National Health Science Standards
National Health Science Standards
National Health Science Standards
Exam Name The National Health Science Standards provide a clear and consistent
understanding of industry and postsecondary expectations for health
National Health Science
science teachers and students. These content standards are broad and
Certificate (NHSC) frame the essential knowledge common across all health professions.
Questions Utilizing input from business and industry experts, these standards are
designed to prepare students to be college and career ready.
These standards provide the foundation for health science curriculum
Points design, instruction, and assessment, but they are not limited to the content
116 listed in each of the eleven National Health Science Standards.
Additional NCHSE Certificates
• Foundations of Healthcare
Professions NCHSE health science certificates measure and document student
• Essentials of Healthcare knowledge of the National Health Science Standards, inform classroom
Practices instruction, measure program quality, and prepare students for
• Human Structure, Function, postsecondary education and careers.
and Disease (A)
• Human Structure, Function, EXAM BLUEPRINT
and Disease (B)
Items per Points per Percentage
Standard (Single / Post Exams) Standard Standard of Exam
National Consortium for
1 - Academic Foundations 24 29 22%
Health Science Education
As the standard setting body, 2 - Communications 11 11 10%
10 - Technical Skills 5 5 5%
11 - Information Technology in
5 5 5%
TOTALS 108 116 100%
Through partnerships with state education agency leaders responsible for middle school, secondary, and postsecondary career
technical education (CTE) health science programs, publishers and resource providers, professional associations, certification
providers and the Health Science Educators Association (HSEA), the National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE)
is positioned as the national authority for health science education.
*Additional technical skills may be included in a program of study based on career specialties.