047/DM/18 (Turn Over
047/DM/18 (Turn Over
047/DM/18 (Turn Over
Under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation Scheme, a selection committee consists
(A) BDO (VP)/ Union Engineer/Village Panchayat President
(B) BDO (BP)/ Union Engineer/Village Panchayat President
(C) BDO (VP)/ Overseer/Village Panchayat President
(D) BDO (VP)/ Union Engineer/Deputy BDO
Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß ÷uºÄU SÊÂß RÌPsh A¾Á»ºPÒ
(A) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm]) / JßÔ¯ ö£õÔ¯õͺ/ Qμõ© Fμõm] uø»Áº
(B) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Ámhõμ Fμõm]) / JßÔ¯ ö£õÔ¯õͺ/ Qμõ© Fμõm] uø»Áº
(C) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm] / ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ / Qμõ© Fμõm] uø»Áº
(D) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm]) / JßÔ¯ ö£õÔ¯õͺ / xøn Ámhõμ Áͺa]
2. The State Finance commission grant share of Village Panchayat/ Panchayat Union/ District
Panchayats is in the ratio of
(A) 4:3:2 (B) 3:4:2
(C) 2:4:3 (D) 3:2:4
©õ{» {vU SÊ ©õ߯zvÀ Qμõ© Fμõm] / Fμõm] JßÔ¯® / ©õÁmh Fμõm]°ß £[Qß
(A) 4:3:2 (B) 3:4:2
(C) 2:4:3 (D) 3:2:4
3. Which work should not be taken under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation
1. Repair of Panchayat union school building
2. No New construction work of any type
(A) 1 only correct (B) 2 only correct
(C) Both 1 and 2 correct (D) Both 1 and 2 wrong
Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ RÌUPsh G¢u ÷Áø»PÒ
1. Fμõm] JßÔ¯ £ÒÎU Pmih[PÒ £Êx }UP® ö\´uÀ
2. GÆÂu©õÚ ¦v¯ Pmk©õÚ £oPÒ
(A) 1 ©mk® \› (B) 2 ©mk® \›
(C) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 \› (D) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 uÁÖ
3 047/DM/18
[Turn over
4. Under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation Scheme colour washing/ white washing
of the buildings can be done except those buildings where white washing/ colour washing
was done within the last
(A) 3 years (B) 4 years
(C) 2 years (D) 1 year
Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ Pmih[PÐUS öÁÒøÍ §a_ / {Ó
§a_ AiUP»õ® BÚõÀ Pøh]¯õP ————— BskPÍUSÒ öÁÒøÍ §a_ / {Ó §a_
AiUP¨£mi¸¢uõÀ, C¨£o ÷©ØöPõÒÍ C¯»õx
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 2 (D) 1
5. The Buildings already repaired/ renovated within ————————— years should not be
taken under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation Scheme
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 2
————— BskPÐUSÒ ¦x¨¤UP¨£mh / £Êx}UP® ö\´¯¨£mh Pmih[PøÍ Qμõ©¨¦Ó
Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ £Êx }UP® ö\´¯ GkzxU öPõÒÍUThõx
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 2
6. Under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation Scheme Administrative Sanction shall
be accorded by the
(A) District Collector (B) Project Officer
(C) Block Development Officer (D) District Revenue officer
Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ {ºÁõP AÝ©v ————— BÀ
ÁÇ[P¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) ©õÁmh Bm]z uø»Áº (B) vmh A¾Á»º
(C) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (D) ©õÁmh Á¸Áõ´ A¾Á»º
7. Under Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation Scheme, following color codes should be
followed for the Buildings?
(A) Over Head Tank - Green - Cream
(B) Anganwadi - Chocolate colour - Blue
(C) All other Buildings - Cream/ White – Brown/Red
(D) All correct
Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ G¢u {ÓzvÀ §a_ AiUP¨£h
(A) ÷©À{ø» }º÷uUPz öuõmi & £aø\ & UŸ®
(B) A[PßÁõi & \õU÷»m {Ó® & }»®
(C) ©ØÓøÁ & UŸ® / öÁÒøÍ & £Ê¨¦ / ]Á¨¦
(D) AøÚzx® \›
047/DM/18 4
8. The contributions given by the local bodies and universities shall not be accepted under
(A) Rural Infrastructure scheme
(C) Self sufficiency scheme
(D) Tamilnadu Village Habitations Improvement (THAI) Scheme
EÒÍõm] Aø©¨¦PÒ / £ÀPø»UPÇP[PÎhª¸¢x ö£Ó¨£k® £[Sz öuõøP°øÚ –————
vmhzvß RÌ HØÖU öPõÒÍUThõx
(A) Qμõ©¨¦Ó EÒPmhø©¨¦ vmh®
(B) |£õºk
(C) ußÛøÓÄ vmh®
(D) uªÌ|õk Qμõ©¨¦Ó ÁõÌÁõuõμ ÷©®£õmk vmh® (uõ´ vmh®)
9. Integrated Sanitary Complex for Women (ISCW)/ Integrated Men Sanitary Complex (IMSC)
can be constructed under ————————— Scheme
(A) Pooled Assigned Revenue
(B) Self Sufficiency Scheme
(C) Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation
(D) Rural Infrastructure Scheme
J¸[Qøn¢u ©Pκ / BsPÒ _Põuõμ ÁÍõPzvøÚ ————— vmhzvß RÌ Pmh»õ®
(A) J¸[Qøn¢u J¨£øhUP¨£mh Á¸Áõ´
(B) ußÛøÓÄz vmh®
(C) Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦z vmh®
(D) Qμõ©¨¦Ó EÒPmhø©¨¦ vmh®
10. Under Self Sufficiency Scheme all contributions should be made by means of
(A) Cheque (B) Cash
(C) Demand Draft (D) All the above
ußÛøÓÄ vmhzvß RÌ AÎUP¨£k® |ßöPõøhPÒ AøÚzx® ————— BP ÁÇ[P¨£h
(A) Põ÷\õø» (B) öμõUP®
(C) Á[Q Áøμ÷Áõø» (D) CøÁ AøÚzx®
11. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
(Avenue Plantation) Watering of Seedings/ Saplings planted shall be carried out for a
maximum period of
(A) 9 Months (B) 3 Months
(C) 6 Months (D) 12 Months
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, ö\iPÐUS —————
©õu[PÐUS uspº FØÖ® £o ÷©ØöPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®
(A) 9 (B) 3
(C) 6 (D) 12
5 047/DM/18
[Turn over
12. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
Only (Avenue Plantation) seedings / Saplings which are of ————————— should be
(A) 8 Months to 1 year old (B) 3 Months to 1 year old
(C) 6 Months to 1 year old (D) 2 Months to 1 year old
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ Áõ[P¨£k® ö\iPÒ ———
Põ»zvØSm£mhøÁ¯õP C¸zuÀ ÷Ásk®
(A) 8 ©õu[PÒ •uÀ 1 Á¸h® (B) 3 ©õu[PÒ •uÀ 1 Á¸h®
(C) 6 ©õu[PÒ •uÀ 1 Á¸h® (D) 2 ©õu[PÒ •uÀ 1 Á¸h®
13. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
Avenue Plantation Scheme will be implemented by the
(A) District (B) Block
(C) Village Panchayat (D) Individual
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ Avenue Plantation
vmhzvøÚ ö\¯À£kzxÁx
(A) ©õÁmh® (B) Ámhõμ®
(C) Qμõ© Fμõm] (D) uÛ|£º
14. President of village panchayat (MGNREGS) will issue a ————————— for the work
(A) Nominal Muster Roll (NMR) (B) Work order
(C) Estimate (D) Fund
Qμõ© Fμõm]z uø»Áº (MGNREGS) ÷Áø»UPõP ————— öPõk¨£õº
(A) NMR (B) ÷Áø» EzuμÄ
(C) ©v¨¥k (D) {v
15. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, FTO
will be generated by the
(A) Block Development Officer (Village Panchayat)
(B) Deputy Block Development Officer
(C) Block Development Officer (Block Panchayat)
(D) Panchayat Secretary
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ {v ©õØÓÀ Bøn
(A) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm])
(B) xøn Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º
(C) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Ámhõμ Fμõm])
(D) Fμõm] ö\¯»õͺ
047/DM/18 6
16. Expand FTO?
(A) Fund Transfer Order (B) Final Transfer Order
(C) Fund Transmit Order (D) Final Transmit Order
FTO & ›ÁõUP®?
(A) {v ©õØÓÀ Bøn (B) CÖv ©õØÓÀ Bøn
(C) {v £›©õØÓÀ Bøn (D) CÖv £›©õØÓÀ Bøn
17. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
payment of wages will be done through
(A) eFMS (B) Cash
(C) Cheque (D) Demand Draft
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ Fv¯® G®•øÓ°À
(A) ªßÚq {v ÷©»õsø© Aø©¨¦ (B) öμõUP®
(C) Põ÷\õø» (D) Á[Q Áøμ÷Áõø»
19. Initially Solid Waste Management System was Implemented in ————————— Village
(A) 2000 (B) 2500
(C) 3000 (D) 4000
vhUPÈÄ ÷©»õsø© vmh® •uÀ Pmh©õP ————— Qμõ© Fμõm]PÎÀ
(A) 2000 (B) 2500
(C) 3000 (D) 4000
7 047/DM/18
[Turn over
20. The Village Panchayat in which Solid Waste Management is to be implemented should fulfill
the following condition
1. Village Panchayats with more than 10,000 population
2. Village Panchayats of tourism and pilgrimage importance
3. Village Panchayats with Big Shandies
(A) All correct (B) All wrong
(C) 1 and 2 correct (D) 1 only wrong
•uÀ Pmh©õP vhUPÈÄ ÷©»õsø© ö\¯À£kzu¨£k® Fμõm] ¤ßPsh {ø»ø¯ Pmhõ¯®
{øÓÄ ö\´xÒÍuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®
1. 10,000US ÷©À ©UPÒ öuõøP öPõshuõP C¸UP ÷Ásk®
2. ¦Ûu u»©õP÷Áõ / _ØÖ»õ u»©õP÷Áõ C¸UP ÷Ásk®
3. ö£›¯ \¢øuPÒ C¸UP ÷Ásk®
(A) AøÚzx® \› (B) AøÚzx® uÁÖ
(C) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 \› (D) 1 ©mk® uÁÖ
21. Under Solid Waste Management one Tricycle for every ————————— households.
(A) 200 (B) 300
(C) 400 (D) 250
vhU PÈÄ ÷©»õsø© vmhzvß RÌ ————— ÃkPÐUS J¸ ‰ßÖ \UPμ ø\UQÒ C¸UP
(A) 200 (B) 300
(C) 400 (D) 250
23. Under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, the state government will have to fund the cost
of maintenance of the roads for the period of ————————— after completion
(A) 3 Years (B) 5 Years
(C) 4 Years (D) 6 Years
¤μu© ©¢v› Qμõ© \uõU ÷¯õáÚõ vmhzvß RÌ, \õø» ÷Áø»PÒ •iÄØÓ ¤ÓS —————
BskPÒ Áøμ \õø» £μõ©›¨¤ØS ©õ{» Aμ_ {v ÁÇ[P ÷Ásk®
(A) 3 BskPÒ (B) 5 BskPÒ
(C) 4 BskPÒ (D) 6 BskPÒ
047/DM/18 8
24. Under Chief Minister Solar Powered Green House Scheme ————————— man days can
be utilized for the construction of the house
(A) 60 (B) 70
(C) 80 (D) 90
•u»ø©a\›ß `›¯ Jβhß Ti¯ £_ø© Ãk vmhzvß RÌ ————— ©Ûu |õmPÒ
(A) 60 (B) 70
(C) 80 (D) 90
25. Under Chief Minister Solar Powered Green House Scheme, out of the total allocation of
houses ————————— percentage shall be allotted to Scheduled Tribes
(A) 2% (B) 3%
(C) 1% (D) 4%
©ø»ÁõÌ £Ç[Si°ÚºPÐUS •u»ø©a\›ß `›¯ Jβhß Ti¯ £_ø© Ãk vmhzvß RÌ
————— \uÂQu Ãk JxUP¨£k®
(A) 2% (B) 3%
(C) 1% (D) 4%
26. Under Chief Minister Solar Powered Green House Scheme, at the state level who shall
allocate the target member of houses to be constructed for each district?
(A) Principal Secretary of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
(B) Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
(C) Under Secretary of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
(D) Secretary Housing Board
•u»ø©a\›ß `›¯ Jβhß Ti¯ £_ø© Ãk vmhzvß RÌ ©õ{» AÍÂÀ JÆöÁõ¸
©õÁmhzvØS® RÌPsh A¾Á»º ÃkPÒ JxURk ö\´Áõº
(A) •ußø© ö\¯»õͺ (FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä)
(B) C¯US|º (FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä)
(C) ö\¯»õͺ (FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä)
(D) ö\¯»õͺ (Ãmk Á\v Áõ›¯®)
9 047/DM/18
[Turn over
27. As per the Government Order Ms No.48 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department dated 04.04.2016, Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme orders were issued to revise the wage Rate as
Aμ\ Bøn Gs, 48 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ. 04.04.2016ß £i,
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ J¸ |õÒ Fv¯® —————
BP E¯ºzu¨£mhx
28. Which year is aimed to achieve Swachh Bharath, a fitting tribute to the 150th birth
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi?
©Põz©õ Põ¢v°ß 150Áx ¤Ó¢u |õÎÀ AÁ¸US ö\¾zx® Ag\¼¯õP G¢u Bsk y´ø©
£õμu® C»UøP Aøh¯ Aμ_ •iÄ ö\´xÒÍx?
29. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, Unit
cost for the construction of village panchayat office building is
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ Qμõ© Fμõm] ©ßÓ
A¾Á»PU Pmih® Pmh A»Sz öuõøP ¹. —————
047/DM/18 10
30. Under Chief Minister Solar Powered Green House Scheme, at district level who is
responsible for the execution of Solar Powered Home Lighting System?
(A) Village Panchayat
(B) Project Director District, Rural Development Agency
(C) District Panchayat
(D) Block Panchayat
•u»ø©a\›ß `›¯ Jβhß Ti¯ £_ø© Ãk vmhzvß RÌ ©õÁmh AÍÂÀ ÃkPÐUS `›¯
Jβhß Ti¯ ÂÍUSPÒ ö£õ¸zx® £oUS ¯õº ö£õÖ¨¦?
(A) Qμõ© Fμõm]
(B) vmh C¯US|º ©õÁmh FμP Áͺa] •Pø©
(C) ©õÁmh Fμõm]
(D) Ámhõμ Fμõm]
32. Under Comprehensive School Infrastructure Development (CSIDS) Scheme, the committee
comprising of following members should inspect each and every school
(A) BDO (Block Panchayat)/ Assistant Engineer (Rural Development)/ Junior Engineer/
Head Master of the School
(B) BDO (Village Panchayat)/ Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer/ Head Master of the
(C) Deputy BDO/ Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer/ Head Master of the School
(D) Panchayat President / Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer / Head Master of the
J¸[Qøn¢u £ÒÎ EÒPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õmk vmhzvß RÌ RÌPsh A¾Á»ºPÒ Ah[Q¯ SÊ
JÆöÁõ¸ Fμõm] JßÔ¯ £ÒΰøÚ²® £õºøÁ°h ÷Ásk®
(A) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Fμõm]) / Eu ö£õÔ¯õͺ (FμP Áͺa]) / CÍ{ø»
ö£õÔ¯õͺ/ £Ò롧 uø»ø© B]›¯º
(B) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm]) / Eu ö£õÔ¯õͺ / CÍ{ø» ö£õÔ¯õͺ
£Ò롧 uø»ø© B]›¯º
(C) xøn Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º / Eu ö£õÔ¯õͺ / CÍ{ø» ö£õÔ¯õͺ / £Òΰß
uø»ø© B]›¯º
(D) Fμõm] ©ßÓ uø»Áº / Eu ö£õÔ¯õͺ / CÍ{ø» ö£õÔ¯õͺ / £Ò롧 uø»ø©
11 047/DM/18
[Turn over
33. ————————— is a biofuel produced from the Anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrate in
plant waste?
(A) Biogas (B) Nitrogen
(C) Petrol (D) Alcohol
uõÁμ PÈÄ ö£õ¸mPμ¸¢x, Põº÷£õ øím÷μm PõØÔÀ»õ ö|õvzuÀ AøhÁuß ‰»®
EØ£zv¯õS® E°º G›ö£õ¸Ò ————— BS®
(A) \õn G›Áõ² (B) ø|mμáß
(C) ö£m÷μõ¼¯® (D) BÀPíõÀ
34. The vision of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana scheme is
(A) Provision of rural houses programme
(B) Provision of street lights
(C) Rural road connectivity
(D) Provision of Water supply
¤μu© ©¢v› Qμõ© \uõU ÷¯õáÚõ vmhzvß ÷|õUP®
(A) Qμõ©¨¦Ó ÃkPÒ Aø©zuÀ
(B) öu¸ ÂÍUSPÒ Aø©zuÀ
(C) Qμõ©¨¦Ó \õø» Cøn¨¦
(D) Si}º ÁÇ[SuÀ
047/DM/18 12
37. The following Agency is providing Operational & Management support to the Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Scheme
(A) District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)
(B) National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA)
(C) Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA)
(D) None
¤μu© ©¢v› Qμõ© \uõU ÷¯õáÚõ vmhzvØS ö\¯À£õmk ©ØÖ® ÷©»õsø© BuμÄ AÎUS®
(A) ©õÁmh FμP Áͺa] {ÖÁÚ®
(B) ÷u]¯ Qμõ©¨¦Ó \õø»PÒ ÷©®£õmk {ÖÁÚ®
(C) uªÌ|õk G›\Uv ÷©®£õmk {ÖÁÚ®
(D) GxĪÀø»
39. The Ministry of Rural Development Government of India commenced the Socio Economic
and Caste Census (SECC), in ————————— through a comprehensive door to door
enumeration across the country
(A) January 2011 (B) May 2012
(C) August 2010 (D) June 2011
C¢v¯ Aμ]ß, FμP Áͺa] Aø©a\P®, |õk uʯ AÍÂÀ, \‰P¨ ö£õ¸Íõuõμ ©ØÖ® \õv
PnUöPk¨¤øÚ ——————— •uÀ GkUP xÁ[Q¯x
(A) áÚÁ› 2011 (B) ÷© 2012
(C) BPìm 2010 (D) áúß 2011
13 047/DM/18
[Turn over
40. As per the Government Order Ms No.112 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 01.09.2014, Orders were issued to construct ————————— food grain
godowns under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS)
(A) 285 (B) 485
(C) 385 (D) 585
Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 112 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 01.09.2014ß £i
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ ——————— EnÄ
uõ߯ Qh[SPÒ Pmh EzuμÂh¨£mkÒÍx
(A) 285 (B) 485
(C) 385 (D) 585
41. ————————— person days can be utilized to construct one Anganwadi centre under
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme
(A) 274 (B) 284
(C) 294 (D) 264
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ J¸ A[Pß Áõi Pmih® Pmh
——————— ©Ûu |õmPÒ E£÷¯õP¨£kzu»õ®
(A) 274 (B) 284
(C) 294 (D) 264
42. Under the MGNREGS scheme the unit cost for one Anganwadi buildings is
(A) 6.50 Lakhs (B) 7 Lakhs
(C) 5.50 Lakhs (D) 6 Lakhs
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ J¸ A[Pß Áõi Pmih®
PmkuÁØPõÚ A»Sz öuõøP
(A) 6.50 C»m\® (B) 7 C»m\®
(C) 5.50 C»m\® (D) 6 C»m\®
047/DM/18 14
44. The person days required to construct one food grain godown is
(A) 361 (B) 421
(C) 381 (D) 401
J¸ EnÄ uõ߯ Qh[S Pmh —————— ©Ûu |õmPÒ E£÷¯õP¨£kzu»õ®
(A) 361 (B) 421
(C) 381 (D) 401
45. The total sanitation campaign was renamed as Nirrmal Bharat Abhiyan in
(A) 2008 (B) 2010
(C) 2012 (D) 2013
•Ê _Põuõμ C¯UP® G¢u Bsk •uÀ {º©À £õμz A¤¯õß GÚ ö£¯º ©õØÓ® ö\´¯¨£mhx
(A) 2008 (B) 2010
(C) 2012 (D) 2013
47. How much will be the Maximum incentive amount released to VPRC for each completed
individual Household latrine?
(A) Rs. 500 (B) Rs. 300
(C) Rs. 600 (D) Rs. 450
VPRC US ÂkÂUP¨£k® JÆöÁõ¸ Pmi•iUP¨£mh uÛ|£º CÀ» PÈÁøÓUPõÚ AvP£m\
(A) ¹. 500 (B) ¹. 300
(C) ¹. 600 (D) ¹. 450
15 047/DM/18
[Turn over
48. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, unit
cost for IHHL is increased from Rs. 10,000/- to 12,000/-in which Government Order?
(A) Government Order Ms No. 8 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 19.01.2015
(B) Government Order Ms No.5 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 28.01.2015
(C) Government Order Ms No.5 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 19.01.2015
(D) Government Order Ms No.8 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 28.01.2015
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, G¢u Aμ\õøn°À uÛ|£º
CÀ»U PÈÁøÓ Pmh A»Sz öuõøP ¹. 10,000 ¼¸¢x ¹. 12,000 & BP E¯ºzu¨£mhx?
(A) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 8 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ´zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 19.01.2015ß
(B) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 5 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ´zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 28.01.2015ß
(C) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 5 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ´zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 19.01.2015ß
(D) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 8 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ´zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 28.01.2015ß
49. What is the one day wage rate under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme on 01.04.2015?
(A) 183
(B) 190
(C) 167
(D) 170
01.04.2015À ©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ ÁÇ[P¨£mh J¸
|õÒ Fv¯® GÆÁÍÄ?
(A) 183
(B) 190
(C) 167
(D) 170
047/DM/18 16
50. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, In
which Government Order one day wage rate is revised from Rs. 148 to Rs. 167?
(A) Government Order Ms No.28 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 19.01.2015
(B) Government Order Ms No.28 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 27.02.2014
(C) Government Order Ms No.26 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 19.01.2015
(D) Government Order Ms No.26 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 27.02.2014
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ J¸ |õÒ Fv¯® ¹. 148
¼¸¢x ¹. 167 BP E¯ºzu¨£mh Aμ_ Bøn Gx?
(A) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 28 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 19.01.2015ß
(B) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 28 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 27.02.2014ß
(C) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 26 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 19.01.2015ß
(D) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 26 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 27.02.2014ß
51. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, In
which G.O Permission is accorded to construct Primary milk producers cooperative society
having own land?
(A) Government Order Ms No.38 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 23.03.2017
(B) Government Order Ms No.26 Rural Development and Panchavat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 23.03.2017
(C) Government Order Ms No.28 Rural Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 23.01.2015
(D) Government Order Ms No.36 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 23.01.2015
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ ö\õ¢u©õP {»® øÁzv¸US®
öuõhUP £õ» EØ£zv¯õͺPÒ TmkÓÄ \[PzvÚ¸US G¢u Aμ_ Bøn°À TmkÓÄ \[P® Pmh
AÝ©v ÁÇ[P¨£mkÒÍx?
(A) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 38 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 23.03.2017ß
(B) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 26 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 23.03.2017ß
(C) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 28 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 23.01.2015ß
(D) Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 36 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 23.01.2015ß
17 047/DM/18
[Turn over
52. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, How
much is the unit cost of one primary milk producer cooperative society?
(A) Rs. 20,00,000 (B) Rs. 10,00,000
(C) Rs. 15,00,000 (D) Rs. 8,00,000
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, J¸ öuõhUP £õÀ
EØ£zv¯õͺ TmkÓÄ \[P Pmihzvß A»Sz öuõøP GÆÁÍÄ?
(A) ¹. 20,00,000 (B) ¹. 10,00,000
(C) ¹. 15,00,000 (D) ¹. 8,00,000
53. From which year Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development (MLACDS)
Scheme Fund allocation per constituency had been increased from 1.75 Crore to 2.00 Crores
per annum?
(A) From 2012-2013 (B) From 2010-2011
(C) From 2011-2012 (D) From 2013-2014
\mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº öuõSv ÷©®£õmk vmhzvß RÌ, J¸ öuõSvUS J¸ BsiØPõÚ
JxURmkz öuõøP G¢u Bsi¼¸¢x ¹. 1.75 ÷Põi°¼¸¢x ¹. 2.00 ÷Põi¯õP E¯ºzu¨£mhx?
(A) 2012–2013 ¼¸¢x (B) 2010–2011 ¼¸¢x
(C) 2011–2012 ¼¸¢x (D) 2013–2014 ¼¸¢x
54. Only for the year 2017-18 each Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development
(MLACDS) Scheme shall utilize the sum of ————————— Lakhs for water supply
(A) 130 Lakhs (B) 110 Lakhs
(C) 105 Lakhs (D) 120 Lakhs
2017–18 B® BsiØS ©mk® \mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº öuõSv ÷©m£õmk ¸¨£ {v°ß RÌ
ÁÓm] {ø» \©õÎUP —————— C»m\® ©mk® Si}º ÷uøÁUPõP ö\»ÁÈUP»õ®
(A) 130 C»m\® (B) 110 C»m\®
(C) 105 C»m\® (D) 120 C»m\®
55. As per the Government Order Ms No.179 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (SGS-1)
Department date 19.12.2013. Orders have been issued For the construction of compound
wall to ————————— MLA officers
(A) 80 (B) 86
(C) 84 (D) 82
Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 179 FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (SGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ 19.12.2013ß £i,
————— \mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº A¾Á»P[PÐUS _ØÖa_Áº Pmh Bøn ÁÇ[P¨£mkÒÍx
(A) 80 (B) 86
(C) 84 (D) 82
047/DM/18 18
56. Bus passengers Shelter can be constructed under
(A) Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development (MLACDS) Scheme
(Tied Component)
(B) Rural Buildings Maintenance and Renovation (RBMRS) Scheme
(C) Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development (MLACDS) Scheme
(Untied Component)
(D) Comprehensive School Infrastructure Development (CSIDS) Scheme
÷£¸¢x £¯o¯º {ÇØSøh G¢u vmhzvß RÌ Pmh¨£mkÒÍx?
(A) \mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº öuõSv ÷©®£õmk Áøμ¯ÖUP¨£mh {v
(B) Qμõ©¨¦Ó Pmih[PÒ £μõ©›¨¦ ©ØÖ® ^μø©¨¦z vmh®
(C) \mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº öuõSv ÷©®£õmk Áøμ¯ÖUP¨£hõu {v
(D) J¸[Qøn¢u £ÒÎ EÒPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õmkz vmh®
19 047/DM/18
[Turn over
59. Age limit to apply for 3rd party quality monitors for monitoring Road and scheme works
under PMGSY, NABARD, RIDF, CSIDS etc at the time of application?
(A) 58 Years (B) 70 Years
(C) 65 Years (D) 60 Years
PMGSY, NABARD, RIDF, CSIDS etc •u¼¯ vmh[PÎß RÌ ÷©ØöPõÒͨ£k® £o°ß
uμzvøÚ ©v¨¥k ö\´²® A¾Á»›ß Âsn¨¤US® Á¯x ——————US ªPõ©À C¸UP
(A) 58 (B) 70
(C) 65 (D) 60
60. From 2013-14 onwards, Rural Infrastructure Scheme will be implemented as ————
Streams of the same programme
(A) Two (B) Four
(C) Three (D) One
2013--&14 •uÀ FμP EÒPmhø©¨¦ vmh® ————— Âu©õP (Streams) ö\¯À£kzu¨£k®
(A) Cμsk (B) |õßS
(C) ‰ßÖ (D) JßÖ
61. Under Rural Infrastructure Scheme, on what basis Fund will be allocated to the districts?
(A) Houses (B) Population
(C) Area (D) All the above
FμP EÒPmhø©¨¦ vmhzvß RÌ, ©õÁmh[PÐUS Guß Ai¨£øh°À {v ÂkÂUP¨£k®?
(A) ÃkPÒ (B) ©UPÒ öuõøP
(C) £μ¨£ÍÄ (D) CøÁ AøÚzx®
62. Under Rural Infrastructure Scheme stream-II to whom is the work entrusted?
(A) District Collector
(B) Project Officer
(C) Block Development Officer (Village Panchayat)
(D) District Revenue Officer
FμP EÒPmhø©¨¦ vmhzvß Stream-II RÌ ÷Áø»PÒ ¯õμõÀ ö\¯À£kzu¨£k®?
(A) ©õÁmh Bm]z uø»Áº
(B) vmh A¾Á»º
(C) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (Qμõ© Fμõm])
(D) ©õÁmh Á¸Áõ´ A¾Á»º
047/DM/18 20
63. Under tied Component of Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development
(MLACDS) Scheme, modernization of one Anganwadi kitchen centre expenditure is how
(A) Rs. 6,050 (B) Rs. 5,050
(C) Rs. 6,060 (D) Rs. 5,060
\mh ©ßÓ EÖ¨¤Úº öuõSv ÷©®£õmk vmh Áøμ¯ÖUP¨£mh {v°ß RÌ, J¸ A[PßÁõi
ø©¯zvøÚ |ÃÚ©¯©õUP GÆÁÍÄ ö\»Âh»õ®?
(A) ¹. 6,050 (B) ¹. 5,050
(C) ¹. 6,060 (D) ¹. 5,060
65. The unit cost of one baby friendly toilet in the Anganwadi centre is
(A) Rs. 15,000 (B) Rs.12,000
(C) Rs. 16,000 (D) Rs.18,000
J¸ SÇ¢øu ÷|¯ PÈÁøÓ Pmh A»Sz öuõøP
(A) ¹. 15,000 (B) ¹.12,000
(C) ¹. 16,000 (D) ¹. 18,000
66. Valuation certificate mode is adopted for the houses and toilets for Maintaining payments in
lieu of M book from
(A) 2012-13 (B) 2013-14
(C) 2014-15 (D) 2010-11
ÃkPÒ ©ØÖ® PȨ£øÓPÐUS AÍÄ ¦zuPzvØS £vÀ ©v¨¥mk \õßÔuÌ •øÓ G¨ö£õÊx
•uÀ A©À£kzu¨£kQÓx?
(A) 2012-13 (B) 2013-14
(C) 2014-15 (D) 2010-11
21 047/DM/18
[Turn over
67. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
What is the Educational qualification for worksite supervisor?
(A) 5th Standard (B) 6th Standard
(C) 8th Standard (D) 10th Standard
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, £ozuÍ
÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õ͸UPõÚ PÀÂz uSv GßÚ?
(A) 5 B® ÁS¨¦ (B) 6 B® ÁS¨¦
(C) 8 B® ÁS¨¦ (D) 10 B® ÁS¨¦
70. The worksite supervisors will be provided with field training kit costing and
(A) Rs. 850 (B) Rs. 1000
(C) Rs. 750 (D) Rs. 550
£ozuÍ ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺPÐUS Pͨ £°Ø]UPõÚ E£Pμnzvß ©v¨¥k
(A) ¹. 850 (B) ¹. 1000
(C) ¹. 750 (D) ¹. 550
047/DM/18 22
71. Which should approve the selected list of worksite supervisors?
(A) District Panchayat Meeting (B) Panchayat Union council
(C) Grama Sabha (D) None of these
÷uº¢öukUP¨£mh £ozuÍ ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ £mi¯ø» Gx J¨¦uÀ AÎUP ÷Ásk®?
(A) ©õÁmh Fμõm] Tmh® (B) Fμõm] JßÔ¯ Tmh®
(C) Qμõ© \ø£ (D) CÁØÔÀ HxªÀø»
72. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme,
Farm ponds should be constructed only on
(A) Individual farmers land (B) Poramboke land
(C) Temple lands (D) None of these
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, £sønU SmøhPÒ
—————— Pmh¨£h ÷Ásk®
(A) ÂÁ\õ°°ß ö\õ¢u {»® (B) ¦Ó®÷£õUS {»®
(C) ÷PõÂÀ {»® (D) CÁØÔÀ HxªÀø»
74. The maintenance of farm ponds provided under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme will rest with whom?
(A) Beneficiary (B) Self Help Group
(C) Village panchayat (D) Panchayat union
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, Pmh¨£mkÒÍ £sønU
SmøhPÒ £μõ©›US® £o ¯õøμ \õº¢ux?
(A) £¯ÚõÎø¯ (B) _¯ Eu SÊøÁ
(C) Fμõm]ø¯ (D) Fμõm] JßÔ¯zøu
23 047/DM/18
[Turn over
75. Who shall prepare the estimate of farm pond?
(A) Engineer (B) Overseer
(C) Block Development officer (D) Panchayat Secretary
£sønU SmøhPÐUS ©v¨¥k u¯õ›¨£x ¯õº?
(A) ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) £o ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ
(C) Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º (D) £g\õ¯zx ö\¯»õͺ
76. The implementation of farm pond work shall be supervised by the committee consisting of
(A) Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering Department), Overseer/Assistant
Engineer (Rural Development Department), Assistant Agricultural Officer
(B) Assistant Engineer (Highways Department), Overseer/ Assistant Engineer (Rural
Development Department), Assistant Agricultural Officer
(C) Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering Department), Assistant Executive
Engineer/ Assistant Engineer (Rural Development Department), Assistant
Agricultural Officer
(D) Assistant Engineer (Agricultural Engineering Department), Assistant Executive
Engineer/ Assistant Engineer (Rural Development Department), Block Development
RÌPsh G¢öu¢u A¾Á»ºPÒ Ah[Q¯ SÊ £sønU Smøh Aø©US® £oø¯
(A) Eu¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ (÷ÁÍõsø© ö£õÔ°¯À xøÓ), ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ / Eu¨
ö£õÔ¯õͺ (FμP Áͺa] xøÓ), Eu ÷ÁÍõsø© A¾Á»º
(B) Eu¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ (ö|kg\õø» xøÓ), ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ / Eu¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ (FμP
Áͺa] xøÓ), Eu ÷ÁÍõsø© A¾Á»º
(C) Eu¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ (÷ÁÍõsø© ö£õÔ°¯À xøÓ), Eu ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ / Eu¨
ö£õÔ¯õͺ (FμP Áͺa] xøÓ), Eu ÷ÁÍõsø© A¾Á»º
(D) Eu¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ (÷ÁÍõsø© ö£õÔ°¯À xøÓ), ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ / Eu¨
ö£õÔ¯õͺ (FμP Áͺa] xøÓ), Ámhõμ Áͺa] A¾Á»º
77. How much is the honorarium paid to the State Quality Monitors (Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) for one day?
(A) Rs. 2,000 (B) Rs. 3,000
(C) Rs. 1,000 (D) Rs. 4,000
©õ{» uμUPmk¨£õmk A¾Á»¸US (©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu
vmh®) J¸ |õÐUS ©v¨§v¯® GÆÁÍÄ ÁÇ[P¨£k®?
(A) ¹. 2,000 (B) ¹. 3,000
(C) ¹. 1,000 (D) ¹. 4,000
047/DM/18 24
78. How are the honorarium and conveyance charges paid to State Quality Monitor?
(A) Monthly (B) Weekly
(C) Daily (D) None of these
©õ{» uμUPmk¨£õmk A¾Á»¸US ©v¨§v¯® / ÷£õUSÁμzx Pmhn® BQ¯øÁ GÆÁõÖ
(A) ©õuõ¢vμ©õP (B) Áõμõ¢vμ©õP
(C) vÚ•® (D) CÁØÔÀ HxªÀø»
79. Who will finalize the Inspection dates in a month for the State Quality Monitor?
(A) Principal Secretary
(B) State Quality Monitor
(C) Director of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
(D) District Collector
©õ{» uμUPmk£õmk A¾Á»›ß ©õuõ¢vμ B´Ä ÷uvPÒ ¯õμõÀ •iÄ ö\´¯¨£k®?
(A) •ußø© ö\¯»õͺ
(B) ©õ{» uμUPmk¨£õmk A¾Á»º
(C) C¯US|º FμP Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä
(D) ©õÁmh Bm]z uø»Áº
80. Under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGS) Scheme, As
per the Government order Ms. No 41 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-1)
Department date 05.06.2012, the wage rate has been revised from
(A) 132 to 148 (B) 148 to 190
(C) 119 to 132 (D) 119 to 148
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ FμP ÷Áø»Áõ´¨¦ EzvμÁõu vmhzvß RÌ, Aμ_ Bøn Gs. 41 FμP
Áͺa] ©ØÖ® £g\õ¯zx μõä (CGS-1) xøÓ |õÒ. 05.06.2012ß £i, J¸ |õÒ Fv¯® –————
BP E¯ºzu¨£mhx
(A) ¹. 132 ¼¸¢x ¹. 148 (B) ¹. 148 ¼¸¢x ¹. 190
(C) ¹. 119 ¼¸¢x ¹. 132 (D) ¹. 119 ¼¸¢x ¹. 148
81. Payment shall be made to Chief Minister Solar Powered Green House (CMSPGHS) Scheme
beneficiaries based on the recordings made in the valuation certificate from ———————
(A) 2011-12 (B) 2014-15
(C) 2012-13 (D) 2013-14
•u»ø©a\›ß `›¯ JÎ ªß\Uv £_ø© CÀ»z vmh £¯ÚõÎPÐUS ©v¨¥mk \õßÔuÌ EÒÍ
AÍÃkPÒ øÁzx —————— •uÀ £n® £mkÁõhõ ö\´¯»õ®
(A) 2011-12 (B) 2014-15
(C) 2012-13 (D) 2013-14
25 047/DM/18
[Turn over
82. What is the ratio of the unit cost of Baby Friendly Toilet in Anganwadi? (Social Welfare and
Nutrious Meal Program: State Finance Commission)
(A) 10,000: 8,000
(B) 8,000: 10,000
(C) 12,000 : 6,000
(D) 6,000 12,000
A[PßÁõi ø©¯zvÀ EÒÍ SÇ¢øu ÷|¯ PÈÁøÓUPõÚ A»Sz öuõøP G¢u ÂQuõ\õμzvÀ
ÁÇ[P¨£k®? (\‰P |»® ©ØÖ® \zxnÄ vmh® : ©õ{» {vUSÊ ©õÛ¯®)
(A) 10,000: 8,000
(B) 8,000: 10,000
(C) 12,000 : 6,000
(D) 6,000 12,000
047/DM/18 26
85. Which of the following is not correct?
(A) TEDA - Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency
(B) IAY – India Awaaz Yojana
(C) DRDA – District Rural Development Agency
(D) PMGSY – Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana
(A) TEDA - Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency
(B) IAY – India Awaaz Yojana
(C) DRDA – District Rural Development Agency
(D) PMGSY – Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana
86. In TamiI Nadu Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme was
launched in six districts on
(A) 02.02.2005 (B) 02.02.2003
(C) 02.02.2004 (D) 02.02.2006
uªÇPzvÀ ©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ ÷Áø» EÖvz vmhzvß BÖ ©õÁmh[PÒ •uß •u»õP
B쮤UP¨£mh |õÒ
(A) 02.02.2005 (B) 02.02.2003
(C) 02.02.2004 (D) 02.02.2006
87. In Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, What is Toll free
help line number?
(A) 1999 (B) 1499
(C) 1399 (D) 1299
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ ÷Áø» EÖvz vmhzvß RÌ, SøÓ wºUS® Aø©¨¤ß C»Á\ öuõø»÷£]
Gs GßÚ?
(A) 1999 (B) 1499
(C) 1399 (D) 1299
27 047/DM/18
[Turn over
88. What is the Objective of Tamil Nadu Village Habitations Improvement Scheme?
(A) Anti-poverty programme
(B) To facilitate larger participation of the people
(C) To overcome the equitable distribution of resources to all habitation and to provide
the minimum basic infrastructure facilities
(D) Fulfils the housing needs of the rural poor people
uªÌ|õk SUQμõ©[PÒ ©ØÖ® ÷©®£õmkz vmhzvß (uõ´) ÷|õUP® GßÚ?
(A) ÁÖø© JȨ¦z vmh®
(B) ©UPÒ ö£›¯ÍÂÀ £[S ö£Ó Á\v¯õP
(C) AøÚzx SUQμõ©[PÐUS \©©õÚ ÁÍ[Pøͨ £Qº¢uÎzu¼À EÒÍ Chº£õkPøÍU
PøÍuÀ ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u£m\ Ai¨£øh EmPmhø©¨¦ Á\vPøÍ HØ£kzxuÀ
(D) Qμõ©¨¦Ó HøÇ ©UPÎß Ãmk Á\v ÷uøÁø¯ §ºzv ö\´¯
89. Under THAI Scheme, what is the minimum basic grand allotted?
(A) 25 Lakhs (B) 20 Lakhs
(C) 22 Lakhs (D) 28 Lakhs
uõ´ vmhzvß RÌ JxUP¨£k® SøÓ¢u£m\ Ai¨£øh ©õÛ¯® GÆÁÍÄ?
(A) 25 C»m\® (B) 20 C»m\®
(C) 22 C»m\® (D) 28 C»m\®
91. Under Solid Waste Management Scheme, What is the cost of one Shredding and Cleaning
(A) 5 Lakhs (B) 6 Lakhs
(C) 4 Lakhs (D) 3 Lakhs
vhUPÈÄ ÷©»õsø© vmhzvß RÌ, S¨ø£PøÍ xshõUQ _zu£kzx® C¯¢vμzvß Âø»
(A) 5 C»m\® (B) 6 C»m\®
(C) 4 C»m\® (D) 3 C»m\®
92. In which year the first paperless census was conducted in India?
(A) 2010 (B) 2012
(C) 2011 (D) 2013
C¢v¯õÂÀ •uÀ PõQuªÀ»õ PnUöPk¨¦ G¢u Á¸h® |hzu¨£mhx?
(A) 2010 (B) 2012
(C) 2011 (D) 2013
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93. Under Solid Waste Management workers are provided with
(A) 1 Cap and a pair of gloves
(B) 2 Jackets, 2 Caps and 2 pair of gloves
(C) 2 Jackets and a pair of gloves
(D) 1 Jacket, 1 Cap and a pair of gloves
vhUPÈÄ ÷©»õsø© vmhzvß RÌ öuõÈ»õͺPÐUS ÁÇ[P¨£kÁx GßöÚßÚ?
(A) 1 öuõ¨¤ ©ØÖ® 1 ÷áõi øP²øÓ
(B) 2 ÷©¾øÓPÒ, 2 öuõ¨¤PÒ ©ØÖ® 2 ÷áõi øP²øÓPÒ
(C) 2 ÷©¾øÓPÒ ©ØÖ® 1 ÷áõi øP²øÓ
(D) 1 ÷©¾øÓ 1 öuõ¨¤ ©ØÖ® 1 ÷áõi øP²øÓ
94. Before and after Construction of IHHL, the Beneficiary should take a photo with anyone of
the following persons?
1. Panchayat President/ Vice President
2. Ward member / Overseer
(A) 1 Correct (B) 2 Correct
(C) 1 and 2 wrong (D) 1 and 2 correct
uÛ|£º CÀ»U PÈÁøÓ PmkÁuØS •ß¦ / ¤ß¦ £¯ÚõÎ RÌPsh HuõÁx J¸ |£¸hß
¦øP¨£h® GkzxU öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®?
1. Fμõm] ©ßÓz uø»Áº / Fμõm] ©ßÓz xønz uø»Áº
2. Áõºk ö©®£º / ÷©Ø£õºøÁ¯õͺ
(A) 1 \› (B) 2 \›
(C) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 uÁÖ (D) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 \›
95. THAI Scheme II is further extended for another five years from
(A) 2015-16 to 2019-20 (B) 2016-17 to 2020-21
(C) 2017-18 to 2021-22 (D) 2014-15 to 2018-19
uõ´ vmh® II G¢u Bsk •uÀ ÷©¾® I¢x BskPÐUS ›ģkzu¨£mkÒÍx?
(A) 2015-16 •uÀ 2019-20 (B) 2016-17 •uÀ 2020-21
(C) 2017-18 •uÀ 2021-22 (D) 2014-15 •uÀ 2018-19
98. Which is the Implementing Agency for Energisation of street Lights with Solar Energy?
1. Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA)
2. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
(A) 1 correct (B) 1 and 2 wrong
(C) 1 and 2 correct (D) 2 correct
`›¯ \Uv ‰»® öu¸ÂÍUSPøÍ EßÚu¨£kzxuÀ vmhzvøÚ ö\¯À£kzx® {ÖÁÚ® Gx?
1. uªÌ|õk G›\Uv ÷©®£õmk •Pø©
2. uªÌ|õk ªß\õμ Áõ›¯®
(A) 1 \› (B) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 uÁÖ
(C) 1 ©ØÖ® 2 \› (D) 2 \›
99. What is the one day wage rate from 01.04.2017 under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme?
(A) 167 (B) 203
(C) 205 (D) 148
©Põz©õ Põ¢v ÷u]¯ ÷Áø» EÖvz vmhzvß RÌ 01.04.2017 •uÀ J¸ |õÒ Fv¯® GÆÁÍÄ
(A) 167 (B) 203
(C) 205 (D) 148
100. Under Energisation of street Lights with solar Energy, the village panchayat shall provide a
————————— sq.ft of area for the installation of solar panels.
(A) 70 (B) 60
(C) 90 (D) 80
`›¯ \Uv ‰»® öu¸ÂÍUSPøÍ EßÚu¨£kzxuÀ vmhzvß RÌ, `›¯ uPk (÷\õ»õº ÷£ÚÀ)
{ÖÂh Qμõ© Fμõm] ————— \xμ Ai {»® JxUP ÷Ásk®
(A) 70 (B) 60
(C) 90 (D) 80
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