ABB 5 Steps To Substation Physical Security

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Five steps to substation physical security and resiliency

Of all the infrastructure Americans rely on every day, The impact of an extended outage on an economy cannot be
perhaps none is more vital to our way of life than the grid underestimated. For insight, look no further than the cost of
system that delivers energy to our homes and businesses. regional, weather-related outages such as major hurricanes.
In 2013, Presidential Policy Directive 21 identified 16 areas
of critical infrastructure. Energy is just one of the areas In 2012, a Congressional Research Service study estimated
identified, but none of the others could exist without the the inflation-adjusted cost of weather-related outages at $25
energy sector. Even agriculture would require significant to $70 billion annually. The highest spike came in years with
relearning of ancient farming techniques to adapt to a heavy weather-related events like Superstorm Sandy. Thankfully,
world without a reliable supply of power from high-quality despite the severity of the event, proper planning and quick
sources. reaction kept major outages confined, and power was restored
to more than 95 percent of customers within a couple of weeks.
A new threat? Five steps to While the attack in California and other
similar events have physical security
As if natural disasters aren’t reason substation resiliency top of mind for utility executives, ABB’s
enough to be concerned, a number of Substation Physical Security and
physical attacks on substations over the To help customers reach their substation Resiliency Initiative was conceived as a
last few years has many in the industry security and resiliency goals, ABB has roadmap for any utility looking to develop
rethinking substation resiliency. launched the Substation Physical Security a solid disaster preparedness, response,
and Resiliency Initiative, which covers five and recovery plan, regardless of the type
Less than one year after a high-profile strategic elements that will help utilities of physical disaster. The process a utility
incident in California where snipers took restore power as quickly as possible after goes through as they create their plan
aim at a substation’s transformers, the an event that causes physical damage to closely mirrors the five elements of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a substation. ABB initiative.
(FERC) issued Directive 146, directing
the North American Electric Reliability These elements include: Step #1: Assess potential
Corporation (NERC) to craft reliability −− Assessment: Assess the substation vulnerabilities
standards that require utilities to and asset vulnerability to extreme The first step in any good disaster plan
address the physical security risks and weather events, intentional criminal is to assess what could happen and
vulnerabilities related to the reliable attacks, geomagnetic disturbances the vulnerabilities within the system
operation of the Bulk-Power System. (GMD), and electromagnetic pulses that need to be addressed. While the
It didn’t take long. Less than three (EMP). NERC requirements are focused on
months later, the North American Electric −− Hardening: Provide hardened addressing a physical attack, substations
Reliability Corporation (NERC) filed a transformers and power equipment fail for other reasons as well. Most of the
petition for the approval of reliability against malevolent attacks and utilities ABB works with approach the
standard NERC CIP-014. extreme environments. assessment and subsequent planning
−− Monitoring: Onsite monitoring for from a holistic perspective that includes
It took many utilities even less time to utilities to determine power disruptions physical attack, natural disasters or
respond. According to Craig Stiegemeier, in real-time on a local, regional and simply age-related failures.
Technology Director, Transformer national scale.
Remanufacturing & Engineering Services, −− Rapid repair: Quickly restore large Whether looking at NERC CIP-014
ABB Inc., “We talk to two types of power transformers and critical sub- compliance or simply developing a
utilities when we discuss NERC CIP-014 station equipment following a major disaster plan, the first step is to identify
compliance. There are those waiting for manmade or natural event. the critical substations. According to
rules to be handed down and those who −− Rapid replacement: When repairs NERC, a critical facility is one that if
were already putting plans in place even cannot be performed, rapid replace- rendered inoperable or damaged, could
before NERC CIP-014 was finalized. It’s ment greatly decreases the amount of have a critical impact on the operation
safe to say we see more of the latter than time required to replace critical sub- of the interconnection through instability,
the former these days. They know the station equipment and restore power uncontrolled separation, or cascading
possibility of a physical attack is on the to the grid. failures on the Bulk-Power System.
rise, but hardening their substations can
also help them meet existing reliability Once these substations have been
standards.” identified, the next step is to examine the
vulnerabilities within each facility. Utility
leaders need to ask questions such as:
−− How easy would it be for an attacker
to access the substation? Often
times, this includes an assessment
of the surrounding area. A substation
that is isolated or where surrounding
buildings or landscaping provide cover
for a potential attack might require
additional security measures.
−− Are there secondary systems to
prevent unauthorized entry? If an
attacker were to make it past the initial
barrier, e.g., a security fence, are there
additional barriers to entry into any
buildings housing vital equipment?

2 Five steps to substation physical security and resiliency | ABB white paper
−− Where are the weak spots? E.g., are Step #2: Substation and equipment to eight, it’s going to be that much more
there places where attackers would hardening difficult to launch a coordinated attack
have relatively easy access to vulner- Once the vulnerabilities have been that can cripple the entire system,“ adds
able equipment? In addition, is the identified, the next step is to create a Steigemeier.
facility close enough to the street or prioritized plan for addressing these
parking lot to allow attackers to disrupt vulnerabilities. Hardening can be Retrofitting existing substations
communications systems without ever broken down into two key categories: It may be a challenge to build walls
leaving their vehicle? new designs and retrofitting of existing around an existing substation and next
−− How would the utility know of an stations. to impossible to move it underground,
attack? Are there early warning systems, but according to Mike Eads, ABB Project
or would the notification need to come New designs: out of sight, out of mind Lead Engineer, you can still protect the
from bystanders on the scene or from Utilities building new substations have a most vulnerable components. “There are
customers who have lost power? The significant advantage – they can design a variety of ways that a utility can retrofit
earlier an attack can be detected, their substations from the ground up an existing substation for tighter security.
the faster it can be stopped and the to be resistant to physical attacks. These include enhanced lighting systems,
damage mitigated. “One of the best ways to protect the infrared camera systems, motion
−− Which systems could be made substation is to build it indoors,” says detection devices, redundant wireless
redundant? From cooling systems Ulf Andersson, Director of Engineering, communication, and physical barriers
to protection & control systems to ABB Power Systems. “Technology around critical equipment. Also smaller
communications, redundancy in vital innovations have allowed us to reduce devices, such as the protection and
systems can prevent a catastrophe. the size of a substation by as much as communication devices, can be security
−− What components would be hardest 75 percent, and we’ve cut both electrical fortified and hidden within existing control
to replace? The most immediate equipment exposure and noise emissions houses.”
answer for most utilities would be the dramatically.”
power transformer, but replacement of Reducing the amount of cabling
other vital components also needs to For utilities building large substations in a substation also reduces risk.
be considered. Inventorying a few of in populated areas, ABB is also seeing For example, using IEC 61850
the harder to find parts, especially for a dramatic increase in underground communication protocols allows the
older equipment, may be smart. facilities. “We can put 98 percent of utility to consolidate substation protection
the substation volume below ground, and control. “61850-8-1 GOOSE
When the non-vital becomes vital making these facilities hard to target,” communications lets us eliminate the
Modern substation monitoring and says Andersson. “Not only are these wiring for interbay control and breaker
power flow management tools can help substations more secure, they can also control/status,” says Eads. “And, the
utilities avoid cascading power outages maximize space utilization in populated 61850-9-2 Process Bus communications
by redirecting power flow to other areas where land is at a premium.” with modern sensor technology reduces
substations. In the initial assessment, it’s hazardous current transformer cabling
also important to look at the power limits Another way to increase grid security from the switch yard to the control house
of non-critical substations to determine is to design smaller substations so that and reduces the substation footprint
how much of the power requirements can population centers are served by a larger using fiber optic current sensors.”
be offloaded in the event of an attack. number of them. “If you increase the
The average age of power transformers in number of critical substations from four
the field is 30 to 40 years, and these non-
critical substations may contain some of
the oldest assets the utility has, as they
are often the last to be scheduled for

Through the years, ABB has acquired

the transformer business of some of
the biggest names in the industry. “We
have access to the design specifications
of more than 70 percent of the trans-
formers in use today,” says Steigemeier.
“This allows us to assess how much
additional load an aging piece of
equipment may be able to handle in the
event of an emergency.”
Indoor GIS substations blend architecture into the surrounding area for camouflage.

ABB white paper | Five steps to substation physical security and resiliency 3
Strengthening the weakest link
While smaller vulnerabilities can be “Large power transformers carry almost 70% of
hidden, there’s generally no hiding the
weakest link in an existing substation –
the nation’s electric power. They are essential to
the transformers. “Transformers make maintaining grid reliability. Quick access to spare large
attractive targets,” says Steigemeier. power transformers would dramatically reduce the risk
“They’re big. They’re easy to hit. And
they are the hardest to replace. One
of a prolonged outage.”
large transformer can cost millions of - Emily Heitman, ABB Transformers
dollars and take months from design to
such as transformers, switchgear, circuit So much of substation operations
Because they are such an attractive breakers, reclosers and capacitors by and monitoring relies on electronic
target, transformers have been the focus reducing the kinetic energy and spalling communications that it must be part of
of debate in Congress. Bills such as H.R. (fragmentation) of a bullet. the plan as well. “Our approach isn’t so
2244 propose a strategic transformer much based on detecting whether the
reserve to protect the grid against any When a sniper takes aim at an oil-filled interference is malicious or unintentional,
number of events such as physical porcelain bushing, the results can be as it is about finding a way around it,”
attack, cyber attack, weather events, catastrophic. The bushing can explode says Bert Williams, Global Marketing
etc., that could render a transformer and send porcelain shards flying 40 yards Director at ABB Wireless.
inoperable and threaten the grid. or more, potentially damaging other
assets and injuring people. In addition, Williams cites three ways advanced
Emily Heitman, North American Vice the conductor lead and porcelain can fall communications equipment like
President and General Manager of into the transformer, creating an electrical ABB’s Tropos wireless mesh network
Commercial Operations for Medium short that ignites a fire. Using solid, oil- architecture can help:
and Large Power Transformers in North free bushings eliminates the risk of fire −− Self-healing technology. When a link
America testified before Congress and porcelain shards. between active nodes becomes dis-
at a House Energy and Commerce rupted in ABB’s wireless mesh archi-
Subcommittee hearing saying, “Large Step #3: Substation monitoring tecture, the mesh routers identify the
power transformers (LPTs) carry almost Monitoring involves both keeping a problem and automatically switch to
70 percent of the nation’s electric power. physical eye on what’s going on at the an alternative path, effectively routing
They are essential to maintaining grid substation, as well as electronics to around the disruption.
reliability. Replacement of these LPTs can identify incursions or power disruptions in −− Multiple-bands. Having multiple radio
take anywhere from 12 to 24 months. real time and the extent of their impact. bands builds in redundancy. If there is
This could be especially disruptive during interference on one band, routers can
a widespread outage where multiple “Because of recent incidents, many immediately switch to another.
transformers need replacement. Quick utilities are adding measures such as −− Automatic interference avoidance.
access to spare LPTs would dramatically security guards and entry and exit ABB’s SmartChannel technology
reduce the risk of a prolonged outage.” logging to their existing substations,” said automatically scans multiple chan-
Andersson. “For both new and existing nels within the same band, analyzing
Another alternative would be to substations, we’re also adding a number interference trends and looking for the
manufacture transformers that are of devices including cameras, motion most stable, reliable channel.
less vulnerable, and ABB is designing detectors, and fence sensors that can −− Multi-layer security. As with wired
transformers with a number of additional alert the utility to a breach. While these networks, wireless networks need to
features that will harden them against technologies have been around a long be ready for anything. Tropos Wireless
physical attack including: time, they are getting more sophisticated, Communications technology includes
−− Ballistic resistant tank walls and we’re seeing a lot more interest in a multi-layer, defense-in-depth security
−− Shielded accessories on the exterior of them than before.” model with login reporting, evil-twin
the tanks monitoring, DoS identification, and
−− Use of dry composite bushings instead “The key is to make these systems as compliance reporting and mitigation.
of porcelain oil-filled bushings invulnerable as possible,” adds Eads.
−− Redundant cooling systems “Criminals will try to disable anything that Step #4: Rapid repair
might allow the authorities or the utility Thankfully, not all attacks are so
Rifles seem to be a weapon of choice to determine what’s happening at the damaging that they require complete
for attacks on substations. One of ABB’s substation. The more you can secure replacement of equipment. For
more recent innovations is AssetShieldTM. these systems, hide them, or build in example, if an attacker were to disable
This ballistic protection system can be redundancies, the more resilient your a transformer’s cooling systems, sub-
used to lessen damage to equipment substation is going to be.” station monitoring can alert the utility to

4 Five steps to substation physical security and resiliency | ABB white paper
ABB, in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), developed a portable recovery power transformer
called RecX that can be shipped to locations around the country to restore power supply quickly.

a problem so they can reroute power and Although that may be less expensive will be needed, what type of transformer
reduce the load on the compromised than maintaining a spare transformer on will be required, and how to get it
assets before any real damage occurs. site, with all the logistical issues involved there as quickly and cost effectively as
Once power is safely rerouted, the focus in getting the transformer back to the possible.
turns to repairs. factory, the delays can be significant.
ABB’s TrafoSite repair services bring the ABB is working on the challenge from
There are industry-led efforts to make factory to the site. another perspective by designing
finding replacement parts easier and large power transformers that are
faster. Most notable is the Edison Electric Step #5: Rapid replacement faster to manufacture and more easily
Institute’s SpareConnect program. This The California incident involved transportable. “We’ve taken a modular
is a voluntary program in which members 17 transformers and was expensive, approach that overcomes transportation
agree to share equipment, including but repairs were completed in a matter and dimensional limitations for trans-
bushings, fans, and auxiliary components of weeks. An attack that destroyed, formers up to 345 kV, 400 kV, and
in the event of an attack. instead of just crippling, vital power 525 kV systems,” says Stiegemeier.
equipment could have a more devastating “These transformers provide the same
“The SpareConnect program is a good effect as it can take months to source a level of power, but don’t have the same
idea, but some of the transformer replacement. logistical issues, such as permits, as the
equipment is getting old. Finding an older, larger designs. Not only can we get
exact replacement for a part from the As mentioned earlier, bills such as them on site faster, they are easier and
same model transformer is going to H.R. 2244 would create a stockpile of faster to install and commission.”
be a challenge for many utilities,” says transformers that could be used in an
Rich Bocim, ABB’s Vice President of emergency, but there is still a challenge of “If an individual utility decides to keep
Commercial Operations, Transformers. funding. redundant transformers on-hand, or if the
“Thankfully, ABB maintains designs for government were to mandate stockpiling,
over 70 percent of the transformers in Edison Electric Institute has a private these smaller, more mobile versions make
use today. Our cache of designs can help alternative called the Spare Transformer the most sense. It will be far easier to
utilities find equivalent replacement parts, Equipment Program (STEP) where get them to where they need to be than
even for equipment that hasn’t been utility members volunteer to provide the older designs.” In fact, Steigemeier
manufactured in years.” spare transformers to other members is so bullish on the new designs that he
in the event of an attack. As with believes the conventional design larger
ABB is also working to reduce the length SpareConnect, the voluntary nature of transformers will eventually become a
of time it takes to complete repairs. the program may present challenges thing of the past.
In the case of extensive repairs, some when the heat is on. And, with both H.R.
manufacturers require the transformer to 2244 and STEP, there is a problem of
be shipped back to the factory. predicting when and where a transformer

ABB white paper | Five steps to substation physical security and resiliency 5
Time for an all-of- Of course, physical attacks aren’t the
only threat to the grid. Perhaps, John
Those of us in the energy industry may
be tired of the phrase “an all-of-the-
the-above approach R. Norris, FERC Commissioner, said it above approach,” but sometimes it is
best in his concurrence to the FERC 146 the best strategy. If in creating a disaster
We may never know whether the directive: preparedness, response, and recovery
California incident was a dry run for plan, we end up strengthening our
a larger coordinated attack or simply “I believe that the more prudent approach substations against all manner of events,
“sport” for a small band of hooligans. The is to focus on building a smarter and it is well worth the effort.
perpetrators were never caught. Thanks more agile grid, incorporating better
to the work the utility had already done communication and coordination, to

to make their grid resilient, the damage mitigate against the multiple forms of
was limited to a short-term local power risks that we face, including...physical
outage instead of cascading through the and cyber threats, geomagnetic
grid. Perhaps what we should be even disturbances, electromagnetic pulses,
more thankful for is the wake-up call and natural disasters. Such a multi-
incidents like these have given us to the functional approach will enhance grid
vulnerabilities our assets face every day in resiliency, which I believe is the best way
the field. to protect our grid from physical threats
and vulnerabilities.”

Contact us
ABB Inc.
Power Grids
901 Main Campus Drive
Raleigh, NC 27606

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