Hand Made Jewellery
Hand Made Jewellery
Hand Made Jewellery
Some men and women have the craze for beaded jewellery so let us tell you about the latest
fashion in beaded jewellery.
These days, females adore statement bracelet,pearl bracelets,charm bracelets,link cahin
bracelet and cuff bracelet. Men also choose from chain and beaded bracelets when it comes
to jewellery trends. And who doesn’t enjoy trends? Beaded jewellery is among the beaded
jewellery trends for 2022-2023,So Starlet jewellery gives you the option to select the finest
beaded jewellery available in Pakistan, and we guarantee that we don’t disappoint you
Our target market is social media such as instagram,facebook and tiktok. We’ create
jewellery designs that appeal our audience's tastes and preferences. This helps us to
establish a strong customer base.
Building an online presence Offer Custom design and Promotion and discounts
focus on quality
We have a website and social media We offer promotions and discounts to
We have offer custom designs to our
accounts of “Starlet jewellers” to our customers to encourage them to
customers to create a personalized
showcase our jewellery designs, this purchase our jewellery designs. This
experience and we focus on creating
enables us to reach a wider audience. helps us to generate sales and build
high quality jewellery designs using
We use high quality photos and customer loyalty.
premium materials.
engaging content to attract potential
1. Pine green daisy bead necklace
400 PKR
E-mail [email protected]
Website www.starletjewellerspk.com
Instagram @starletjewellers
Facebook @starletjewellers