Dresscher & Mark. 1976
Dresscher & Mark. 1976
Dresscher & Mark. 1976
199-201, 1976
scopic examination may be carried out on fixed material . tem . Experience has shown that the number of these spe-
The number of forms is recorded for each group . The cies has no significant effect on the results obtained with
proportion between the numbers found constitutes the the formula recommended . For instance, figure r gives
basis for an assessment . When one group clearly predom- data on net plankton recorded at Lobith (The Nether-
inates, the saprobic degree may be stated at once . lands) between the years 1968 and 1971 (Government
In view of the fact that the indicating importance of the Institute for Sewage Purification, unpublished data) pro-
groups are not quite the same and the overall picture of the cessed by the assessment method proposed by the authors
figures more clearly reflects the transition from one phase and the widely used Pantle & Buck method (1955) . The
to another, a formula has been devised to simplify assess- similarity of the results obtained with the two systems is
ment and to give the possibility to represent the results very clear . It should be pointed out, however, that our
graphically: method cannot be used when there is a great abundance
C+3D-B-3A of a single species ('water bloom') which virtually elimi-
X = ; this gives a single figure, the sa- nates the other species . In such cases we must assume that
A+ B +C+ D we are dealing with a very strong environmental distur-
probic quotient X . The letters indicate the number of bance and, as we stated above, the saprobic quotient
forms found for each group . The limits for this formula cannot be determined .
are - 3 (polysaprobic) to +3 (oligosaprobic) . Zero is there-
fore at the borderline between the situation a-meso-
saprobic//3-mesosaprobic and /3-mesosaprobic/a-meso- References
saprobic . This method has the advantage that an accurate
species determination, which is otherwise necessary for a Bick, H . 1963 . A review of central European methods for the bio-
logical estimation of water pollution levels .-Bull. World
biological analysis, is not compulsory . Classification of Health Org . 29 : 401-413 .
forms into the groups and counting the forms per group Kolkwitz, R. & M . Marsson. 19o8 . Oekologie der pflanzlichen
is sufficient . Table 1, may be useful for assessing water Saprobien .-Ber . Deutsch . Bot . Ges . 26a : 505-519 .
quality . In this table the various saprobic quotients are Kolkwitz, R . & M . Marsson. 1909 . Oekologie der tierischen
Saprobien .-Int . Revue Ges . Hydrobiol. Hydrogr . 2 : 126-152 .
compared with the degree of pollution and the saprobic Liebmann, H . 1962 . Handbuch der Frischwasser- und Abwasser-
phases . Biologie, Band I . Oldenbourg, MUnchen : 1-588 .
Pantle, R . & H . Buck. 1955 . Die biologische Ueberwachung der
Gewasser and die Darstellung der Ergebnisse . -Gas-, Wasser-
fach 96 : 604 .
Discussion Sladedek, V . 1963 . A guide to limnosaprobical organisms, -Sci .
Papers Inst . Technol . Prague, Technol . Water 7 : 543-612
Certain species of organisms which do not belong to the Sladedek, V . 1973 . System of water quality from the biological
saprobic systems will be found in the groups of our sys- point of view .-Ergebn. Limnol . 7 : 1-218 .
Table i .
4 -o--a -d
1968 I 1969 1 1970 1 1971
20 1