ARL Sprinter 907 2022 ENU Fin
ARL Sprinter 907 2022 ENU Fin
ARL Sprinter 907 2022 ENU Fin
Edition MY2023
4.3.2 Limit values for the vehicle frame.................72 6.2.10 Cutting the cab roof and B-pillar roof bow...123
4.3.3 Roof/roof load.............................................73 6.3 Engine peripherals/drivetrain.....................126
4.4 Limit values for engine peripherals/dri- 6.3.1 Fuel system...............................................126
vetrain.........................................................74 6.3.2 SCR system...............................................130
4.4.1 Modifications to engine/drivetrain compo- 6.3.3 Exhaust system..........................................132
nents ..........................................................74 6.3.4 Engine cooling...........................................135
4.4.2 Engine cooling system..................................74 6.3.5 Engine air intake........................................135
4.5 Limit values for the interior...........................77 6.3.6 Clearance for major assemblies.................136
4.5.1 Modifications to airbags and seat belt tensi- 6.3.7 Propeller shafts..........................................136
oners...........................................................77 6.4 Interior.......................................................138
4.5.2 Modifications to seats..................................77 6.4.1 General information...................................138
4.5.3 Seat Reference Point...................................79 6.4.2 Safety equipment.......................................139
4.6 Limit values for electrics/electronics...........80 6.4.3 Seats ........................................................147
4.6.1 Vehicle position lamps and side marker 6.4.4 Reducing interior noise..............................148
lamps..........................................................80 6.4.5 Ventilation ................................................149
4.6.2 Retrofitting electrical equipment ..................80 6.4.6 Attachment points for load compartment
4.6.3 Mobile communications systems..................80 trim parts on the side wall/roof..................150
4.6.4 CAN bus......................................................80 6.5 Additional assemblies................................152
4.7 Limit values for additional assemblies...........81 6.5.1 Retrofitting an air conditioning system........152
4.8 Limit values for attachments........................81 6.5.2 Auxiliary heating .......................................154
4.9 Limit values for the box body........................82 6.5.3 Engine power take-off................................154
4.9.1 Assembly frame...........................................82 6.5.4 Retrofitting an alternator............................156
6.6 Attachments..............................................157
5 Damage prevention....................................83 6.6.1 Wind deflectors..........................................157
5.1 Brake hoses/cables and lines......................84 6.6.2 Attachment above cab ..............................157
5.2 Welding work...............................................85 6.6.3 Roof racks ................................................158
5.3 Anti-corrosion protection measures..............86 6.6.4 Shelf systems/vehicle interior installations.... 158
5.4 Painting work/preservation work.................88 6.6.5 Loading cranes..........................................166
5.5 Storing and handing over the vehicle............91 6.6.6 Lifting platform (cargo liftgate)...................169
6.6.7 Trailer hitch................................................172
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle.............92 6.6.8 Underrun protection...................................176
6.1 Suspension..................................................92 6.6.9 Positioning placard holders........................178
6.1.1 General information on the suspension........92
6.1.2 Springs/shock absorbers/stabilizer bars.....94 7 Design of bodies.......................................180
6.1.3 Brake system...............................................94 7.1 Assembly frame.........................................180
6.1.4 Air suspension.............................................98 7.1.1 Material quality, general.............................180
6.1.5 Wheels/tires ...............................................98 7.1.2 Design.......................................................181
6.1.6 Spare wheel...............................................100 7.1.3 Section dimensions/dimensioning ............182
6.2 Body in white/body....................................101 7.1.4 Attachment to the chassis bed...................183
6.2.1 General information on the body in white/ 7.1.5 Assembly frame as floor assembly .............188
body..........................................................101 7.2 Self-supporting bodies...............................189
6.2.2 Attachment to the frame............................105 7.3 Modifications to the interior.......................190
6.2.3 Material for the chassis frame ...................107 7.4 Modifications to closed cargo vans.............192
6.2.4 Overhang extension...................................107 7.5 Platform bodies .........................................196
6.2.5 Modifications to the cab.............................110 7.6 Box bodies.................................................197
6.2.6 Side wall, windows, doors and flaps............111 7.7 Refrigerated vehicles/temperature-control-
6.2.7 Fenders and wheel wells............................114 led vehicles................................................198
6.2.8 Frame end crossmember...........................118 7.8 Vehicles for transportation
6.2.9 Cargo Van/Passenger Van roof..................118 of technical gases......................................199
7.9 Dump trucks..............................................200
9 Calculations..............................................309
9.1 Center of gravity........................................309
9.1.1 Determination of the center of gravity in the
9.1.2 Determination of the center of gravity in the
9.2 Location of fifth wheel coupling..................315
10 Technical details.......................................316
10.1 Signal acquisition and actuation module
10.2 Bulb ratings of exterior lights......................317
10.2.1 Conventional headlamps............................318
10.2.2 Conventional tail lamps..............................319
10.2.3 Conventional tail lamps on cab-chassis with
code L90...................................................319
10.2.4 LED tail lamps on cab-chassis with
code L91...................................................320
10.2.5 Additional lighting functions.......................321
10.3 Trailer hitch hole patterns...........................322
10.3.1 Installation dimensions, version 1...............323
10.3.2 Installation dimensions, version 2...............324
10.3.3 Installation dimensions, version 3...............325
10.4 Soundproofing...........................................326
This Body and Equipment Guideline (BEG) provides The BEG provides upfitters with engineering and tech-
upfitters and converters, hereinafter referred to nical data for educational and informational purposes
collectively as "upfitters", with important technical only. The specifications and descriptions contained in
information which should reflect a vehicle that is safe this book are believed to be accurate at time of publi-
and compliant. The attachments, bodies, equipment, cation. Nevertheless, upfitters should consult with legal
or modifications installed and implemented by the counsel to ensure compliance with pertinent federal,
upfitter are subsequently referred to as "upfit work". state, and local laws and regulations.
In the Body and Equipment Guideline (BEG) for Mer- Periodically, this book will be updated without notice as
cedes-Benz vans, different models and vehicle variants new products are introduced and additional information
directly released from a production plant are grouped regarding these products become available. It is the
together under the generic term "basic vehicle". responsibility of the upfitter to ensure they have the
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter models and vehicle variants most up-to-date version.
are listed in Chapter 3.1 Vehicle and model designation The latest copies of this BEG, 2D drawings, and model
(→ page 30). specifications may be obtained 24 hours/day and
This Body and Equipment Guideline (BEG) is based on 7 days/week through the Upfitter Portal. Other rele-
the development of the Sprinter vehicles - BM 907 for vant information and guidelines that supplement the
the U.S. and Canada market. BEG are also available for download on the Upfitter
Portal under "Technical Information", same location
Please refer to the Upfitter Portal for the Body and as the BEG.
Equipment Guideline (BEG). ⑴ NOTE
Due to the large number of upfitters and upfit types, As an upfitter, you must always bear in mind that only
Mercedes-Benz AG cannot take into account all the the upfit work described in the BEG is permissible.
possible modifications to the vehicle, e.g. performance, All upfit work not described here is prohibited. If any
stability, load distribution, center of gravity and han- upfit work not described here is necessary, please
dling characteristics, that may result from upfit work. consult with Upfitter Management Vans and appro-
For this reason, Mercedes-Benz AG cannot accept any priate support teams through the Upfitter Portal for
liability for accidents or injuries sustained as a result eXpertUpfitters.
of such modifications to your vehicles. The upfitter
undertakes to ensure that their body modifications are
free from defects - including with regard to the overall Upfitters, as the final-stage manufacturer and / or
vehicle - and do not cause danger to persons or prop- alterer, are completely responsible for its upfitting
erty. If this obligation is violated in any way, the upfitter (including any and all associated van modifications),
shall assume full product liability. designing, validating the upfit, along with ensuring that
the upfit complies with all applicable local, state and
This Body and Equipment Guideline (BEG) is aimed at
federal regulatory guidelines and laws.
professional upfitters. As a result, BEG assumes that
the upfitter has suitable background knowledge.
Moreover, the upfitter must adhere to the operator's
manual valid for the respective vehicle. Please be
aware that certain types of work (e.g. welding work
on load-bearing components) may only be carried out
by appropriately qualified personnel. This will avoid
the risk of injury and will attain the degree of quality
required for the upfit work.
The Body and Equipment Guideline (BEG) is divided into ⓘ To ensure the operational reliability and road safety
10 interlinked chapters to help you find the information of the overall vehicles, the information given in this
you require more quickly: Body and Equipment Guideline must be strictly
Chapter 1 Introduction (→ page 6) followed.
1.2 Conventions
Warning notes draw attention to issues which could
endanger the health or life of yourself or others. Basic vehicle
Action Under this symbol you will find information concerning
the delivered basic vehicle (cab chassis, cargo van,
crew van, and passenger van).
This note draws your attention to possible damage to
the vehicle and/or other objects.
An environmental note provides you with notes on Body
environmental protection.
Under this symbol you will find information concerning
Action the modification or mounting/attachment of the body
by the upfitter.
Before installing any upfit bodies or aftermarket National and local laws, directives and registration
equipment, please read the relevant chapters of the regulations must be complied with.
Body and Equipment Guideline, the instructions and
information from the equipment supplier, and the
owner's manual for the base model vehicle. You could ⚠ WARNING
otherwise fail to recognize dangers, which could Rollover stability is an important consideration in
result in serious injury to yourself or others. the safety design of a vehicle. Stability is influenced
by many factors including chassis and body config-
Notes on vehicle safety uration, suspension, axle track width, tire size, tire
We recommend that you only use Mercedes-Benz pressure, etc. The cargo type and weight (payload),
parts, assemblies, conversion parts, and/ or accessory the body size, shape, and center of gravity height are
parts that have been recommended by Mercedes-Benz particularly important.
for the specific model of Sprinter in question. • Therefore, alterations or installation of additional
If using non-recommended parts, assemblies, conver- equipment to the Sprinter by any upfitter or
sion parts, and/ or accessory parts, it is the upfitter's intermediate and/or Final-Stage Manufacturer may
sole responsibility to ensure the safety and correct adversively affect rollover stability of the vehicle.
fit as outlined in this BEG for the model of Sprinter in The Office of Vehicle Safety Research at NHTSA
question. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has
conducted research and established guidelines to
⑴ NOTE improve rollover stability. Upfitters are advised to
consult with that Office and/or visit the NHTSA web-
Make absolutely sure that you comply with national,
site at for more information.
state, and local registration regulations as well as
Department of Transportation requirements as upfit
work to the vehicle may change the vehicle type for Inspections conducted by official test centers or official
registration purposes and may invalidate the operat- approvals do not inevitably guarantee compatibility with
ing permit. This applies in particular to: all the functions and systems in the basic vehicle.
• modifications which change the vehicle type For any questions regarding the compatibility valida-
approved in the general operating permit tion, please contact Mercedes-Benz through the Upfit-
ter Portal. See Chapter 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
• modifications which could endanger road users
• modifications which adversely affect exhaust gas
emissions or noise levels.
1.7 Contact
Technical advice on body compatibility and on the For all other inquiries non-related to upfitting or
basis vehicle modifying Sprinter, but pertaining to model availability,
To obtain technical assistance or product/parts infor- ordering/purchasing a van, service center capabilities
mation ONLY as it pertains to upfitting and modifying and to get local support, please contact an authorized
Sprinter vans please contact the Upfitter Management dealership authorized by Upfitter Management Vans.
Vans through the Upfitter Portal: The most current list of dealers can be found here:
To contact Upfitter Management Vans, create an USA Dealers
inquiry through the Upfitter Portal inquiry center Mercedes-Benz
(please allow up to 5 business days for more complex Canada Dealers
1.8 Definitions
Upfitters include Final-Stage Manufactures, Intermedi- Incomplete vehicle means an assembly consisting, as
ate Manufacturers, Incomplete Vehicle Manufacturers, a minimum, of a frame and chassis structure. Power-
Vehicle Alterers and Equipment Manufacturers. train, steering system, suspension system and braking
Complete vehicle means a vehicle that requires no fur- system, to the extent that those systems are to be part
ther manufacturing operations to perform its intended of the completed vehicle that requires further manu-
function, other than the addition of readily attachable facturing operations, other than the addition of readily
components, such as mirrors, tires or tire and rim attachable components, such as mirrors or tire and
assemblies, of finishing operations such as painting. rim assembles, or minor finishing operations such as
painting, to become a completed vehicle.
Completed Sprinters “As Delivered” mean
Sprinters manufactured by Mercedes-Benz AG reas- Incomplete vehicle manufacturer means a person who
sembled if necessary by Mercedes-Benz AG’s designee, manufactures an incomplete vehicle by assembling
certified to comply with all applicable laws and regula- such components that none of the components, taken
tions and delivered as a complete vehicle (cargo, crew, separately, may constitute an incomplete vehicle.
and passenger vans) to dealers, upfitters and others Vehicle alterer is a person or company who modifies a
engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of new previously certified vehicle other than by the addition,
motor vehicles and equipment. substitution or removal of readily attachable com-
Mercedes-Benz parts mean genuine parts, accesso- ponents. Readily attachable components can mean
ries for installation on or attached to vehicles, com- mirrors, tire and rim assemblies, or minor finishing
ponents, aggregates and assemblies, including those operations such as painting. Alterers are responsible
for exchange or replacement which are supplied by or for ensuring the previously certified vehicle meets all
through MBUSA, MBCAN, and MBVANS or any of its emissions and FMVSS/CMVSS (Federal/Canadian
parent companies, affiliates or subsidiaries. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) standards; compre-
hensive regulatory information is available at
Dealers mean entities authorized by MBUSA, MBCAN,
and MBVANS to sell and/or service Sprinters.
Final-stage manufacturer means a person who per-
forms manufacturing operations on an incomplete
vehicle such that it becomes a completed vehicle.
Final-stage manufacturers are responsible for ensuring
the previously certified vehicle meets all emissions
and FMVSS/CMVSS (Federal/Canadian Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards) standards.
Mercedes-Benz AG strongly recommends that
upfitters use genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and
Mercedes-Benz replacement and conversion parts,
or replacement and conversion parts and acces-
sories expressly approved for the Sprinter by Mer-
cedes-Benz in order for upfitters to maintain regula-
tory compliance of these components or equipment
as well as the durable and safe operation of Sprint-
ers. In areas beyond regulatory compliance, upfitters
may elect to use other parts or conversion parts or
accessories and assume the manufacturers’ warranty
of these parts themselves.
2.1.1 Regulatory Overview Upfitters should consult with their legal counsel con-
cerning the final certification status of the vehicle.
The U.S and Canadian Governments have established
emission standards and motor vehicle safety standards Further, it is the upfitters’ responsibility to ensure that
for new engines and/or new vehicles and equipment such modifications do not affect the safety of the vehi-
under the provisions of the Clean Air Act, the Noise cle. Contact the Environment Protection Agency (U.S.
Control Act and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Safety Act in the U.S., and the Canadian Motor Vehicle concerning the applicable U.S. and California exhaust
Safety Act in Canada (“Acts”). The acts govern origi- emissions and noise standards, and the National High-
nal equipment manufacturers of the Mercedes-Benz way Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concern-
Sprinter vans, dealers, upfitters and others engaged in ing the applicable U.S. vehicle safety standards. For
the manufacturing and marketing of new motor vehicles Canadian standards, contact Environment Canada and
and equipment. Transport Canada respectively.
Part 568 of the Title 49 Code of Federal regulations Upon completion of the modified vehicle, the u pfitter
(CFR) specifies detailed regulatory requirements for is required by law (Title 49 of the Code of Federal
vehicles manufactured in two or more stages, including Regulations S567.7 in the United States, the Clean Air
Final Stage Manufacturers. This document is intended Act section 203(a), and under provisions of, EPA CFR
to fulfill a part of Daimler AG’s obligations as the Part 86 section 86.09911; Emissions standards for
original equipment manufacturer or as an incomplete 1999 and later model year diesel heavy duty engines
vehicle manufacturer. Section 2.1.2 Emissions and and vehicles) to certify that it continues to comply with
safety information (→ page 15) identifies regulatory all applicable Federal and Canada Motor Vehicle Safety
requirements to assist Intermediate and Final Stage standards/Regulations. In addition, the modified vehi-
Manufacturers in determining their obligations to con- cle must continue to comply with all applicable Federal,
form to these standards. Canada and/or California Emissions regulations. In
the United States, sale of a non-complying new vehi-
Completed Sprinters “As Delivered” are certified to
cle is illegal and is punishable by a fine of up $25,000
comply with the aforementioned applicable standards.
(Federal) and $5,000 (California) per vehicle for emis-
Compliance labels affixed to Sprinters and engines
sions non-compliance, $1,000 per vehicle for safety
provide the status of initial compliance at the date of
non-compliance, plus a recall and other sanctions.
manufactured by Daimler AG (DAG).
Upfitters are responsible for certifying the altered
Upfitters and dealers who make any modifications that
vehicle pursuant to Title 49 of the Code of Federal
may affect the final certification of the engine, vehicle
Regulations S567.7 and S568.8 in the United States
or equipment assume the sole responsibility for the
or to Section 9 of the Canadian Motor Vehicle safety
Regulations in Canada.
Daimler AG and Upfitter Management Vans make no
representations with regard to conformity of the altered
vehicle to any other Federal or Canada Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards or Regulations that may be affected
by the vehicle alteration; it is the responsibility of the
upfitter to certify that the vehicle conforms to any other
standards affected by the vehicle alteration.
2.1.2 Emissions and safety information Provisions of the Clean Air Act also prohibit any per-
sons, including but not limited to, dealers or upfitters to
A complete Sprinter Van “As Delivered” or a Chassis
remove or render inoperative any devices or elements
Cab/Cutaway, i.e. an incomplete vehicle, delivered by
of design installed in a motor vehicle engine in compli-
MBUSA, MBCAN and MBVANS to dealers or upfitters is
ance with the regulations.
certified for by Mercedes-Benz AG for compliance with
the U.S. and Canadian emissions and safety standards
at the time of manufacture. If this vehicle is altered, 2.1.3 Vehicle safety standards information
after delivery by MBUSA, MBCAN and MBVANS, upfit- In the U.S. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety
ters and/or dealers assume the regulatory responsibil- Act of 1966 and NHTSA’s FMVSS regulations and in
ity for certification. Canada, Motor Safety Act of 1993 and Transport Can-
This section provides general information concerning ada’s (TC) CMVSS, identify certain requirements and
applicable emissions and safety standards at the time certification responsibilities for the various stages of
of the vehicle manufacture. This section is written to vehicle manufacturing.
assist upfitters in understanding the U.S. EPA and the Therefore, upfitters and dealers need to review all regu-
CARB exhaust emission and noise standards, Federal latory requirements carefully to ensure compliance with
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Canadian applicable standards.
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS). Upfitter Man-
Please consult with an attorney to ensure compliance
agement Vans neither approves nor recommends any
with applicable laws or standards.
modifications or additions to the Sprinter vehicle, which
may cause noncompliance with any EPA or FMVSS or All vehicles as manufactured by Mercedes-Benz AG
CMVSS standards, or render the vehicle unsafe. meet all safety and emissions standards as set forth
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Questions concerning the content of this Section can
(NHTSA) and the Environmental Protection Agency
be directed to MBUSA, MBCAN or MBVANS designee
(EPA). If any modifications or alterations are made to
through the Upfitter Portal:
the vehicle that takes the vehicle out of compliance
Contact via website with federal and local regulations, it is the responsibility of the vehicle alterer, intermediate manufacturer, or
final stage manufacturer to ensure the vehicle meets all
Engine calibrations such as fuel output settings, injec-
emissions and FMVSS/CMVSS standards.
tion timings, emission control device calibration and
location, charge air and cooling system calibration and For manufacturers who are defined as alterers, please
locations are prohibited from any alterations from the visit for regulatory direction.
certified configurations. For intermediate or final stage manufacturers please
visit as well as reviewing the Incomplete
Vehicle Document (IVD) that is included in each incom-
plete vehicle as manufactured by Mercedes-Benz AG.
At no time the BEG should ever be used as a regula-
tory source for certification. Each alterer or modifier
is advised to have their own regulatory department or
2.1.4 Exhaust emission control information 2.1.5 Vehicle noise emission control information
The Sprinter engines, Mercedes-Benz OM642, The Noise Control Act of 1972 and the 40 CFR Part
Mercedes-Benz OM651 and Mercedes-Benz M274 205 U.S. EPA regulations, “Transportation Noise Emis-
are certified with the U.S. EPA, and the Environment sion Controls”, require new medium and heavy trucks
Canada and CARB, to comply with the heavy-duty over 10,000lbs. GVWR to comply with an exterior
diesel engine exhaust emission standards under Title drive-by noise standard of 80 dB(A). In Canada, CMVSS
II, Section 206 of the Clean Air Act and 40 CFR Part 1106 Noise Emissions Standard requires an additional
86 regulations. Proof of this EPA certification is shown interior sound level certification at 90 dB(A).
by an exhaust emission control label, i.e., an “import- All Sprinter vehicles come equipped with extensive
ant Engine information” label, 3.6.7 Vehicle Emission NVH equipment.
Control Information Label (→ page 42), affixed to the
rocker cover of the engine for diesel powered vehicles Upfitter should, however, consult with an attorney con-
and VEC I label affixed to the front cross member for cerning interpretations of the applicable laws and reg-
gasoline power vehicles. ulations and determine if the modifications the upfitter
made to the Sprinter may affect the final certification of
Provisions of the EPA regulations require that the emis- compliance of the vehicle.
sion-related components functions in-use over the pre-
scribed full useful life period as certified, i.e., 5 years Furthermore, it is the upfitter’s responsibility to ensure
or 100,000 miles (short term emission control system) modifications do not render the vehicle unsafe.
and 7 years or 70,000 miles (long term emission con-
trol system), whichever occurs first. To be certain that
these components function properly, the end users are
required to use appropriate fuels and lubricants and
maintain these components properly in accordance
with the Operator’s Manual and Service Booklet.
Additionally, there is a requirement for applicable noise
control packages that were tested at over 100% reduc-
tion in noise levels below the aforementioned noise
standards. Final Stage Manufacturers should consult
with their attorney concerning the compliance of their
vehicles with appropriate regulations and laws once
they have been altered or modified. The law and regu-
lations prohibit tampering with noise control devices or
Specifically, the removal or rendering inoperative of
any devices or elements of design incorporated into
any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control is not
permitted. Such devices or elements are identified as
noise emission related components, such as engine
calibrations including governor settings, exhaust sys-
tem components, air induction system components,
radiator, shield, fan/drive, noise shields or acoustical
absorptive material, etc.
The regulations also require maintenance of the noise
control performance in use, to comply with the U.S.
EPA 40 CFR Part 202, or DOT 49 CFR part 325, Exte-
rior Drive-By Noise Emission Standards for Interstate
Motor Carrier.
Each completed Sprinter “As Delivered” in the U.S. Any alterations or installations by upfitters must comply
is certified for the U.S. EPA or CARB exhaust emissions with the following:
in accordance with 40 CFR Part 86, or Title 13 of CCR, • Do not alter or modify Sprinter components forward
and an exhaust emission control information label is of the rear cab wall for Cab Chassis or forward of
affixed thereto. While the complete Sprinter van “As the seating reference point for Sprinters, unless
delivered” is certified to comply with the applicable modifications are approved component installations
FMVSS safety regulations in accordance with 49 CFR (such as air conditioning, radio, etc.) which are man-
Section 567.4 and a complete vehicle certification ufactured, approved or endorsed by Mercedes-Benz
label is affixed thereto, the Chassis Cab is certified to AG, MBUSA, MBCAN, MBVANS, or their designee,
comply with the applicable FMVSS safety regulations Upfitter Management Vans.
in accordance with 49 CR Section 567.5 and 568.4
and an incomplete vehicle certification label is affixed • Do not alter the location or impair functional reliabil-
thereto. ity and or the clearance of all movable chassis com-
ponents, i.e., axles, springs, drive shafts, steering
In addition, every individual Sprinter Cab Chassis systems, braking systems, gearshift linkages, exhaust
contains an Incomplete Vehicle Documentation infor- systems, etc.
mation packet. Sprinter vehicles intended for Canada
are similarly certified and labeled in accordance with • Do not drill, alter, impair or damage the frame top
the Canadian regulations. and bottom flanges.
Once these Sprinter vehicles are altered or completed • Do not alter, damage, or relocate the Sprinter fuel
with the installation of additional equipment, system, seat belt assemblies and anchorages, brak-
upfitters assume the responsibility of final certifica- ing system and steering.
tion to all applicable emissions and safety regulations, • Do not impair the operational reliability, road wor-
including labeling and documentation, affected by their thiness and drivability of the Sprinter by body or
modifications. accessory equipment installation of modification.
Chapter 2.1 of these Guidelines provides upfitter with Upfitter is responsible for ensuring that modification
general information concerning modifications. Provi- or equipment installation does not affect the safety of
sions of 49 CFR Sections 567.5 through 567.7, and the Sprinter. MBUSA, MBCAN, MBVANS, and Upfitter
568.8 specifically set the regulatory responsibility for Management Vans are not responsible for any final
the upfitters to comply with the vehicle safety stan- certification or claims for damages related to product
dards. These provisions are available in full at www. liability of breach of warranty which result from any upfitters should consult with legal counsel component, assembly, or system being altered, or
concerning these responsibilities. which cause non-compliance with any of the emission
control standards of motor vehicle safety standards,
or which would otherwise cause the vehicle to be or
become defective or unsafe.
As a upfitter, you are also able to obtain detailed infor- 2.3.2 Workshop Information System (WIS)
mation on our products and systems in addition to the
The Workshop Information System (WIS) is available
possibility of directly contacting the upfitter support
under the following website:
staff at 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
2.3.1 Upfitter Portal
Upfitters can purchase access to WIS also under this
General link.
The Upfitter Portal is the central communications plat- For example, WIS contains:
form between Mercedes-Benz and you, our partners
• Basic data (dimensions, tightening torques)
in the body manufacturing industry. The Upfitter Portal
provides information and access to body-related topics • Function descriptions
for all model series of Mercedes-Benz vans. The portal • Circuit diagrams
can be accessed at the following address:
• Repair instructions
• Maintenance sheets
Technical Information
In the Technical Information section of the portal, you
can find the relevant technical data sheets, 2D chassis
drawings, technical bulletins, and the Body and Equip
ment Guideline.
Design data
From the beginning of 2018, 3D standard data pack-
ages in STEP AP214 format will be available for eXpert-
Upfitters to download for the Sprinter BM 907 in the
Upfitter Portal.
2.5 Trademarks
If the vehicle does not meet the requirements of The Sprinter does not have any model series des-
Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz reserves the right to ignations at the front of the vehicle. Model series
demand removal of its trademarks. designations may not therefore be applied to vehicles
modified by upfitters.
2.7 Recycling
The relevant operating conditions of the subsequent
complete vehicle are crucial to the selection of a suit-
able basic vehicle or chassis when planning work on
the vehicle body. Observe the following points:
• Customized design of vehicle or chassis
• Body variant
• Standard and special equipment
For better orientation when planning, the identification
plate, the model designation and the vehicle identi-
fication number (VIN) must be used as well; see 3.6
Vehicle identification data (→ page 39).
For more information on the chassis and body
variants on offer, see 3.2 Model overview
(→ page 34) or under 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
For the most up-to date model overview and
specifications please visit
(see section 1.7)
It is important when planning bodies that along with
a user-friendly and maintenance-friendly design,
the materials are chosen carefully and, consequently,
the associated anti-corrosion protection measures
are observed (→ page 86).
Cargo 1500 144’’ WB Standard roof 3,88 t A2 LH1 Gas 907.643.13 M1CA4G
Vans (8,550 GVWR)
2500 144’’ WB Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 Gas 907.643.13 M2CA4G
(9,050 GVWR) Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.643.13 M2CA44
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.643.13 M2CA46
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4x4 907.643.13 M2CA4X
170’’ WB High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 Gas 907.645.13 M2CA7G
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.645.13 M2CA74
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.645.13 M2CA76
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 4x4 907.645.13 M2CA7X
170’’ WB Ext. High roof 4,1 t A4 LH2 4 Cyl 907.647.13 M2CAE4
High roof 4,1 t A4 LH2 6 Cyl 907.647.13 M2CAE6
High roof 4,1 t A4 LH2 4x4 907.647.13 M2CAEX
3500 144’’ WB Standard roof 4,53 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 M3CA44
(9,990 lbs for Standard roof 4,53 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 M3CA46
U.S. and 170’’ WB High roof 4,53 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 M3CA74
9,900 lbs for High roof 4,53 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 M3CA76
Canada GVWR) 170’’ WB Ext. High roof 4,53 t A4 LH2 4 Cyl 907.657.13 M3CAE4
High roof 4,53 t A4 LH2 6 Cyl 907.657.13 M3CAE6
3500XD 144” WB Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 MXCA44
(11,030 GVWR) Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 MXCA46
Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 4x4 907.653.13 MXCA4X
170’’ WB High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 MXCA74
High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 MXCA76
High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 4x4 907.655.13 MXCA7X
170’’ WB Ext. High roof 5,0 t A4 LH2 4 Cyl 907.657.13 MXCAE4
High roof 5,0 t A4 LH2 6 Cyl 907.657.13 MXCAE6
High roof 5,0 t A4 LH2 4x4 907.657.13 MXCAEX
4500 144” WB Standard roof 5,5 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 M4CA44
(12,125 GVWR) Standard roof 5,5 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 M4CA46
170” WB High roof 5,5 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 M4CA74
High roof 5,5 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 M4CA76
170” WB Ext. High roof 5,5 t A4 LH2 4 Cyl 907.657.13 M4CAE4
High roof 5,5 t A4 LH2 6 Cyl 907.657.13 M4CAE6
Crew 2500 144” WB Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 Gas 907.643.13 M2CV4G
Vans (9,050 GVWR) Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.643.13 M2CV44
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.643.13 M2CV46
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4x4 907.643.13 M2CV4X
170” WB High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 Gas 907.645.13 M2CV7G
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.645.13 M2CV74
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.645.13 M2CV76
High roof 4,1 t A3 LH2 4x4 907.645.13 M2CV7X
3500 144” WB Standard roof 4,53 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 M3CV44
(9,990 GVWR) Standard roof 4,53 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 M3CV46
170” WB High roof 4,53 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 M3CV74
High roof 4,53 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 M3CV76
3500XD 144” WB Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 MXCV44
(11,030 GVWR) Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 MXCV46
Standard roof 5,0 t A2 LH1 4x4 907.653.13 MXCV4X
170” WB High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 MXCV74
High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 MXCV76
High roof 5,0 t A3 LH2 4x4 907.655.13 MXCV7X
4500 144” WB Standard roof 5,5 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.653.13 M4CV44
(12,125 GVWR) Standard roof 5,5 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.653.13 M4CV46
170” WB High roof 5,5 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.655.13 M4CV74
High roof 5,5 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.655.13 M4CV76
Pas- 1500 144” WB High roof 3,88 t A2 LH1 Gas 907.743.13 M1PV4G
senger (8,550 GVWR)
Vans 2500 144” WB Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 Gas 907.743.13 M2PV4G
(9,050/ 12 seater 11+1
9,480 GVWR) Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4 Cyl 907.743.13 M2PV44
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 6 Cyl 907.743.13 M2PV46
Standard roof 4,1 t A2 LH1 4x4 907.743.13 M2PV4X
170” WB High roof 4,3 t A3 LH2 4 Cyl 907.745.13 M2PV74
15 seater 14+1
High roof 4,3 t A3 LH2 6 Cyl 907.745.13 M2PV76
Cab 3500XD 144” WB n/a 5,0 t A2 4 Cyl 907.153.1 MXCC44
Chassis (11,030 GVWR) n/a 5,0 t A2 6 Cyl 907.153.1 MXCC46
170” WB n/a 5,0 t A3 4 Cyl 907.155.1 MXCC74
n/a 5,0 t A3 6 Cyl 907.155.1 MXCC76
4500 144” WB n/a 5,5 t A2 4 Cyl 907.153.1 M4CC44
(12,125 GVWR) n/a 5,5 t A2 6 Cyl 907.153.1 M4CC46
170” WB n/a 5,5 t A3 4 Cyl 907.155.1 M4CC74
n/a 5,5 t A3 6 Cyl 907.155.1 M4CC76
Legend of Mercedes-Benz
Engine variants
Code Version
D03 High roof
In order to ensure safe operation of the vehicle, it is ⓘ On the Mercedes-Benz homepages, you can
essential to choose the basic vehicle carefully in accor- assemble your vehicle in the Configurator and view
dance with the intended use. the available items of special equipment:
Planning should therefore consider the following items
in particular:
• Wheelbase
• Engine/transmission
• Final drive ratio
• Permissible gross mass
• Position of the center of gravity
and adapt them for the intended use.
Before carrying out any work on the body or mod-
ification work, the delivered basic vehicle must be
submitted to a check to verify whether it fulfills the
necessary requirements.
Any modifications to the steering and the brake sys-
tem may result in these systems malfunctioning and
ultimately failing. This could cause the driver to lose
control of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident!
Do not carry out any modifications to the steering or
brake system!
On no account should modifications be made to the Vehicle dimensions and weights may also be
vehicle width, vehicle height or vehicle length if they obtained from Mercedes-Benz Service Partners
exceed the limit values specified in the current version or directly from the Workshop Information System
of the Body and Equipment Guideline. (WIS) documents about wheel alignment. Informa-
Dimensions and weights are located in the 2D chas- tion on the Mercedes-Benz WIS can be found under
sis drawings and technical data in the Upfitter Portal Chapter 2.3.2 Workshop Information System (WIS)
1.7 Contact (→ page 11) and in the Technical Limit (→ page 18).
Values. They are based on a vehicle that is fitted with The information on the vehicle curb weight and
standard equipment. Items of special equipment are corresponding axle loads before and after upfit
not taken into consideration. Weight tolerances of up to work, "Checking wheel alignment" in Chap-
+5 % in production must be taken into consideration. ter 3.11.3 Work before handing over the modified
The permissible axle loads and the maximum permis- vehicle (→ page 53), Chapter 3.12 Special equip-
sible gross mass must not be exceeded. Information ment (→ page 55), Chapter 4.2.9 Wheel alignment
on the axle loads and the maximum permissible gross (→ page 71) and Chapter 6.1.1 General information
mass is available on Chapter 4 Technical limit values for on the suspension (→ page 92) must be imple-
planning. Information about weight limits can be found mented.
here (→ page 67).
Before beginning any upfit work, the actual vehi-
cle upfitted curb weight and the corresponding The vehicle tire load capacity must not be exceeded
axle loads must be determined and documented by overloading the vehicle beyond its specified gross
by weighing (see notes on weighing under Chap- vehicle weight. The tires could otherwise overheat
ter 9.1.1 Determination of the center of gravity in and suffer damage. This could cause the driver to
the x-direction (→ page 309)), or by means of the
vehicle identification number with the aid of the lose control of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident,
curb weight of your vehicle ex factory and its load personal injuries and death if such systems no longer
distribution from your Mercedes-Benz partner. function correctly!
On completion of all the upfit work, the mea- The braking distance may increase considerably
surement of the actual vehicle curb weight by when the vehicle is overloaded.
weighing must be repeated (Chapter 9.1.1 Deter-
mination of the center of gravity in the x-direction
(→ page 309)). The corresponding axle loads are Refer to 3.6 Vehicle identification data (→ page 39)
likewise to be determined by weighing. The three for further information about the vehicle weights.
variables of vehicle curb weight in the completed
state, the front axle load and rear axle load in the
completed state, must be documented again.
In the case of a permanent axle load increase
of 250 kg/551 lbs or more at the front axle on
completion of all upfit work compared to the actual
base model vehicle delivered to the upfitter (curb
weight in standard configuration), the suspension
must be measured and the correct toe and camber
values must be set at the front axle.
If the permissible axle loads are exceeded, the
ESP® system may not function correctly on vehicles
equipped with this feature. This could cause the
driver to lose control of the vehicle. There is a risk of
accident, personal injuries and death if such systems
no longer function correctly!
Make sure that you do not exceed the permissible
axle loads.
Do not exceed the unloaded vehicle weight rating
(UVW), the gross axle weight rating (GAWR) and the
gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Information
about GAWR and GVWR is contained in the “Techni-
cal limiting values” section 4 Technical limit values for
planning (→ page 58).
All bodies must comply with the individual axle loads
and the permissible gross mass
Following vehicle modifications which can result in
the longitudinal and lateral inclination (e.g. installa-
tion of heavy equipment), the sensor cluster must be
re-calibrated in order to ensure the ESP® is function-
ing properly.
On the following sections, data shown on the labels
are for illustration purposes only.
3.6.2 QR code rescue sticker Rescue crews can thus immediately see where airbags,
battery, fuel tanks, high-voltage lines (above 30 V AC,
above 60 V DC), pressure cylinders and other compo-
nents critical for the rescue are located, enabling them
for example to use rescue shears with low risk.
3.6.6 Incomplete Vehicle Identification Label 3.6.7 Vehicle Emission Control Information Label
3.6.8 Airbag Warning Label 3.6.10 Unloaded Vehicle Weight UVW rating and
Location: on driver’s door frame
For an alterer, there is a re-labeling required
if any of the equipment installed changes
• payload limit data
• seating data
of the vehicle!
• ESP® control response Make sure that you do not exceed the permissible
axle loads.
This applies to bodies intended for operation with loads
with unfavorable centers of gravity (e.g. loads at the Following vehicle modifications which can result in
rear end, high loads and side loads), as these aspects changes to the longitudinal and lateral inclination
are primarily influenced by the upfit work and can (e.g. the installation of heavy parts), the sensor clus-
therefore be assessed exclusively by the upfitter. ter must be recalibrated in order to ensure that the
ESP® is functioning correctly.
If an attachment to the body, mounted equipment or This work should be performed at your nearest
modifications cause an extreme displacement of the Mercedes-Benz authorized dealer.
center of gravity on a vehicle equipped with ESP®, Further information on the operating principle of the
it may be necessary to deactivate ESP® if this is ESP® is available in Chapter 8.9.1 Electronic Stability
possible while still observing and complying with all Program (ESP®) (→ page 272).
national registration requirements. Additional information on permissible weights is
If ESP®has been deactivated, the driver will then available in the identification data on the vehicle
have to adapt his/her style of driving accordingly (→ page 39).
(reducing cornering speed, avoiding sudden steer-
ing wheel movements, etc.). When driving dynamics
become critical, the vehicle behaves like a vehicle
without ESP®. The permissible axle loads, gross
vehicle masses and center of gravity locations must
be complied with.
3.8 Tires
The upfitter must ensure that: displayed in the instrument cluster and is important for
• There is always a sufficient space between the tire controlling the driving assistance systems. The display
and the fender or wheel arch, even when snow accuracy of the speedometer and the odometer is gov-
or anti-skid chains are fitted and the suspension erned by law. The determination of the speed informa-
is fully compressed (also allowing for axle twist) tion depends on the tire size and the rolling circumfer-
(→ page 114) and that the relevant data in the 2D ence of the wheels and thus on their rim diameter. The
chassis drawings are observed rim diameter is always given in inches.
• Only tire sizes approved by Mercedes-Benz are used Therefore, the control units of the vehicle can be coded
(see “Permissible wheel and tire combinations for for the following three wheel size groups:
BM 907 (RWD)”) (→ page 70)
Wheel size group Tires BR 907
In particular, comply with local and national regulations Wheel size group 1: 195/75 R16C
concerning the approval of tires. These regulations 205/75 R16C
may define a specific type of tire for the vehicle or may 235/65 R16C
restrict the use of certain tire types which are approved 235/60 R17C
in other countries. Wheel size group 2: 225/75 R16C
Wheel size group 3: 225/75 R16C FA
285/65 R16C RA
Exceeding the specified tire load capacity or the per-
missible tire maximum speed can lead to tire damage ⓘ It is recommended to stay within one wheel size
or tire failure. This could cause you to lose control group when changing tires. This avoids the need to
of the vehicle and cause an accident with possible recode control units.
injury to yourself and others.
Therefore, only use Mercedes-Benz approved tires for • When changing the tires and if the wheel size group
your vehicle model and observe the tire load capacity changes for the new tires, please recode the control
required for your vehicle and the tire speed rating. units of the vehicle at a local dealership.
If you have other wheels (not approved by • If the control units are not recoded, then the accu-
Mercedes-Benz) fitted: racy of the speedometer and the odometer will be
outside the legal restrictions. The speedometer and
• The brakes or components of the suspension sys-
the odometer can deviate downwards, e.g. the cur-
tem could be damaged
rent vehicle speed is higher than the speed indicated
• Wheel and tire clearance can no longer be by the speedometer.
• Driving assistance systems may be impaired in their
• The wheel brakes or components of the suspension functionality in the event of a deviation outside the
system may no longer function correctly. tolerance range or may detect a fault and shut down.
If different tires (not certified by Mercedes-Benz) are
used on the vehicle, the vehicle driving assistance
systems may have impaired functionality.
For further information, please refer to chapter 8.9
Driving assistance systems (→ page 271).
The battery must be disconnected before any welding
work is carried out and airbags, the airbag control
unit and seat belts must be protected from welding
splashes or removed if necessary.
Ratio of sheet thickness to distance between spot welds
e Sheet thickness
L Distance from sheet edge
Ratio of sheet thickness to plug hole diameter
Mechanical quality can be additionally improved by the Do not perform welding work on
use of "elongated holes" (l = 2b). • assemblies such as the engine, transmission, axles,
• chassis frames except on longitudinal frame mem-
bers for wheelbase modifications or overhang modi-
3.10 Soundproofing
To ensure that modifications do not change the
vehicle's sound levels, the interior sound levels must
be minimized when planning bodies 6.4.4 Reducing
interior noise (→ page 148).
with your contact person at Mercedes-Benz Service. E2I: Auxiliary battery in front passenger seat base
• The battery box must be sufficiently ventilated, with
provision for air to enter and exit.
• Check the condition and capacity of batteries and
service them in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications (→ page 53).
Leaving the vehicle non-operational for long periods
of time can lead to battery damage. This can be
avoided by disconnecting the battery and storing
it in an appropriate manner (→ page 53) or by
activating hibernation mode (power-saving function)
(→ page 253).
N54.10-2563-00 The auxiliary battery (E2I, E2M) must not be used for
Schematic installation position of the main battery connection to an external power supply as this could
result in damage to the vehicle (→ page 235).
1 Main battery
Any additional work which arises due to the body in Storing the vehicle outside (< 1 month)
terms of warranty-related work, maintenance or repair Carry out the same procedure as for storing in an
work will not be paid for by Mercedes-Benz. enclosed space.
The following must be observed by the upfitter before Close all air inlets and set the heating system to
delivery of the vehicle: "Off".
Check the headlamp adjustment or have this Chapter 3.11.2 Battery maintenance and storage
checked at a qualified specialist workshop. We (→ page 53) must be observed.
recommend a Mercedes-Benz Service Center.
Retighten the wheel nuts/wheel bolts to the speci- Storing the vehicle outside(> 1 month)
fied tightening torque. Carry out the same procedure as for storing in an
enclosed space.
Mercedes-Benz recommends adapting the scopes
of maintenance work on the body to each individual Fold the windshield wipers away from the wind-
vehicle using the relevant Mercedes-Benz maintenance
systems. This applies to both the scope and type of Close all air inlets and set the heating system to
service work, and for determining the service due
dates for servicing intervals based on time elapsed or Chapter 3.11.2 Battery maintenance and storage
distance covered. (→ page 53) must be observed.
The upfitter must provide the vehicle with operator's Maintenance work on the stored vehicle (in storage
manual and maintenance instructions for the body and for > 1 month)
any additional assemblies installed. These instructions Check the oil level once a month.
must be in the language of the country in which the
Check the coolant once a month.
vehicle is to be used.
Check the tire pressures once a month.
3.11.1 Storing the vehicle
Removing the vehicle from storage
Storing the vehicle Check the fluid levels in the vehicle.
Clean the entire vehicle. Observance of manufacturer-specific information
on operating fluids (e.g. maximum durability
Check the oil and coolant levels. useful life, seasonal use etc.) and, where applicable
Inflate the tires to 0.5 bar above the specified tire replacement of respective operating fluids.
pressures. Adjust the tire pressures to the manufacturer’s
Release the parking brake and chock the wheels. specifications.
Chapter 3.11.2 Battery maintenance and storage Check the battery charge and install the battery.
(→ page 53) must be observed. Clean the entire vehicle.
3.11.2 Battery maintenance and storage 3.11.3 Work before handing over the modified
For long non-operational times or storage, ensure that
the battery is always in a charged state (more than 80% The upfitter must confirm the work and modifications
which corresponds to an open circuit voltage of approx- carried out by making an entry in the maintenance
imately 12.55 V). booklet.
For non-operational periods longer than 4 weeks, the
Checking the overall vehicle
batteries must comply with one of the following:
Check the vehicle for perfect condition.
The battery main switch (code E30) must be
isolated and fuse 32 must be removed. For more Damage must be repaired where necessary.
information on code E30, please refer to the Special care shall be taken to not impair or nega-
Upfitter Portal technical bulletin: Sprinter MY2019+ tively impact the following systems and areas: heat
Emergency Battery management, electrical systems, driver assistance
Hibernation mode (energy-saving mode) must be systems, reliability, durability, fit and finish of
activated (→ page 253) Mercedes-Benz parts, functionality of drivetrain,
weight/dimensions (other than explicitly labeled)
⚠ WARNING and any other customer expectation and perfor-
mance of the vans.
If the E30 battery main switch or the battery itself is Do not remove Mercedes-Benz heat shields.
disconnected on a vehicle with an automatic trans-
Use Mercedes-Benz defined engine coolant
mission, the fuse 32 (10A red) “automatic trans- (Antifreeze).
mission” in the fuse holder driver’s seat fuse block
Do not use after-market wheel ends, wheels
F55/4 must be removed if the vehicle is inactive.
spacers, wheels studs.
For further questions, please reach out via Upfitter- To reactivate the vehicle, reinstall the Do not change, modify or relocate steering gear,
linkage, power steering hose or steering column.
10A fuse (red) at fuse position 32, fuse block F55/4
and connect the E30 battery main switch. Do not change, modify or relocate any driver assis-
tance systems such as backup cameras, sensors
If the vehicle is unused for longer than 4 weeks,xe
Do not change, modify or relocate any airbags,
remove and store the battery in an upright position
seatbelts or other Mercedes-Benz restraining
at a dry place at temperature between 0 °C/32 °F
and 30 °C/86 °F.
The battery must be charged before removal and Checking the brake system
The brake fluid must be renewed regularly in accor-
The residual charging current should be less than dance with the Mercedes-Benz specifications, but
5A and the voltage higher than 13.5V. at least every two years.
The battery must be recharged every 4 weeks If it is not known how long a vehicle equipped with
when installed on the vehicle, or every 6 months a hydraulic brake system has been non-operational,
if removed from the vehicle, until the residual the brake fluid must be renewed.
charging current is less than 5A.
Check electric and hydraulic lines for damage of
The battery voltage must be kept above 12.55 V any kind and repair or replace if necessary.
at all times. If the battery voltage drops below
12.55 V but not below 12.1 V, the battery must
be recharged.
If the open circuit voltage (unloaded for 4 hours in
the removed state) of the battery voltage drops below
11 V, the battery is damaged and will have to be
The use of unapproved parts, major assemblies, con-
version parts, or accessory parts can have detrimen-
tal effects on the safety of the vehicle.
Before starting any work on the vehicle, please read
the chapters of the vehicle owner's manual relevant
to the upfit and the operating and installation guides
from the manufacturers of accessories and equip-
ment. You could otherwise fail to recognize dangers
which could result in injury to yourself or others.
1 1
Dimension Description
a 2440 mm/96 in Maximum permissible width of the upfitted box
b 2770 mm/109 in Maximum permissible distance measured from the top of the chassis frame to the top of
the upfitted box
c 735 mm/29 in Body frame height measured from ground level (may vary depending on load,
b+c 3505 mm/138 in Maximum permissible box height from ground level (excluding roof mounts)
d 4000 mm/157 in Maximum permissible height with roof mounts from ground level (with code JA8)
e 2776 mm/109.3 in Width of the vehicle including the extended mirrors (with code FS2)
f 2019 mm/79.5 in Width of the vehicle without mirrors and upfit
Consider both the maximum box height and width as Additionally, for frontal surface areas higher than
well as the maximum frontal surface area of the vehicle 6.8 m2/10540 in2, the following requirements are
when determining the measurements of the box. mandatory (for smaller frontal surface areas these
A nose cone may be installed on the front surface of requirements are preferable but not mandatory):
the box to reduce wind resistance. • The transition between cab housing and box has to
be chamfered by 45˚.
• The box is required to have edge radii ≥ 100 mm/
3.94 in (especially in the rear area) for improving
The following diagrams and tables show the general and the maximum side surface areas of Sprinter cab chassis vans.
The point of origin for the dimensions as well as for the 3D data (available for eXpertUpfitters on
is located in the middle of the front axle.
Dimension Comment
144” 170”
g 3665 mm/144 in 4325 mm/170 in Wheelbase
h Maximum permissible overhang for vehicles equipped without
option code X2R. Does not require an UPFITTER MANAGE-
1850 mm/73 in 2200 mm/87 in
MENT VANS review.(See chapter 6.2.4 Overhang extension
(→ page 107))
i Maximum permissible overhang for vehicles equipped with option
code X2R. The overhang value does not include small rear protrud-
ing components (e.g. spare tire, bike rack attachments).
2200 mm/87 in 2600 mm/102 in
Does require an UPFITTER MANAGEMENT VANS review. Visit (See chapter 6.2.4 Overhang extension
(→ page 107))
j Maximum permissible height of center of gravity (4.1.2 Maximum
permissible position of the center of gravity (→ page 58)
1300 mm/52 in 1300 mm/52 in For vehicles with center of gravity height greater than 1,000 mm,
please refer to section 4.2.1 'Suspension of Sprinter - BR907'
(→ page 69).
RV's (Recreational Vehicle) may have a maximum over- The extended permissible overhang with the option code
hang that is 60% of the wheelbase, but must not exceed X2R is only available for RV upfits. This is due to the
2600 mm/102 in (measured from the middle of the specific drive characteristics of RV’s; the relatively even
rear axle to the rear of the upfitted box). Please note weight distribution; and the predefined high rear axle
that auxiliary attachments (e.g. trailer hitch or addi- load with the unladen vehicle. These basic assumptions
tional bumpers) are not included in this measurement. cannot be made for other upfitted vehicles, so the basic
limits must apply to all other vehicles.
ⓘ For additional information about Crosswind Assist, please refer to chapter 8.9.2 Crosswind Assist.
Dimension Comment
k 1021 mm/40 in Distance between front end and point of origin
l 1503 mm/59 in Distance between point of origin and the back of the B-pillar
m Up to 4.2t > 35% of gross vehicle mass
Front axle load (see chapter 4.1.1 Steerability)
Up to 5t > 30% of gross vehicle mass
Dimension Description
n Minimum permissible distance between back of B-pillar and non-integrated body/box upfits
50 mm/2 in
(see chapter 4.9 Limit values for the box body (→ page 82)).
o Minimum permissible distance between the rear edge of the door and an integrated body
20 mm/0.8 in
(see chapter 4.9 Limit values for the box body (→ page 82)).
p 726 mm/29 in Distance from back of B-pillar to point ‘t’ (see bottom of table).
q up to 200 mm/ Alcove length measured from ‘t’ where no sensors are impaired (see chapter 8.9.5 Highbeam Assist,
7.9 in Lane Keeping Assist and traffic sign recognition and 8.9.6 Rain sensor and Headlamp Assist).
r Alcove length measured from ‘t’ where option codes LA2 (Headlamp assist sensor at upper posi-
up to 400mm/ tion) and JF1 (Rain sensor) may have impaired functionality. Therefore, option code LA3 (headlamp
15.8 in assist sensor at lower position) can be ordered (see chapter 7.14.4 Headlamp Assist (code LA2)
and 7.14.5 Rain sensor (code JF1)). If the option code LA3 is ordered, the rain sensor (code JF1)
cannot be ordered.
s Maximum permissible alcove overhang. Option code LA2 (Headlamp assist sensor at upper
up to 1150 mm/
position) and JF1 (Rain sensor) are covered by the shade of the alcove and the functionality will be
45 in
impaired. Therefore, option code LA3 (Headlamp assist sensor at lower position) can be ordered.
t - Accessible start point for measuring the alcove overhang (outer edge of windshield).
4.1.5 Drilling must not take place Drilling must not take place:
This chapter provides information about areas which • On the A and B-pillars
should not be modified or changed due to safety and • In the upper or lower flange/chord of the longitudinal
crash reasons. frame member
The following pictures show the safety and crash rel- • In the vicinity of load application points (e.g. spring
evant areas. Mercedes-Benz recommends not to drill brackets)
into the marked areas.
• In the vicinity of front axle or rear axle supporting
• On underbody reinforcement or longitudinal supports
under the B-Pillar
• In the vicinity of the airbags, airbag sensors, airbag
control unit, seat belts
• In the area of the assistance systems, (e.g. front and
rear radars for Parktronic or Distronic)
Holes in the longitudinal frame member are the
result of the production process and are not suitable
for body mounting work. On no account may holes
resulting from the production process be used, as
this could damage the frame.
Safety and crash relevant areas (marked in blue)
For mounting of partition walls, please use existing
The diagram below shows where drilling into the
longitudinal member is not allowed.
Clearances for fuel filler necks, fuel tank lines and
fuel lines must be maintained. Sharp edges of the
upfit can impact the fuel integrity of the vehicle.
4.1.7 Weights
The upfitter has to comply with certain limit values of
the vehicle. This subsection explains where the maxi-
mum limits can be found and how they are connected
to each other.
1 Specific to vehicle
2 Refer to subsection 3.6 Vehicle identification data
(→ page 39) for further information and labels
4.1.8 Weight limits A = Base Curb Weight (BCW). BCW is the sum of the
Sprinter vehicle weight and liquids necessary for vehi-
The diagram below provides an overview of the
cle operation at full capacity (e.g. fuel). The weight of
weight limits that must be considered when upfitting
the vehicle is variable and depends on the variant of
a Sprinter. This chapter serves as a guide to upfitters
the Sprinter and the option codes included in the spe-
when modifying their vehicles, but this cannot serve as
cific vehicle. Liquids that are not necessary for vehicle
a replacement for reviewing the latest version of federal
operation should not be included.
and local regulations on weight limitations. It is the
upfitter’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all B = Unloaded Vehicle Weight (UVW). UVW is the sum of
federal and local regulations on weight limitations. the BCW value and the weight of permanently installed
equipment added by the upfitter. Liquids that are not
The table below contains the maximum weight limit
necessary for vehicle operation as well as any acces-
values for Sprinters based on the model type. Do not
sories should not be included. The UVW restriction
exceed the maximum weight limits of UVW, GVWR, and
does not include the driver, passengers, cargo/luggage
GCWR, listed below.
items in its weight limit.
C = Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). GVWR is
the sum of UVW value and the driver and passenger(s)
weights as well as weights of the added cargo and/or
D = Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR). GCWR
is the sum of GVWR value and the weight of any
attached trailer and the cargo in the trailer.
Payload before the upfit is payload of the vehicle without
any upfit modifications and is calculated by subtracting
the BCW from the GVWR. The payload value is provided
on the tire label located on the B-pillar driver side door.
Payload after the upfit includes the weight of perma-
nently installed equipment added by the upfitter and
is calculated by subtracting the weight of the vehicle
after the upfit from the GVWR. The label with payload
(tire label on the B-pillar driver side door) provided by
Mercedes-Benz will need to be updated by the upfitter
with the payload after upfit value.
Code Description
CB1 Suspension for comfort and load protection
CB7 Stabilization level I - roll stabilization with high body damping
CB8 Stabilization level II - enhanced roll stabilization with higher body damping compared to CB7
CB4 Stabilization level III - maximum roll stabilization with higher body damping compared to CB8
CT1 Rear spring vibration absorbers
A50 Front axle reinforced
CE8 Raised rear body mounts
Code Benefit
CB1 Enhanced comfort due to adapted damper characteristics and the use of progressive
spring characteristics.
CB7 CB7 compensates for rolling behavior due to high centers of gravity of loads or bodies. Torsion
bars with an increased diameter are added to the front and rear axles. Furthermore, shock absorbers
with an adapted characteristic are installed.
CB8 Additional roll stabilization and body damping compared to CB7. Increases torsion bar diameters at
the front and rear axles and provides an adapted shock absorber characteristic. Furthermore, rear axle
springs with increased rigidity are installed.
CB4 Suspension with maximum roll stabilization for upfitted vehicles. CB4 includes the stabilization stage
II (CB8) with adapted springs/shock absorbers, stabilizer bar characteristics and the use of a progres-
sive spring characteristic.
CT1 Includes vibration absorbers fitted on the left and right rear spring and lowers the resonant vibrations
of the rear springs, thus hindering noise development.
A50 Includes an increased load capacity of the front axle, such that heavier bodies and equipment can be
fitted. The higher capacity front axle caters for heavier cabs and special equipment (e.g. for fire-fighting
vehicles and ambulances).
CE8 Raised body on rear axle (35mm). For RV only.
An additional ESP variant is available for the Sprinter 4.2.2 Permissible axle loads
van models in the form of the option code B01 (vehicle
See Chapter 2 General (→ page 14).
version for high loads). The code B01 can be ordered for
vehicles with high loads and is recommended for upfitted ⚠ WARNING
vehicles with high centers of gravity.
If the permissible axle loads are exceeded on vehicles
For more information, please refer to Chapter 4.1.2
equipped with the ESP® system, this may no longer
Maximum permissible position of the center of grav-
function correctly. Furthermore, any overloading may
ity (→ page 58) and Chapter 9.1 Center of gravity
result in damage to the suspension and load-bearing
(→ page 309)
parts. This could cause the driver to lose control
Code B01 contains a combination of suspension, of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident, personal
tires, ESP parameters, driver assistance system param- injuries and death if such systems no longer function
eters specially designed and developed for upfitted vehi- correctly!
cles with a center of gravity of more than 1000 mm/39
Permissible axle loads are not to be exceeded.
in above the ground level. This also applies to all-wheel
drive vehicles. Code B01 is not available for 3500,
3500XD, or 4500 vans with 144" wheelbase. For information on axle loads and maximum permis-
sible gross mass, see 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
In the Dealer Ordering Guide (DOG) (please review the suspension matrix will
provide a recommendation for the specific suspensions
depending on the vehicle characteristics. If the
upfit/body required by the customer is not included in
the suspension matrix, then please reach out via
Tire Front axle (psi) Rear axle (psi) Spare tire (psi)
Vehicles below 10,000 lbs.
LT 215/85 R16 (without code A50) 55 54 55
LT 215/85 R16 (with code A50) 61 54 61
LT245/75 R16 (without code A50) 46 70 70
LT245/75 R16 (with code A50) 52 70 70
225/75 R16C (without code A50) 49 - 100
225/75 R16C (with code A50) 54 - 100
285/65 R16C - 67 -
Vehicles above 10,000 lbs. and below 12,
125 lbs.
LT 215/85 R16 (without code A50) 55 58 -
LT 215/85 R16 (with code A50) 61 58 -
285/65 R16C - 67 -
Vehicles at 12,125 lbs.
LT 215/85 R16 (with code A50) 65 62 -
285/65 R16C - 75 -
4.3.1 Modifications to the body in white 4.3.2 Limit values for the vehicle frame
See "Modifications to the basic vehicle" (→ page 101) If the frame is extended, the material of the extension
for more information. element must have the same quality and dimensions as
• No modifications may be made to the crossmember the standard chassis frame, see Chapter 7.1 Assembly
structure from the front of the vehicle back to, and frame (→ page 180).
including, the B-pillar.
Vehicle name Model designation Material
• No modifications may be made to the rear portal Sprinter 907 CR240 LA or
including the roof area (→ page 111). S235 JRG
• In the event of modifications to the load-bearing
structure, the total equivalent rigidity of the structure
fitted by the upfitter must equal that of the standard
• Clearances for fuel filler necks, fuel tank lines and
fuel lines must be maintained.
• It is not permissible to drill holes in or perform weld-
ing work on the A-pillar or B-pillar.
• If modifications are made to the side wall of the
cargo van or the passenger van, the rigidity of the
modified body must equal that of the basic vehicle.
• If bodies are mounted on basic vehicle cabs, a fuel
level sensor shield may be necessary depending
on the body type. See section 6.3.1 Fuel system
(→ page 126).
General roof information: Refer to 8.9.2 Crosswind Assist (→ page 273) for
modifications to the projected lateral face.
The sheet metal thickness of the roof bows is 0.8mm.
Roof bows or load-bearing parts may not be removed
or damaged without being replaced.
For further information in regards of roof modification,
please review see Chapter 6.2.9 Cargo Van/Passenger
Van roof (→ page 118).
The connection between the roof bow and the
side wall must be of sufficient bending resistance
(→ page 111).
Adding equipment to Mercedes-Benz vehicle grille Modifications may not be made to covers for the lower
For vehicles with a genuine Mercedes-Benz Van vehicle opening area in the bumper grille (see following figure).
front, detachable parts (horn, front flasher or similar)
can be mounted in the hatched areas 1 and 2 of the
front grille (see following schematic diagram).
the basic vehicle" (→ page 147) and "Modifications to Image outlining the B pillar cover
the interior" (→ page 190).
1 Trim coat hook
If modifications/alterations to the seats are necessary, 2 Coat hook
refer to 1.7 Contact (→ page 11). 3 Seat belt
If a rear bench seat with 2 or 3-point seat belts devi- 4 Trim B-pillar
5 Cargo tie-down
ates from the standard seat design, it must comply
6 Seat belt height adjustment mechanism
with the requirements from Chapters 6.4.1 General
information (→ page 138), 6.4.2 Safety equipment
(→ page 139) and 6.4.3 Seats (→ page 147). Removal of B-Pillar Cover
If a rear bench seat with 2 or 3-point seat belts devi- Pull coat hook trim (1) upwards and remove coat
ates from the standard seat design, it must comply with hook (2).
the requirements concerning “Anchoring of seat belts”. Remove the cargo tie down (5) or cover.
Any retrofitted rear bench seat with two- or three-point Remove the seat belt (3) from the seat (if needed).
seat belts must comply with the FMVSS/CMVSS 210. Remove the assist handle covers and remove the
screws (optional equipment). Remove the assist
handle from the passenger side B-pillar.
Pull the trim (4) on the B-pillar out of clip connec-
tions starting at top and remove downward.
Remove the seat belt (3) from the trim (4) (if
Dampening devices are not used on Sprinter Cab
Chassis and Passenger Vans.
In isolated cases there may be some inconveniences.
4.7 Limit values for additional assemblies 4.8 Limit values for attachments
If additional assemblies (e.g. additional air conditioning • A lateral protection is necessary when:
compressors, pumps, etc.) are retrofitted, the following - the distance between the rear of the vehicle and
must be observed: the rear axle is more than 1000 mm/39 in.
• The operation of vehicle components must not be - with the vehicle in its unladen condition, the
adversely affected. distance between the roadway and the chas-
• The freedom of movement of vehicle parts must be sis or main parts of the body is greater than
guaranteed in all driving situations. 550 mm/21 in across the entire width of the
• Refer to option codes N62 and N63 (→ page 154). vehicle.
• The maximum permissible lifting load of a lifting
platform is 500 kg/1102 lbs on a cargo van and
1000 kg/2205 lbs on chassis. Attachment as
per section 6.6.6 Lifting platform (cargo liftgate)
(→ page 169) is essential.
Attachment to the rear frame section:
On cab-chassis, the reinforcement of the trailer cou-
pling in the left/ right rear longitudinal member for BR
907 is installed on the vehicle as standard. If this is not
required, it must be deleted when the vehicle is ordered
(code QW1). For cargo and passenger vans, the longi-
tudinal member reinforcement must be ordered at the
same time (code Q11).
min. 20 mm
0.8 in
Box body
See Chapter 7 Design of bodies (→ page 180).
The standard fuel filler cap must not be removed or
covered with any "blocking" parts, see Chapter 6.2.5
Modifications to the cab (→ page 110).
The minimum distance between the cab and a sepa-
rate body must be > 50 mm/2 in. N40.00-2053-00
Tampering with or unauthorized installations in vehi-
cle systems, safety-relevant components and driver
assistance systems can impair the functioning of
these systems. This may lead to the failure or mal-
functioning of components or safety-relevant com-
ponent parts. There is a risk of accident, personal
injuries and death associated with such tampering
and unauthorized installations!
Always have work on vehicle systems, safety-relevant
components and driver assistance systems per-
formed at a qualified workshop.
Surface and anti-corrosion protection measures must Preventing contact corrosion by means of electrical
be carried out on the affected areas after modifications insulation
and installation work have been performed on the
Only preservation agents tested and approved by
Mercedes-Benz may be used for any anti-corrosion
protection measures performed.
Planning measures
Anti-corrosion protection measures should be included
in the planning and design stages by selecting suitable
materials and designing components accordingly.
Coating measures
The vehicle can be protected against corrosion by
applying protective coatings (e.g. galvanization, paint-
ing or zinc coating applied by flame) (→ page 88).
Painting or preservation damaged by the upfitter must ⓘ Additional information on paintwork and preserva-
be repaired by the upfitter. tion can be found at
Observe the following points:
• Mercedes-Benz quality standards for initial painting
and repair paintwork must be adhered to.
• Only materials tested and approved by
Mercedes-Benz or equivalently suitable materials Depending on the type and thickness, paints or films
may be used for any painting or preservation work can cause attenuation of radar waves. This could lead
performed. to malfunction or failure of the system and may even
• The upfitter must observe the coat thickness for cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
each individual coat as specified by the factory. There is a risk of accident, personal injuries, and
• Paint compatibility must be guaranteed when death if the system no longer functions correctly!
In repair cases, the existing coat of paint must be
ⓘ You can obtain information on the paint materials removed in such a way that the plastic cover is not
and coat thicknesses used at the factory damaged and the material thickness of the cover is
and Mercedes-Benz paint numbers from any not significantly reduced. The new paint coat structure
Mercedes-Benz Service Center. must not exceed the following limits:
• A maximum of 2 color coats with a thickness of 15
μm plus 2 clearcoats may be applied.
Mask at least the following areas before painting:
• With metallic silver, only one coat with a thickness
• Disk brakes
of 15 μm plus one coat in white 15 μm thick are
• Brake hoses permissible.
• Transmission unit of the park brake • The material thickness must be homogeneous in
• Contact areas between disk wheels and wheel hubs order to prevent distortion of the radar waves.
• Contact surfaces of wheel nuts/wheel bolts • Specified thickness for unpainted covers: 2.42 mm
(0.095 in) front bumper/ 2.72 mm (0.107 in) rear
• Brake fluid reservoir
bumper, each +/-0.1 mm (0.004 in), without paint
• Breathers on transmissions, axles, etc.
• Specified thickness for painted covers: 2.42 mm
• Sealing surfaces (0.095 in) front bumper/ 2.72 mm (0.107 in) rear
• Windows bumper, each +0.1 mm/-0.2 mm (+0.004 in/ -0.008
in), without paint
• Door locks
• Door catches in the hinges of the hinged rear door
• Door catches and opening limiters in the center
guide rails
• Contact surfaces on the runner rails of sliding doors
• Moving parts of the sliding door carriage
• Airbags and seat belts
For the subsequent painting of sensors, particular
instructions in the relevant chapters on the sensors
concerned must be observed.
• Active Brake Assist/Active Distance Assist
(DISTRONIC PLUS) sensor (→ page 275)
• Blind Spot Assist/Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)
sensors (→ page 277)
• Parking Package with 360° camera/ Parking
Package with reversing camera and sensors
(→ page 289)
Front view
Side view
To prevent any damage while vehicles are in storage,
Mercedes-Benz recommends that they be serviced and
stored in accordance with the manufacturer's specifi-
cations (→ page 51).
To prevent damage to the vehicle or to repair any
existing damage, Mercedes-Benz recommends that the
vehicle be subjected to a full function check and
a complete visual inspection before it is handed over.
6.1 Suspension
Front axle
General ⚠ WARNING
Several suspension variants are available from ex Work carried out incorrectly on the brake lines or
factory. A suitable suspension variant must be selected brake hoses may impair their function. This may
depending on the planned body, see 4.2 Limit values lead to the failure of components or safety-relevant
for the suspension (→ page 68) component parts. This could cause the driver to lose
Modifications to springs, shock absorbers and stabilizer control of the vehicle. There is a risk of accident,
bars can only be made in the combinations specified by personal injuries and death if such systems no longer
Mercedes-Benz on the front and rear axle. Any modifi- function correctly!
cations over and above this must be evaluated by the Work on brake lines or brake hoses may only be car-
relevant specialist department in each individual case. ried out by an authorized specialist workshop.
Please reach out to the Upfitter Portal for more infor-
mation, refer to 1.7 Contact (→ page 11). After completion of the work, check that the brake
• We recommend the use of Mercedes-Benz genuine system is working correctly. We recommend that the
springs. brake system be inspected and approved by a technical
• Do not damage the surface or anti-corrosion protec- inspection station.
tion of the spring leaves during installation work. If the routing has to be altered, avoid routing across
• Before carrying out welding work, springs must be sharp edges and through narrow cavities or near mov-
covered to protect them against welding spatter. ing components.
Routing lines along the brake hoses and brake lines ⚠ WARNING
No other lines may be attached to brake hoses and Any modifications to brake components may result
brake lines. in these systems not functioning correctly and
ultimately failing. This could cause the driver to lose
Brake cable for the parking brake/modifying the control of the vehicle.
length of the brake cable There is a risk of accident, personal injuries and
If a new brake cable is required for the parking death if such systems no longer function correctly!
brake, the new length of the cable must be deter-
mined and a suitable new cable must be procured. Modifications to brake system components are not
The brake cable retainers are moment-optimized; modi-
fications are not permitted.
The brake cables must be routed without kinks.
There must be no angle changes at the end pieces of
the brake cable conduit.
No other lines may be attached to brake lines, other
than those installed as standard.
All cables for fitting a trailer brake controller should
be routed using the green connector only. Maximum
circuit warning may not be exceeded.
Crimp pins to your wiring harness and attach to the Figure Part Number Description
plug connector making sure that your wires match
1 A0395453528 Plug Connector 4-pin
the female connector pin layout as outlined:
2 A0355457428 Flag plug terminal (male)
1.5 mm2 – 2.5 mm2/
0.002 in2 – 0.004 in2
3 A0465454028 Flag plug terminal (male)
2 1 0.75 mm2 – 1.0 mm2/
0.001 in2 – 0.002 in2
4 3
Electric Brakes
Fig. 1: Plug Connector housing
Tire sizes
The temporary attachment is not permitted for opera
tion of the vehicle on public roads, therefore the
upfitter is responsible for attaching the spare wheel in
a suitable, alternative position for this variant before
driving on public road. Ensuring road safety in all
operating situations of the vehicle is the responsibility
of the upfitter.
100 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.2.1 General information on the body in white/ then additional roof bows must be fitted. The overall
body design of the side, front and rear roof structure must
be retained, and sufficient rigidity of the modified
Modifications to the body must not have a negative
parts must be guaranteed. 6.2.10 Cutting the cab
effect on the function nor on the strength of the vehicle
roof and B-pillar roof bow (→ page 123))
equipment, controls, or load-bearing parts.
• Modifications in the roof area and to the rear portal
When converting vehicles and mounting bodies, it is
are permitted only when adequate equivalent rigidity
not permissible to make modifications that affect
can be provided. Modifications in these areas must
the function or freedom of movement of chassis parts
be coordinated with Mercedes-Benz. Upon comple-
(e.g. during maintenance and inspection work) or
tion of all work on the vehicle, you must comply with
accessibility to these parts.
the specified anti-corrosion protection measures
Observe the following: (→ page 86).
• Wheelbase modifications are not permitted on all • Mounting consoles (plug welds) must be used to
Sprinter vehicles. attach additional equipment to the longitudinal
• The Tire Pressure Management System (TPMS) frame members and cross members. These require
may malfunction if modifications are made in the a review by Mercedes-Benz. Please reach out via
immediate vicinity of the antennas and wheels technical inquiry on
(→ page 288). • Trailer connections must be checked for correct
• On no account should modifications be made to the operation.
structure of the longitudinal members and cross • If a trailer hitch is installed, the necessary reinforce-
members from the front to 1 m (3.28 ft) behind the ments must be present.
B-pillar because this can disrupt the structure neces-
• If bodies are mounted on basic vehicle “chas-
sary for passive safety. See Chapter 4.3.1 Modifica-
sis”, a fuel level sensor shield may be necessary
tions to the body in white(→ page 72).
depending on the body type see 6.3.1 Fuel system
(→ page 126).
As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
Longitudinal frame members are crash-relevant
If work is performed in these areas, the structure ⑴ NOTE
necessary for passive safety can be disrupted.
The factory-fitted wooden or plastic floors, including
Ex-factory holes on the longitudinal frame member the integrated tie-down eyes, represent a certified
are not suitable for securing attachments, bodies, as-built configuration in the cargo van.
equipment, and conversions; there is a risk of dam-
If the wooden or plastic floor is removed from these
age to the frame.
vehicles, it must be ensured that an equivalent substi-
tute is restored for securing loads in accordance with
• The clearance for the fuel filler neck, fuel tank and the international requirements of ISO 27956.
fuel lines must be maintained (→ page 126).
• Changes to the rigidity in the area of the filler neck
can result in leakage of the fuel tank after a crash.
• Avoid sharp-edged corners.
• It is not permissible to make cuts in the A-pillar or
B-pillar, including the associated roof bows.
• It is not permissible to make cuts in the C-pillar or
D-pillar, including the associated roof bows.
• If the roof skin and roof bows are removed and it is
not possible to install a continuous sectional frame,
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 101
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
1 Upper flange
2 Lower flange
102 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
1500, 2500 longitudinal frame member Welding work on the body in white
Welding work may only be performed by trained per-
h h1 h2 h sonnel.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 103
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
1 Chassis frame
2 Spacer bushings
a Distance of at least 20% of the frame height
b Distance between drill holes at least 50 mm/1.97 in
104 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
If attachments are mounted on the front frame sec-
tion, the function of the forward crash structure and
the airbag units may be impaired.
Attachments are therefore only permitted to be
mounted on the front section of the frame after evalu-
ation with the responsible department.
As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
The modifications must not hinder possible repair
work on the standard vehicle.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 105
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Risk of accident due to the unapproved attachment
of a trailer hitch!
If a trailer hitch is retrofitted and you attach a trailer
hitch or other components, the longitudinal frame
member will be weakened and can break. In this
case, the trailer can detach from the vehicle.
There is a risk of accident, personal injuries and
death as a result of the improper attachment of a
trailer hitch!
Only retrofit a trailer hitch if this is permissible.
106 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.2.3 Material for the chassis frame dimension and the distance of the rear end radar
from the rear axle must be entered in both rear
If the frame is extended, the material of the extension radars (BSM) by new SCN coding with O-codes.
element must have the same quality and dimensions
If the frame overhang is extended, the function of
as the standard chassis frame (only permissible in the the Trailer Stability Assist (TSA) and the permissible
underfloor area). towing capacity specified in the vehicle registration
document must be checked and, if necessary, be
⑴ NOTE reduced or even omitted, see 4.1.3 Vehicle dimen-
sions (→ page 59).
Lengthening in the area of the front-end assembly is On no account may the original positions of the
not permissible (impact load path)! radar sensors in the bumpers be changed. This
adjustment must be performed by a Mercedes-
Benz Service Center. More information is given in
Material Yield strength Tensile strength Chapter 8.9.4 Blind Spot Assist/Rear Cross Traffic
CR240LA 260-340 N/mm2 ≥ 240 N/mm2 Alert (RCTA)/Exit Warning (→ page 277).
37700-49300 psi ≥ 34800 psi The frame overhang must be reinforced accordingly.
S235JRG2 ≥ 235 N/mm2 340-510 N/mm2
Make sure that you do not exceed the permissible
≥ 34075 psi 49300-73950 psi
axle loads. Ensure that you maintain the position of
Material specifications should comply with the DIN the center of gravity within the permissible limits.
Standard MBN11251. After the upfit, the upfitter must determine the
vehicle's centers of gravity according to the
explanations in Chapter 9.1 Center of gravity
(→ page 309).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 107
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
overhang from the rear axle, including the frame Maximum overhang lengths (using a lifting work platform
overhang extension as well as the body and attach- as illustration)
ments. X Vehicle overhang
108 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 109
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
The strength and rigidity of the cab structure must not Roof bows or supporting parts may not be removed
be impaired. or modified without being replaced.
110 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Side wall
If modifications are made to the side wall of the cargo
van or the passenger van, the rigidity of the modified
body must be equal to that of the basic vehicle.
The front of the roof frame, the roof bow at the B-pillar,
and the A-pillar and the B-pillar themselves must be
retained and their function may not be impaired in any
Refer to 8.9.2 Crosswind Assist (→ page 273) for
modifications to the projected lateral face.
An evalution with the responsible department is neces-
sary. As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must
comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection
measures (→ page 86).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 111
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
112 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
The maximum permitted height of the bottom step • Laminated glass (code W17+F43): 15.43 lbs./ 7 kg
above the roadway is 400 mm/15.75 in. • Sliding window in side wall (code W18):
Installations must allow a sufficient clearance from the 14.33 lbs./ 6.5 kg
inside handles in all positions (anti-pinch protection). • Luxury door trim (code V21): 4.41 lbs./ 2 kg
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must (only for RWD A2LH2 RE)
comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection • Speakers (code EL9): 4.41 lbs./ 2 kg
measures (→ page 86).
Hinged rear doors
The system for the hinged rear doors was designed for
For all versions of vehicle doors (front doors, sliding a maximum weight of 83.78 lbs./ 38 kg per hinged
doors, hinged rear doors), modifications to the lock- rear door, and this must not be exceeded due to modi-
ing system, in the immediate vicinity of the door and fications.
in the area of pillars/crossmembers must be avoided. The ex-factory weight of the hinged rear door for each
The attachment of additional mechanical locks (e.g. vehicle model and roof height is listed in the table. The
latch locks/"slam-locks") is not permitted. delta weight, including special equipment, corresponds
to the maximum permissible additional weight on the
hinged rear door.
Sliding door to load compartment
The system for the load compartment sliding door was Maximum permissible additional weight
designed for a maximum door weight of 143.3 lbs./ (total weight of rear doors - basic equipment = additional
65 kg. Modifications must not cause this weight to be weight)
exceeded. Roof Hinged rear door
height Left [lbs], [kg] Right [lbs], [kg]
The ex-factory weight of the load compartment sliding
LH1 83.78 - 60.63 = 23.15, 83.78 - 57.32 = 26.46,
door for each vehicle model and wheelbase is listed 38 - 27.5 = 10.5 38 - 26 = 12
in the table. The delta corresponds to the maximum LH2 83.78 - 66.14 = 17.64, 83.78 - 61.73 = 22.05,
permissible additional weight on the sliding door to the 38 - 30 = 8 38 - 28 = 10
load compartment.
For the special equipment items with the codes listed
Maximum permissible additional weight below, the following weights must be added to the
(total weight of load compartment sliding door - basic
basic equipment (see table).
equipment = additional weight)
Roof height If items of equipment are removed, they must be taken
LH1 143.30 - 108.03 = 35.27 lbs, into account in the weight calculation.
65 - 49 = 16 kg
• Window (code W61/W78): 4.41 lbs./ 2 kg
LH2 143.30 - 119.05 = 24.25 lbs,
65 - 54 = 11 kg • Luxury interior trim (code V21): 3.31 lbs./ 1.5 kg
• Window washer system (code W78): 2.20 lbs./ 1 kg
For the special equipment items with the codes listed
below, the following weights must be added to the
basic equipment (see table).
If items of equipment are removed, they must be taken
into account in the weight calculation.
• Electric closing assist (code T50/T51): 6.61 lbs./ 3 kg
• Electric operation (code T55/T56): 13.23 lbs./ 6 kg
(including code T50/T51)
• Window at front of sliding door (code W17):
8.82 lbs./ 4 kg
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 113
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Modifications to
• door kinematics
• guidance systems (rails, sliding carriages etc.)
• locking systems (closing assists, anti-entrapment
strips, locks, arresters etc.)
• end stop systems (buffers etc.)
• bodyshell structure
may result in the door opening unintentionally.
There is a risk of accident!
No modifications may be made to any of these sys- Rear door opening
1 Non modifying areas
Furthermore, care must be taken to ensure an extensive
connection and CoG distribution at the doors.
6.2.7 Fenders and wheel wells
The upfitter is responsible for his/her conversions and
Ensure that there is sufficient space between the
modifications on the vehicle.
tire and the fender or wheel well even with snow or
anti-skid chains fitted and the suspension completely
⑴ NOTE compressed (allowing for axle twist). Pay attention to
the dimensional data in the 2D chassis drawings (offer
When selecting a carrier system for bicycles or other drawings).
transported items on the rear end, observe the spec-
ified restrictions on additional masses on the hinged ⚠ WARNING
rear doors. The mass of the carrier system including
the transported items, e.g. bicycles, must be taken If modifications are made to the mountings of seats
into account. on the wheel well or to lowered wheel wells, the vehi-
cle (e.g. the wheel well and tires) could be damaged.
If the additional mass restriction cannot be complied There is a risk of accident, personal injuries and
with, it is recommended to use a suitable carrier death if such systems no longer function correctly!
system supported by or attached to the ball head of
the trailer coupling. On no account may seats be mounted on the wheel
Rear portal
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must
Any modifications to the rear door opening including comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection
the roof area are only permitted in exceptional cases measures (→ page 86).
and an UIS must be requested online via the Upfitter
Portal (→ page 18). Reductions in the width of the wheel wells are not
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must
comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection
measures (→ page 86).
114 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Wheel wells (side wall and substructure scope) ⓘ The minimum distance of the wheel well is mea-
It is possible to lower the wheel wells as long as the sured from the floor of the cargo van to the lowest
following preconditions and limit values are complied point of the wheel well contour. More information
with: can be found under "Modifications to the basic
vehicle" (→ page 114).
• No components or sharp edges (e.g. folded seams or
edges) may protrude into the wheel well.
• The maximum permitted lowering dimension may not
be exceeded by any component in the wheel well.
• Unrestricted use of snow chains is not possible: The
entry "Use of snow chains subject to limitations"
must be entered in the vehicle documents.
Clearance requirement
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 115
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
116 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 117
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must • In order to prevent function impairments, the body
comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection limits for camera-based support systems must be
measures (→ page 86). observed; see 8.9.5 Highbeam Assist, Lane Keeping
Assist and traffic sign recognition (→ page 286)
and 8.9.6 Rain sensor and Headlamp Assist
Comply with all applicable FMVSS/CMVSS guidelines (→ page 286).
and regulations.
• Refer to 8.9.2 Crosswind Assist (→ page 273) for
modifications to the projected lateral face.
• Observe the limit values for the suspension
(→ page 68).
The rigidity of the new roof structure must be equal
to that of the original standard roof.
On no account should modifications be made to the
rear portal including the roof area.
Upon completion of all work on the vehicle, you must
comply with the specified anti-corrosion protection
measures (→ page 86).
118 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 119
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
H 50 20 mm 20 mm
[mm] 0.8 in 0.8 in
37,5 s
32,5 1 23 4 5
I x [mm4]
Required moments of inertia for roof bows with 20 mm/0.8 in flange with the roof skin
1 B: 50 x s: 0.8
2 B: 40 x s: 1.0
3 B: 50 x s: 1.0
4 B: 60 x s: 1.0
5 B: 50 x s: 1.2
120 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 121
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Roof hatch
122 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.2.10 Cutting the cab roof and B-pillar roof bow Equivalent rigidity when cutting B-pillar roof bow
For semi-integrated bodies, e.g. RVs or integral box For the following variants, an evalution with the respon-
bodies, the cab roof including B-pillar roof bow can be sible department is necessary.
cut out in the indicated area (see illustration) where As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
When cutting the B-pillar roof bow, it is essential to m
0m n
35 3.8 i
ensure equivalent rigidity in one of the ways listed 1
below. mm
70 0 in
12 5
Material characteristics
Sandwich construction Wooden board
Structure: Structure:
2.0 mm/0.08 in GRP 20.0 mm/0.8 in wood
26.0 mm/1 in foam
2.0 mm/0.08 in GRP
EGRP = 12000 N/mm²; EWood = 3000 N/mm²
1740000 psi 435000 psi
EFoam = 80 N/mm²;
11600 psi
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 123
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Welded structure
1 Roof paneling
2 Rectangular profile
124 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
50 mm 100 mm
2.0 in 3.9 in
12 mm 20 mm
0.5 in 0.8 in
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 125
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Modifications to the fuel system may only be carried
out with the approval of the department responsible
1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
Non-approved modifications to the fuel system (fuel
tank, lines, etc.) may lead to impaired performance
and engine limp-home mode.
Note the following when working on the fuel system: Fuel level sensor shield
126 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
On no account may any load be placed on the fuel
tank, for example by using it as a step.
In the case of cab-chassis, it is necessary to protect
the system components on the top of the fuel tank
(fill level sensor and vent valve) from falling cargo or
objects as shown in the schematic diagram below.
Without such protection in the area illustrated, these
system components and the fuel tank can be dam-
aged, rendering the vehicle unusable. Position of fuel filter on OM654 engine (schematic, rear
wheel drive)
The planning and execution of the protection, taking
into account the specific body, are the duty of the 1 Fuel filter for OM654
upfitter and are his or her sole responsibility. Arrow Direction of travel
Operation of additional external consumers
Any unapproved modifications to the fuel filter and
hindrance to the access of fuel filter may lead to func-
tional impairments or to component failure, and conse-
quently to the engine running in limp-home mode.
No modifications may be made to the fuel filter, its • 1 ea. transport protection with connector coupling
position and mounting, and the related detachable • 1 ea. auxiliary heater line
parts. Accessibility to the fuel filter for service and
This code is only available for Diesel engines.
repair work should be assured, and it should not be
hindered by any aftermarket detachable parts.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 127
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Modifications carried out incorrectly to the fuel
system may have a detrimental effect on the environ-
ment. N47.00-2059-00
Modifications carried out incorrectly to the fuel
system may have a detrimental effect on the environ-
128 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
The male connector piece which is coming with KL1 is shown in detail below. The measurements are shown in metric (mm).
For connecting an aftermarket fuel line the upfitter can order the female connector from the supplier Rayconnect Incorporated
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 129
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
130 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Modifications to the tank flange module may only be The SCR systems of the vehicles with the previous
made with the consent of Mercedes-Benz. engines OM651/OM642 and the new engine OM654
The AdBlue®/DEF line connects the AdBlue®/DEF differ in terms of the number of AdBlue® injection
tank to the injection point at the engine. points on the exhaust system, and consequently the
number of injection valves and lines:
The AdBlue®/DEF line is electrically heated and
designed for this system in terms of its rigidity. • OM651/OM642: Single metering near engine
Modifications to the heat AdBlue®/DEF line may only • OM654: Double metering near engine and in
be made with the consent of Mercedes-Benz. substructure area
1 1
N14.40-2038-00 N14.40-2037-00
1 AdBlue®/DEF tank
2 AdBlue®/DEF line
3 AdBlue®/DEF filler neck
1 AdBlue® tank
2 AdBlue® line for metering near engine
3 AdBlue® filler neck
4 AdBlue® line for metering in substructure area
Arrow Direction of travel
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 131
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
in this vehicle configuration. Further information
can be obtained from the local Mercedes-Benz Service
Example of a pipe bend design
Comply with all local and national guidelines and
regulations. • Maximum pipe bend 90°
If the minimum distances to fuel lines, plastic lines
and electrical cables are not maintained, severe heat
can result in a fire.
There is a risk of fire and explosion!
Always comply with the specified minimum clear-
132 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
It is important to not only consider the radiant heat Exhaust system without SCR system (gas engine)
emitted by the exhaust system, but also the jet of The length and installation position of the flexible metal
exhaust emitted behind the exhaust pipe outlet under hose between the exhaust manifold and the exhaust
all operating conditions. pipe must not be changed.
The free cross-section of the exhaust pipe behind the
main muffler must not be reduced.
When using the power take-off, refer to the informa-
tion and notes in the operator's manual of the vehicle ⚠ WARNING
regarding regeneration of the diesel particulate filter The lengths and routings, e.g. between the diesel
in the exhaust system. particulate filter and the main muffler, are optimized
with regards to temperature characteristics. Modifi-
cations could lead to higher or extreme temperatures
Additional shielding is required in the exhaust system and surrounding components
• Near control panels (propeller shafts, fuel tank, floor panel, etc.). There is
a risk of fire!
• Near major assemblies, attachments and equipment,
unless they are made of heat-resistant material. Modifications to the exhaust system as far as the
muffler are not permitted.
Exhaust emission
It must be ensured that the exhaust gases emitted from
the tailpipe cannot enter the passenger compartment.
Particular attention must be paid to this in the layout of
accesses and doors.
Code Description
K63 Exhaust, to the side behind the rear axle
KA3 Exhaust, to the side in front of the rear axle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 133
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Exhaust system with SCR system It is the upfitter's sole responsibility to guarantee
Modifications to the exhaust system with SCR sys- adequate clearance between the exhaust system and
tem are only allowed at a minimum distance of all the components relative to its body scopes. The
100 mm/3.94 in behind the last sensor (NOx sensor). above-mentioned minimum distances to the exhaust
The positions and installation positions of the sensors system components must be observed.
and the throttle valve as well as the spatial geometry
of the overall system or other components may not be
100 mm /
3.94 in
1 NOx sensor
2 SCR catalytic converter
3 Area in which modifications are not permitted
4 Particulate matter sensor
1 NOx sensor
2 SCR catalytic converter
3 Area in which modifications are not permitted
4 Throttle valve
134 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 135
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Types of angular offset
b1 = b2
136 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Any temporary dismantling of the rebound straps
during the upfit must be returned to the Mer-
cedes-Benz specification before returning to use.
The Mercedes-Benz screws must be bolted at the
designated points with a tightening torque of 70 Nm
+/- 7 Nm (52 ft lb +/- 5 ft lb). The number of rebound
straps varies depending on the length of the body.
All Mercedes-Benz passenger vans come standard
withthe option code AP2 (protection bar for drivesh-
aft). The option code AP2 ensures compliance with
all federal regulations for driveshaft protection
regarding passenger vans and bus conversions. If any
conversion of a non-passenger van to a passenger
van is carried out, the upfitter is obligated to ensure
that the van is compliant with all relevant driveshaft
protection regulations and may order the option code
The driveshaft underneath the cab must be secured
with at least one bracket.
Rebound straps
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 137
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.4 Interior
138 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Attachments with rigid connections to the front, side
and rear of the vehicle at the height of possible acci-
dent zones could modify the characteristics of the
vehicle's passive safety.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 139
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Any modifications to the components of the restraint
systems (airbag control unit, satellite sensors,
airbags, seat belt tensioners, etc.), their lines and
attachments are not permitted.
Vehicle parts that generate vibrations may not be
mounted in the proximity of the airbag control unit or
the sensor installation locations. Nor may modifica-
tions be made to the floor structure in the proximity
of the airbag control unit or the satellite sensors.
Otherwise, reliable operation of the restraint systems
is no longer guaranteed, and there is a risk of injury.
140 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Parts relevant to safety such as seat belts or belt
anchorages and seat belt tensioners must not be
damaged or soiled when work is carried out on the
vehicle. Otherwise these restraint systems may no
longer function properly, and in the event of an acci-
1 dent they would fail to provide sufficient protection.
Only the original seat belts may be fitted, otherwise
the general operating permit of the vehicle would be
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 141
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
⚠ WARNING 1 Retractor
142 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Front airbag
All airbag units are labeled "Airbag":
• The driver's airbag unit is identified by the "Airbag"
inscription on the steering wheel boss.
• If the vehicle is equipped with a front passenger
airbag, this unit is also identified by the "Airbag"
• If the vehicle is equipped with window airbags, they
are identified by the "Airbag" inscription on the cover.
• If the vehicle is equipped with thorax/pelvis side air-
bags, these are identified by the "Airbag" inscription
on the seat backrest.
The indicator lamp signals a malfunction in the restraint
system, which includes functions of the seat belt warn-
ing and the ESP® sensor system.
Schematic diagram of deployment area of driver's airbag
• Because ESP® is standard equipment, the lamp is
present in every instrument cluster and is active in
the lamp check even when no restraint equipment is
• The seat belt reminder warning is also triggered by
the restraint system, even when no restraint equip-
ment is installed.
The following illustrations show the location and
deployment areas of the driver’s and front passenger
airbags as well as that of window airbag and thorax/
pelvis side airbag. The deployment areas shown are
greater than the actual volume of the airbag because
space is required for airbag rebound as it deploys. Schematic diagram of deployment area of front passenger
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 143
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
On no account should modifications be made to the
B-pillar, door bodies, trim and seat covers.
144 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Working on the A-pillar can cause damage to the
window airbag. This can result in the window airbag
no longer functioning properly and it may not provide
adequate protection in the event of an accident.
1 Cover
2 Window airbag in protective sleeve
3 Gas generator in window airbag
Arrow Direction of travel
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 145
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Working with airbag and seat belt tensioner units Transporting and storing airbag units and seat belt
tensioner units
Transportation should always be carried out using the
Removed airbag units must always be stored in such replacement part packaging in the vehicle trunk or load
a way that the padded side faces upwards. If the compartment and in observance of the below warning
padded side faces downwards, the airbag unit will be notice.
catapulted through the air if it is triggered acciden-
tally. ⑴ NOTE
Do not transport any airbag and seat belt tensioner
Observe the following specifications when handling units in the passenger compartment.
airbag and seat belt tensioner components:
• Only qualified personnel may work with removed
components and perform testing and assembly The airbag units fitted to the Sprinter BM 907 include
operations. the driver and front passenger airbags as well as the
window airbag and thorax/pelvis side airbag.
• Electrical inspection is to be conducted in installed
condition only, using specified test equipment. We The handling, transportation and storage of airbag units
recommend that tests be carried out at a Mer- are subject to the hazardous materials law regulated
cedes-Benz Service Center. by FMCSA under 49 CFR Part 173 in the US, and to
the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (Transport
• Assembly and disassembly are to be conducted only Canada) in Canada.
when the battery is disconnected, with covered up
negative terminal or covered up negative clamp, and The weights of the individual components are:
disconnected test coupling/ connector.
Driver's airbag 1.5 kg/3.3 lbs
• After disassembling, components must be stored in Front passenger airbag 3.3 kg/7.3 lbs
a suitable storeroom only and must only be removed Window airbag 2.1 kg/4.6 lbs
just before they are to be assembled. Thorax/pelvis side airbag 0.7 kg/1.5 lbs
• If work has to be interrupted, store components Seat belt 1.4 kg/3.1 lbs
involved under lock and key.
• Do not treat with grease, cleaning agents or similar
• Do not expose components to temperatures over
100°C/ 212°F.
• Replace any airbag and seat belt tensioner compo-
nents that have been dropped to the floor.
• The airbag and seat belt tensioner units may only be
electrically tested in the installed condition with the
prescribed test equipment. For safety reasons, the
test should only be performed at a Mercedes-Benz
Service Center or at a specialist workshop that
has been specially trained to service these safety
146 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 147
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
148 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Openings, gaps and slots between the engine compart-
ment or the vehicle underside or the firewall and the
vehicle interior must be carefully sealed with elastic
material. Vent openings must not be fitted in the imme-
diate vicinity of sources of noise.
In addition, manufacturers or suppliers of soundproof-
ing materials should be consulted.
They will be able to provide you with suggestions on
how to design optimum noise insulation for your modi-
fied vehicle body.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 149
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.4.6 Attachment points for load compartment • The specifications in these Body/Equipment Mount-
trim parts on the side wall/roof ing Directives for the work to be performed must be
observed, see Chapter 3.9.1 Threaded connections
To line the load compartment in cargo van model des-
(→ page 46), Chapter 4.1.5 Drilling must not
ignations, it is recommended to use the load compart-
take place (→ page 63), Chapter 5.3 Anti-cor-
ment trim parts available from Mercedes-Benz AG ex
rosion protection measures (→ page 86),
Chapter 5.4 Painting work/preservation work
If the upfitter installs specific load compartment trim (→ page 88) and Chapter 6.2.1 General informa-
parts, the following specifications must be observed: tion on the body in white/body (→ page 101).
• Load compartment trim parts in the lower area of the For any questions, please reach out to the
side wall and on the roof are to be fastened at exist- Upfitter Portal:
ing mounting holes in the body-in-white (for clips,
expansion rivets or similar fasteners) for the inner
parts of the side wall and the cross bows of the roof,
see schematic diagram.
• In places where there are no existing mounting
holes (e.g. the upper part of the side wall), additional
mounting holes are permissible only in the marked
areas of the side wall inner parts, see schematic
• To prevent cracks from occurring when drilling extra
mounting holes, a distance of at least 15 mm/
0.59 in. must be maintained from the edge of the
hole to all cuts and joints, openings, other holes and
panel edges of the body-in-white.
• Proper execution of the drilled holes must be
assured, with the avoidance of shavings, the
deburring of holes and subsequent anti-corrosion
• On completion of the body mounting work, all
shavings must be entirely eliminated from joints,
profiles and cavities.
150 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Cargo van model designation, inside of right side wall: Permissible areas for the attachment of load compartment trim parts
(dark markings, schematic diagram)
Cargo van model designation, inside of left side wall: Permissible areas for the attachment of load compartment trim parts
(dark markings, schematic diagram)
Cargol van model designation, inside of roof: Permissible areas for the attachment of load compartment trim parts at the
cross bows (dark markings, schematic diagram)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 151
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
If additional assemblies are fitted, the factory-fit- • Ensure that all lines (→ page 84) and electrical
ted power take-offs or auxiliary drives must be used lines (→ page 239) are routed correctly.
(→ page 132). • There should be no impairment of the accessibility or
easy maintenance of installed equipment.
6.5.1 Retrofitting an air conditioning system
• The operating instructions and the maintenance
⚠ WARNING manual for the additional assemblies must be sup-
plied on handing over the vehicle.
Prior to all mechanical and electrical work, the vehi-
• The air supply and cooling required for the engine
cle must be rendered free of voltage/current (discon-
must not be impaired (→ page 135).
necting the battery is absolutely essential).
• If compact systems are mounted on the cab roof
(evaporator, condenser and blower), the permissible
All electrical equipment fitted must be tested in accor-
roof loads must not be exceeded (→ page 121).
dance with FCC, CE and UL in the US, and with CSA
and ULC in Canada. • For attachments to the roof, an evalution with the
responsible department is necessary.
The installation of additional air conditioning compo-
As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
nents (compressor, evaporator, lines etc.) on the air
conditioning systems available as special equipment ex
factory is not permissible.
152 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Modifications may not be made to the belt pulley
diameter in the main belt drive (primary drive) on
engine OM654.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 153
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
154 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
The following Mercedes-Benz genuine parts must Additional assembly on engine-mounted major assembly
be used as belts: carrier
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 155
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Setting of belt tension on engine power take-off After fitting the stretch fit belt and checking if the belt
OM654 is correctly positioned, the eccentric belt tensioner is
The tension of the stretch fit belt on the engine- rotated clockwise using the internal Torx bolt (T55) up
mounted power take-off can be adjusted using the to the lower end stop, which is just after the dead cen-
eccentric pulley, which is known as an eccentric belt ter position, so that the eccentric belt tensioner then
tensioner (eccentric RSP) (see following figure). remains in this position (see following figure).
After fixing the eccentric belt tensioner in place by
tightening the external Torx bolt (E12) to a torque of
30 Nm, the stretch fit belt then has the required pre-
load force.
Belt tensioner on engine OM654 in as-delivered state (with
code N63)
1 Engine-mounted belt pulley
2 Eccentric belt tensioner in as-delivered state Belt tensioner in final state after assembly and tensioning of
3 Internal Torx bolt (T55) belt (with code N63)
4 External Torx bolt (E12)
5 Guide pulley only with power take-off, code N63 (not 1 Engine-mounted belt pulley
available with code N62) 2 Eccentric belt tensioner in final state
3 Internal Torx bolt (T55)
In the as-delivered state (still without belt), the eccen- 4 External Torx bolt (E12)
tric belt tensioner is in a position in which the stretch 5 Guide pulley only with power take-off, code N63 (not
fit belt can be easily placed over the guide pulley and available with code N62)
the belt pulley of the power take-off and auxiliary 6 Stretch fit belt in tensioned assembly state
assembly. In this assembly state, the internal Torx bolt 7 Auxiliary assembly (example here of refrigerant compres-
sor with power take-off, code N63)
(T55) of the eccentric belt tensioner is set to an 11
o'clock position, which is the upper end stop, and the
eccentric belt tensioner is preset at this position. 6.5.4 Retrofitting an alternator
For the subsequent drive of an additional alternator,
the power take-off special equipment with code N62
must be used. Only alternators with a freewheel alter-
nator pulley are permitted.
More detailed information on additional alternators
can be found under 8.4.7 Retrofitting an alternator
(→ page 242).
156 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
6.6 Attachments
If winches are attached behind the cab, they must be
mounted on an assembly frame of sufficient size and Additional holes for mounting in the cab roof are not
strength. permitted.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 157
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
1 ⑴ NOTE
Fastenings with side wall applications of the vehicle
or in the roof structure, as well as selective force
application to the vehicle wall must be avoided.
Otherwise there is a risk of damage to the side wall
and the roof.
We recommend the load rails available as a special
Mounting of roof racks
equipment option for mounting and attaching shelves
1 C-rail (roof rack) (code VC4 or code V42).
Note that there may be interference with driving assis-
tance systems due to large objects on the roof rack; ⓘ For further information about the side wall
see 8.9 Driving assistance systems (→ page 271). (→ page 111).
158 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
1 Load rails
Arrow Direction of travel
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 159
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Load rails or tie-down rails may only be retrofitted to
the areas of the vehicle side wall designed for this
purpose in the same way as the load rails available ex
The maximum tensile forces (see table) must be com-
plied with in all driving conditions. Otherwise there is
a risk of damage to the side wall.
The following points must be observed with respect to • The maximum tensile forces (see table) must be
retrofitting load rails to the vehicle side wall: clearly indicated in the area of the load rails (e.g.
• The instructions of the load rail manufacturer must using adhesive labels) and enclosed in a suitable
be observed. form with the operator's manual in the vehicle.
160 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Körabond HG81
Use Activator
Supplier Kömmerling,
Suppl. no. 110/75074
Part no. A 001 986 90 71
Chemical base Silane, artificial resin
Use-by date 12 months
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 161
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
162 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
The maximum rivet distances (see table) must be
complied with in all driving conditions. Otherwise
excessive forces may result, causing damage to the
side wall.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 163
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
164 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Improper shelf attachment may result in mechanical
stress and may affect vehicle durability.
In the case of an accident, this could increase the
risk of personal injuries. Please refer to the General
subsection on section 6.6.4 Shelf systems/ vehicle
interior installations (→ page 158).
Connecting the shelf longitudinal tube to the roof bow
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 165
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Outriggers must be provided for every loading crane.
We recommend using hydraulic outriggers.
The vehicle must not be raised using the outriggers,
as this would damage the frame.
166 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Loading crane mounted behind the cab • If a stronger assembly frame is required than for the
Loading cranes and outriggers must not impair the body when a loading crane is mounted behind the
function of other equipment. For connecting the cab, the loading crane can be secured on a shorter
assembly frame to the vehicle frame Mercedes-Benz assembly frame (see illustration below). The short
recommends a shear-resistant connection. chamfered assembly frame must have a length lM
corresponding to 35% of the wheelbase.
Assembly frame • For this type of attachment, an evalution with the
• Maximum crane load moment (kN x l): responsible department is necessary.
25 kNm/5175 ft lb As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
• Section moduli (Wx) and material properties can be
found under 7.1 Assembly frame (→ page 180).
• Assembly frame longitudinal member section dimen-
sions (→ page 180).
• While the crane is in operation, vehicle stability must
be ensured by extending support feet.
Indicate supports that protrude beyond the vehicle
when the vehicle is stationary by means of conspic-
uous colors, rear reflectors and warning lights.
Determine the platform length according to the
position and weight of the loading crane, complying
with the permissible axle loads.
• If the maximum crane load moments are exceeded,
an evalution with the responsible department is nec-
essary. As part of the eXpertUpfitter program, please
refer to
• The vehicle may only be used on flat, paved roads.
• A frame extension may become necessary as a result
of the load distribution.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 167
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Loading crane
168 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Loading crane mounted at end of frame Mounting a lifting platform on cargo vans
Please consult with Mercedes-Benz if you intend to
retrofit a lifting platform to a cargo van 1.7 Contact
The minimum front axle load (→ page 58) must be (→ page 11).
complied with in all load states. Otherwise adequate
driving stability is no longer guaranteed. Preconditions for mounting a lifting platform
Before installing a cargo liftgate, the available installa-
tion space must be checked by the upfitter. Note the
limitations in the installation space due to the installed
exhaust system and tank system.
The reinforcement of the trailer hitch (Q11) in the
rear longitudinal member on the left/right is available
as standard for model designation 907 and cannot be
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 169
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
170 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 171
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
172 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 173
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Trailer hitch
In the USA and Canada, the following trailer hitch is
Trailer hitch
Interior view
The ball neck (orange) for the specific trailers can be
purchased in the accessories trade. a Attachment of mounting plate to longitudinal frame
b Lower flange of longitudinal frame member
c Frame end crossmember
⚠ WARNING d Mounting plate for trailer hitch
If the towing vehicle is unladen, only an unladen
trailer may be towed. Otherwise, the vehicle may • No attachment may be made to the rear underrun
become unstable. protection.
• If the frame needs extending, spacer bushes must
be fitted to the frame to attach the mounting plate or
⑴ NOTE the rear crossmember (→ page 104). They may lead
If trailer hitches have removable ball heads, the oper- to a reduction in the towing weight or the tongue
ating instructions must be supplied in the vehicle and weight.
they must refer to the special features and operation Hole patterns with dimensions for attaching trailer
of the hitch. hitches can be found under 10.3 Trailer hitch hole pat-
terns (→ page 322).
Attachment of the trailer hitch Risk of accident due to the impermissible attachment
Only secure trailer hitches/trailer brackets to the spe- of a trailer hitch!
cial mounting points on the body in white (rear longitu- If a trailer hitch is retrofitted and you attach a trailer
dinal member) (→ page 322). hitch or other components, the longitudinal frame
In addition, cargo vans require an additional attach- member will be weakened and can break. In this
ment as support on the rear cross member of the case, the trailer can detach from the vehicle.
vehicle frame. There is a risk of accident, personal injuries and
death as a result of the improper attachment of a
trailer hitch!
Only retrofit a trailer hitch if this is permissible.
174 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Code Description
E40 Trailer Plug Socket 7-pin
Provides power for trailer lightning systems (tail lights, brake lights, direction indicators, rear fog lights
and reversing light) and allows electrical operation. It is installed with the corresponding wire harness
and trailer control unit.
Required for: trailer couplings (QA2/Q24)
QA9 Cross Member with Integral Step
Step (on right sight of the trailer hitch) consisting of a tubular steel frame with welded-on anti-slip
tread surface is bolted onto the right-hand side of the trailer coupling cross member
Step dimensions: 520 mm x 190 mm/20.5 in x 7.5 in
Q24 Trailer Cross Member (towing capacity 2268 kg/5000 lbs)
Enables retrofit of a trailer coupling. Trailer socket (E40) is included.
Max. permissible tongue weight is 500 lbs (227 kg)
Max. towing capacity is 5000 lbs (2268 kg)
Not for 170EXT cargo van. Available in combination with QA9.
QA2 Trailer Cross Member (towing capacity 3402 kg/7500 lbs)
Enables retrofit of a trailer coupling. Trailer socket (E40) is included.
Max. permissible tongue weight is 750 lbs (340 kg)
Max. towing capacity is 7500 lbs (3402 kg)
Not for cargo van with length 170EXT. Available in combination with QA9.
The reinforcement of the trailer hitch (Q11) in the
rear longitudinal member on the left/right is available
as standard for model designation 907 and can not
be deleted.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 175
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
3.9 in
100 mm
21.7 in
550 mm
400 mm
15.7 in
176 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
On cab-chassis, the reinforcement of the trailer
coupling in the left/right rear longitudinal member for
BR 907 is installed in the vehicle as standard. If this
is not required, it must be deleted when the vehicle is
ordered (code QW1). For cargo, crew, and passenger
vans, the longitudinal member reinforcement must be
ordered at the same time (code Q11).
Side view of the front underrun protection location
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 177
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Protective equipment on the sides has to comply with 6.6.9 Positioning placard holders
applicable legal regulations.
This chapter provides information about positioning and
Components may be mounted within the lateral pro- fastening methods to add aftermarket placard holders
tections, e.g. battery box, air tank, fuel tank, lamps, to the Sprinter vehicle.
reflectors, spare wheel and tool box, provided that the
specified clearances are maintained. ⑴ NOTE
Brake, air or hydraulic lines and other parts must not be
It is the upfitter’s responsibility to adhere to all appli-
fastened to the lateral protection.
cable rules and regulations, particularly Canadian
The function and accessibility of all equipment on the laws mandated by Transport Canada regarding the
vehicle must not be impaired. Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
If lateral protections are retrofitted: The upfitter may choose the below mentioned posi-
• The dimensions specified in the illustration may not tions. For fastening the placard holders, it is recom-
be exceeded. mended to use a gluing method to reduce the risk of
corrosion due to drilling through the body shell. If the
• Protective equipment must comply with applicable upfitter fastens the placard holders by drilling holes and
legal regulations. using bolts, please refer to Chapter 5.3 Anti-corrosion
• The lateral protections must extend continuously protection measures (→ page 86). The upfitter needs
from the front to the rear wherever possible. to ensure enough clearance between the sliding door
Adjacent parts may overlap. The overlapping edge must and the placard holder. The upfitter needs to ensure
point to the rear or downwards. The maximum permis- that the equipment installed to the exterior of the
sible width of any gap between segments is 25 mm / vehicle must not become loose and be lost during the
0.98 in, provided the rear part does not protrude signifi- vehicle operation.
cantly beyond the front part. The following picture indicates the Mercedes-Benz
The lateral protection may consist of a continuous recommended left, right, and rear position of the
level surface. The outer surface must be smooth and placard holders. For positioning the placard holder to
generally flat. The lateral protection parts must be rigid the front-bumper of the vehicle, it needs to be ensured
and permanently fixed into place. They must be made that no sensors are covered or impaired if the vehicle
of metal or another suitable material. The distance is equipped with Parktronic or Collision Prevent Assist/
between the outer surface of the lateral protection Active Brake Assist - code BA3/Active Distance Assist
and the outer edge of the vehicle must not be more – ET4. The sensor positions are described in chapter
than 120 mm/4.7 in. The edge radius must be at least 5.4 Painting work/preservation work (→ page 88),
2.5 mm/0.1 in. chapter 8.9.3 Active Brake Assist/Active Distance
Assist (DISTRONIC PLUS) (→ page 275) and chapter
8.9.10 Parktronic sensors (→ page 295).
178 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
6 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 179
7 Design of bodies
180 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.1.2 Design
If very high longitudinal members are required, or if
General low overall frame heights are achieved, the following
On model designations 907.X2X, 907.X3X and non-positive connections are possible for U-sections:
907.X4X, the mounting frame longitudinal members
must be arranged above the straight chassis frame • Closed as a box
longitudinal members. • Nested
On model designation 907.X5X, the mounting • Overlapping
frame longitudinal members can be straight
through, see note on offset frames at the end of This increases the section modulus and torsional
this chapter. stability.
At the position of the double body brackets (see
2 in illustration Chapter 6.2.2 Attachment to
the frame (→ page 105)), the mounting frame
cross-members must be positioned about the chas-
sis frame cross-members.
For the other mounting frame cross-members, an
arrangement above the chassis frame cross-mem-
bers is recommended.
The assembly frame longitudinal members must
extend as far towards the front of the vehicle as
possible, to reinforce the point behind the cab
which is critical with regard to bending stress, as
well as to prevent vibration problems.
The body must have a torsion-free attachment to the
body consoles on the longitudinal frame member.
Place the vehicle on a flat, horizontal surface
before mounting the body.
Frame sections
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 181
7 Design of bodies
7.1.3 Section dimensions/dimensioning Please refer to the table below for the section dimen-
sions of assembly frame longitudinal members (open
Folded U sections or commercially available U sections
for vehicle construction (not rolled steel sections) are
to be used for the longitudinal members. Box sections The assembly frame and the chassis frame should have
are also permitted as longitudinal member sections. approximately the same flange width.
The dimensions of the longitudinal members are a func-
tion of the section modulus (Wx) required for the body ⑴ NOTE
and the chassis (→ page 180). If more than one body is mounted on the same
The specified section moduli and section dimensions chassis (e.g. platform and lifting platform), the larger
refer to longitudinal frame members subjected to iden- of the specified section moduli must be taken to
tical loads on both sides. determine the assembly frame.
h: Section height in mm
Wx: Section modulus in cm3
182 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.1.4 Attachment to the chassis bed The bodies must rest on the body consoles and may
also rest on the frame crossmembers. It is recom-
At the least, all the factory-installed body consoles
mended that the body should not rest on the end
must be used for attaching bodies to the vehicle frame.
crossmember. If prefabricated assembly frames are
The consoles are located on the longitudinal frame
used, the production tolerances of the chassis frame
members and additional body consoles may be fitted
width (maximum +6/–3 mm; +0.2/-0.1 in) must be
to the longitudinal frame members as required. All the
taken into consideration.
body consoles, in particular those at the rear end of the
frame, must be used to attach a lifting platform (cargo
liftgate) and the body. ⓘ The positions for the body consoles are indicated in
the 2D chassis drawings (offer drawings) depending
on the model series (→ page 18).
The minimum distance between the body and the cab
must be > 50 mm/2 in.
1 2
60 mm
18 mm
0.71 in
13 mm
1 2.36 in 2
23 mm
66 mm 0.91 in
13 mm 120 mm
2.60 in 0.51in 4.72 in
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 183
7 Design of bodies
184 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Shear-resistant connection
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 185
7 Design of bodies
186 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Sprinter cab chassis with 144” wheelbase – recommended attachment to the chassis frame/longitudinal members
Sprinter cab chassis with 144” wheelbase – recommended attachment to the chassis frame/longitudinal members
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 187
7 Design of bodies
188 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
00 in
x. 6 23.6
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 189
7 Design of bodies
190 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 191
7 Design of bodies
Tonnage Wheelbase
170 170 EXT
Support- Support- Support- Support-
ing struc- ing struc- ing struc- ing struc-
ture 1 ture 2 ture 1 ture 2
2500 1 1 1 3
3500, 1 1 1 1
3500 EXT
192 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Code Description
D50 Full-width partition wall (standard)
D51 Full-width partition wall with window
D56* Full-width partition wall at C-pillar
D64 Partition wall with sliding door
D93 Omission of partition wall
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 193
7 Design of bodies
Head Impact
Certain precautionary measures are necessary to
ensure the safety of all passengers. Following FMVSS 201 requirements, all Mercedes-
Benz Vans ≤10,000 lbs and without a partition wall are
Mercedes-Benz offers two different solutions:
fitted with foam pads (see picture). Vehicles >10,000
1. Mercedes-Benz partition wall meeting the FMVSS lbs with and without a partition wall are fitted without
201 requirements. foam pads.
2. If there is no Mercedes-Benz partition wall installed, It is not recommended to modify the foam pads
foam pads are provided in order to meet FMVSS 201. and their surrounding area in order to comply with
FMVSS 201.
ⓘ In the case you are installing an aftermarket
partition wall, please ensure to meet FMVSS 201
It is upfitter’s ultimate responsibility to review and com-
ply with FMVSS 201 as it relates to its installation of
Mercedes-Benz partition walls and foam pads, as well
as its decision to use and install non-Mercedes-Benz
partition walls and parts.
• If the vehicle has no partition wall installed and has
a GVWR ≤ 10,000 lbs, it is fitted with foam pads (see
pictures below)
194 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 195
7 Design of bodies
Where bodies include detachable parts which move
independently, ensure that there is adequate clear-
ance between the detachable parts and the basic
vehicle, otherwise they may collide with the basic
vehicle, resulting in damage.
196 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
The minimum distance between the cab and a sepa-
rate body must be > 50 mm or 1.97 in.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 197
7 Design of bodies
198 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 199
7 Design of bodies
Vehicles with dump trucks are subject to local and Tilting ram
countryspecific directives and laws. The press carrier is attached to crossmembers in
Vehicles with dump bodies can only be used under nor- the assembly frame.
mal operating conditions. As part of the eXpertUpfitter The crossmembers of the assembly frame and the
program, possible deviations can be evaluated with the chassis must be placed on top of each other as far
responsible department. as possible.
On three-way dump trucks, the application point
Make sure that you do not exceed the permissible axle of the lifting press must be in front of the center of
loads. gravity of the body and the payload.
200 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Chassis may generally be converted into light duty Consult your local licensing authority/office if you are
truck vehicles provided that this conversion com- unsure whether a semitrailer without ABS can continue
plies with national regulations and laws. The different to be used in your registration area.
regional and national vehicle registration requirements It is not permitted to combine the Sprinter BR
are too diverse to be covered here, so please obtain with a semitrailer without ABS.
comprehensive details from your local licensing author-
ity or office before ordering and modifying the vehicle. For vehicles of these classes which are not equipped
with ESP® ex factory, no CoC documents will be
Among others, the specific registration requirements provided from now on (code XC1 or code XC9). These
in terms of the Electronic Stability Program (ESP®) and affect the following:
tire pressure loss detection system must be obtained
and complied with. • Code O27 - Brake control system retrofitted for ABS
with MSR
The Sprinter (BM: 907.133, 907.233, 907.153,
907.253) may be operated as a light duty truck with Please note that this applies to all vehicles if they are
ESP® under the following condition: to be registered with a gross mass of no more than
12000 kg/26455 lbs. This also applies, for example, to
1. Combining the Sprinter with a semi-trailer without light duty trucks with the codes XP6 and XP7.
ABS is not permitted. To convert a chassis to a light duty truck, an evalution
However, in order to achieve optimum handling char- with the responsible department is necessary. As part
acteristics, we recommend the use of an RSC system of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to www.
(Roll Stability Control) in the light duty truck which will
automatically intervene whenever the light duty truck The longitudinal frame members must be reinforced by
becomes unstable. These systems are available e.g. a subframe or a semitrailer bracket.
from the manufacturers Knorr-Bremse (TEBS) or Wabco
The vehicle must be equipped with stabilizer bars on
the front and rear axles.
Since the RSC of the light duty truck acts autono-
mously, no provision is made for signal transmission
from the towing vehicle, and no additional electrical
connections are necessary. The manufacturer of the
semitrailer brake system must be consulted to ascer-
tain whether it is possible to retrofit an RSC system on
a semitrailer with ABS.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 201
7 Design of bodies
Recommended special equipment (option codes) Electrical connection for the light duty truck
for conversion to light duty truck All additional electrical consumers must be connected
Code E57: Electronic trailer socket as per 8.4 Interfaces (→ page 239) and 8.4.6 Retrofit-
Code E2I: Auxiliary battery for retrofit consumers, ting electrical equipment (→ page 242).
vehicle interior • The connection lines must not chafe against body
Code E2M: Auxiliary battery for retrofit consumers, components.
engine compartment • The upfitter must ensure freedom of movement when
Code EK1: Terminal strip for auxiliary consumers cornering.
For information regarding the available code combina- • Connection lines must not get caught on the light
tions, please refer to 1.7 Contact (→ page 11). duty truck or pull on the trailer socket.
We also recommend the use of additional stabilizer • When the tractor is driven without a light duty truck,
bars as special equipment to optimize handling charac- the connection lines must be secured correctly.
teristics, depending on the type of semitrailer used.
For information on recommended special equipment,
Brake system
please refer to 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
The light duty truck brake system must be connected
Assembly frame for light duty truck to the light duty truck vehicle. On no account should
If the vehicle is used as a light duty truck vehicle, inertia-activated brakes be fitted.
a steel assembly frame made of rectangular tubes, An evalution with the responsible department is nec-
100 mm x 60 mm x 3 mm (or s = 4 mm)/ essary. (As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please
3.94 in x 2.36 in x 0.12 in (or s = 0.16 in) with a sec- refer to
tion modulus Wx of at least 25 cm3 is required. Therefore, the upfitter must ensure:
The assembly frame must extend rearwards as far as • The brake system of the light duty truck and light
the standard chassis end and, towards the front, as far duty truck, the compressed-air supply system and
as the first body console behind the cab. the compressed air reservoir must be designed in
The assembly frame must be mounted according to accordance with national guidelines and legislation.
7.1.4 Attachment to the chassis bed (→ page 183) • A hydraulic-pneumatic control valve must be installed
using, at the least, all the factory-installed body con- in the vehicle brake system for actuation of the light
soles. duty truck brake. Two valves manufactured by Beka
In addition, the connection between the frame and the are approved by Mercedes-Benz.
assembly frame must be shear-resistant at the frame
end. The attachment must be made to the upper flange
of the longitudinal frame members on the model desig-
nations 907.1 and 907.2 (→ page 183).
An additional shear-resistant connection must be made
at the front end of the longitudinal frame members.
202 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
The light duty truck brake system must be designed
with a sufficient supply of energy in accordance with
national guidelines and legislation.
The light duty truck manufacturer and the upfitter are
responsible for the correct functioning of the semi-
trailer brake.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 203
7 Design of bodies
204 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
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7 Design of bodies
206 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Required additional body console The body consoles must be of at least the same quality
To ensure a uniform introduction of force onto the as the standard material CR240LA and have a wall
chassis frame, one additional body console is required thickness of 3 mm/0.19 in.
for each longitudinal frame member in the area behind The hole spacing of the additional body console to the
the cab. next adjacent hole in the existing body console must
measure 100 mm/3.94 in.
Body consoles
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 207
7 Design of bodies
Assembly frame The assembly frame must be attached in the same way
The installation of lifting work platforms on a chassis to all body consoles. The attachment of the assembly
requires an assembly frame of sufficient size. frame at the first and additional mounting consoles
must be with threaded connections locked to prevent
Section moduli (Wx) and material properties can be loosening and spacer sleeves (→ page 296). The
found under 7.1 Assembly frame (→ page 180). introduction of force onto the assembly frame by the
outriggers must take place exactly halfway between the
two double bracket pairs installed behind the cab as
In the area of the introduction of force onto the assem-
bly frame by the outriggers, a rigid crossmember (front
and rear) must be installed to protect the assembly
frame against torsion.
208 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
For alternative methods of ensuring equivalent rigidity
developed by the upfitter, an evalution with the
responsible department is necessary.
As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
For the design of the measures ensuring equivalent
rigidity, an evalution with the responsible department
is necessary. As part of the eXpertUpfitter program
please refer to
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 209
7 Design of bodies
1 N60.80-2466-00
Function description
The seats (driver and front passenger) of the Sprinter
can be ordered by the upfitter with an additional mount
Schematic diagram of reinforced seat base for a second armrest.
210 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
3 11 6
1 11 67 7
Series production packages:
1 Wiring harness for connecting point for Headlamp Assist 8 9
(LA2) and rain sensor (JF1 option) with omission of wind-
2 Wiring harness for driver’s seat connecting point / with
omission of seat (front passenger in mirror reverse) for
seat belt warning system and seat belt buckle pre-instal-
3 Wiring harness for door connecting point for driver and 10
front passenger with omission of door (front passenger
in mirror reverse) Overview of connecting points for special equipment options
4 Wiring harness for connecting point for headlamps,
(front passenger in mirror reverse)
5 Wiring harness connecting point for pre-installation for
Special equipment:
Blind Spot Assist (code J1V), for electrics of rear speak- 7 Body manufacturer interface H (code E2A); for traction
ers (code EP7) and for reversing camera (code FR7) head-specific details, see Body/Equipment Mounting
Directives for BR 910, chap. 7.15
6 Wiring harness connecting point for antenna box/GPS
interface 8 Body manufacturer interface M (code E5M); for traction
head-specific details, see Body/Equipment Mounting
Directives for BR 910, chap. 7.15
9 Wiring harness seat connecting point for driver with
omission of seat (front passenger in mirror reverse) for
seat heating pre-installation
10 Additional fuses for camper vans (code E1R and E1Y)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 211
7 Design of bodies
212 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.14.5 Rain sensor (code JF1) 7.14.6 Driver’s and front passenger’s doors
connection point
• On base vehicles (code F28) with windshield: When Relevance
the vehicle leaves the factory, this system is fully • Base vehicles (code F28) with omission of left cab
functional. door (code FW8) and right cab door (code FW9)
Boundary conditions/completion The door connecting point is an interface used for com-
pleting the following scopes.
If a superstructure is fitted (e.g. on alcove vehicles),
this can have a negative effect on the Headlamp Assist. • Door control unit and functions implemented by the
door control unit
For detailed information on the Headlamp Assist and
rain sensor, see Chapter 8.9.6 Rain sensor and Head- • Speaker connection (special equipment, added via
lamp Assist (→ page 286) in this guideline. radio)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 213
7 Design of bodies
Boundary conditions/completion
Power output data specified for light sources by
Mercedes-Benz must be complied with. This is neces-
sary to ensure that the lamp failure indicator functions
For power output data, see Chapter 8.5 Illumination
(→ page 254) and Chapter 10.2 Bulb ratings of exte-
rior lights (→ page 317) in this guideline.
214 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.14.8 Connecting point for antenna switchover 7.14.9 Pre-installation for upfitter interface H
box for third-party antennas (code E4A) (code E2A) and upfitter interface M (code
• All vehicles without roof ex factory including cab Pre-installation for upfitter interfaces H and M
chassis with doors with code F28 The pre-installation for upfitter interface H (tapping of
upfitter special signals in cockpit, code E2A) and for
Function description of antenna switchover box upfitter interface M (expansion of MPM (PSM) standard
With the special equipment option “Antenna interface contact, code E5M) allows the upfitter to tap the follow-
for radio, navigation and mobile radio (code E4A)”, ing signals in the cockpit.
Mercedes-Benz provides an interface for connecting a • Battery network
third-party antenna with AM/FM and DAB. This inter-
• Exterior lights
face is located in the driver’s seat box.
• Instrument lighting
An antenna box is connected downstream of this
connecting point ex factory. This box splits the incom- • Signal lines routed through from interface H. In
ing AM/FM and DAB signal into two signals and feeds combination with the MPM/PSM (code ED5), vehicle
them to the head unit. signals can also be supplied.
Boundary conditions/completion 2
The antenna switchover box must be supplied with the 1
following signals.
• FM (87 MHz – 108 MHz)/AM (531 kHz – 1720 kHz)
• DAB band III (174–240 MHz)
• Impedance 50 ohms N60.80-2444-00
Upfitter interfaces
The connection of the navigation system must be
supplied with the following signal: 1 Upfitter interface H
• GNSS 1575 MHz – 1606 MHz 2 Upfitter interface M
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 215
7 Design of bodies
216 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.14.10 Pre-installation for rear speakers (code 7.14.11 E-call on base vehicles
The Mercedes-Benz emergency call system can help
The electrical pre-installation for rear speakers, code to decisively reduce the time between an accident and
EP7, provides an additional electrical interface. the arrival of emergency services at the site of the acci-
This interface enables the upfitter to install his or her dent. The data is relayed via the communications mod-
own rear speakers. ule for Mercedes PRO in the vehicle. The emergency
call is thus not dependent on whether a mobile phone
Completion is switched on, but requires a GSM connection and the
ability to locate the vehicle via GPS. It can be triggered
The pre-installation provides a plug which is connected
automatically by the crash sensors or manually by the
to the speakers.
driver pressing the SOS button. The emergency call will
then be directed to the Mercedes-Benz emergency call
number or to a local emergency call center.
In combination with the telematics and infotainment
system of Mercedes-Benz, the speakers must satisfy
certain requirements. For this, see Chapter 8.13.3
Speakers (→ page 307).
On F28 base vehicles (cab without roof and rear panel),
the SOS button and the associated microphone are
integrated in the overhead control panel. This is sup-
plied ex factory. For integration in the body, particular
attention must be paid to the accessibility of the push
Electrical interface
button switch for the driver and front passenger.
1 Connectors for additional rear speakers.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 217
7 Design of bodies
Boundary conditions
In emergency call mode the center speaker is actuated
for voice output. It is located centrally at y=0 (in the
center of the vehicle) at the front of the cockpit shell
directly behind the windshield (F28 and standard).
The upfitter must take particular care to ensure that
the acoustics of the center speaker are not altered by
installations mounted over it, because this is a certi-
fied system. Likewise the center speaker must not be
replaced or modified in any vehicles with MB emer-
gency call system (code EY5).
218 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 219
7 Design of bodies
Minimum distance between rear edge of door and For upfitters who build a RV on the Sprinter chassis,
integrated body the option code X2R - Conversion to RV requirement
must be ordered. When the code X2R is ordered, the
code B01 (Vehicle version for high center of gravity) will
be automatically added.
Please pay attention to the correct variant when order-
ing the vehicle. For more information please review
Chapter 9.1.2 Determination of the center of gravity in
the z-direction (→ page 311).
Mercedes-Benz recommends a reinforcement of
the front axle using an option code A50 (Front axle
220 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.15.3 Electrics/electronics of RVs 7.15.4 Additional main fuses for RVs (codes E1R
and E1Y)
Overviews of wiring harness connecting points for
series production packages and special equipment
Function description
The main fuse box contains 4 additional fuses that are
A detailed presentation of all connecting points can
not used by the basic vehicle. These are available to
be found in Chapter 7.14.3 Wiring harness connecting
the upfitter with code E1R and E1Y with different fuse
points (→ page 211) for cab base vehicles
ratings at fuse slot F9 (see table at the end of the chap-
Particular attention must be paid to the following chap- ter) in order to connect defined consumers.
ters of the Body and Equipment Guideline:
Three 30 A output fuses are provided in the seat base,
• 6.5 Additional assemblies (→ page 152) which are connected to F8 via a line (see illustration
• 8 Electrics/electronics (→ page 233) "Additional fuse for camper vans").
• 8.3 Battery (→ page 235) This facilitates the connection of electrical consumers
to terminal 30T.
• 8.4 Interfaces (→ page 239)
Fuse location F10 is occupied if the special equipment
• 8.9.2 Crosswind Assist (→ page 273)
rear air conditioning system with code HH7, HK4 or
• 8.9.3 Active Brake Assist/Active Distance Assist H08 is used, and is therefore no longer available.
(DISTRONIC PLUS) (→ page 275)
Fuse location F12 is occupied if the special equipment
• 8.9.4 Blind Spot Assist/Rear Cross Traffic Alert air spring (code CB2) is used, and is therefore no lon-
(RCTA)/Exit Warning (→ page 277) ger available.
• 8.9.5 Highbeam Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and
traffic sign recognition (→ page 286)
• 8.9.6 Rain sensor and Headlamp Assist
(→ page 286)
• 8.9.7 Tire pressure loss detection system
(→ page 288)
• 10.2 Bulb ratings of exterior lights (→ page 317)
If a significant weight is upfitted to the vehicle, it is
recommended to measure the upfitted vehicle height Position of fuse box in BR 907 vehicle
and recalibrate the DISTRONIC PLUS sensor height
1 Position of fuse box
accordingly. Please visit a local Mercedes-Benz deal-
For easier integration of aftermarket electrics/ elec-
tronics, we recommend the use of PSM (ED5) and
its extension harness (E5M). For more information,
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 221
7 Design of bodies
In order to use multimedia systems while stationary
with an external power supply, a power feed to the
starter battery of at least 140 W is required.
222 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 223
7 Design of bodies
• The vehicle is fitted with a temporary roof bow for 3500XD, 4500 a = 1540 mm/60.47 in
• Before the body is erected it is necessary for the
upfitter to install the auxiliary roof frame supplied at
the attachment points provided in order to ensure
adequate equivalent rigidity. This provides a lowered
attachment plane for bodies.
• Body limits for camera-based support systems
must be observed, see 8.9.5 Highbeam Assist,
Lane Keeping Assist and traffic sign recognition
(→ page 286) and 8.9.6 Rain sensor and Headlamp
Assist (→ page 286).
224 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
7.16.1 Mounting the auxiliary roof frame 7.16.2 Mounting the body on the auxiliary roof
The temporary roof bow (1) must be detached before
mounting the auxiliary roof frame (2). The body can be attached to the auxiliary roof frame by
The auxiliary roof frame (2) must then be mounted at • Bolts
the points provided using six M10 x 20 10.9 round • Rivets
headed bolts (tightening torque 40 Nm +/- 2 Nm;
8.28 ft lb +/- 0.41 ft lb). • Adhesive bonding
• Welding
Holes must not be drilled in the corners of the auxil-
iary roof frame.
The auxiliary roof frame must not be cut.
The introduction of force to the auxiliary roof frame
must occur by way of an area load (line load). Point
loads must not be introduced into the auxiliary roof
Mounting of auxiliary roof frame The load on the auxiliary roof frame while driving
1 Transport roof bow
must not exceed 100 kg/220.5 lbs. When the vehicle
2 Auxiliary roof frame is stationary, a load of 200 kg/491 lbs is permissible.
3 Cutting area with reinforcements (body in white modifi-
b Attachment area
c No drilling allowed
Please also observe 5.3 Anti-corrosion protection
measures (→ page 86). The department responsible
will be happy to answer any questions 1.7 Contact
(→ page 11).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 225
7 Design of bodies
A non-positive connection between cab and body is The descriptions apply for cabs both with and without
required on vehicles with semi-integrated bodies e.g. rear panel.
semi-integrated RVs, integral box bodies etc.
For vehicles with free-standing bodies (e.g. box bodies),
it is also possible to optionally connect it to the cab. For
this, the same specifications apply as for semi-integrated
bodies. The body must have adequate inherent rigidity in
the attachment area (avoid local compression).
The connection between the cab and the body must be
continuous at the B-pillars and the roof frame (either
full length or in sections). For a specific implementation
and other measures, an evalution with the responsible
department is necessary. As part of the eXpertUpfitter 2
program, please refer to N60.80-2416-00
226 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Variant 1
Attachment of body to B-pillar via a plate with
t = 2 mm/0.08 in angled at approx. 2x45°.
The plate must be bonded across its entire surface
Variant 1: Attachment of body to B-pillar via plate (example with and without rear panel)
1 B-pillar
2 Bonding flange
3 Plate
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 227
7 Design of bodies
Variant 2
Attachment of body to welding flange of B-pillar with
angle pieces.
4 3
2 y
Variant 2: Attachment of body to B-pillar via bracket (example with and without rear panel)
1 B-pillar
2 Bonding flange
3 Front wall of body
4 Bracket
5 Rivet
228 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
Variant 1
Attachment of body to roof frame via a plate with
t = 2 mm/0.08 in angled at approx. 2x45°.
The plate must be bonded across its entire surface
Variant 1: Attachment of body to roof frame via plate (example with and without rear panel)
1 Roof frame
2 Bonding flange
3 Plate
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 229
7 Design of bodies
Variant 2
Attachment of body to welding flanges of roof frame
using angle pieces.
4 3
2 y
Variant 2: Attachment of body to roof frame welding flange via bracket (example of with and without rear panel)
1 Roof frame
2 Bonding flange
3 Front wall of body
4 Bracket
5 Rivet
230 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
7 Design of bodies
If the body-in-white is modified or cut, e.g. to lower the
vehicle floor in order to gain cargo capacity, to install
emergency exits or similar, the anti-corrosion protec
tion measures specified by Mercedes-Benz AG (as per
the currently valid Sprinter Body and Equipment Guide-
line) must be carried out and all other specifications in
the current Body and Equipment Guideline regarding
modifications to the body-in-white must be observed.
Particular attention must be paid to the following chap-
ters of the BEG:
• Chapter 4.3.1 Modifications to the body in white
(→ page 72)
• Chapter 4.3.2 Limit values for the vehicle frame
(→ page 72)
• Chapter 4.3.3 Roof/roof load (→ page 73)
• Chapter 6.2 Body in white/body (→ page 101)
• Chapter 6.3.3 Exhaust system (→ page 132))
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 231
7 Design of bodies
232 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Some of the safety systems only function when the ⓘ You can obtain more information from the depart-
engine is running. For this reason, do not switch off the ment responsible 1.7 Contact (→ page 11).
engine when the vehicle is in motion.
The upfitter is responsible for functional safety of the
A positive total charge balance must be ensured body modification work performed by the upfitter as
when additional electrical consumers are installed well as for the observance of the applicable stan-
(see Chapter 7.17 Semi-integrated bodies dard and regulations. Furthermore, the upfitter must
and optional mounting of free-standing bodies guarantee compliance with the international standard
(→ page 226) and Chapter 8.4.6 Retrofitting electri- ISO 26262 concerning functional safety, if applicable.
cal equipment (→ page 242)). Please also refer to 49 CFR 567.5 in the US and to
Do not release or remove the battery terminals when Motor Vehicle Safety Regulation 6(1)-6(7) in Canada
the engine is running. If the vehicle is equipped with for requirements for manufacturers of vehicles manu-
code E30 (1-pin battery main switch), the isolator factured in two or more stages.
must not be actuated while the engine is running. See Chapter 2.4 Product safety and product liability
Use rapid charger on the batteries only after discon- (→ page 20).
necting them from the vehicle's electrical system.
Both the positive and negative terminals must be
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 233
8 Electrics/electronics
234 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
8.3 Battery
Electrical cables must not connect directly to the
ground terminal of the battery.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 235
8 Electrics/electronics
Aftermarket battery with capacities > 100 Ah must
not be connected directly to the vehicle electrical
system because this may damage the base vehicle.
Please select a suitable generator to ensure a posi-
tive overall charge balance.
When operating loads on the auxiliary battery, ensure
that the permissible total current of 80A across the
battery cut off relay is not exceeded. The battery
charging current with the engine running must also
be taken into account.
E2M: Auxiliary battery in engine compartment (e.g. LHD
Only the same type of battery (AGM) must be used for
main and auxiliary batteries. If the vehicle is to be started using an external power
It is recommended to always use the ex-factory special supply, then either the jump-start connection point or
equipment options offered by Mercedes-Benz AG if the main battery must be used.
these equipment are required for an auxiliary battery.
Two auxiliary batteries are available:
• Code E2I: Auxiliary battery for retrofitted consumers,
in front passenger seat base, battery size H8 (92 Ah The auxiliary battery (E2I, E2M) must not be used for
AGM) jump starting as this could result in damage to the
• Code E2M: Auxiliary battery for retrofitted consum-
ers, in engine compartment, battery size H6 (70 Ah
Aftermarket auxiliary batteries must be connected to
the vehicle on-board electrical system using a suitable
cutoff relay and fuse. For more information, refer to 1.7
Contact (→ page 11).
When installing an auxiliary battery, ensure that the
same type of battery (AGM battery) is used as the
starter battery.
If the auxiliary battery is located in the passenger
compartment, sufficiently dimensioned ventilation must
be realized through a central vent hose leading into the
atmosphere. If necessary, the second channel in the
battery should be sealed with a stop plug.
The auxiliary battery may only be used to power auxil-
iary consumers such as the stationary heater, loading
E2I: Auxiliary battery in front passenger seat base (e.g. LHD
aids or electrical equipment in RVs (refrigerator, etc.).
236 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
If the vehicle is already equipped with an auxiliary
battery, no further auxiliary batteries may be con-
nected in parallel without a charging current limiter.
This can be realized through supplementary elec-
tronics. A maximum charging current of 80 A for all
auxiliary batteries must be ensured. If this is not the
case, the basic vehicle may be damaged.
A positive total charge balance is to be assured
through selection of a suitable alternator.
Retrofitting multiple auxiliary batteries requires an
evalution with the responsible department. As a part
of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to www.
The current limitation system, which limits to 80 A, The charging current limiter (DC/DC converter)
allows for multiple batteries to be added in parallel if between the electrical system (vehicle battery) and
the batteries are the same type, have the same capac- additional battery allows for different battery technolo-
ity and same age in cross connection. gies and additional batteries to be used.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 237
8 Electrics/electronics
238 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
8.4 Interfaces
8.4.1 CAN bus and networking The following table applies to cables with an insulating
limit temperature of > 105 °C/221 °F
Max. permanent Fuse rating Line cross-section
As all consumers are networked and internally
monitored by the system, no modifications should
[A] [A] [mm2] [in2]
be made to the CAN bus (e.g. breaking, extending or
0 - 4.9 51 0.5 0.001
tapping). Any change to the cable harness in terms
5 - 9.9 101 1 0.002
of length, cross-section or resistance can result in
10 - 18 201 2.5 0.004
safety-relevant component failures or comfort impair-
ments. 19 - 28 301 4 0.006
29 - 35 402 6 0.009
36 - 48 502 10 0.015
Internal and external vehicle diagnosis can be car-
49 - 69 702 16 0.025
ried out by means of the OBD diagnostic socket (SAE
70 - 98 100 25 0.039
1962). Every control unit is capable of self-diagnosis
and is equipped with an internal fault memory. 99 - 123 125 35 0.054
124 - 148 150 50 0.078
Communication with the control units can be estab-
lished using a diagnostic device and the software devel- 1 Type C; DIN 72581 male spade connector
oped for this unit. At Mercedes-Benz, this diagnostic 2 Type E; DIN 72581 male spade connector
tool is called the “XENTRY” diagnostic system and has
the associated hardware and software, XENTRY Kit. 8.4.3 Cable extension
If cables are lengthened (e.g. in connection with a
ⓘ You can obtain further information on this topic wheelbase extension), cables of the same or a greater
from your Mercedes-Benz Service Center. cross-section must be used. We recommend the use
of lines complying with LV112. The protective effect of
⑴ NOTE retaining elements must not be impaired.
Do not make any permanent connection to the OBD Connections between electric lines and electrical
diagnostic socket as this can impair vehicle functions. components (e.g. plugs) are to be secured against
rocking to and fro, through the use of suitable mount-
ing material.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 239
8 Electrics/electronics
Lengthening of wiring harnesses - Comfort and Further information on lengthening wiring harnesses
passive safety systems, on-board electrical system, can be found in the WIS documents:
bus system • AR00.19-P-0100A (Wiring harness, general methods)
The Mercedes-Benz work instructions on the repair of • AH00.19-P-1000-08A (Parts solutions and what
cables also apply for the lengthening of cables. The may/may not be repaired/extended)
instructions can be found in WIS (→ page 18). Work
on the vehicle must always be carried out using the If the prescribed methods are followed and approved
latest workshop aids (e.g. EPC net, WIS net, XENTRY, materials and tools are used, it is possible to lengthen
special tools) from the manufacturer for the vehicle lines without any loss in quality.
in question. The safety notes and safety precautions The following repair methods are approved:
must be observed and precautions against electrostatic • Soldering
discharge (ESD) must be taken. Please get in touch
with the contact person responsible for your mar- • Raychem (use of solder connectors)
ket. ESD protection is only effective when the safety • Raychem in combination with pigtail
regulations/safety precautions are complied with. All • Crimping
operation steps, including test procedures, must be
carried out in accordance with the WIS instructions. Refer to the WIS document AR00.19-D-0100A to select
Information about ESD are available in the WIS docu- the suitable work method.
ment AH54.00-P-0001-01A.
The following must not be modified or extended:
Select the line connectors or solder sleeves. Solder the
• Airbag control unit connector coupling stripped lines in accordance with the WIS instructions:
• ESP® control unit connector coupling • AR00.19-P-0100-05A
• Engine control unit connector coupling • AR00.19-P-0100-09A
• High-voltage lines
• Antenna lines
Crimp the stripped lines in accordance with the WIS
• Fiber-optic cables
• Lines of bus systems, see Chapter 8.4.1 CAN bus
• AR00.19-P-0100-03A
and networking (→ page 239)
• AH00.19-P-1000-09A
• Lines with a cross-section > 4 mm² (0.0062 in2)
Refer to the WIS document AH00.19-P-1000-08A, e.g. ⓘ For further information consult the Workshop Infor-
an ESP® plug must not be "modified". mation System (WIS) and also see Chapter 2.3.2
Workshop Information System (WIS) (→ page 18)
WIS can be accessed at the following address:
240 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
The methods focus on soldering (specifically Raychem) ⓘ For information regarding the procurement
and crimping. of the operating switches, reach out to local
Soldering (specifically Raychem): Mercedes-Benz Service Center.
In the Raychem method, special solder connectors are The reserved load switch part numbers are:
used. The solder connectors contain the solder and are Three different versions of load switches are available
insulated and sealed. A special hot-air blower is used to from factory for installation in the aforementioned
heat them. Do not use a cigarette lighter! switch panel for upfit functions:
The connections must be checked for a resistance of • A907 905 3902 9107 (Single pole changeover (CO)
less than 0.5 ohms using an appropriate multimeter contact, latching, function lighting)
according to the circuit diagram.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 241
8 Electrics/electronics
Tampering with or unauthorized installations in the
vehicle electrical/electronic systems can impair the
functioning of these systems. This can lead to failure
or malfunctioning of components or of parts relevant
to safety, and may result in accidents or damage to
the vehicle.
242 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 243
8 Electrics/electronics
1 2 3
244 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
2 Fuse box
Arrow Direction of travel
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 245
8 Electrics/electronics
Fuse box
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1
129 ± 0,7
6 5 4 3 1
Cable lugs complying with the work specification (see Work specification for cable lugs
table) are preferred. Torque relief on these is through
M6 A0030002599 ZGS001
the housing. If other cable lugs are used, separate
M8 A0040024499 ZGS002
torque reliefs (A 907 545 52 00) must be used at the
M6 bolt.
246 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
The electrical connecting bolts in the fuse box must be Please note:
tightened to the following torques: • No additional consumers may be connected to facto-
ry-installed fuses.
Bolt size Tightening torque
M6 8 Nm/1.66 ft lb ±10% • If all the connections at the fuse box are fully occu-
M8 16 Nm/3.31 ft lb ±10% pied, the positive pole of the auxiliary battery is to be
used for connecting further consumers.
• A suitable fuse box with fuse is required for these
additional consumers.
If a vehicle is already equipped at the factory with a • A positive total charge balance must be ensured in
consumer which uses the fuse box in the seat box, all vehicle conditions.
this is only available under certain conditions. The
sum of the individual currents must not exceed the • Connection numbers A1 and A2 are available
maximum current-carrying capacity of the fuse box of with auxiliary battery to any upfitters to connect any
300 A. There is otherwise a risk of overload. electrical consumers.
The auxiliary consumer can be connected to the auxil-
iary battery with a suitable fuse as per ISO 8820 SF30
(contact cavities 1, 5 and 6) or SF51 (contact cavity 2).
Preconditions for connection to the auxiliary battery
• Auxiliary battery fuse box ex factory in seat base
• Use of the following retaining plates (busbar side),
part number M6 A 907 545 60 00 or M8 A 907 545
61 00 for torque relief
• Suitable fuses as per ISO 8820 (SF30 or SF51)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 247
8 Electrics/electronics
2 6
Code Description
1 EK1 Terminal strip for the electrical connection on the driver's seat base
2 L72 Electrics for body interior lighting, 3-pin connecting point in the left seat base
(applies only for Cab Chassis)
3 LC4 Push button switch in overhead control panel (OCP)
4 L76 Extended tail lamp wiring harness (2 m/78.7 in)
5 L77 Additional electrical equipment for turn signal lamps
6 E5M Expansion of PSM (MPM) standard contact
248 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Code Description
The regulatory requirements for installing lighting
systems must be observed, see Chapter 8.5 Illumina-
tion (→ page 254)).
A description of the codes and specifications for
exterior lights can be found in Chapter 10.2 Bulb
ratings of exterior lights (→ page 317)).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 249
8 Electrics/electronics
250 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
The use of any other ground bolts may lead to mal-
functions of safety systems. This in turn can lead to
the failure of components or safety-relevant compo-
nents and to fault messages in the instrument cluster.
1 Ground bolt
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 251
8 Electrics/electronics
The use of any other ground studs may lead to mal-
functions of safety systems. This in turn can lead to
the failure of safety-relevant components and fault
messages in the instrument cluster.
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8.5 Illumination
Local and national regulations must be observed. All For the following model designations, the headlamp
applicable FMVSS/ CMVSS guidelines and regulations adjustment for the type approval must always be car-
must also be complied with. ried out by the upfitter at his or her own responsibility
and expense when all the upfit work has been com-
⑴ NOTE pleted:
254 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
The national registration regulations apply. For additional lights please connect to PSM or E2A-in-
terface. Please note that these methods do not track
If moving vehicle parts cover lighting equipment by bulb-out-detection.
more than 50% during operation, the vehicle must be
safeguarded accordingly. Code Comment Purpose
Reflectors at the rear of the vehicle must not be L90 Tail lamp deleted For customer using non-
obscured by moving parts. If this is the case, the reflec- OEM incandescent lamp
tors must be duplicated. L91 Pre-installation for For customer using
LED tail lamp non-OEM LED lamp
An appropriate note must be attached at a point where L22 Tail lamp, partial For customer using
it can easily be seen by the driver of the vehicle. LED Mercedes-Benz LED lamp
L76 Extended cable for For customer who needs to
8.5.3 Tail lamps tail lamp extend tail lamp cable
L77 Additional electrical For customer who needs
The following chapter explains how to connect the equipment for turn additional turn signal lamps
aftermarket tail lamps to avoid any failures on the signal lamp on the body
instrument cluster. The chapter also contains informa-
tion on available option codes needed for tail lamps on Tail lamp pin connector for cab chassis
cab chassis.
Pin Color Function
Main tail lamp 1 BN Ground
2 GYGN License lamp
Please make sure to connect the tail lamp using an 3 WHBU Backup lamp
adaptor that has the same pinning assignment as
4 BKWH Turn signal
shown in the table. If the tail lamp pinning assignment
5 BKRD Stop lamp
does not match as guided or the connection is not
6 VTWH Fog lamp (only if PSM)
secured, then an error will appear on the instrument
7 GYBK Tail lamp
Left tail lamp
Please do not connect the main tail lamps via PSM or
E2A. The use of PSM or E2A for main tail lamps cannot Pin Color Function
detect any tail lamp failure. 1 BN Ground
Two available options of tail lamps: 2 GYGN License lamp
3 WHBU Backup lamp
• LED tail lamps: Please order option code L91
4 BKGN Turn signal
(Pre-wiring for LED tail lamps)
5 WHGN Stop lamp
• Bulb tail lamps: Please order option code L90 6
(Pre-wiring for incandescent tail lamps) 7 GYRD Tail Lamp
Right tail lamp
• The upfitter must ensure that the operating loads
consume a constant current of at least 20 mA in
each of the brake lights, tail lights, and turn signals
if the upfitter is using codes L90 or L91. The par-
allel connection of, for example, side marker lights
on the tail lights is not permitted.
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8 Electrics/electronics
1. Code L49 (Identification lamps) includes five identi- The exception to this rule are the parking and stand-
fication lamps mounted on the windshield of the vehicle ing lights functions. These functions are actuated via
roof. the same lines, i.e. they are implemented by the same
2. Code LV7 (clearance lights pre-wiring) includes wir-
ing harness tied to the roof and allows easy installation Fault monitoring is implemented via the signal acquisi-
of after-market lights on the roof. tion and actuation module (SAM) and is always active
when the relevant function is active and the corre-
sponding light source is actuated. This implemented
function is to be taken into account particularly when
designing and using the upfitter's own electronic bal-
lasts, otherwise faults will be logged in the control unit.
The table below provides an overview of the individual
lighting functions.
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Notes on headlamps
Low beams
In the Sprinter, the standing lights are not activated
Requirements for activation: when the daytime running lights or low beams are
• Ignition in terminal 15 position active. Only the above requirements apply.
• Engine running.
• Rotary light switch in AUTO position Parking lights
• Light sensor detects NIGHT. Requirements for activation:
• OR rotary light switch in MAN position (manual driv- • Ignition at terminal 15c or below, i.e. ignition off and
ing lights) driver's door open
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 257
8 Electrics/electronics
High beam/headlamp flasher The exterior lighting functions in the tail lamp are actu-
Requirements for activation of headlamp flasher: ated discretely by the signal acquisition and actuation
module (SAM). This means that each exterior lighting
• Ignition in terminal 15 position function in the tail lamp has a separate line.
Requirements for activation of high beams: The exception to this rule are the parking and stand-
• Low beams active ing lights functions. These functions are actuated via
the same lines, i.e. they are implemented by the same
Turn signal indicators lamps.
Requirements for activation: On cab-chassis the lines for the license plate lighting
• Ignition in terminal 15r or terminal 15 position are not included (See Chapter 10.2 Bulb ratings of
exterior lights (→ page 317).
Rear end: Fault monitoring is implemented via the signal acqui-
Tail lamps with bulbs and pre-installation for LED sition and actuation module (SAM) control unit and is
tail lamps always active when the relevant function is active and
the corresponding light source is actuated. This imple-
mented function is to be taken into account particularly
when designing and using the upfitter's own electronic
ballasts, otherwise faults will be logged in the control
Light pattern
Left parking light X
Right parking light X
Standing lights X X X1) X1) X2) X2)
Low beams X X X1) X1) X2) X2)
Turn signals (left/ X X
right)/hazard warning
light system
Brake light X X
Reversing light X X
Rear fog light X
1) Only panel vans
2) Only cab-chassis
258 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
In the Sprinter, the cornering light function is imple-
mented in the control unit as standard. This also
applies for the pre-installation for front fog lamps with
cornering light function (LV4). For these the upfitter
may only use his or her own, certified front fog lamps.
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Function description:
• The aftermarket lamps can only be activated by
All interior lamps can be replaced by other upfit- pressing a button manually and do not react to auto-
ter-specific lamps. In order to ensure that the stan- matic light functions (door opening, unlocking, etc.).
dard bulb failure monitor functions correctly, only
• After the manual activation of the aftermarket lamps,
light sources of the same type and same output
they remain active for approx. 20 minutes, provided
rating as standard bulbs may be installed.
that the on-board electrical system does not detect
any undervoltage (battery protection). The time runs
independently of the locking status of the vehicle in
Lamp monitoring
The overhead control panel or the Body Controller
• After the aftermarket lamps have been deactivated
monitors all outputs for open load (wire break) and
due to undervoltage by the on-board electrical sys-
short circuit.
tem, an engine start is required before the aftermar-
If a lamp is not connected or is overloaded, a fault ket lamps can be reactivated manually.
entry is stored in the fault memory of the Body Control-
• The aftermarket lamps are actuated via a relay and
ler. The owner or driver of the vehicle must be informed
are protected by a 10 A fuse.
about this. The fault entry must be addressed during a
service if the fault memory is read.
The interior lights can also be actuated via the PSM
(MPM). See Chapter 8.10 Parameterizable Special
Module (PSM/ MPM) (→ page 296)
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Post-delivery integration of upfitter doors Integration of additional doors via PSM (MPM)
Depending on the vehicle equipment, it is possible for The PSM (MPM) can be used to read out signal IDs
upfitters to integrate additional doors in the body into (e.g. "close door", "open door") from the vehicle CAN
the central locking system of the chassis. They are in order to actuate additional central locking system
operated via the ignition key of the basic vehicle. elements or relays in the body via a PSM (MPM) output.
• Upfitters can use their own door locks and compo-
Example of upfitter doors
1 Hinged rear door • The additional doors actuated via the PSM (MPM)
2 Side door are not monitored for their "open" or "closed" state.
There are two options for integrating additional doors The vehicle is thus not able to recognize whether all
into the central locking system of the chassis: additional doors are closed and locked after a lock-
• Integration of additional doors via PSM (MPM) ing procedure and no indications are given on the
instrument cluster.
• Integration of additional doors via SAM
Furthermore, the vehicle locks itself automatically
40 seconds after unlocking if only the aftermarket
door is opened. The reason for this is that the open-
ing of the rotary tumbler is not detected.
• The special equipment PSM (MPM) (code ED5) and a
custom PSM (MPM) program are required.
266 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
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Integration of additional doors via SAM The O-codes for body doors are:
Ordering the special equipment code EA5 "Pre-wiring • OA5 - Parameterization for left side door present
central locking (upfitter doors rear)" allows you to inte- • OA6 - Parameterization for right side door present
grate additional doors in the central locking system of
the basic vehicle. • O04 - Parameterization for hinged rear door present
This means that a wiring harness connection point is Now all the doors can be opened and closed with the
installed in the vehicle near the seat on the left for con- vehicle key. The locks used must have an appropriate
necting up to three aftermarket doors behind the B-pil- feedback function so that the central locking system in
lar. Activation of the door signals must be configured the SAM can poll the door status and the instrument
individually via XENTRY using O-codes. These codes cluster can display this door status correctly.
can be parameterized via XENTRY at a Mercedes-Benz Schematic diagram of an example for a body with three
Service Center. The desired O-code must first be writ- aftermarket doors in combination with the special
ten in the vehicle data card, and then an SCN coding equipment "Pre-wiring central locking (upfitter doors
of the signal acquisition and actuation module must be rear)" code EA5:
carried out.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 267
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Advantage: Conditions:
• Parameterization and installation of a PSM is not • Vehicle configuration with special equipment
required. "Pre-wiring central locking (upfitter doors rear)",
• The additional doors actuated via the signal acquisi- code EA5
tion and actuation module (SAM) are monitored for • Locks with a feedback function must be used.
their "open" or "closed" state. The vehicle is thus able The use of genuine Mercedes-Benz locks is recom-
to recognize whether all additional doors are closed mended.
and locked after a locking procedure and an indica- • Max. three additional doors (right door, left door, rear
tion is given in the instrument cluster. doors) are possible
ⓘ More detailed information on the integration of
The door status indicators in the instrument cluster additional doors can be found on the Upfitter Portal
are as represented in the Sprinter panel van and have as a bulletin under Technical Documents, Sprinter
not been adapted to different body situations (e.g. box MY2019+ Electric preparation for additional door
body, RV etc.). (Code EA5).
268 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
8.8.1 Window lifters/window hinges The delta corresponds to the maximum permissible
additional weight on the sliding door to the load com-
Anti-pinch protection and automatic window raising
can only be guaranteed with the original power window
equipment. Certain weights must be added to the basic equipment
depending on the special equipment installed.
The motor is thermally protected, i.e. the availability of
the power window function may be restricted after long If some items of equipment are removed, they must be
operating periods. taken into account in the weight calculation.
The window lifters and the window hinges can be con- Additional data and information can be found in
trolled using the switches in the door control panel. The Chapter 6.2.6 Side wall, windows, doors and flaps
switches in the driver's door are electronically con- (→ page 111)).
trolled and are connected to the LIN bus. The switches Furthermore, the specifications on "Reinforcement of
in the front passenger door are voltage coded. All the sliding door load compartment with rear seats" for
switches may only be replaced with equivalent genuine the countries in question must be observed, see Chap-
parts. ter 6.4.3 Seats (→ page 147)
Actuation can also occur via the parameterizable spe-
cial module (PSM/MPM). ⚠ WARNING
Modifications to
8.8.2 Sliding door
• door kinematics
The electrical components of the sliding door on the • guidance systems (rails, sliding carriages, etc.)
Sprinter BM 907 (only for the electric load compart-
ment sliding door and particular special equipment) are • locking systems (closing assists, anti-entrapment
connected to the on-board electrical system via a fixed strips, locks, arresters, etc.)
electrical connection in the form of a cable track (drag • end stop systems (buffers etc.)
chain). This is located under the step for the sliding • extensive modification of the body-in-white struc-
door. ture
The cable track must be taken into consideration in the may result in the door opening unintentionally.
event of any modifications around the entrance. If the
upfitter wants to use the cable track, an evalution with There is a risk of accident!
the responsible department is necessary. As part of the No modifications may be made to any of these
eXpertUpfitter program, please refer to www.Upfitter- systems. Furthermore, care must be taken to ensure an extensive connection and center of gravity (CoG)
The system for the electric sliding door has been distribution at the doors.
designed for a maximum door weight of 65 kg/143 lbs,
and this value must not be exceeded due to modifica-
tions. ⓘ The upfitter is responsible for the conversions and
modifications on the vehicle.
On no account should modifications be made to the
door kinematics or the locks, rails, carriages, closing Correct operation of the integrated anti-pinch protec-
aids and anti-entrapment strips. tion function (anti-entrapment strip and path/time
monitoring) must be ensured in the event of any mod-
ifications in this area, e.g. the window installation.
The ex-factory weight of the load compartment slid-
ing door for each vehicle model and wheelbase, and
additional weights for some items of special equipment,
is listed in Chapter 6.2.6 Side wall, windows, doors and
flaps (→ page 111).
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Tampering with or unauthorized installations in
vehicle systems, safety-relevant components and
driver assistance systems can impair the functioning
of these systems. This can lead to failure or malfunc-
tioning of components or of parts relevant to safety,
and may result in accidents or damage to the vehicle.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 271
8 Electrics/electronics
8.9.1 Electronic Stability Program (ESP®) For vehicles where exceptions apply, the ESP® can
be deactivated under certain conditions. More infor-
ESP® is a dynamic vehicle control system which regu-
mation can be requested from the Upfitter Portal
lates both the longitudinal and lateral dynamics of the
(→ page 18)
If there are any deviations from the specifications on
Greater driving stability is provided by ESP® with an
the ESP®, UIS must be requested online via the Upfit-
extended sensor system that constantly compares the
ter Portal (→ page 18).
current actual vehicle direction with the desired direc-
tion of movement. For more information on the mandatory ESP®, please
reach out on the Upfitter Portal (→ page 18).
ESP® can improve vehicle stability in all driving situ-
ations, e.g. when accelerating, braking and coasting, www.UpfitterPortal.coms
when driving in a straight line and cornering.
Together with the signals of other sensors, a processor
monitors that the direction specified by the driver is
If the vehicle deviates from the correct path (over-steer-
ing or under-steering), the system can produce a stabi-
lizing counteraction by applying the brakes on individual
A new ESP® variant is available for Sprinter. This variant
can be ordered with the vehicle version for high load
(code B01) separately for specific applications.
Detailed information can be found in Chapter 4.2.1
Suspension of Sprinter – BR 907 (→ page 68)
This code is only recommended for upfitted vehicles
with high center of gravity according to the specifica-
tions in Chapter 9.1 Center of gravity (→ page 309)
ESP® is required on passenger cars, multipurpose pas-
senger vehicles, trucks and buses with a gross vehicle
weight rating of 4536 kg/10000 lbs or less (according
to FMVSS/CMVSS 126).
272 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
• Changes to the vibration characteristics at the All modifications to the vehicle crosswind area should
installation location of the yaw rate sensor by mod- not exceed the maximum permissible dimensions of
ifications to the body the Crosswind Assist function.
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necessary, by boosting the driver's braking command Position of Active Brake Assist sensor (front view)
according to the situation. 1 Position of sensor
Active Brake Assist can also apply the brakes autono 2 Sensor holder
mously (up to maximum 37.28 mph or 60 km/h) in the 3 Signal funnel
event of imminent collisions with crossing pedestrians To ensure that the functioning of the system is not
and cyclists. affected, on no account should the following changes
be made:
The sensor for Active Brake Assist, code BA3, and for
Active Distance Assist (DISTRONIC PLUS), code ET4, is • Changing the position of the sensor
integrated behind the step in the front bumper. • Replacing the original holder with a different one
• Removing the original front bumper or the original cover
• Replacing the original front bumper or the original
After changes to the vehicle width or overhang length, cover with a different one
the corresponding O-codes must be entered in the
• Installing detachable parts which protrude into the
vehicle documentation via XENTRY, an SCN coding of
signal funnel
the control unit must be carried out and, in the case
of changes to the vehicle position due to a change in • Installing metallic detachable parts which could
vehicle weight, the height of the radar sensor above shade or affect the area around the sensor
the roadway must be documented. • Metal or metal-plated pipes (see note) or rounded
The following note on changing the inclination of metal or metalized surfaces located in front of or
the vehicle in the longitudinal direction must also be beside the radar sensor. Exception: When these are
observed. covered with an insulating or radar wave-absorbing
plastic/paint in the direction of the radar sensor.
• Parallel metal surfaces (see note) on both sides of
the radar. Exception: When these are covered with
an insulating or radar wave-absorbing plastic/paint
in the direction of the radar sensor.
• No metal or metalized surfaces perpendicular to
2 each other (see note) beside, above and below the
radar, where the opening of the 90° angle is "visi
ble" to the radar sensor. Exception: When these are
covered with an insulating or radar wave-absorbing
plastic/paint in the direction of the radar sensor.
• Additional paintwork on the cover in front of the
radar sensor. (See warning!)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 275
8 Electrics/electronics
Depending on the type and thickness, paints or films Active Brake Assist is a certified system. Modifica-
can cause attenuation of radar waves. This could lead tions of any kind made to the individual components,
to malfunction or system failure. This could cause the the system or the basic vehicle (including the wheel-
driver to lose control of the vehicle. base, track width etc.) which are not explicitly cov-
There is a risk of accident! ered by the Body and Equipment Guideline constitute
an alteration of the certified state.
If a body installed by the upfitter changes the incli-
The area in front of the sensor also includes parts
nation of the vehicle in the longitudinal direction by
which are located beside, above or below the sensor,
more than 1.5°, a service calibration of the front
but which protrude further forward than the front
radar system must be performed. If this is not done,
edge of the sensor itself.
the intermittent or permanent failure of Active Brake
Assist and Active Distance Assist can be expected in
If the instructions on prohibited modifications are subsequent operations.
ignored, the system must be deactivated. The deactiva-
tion of the system can only be carried out at a qualified
specialist workshop and requires the following actions:
• Deletion of code BA3/ET4 from the vehicle data card If a significant weight is upfitted to the vehicle, it is
recommended to measure the upfitted vehicle height
• Subsequent recoding of the control units: EIS, instru-
and recalibrate the DISTRONIC PLUS sensor height
ment cluster, head unit and radar sensor
accordingly. Please visit a local Mercedes-Benz deal-
• In vehicles with code ET4, the ESP® must also be ership.
276 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
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The following must be observed when determining the 8.9.4 Blind Spot Assist/Rear Cross Traffic Alert
change in angle: (RCTA)/Exit Warning
• For the angle measurement, either the vehicle must
be standing on a leveled surface or Ex-factory option code JA7
• the angle measurement should always be taken at The Blind Spot Assist/ Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)/
the same measuring station. Exit Warning functions are available as a special equip-
ment, code JA7, from the factory.
• The spirit level must have an accuracy of at least
0.1°. Blind Spot Assist, also known as Blind Spot Monitoring
(BSM), can warn the driver of vehicles in the respective
• The spirit level must output or display the angles adjacent lane when changing lanes.
The Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) function can warn
• The angle measurement before and after the conver- the driver of traffic crossing behind the vehicle while
sion of the vehicle must always be taken at the same reversing, e.g. when unparking.
point on the chassis. Therefore a location should be
selected which will still be accessible for the angle The Exit Warning function can provide warnings of traf
measurement after the conversion. Measuring at dif- fic approaching from behind when the driver or front
ferent points on the chassis or at points on the body passenger door is opened.
(indirect angle measurement) is not permissible. In order for the Exit Warning to operate correctly, it
must be ensured that the door sensor signals (open or
⑴ NOTE closed state) are available on the CAN bus.
After any damage to the front of the vehicle, have the The radar sensors for Blind Spot Assist, RCTA and
setting and function of the radar sensor checked and Exit Warning (code JA7) are installed behind the rear
recalibrated at a qualified specialist workshop. This bumper on cargo, crew, and passenger vans.
also applies to mild collisions at low speeds, where The signal is transmitted to the driver by means of a
no damage to the front end of the vehicle is visible. luminous symbol in the outside mirrors and an acoustic
The parameterization of the front radar must be warning. The system status is displayed in the instru-
adjusted after the following changes: ment cluster, RCTA and, in the head unit, if the parking
package special equipment (code JB6/ JB7) is installed.
• Springs (refer to Chapter 4.2.8 Modifications
to springs, spring suspension/shock absorbers 1
(→ page 71))
• Tire size (refer to Chapter 4.1.3 Vehicle dimensions
(→ page 59)) 2 N54.70-2064-00
• Track width (only in combination with an UIS, Positions of sensors of Blind Spot Assist (top view)
Chapter 2.1.1 Regulatory Overview
(→ page 14))
• Vehicle width (without outside mirrors/detachable
parts) 1
1 Position of sensors
2 Radar range
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In repair cases, the existing coat of paint must be Assist/Exit Warning (code J1V) comprises the following
removed in such a way that the plastic cover is not components:
damaged and the material thickness of the cover is • Wiring harness interface in the seat base (further
not significantly reduced. The new paint coat structure information in Chapter 7.14.3 Wiring harness con-
must not exceed the following limits: necting points (→ page 211)
• A maximum of 2 color coats with a thickness of • Two identical radar sensors with plastic holder and
15 μm/ 5.9e-4 in plus 2 clearcoats may be applied. cover for the left and right side of the vehicle, see
• With metallic silver, only one coat with a thickness the following image.
of 15 μm/ 5.9e-4 in plus one coat in white 15 μm/
5.9e-4 in thick are permissible.
• The material thickness must be homogeneous in
order to prevent distortion of the radar waves.
• Specified thickness for unpainted covers: 2.72 mm
+/-0.1 mm (0.107 in +/- 0.004 in), without paint
• Specified thickness for painted covers: 2.72 mm
+0.1 mm/-0.2 mm (0.107 in +0.004 in/-0.008 in),
without paint
• Further information on painting can be found in
Chapter 5.4 Painting work/preservation work
(→ page 88).
Scope of delivery for Blind Spot Assist/Exit Warning on
cab-chassis models, code JV1 (wiring harness of pre-installa-
tion is not shown)
After any damage to the rear end of the vehicle, have 1 Plastic cover
2 Radar sensor
the function of the radar sensor checked at a qual-
3 Plastic holder
ified specialist workshop. This also applies to mild
4 Screws
collisions at low speeds, where no damage to the rear
area of the vehicle is visible.
The CAD data of the components for the pre-instal
The parameterization of both rear radars must be lation code J1V are available for the eXpertUpfitters on
adjusted after the following changes: the Upfitter Portal.
• Rear overhang, see Chapter 6.2.4 Overhang exten- Both radar sensors are to be installed and commis-
sion (→ page 107) sioned in accordance with the following specifications
• Wheelbase using the original holders and covers provided, as well
as an upfitter mounting bracket.
• Vehicle width (without outside mirrors/detachable
This work must be carried out by the upfitter before
"Pre-installation for Blind0.87
Spot in
Assist/Exit Warning
the vehicle is delivered to the end customer because
for Cab-Chassis" (code J1V)
when the pre-installation for Blind Spot Assist/Exit
The pre-installation for Blind Spot Assist/Exit Warning Warning (code J1V) is ordered, the vehicle is precon-
(code J1V) will be available as ex-factory option code figured at the factory for operation with Blind Spot
for cab-chassis. Assist.
In contrast to the ex-factory option with code JA7, the The above components may only be retrofitted when
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) function is not available the vehicle is fitted with the pre-installation, code J1V.
with this pre-installation.
This pre-installation is not available for cargo, crew, and
passenger vans.
The factory scope of the pre-installation for Blind Spot
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 279
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Special requirements apply for all upfit types in which Specifications for the positioning of the radar
specific outside mirrors installed by the upfitter are sensor system:
used (including fully integrated RVs). In these vehicles, • The radar sensor must always be mounted in the
appropriate warning lamps must be integrated in the area of the vehicle overhang.
mirrors or at a suitable alternative location.
• The maximum distance between the reference point
Information on the basic layout for the positioning of the radar sensor and the wheel center of the front
of the radar sensor system in the vehicle: axle must be no more than 6250 mm/ 246 in in the
Radar sensors reference point:
• The maximum distance between the reference point
• In order for the system to function correctly, the
of the radar sensor and the rearmost reference point
position of the radar sensor in the overall vehicle
for the limit dimension in the x-direction must not
must be known.
exceed 1650 mm/ 65 in, see illustration.
The reference point for dimensioning is on the front
surface of the radar sensor and is defined as follows:
• Centrally at a distance of 22 mm/ 0.87 in from the
lower edge of the radar sensor housing.
It must be ensured that the plug points downward as
specified; refer to the diagram and installation notes.
280 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
• No add-on parts protruding from the outer skin Specifications for mounting the radar sensor
(door handles, turn signal lamps etc.) may be The radar sensor may only be installed in combina-
installed between the sensor and the rear end of the tion with the plastic holder and the cover from the
vehicle in a vertical angle of +/- 20° from the sensor ex works scope of delivery. Installation with other
reference point. holders and covers is not permitted.
• When positioning detachable parts in the rear area For the installation of the scope of delivery on the
vehicle, the upfitter must provide a mirror-symmet-
(particularly round metallic objects, such as lad- rical fastening bracket for each side of the vehicle
ders), it must be ensured that the area defined in in accordance with the following specifications and
the principle drawing is kept as clear as possible. illustrations.
Aftermarket parts mounted on the vehicle, such The mounting bracket must accommodate the
as bicycle racks, can also interfere with the radar radar sensor holder so that the plug of the radar
sensor system (cf. graphics of sensor radar ranges). sensor points downwards.
This note must transposed to the upfitter's operating The mounting bracket shall ensure the mounting of
instructions for the Mercedes special equipment "J1V the radar sensor on both sides of the vehicle with
= Pre-installation for blind spot sensor system". a horizontal angle to the rear of 10.5° ±1°, see
schematic diagram.
Vertical inclination must be avoided, i.e. the
installation must be at right angles (90° ±1°) to the
After mounting, the cover must protrude at least 2
mm over the outer surface of the side wall at the
rear edge, see schematic diagram.
For mounting the plastic holder, rectangular clip
holes and round holes for screw connections must
be made in the mounting bracket according to the
hole pattern shown below. Please use the CAD data
of the plastic holder A9078840100 for your design
adaptation of the mounting bracket.
Positioning of the radar sensor system, possible installation To ensure that the scope of delivery of the radar
positions at the rear sensor is securely fastened, the plastic holder
must also be screwed in place in addition to the
1 Vehicle body (box upfit) clips. The screws are available under item number
2 Bumper A0059907612.
3 Planar rear panel A recess must be provided at the bottom edge
4 Planar side wall for the passage of the electrical cable and for the
5 Radar sensor drainage of condensation water.
6 Area in which detachable parts are permitted A recess must be provided in the side panel at
7 Area in which detachable parts are not permitted the position in accordance with the specifica-
tions for the limit dimensions on the vehicle (see
In the event of deviations from these specifications, it above), into which the mounting bracket with the
is recommended that the upfitter reach out on Upfitter preassembled components of the radar sensor is
Portal (→ page 18) during the planning phase. installed. An opening of approx. 150 x 150 mm is
usually sufficient for this purpose.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 281
8 Electrics/electronics
The mounting bracket must be connected to the Overview of O-codes for documentation of rear
side panel in such a way that the radar sensor is radar with code J1V for open model designations
firmly connected for all operating conditions, with- (FHS, FHL)
out contact with surrounding components (avoid-
ance of rattling noises). Additional sealing and
anti-corrosion protection between the body and the a) Height above roadway
mounting bracket is recommended. O-code Designation
The radar sensors are to be mounted symmetrically O8K Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
on the left and right. This means that the installa- 350 ±50 mm
tion locations of the radar sensors on the left and O8L Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
right sides of the vehicle must be symmetrical in 450 ±50 mm
terms of their positioning relative to the design level O8M Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
of the vehicle on both sides.
550 ±50 mm
Under no circumstances may the radar sensors be O8N Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
installed in doors, flaps or other movable parts, but
650 ±50 mm
must always be connected to the vehicle body in a
fixed, immovable position. O8O Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
750 ±50 mm
The wiring between the plug on the radar sensor
and the plug of the wiring harness pre-installation O8P Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
must be designed and installed by the upfitters on 850 ±50 mm
their own responsibility, see the following informa- O8Q Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
tion. 950 ±50 mm
After successful assembly and electrical connec- O8R Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
tion, the O-code for wheelbase, track width, body 1050 ±50 mm
width, vehicle rear overhang must be added to the O8S Rear blind spot radar, Z above ground
vehicle documentation via XENTRY if there are any 1150 ±50 mm
deviations from the standard configuration. See the
corresponding chapters in these body/equipment
mounting directives. b) Distance from rear axle (RA)
In addition, the corresponding O-codes for the O-code Designation
installation position (height above roadway and O7K Rear blind spot radar, X to RA 100 ±100 mm
distance to rear axle) of the radar sensor must be O7L Rear blind spot radar, X to RA 300 ±100 mm
entered in the vehicle documentation via XENTRY,
see the following overview. O7M Rear blind spot radar, X to RA 500 ±100 mm
O7N Rear blind spot radar, X to RA 700 ±100 mm
O7O Rear blind spot radar, X to RA 900 ±100 mm
O7P Rear blind spot radar, additional X to RA
+1000 mm
O7Q Rear blind spot radar, additional X to RA
+2000 mm
282 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
1 Plastic cover
2 Radar sensor
3 Plastic holder
4 Screw connection
5 Clips
6 Radar sensor plug
7 Mounting bracket (exemplary)
8 Side panel structure
Arrow Direction of travel
Hole pattern for mounting bracket (for details see CAD data)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 283
8 Electrics/electronics
Notes on the electrical connection Please contact your Mercedes-Benz Service contact
The connecting point of the vehicle-side wiring harness person to procure the connector plugs under the above
for the Blind Spot Assist pre-installation code J1V in the item numbers or, if necessary, under a successor part
driver's seat base area has the plug with item number number.
A2105404381. The mating connector has the item The upfitter is solely responsible for routing the wiring
number A2105404981 and the following PIN assign- harness from the radar sensor to the pre-installation
ment: connection point. The specifications and information
in Chapter 8.4 Interfaces (→ page 239) must be
Pin assignment for 4-pin plug observed.
When installing and testing the radar sensors, it
should be noted that the workplace and the workers
must have ESD protection (safety measures against
electrostatic discharge). This also applies for the
shipping container and the warehouse areas where
4-pin plug A2105404981
the sensors are packed or unpacked.
Pin Function If this is not observed, damage to the radar sensors
1 Ignition (terminal 15) from electrostatic discharges should be expected.
2 Peripherals CAN High Generally, only slight damage occurs at first, but with
3 Peripherals CAN Low continued operation this initial damage gradually
4 Ground (terminal 31) spreads until the sensor starts failing from time to
time and eventually fails permanently. This means
The plug of the electrical connection on the radar that Mercedes-Benz AG will not assume any war-
sensor has the item number A2100072999. The mating ranty or goodwill costs in the event of failing radar
connector has the item number A2105404581 and the sensors in combination with code J1V in the event of
following PIN assignment (different left/right): non-compliance with the ESD protection specifica-
tions and hardware failure attributable to this, unless
Pin assignment for 8-pin plug the component damage demonstrably occurred
before or during delivery to the upfitter.
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8 Electrics/electronics
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 285
8 Electrics/electronics
8.9.5 Highbeam Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and ⓘ Further information on the calibration of Highbeam
traffic sign recognition Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and Traffic Sign Assist
can be found in the Workshop Information System
⑴ NOTE (WIS) (→ page 18).
286 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
113,8 mm
Overhand deviation
4.48 in
1 Position of sensor
2 Position of sensor for alcove vehicles
There must be no infrared-absorbing films on the
windshield in the area of the sensor.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 287
8 Electrics/electronics
727 mm
28.62 in
Restricted areas for tire pressure monitoring system (applies for both versions of the system used in the Sprinter)
288 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Modifications to the components of tire pressure loss 8.9.8 Parking Package with 360° camera (JB6)/
detection system (code RY2) or influencing them by Parking Package with reversing camera
modifying or adding electromagnetic fields or reposition- (JB7)
ing the system components is not permitted.
• If approved detachable parts are retrofitted, it is
If, despite this, body work is planned for the vehicle necessary to have the respective Parking Package
underbody, an evalution with the responsible depart- JB6/JB7 coded with the appropriate parameter set
ment is necessary. As part of the eXpertUpfitter pro- by your Mercedes-Benz partner.
gram please refer to
• Aftermarket painting of the bumper is not permitted
All the criteria of UN-R 64 must be satisfied. After a with the ultrasonic sensors fitted. The coat of paint
maximum of 10 minutes of driving (over 25 km/h), the impairs the emission and reception of the ultrasonic
tire pressures of all 4 wheels must be evident in the signals.
instrument cluster. If this is the case, then the control
unit has received signals from all four sensors. It is rec- ⑴ NOTE
ommended that the vehicles be tested with maximum
equipment. All electrical consumers (radio, headlamps, Sensors which are already painted must not be
refrigerator etc.) should be switched on. repainted or touched up.
Mercedes-Benz does not issue certificates for body Unpainted sensors and sensors painted in a
equipment in connection with this vehicle system. range of colors are available from Mercedes-Benz.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 289
8 Electrics/electronics
The coat of paint may not be removed mechanically, 1) This description is intended as an explanation and is not
as this could damage the cathodic dip coating or the the same as the code designation.
sensor diaphragm.
A) Reversing camera from Mercedes-Benz
production plant
⑴ NOTE Two reversing camera systems are available from the
If the surface has been cathodic dip primed, the paint- factory:
must not be removed by chemical means. This could • Analog reversing camera with inside rearview mirror
damage the cathodic dip coating and a new coating display (code FR3)
cannot be applied afterwards. Nor is it permitted to • Digital reversing camera with display via the head
touch up damaged areas chemically or mechanically. unit (code FR8)
Detachable parts fitted in the detection range of No modifications of any kind may be made to the
the sensors may impair operation of the Park Assist factory-installed camera systems.
system (e.g. trailer hitch, overhangs of bodies, wheel
carriers, steps, brush guards).
290 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
The guide lines of the digital reversing camera (code If you are using analog cameras other than those
FR8) in the head unit display are designed exclusively approved by Mercedes-Benz, these must comply with
for the base model vehicle. the analog standard NTSC 60 Hz.
Therefore, if approved detachable parts are retrofitted
to the rear area of the panel van models, it is neces-
sary to have the relevant parameter set coded in the ⓘ This pre-installation provides interfaces for con-
reversing camera by a local Mercedes-Benz/ Freight- necting the reversing camera in the driver seat
line Service Partner. frame in open models and in the area of the 3rd
If the vehicle is lengthened at the rear with the brake lamp on closed models (on the roof at the
upfitter's own detachable parts so that it deviates top of the rear), see the further information at the
from this configuration, the guide lines of the end of this chapter.
reversing camera must be deactivated.
To hide the guide lines, SCN coding must be carried
out using O-code O1N "Activate reversing camera The reversing camera system is classified as ASIL
without guide lines" via XENTRY (see Chapter 2.3.3 Level A according to ISO 26262. For all the compo-
XENTRY Kit (→ page 19)). nents involved, it must be ensured that no delayed or
frozen images can occur (see the section on com-
missioning at the end of this chapter). For eXpert-
B) Retrofitting of a reversing camera Upfitters, an appropriate verification of this must
There are two options for retrofitting a reversing cam- be provided to Mercedes-Benz AG (see Chapter 1.7
era: Contact (→ page 11)).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 291
8 Electrics/electronics
Variant 2: Digital reversing camera If the digital reversing camera is procured from
• Pre-installation for electric ultrasonic reversing aid Mercedes-Benz AG as a single part, the upfitter must
(code FR7) for retrofitting of a digital reversing cam- build his or her own holder or housing.
era with head unit display For this, the specifications below for the housing or
This special equipment is only available for cab-chassis. holder and their positioning and installation position
must be observed and complied with.
For panel vans, the special equipment code FR8 must
be used, see section A). Requirements for the aftermarket housing or aftermar-
ket holder:
⑴ NOTE IP protection class IPX4K must be observed.
The plugs of the cables must be located in the dry
Only the digital reversing camera approved by Mer- area of the vehicle.
cedes-Benz AG may be used for the digital reversing
Precautions must be taken to ensure that no fluid
camera system. accumulates in the housing.
Any other digital camera is not permitted because it The cable routing into the vehicle interior must be
is not approved for combining with the other system sealed.
components (e.g. the head unit display). A minimum bending radius of 8.4 mm/ 0.33 in
Code FR7 is only possible in combination with the must be observed for the routing of the connection
line attached to the camera (see figure “Camera
special equipment MBUX multimedia system with
with wiring harness and IP protection classes”).
7-inch touchscreen (code E3M) or with 10.15-inch
touchscreen (code E4M).
292 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Requirements concerning positioning and ⓘ The reference point for the camera height and
installation position: the offset to the center is always the center of the
• The camera must be positioned so that the rear- camera lens.
most contour of the rear end of the vehicle is clearly
visible in the head unit display (see figure “Camera
positioning with upfitter housing”).
• The positioning and installation position of the cam- 3 3
era must meet the specifications, see figures “Cam-
era positioning with upfitter housing” and “Permissi-
ble installation position”.
• The cable outlet of the camera is positioned off-cen-
ter. To ensure the image is displayed correctly, the
camera must always be installed with the cable out-
let pointing upward (see figure “Camera positioning
with upfitter housing”).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 293
8 Electrics/electronics
Electrical requirements for camera system and The reversing camera system must be tested and must
connecting points function flawlessly under real-life conditions (including
The connecting points for the analog and digital upfitter requirements):
reversing cameras are located in the driver seat frame • When reverse gear is engaged, the picture from the
in open models. The connecting point for the analog reversing camera is displayed completely and with
reversing camera in closed models is located in the out errors in the head unit display.
area of the 3rd brake light (on the roof at the top of the • No guide lines are displayed.
• The rear end of the vehicle is clearly visible.
The wiring harness and plug to be connected to this
wiring harness must satisfy the following requirements: • Image noise, distortions, mirroring or delays must
not occur.
• The connectors of the camera are only approved for
a dry environment. For a detailed description of the commissioning pro-
cess, please refer to the WIS (Workshop Information
• No further connecting points are permissible System).
• The quality of the video/high-frequency line must For further questions, please reach out on the Upfitter
meet at least the requirements of the 50-ohm LEONI Portal.
Dacar® 462 for mobile applications up to 6 GHz.
• The line quality was designed for a line length of ⑴ NOTE
9600 mm/ 377.95 in from the seat base connecting The reversing camera system is classified as ASIL
point to the camera. If a longer line is required, its Level A according to ISO 26262. For all the compo-
functional capability must be assured by means of nents involved, it must be ensured that no delayed or
tests conducted by the upfitter. frozen images can occur (see the section on commis-
• The reversing camera system must not be disrupted sioning at the end of this chapter). Appropriate verifi-
by EMC influences, e.g. by 230 V systems, actuators cation of this must be provided to Mercedes-Benz AG
etc. via your contact person at Technical Consulting (see
Chapter 2.1 Advice for Upfitters (→ page 14)).
ⓘ Further information can be found on the Upfitter
ⓘ For a detailed description of the commissioning
Requirements for commissioning process, please refer to the WIS (Workshop Infor-
The digital reversing camera must be put into operation mation System).
by coding using the XENTRY Kit (see Chapter 2.3.3
XENTRY Kit (→ page 19)). We recommend that you ⓘ If you have any further questions, get in touch with
have this carried out in a Mercedes-Benz workshop. your contact person at Technical Consulting (see
Chapter 2.1 Advice for Upfitters (→ page 14)).
In addition to code FR7, the code O1N "Activation of
reversing camera without guide lines" must be coded
into the vehicle.
294 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Depending on the version and thickness, paints or
film coatings and installed equipment in front of the
bumpers causes dampening of waves. This could lead
to malfunction or system failure. The driver could lose
control of the vehicle and cause an accident.
The area of or around the sensor must not be
painted, covered with a film or covered by any after-
market equipment.
Field of vision
After any damage to the rear of the vehicle or after
any modification to the
• rear overhang
• axle distance
• height of the rear bumper
• new parameters for the sensor
60° has been made, the setting and function of Parktronic
Example of field of vision of one sensor sensor has to be checked at a qualified specialist
workshop. This setting also needs to be checked if
mild collisions at low speeds has occurred where no
damage to the front end of the vehicle is visible.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 295
8 Electrics/electronics
Parameterizable Special Module (PSM), or also known PSM is connected to the vehicle network via the body
as Multi-Purpose Module (MPM) for Sprinter BM 907, is CAN bus and therefore has access to the specific mes-
an electronic control unit that connects to the vehicle’s sages sent by the linked control units (e.g. door status,
CAN bus system and can read and control various vehi- vehicle speed, engine speed, parking brake active).
cle functions. Because Mercedes-Benz restricts modifi- PSM can translate the messages from various bus data
cations of the CAN bus system and direct access to the into switching signals at the outputs provided ("high" or
vehicle networks, PSM has been developed to provide "low") or PWM signals (pulse width modulation). Indi-
an indirect access to the vehicle CAN bus. PSM can be vidual signals is monitored or generated at analog and
purchased under the option code ED5 and part number digital inputs and outputs.
A907 900 53 03. Pre-wiring for PSM (MPM) can be PSM provides a clearly defined, diagnostics-compatible
ordered using the option code ED8 for the customer who and EMC-tested interface between the vehicle and the
wishes to install PSM in the future. Without the option body.
code ED8, PSM cannot be retrofitted onto the vehicle.
PSM provides an interface, not a system. The PSM
⑴ NOTE functionality available via the interface is protected as
per ISO 26262, generally by a QM process. The pro-
The wirings on the vehicle must not be tampered with tection of functions in which the PSM is involved and
for this could lead to fault messages from the other compliance with applicable standards (e.g. ISO 26262
control units on the CAN bus. on functional safety) and specifications are always the
Please utilize fuses for any electronic consumers responsibility of the upfitter.
connected to PSM.
The PSM control unit is located in the driver seat box.
PSM can be installed or removed by first removing When uploading a new PSM coding, all previous
the driver’s seat and then the driver seat base cover. parameterizations are erased. We recommend backing
Once the seat has been removed, the bracket for PSM up stored PSM program beforehand.
control unit can be found directly beneath the parking
system control unit.
ⓘ For additional information, please refer to the
PSM Upfitter Portal technical bulletin: Sprinter MY2019+
Parameterizable Special Module (ED5). Inquiries
on PSM programs as well as requests for custom-
ized PSM programs for eXpertUpfitters can be
requested on
PSM is connected to two fuses in the fuse box on the ⓘ Information on standard PSM programs can be
driver’s seat frame. Fuses for PSM, F14 and F15 are obtained from your local Mercedes-Benz Service
shown in the picture below. Center.
296 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 297
8 Electrics/electronics
8.10.2 PSM (MPM) Pin Assignment A plug and play solution is provided with the option
code E5M (extension of PSM standard contact). Upfit-
PSM consists of two plugs upfitters can connect to. Plug
ters can directly connect their own wiring harness to the
1 is composed of fifteen 2.8 mm MCP pins, and plug 2 is
PSM extension plugs, E5M (non-retrofitable Y-harness).
composed of thirty-two 0.64 mm MQS pins. Below image
provides detailed information on each pins on PSM (MPM).
298 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 299
8 Electrics/electronics
300 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Electrical circuit diagrams can be made available to The table below lists the abbreviations used in the field
eXpertUpfitters as part of the eXpertUpfitter Program. of telematics.
As part of the eXpertUpfitter program please refer to
Abbrevia- Meaning/description
Electrical circuit diagrams can also be called up in the HU Head Unit
Workshop Information System (WIS) (→ page 18). Connect5 Multimedia system with 7" display NTG6 Multimedia system incl. navigation with 7" or 10.25" display
DVI Digital Visualization Interface
CAN Controller Area Network
CAR PC Control unit or PC installed in the vehicle
TMDS Transition-Minimized Differential Signaling
RGB signal Red, Green and Blue signal
PSM Parameterizable Special Module
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
LTE Long Term Evolution
AM/FM Amplitude Modulation/Frequency Modula-
SDARS Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface
RHC Right hand circulation polarization
MBUX Mercedes-Benz User Experience (multime-
dia system based on Connect5 or NTG6)
AUB Antenna switchover box
GPS Global Positioning System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 301
8 Electrics/electronics
8.13.1 Overview of the Infotainment system The functions of the various head units are described in
the operator's manual.
The new NTG6 telematics generation has been inte-
grated in the Sprinter and thus offers the entertainment
convenience familiar from the passenger car model ⓘ The notes and specifications for operating the
series. Numerous entertainment and user experience multi-media and vehicle systems in Chapter 7.15.5
applications are available with the Mercedes-Benz User New features for RVs (→ page 222) and Chap-
Experience MBUX special equipment. ter 8.3.1 Main battery (→ page 235) must be
In addition to the radio pre-installation special equip-
ment (Code ER0) and radio pre-installation with DAB
(Code E7A), the following infotainment systems are also
Code Infotainment system Telephony Smartphone Navigation Reversing 360° Voice control
(Bluetooth®) integration camera camera ("Hey Mercedes")
E1O MB audio system Yes No No No No No
E3M MBUX multimedia sys- Yes Yes1) No Yes Yes No
tem with 7" touchscreen
E3M MBUX multimedia sys- Yes Yes2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
+ tem including navigation
E1E with 7" touchscreen
E4M MBUX multimedia sys- Yes Yes2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
tem including navigation
with 10.25" touchscreen
302 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
8.13.2 Antennas
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 303
8 Electrics/electronics
304 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
Antenna type Patch
Frequency 1575 MHz – 1606 MHz
Gain in antenna 2 dBic, mean value Theta 0 - 20° N82.62-2061-00
Polarization RHC
Position of antenna for the cab chassis
Reinforcement 28 dB core
Noise factor ≤1 dB (without filter)
Impedance 50 ohm
Power supply
Operating voltage 4.5 V – 5.5 V
Power consumption 20 mA± 3 mA
Phantom power Yes Position of antenna for the cargo van
To ensure that no interference with the satellite
signals occurs due to upfitting, the antenna must be
positioned at the highest point on the vehicle.
For vehicles that do not have code E1S (Sirius XM
satellite radio), satellite antenna can be installed by
following the WIS document SM82.62-D-0009SG.
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 305
8 Electrics/electronics
Modification Guidelines:
If the vehicle is equipped with a roof cut-out (option
code FA1 or F28), please adhere to the following
• Do not modify the wiring connections around the roof
cut-out. Please use the following figures for refer-
• A portable antenna is provided as an additional part
which is located in the glovebox.
If the vehicle is equipped with an antenna but the
position needs to be modified, please adhere to the
following points:
• The cable connection to the antenna is a FAKRA
connector with a female connection. Extension
cables are available from third party sources
and can be used to reposition the wiring harness.
• Ensure that the new antenna position complies with
Sirius XM requirements. (
306 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
8 Electrics/electronics
8.13.3 Speakers Additional speaker pairs are available for the cargo and
crew van model designations as a special equipment
Connect5 and NTG6 have 5 channels for connecting
(Code EL9) in the rear passenger compartment.
speakers to the system.
As standard with Connect5 and NTG6, two pairs of This enables fade-in/fade-out of the rear left (RL) and
speakers (woofer/ mid-range speaker and tweeter) are rear right (RR) audio sources in Connect5 and NTG6.
fitted in the front left (FL) and front right (FR) in the
The total impedance per channel must not be less than
doors. For a better sound experience, the NTG6 has an
2 ohms.
additional mid-range speaker (Cen).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 307
8 Electrics/electronics
Using the Mercedes me connect App while driving will
distract you from traffic conditions. This could cause
8.14.1 Mercedes me connect for personal use you to lose control of the vehicle, which could result in
Mercedes-Benz Vans offers Mercedes me connect for an increased risk of endangering yourself and others,
individual customers2. Mercedes me connect provides including the risk of accidents, personal injuries and
an individual experience through the vehicle-integrated death. In order to help prevent distracted driving, the
Communication Module (LTE)3 and the Mercedes me use of the Mercedes me connect App is not permitted
connect App. Your Mercedes me connect equipped Van while operating a motor vehicle. Please follow all appli-
will enhance your experience during purchase, service, cable federal, state and local laws and restrictions and
and throughout your ownership. Mercedes me connect is observe the legal requirements of the country in which
focused on your comfort and individual experience. you are currently located.
Mercedes me connect consists of a multitude of ser- For further information on Mercedes me connect visit
vices1,3. Because your safety is our priority, we encour-
age you to take advantage of Software Updates for your For information on service availability and eligibility of
Van and to stay connected with our Customer Assistance your Van1,2,3, visit
Center in case of an emergency or breakdown. Keep notices/connected-vehicle or contact your dealer.
track of your Van’s location status when parked by using
the Mercedes me connect App. Easily lock/unlock doors
remotely through the App. If your Van is equipped with
1 Models shown may include options/packages not stan-
an MBUX Multimedia System, Mercedes me connect dard on a Sprinter (as of MY19 and newer) or a Metris
provides you with online services such as Live Traffic (as of September 2019 production, MY 20). Specifica-
Information4 and Online Map Updates4 to keep your tions are subject to change. Services require vehicle cel-
Van’s navigation system up to date. lular connectivity and availability of vehicle GPS signal.
2 Mercedes me connect is available for the United States of
America for Sprinter (as of MY19 and newer) and Metris
8.14.2 Mercedes me connect for business use equipped with a Communication Module (LTE) (as of Sep-
As a commercial customer you also have the opportunity tember 2019 production, MY20). Contact an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Vans dealership for more information.
to use Mercedes me connect for your business. The Mer-
3 The availability of services in addition to the integrated
cedes me connect services for commercial customers
Communication Module for Digital Services (LTE) depends
ensure that you and your company remain connected to on the network coverage of the mobile network provider.
your Van(s) at all times and from anywhere1,2,3. With the The Communication Module for Digital Services (LTE) is
Mercedes me connect App, you will have the most up to not available in the US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. The
date and important information about your vehicle right Communication Module for Digital Services (LTE) is equip-
at the palm of your hands2. Take advantage of software ped in the Sprinter (as of MY 19 and newer) and optionally
equipped in the Metris (as of September 2019 production,
updates, maintenance information and more with Mer-
MY20 and newer). The availability of certain features may
cedes me connect for business use. be impacted at the current time.
As a company administrator, you can reach out to your 4 The information from this service is shown on the touch-
preferred dealer and register for a new Mercedes me screen of the MBUX Multimedia System. Live Traffic Infor-
mation can only be used in conjunction with the MBUX
connect company profile. The dealer can assist with add-
Multimedia System with 17.8 cm (7-inch) touchscreen and
ing your company vehicles to your new company profile. navigation or the MBUX Multimedia System with 26 cm
Upon completion of your newly created company profile (10.25-inch) touchscreen options. While the navigation sys-
the company admin listed on the account will be able to tem provides directional assistance, the driver must remain
manage company vehicles, users and services, and more focused on safe driving behavior, including paying attention
in the Mercedes me connect Portal. Additional users, to traffic and street signs. The driver should utilize the sys-
tem's audio cues while driving and should only consult the
such as drivers, will be able to use many of the Mercedes
map or visual displays once the vehicle has been stopped
me connect services that are already available for per- in a safe place. Maps do not cover all areas or all routes
sonal use in the Mercedes me connect App and the Van1. within an area. Please follow all applicable federal, state
and local laws and restrictions.
308 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
9 Calculations
The overall height of the center of gravity (vehicle with 9.1.1 Determination of the center of gravity in
equipment/complete body but without load) should be the x-direction
kept as low as possible.
The position of the center of gravity in the longitudinal Center of gravity coordinates in x-direction
direction of the vehicle (x-direction) is specified relative (front/rear axle load distribution)
to the center of the front axle.
Recommended Procedure:
The center of gravity height (z-direction) is specified
In the first series of measurements, the vehicle
with reference to the roadway. should be weighed with the complete equipment or
Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have the position body but without payload.
of the center of gravity checked by a approved and In the second series of measurements, the vehicle
experienced testing institution. should be weighed with the complete equipment
or body and with a payload appropriate for its
If the center of gravity is determined by the upfitter, the intended purpose, taking into account the permissi-
procedures described under 9.1.1 Determination of the ble gross mass and the permissible axle loads.
center of gravity in the x-direction (→ page 309) and For the measurements, the tire pressure at all
9.1.2 Determination of the center of gravity in the z-di- wheels should be set to 6 bar.
rection (→ page 311) must be followed and qualified Completely fill all fluid reservoirs for operating
person must perform the services to achieve realistic fluids (fuel tank, AdBlue® tank, washer fluid reser-
and useful results. voirs and, if installed, hydraulic fluid reservoir).
The vehicle must be measured in a load condition Shut off the engine on the scales, shift the trans-
appropriate for its intended purpose. (See the following mission to neutral position and release the brakes.
pages for examples.) The vehicle must be parked horizontally on level
ground for weighing.
Likewise, the web-based “Vehicle Center of Gravity and
Axle Weight Calculator” provided by NTEA might be First weigh the individual axle loads (front and rear
axle loads) and then the gross vehicle mass.
helpful. Mercedes-Benz does not take responsibility of
the accuracy of the calculated values by the NTEA web- Using these measurements, the position of the
center of gravity in the longitudinal direction of the
based calculator.
vehicle can be calculated using equations (3) and (4).
Use (2) to check the results from (3) and (4).
Practical determination of the center of gravity
position in the x and z-directions may only be carried
out by appropriately qualified staff using suitable and
calibrated vehicle scales.
In order to reduce measuring errors, each measure-
ment value should be determined at least three times
and the average should be calculated from these
three values.
The calculated center of gravity position in the z-di
rection (CoG height) must not exceed the limit values
specified under Chapter 4.1.2 Maximum permissible
position of the center of gravity (→ page 58)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 309
9 Calculations
Calculation of the center of gravity in the lV Distance of overall center of mass of empty vehicle
x-direction from front axle
(3) lH Distance of overall center of mass of empty vehicle
GHA × l from rear axle
lV =
GG l Wheelbase
SG Overall vehicle center of gravity
GV A × l (4)
lH = ⓘ The wheelbase "I" is defined by the vehicle model
GG designation (see order) or must be determined by
means of a length measurement according to coun-
try and/or state specific regulations.
310 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
9 Calculations
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 311
9 Calculations
312 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
9 Calculations
The calculated center of gravity must not exceed the
limit values specified under 4.1.2 Maximum permissi-
ble position of the center of gravity (→ page 58).
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 313
9 Calculations
314 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
9 Calculations
0,. 6 × 9,. 81 × Z × A
L=Z +A− (11)
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 315
10 Technical details
316 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
10 Technical details
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10 Technical details
318 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
10 Technical details
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10 Technical details
320 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
10 Technical details
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 321
10 Technical details
1 1
N31.10-2322-00 N31.10-2321-00
Longitudinal member on BM 907 Cab Chassis Longitudinal member on BM 907 Crew, Passenger and Cargo
with code Q11 Van model with code Q11
1 Trailer hitch insert, code Q11 1 Trailer hitch insert, code Q11
Risk of accident due to the impermissible attachment
of a trailer hitch!
If a trailer hitch is retrofitted and you attach a trailer
hitch or other components, the longitudinal frame
member will be weakened and can break. In this
case, the trailer can detach from the vehicle.
There is a risk of accident!
Only retrofit a trailer hitch if this is permissible.
322 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
10 Technical details
55 mm
2.17 in
100 mm
3.94 in
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 323
10 Technical details
34 mm
1.34 in
1 3 m in
ø .51 25 mm
0 0.98 in
55 mm
2.17 in
100 mm
3.94 in
Single cab; basic variants 3.5 t (2.8 t - 4.1 t)/8550 lbs (8550 lbs - 9040 lbs)
324 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
10 Technical details
44 mm
1.73 in
90 mm
3.54 in
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 325
10 Technical details
10.4 Soundproofing
To prevent modifications from changing the vehi-
cle's sound levels, it must be ensured that interior
sound levels are minimized when planning bodies
(→ page 148).
326 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 327
328 Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5
Tack welding............................................................ 49
Tail lamps............................................................... 255
Technical limit values for planning......................... 58
Telephone............................................................... 263
Thorax/pelvis side airbag..................................... 144
Threaded connections............................................. 46
Tie-down eyes........................................................ 158
Tire load capacity.................................................... 37
Tire pressure monitoring....................................... 285
Tires................................................................... 45, 98
Tire sizes.................................................................. 70
Torsionally stiff body types................................... 205
TPMS...................................................................... 285
Trademarks.............................................................. 22
Trailer hitch............................................106, 172, 176
Trailer hitch hole patterns..................................... 319
Transmission output........................................ 80, 263
Two-way radio........................................................ 263
Welded connections................................................ 47
Welding work........................................................... 85
Wheel alignment...................................................... 71
Wheels..................................................................... 98
Wheel wells............................................................ 114
Wind deflectors..................................................... 157
Window airbag....................................................... 145
Window heater....................................................... 270
Window lifters/window hinges............................. 269
Windows................................................................. 269
Windshield wipers................................................. 270
Workshop Information System (WIS)..................... 18
XENTRY Kit............................................................... 19
Mercedes-Benz | Body and Equipment Guideline Sprinter - BM907, Edition 2022-5 329
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