Netherlands

2023, Tugboat, “Hydrotug 1”, 2023, Passenger ship, “San Xia Qing Zhou 1”,
Belgium China

2022, Race boat, “Chase Zero”, 2022, Offshore crew transfer vessel (CTV),
New Zealand “Hydrocat 48”, The UK

2021, Ferry, “Sea Change”, 2021, Ferry, “MF Hydra”,

The US Norway

2021, Passenger ship, “Hydro BINGO”, 2021, Inland pusher tug, “Elektra”,
Japan Germany

Note: see appendix table A1 for the sources of the pictures

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 13

Figure 8. Hydrogen-powered vessels by ship lengths.

Number of Vessels 28

3 3 1


Regarding newbuilding vessels, designers have the flexibility to incorporate

hydrogen systems by adapting traditional designs.

Retrofitting existing vessels, on the other hand, presents some complexities, as it involves replacing
diesel systems with hydrogen systems and complying with safety requirements outlined in class rules.

Figure 9 provides an overview of the distribution of new build vessels and retrofitted vessels, illustrating
the efforts in adopting hydrogen technologies in both newbuilding and retrofitting sectors.

A variety of technologies have been explored Figure 12 and Figure 13 present the distributions
and tested on the vessels. Among the existing of the power of individual FC modules and the
vessels, 36 of them utilise hydrogen as their total FC power per ship respectively, providing
primary power source, while 5 vessels employ insights into the power capacities of these
hydrogen as an auxiliary power source. vessels.

Compressed hydrogen storage is the prevailing

method adopted for onboard fuel storage, as Figure 9. Hydrogen-powered
indicated in Figure 10. However, other storage vessels by new-build or retrofit.
methods such as cryogenic liquid hydrogen and
material-based method (hydride) have also been

Figure 11 provides an overview of the distribution

of FC and internal combustion engine (ICE)
technologies used on these vessels.

A significant majority of the vessels utilise

proton exchange membrane (PEM) FCs. It is
worth noting that the existing hydrogen-powered
vessels typically have lower FC power capacities,
with a significant number of them falling below
200 kW. Only one ship’s FC power is greater than
1 MW reaching 1.2 MW.

14 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Figure 10. Hydrogen-powered vessels by
hydrogen storage methods.

Figure 11. Hydrogen-powered vessels by

energy conversion methods.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 15

Figure 12. Hydrogen-powered vessels by fuel cell single module power.

Number of Vessels


0 0

FC power (single module) /kW

Figure 13. Hydrogen-powered vessels by fuel cell power.

Number of Vessels

FC power per ship /kW

16 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


With the maturing of hydrogen-related technologies, the maritime industry is venturing into the
exploration of larger and more advanced hydrogen-powered vessels.

Several countries have set ambitious targets in this regard. Notably, the California Air Resources Board
in the US has established a goal to ensure that at least 25% of ships operating in California waters will
be powered by hydrogen FCs by 2045 (Mandra, 2022).

According to the currently available information, by 2030, at least 35 hydrogen-powered vessels are
expected to be delivered around the world. Most of these vessels will utilise PEMFCs as their primary
propulsion power source. Among them, certain vessels will have FC power ranging 2-6 MW, with the
largest vessel reaching a maximum power of 23 MW, which is equivalent to the maximum power levels
of existing fossil fuel powered ships. Detailed information about the future hydrogen-powered vessels
can be found in Appendix Table A2.

The core technologies for utilising hydrogen as an energy source in maritime applications
include energy conversion technologies (FCs or ICEs), hydrogen storage technologies, and
hydrogen bunkering technologies. This section discusses the characteristics and maturity
levels of the technologies.


The technologies of using hydrogen as a power source on vessels can be primarily divided into two
types: using hydrogen as a feedstock to generate electricity in FCs and using hydrogen as a fuel in ICEs,
where it reacts directly with oxygen to produce thermal energy.

3.1.1. Fuel Cells

Hydrogen FCs facilitate the direct conversion into Low-Temperature PEMFC (typically
of chemical energy inherent in the fuel into represented as PEMFC) and High-Temperature
electrical energy via chemical reactions. PEMFC (HT-PEMFC). The comparison of these
technologies can be found in the literature
These electrochemical devices can serve as a (ENERGY.GOV, 2023).
reliable power source for vessels. Comprising
positive and negative electrodes and an It appears that there is a preference for PEMFC
electrolyte, FCs operate through oxidation and when regarding maritime applications due to its
reduction reactions that transpire on opposing high technology readiness level. PEMFC operates
sides of the electrolyte membrane. As the at relatively low temperatures, which enhances
liberated electrons move through an external its flexibility, safety, and quick start-up.
circuit, they generate a continuous flow of
electrical energy. By sustaining a steady inflow of Figure 14 shows a schematic of a typical PEMFC.
fuel and oxidant, FCs maintain an uninterrupted It consists of anode and cathode, sandwiched
generation of electrical energy. around a PEM. Hydrogen is fed to the anode, and
air is fed to the cathode. A catalyst separates
Hydrogen FCs can be classified into various hydrogen atoms into protons and electrons,
types based on the type of electrolyte they which take different paths to the cathode.
employ, including Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC),
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), The electrons go through an external circuit,
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC), Molten creating a flow of electricity. The protons migrate
Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC), and Solid Oxide Fuel through the electrolyte to the cathode, where
Cell (SOFC). PEMFC can be further subdivided they reunite with oxygen and the electrons to
produce water and heat.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 17

When PEMFC is employed to provide power for vessels, it is commonly achieved by arranging multiple
identical FC units in series or parallel to form a FC module. Multiple FC modules are then connected in
series or parallel to create a FC stack.

The PEMFC system comprises the FC stack and its balance-of-plant (BoP) systems including hydrogen
supply system, air supply system, and cooling system, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 14. Schematic of a PEM fuel cell.

As FCs do not deliver mechanical energy as needed for propulsion, they must be combined with electric
motors. Figure 16 presents a simplified powertrain of a vessel.

As hydrogen FCs produce direct current (DC) electricity, vessels typically employ a DC distribution
system. The FC system is connected to the DC bus via a DC-DC converter, which stabilises the variable
amplitude DC electricity generated by the FC system. The DC bus is then connected to an inverter,
converting the DC electricity on the bus into alternating current (AC) electricity to power propulsion
motors and the onboard electrical grid for daily loads. The motors drive the rotation of the main
propulsion propeller or azimuth thrusters.

Figure 15. Schematic of the fuel cell power system.

18 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Figure 16. A simplified FC powertrain for a vessel.

Vessels experience frequent changes in load during navigation and operation. It is

important for the hydrogen FC system to respond promptly to these variations.

However, FCs typically require several minutes for the hybrid propulsion systems. This ensures
to adjust to sudden changes in operating the stability, reliability, and safety of ship
conditions, which may not meet the load operations.
demands of a vessel. Therefore, FC systems are
often integrated with energy storage devices Currently, there are some commercialised
such as batteries and supercapacitors, to form maritime PEMFC systems in the market. Table
hybrid propulsion systems, as depicted in Figure 1 presents selected maritime PEMFC suppliers
16. Energy storage devices come into service in and their product parameters, where the
load variations. maximum nominal rated output power is 600
kW. To achieve higher power output, individual
When the ship requires low power and the FC FC modules can be connected in series and/or
system generates excess electricity, it can be parallel to form a FC stack assembly to meet the
used to charge the energy storage device via power demands of vessels.
the DC bus. On the other hand, from the Safe
Return to Port (SrtP) perspective, the energy Nevertheless, the primary limitations of these
storage device such as battery is necessary and maritime PEMFC products lie in their substantial
its capacity should be sufficient, particularly for weight and size. The most compact design
passenger ships. It is crucial to employ energy currently available is 4.7 kg/kW and occupies
management coordination and control systems 0.0072 m3/kW, making it considerably heavier
to regulate the flow of different energy sources and larger than traditional maritime ICEs.

Table 1. Selected market available maritime FC systems.


Ballard Canada 100-200 (Ballard, 2023)

(Nedstack, 2023a,
Nedstack The Netherlands 120-600

TECO 2030 Norway 325 (TECO 2030, 2023)

CSSC China 70 (GGFC, 2021b)

Yanmar Japan 300 (Yanmar, 2023)

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 19

3.1.2. Internal Combustion Engines

The predominant propulsion systems utilised on ships at present are centred around ICEs.

The adoption of hydrogen as a fuel provides the possibility to modify existing engine
concepts to accommodate hydrogen, while also facilitating the development of dedicated
engine designs for hydrogen fuel.

The structure and working principles of hydrogen ICEs are similar to conventional ones. It can operate
with lower-grade hydrogen which is handy for specific use cases. Nevertheless, achieving optimal
performance in a hydrogen ICE poses a significant challenge. Due to hydrogen’s low ignition energy, hot
gases and hot spots on the cylinder can act as potential ignition sources, leading to issues such as
premature ignition and flashback. Additionally, the broad flammability range of hydrogen implies that a
hot spot can ignite nearly any mixture it encounters.

Therefore, hydrogen ICE has not yet been used commercially on a large scale. Some engine
manufacturers, for instance, Cummins, Toyota, and Yamaha, have been testing hydrogen engines
to mitigate the risks associated with hydrogen (Cummins, 2022; Frangoul, 2022). To mitigate risks,
hydrogen-diesel dual fuel engines are under development or tested (Ghazal, 2019; Schwartz, 2022). The
world’s first hydrogen-fuelled tugboat uses a hydrogen-diesel dual fuel ICE (MarineLink, 2022). However,
utilising dual-fuel engines cannot achieve zero-emission target, and it is essential to ensure that NOx
emissions comply with the international and flag regulations.


The density of hydrogen gas at standard atmosphere is 0.084 kg/m3. Hydrogen’s boiling point is -252.77
°C, its melting point is -259.1 °C, and its critical point is -240 °C at 1.32 MPa. Therefore, Hydrogen
storage onboard is challenging. As shown in Figure 17, hydrogen can be stored using physical-based
methods, such as compressed hydrogen, cryogenic liquid hydrogen, and cryogenic compressed liquid
hydrogen, and material-based methods, including using liquid chemical hydrogen carriers, metal
hydrides, and adsorbents.

Figure 17. Hydrogen storage methods.

Compressed hydrogen

Physical-based methods Cryogenic liquid hydrogen

Cryogenic compressed liquid

Liquid chemical
hydrogen carrier

Material-based methods Metal hydride


20 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

3.2.1. Physical-based storage

(1) Compressed hydrogen

Compressed hydrogen storage refers to the storage of hydrogen gas under high pressure, and the
required pressure level depends on specific applications.

For maritime applications, the volume of hydrogen is a critical factor for vessel designs, so
higher pressures are necessary. Higher pressure means more hydrogen can be stored, allowing
for longer distances to be travelled, but it also requires additional safety precautions.

As a result, two typical pressure levels, 350 While cryogenic liquid hydrogen technologies
and 700 bar, are currently used in the maritime have been utilised in the aerospace industry for
sector. Some demonstration projects use lower several decades in the US and China (Ustolin et
pressure, for instances 200 and 300 bar, to al., 2022), they are prohibitively expensive for
reduce the risk of hydrogen release. civilian applications. Currently, there is only one
known hydrogen-powered vessel named “MF
Compressed hydrogen gas storage tanks are Hydra” in Norway that utilises cryogenic liquid
categorised into Type I, II, III, IV, and V (Figure hydrogen for storing hydrogen (Ivan Østvik, 2021).
18) based on their construction and operational
characteristics (Langmi et al., 2022). (3) Cryogenic compressed hydrogen

Type I tanks are made of metal and are heavy, Cryogenic compressed hydrogen storage involves
suitable for low-pressure storage. Type II tanks storing hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures
are also made of metal but have an additional in a pressurised vessel (for example, at 300
layer for increased pressure resistance. Type III bar). This method differs from conventional
tanks’ liners are made of metal and their wrap cryogenic storage, which stores liquid
layers are made of composite materials, such as hydrogen at near-ambient pressures. Cryogenic
carbon fibre reinforced polymer, offering higher compressed hydrogen storage can encompass
strength and reduced weight. Type IV tanks are liquid hydrogen, cold compressed hydrogen,
entirely composite, utilising composite materials or hydrogen in a two-phase region (saturated
and a plastic liner, providing excellent strength- liquid and vapour) (Langmi et al., 2022). It
to-weight ratios and high-pressure capabilities. offers the potential for even higher densities
Type V tanks do not have an internal liner so the compared to cryogenic liquid hydrogen. However,
composite acts as both the gas barrier and load achieving these densities requires specific design
bearing structure for further weight reduction considerations, including effective thermal
and increased capacity (Air et al., 2023). insulation and the incorporation of a high-
pressure accumulator. Consequently, cryogenic
The choice of tank type depends on the specific compressed hydrogen storage systems often
application’s requirements regarding pressure, have thicker walls and increased weight.
weight, storage capacity, and cost. Type III and IV
tanks have been used on the existing hydrogen- While this storage method shows promise in
powered vessels (Figure 10). meeting volumetric capacity requirements in
the maritime industry, it suffers from high
(2) Cryogenic liquid hydrogen manufacturing, operating, and maintenance
The storage of hydrogen in a liquefied state
offers the highest storage density, making it a
preferred option for minimising storage size.
Liquid hydrogen storage has the added benefit Figure 18. Type I-V compressed hydrogen tanks.
of being able to be stored at a low pressure
of approximately 4 bar. However, the major
disadvantage is that hydrogen becomes liquid
at an extreme low temperature of -253°C (at
atmospheric pressure), requiring specialised
cryogenic tanks with reliable thermal insulation
to reduce vapourisation caused by heating.
Additionally, the current industrial capacity to
produce liquid hydrogen is relatively low, which Source: AFP (2022)
poses a challenge for the widespread adoption of
this storage method.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 21

3.2.2. Material-based Storage

(1) Liquid chemical hydrogen carrier advantages of metal hydrides for hydrogen
storage is their high volumetric storage
Numerous chemical compounds can react capacities. This characteristic enables a safer
with hydrogen and act as chemical storage. and more compact storage solution compared to
The promising chemical compounding forms conventional methods such as compressed and
are liquid ammonia, methanol, or liquid cryogenic storage (Gray, 2007; Hirscher et al.,
organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) such as 2020). Metal hydrides can be classified into three
methylcyclohexane (MCH) and dibenzyl toluene groups: intermetallic hydrides, binary hydrides,
(DBT) (Hydrogen Council, 2021; Meca et al., 2022). and complex metal hydrides (Langmi et al.,
Ammonia is a compound of hydrogen and
nitrogen in the form of NH3 synthesised via the More than 50 metallic elements of the periodic
Haber-Bosch process (MacFarlane et al., 2020). table can absorb hydrogen in good quantities;
Methanol is a hydrogen carrier in the form of hence, the possible choices of hydride materials
CH3OH. The reaction of H2 with CO2 to form are enormous. But only some of them are
methanol and water (IRENA, 2021). LOHCs are suitable for hydrogen storage at moderate
emerging hydrogen carriers, where hydrogen temperatures and pressures. For example,
is stored inside a LOHC molecule (exothermic LaNi5, FeTi, and Mg2Ni. In practical applications,
hydrogenation) and released (endothermic containers for hydrogen storage are filled with
dehydrogenation) at the point of consumption. metal powders that can absorb and release
Then, the dehydrogenated LOHC returns to hydrogen as required. When hydrogen is
the hydrogenation point to start a new cycle absorbed by a metal hydride, heat is released. To
(Niermann et al., 2021). release the stored hydrogen, the hydride needs
to be heated. However, the utilisation of metal
These chemical compounding forms can be
hydrides for maritime applications is limited
stored under relatively easy conditions compared
due to the complexity of hydrogenation and
to compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen.
dehydrogenation processes onboard.
Liquid ammonia can be stored at minus 33 °C
under atmospheric pressure or at 0.8−1.0 MPa (3) Adsorption storage
under atmospheric temperature (Al-Aboosi et
al., 2021; Fan et al., 2022; Valera-Medina et al., In the adsorption storage of hydrogen, hydrogen
2021). Methanol and LOHCs can be stored in molecules are bound to the surface of the pores
liquid forms at normal temperature and pressure of the materials through physical interaction
(McKinlay et al., 2021; Raab et al., 2021). However, (physisorption), which involves weak van
the use of liquid chemical hydrogen carriers der Waals forces. Numerous materials have
can be constrained by reversibility issues, as been extensively studied for their potential in
not all compounds can efficiently regenerate hydrogen storage via adsorption. These materials
pure hydrogen during the release process. range from traditional options like zeolites and
Additionally, the onboard dehydrogenation activated carbon to advanced ones such as
processes consume a significant amount of carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, zeolite-templated
energy, rendering them uncompetitive for carbons, as well as more recent categories like
maritime applications. metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent
organic frameworks (COFs), and polymers of
(2) Metal hydride intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) (Langmi et al.,
2022). However, the practical implementation of
Hydrogen interacts with various metals and
hydrogen storage management using adsorption
alloys at various temperatures and pressures
is complex and not yet fully developed for
to form metal hydrides. One of the significant
maritime applications.

3.2.3. Suitable Hydrogen Storage Methods on Ships

Table 4 provides an overview of various storage technologies (Andersson & Grönkvist, 2019;
Andersson et al., 2020; B.Gupta, 2009; Langmi et al., 2022; Niermann et al., 2019; Sekine & Higo,
2021; Toyota, 2023; Züttel, 2003).

Notably, the list is not exhaustive, as new methods are continuously being developed, and
extensive research is underway to improve the technologies (Hirscher et al., 2020).

22 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Table 2. Comparison of hydrogen storage types.

Volumetric Storage
H2 density (kg/ Relative
Storage type State energy density density
m3) 1 density
(MJ/m3) 2 (wt%) 3

Gas 0.084 10.08 1 /

Compressed 23 (350bar); 2760 (350bar); (350bar);
Gas (Type IV
hydrogen 42 (700 bar) 5040 (700 bar) 500 (700

7800 (-237 °C, 774 (-237 °C,

Cryogenic Liquid 65 (-237 °C,
Liquid 4bar); 8520 4bar); 845 10
hydrogen 4bar); 71 (-253 °C)
(-253 °C) (-253 °C)

88 (-253 °C, 10,560 (-253 °C, 1048 (-253
compressed Liquid 9
300bar) 300bar) °C, 300bar)

Liquid ammonia 1440 (-33

Liquid 121 (-33 °C) 14,520 (-33 °C) 17.8
(Chemical carrier) °C)

Liquid 99 11,880 1179 12.1
(Chemical carrier)

MCH (Chemical
Liquid 47.3 5676 563 6.16

DBT (Chemical
Liquid 56.4 6768 671 6.21

Mg2FeH6 (Metal
Solid 150 18,000 1786 5.6

LaNi5H6 (Metal
Solid 117 14,040 1393 1.3

FeTiH1.7 (Metal
Solid 113 13,560 1345 1.7

MgH2 (Metal
Solid 109 13,080 1298 7.7

LiBH4 (Metal
Solid 121 14,520 1440 18

Carbon 214 (>100

Solid 18 (>100 °C) 2160 (>100 °C) 1-2
(Adsorbent) °C)

600-5400 (>100 60-536

MOFs (Adsorbent) Solid 5-45 (>100 °C) 1-5
°C) (>100 °C)

Zeolite 1320-14,640 131-1452

Solid 11-122 (>100 °C) 1-2
(Adsorbent) (>100 °C) (>100 °C)

Note: 1 If not specified, the data is based on Normal Temperature and Pressure; 2 The lower heating value (LHV) is 120 MJ/kg;
3 Weight percentage (wt%) defines the net usable specific energy from the standpoint of the total onboard storage system,
not just the storage medium.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 23

Compressed hydrogen storage technology has attained a mature stage and has been employed in the
maritime industry. Similarly, the practical use of cryogenic liquid hydrogen has made advancements.

Both compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen tanks have lifespans that align with the
operational lifespan of vessels. As a result, in the short term, these two methods of hydrogen
storage are poised to become the mainstream approaches in the maritime industry.

Looking towards the future, material-based storage methods hold potential for maritime use.
Specifically, metal hydrides are well-suited for maritime applications due to their safety advantages and
high hydrogen storage efficiency. However, technological advancements are necessary to ensure that
fuel supply matches the real-time fluctuating characteristics of FCs or engine fuel demands.

On the other hand, the potential of liquid chemical hydrogen carriers is limited due to the complexity
and high energy consumption involved in the dehydrogenation process. It is important to note that this
conclusion is specific to hydrogen-powered vessels. Ammonia and methanol can be directly used as
fuels for ship ICEs, although the advantages in this aspect are beyond the scope of this research.

It is worth noting that compared to traditional marine fossil fuels such as diesel and LNG, hydrogen has
a relatively high lower heating value (LHV), 120 MJ/kg, which is 2.8 times that of diesel (42.7 MJ/kg) and
2.2 times that of LNG (53.6 MJ/kg). However, due to hydrogen’s low density, its volumetric energy density
is much lower than that of fossil fuels. For example, the volumetric energy density of hydrogen at 350
bar pressure (2760 MJ/m3) and cryogenic liquid hydrogen (8520 MJ/m3) is only 0.07 times and 0.23
times that of diesel (37,363 MJ/m3), respectively, and 0.11 times and 0.35 times that of LNG (24,120 MJ/
m3), respectively. Even with high-efficiency solid-state hydrogen storage, its volumetric energy density
still lags significantly behind fossil fuels. This presents challenges for vessel designs.

Figure 19. Compressed hydrogen

3.3. HYDROGEN BUNKERING bunkering station

As compressed hydrogen and cryogenic liquid

hydrogen are the viable storage options for vessels
in the short term, the focus of fuel bunkering is
primarily on these two forms of hydrogen. In the
case of compressed hydrogen, land-based refuelling
technologies for vehicles can be utilised for ship
bunkering. For example, a compressed hydrogen
bunkering station has been built in China (IN-EN. (a) Layout of the station
com, 2023), as depicted in Figure 19.

Additionally, the mobile compressed hydrogen

bunkering method has been employed by the
“Hydrocat 48” (CMB.TECH, 2022), as shown in
Figure 20. As for cryogenic liquid hydrogen, similar
to LNG, bunkering can take place through shore-
based station-to-ship, truck-to-ship, or ship-
to-ship modes (Fan et al., 2021). The world’s
first liquid hydrogen fuelled vessel, “MF Hydra”, (b) Hydrogen tanks
employs the truck-to-ship bunkering mode, as
illustrated in Figure 21 (Ivan Østvik, 2021). For
small-sized vessels, the portable tank swap mode
can be a convenient option for both compressed
and cryogenic liquid hydrogen. For example, the
passenger vessel, “Hydro Bingo”, is equipped with a
mobile hydrogen trailer at the stern (Figure 22). Via
a ramp, the trailer can be unloaded easily and can
be brought to a refuelling station (CMB.TECH, 2021).
(c) Bunkering arm

24 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Figure 20. Mobile compressed
hydrogen bunkering truck.

Source: CMB.TECH (2022)

Figure 21. Cryogenic liquid hydrogen

bunkering truck.

Source: Ivan Østvik (2021)

Figure 22. Hydrogen tank trailer onboard

“Hydro Bingo”.

Source: CMB.TECH (2021)

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 25

The total cost of ownership (TCO) is the key factor in determining the feasibility of a
hydrogen-powered vessel.

The TCO of a hydrogen-powered vessel can be evaluated from three aspects: capital expenditure
(CAPEX), operational expenditure (OPEX), and carbon benefits. CAPEX primarily includes the initial
investment in the hydrogen fuel system, while OPEX mainly consists of fuel costs, ship maintenance
costs, parts replacement costs (FC system and battery replacement), and carbon taxes. This section
introduces the fundamental data pertaining to CAPEX and OPEX. In terms of energy conversion, this
section only considers commercially available hydrogen FC systems due to ICE technologies being in the
research and development stage.


The primary initial investment for hydrogen FC-powered ships comprises hydrogen storage equipment,
FC systems (including FC stacks and associated BoP systems), and batteries. The cost estimation is
based on land-based equipment or systems. However, it is important to note that the investment cost
of marine equipment and systems is considerably higher than similar products used on land. This is
primarily due to the necessity of meeting stringent maritime environmental standards (such as vibration
resistance and withstanding high-salinity environments) and obtaining certification from classification

4.1.1. Hydrogen Storage Equipment

Among the feasible maritime hydrogen fuel storage methods, only compressed high-pressure gaseous
hydrogen storage that have reached the commercial application stage. Therefore, this report only
provides the estimated investment costs for high-pressure hydrogen tanks. Currently, hydrogen tanks
for land-based vehicles have reached a certain market size. This report considers the cost of marine
hydrogen tanks by multiplying the cost of automotive hydrogen tanks by 1.5 as the investment cost for
marine hydrogen tanks.

In 2021, the US Department of Energy (DOE) evaluated the cost of 700 bar Type IV hydrogen tanks for
long haul trucks, which included integrated valves and regulators. Based on higher end of the cost range
in DOE’s report (Houchins et al., 2021), this study estimated the 2022 constant cost of Type IV tank
system for maritime use, as shown in Figure 23. The estimated cost range for 700 bar Type IV tanks for
maritime use is AUD1490-2210 per kg of hydrogen; the estimated cost range for 350 bar Type IV tanks for
maritime use is AUD1192-1768 per kg of hydrogen.

Figure 23. Estimated cost of Type IV tank system for maritime use.


700 bar Type IV

tank for ships
AUD IN 2022 (kgH2)

350 bar Type IV
1473 1490
tank for ships
1295 1192
1079 700 bar Type IV
993 tank for trucks

Note: The currency exchange rate

in 2021 was 1 USD = 1.3323 AUD;
the conversion factor for hydrogen
energy is 1 kg H2 = 33.33 kWh; a
1000 5000 10000 factor of 1.5 was considered for
maritime use; the inflation rate
between 2021 and 2022 was 6.6%
Production capacity (systems/year)” (RBA, 2023).

26 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

4.1.2. Hydrogen Fuel Cell System

PEM FC systems for automotive applications have reached commercial scale in the market. However, the
power range of FC systems used in vehicles is smaller compared to those used in marine applications.
Therefore, evaluating the cost of marine PEMFC systems based on automotive FC system costs would
be inaccurate.

The US DOE evaluated the costs of 100 kW and 250 kW PEMFCs for land-based applications (Battelle
Memorial Institute, 2016). This power range is close to the power range of small-scale vessels. Hence,
this report relies on the conclusions drawn by the US DOE to assess the cost of marine PEMFC systems.
Figure 24 provide the estimated 2022 constant costs of PEMFC systems and FC stacks. For PEMFC
systems with a power output of 100-250 kW, the cost range is projected to be between AUD3486 and
7499 per kW, depending on the scale of production. As for PEMFC stacks, the cost range is estimated to
be between AUD504 and 812 per kW, depending on the production scale.

Figure 24. Estimated costs of PEMFC systems and PEMFC stacks for maritime use.


AUD IN 2022 (/kW)

Production capaxcity:
1000 systems/year

Production capaxcity:
1000 systems/year


100 kW 250 kW

Power of a PEMFC system

Production capaxcity:
1000 systems/year
AUD IN 2022 (/kW)

Production capaxcity:
1000 systems/year
Note: The analysis does not account
for fluctuations in raw material
prices; the currency exchange rate
504 in 2016 was 1 USD = 1.3457 AUD; a
factor of 1.5 is applied to estimate
the cost for maritime applications;
the inflation rate between 2016 and
2022 was 16.7% (RBA, 2023).
100 kW 250 kW

Power of a PEMFC stack

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 27

4.1.3. Battery Pack

Lithium-ion batteries have reached a mature and well-commercialized state in the vehicle industry, and
this study considers them as the energy storage device. According to the US DOE, the cost of an electric
vehicle lithium-ion battery pack has seen a significant decline of 89% between 2008 and 2022 (using
2022 constant dollars) (DOE, 2023).

In 2022, the estimated cost was USD 153/kWh on a usable-energy basis for production at a scale of at
least 100,000 units per year. This represents a considerable reduction compared to the cost of USD1355/
kWh in 2008. The decline in cost can be attributed to advancements in battery technologies and
chemistries, as well as increased manufacturing volume. Consequently, the estimated 2022 constant
cost of a lithium-ion battery for maritime use 2022 is 331 AUD/kWh, as illustrated in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Estimated cost of Lithium-ion batteries for maritime use.

Cost in 2022 constant dollars (/kWh)


Electric vehicle: USD (2022 constant dollars)

Maritime vehicle: AUD (2022 constant dollars)

Note: The currency exchange rate in 2022 was 1 USD = 1.4421 AUD; a factor of 1.5 is applied to estimate the cost for
maritime applications; a factor of 1.5 is applied to estimate the cost for maritime applications.

28 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


The OPEX primarily come from fuel prices and the costs of system replacement and maintenance.

4.2.1. Hydrogen Fuel Cost

When determining the price of hydrogen fuel for ships, it is essential to consider various cost factors
such as production, storage, transport, and bunkering operations.

Projections indicate that the costs of hydrogen production from renewable sources are
expected to decrease, primarily driven by the declining costs of wind and solar power, as well
as advancements in water electrolysers.

According to estimates by BloombergNEF, by However, the FC stack is anticipated to be

2050, the production costs of green hydrogen replaced several times depending on different
could potentially range from USD0.7 to 1.6 per ship types throughout the ship’s lifespan.
kg in most countries, signifying a significant
reduction in costs (BloombergNEF, 2020). The cycle life of batteries refers to the number
Australia has set a target to reduce the of charge and discharge cycles that a battery
production cost of green hydrogen to AUD2 per can undergo before experiencing a decline
kg, while currently, the cost ranges from AUD4 to in performance. In the case of Lithium-ion
6 per kg (Chang, 2022). batteries, the cycle life is significantly influenced
by the depth of discharge, which indicates the
Furthermore, it is important to consider that extent to which the battery’s storage capacity is
the construction and operation of a hydrogen utilised.
bunkering station generally entail an additional
cost of approximately AUD9 (USD6) per kg of For example, a battery that is discharged
hydrogen (BIS Research, 2023). only by 20% of its full energy capacity has a
much greater cycle life than a battery that is
According to the Hydrogen Vehicle Refuelling discharged more deeply by 80% of its capacity.
Infrastructure Report published by Australian If a depth of discharge of 50% is considered, the
government scientific research agency CSIRO cycle life of a Lithium-ion battery is estimated
(CSIRO, 2023a), the levelised cost of hydrogen to be around 8,000 cycles (Qadrdan et al., 2018).
dispensed by refuelling stations in Australia Based on this estimation, it is anticipated that
could range from AUD6.78-15.60/kg. In terms of a Lithium-ion battery pack would need to be
energy value, this translates to approximately replaced several times over the lifespan of the
AUD0.057-0.13 per megajoule (MJ) of energy. ship.

4.2.2. System Replacement and 4.2.3. Carbon Taxes

Maintenance Cost
To reduce the price gap between fossil
The Balance-of-Plant (BOP) of the FC system fuels and zero-emission alternative fuels,
has a projected lifetime of 20 years, while the many countries and shipping companies are
FC stack is expected to run for approximately considering implementing carbon taxes on
24,000-30,000 hours. Typically, a vessel’s lifespan fossil fuels. Although Australia has yet to
ranges from 25 to 30 years. implement a carbon tax on marine fossil fuels,
the introduction of a carbon price is a possible
Based on these figures, it can be concluded that trend. Green hydrogen-powered vessels do
the BOP does not require replacement during not need to pay carbon taxes, which is an
the operational life of the ship with proper advantageous factor.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 29

In the maritime industry, the regulatory framework resembles a pyramid structure. At the
pinnacle are IMO regulations, followed by flag states’ regulations, classification societies’
rules, international and national standards, and guidelines from professional organisations.
For hydrogen-powered vessels, Figure 29 shows the status and progress of the regulatory

Figure 29. Status and progress of the regulatory framework for hydrogen-powered vessels.

IGF Code;
SOLAS regulation II-1/55;
MSC.1/Circ.1647: Interim guidelines for the safety of ships using fuel cell power
MSC.1/Circ.1212/Rev.1 and MSC.1/Circ.1455: Alternative design and arrangement Flag
AMSA: Novel vessel policy statement 2022

ABS: Hydrogen as marine fuel; BV:NR 547: Fuel cell power systems
Societies’ rules
on board ships; CCS: Guidelines Classification Societies’ rules for
Ships Using Alternative Fuels; DNV: Part 6 Chapter 2 Section 3
Fuel Cell Installations- FC; KR: Guidance for Fuel Cell Systems on ISO, IEC
Board of Ships LR: Appendix LR3- Requirements for Ships Using
Hydrogen as Fuel
National Standards...

Guidelines issued by
IEC 62282 series: Fuel cell technologies; IS014687;
profesional guidelines
Hydrogen fuel quality— Product specification; ISO/
TR 15916: Gaseous hydrogen- cylinders and tubes for
stationary storage; ISO 26142: Hydrogen detection
apparatus; ISO/TS 19880-1: Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling
stations; Standards Australia: ME-093.

SGMF: Hydrogen as a marine fuel an introduction; ABS: Sustainability whitepaper: Hydrogen as marine fuel;
DNV: Handbook for hydrogen-fuelled vessels


Using hydrogen on ships falls within the purview of the IMO International Code of Safety for Ships Using
Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code). Following the 5th session of the IMO Sub-Committee
on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers in 2018, the correspondence group of the IGF Code initiated the
drafting of the guidelines of utilising FC power installations on ships. In 2022, the IMO issued the Interim
Guidelines for the Safety of Ships Using FC Power Installations (MSC.1/Circ.1647), which outlined safety
design requirements for ships equipped with FC installations.

However, these guidelines did not address hydrogen storage and bunkering procedures on ships.
Currently, the IGF Code correspondence group is drafting the full requirements for hydrogen FC
powered vessels, which are expected to be finalised until 2025-26. Thus, at the moment, alternative
design method should be used according to IGF Code Part A: 2.3, where state “The equivalence of the
alternative design shall be demonstrated as specified in SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea) regulation II-1/55 and approved by the Administration.”

During implementing SOLAS regulation II-1/55, the documents, MSC.1/Circ.1212 Guidelines on alternative
design and arrangements for SOLAS chapters II-1 and III and MSC.1/Circ.1455 Guidelines for the approval
of alternatives and equivalents as provided for in various IMO instruments, shall be referred.

30 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


The AMSA issued the Novel Vessel Policy Statement in June 2022 (AMSA, 2022). It clarified the novel
vessel certification pathway, stating that “a novel vessel must be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the class rules of a recognised organisation.” Where a recognised organisation’s rules
do not extend to a novel vessel, then risk assessment-based method can be accepted.


Classification societies have created their rules or guidelines for the use of hydrogen as a marine
fuel, as listed in Table 3. In cases where a classification society has established a comprehensive set
of rules for adopting hydrogen on vessels, which address specific requirements not covered by the
IMO’s regulations, the flag administration, AMSA, may accept the application of these rules to facilitate
alternative design approaches. Furthermore, the rules developed by classification societies can serve as
a foundation for the development of future IMO regulations.

Table 3. Classification societies’ rules or guidelines.

Classification Society Rules or guidelines Ref.

Requirements for hydrogen fueled

ABS (ABS, 2023)

NR 547: Fuel cell power systems on

BV (BV, 2022)
board ships

Guidelines for Ships Using

CCS (CCS, 2021)
Alternative Fuels

Rules Part 6 Chapter 2 Section 3

DNV (DNV, 2022)
Fuel Cell Installations

Guidance for Fuel Cell Systems on

KR (KR, 2022)
Board of Ships

LR3 – Requirements for Ships Using

LR (LR, 2023)
Hydrogen as Fuel


The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) have established hydrogen standards that primarily focus on safety and testing
requirements for road vehicles. These standards, listed in Table 4, are widely adopted as regulatory
components in several countries including Australia. However, there is currently an inadequate set of
standards to comprehensively address hydrogen applications on ships.

In Australia, Standards Australia’s Hydrogen Technologies committee, ME-093, was constituted to

develop or adopt hydrogen standards to promote Australian decarbonisation transition (Standards
Australia, 2019). The working scope of ME-93 spans the entire hydrogen value chain including the
mobility use applications.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 31

Table 4. Selected international hydrogen standards.

Category Standard number Title

Utilisation IEC 62282 series Fuel cell technologies

ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality — Product specification

ISO 16110 series Hydrogen generators using fuel processing technologies

Storage ISO/TR 15916 Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems

Gaseous hydrogen - cylinders and tubes for stationary

ISO 15399

ISO 26142 Hydrogen detection apparatus

Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection

Refuelling ISO 17268

ISO/TS 19880-1 Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations


Professional organisations are actively taking part in bridging the knowledge and expertise gaps related
to hydrogen-powered vessels. The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) has released an introductory
book that focuses on the utilisation of hydrogen as a marine fuel. Classification societies like ABS and
DNV have also published whitepapers and handbooks to provide guidance to the industry on the use of
hydrogen. Table 5 summarises these publications.

Table 5. Professional organisations’ guidelines.

Organisation Publications Ref.

Hydrogen as a marine fuel: an

SGMF (SGMF, 2023)

Sustainability whitepaper: Hydrogen

ABS (ABS, 2021)
as marine fuel

Handbook for hydrogen-fuelled

DNV (DNV, 2021)

32 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Hydrogen-powered ships require specialised systems and infrastructure that differ from
conventional fuel-powered vessels. Proper training is essential to equip personnel with the
necessary technical knowledge to understand and operate these specialised systems safely
and efficiently.

The training should encompass ship crew members as well as bunkering workers. This section provides
an overview of the essential steps and actions required for effective training.


The inclusion of crew training requirements The hydrogen fuel bunkering requires qualified
for hydrogen-powered ships in the IMO personnel to perform the operation. Due to
International Convention on Standards of limited practical experience with hydrogen
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for bunkering in the world, there are challenges
Seafarers (STCW convention) is still pending. in providing practical training for hydrogen
Additionally, AMSA has yet to establish crew bunkering. Some countries have set up hydrogen
training requirements specifically for hydrogen- education systems (Beasy et al., 2023; Nowotny
powered vessels. Drawing from the crew training et al., 2014; Reijalt, 2010). In Australia, a National
requirements for LNG-powered ships outlined in Hydrogen Skills and Training Analysis has been
the STCW convention, it is advisable that crew conducted in 2022 to identify and plan for the
training for hydrogen-powered ships incorporates future skills and training needs of Australians
both theoretical and practical components. The working with hydrogen (PWC, 2021). However,
training concept can be divided into various these efforts did not specifically address
methods as follows: the training needs for hydrogen bunkering
» Courses: These can be conducted in a
classroom setting or through e-learning modules To address the challenge of insufficient training
to provide theoretical knowledge on hydrogen preparation for hydrogen bunkering, this research
systems. provides the following solutions:
» Training with simulation programs: Utilising » Developing practical training programs specific
simulation programs, crew members can gain to hydrogen bunkering operations, which cover
practical knowledge and experience in the safe handling procedures, emergency response
handling of hydrogen systems. protocols, and maintenance practices.
» Trainings/Demonstrations: This stage involves » Engaging professional hydrogen experts from the
practical applications and can take place on land transport and aerospace industries who
an actual ship or within a real hydrogen facility. can provide practical knowledge and hands-on
These sessions aim to deepen and consolidate training exercises to enhance the skill set of
the practical knowledge that has already been port professionals in the hydrogen bunkering
acquired. sector.
By incorporating these training methods, crew » Establishing continuous professional
members can acquire the necessary skills and development programs to keep personnel
expertise to operate hydrogen-powered ships updated with the latest technologies and safety
safely and effectively. practices in hydrogen bunkering field.

Image courtesy of Huon Aquaculture

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 33

The supply chain and bunkering infrastructure for hydrogen fuel have yet been established
in Australia. Meanwhile, the commercialisation of maritime hydrogen FC is still limited, with
feasible single-vessel total power remaining within 2 MW.

Taking these factors into consideration, in the initial stages, feasible hydrogen-powered ships should
primarily target small vessels operating on fixed routes. This approach ensures both the practicality of
fuel bunkering and the availability of hydrogen power system. It is crucial to prioritise the development
of a robust supply chain and scalable FCs for large vessels before gradually expanding the application of
hydrogen to larger ships.

Currently, ferries, port working vessels (dredger, floating crane, pilot boat, tugboat, etc), aquaculture
support vessels, and offshore wind farm support vessels are considered suitable for using hydrogen for
they often operate on fixed routes with predetermined schedules, making them well-suited for hydrogen
bunkering infrastructure planning. With proper infrastructure in place, these vessels can be bunkered
during scheduled stops or overnight, ensuring continuous operation without disruptions.

Safety is of paramount importance for adopting hydrogen on vessels. This section identifies hydrogen’s
safety hazards and preventions and proposes a safe design process for hydrogen powered vessels.


Hydrogen bunkering, storage, and utilisation present potential safety hazards that can be categorised
as physical hazards (related to phase changes, component failures, and embrittlement) and chemical
hazards (such as ignition and burning). Many historical incidents and accidents involve a combination of
both physical and chemical hazards.

The most significant hazard associated with hydrogen is the inadvertent creation of a flammable or
detonable mixture, which can result in fires or explosions. Enhancing safety requires ship designers and
crew to have a thorough understanding of the specific hazards associated with hydrogen handling. Table
6 lists the hydrogen safety hazards and preventions (NASA, 1997).

34 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Table 6. Hydrogen safety hazards and preventions.

Hazards Description Prevention

Leak Deformed seals or gaskets, valve The construction quality of piping

misalignment, or failures of flanges or and tanks and well-designed
equipment usually cause leaks. A leak monitoring and detection
may cause further failures of construction systems are essential to mitigate
materials. hydrogen leaks.

Dispersion Gaseous hydrogen is lighter than air, Monitoring and detection systems
making the cloud positively buoyant. The should be in place to capture
dispersion of the cloud is affected by wind flammable hydrogen cloud.
speed and direction and can be influenced
by atmospheric turbulence and nearby

Ignition Fires and explosions could occur due There shall be no ignition
to various ignition sources, including sources, such as from open
mechanical sparks from rapidly closing flames, electrical equipment,
valves, electrostatic discharges in or heating equipment in rooms
ungrounded particulate filters, sparks from containing hydrogen systems.
electrical equipment, welding and cutting
operations, catalyst particles, and lightning
strikes near the vent stack.

Fire and A hydrogen-air-oxygen flame is colourless. Fire and explosion can be

explosion Any visibility is caused by impurities. At prevented if there is a missing
reduced pressures, a pale blue or purple part of the fire triangle,
flame may be present. A deflagration could representing fuel, heat, and
occur if a mixture within flammability limits oxygen.
is ignited at a single point. A detonation
could occur if the hydrogen-air mixture is
within detonability limits, and an appropriate
energy source is available. A deflagration
could transform into a detonation if there
is confinement or a mechanism for flame

Vent and Vent and exhaust system accidents are Backflow of air can be prevented
exhaust attributed to inadequate ventilation and the with suitable vent stack designs,
system inadvertent entry of air into the vent. provision of makeup air (or
accident adequate supply of inert gas as
the situation demands), check
valves, or molecular seals.

Hydrogen There are three types of hydrogen Hydrogen embrittlement is

Embrittlement embrittlement: hydrogen reaction related to the carbon content in
embrittlement, internal hydrogen metal alloys. Generally, high-
embrittlement, and environmental strength steels, titanium alloys,
hydrogen embrittlement (Verfondern, 2022). and aluminium alloys are prone
When hydrogen embrittlement occurs, to hydrogen embrittlement.
containment systems may fail, and the Pure unalloyed aluminium has
subsequent spills and leaks will create high resistance to hydrogen
hazards when the mechanical properties embrittlement, 316-grade
of materials degrade from hydrogen stainless steel and copper-nickel
embrittlement. alloy can be used in hydrogen
tanks, and copper can be used in
low-pressure equipment.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 35

Based on the safety hazards and protective measures related to hydrogen, this study proposes the
utilisation of the Bow-tie diagram model, as depicted in Figure 27, to address the safety design
considerations for a hydrogen-powered ship. The top event in the Bow-tie diagram is defined as a
hydrogen fire or explosion.

The causes represented on the left side of the diagram include ship structure, fuel containment,
detection and control, and ignition source control. The consequences depicted on the right side of
the diagram encompass fire and explosion protection, communication, evacuation, and rescue. Safety
barriers are suggested based on the protective measures identified in Table 6.

Figure 27. Bow-tie diagram model for the safety design of a hydrogen-powered vessel.


Given the lack of specific IMO and flag state regulations for hydrogen-powered vessels, this study
proposes a safe design process outlined in Figure 28. The design process incorporates both the
regulatory established design method and an alternative risk-based design method. For ship stability
and load line, ship structural strength, and non-hydrogen mechanical and electrical installations, the
established regulations and rules can be followed. However, for hydrogen-related systems and safety
measures, the alternative risk-based methods should be employed.

The safety goals for a hydrogen-powered vessel are defined in existing regulations and rules,
but the specific means to achieve those goals should be determined through comprehensive
risk assessments that cover ship layout, gas detection and alarm systems, firefighting
systems, and emergency response plans.

It is recommended to seek an Approval in Principle (AIP) from classification societies before proceeding
with preliminary, contract, and detailed designs. Statutory and class documents will be developed for
approval, after which the construction phase can commence.

36 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report

Figure 28. Safe design process of a hydrogen-powered vessel.

Alternative Risk-based Design process Established Regulatory Design Process

Requirements Requirements
» IGF Code » IMO regulations
» SOLAS II-1/55 » Flag state’s regulations
» Class rules and guidelines » Class rules

H2 System Risk Stability and Structural Non-H2 Mechanical &

Assessment Loadline Strength Electrical Installation
» Bunkering » IMO regulations » Class rules » IMO regulations
» Storage » Flag state’s » Class rules
» Supply regulations
» Fuel cells/ engine

Ship Layout Detection and Alarm Fire Fighting Emergency

» Locations (bunkering System Response
» Locations
manifolds, tanks, fuel » Locations » Methods » Evacuation
cell stacks, etc. ) » Lifesaving
» Amount
» Segregations
» Specifications
» Safety distances
» Emergency shutdown

Conceptual Design Documents

Class Approval in Principle (AIP)

Preliminary, Contract & Detail Designs

Statutory Documents Class Documents

Flag State Approval Flag State Approval


Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 37

This study provides a review of the factors driving the adoption of hydrogen as a marine
fuel, the current and future developments in hydrogen-powered vessels, the technological
and economic aspects, the readiness of regulations and standards, and the demand for

Additionally, the study proposes potential ship types suitable for hydrogen use and outlines safe design
processes. The key findings and recommendations of the study are summarised in this section.


The key findings of this study are as follows:

» Australia’s domestic maritime fleet is 2210 per kgH2, while for 350 bar Type IV tanks,
predominantly composed of small vessels, and the estimated 2022 constant cost range is
at present, hydrogen energy solutions are better AUD1192-1768 per kg of hydrogen. For PEMFC
suited for these smaller vessels. This aligns well systems with a power output of 100-250 kW, the
with the need for Australia’s domestic maritime projected 2022 constant cost range is between
sector to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. AUD3486 and 7499 per kW, depending on the
production scale. The estimated 2022 constant
» Existing hydrogen-powered vessels worldwide,
cost range for PEMFC stacks is between AUD504
predominantly small-sized vessels, serve as
and 812 per kW, depending on the production
valuable references for adopting hydrogen
scale. The 2022 constant cost of a lithium-ion
technology in Australian waters.
battery pack for maritime use is estimated to
» Hydrogen FC systems, well-established in the be AUD331/kWh. The estimated levelised cost
automotive sector, can be utilised on ships of hydrogen dispensed by refuelling stations in
considering the marine environment. However, Australia could range from AUD6.78-15.60/kg.
hydrogen ICEs for ships are still in the research The FC stack and battery are anticipated to be
stage. replaced several times throughout the ship’s
» Compressed hydrogen and cryogenic liquid
hydrogen storage methods are feasible in » The regulatory, normative, and standard
the short term. Metal hydrides offer safety framework for hydrogen-powered ships is
advantages and high storage efficiency, making steadily taking shape, with obstacles in this
them suitable for maritime applications in the regard gradually being overcome.
future. The potential of liquid chemical hydrogen
» Training programmes related to hydrogen-
carriers is limited due to the complexity and
powered vessels have not yet been built and
high energy consumption associated with the
conducted in Australia. It is imperative to
dehydrogenation process.
promptly initiate training programs for the
» Hydrogen bunkering operations have been operation and bunkering of hydrogen-powered
carried out around the world. The high-pressure ships.
refuelling technologies in the automotive
» In the initial stages, the implementation of
industry provide valuable references for vessel
feasible hydrogen-powered ships should
bunkering. Similar to LNG, cryogenic liquid
primarily target small-sized vessels operating
hydrogen bunkering can be conducted through
on fixed routes. This approach ensures the
shore-based station-to-ship, truck-to-ship, or
practicality of fuel bunkering and the availability
ship-to-ship modes. For small-sized vessels,
of hydrogen power systems.
the portable tank swap mode using ISO tank
containers can be a convenient option for both » The design process of a hydrogen-powered
compressed and liquid hydrogen. vessel incorporates both the regulatory
established design method and the alternative
» The CAPEX and OPEX of a hydrogen FC-powered
risk-based design methods, considering the
vessel can be evaluated using available data.
safety risks associated with hydrogen and
The estimated 2022 constant cost range for 700
the current insufficiency of regulations and
bar Type IV tanks for maritime use is AUD1490-

38 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


To address the identified gaps in this

study, the following actions are necessary:

» Development or adoption of regulations

and standards for designing, building, and
certifying hydrogen-powered vessels in
» Establishment of risk assessment
methods recognised by the administration
for designing and assessing hydrogen-
powered vessels.
» Establishment and implementation of a
comprehensive training program for ship
crew and bunkering workers to facilitate
the adoption of hydrogen on vessels.

To accelerate utilising hydrogen on vessels

in Australian waters to meet with the
country’s net zero emission target, the
study recommends the following:

» Conducting conceptual hydrogen

powertrain design for selected target
vessels in Australia.
» Evaluating and comparing the TCO of
potential hydrogen-powered vessels with
other zero-emission solutions.
» Assessing and comparing the lifecycle
GHG emissions of potential hydrogen-
powered vessels with other zero-emission
solutions from a lifecycle perspective.
» Constructing or retrofitting hydrogen-
powered ships, testing relevant data,
lays the foundation for the widespread
adoption of hydrogen-powered vessels on
a large scale in Australia.

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 39

Table A1. Existing or demonstration hydrogen-powered vessels.


1 2000 Hydra Germany Passenger ship (Butler, 2019)

Duffy-Herreshoff (Hydrogen House,

2 2003 The US Passenger ship
DH30 2003)

Frisian Hydrogen The

3 2006 Passenger ship (Wikipedia, 2006)
Xperiance Netherlands

4 2007 Ross Barlow The UK Test boat (Bevan et al., 2011)

5 2008 Alsterwasser Germany Passenger ship (Blue Growth, 2008)

6 2008 ELDING I Iceland Passenger ship (Konrad, 2008)

7 2009 Nemo H2 Passenger ship (S Chakraborty, 2013)

Frauscher 600 Passenger ship

8 2009 Austria (Bednarova, 2012)
Riviera (Yacht)

Passenger ship
9 2010 MF Vågen Norway (Stensvold, 2010)

10 2012 Marti Turkey Test boat (IISD, 2012)

11 2012 Hornblower Hybrid The US Passenger ship (RespectPlanet, 2012)

12 2012 Hydrogenesis The UK Passenger ship (BBC, 2013)

13 2016 Gold Green HYGEN South Korea Passenger ship (Choi et al., 2016)

Passenger ship
14 2016 Cheetah The UK (Cheetah Marine, 2016)

Passenger ship
15 2016 Race For Water Switzerland (Race For Water, 2016)
(Sailing boat)

Passenger ship (Energy Observer,

16 2017 Energy Observer France
(Sailing boat) 2017)

(The Maritime
17 2017 Hydroville Belgium Passenger ship
Executive, 2017)

18 2018 Jules Verne II France Passenger ship (AFBE, 2019)

19 2018 Shimpo Japan Test boat (YANMAR, 2018)

20 2019 Raicho N Japan Test boat (FuelcellsWorks, 2019)

21 2019 MV Emeli Bulk (MARIKO GmbH, 2019)

Passenger ship (Orkney Islands

22 2020 MV Shapinsay The UK
(Ferry) Council, 2022)

23 2021 Elektra Germany Push boat (Maritime, 2022)

24 2021 Hydro BINGO Japan Passenger ship (JPNH2YDRO, 2021)

40 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


Passenger ship (FuelCellsWorks,

25 2021 Lihu China
(Yacht) 2021a)

26 2021 Xianhu 1 China Passenger ship (GGFC, 2021a)

Passenger ship (FuelCellsWorks,

27 2021 Hydra Norway
(Ferry) 2021b)

Passenger ship
28 2021 Yanmar Japan (Vella, 2021)
(Fishing cruiser)

Passenger ship (All American Marine,

29 2021 Sea Change The US
(Ferry) 2021)

The Passenger ship

30 2021 Hydro Motion (Bedggood, 2021)
Netherlands (Race boat)

Passenger ship (All American Marine,

29 2021 Sea Change The US
(Ferry) 2021)

The Passenger ship

30 2021 Hydro Motion (Bedggood, 2021)
Netherlands (Race boat)

The New Era (Hynova Passenger ship

31 2021 France (BarcheaMotore, 2021)
40) (Yacht)

Passenger ship
32 2022 Hydrocat 48 The UK (Offshore crew (CMB.TECH, 2022)
transfer vessel)

Passenger ship
33 2022 Viking Neptune Norway (FincaNTIERI, 2022b)

Passenger ship
34 2022 Chase Zero New Zealand (Baird Maritime, 2022)
(Race boat)

Passenger ship
35 2022 Hydrogenia South Korea (Danfoss, 2022)

36 2023 San Xia Qing Zhou 1 China Passenger ship (Guan et al., 2023)

37 2023 Hydrotug 1 Belgium Tugboat (ABC, 2022)

Inland multi cargo

38 2023 Zulu 06 France (Buitendijk, 2022)

39 2023 Antonie Inland cargo barge (NPRC, 2023)

The Inland container

40 2023 H2 Barge 1 (Currie, 2023b)
Netherlands ship

The Inland container

41 2023 FPS Waal (BBN, 2022)
Netherlands ship

Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report 41

Table A2. Future hydrogen-powered vessels.


1 2024 Japan Tug 1 Tsuneishi, CBM (Argus, 2021)

NYK Line, Toshiba Energy

Systems & Solutions
Passenger ship
2 2024 Japan 1 Corporation, Kawasaki (Snyder, 2020)
(100 passengers)
Heavy Industries Ltd,
ClassNK, and ENEOS

Huxin Tech and Wuhan (China Chemical

3 2024 China Passenger ship 1
University of Technology News, 2023)

Egil Ulvan Rederi,

Norwegian Ship Design, (Egil Ulvan
4 2024 Norway Bulk carrier 2
Heidelberg Cement and Rederi AS, 2023)
Felleskjøpet Agri

(The Maritime
5 2024 Norway Ferry (Ro-Ro) 2 Topeka
Executive, 2021)

6 2024 France Dredger 1 The ports of Occitania

Cochin Shipyard
Limited (CSL), KPTI
7 2024 India Passenger ship 1 Technologies, and Indian (Bahtić, 2023b)
Registry of Shipping

H2Ships, Port of
Amsterdam, TU Delft
The (Davemart,
8 2024 Passenger ship 1 Fuel, MARIN, Wijk Yacht
Netherlands 2023)
Vision, Lloyd’s Register,
and Baumuller

Hydrogen Innovation
– Future Innovation &
9 2024 The UK Test vessel 1 Vessel Evaluation and (h2-view, 2023)
Demonstration (HI-
FIVED) consortium

FTXT, Dalian Maritime

10 2025 China Passenger ship 1 (FTXT 2023)

Ferry (ROPAX,
Torghatten Nord,
11 2025 Norway 599 passengers 2 (Howard, 2023)
PowerCell, SEAM
and 120 cars)

Ferry (high-
Teco, Umoe Mandal,
12 2025 Norway speed 35 knots, 1 (Hampel, 2022)
Blom Maritime
300 passengers)

Containership (Chambers,
13 2025 (500TEU, 2+2 Samskip, Ocean Infinity 2023; Zasiadko,
Rotterdam-Oslo) 2022)

The (Durakovic,
14 2025 service 2 Windcat Offshore
Netherlands 2022)
vessels (CSOVs)

42 Blue Economy CRC | Hydrogen Powering of Vessels | Phase 1 Report


multi-purpose (TransGlory,
15 2025 France 1 Energy Observer
cargo ship 2022)

16 2025 Germany Superyacht 1 Lurssen (Cormack, 2021)

Cargo ship
(20TEU, high- Boundary Layer (Chambers,
17 2025 The US 1
speed 40 knots, Technologies 2022)

Container ships Samskip Group, Cochin

18 2025 Norway 2 (Currie, 2023a)
(365 TEU) Shipyard Limited (CSL)

Research vessel
Bangor University, OS
19 2025 The UK (Prince Madog, 1 (BBC, 2023)

Northern Xplorer, AS
Norwegian Hydrogen AS,
20 2025/2026 Norway Cruise 1 HYON AS, Multi Maritime
Central, 2023)
AS, Hexagon Purus
Maritime AS.

21 Italy Cruise 4 FINCANTIERI, Viking Line (Prevljak, 2022)

DFDS, Ørsted, ABB, (Kobie, 2021;
22 2027 Denmark (Copenhagen- 1
Ballard Morgan, 2020)

23 2027/2028 Italy Cruise 2 FINCANTIERI, MSC
(at least
25% of The California Air
24 2045 The US / ships in (Mandra, 2022)
California Resources Board

Ferry (200
25 Unknown Australia 1 SeaLink Gladstone (CSIRO, 2022)

Ferry (high- Austal, Sweden’s

26 Unknown Australia speed, 130 m 1 Gotlandsbolaget (Gotland
long) Company)

Norwegian Electrical
27 Unknown Norway Cruise 1 Systems (NES), Havyard
Design, Havila

28 Unknown The UK Ferry 1 HySEA III (HySea III, 2022)

The University of
California San Diego’s
29 Unknown The US Research ship 1 (Bahtić, 2023a)
Scripps Institution of

South Passenger ship

30 Unknown 1 Vinssen (Laity, 2023)
Korea (16m long)

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