Soil Report Phochodas Adharbhut Ma. Vi. School Building
Soil Report Phochodas Adharbhut Ma. Vi. School Building
Soil Report Phochodas Adharbhut Ma. Vi. School Building
Dewangunj, Sunsari
We hope this report will bring some useful parameters about the soil condition of the proposed
building. This report shall also be useful in determining the depth and size of the foundation and
Corresponding bearing capacity.
Table 2. 1 Relation of N value to Relative Density and friction angle for granular soils ........................... 8
Fig 1. 1: Generalized cross section of Himalaya (modified after Dahal 2006) .......................................... 2
Fig 1. 2: Historical Events of Earthquakes in Nepal................................................................................. 4
Fig 1. 3 Location of Nepal in the Himalaya along with major tectonic boundary and various longitudinal
zones of the Himalaya (Bhandary et al. 2013) .......................................................................................... 5
Fig 1. 4 Seismic hazard map of Nepal (source: USGS) ............................................................................. 5
1.1 Introduction:
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the agreement for Geo technical Investigation
and analysis of Shree Phochodas adharbhut ma. Vi. School, Dewangunj-6, Jirogwa, Sunsari
The report covers the information on the general engineering characteristics of the subsoil as
revealed by the soil investigation work as well as the allowable bearing capacity for the proposed
foundation based on the soil data obtained from the field and laboratory tests. This report has
been prepared after soil exploration at the Building site for five positions fixed at site and detail
tests for samples.
The objective of this assignment is to execute the detail Geo-technical investigation work of
building which are;
The scope of work includes drilling of three boreholes, each of 15 deep, along with standard
penetration test, dynamic cone penetration test, retrieving samples from the boreholes and
evaluation of allowable bearing capacity of the foundation based on field and laboratory tests.
The proposed new Teaching hospital building. Sunsari district, Nepal. The position of Bore hole for
below drilling works is shown in Table1.1.
3 2023-10-09 2023-10-10 15
1.4 General Geology, Geomorphology and Seismicity
Geologically, the site is located at Sunsari District which is Terai region of Nepal
1.4.2 Seismicity
Nepal Himalaya is considered to be located in seismically active zone. There had many
earthquakes with epicenter located within the region. The most renowned earthquakes are 1934
Nepal-Bihar Earthquake and 1987 Nepal Earthquake which has intensity of 8.2 and 7.2 in
Richter scale respectively. They had caused uncountable number of damages. The recently occur
in April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha earthquake) with a magnitude of
7.8 and its epicenter was east of Gorkha District at Barpak, Gorkha, and its hypocenter was at a
depth of approximately 8.2 km (5.1 mile) and then Continued aftershocks occurred throughout
Nepal at the intervals of 15–20 minutes, with one shock reaching a magnitude of 6.7 on 26 April.
It was the worst natural disaster to strike Nepal since the 1934 Nepal–Bihar earthquake.
According to the USGS, the earthquake was caused by a sudden thrust, or release of built-up
stress, along the major fault line where the Indian Plate, carrying India, is slowly diving
underneath the Eurasian Plate, carrying much of Europe and Asia.[26] Kathmandu, situated on a
block of crust approximately 120 km (74 miles) wide and 60 km (37 miles) long, reportedly
shifted 3 m (10 ft) to the south in a matter of just 30 seconds.
Many earth scientists believe that longitudinally the entire 2,400 km long Himalayan arc can be
segmented into different individual parts (200-300 km), which periodically break and move
separately and produce mega earthquake (catastrophic earthquake) in the Himalayan region.
From east to west, the seismic activity is related to the geo-tectonics of Himalayan Geology. The
southern Indo-Gangetic tectonic plate is sub ducting into the northern Tibetan (Eurasian)
Tectonic plate since the Miocene Period. The seduction rate is presumed to be at the rate 5-
8cm/year. The collision of two continental tectonic plates has caused the rise of the Himalaya,
which is the highest mountain range in the world. As a result, major longitudinal NW-SE striking
thrust faults are also created. These are Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) between Indogangetic Plain
and the Siwaliks, the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in between the Siwaliks and Higher
Himalaya and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in between the Higher Himalaya and the Higher
The great earthquake of Assam, India (1950), Shilong, India (1897), Nepal-Bihar, India (1934)
and Kangra, India (1905) are the mega-earthquakes of the last century produced by the
movements in different parts of the Himalayan arc, all with magnitude around 8.0 - 8.7. When a
sector of the Himalaya moves and produces earthquakes, it will take some time (from decades to
century) to repeat the event at the same place.
Nepal is prone to an earthquake of minor or major magnitude. Records of earthquakes since 1253
indicate that 16 major earthquakes hit Nepal - the 1833 (magnitude 7.9) and 1934(magnitude 8.3)
are two of these, which have occurred at an interval of 100 years. Statically, the earthquake
occurrence data of the last century shows that in average Nepal was hit by a big earthquake in
every 12 years (Nakarmi, 1997).
Fig 1. 2: Historical Events of Earthquakes in Nepal
(Source: Micro Seismic Epicenter Map of Nepal Himalaya and Adjoining Region1997, Published by DoMG, GON)
From the geological studies, the Tectonic Force is generated from the continental collisions
between the Indian and Eurasian plates. It is believed that the Indian plate is going down i.e.
subduction whereas, Eurasian plate rising over the Indian plate. As a result, Peter and
Topponnier considered Tibet as a pressure gauge of Asia. Indian plate applies pressure to Eurasia
and Tibetan plateau rose to present position and is still rising at the rate of 3.2 cm to 12.7 cm a
year. In general, the Tectonic Forces have created linear belt of cracks parallel to Himalayas
along with the rise of height of mountains.
Due to Tectonic Forces, Himalayan zones and the neighboring areas are seismically very active.
Most of epicenters of earthquakes are found to be located in the unstable zones. The frequency
and intensity of earthquakes are found at the weakness of the crust such as major faults, major
bends or major acres. Location of Nepal in the Himalaya along with major tectonic boundary and
various longitudinal zones of the Himalaya are shown in Fig 3.
Seismic hazard map of Nepal is also shown in Fig 3. Figure 4 shows that earthquake with a peak
acceleration of 0.3 - 0.5 g may occur in 50 years, making the country very vulnerable to
earthquake. A recent earthquake of magnitude 7.6 on Richter scale also proves that the country is
highly vulnerable to earthquake.
Fig 1. 3 Location of Nepal in the Himalaya along with major tectonic boundary and various
longitudinal zones of the Himalaya (Bhandary et al. 2013)
Intensity, Year Location
Table 1. 3: shows the epicenter and magnitude of the historical earthquakes in different areas
of Nepal
2.1 Methodology
Field works involved heavy percussion boring mechanism at three boreholes around the
proposed building location to the maximum depth of 15.0 m from the ground level. SPT at every
1.5m interval is recorded according as the ground condition. Borehole logs were prepared at the
site on the basis of the visual observation of the soil obtained from the boreholes. The boreholes
logs are attached to the annexes are further verified by lab test results.
The whole task of study for Geo-technical investigation of building has been intended to make
study and investigation and design of a building. This phase consists of soil exploration and field
test and laboratory tests and analysis for suitable type of foundation. The methodology for
carrying out the geotechnical works is as following:
In-situ Tests
Field works involved Percussion Drilling mechanism for drilling and sampling of the boreholes
in the proposed area to the maximum depth of 15.0 m from the ground levels and SPT were
taken at every 1.5 m intervals and are recorded. Borehole logs were prepared at the site on the
basis of the visual observation of the soil obtained from the boreholes. The boreholes logs are
attached to the Appendix - I are later verified by lab test results.
It consists of driving a Split Spoon Sampler with an outside dia. of 50 mm into the soil at the
base of borehole. Driving is accomplished by a drop of hammer weighing 63.5 kg falling freely
through a height of 750 mm onto the drive head at the rate of 30 blows per minute. First of all the
spoon is driven 150mm into the soil at the bottom of the borehole. It is then driven further
300mm and the number of blows (N values) required to drive this distance is recorded. If the
number of blows for 150mm drive exceeds 50, it is taken as refusal and the test is discontinued.
The equipment and hammer in which the SPT were conducted according to IS 2131-1 963.
Fig 2. 1 Standard Penetration Test Procedures
Table 2. 1 Relation of N value to Relative Density and friction angle for granular soils
Cone – drill rod – driving head assembly is installed vertically on the ground and hammer is
dropped from standard height repeatedly. The blow counts are recorded for every 100 mm
penetration. A sum of three consecutive values i.e. 300 mm is noted as the dynamic cone
resistance, Ncd at that depth.
The recorded dynamic cone resistance (Ncd) is correlated with the equivalent SPT (N) is
calculated as:
The equivalent SPT value more than 50 is recorded as 50 as presented in bore log.
Fig 2. 2 Angle of shearing resistance for different SPT N value
The consistency and unconfined shear strength of clay can be approximately determined from
SPT number. Table 2.2 gives approximate value of unconfined shear strength of clay for
different ranges of standard penetration number.
2.1.2 Sampling
Before any disturbed samples were taken, the bore holes are made clean to flush any loose
disturbed soil particles deposited during the boring operation. The samples obtained in the split
spoon barrel of SPT tube during SPT tests were preserved as representative disturbed samples.
The disturbed samples recovered were placed in air tight double 0.5 mm thick transparent plastic
bags, labeled properly for identification and finally sealed to avoid any loss of moisture. Only
then the samples were transported to the laboratory for further investigation.
Undisturbed Sample was extracted by means of thin wall tube (Shelby tube). The tube was
pushed into the ground and the sample recovered manually. The tube was sealed with wax and
wrapped with airtight polythene sheets and then bound by adhesive tapes and properly labeled.
The tube was properly packed in a wooden box so as to minimize the disturbances during
transportation to the Laboratory and avoided the changes of moisture content of sample. This
sample was used for the determination of strength and consolidation parameters.
The position of ground water table was measured at each borehole. The water level observed in
the bore holes at the end of a 24 hours long period after completion of boring work is taken as
the position of ground water table. The ground water table may fluctuate depending upon the
variation of season, draw down and recharging of ground water.
a) Atterberg’s Limit
c) Specific Gravity
The records of the test results are presented in the Appendix-II.
Sub soil strata are analyzed based upon the test results conducted at laboratory and field tests and
suitable type of foundation is recommended. Isolated and Raft footing is analyzed for proposed
The final selection shall be decided based on requirement of type of building, loading condition.
The surface as well as sub-surface geological features existing at the building site is shown in the
borehole logs presented in Appendix I. As shown in bore log.
3.2.1 General
Before selecting a given type of foundation, the particular set of conditions prevailing at a site,
the probable performance of the foundation must be judged with respect to two types of
potentially unsatisfactory behavior. In the first place, the bearing capacity of the foundation soil
must be sufficient enough to ensure that the induced total or differential settlement is not
detrimental. Secondly, the bearing capacity should be such that excessive shear strain, which
could lead to shear failure, does not occur.
The depth of foundation is governed the nature of the subsoil strata to place the foundation. The
type of foundation analyzed comprises raft footing. The bearing capacity analysis has been
carried out for foundation soil at 1.50m depth from ground.
In the analysis, both shear failure is taken into account. The bearing capacity analysis was carried
out based on the results of SPT N-value.
Bearing Capacity using Skempton’s formula for Rectangular footing is found which is given as
qns = (5*(1+0.2Df/B)*(1+0.2*(B/L))*Cu)/3
Cu = Undrained shear strength (CU (kPa) = 6.25N, Terzaghi & Peck (1967))
B = Width of foundation
L = Length of Foundation,
Df = Depth of Foundation
The following equation is used to determine bearing capacity from shear failure criteria.
Similarly, the following equation is used to determine bearing capacity from settlement criteria
for S mm settlement by following methods.
Similarly, the following equation is used to determine bearing capacity from settlement criteria
for S mm settlement by following methods.
B 0.3 2
qnp 12.2 N ( ) Rd W ( S / 25) for B≥1.20
B = Width of foundation
Df = Depth of foundation
qnp = safe settlement pressure
Teng (1969) modified formula based on the curves developed by Terzaghi and Peck (1948)
B 0.3
q p ( KN / m ) 53( N 3)
Fd Rw
where qp is the net allowable bearing pressure for allowed settlement of 25 mm, N is the
corrected SPT, B is the width of the footing, Rw is the water table correction factor (Rw=
1+z2/B), where z2 is the depth of water table from footing level, Fd is the depth factor (Fd =
1+0.2×D/B ≤ 1.2)
Using the relationships suggested above the analysis was carried out. The results of analysis are
summarized in below Table.
Based on the analysis the following recommendations are made.
The bearing capacity of Isolated foundation is below:
Ne t Sa f e be a r i ng Ca pa c i t y Kn/ m2
Size of Isolated
Depth of Foundation (m)
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
2.0 113 118 122 127 132 136
2.5 109 113 117 120 124 128
3.0 107 110 113 116 119 122
3.5 105 107 110 113 115 118
4.0 103 106 108 110 113 115
4.5 102 104 107 109 111 113
The bearing capacity of Raft foundation is below
Ne t Sa f e be a r i ng Ca pa c i t y Kn/ m2
Size of Raft
Depth of Foundation (m)
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
5.0 102 103 105 107 109 111
10.0 98 99 100 101 102 102
15.0 97 97 98 98 99 100
20.0 96 96 97 97 98 98
25.0 96 96 96 97 97 97
The plate load test is suggested for confirmation of design bearing capacity.
The foundation designer need not follow strictly the depth and dimensions adopted in
the analysis presented in this report. He is free to select any other dimensions for depth
and width depending upon the actual loads and moments to be transmitted to the
foundation soil. At this juncture it is worth mentioning that the allowable bearing
capacity depends on many variables such as allowable settlement, type of foundation,
size and depth of foundation, importance of structure, cost of project etc. Therefore, on
the basis of soil index properties data and engineering properties data provided in this
report, the foundation designer is free to refine the calculations wherever he feels
a. Simons, N. E. and Menzies, B. K. (1977), “A short course in Foundation
Engineering”, Newons and Butterworths, London
f. Noyak, N. V. (1982), “Foundation Design Manual ", Dhanpati Rai & Sons. Delhi.
Drilling Log
Project: Soil Investigation Work in Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
No. &Type
Depth, m
15 cm
15 cm
15 cm
Soil Description
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Grey to brown silty sand -1 1.5
SPT 2 4 6 10
-3 SPT 3 3 6 9
-4 4.5
Brown clay stiff clay silt medium SPT 3 4 6 10
plasticity -5
-6 SPT 4 4 7 11
SPT 5 6 8 14
-9 SPT 6 7 8 15
- 10
SPT 7 8 8 16 10.5
- 11
Grey to brown clay silt
- 12 SPT 7 7 9 16 12
- 13
SPT 7 9 9 18 13.5
- 14
- 15 SPT 8 9 10 19 15
No. &Type
Depth, m
15 cm
15 cm
15 cm
Soil Description
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Grey to brown silty sand -1 1.5
SPT 3 3 4 7
-3 SPT 3 4 5 9
-4 4.5
SPT 4 4 4 8
Brown clay stiff clay silt
medium plasticity
-6 SPT 5 4 7 5 79
SPT 5 6 8 14
-9 SPT 6 7 8 15
- 10
SPT 7 8 9 17 10.5
- 11
Grey to brown clay silt - 12 SPT 6 8 11 19 12
- 13
SPT 8 8 13 21 13.5
- 14
- 15 SPT 7 9 12 21 15
No. &Type
Depth, m
15 cm
15 cm
15 cm
Soil Description
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Grey to brown silty sand -1 1.5
SPT 3 3 5 8
-3 SPT 3 4 6 10
-4 4.5
SPT 4 5 7 12
Brown clay stiff clay silt -5
medium plasticity 6
-6 SPT 5 6 9 15
-7 7.5
SPT 6 7 8 15
-9 SPT 7 8 10 18
- 10
SPT 8 9 11 20
- 11
Grey to brown clay silt - 12 SPT 8 7 12 19
- 13
SPT 7 9 11 20 13.5
- 14
- 15 SPT 8 9 13 22 15
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.06 0.0600 0.01 99.99
2 0.03 0.09 0.02 99.98
1.18 0.09 0.18 0.04 99.96
0.85 0.15 0.33 0.08 99.92
0.6 0.12 0.45 0.10 99.90
0.425 0.25 0.70 0.16 99.84
0.3 66.13 66.83 15.22 84.78
0.15 216.39 283.22 64.51 35.49
0.075 67.28 350.50 79.84 20.16
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 79.84 Particle Size, mm
Fines 20.16
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.05 0.05 0.01 99.99
1.18 0.03 0.08 0.02 99.98
0.85 0.14 0.22 0.06 99.94
0.6 0.74 0.96 0.24 99.76
0.425 0.29 1.25 0.31 99.69
0.3 0.32 1.57 0.39 99.61
0.15 9.12 10.69 2.69 97.31
0.075 7.11 17.80 4.47 95.53
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 4.47 Particle Size, mm
Fines 95.53
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.13 0.13 0.03 99.97
1.18 0.18 0.31 0.06 99.94
0.85 0.26 0.57 0.11 99.89
0.6 0.35 0.92 0.18 99.82
0.425 0.12 1.04 0.20 99.80
0.3 3.12 4.16 0.81 99.19
0.15 33.11 37.27 7.29 92.71
0.075 14.29 51.56 10.09 89.91
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 10.09 Particle Size, mm
Fines 89.91
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1.18 0.52 0.52 0.12 99.88
0.85 0.84 1.36 0.32 99.68
0.6 0.63 1.99 0.47 99.53
0.425 0.24 2.23 0.53 99.47
0.3 18.96 21.19 5.06 94.94
0.15 34.21 55.40 13.22 86.78
0.075 29.17 84.57 20.18 79.82
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 20.18 Particle Size, mm
Fines 79.82
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.42 0.42 0.08 99.92
2 0.12 0.54 0.10 99.90
1.18 0.46 1.00 0.18 99.82
0.85 0.13 1.13 0.20 99.80
0.6 0.98 2.11 0.38 99.62
0.425 1.83 3.94 0.70 99.30
0.3 12.17 16.11 2.88 97.12
0.15 39.63 55.74 9.97 90.03
0.075 52.16 107.90 19.30 80.70
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 19.30 Particle Size, mm
Fines 80.70
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.12 0.12 0.03 99.97
2 0.16 0.28 0.06 99.94
1.18 0.49 0.77 0.17 99.83
0.85 0.23 1.00 0.22 99.78
0.6 0.21 1.21 0.27 99.73
0.425 0.84 2.05 0.46 99.54
0.3 41.32 43.37 9.70 90.30
0.15 66.19 109.56 24.51 75.49
0.075 71.29 180.85 40.46 59.54
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 40.46 Particle Size, mm
Fines 59.54
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2.36 0.36 0.36 0.08 99.92
2 0.31 0.67 0.15 99.85
1.18 1.44 2.11 0.47 99.53
0.85 0.97 3.08 0.69 99.31
0.6 0.74 3.82 0.85 99.15
0.425 1.05 4.87 1.09 98.91
0.3 0.28 5.15 1.15 98.85
0.15 2.66 7.81 1.74 98.26
0.075 24.72 32.53 7.26 92.74
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 7.26 Particle Size, mm
Fines 92.74
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.48 0.48 0.11 99.89
2 0.23 0.71 0.16 99.84
1.18 0.56 1.27 0.28 99.72
0.85 0.21 1.48 0.33 99.67
0.6 0.22 1.70 0.38 99.62
0.425 6.41 8.11 1.81 98.19
0.3 20.39 28.50 6.38 93.62
0.15 13.14 41.64 9.32 90.68
0.075 49.56 91.20 20.40 79.60
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 20.40 Particle Size, mm
Fines 79.60
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1.18 0.17 0.17 0.05 99.95
0.85 0.20 0.37 0.12 99.88
0.6 0.40 0.77 0.24 99.76
0.425 0.33 1.10 0.35 99.65
0.3 12.54 13.64 4.33 95.67
0.15 26.30 39.94 12.68 87.32
0.075 18.50 58.44 18.55 81.45
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 18.55 Particle Size, mm
Fines 81.45
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1.18 0.87 0.87 0.21 99.79
0.85 0.36 1.23 0.29 99.71
0.6 1.09 2.32 0.55 99.45
0.425 3.12 5.44 1.30 98.70
0.3 9.48 14.92 3.56 96.44
0.15 19.63 34.55 8.25 91.75
0.075 13.25 47.80 11.41 88.59
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 11.41 Particle Size, mm
Fines 88.59
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.12 0.12 0.03 99.97
1.18 0.29 0.41 0.11 99.89
0.85 0.22 0.63 0.16 99.84
0.6 0.13 0.76 0.20 99.80
0.425 1.48 2.24 0.58 99.42
0.3 86.74 88.98 22.93 77.07
0.15 93.72 182.70 47.09 52.91
0.075 138.15 320.85 82.69 17.31
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 82.69 Particle Size, mm
Fines 17.31
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1.18 0.25 0.25 0.06 99.94
0.85 0.84 1.09 0.27 99.73
0.6 0.48 1.57 0.39 99.61
0.425 0.86 2.43 0.61 99.39
0.3 6.16 8.59 2.16 97.84
0.15 23.26 31.85 8.00 92.00
0.075 10.32 42.17 10.60 89.40
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 10.60 Particle Size, mm
Fines 89.40
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 50
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.11 0.11 0.02 99.98
1.18 0.22 0.33 0.07 99.93
0.85 0.41 0.74 0.17 99.83
0.6 0.36 1.10 0.25 99.75
0.425 2.14 3.24 0.73 99.27
0.3 6.19 9.43 2.14 97.86
0.15 52.46 61.89 14.03 85.97
0.075 116.23 178.12 40.39 59.61
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 40.39 Particle Size, mm
Fines 59.61
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 1.02 1.02 0.28 99.72
1.18 2.13 3.15 0.85 99.15
0.85 1.03 4.18 1.13 98.87
0.6 0.87 5.05 1.37 98.63
0.425 4.19 9.24 2.50 97.50
0.3 10.12 19.36 5.25 94.75
0.15 18.16 37.52 10.17 89.83
0.075 12.30 49.82 13.50 86.50
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 13.50 Particle Size, mm
Fines 86.50
% Passing
4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90
2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1.18 0.22 0.22 0.05 99.95
0.85 1.86 2.08 0.52 99.48
0.6 2.13 4.21 1.04 98.96
0.425 0.46 4.67 1.16 98.84
0.3 4.85 9.52 2.36 97.64
0.15 14.69 24.21 6.01 93.99
0.075 22.2 46.41 11.52 88.48
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Gravel 0.00
Sand 11.52 Particle Size, mm
Fines 88.48
Percentage Finer
49 0.00 0.00 100.00 80
37.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
12.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
10 0.00 0.00 100.00 Gravel 0.01 60
6.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 C. Sand 0.01
4.75 0.00 0.00 100.00 M. Sand 2.00 50 >4.75 mm gravel
2.36 0.06 0.06 99.99 F. Sand 9.33 4.75--0.425 mmCoarse to medium
2 0.03 0.09 99.99 Sand 11.36 0.425--0.075 mm Fine
1.18 0.09 0.18 99.97 Fines 88.64 30 0.075--0.005 mm Silt
1.00 0.00 0.18 99.97 Silt 65.10 <0.005 mm Clay
Fines 20
0.85 0.03 0.21 99.97 Clay 23.53
0.60 0.06 0.27 99.96 10 K1 [Gs
= xYc/(Gs-1)]x[100/Ws]
0.425 0.42 0.69 99.89 K24 (2.2*0.99712/(2.2-1))*(100/50)
0.300 12.21 12.90 97.97 = 3.166
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
0.250 0.00 12.90 97.97 K2 SQRT(30xn/(980*(Ys
= - Yw))
0.150 36.02 48.92 92.30 K24.5 SQRT(30x0.00904/(980*(2.2-0.99712))
Particle Size, mm
0.075 23.24 72.16 88.64 0.0152
Hydrometer Analysis:-
Hydrometer type : Gs of solids : 2.701 rw = 0.99775
Dispersing agent : (NaPO3)6 5 gm Amount : Wt. of soil, Ws = 50.00 gms.
Zero correction :-0.0042 Meniscus correction : 0.5 Passing by .075mm= 88.64 %
Temp Hyd. % Diameter
Actual Corrected Reading Hyd. Corr.for
Elapsed time (t) Effective Actual %
Hydro. Hydrometer in water R - Rw K1 Finer meniscus & L/t K2 ( D ), mm
minute length L cm Finer
0 reading Reading Rw Temp R
C 1000(rw-1)
K1*(R-Rw) K2 * Sqrt(L/t)
0.50 14 1.0270 22.7500 -2.25 25.00 3.166 79.16 20.73 12.895 25.79 0.01517 0.0770 70.17
1 14 1.0255 21.2500 -2.25 23.50 3.166 74.41 19.23 13.141 13.14 0.01517 0.0550 65.96
2 14 1.0240 19.7500 -2.25 22.00 3.166 69.66 17.73 13.387 6.69 0.01517 0.0392 61.75
3 14 1.0230 18.7500 -2.25 21.00 3.166 66.50 16.73 13.551 4.52 0.01517 0.0322 58.94
4 14 1.0210 16.7500 -2.25 19.00 3.166 60.16 14.73 13.879 3.47 0.01508 0.0281 53.32
8 14 1.0185 14.2500 -2.25 16.50 3.166 52.24 12.23 14.289 1.79 0.01508 0.0202 46.31
15 14 1.0165 12.2500 -2.25 14.50 3.166 45.91 10.23 14.617 0.97 0.01517 0.0150 40.70
30 14 1.0140 9.7500 -2.25 12.00 3.166 38.00 7.73 15.027 0.50 0.01517 0.0107 33.68
60 14 1.012 7.7500 -2.25 10.00 3.167 31.67 5.73 15.355 0.26 0.01525 0.0077 28.07
120 14 1.011 6.7500 -2.25 9.00 3.167 28.50 4.73 15.519 0.13 0.01525 0.0055 25.27
240 14 1.009 4.7500 -2.25 7.00 3.167 22.17 2.73 15.847 0.07 0.01525 0.0039 19.65
1440 15 1.007 2.7500 -2.25 5.00 3.167 15.84 1.09 16.116 0.01 0.01525 0.0016 14.04
Mass & Soil lab Pvt. Ltd.
Imadol-01, Lalitpur
Percentage Finer
49 0.00 0.00 100.00 80
37.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
12.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
10 0.00 0.00 100.00 Gravel 0.15 60
6.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 C. Sand 0.32
4.75 0.00 0.00 100.00 M. Sand 0.68 50 >4.75 mm gravel
2.36 0.36 0.36 99.92 F. Sand 6.11 4.75--0.425 mmCoarse to medium
2 0.31 0.67 99.85 Sand 7.26 0.425--0.075 mm Fine
1.18 1.44 2.11 99.53 Fines 92.74 30 0.075--0.005 mm Silt
1.00 0.00 2.11 99.53 Silt 73.39 <0.005 mm Clay
Fines 20
0.85 0.97 3.08 99.31 Clay 19.20
0.60 0.74 3.82 99.15 10 K1 [Gs
= xYc/(Gs-1)]x[100/Ws]
0.425 1.05 4.87 98.91 K24 (2.2*0.99712/(2.2-1))*(100/50)
0.300 0.28 5.15 98.85 = 3.185
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
0.250 0.00 5.15 98.85 K2 SQRT(30xn/(980*(Ys
= - Yw))
0.150 2.66 7.81 98.26 K24.5 SQRT(30x0.00904/(980*(2.2-0.99712))
Particle Size, mm
0.075 24.72 32.53 92.74 0.0152
Hydrometer Analysis:-
Hydrometer type : Gs of solids : 2.675 rw = 0.99775
Dispersing agent : (NaPO3)6 5 gm Amount : Wt. of soil, Ws = 50.00 gms.
Zero correction :-0.0042 Meniscus correction : 0.5 Passing by .075mm= 92.74 %
Temp Hyd. % Diameter
Actual Corrected Reading Hyd. Corr.for
Elapsed time (t) Effective Actual %
Hydro. Hydrometer in water R - Rw K1 Finer meniscus & L/t K2 ( D ), mm
minute length L cm Finer
0 reading Reading Rw Temp R
C 1000(rw-1)
K1*(R-Rw) K2 * Sqrt(L/t)
0.50 15 1.0260 21.7500 -2.25 24.00 3.185 76.44 20.09 13.000 26.00 0.01517 0.0773 70.89
1 15 1.0245 20.2500 -2.25 22.50 3.185 71.66 18.59 13.246 13.25 0.01517 0.0552 66.46
2 15 1.0225 18.2500 -2.25 20.50 3.185 65.29 16.59 13.574 6.79 0.01517 0.0395 60.55
3 15 1.0210 16.7500 -2.25 19.00 3.185 60.51 15.09 13.820 4.61 0.01517 0.0326 56.12
4 15 1.0180 13.7500 -2.25 16.00 3.185 50.96 12.09 14.312 3.58 0.01508 0.0285 47.26
8 15 1.0160 11.7500 -2.25 14.00 3.185 44.59 10.09 14.640 1.83 0.01508 0.0204 41.35
15 15 1.0145 10.2500 -2.25 12.50 3.185 39.81 8.59 14.886 0.99 0.01517 0.0151 36.92
30 15 1.0125 8.2500 -2.25 10.50 3.185 33.44 6.59 15.214 0.51 0.01517 0.0108 31.01
60 15 1.011 6.7500 -2.25 9.00 3.186 28.67 5.09 15.460 0.26 0.01525 0.0077 26.59
120 15 1.009 4.7500 -2.25 7.00 3.186 22.30 3.09 15.788 0.13 0.01525 0.0055 20.68
240 15 1.0075 3.2500 -2.25 5.50 3.186 17.52 1.59 16.034 0.07 0.01525 0.0039 16.25
1440 14 1.0065 2.2500 -2.25 4.50 3.186 14.33 0.23 16.257 0.01 0.01525 0.0016 13.29
Mass & Soil lab Pvt. Ltd.
Imadol-01, Lalitpur
Percentage Finer
49 0.00 0.00 100.00 80
37.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
12.5 0.00 0.00 100.00
10 0.00 0.00 100.00 Gravel 0.00 60
6.3 0.00 0.00 100.00 C. Sand 0.00
4.75 0.00 0.00 100.00 M. Sand 3.12 50 >4.75 mm gravel
2.36 0.00 0.00 100.00 F. Sand 4.54 4.75--0.425 mmCoarse to medium
2 0.00 0.00 100.00 Sand 7.66 0.425--0.075 mm Fine
1.18 0.00 0.00 100.00 Fines 92.34 30 0.075--0.005 mm Silt
1.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Silt 67.72 <0.005 mm Clay
Fines 20
0.85 3.16 3.16 99.49 Clay 24.62
0.60 2.11 5.27 99.15 10 K1 [Gs
= xYc/(Gs-1)]x[100/Ws]
0.425 1.02 6.29 98.99 K24 (2.2*0.99712/(2.2-1))*(100/50)
0.300 13.12 19.41 96.88 = 3.179
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
0.250 0.00 19.41 96.88 K2 SQRT(30xn/(980*(Ys
= - Yw))
0.150 10.19 29.60 95.25 K24.5 SQRT(30x0.00904/(980*(2.2-0.99712))
Particle Size, mm
0.075 18.12 47.72 92.34 0.0152
Hydrometer Analysis:-
Hydrometer type : Gs of solids : 2.684 rw = 0.99775
Dispersing agent : (NaPO3)6 5 gm Amount : Wt. of soil, Ws = 50.00 gms.
Zero correction :-0.0042 Meniscus correction : 0.5 Passing by .075mm= 92.34 %
Temp Hyd. % Diameter
Actual Corrected Reading Hyd. Corr.for
Elapsed time (t) Effective Actual %
Hydro. Hydrometer in water R - Rw K1 Finer meniscus & L/t K2 ( D ), mm
minute length L cm Finer
0 reading Reading Rw Temp R
C 1000(rw-1)
K1*(R-Rw) K2 * Sqrt(L/t)
0.50 15 1.0290 24.7500 -2.25 27.00 3.179 85.82 23.09 12.508 25.02 0.01517 0.0759 79.25
1 15 1.0270 22.7500 -2.25 25.00 3.179 79.46 21.09 12.836 12.84 0.01517 0.0543 73.38
2 15 1.0255 21.2500 -2.25 23.50 3.179 74.70 19.59 13.082 6.54 0.01517 0.0388 68.97
3 15 1.0230 18.7500 -2.25 21.00 3.179 66.75 17.09 13.492 4.50 0.01517 0.0322 61.64
4 15 1.0205 16.2500 -2.25 18.50 3.178 58.80 14.59 13.902 3.48 0.01508 0.0281 54.30
8 15 1.0190 14.7500 -2.25 17.00 3.178 54.03 13.09 14.148 1.77 0.01508 0.0201 49.89
15 15 1.0170 12.7500 -2.25 15.00 3.179 47.68 11.09 14.476 0.97 0.01517 0.0149 44.03
30 15 1.0150 10.7500 -2.25 13.00 3.179 41.32 9.09 14.804 0.49 0.01517 0.0107 38.16
60 15 1.0125 8.2500 -2.25 10.50 3.179 33.38 6.59 15.214 0.25 0.01525 0.0077 30.82
120 15 1.011 6.7500 -2.25 9.00 3.179 28.61 5.09 15.460 0.13 0.01525 0.0055 26.42
240 13 1.009 4.7500 -2.25 7.00 3.179 22.25 2.37 15.906 0.07 0.01525 0.0039 20.55
1440 12 1.007 2.7500 -2.25 5.00 3.179 15.90 0.01 16.293 0.01 0.01525 0.0016 14.68
Mass & Soil Lab Pvt. Ltd.
Imadol, Lalitpur
Wt. of Cont.
Wt. of Cont. + Wt. of Water Wt. of Empty Wt. of Dry Soil Moisture
Sample No. Depth, m +
Wet Soil (gm) (gm) Container (gm) (gm) Content (%)
Dry Soil (gm)
Water Content %
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
No. of Blows
Water Content %
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
No. of Blows
Water Content %
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
No. of Blows
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 266.15
Wt. of mould (gm) 107.09
Density (gm/cm3) 1.77
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 132.12
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 117.32
Wt of cont.(gm) 32.21
Wt of dry soil(gm) 85.11
Wt of water (gm) 14.80
M/C, % : 17.39
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 1.00 2.01 4.00 8.06 2.00 4.03
50.00 2.00 4.03 6.00 12.08 3.00 6.04
75.00 3.00 6.04 7.50 15.10 5.00 10.07
100.00 6.00 12.08 8.50 17.12 7.00 14.10
125.00 7.00 14.10 9.50 19.13 9.00 18.13
150.00 9.00 18.13 10.50 21.15 11.00 22.15
175.00 11.00 22.15 11.00 22.15 13.00 26.18
200.00 13.00 26.18 12.00 24.17 14.00 28.19
225.00 15.00 30.21 12.50 25.17 15.00 30.21
250.00 17.00 34.24 13.00 26.18 16.50 33.23
275.00 19.00 38.26 16.00 32.22 23.00 46.32
300.00 20.00 40.28 19.00 38.26 25.00 50.35
325.00 21.00 42.29 23.00 46.32 27.00 54.38
350.00 20.00 40.28 25.00 50.35 28.00 56.39
375.00 26.00 52.36 31.00 62.43
400.00 25.00 50.35 34.00 68.47
500.00 36.00 72.50
600.00 34.00 68.47
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
75 y = 0.2014x + 32.222
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 32.22 KN/m2
Φ 11.39 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 267.98
Wt. of mould (gm) 107.09
Density (gm/cm3) 1.79
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 119.00
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 106.23
Wt of cont.(gm) 34.16
Wt of dry soil(gm) 72.07
Wt of water (gm) 12.77
M/C, % : 17.72
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 1.00 2.01 1.00 2.01 3.00 6.04
50.00 2.00 4.03 3.00 6.04 5.00 10.07
75.00 3.00 6.04 5.00 10.07 7.00 14.10
100.00 5.00 10.07 6.00 12.08 8.00 16.11
125.00 8.00 16.11 8.00 16.11 10.00 20.14
150.00 9.00 18.13 9.00 18.13 12.00 24.17
175.00 12.00 24.17 10.00 20.14 13.50 27.19
200.00 14.00 28.19 11.00 22.15 15.00 30.21
225.00 16.00 32.22 12.00 24.17 18.00 36.25
250.00 19.00 38.26 14.00 28.19 20.00 40.28
275.00 21.00 42.29 16.00 32.22 22.00 44.31
300.00 22.00 44.31 18.00 36.25 25.00 50.35
325.00 21.00 42.29 21.00 42.29 28.00 56.39
350.00 24.00 48.33 31.00 62.43
375.00 28.00 56.39 34.00 68.47
400.00 27.00 54.38 36.00 72.50
500.00 35.00 70.49
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
75 y = 0.1841x + 36.25
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 36.25 KN/m2
Φ 10.43 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 271.13
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.51
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 133.25
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 123.19
Wt of cont.(gm) 59.32
Wt of dry soil(gm) 50.17
Wt of water (gm) 10.06
M/C, % : 20.05
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 2.00 4.03 2.00 4.03 3.00 6.04
50.00 3.00 6.04 4.00 8.06 4.00 8.06
75.00 4.00 8.06 5.00 10.07 6.00 12.08
100.00 6.00 12.08 6.00 12.08 8.00 16.11
125.00 6.00 12.08 8.00 16.11 11.00 22.15
150.00 7.00 14.10 9.00 18.13 15.00 30.21
175.00 9.00 18.13 11.00 22.15 16.00 32.22
200.00 10.00 20.14 13.00 26.18 18.00 36.25
225.00 14.00 28.19 15.00 30.21 19.50 39.27
250.00 15.00 30.21 17.00 34.24 21.00 42.29
275.00 17.00 34.24 18.00 36.25 23.00 46.32
300.00 18.00 36.25 21.00 42.29 24.00 48.33
325.00 17.00 34.24 20.00 40.28 24.50 49.34
350.00 27.00 54.38
375.00 29.50 59.41
400.00 29.00 58.40
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
60 y = 0.1568x + 27.691
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 27.69 KN/m2
Φ 8.91 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 273.16
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.53
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 188.16
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 160.36
Wt of cont.(gm) 41.12
Wt of dry soil(gm) 119.24
Wt of water (gm) 27.80
M/C, % : 23.31
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 2.00 4.03 4.00 8.06 4.00 8.06
50.00 4.00 8.06 7.00 14.10 7.00 14.10
75.00 5.00 10.07 11.00 22.15 9.00 18.13
100.00 6.00 12.08 14.00 28.19 11.00 22.15
125.00 7.00 14.10 17.00 34.24 13.00 26.18
150.00 9.00 18.13 19.00 38.26 14.00 28.19
175.00 11.00 22.15 20.00 40.28 15.00 30.21
200.00 14.00 28.19 22.00 44.31 16.50 33.23
225.00 15.00 30.21 24.00 48.33 23.00 46.32
250.00 17.00 34.24 26.00 52.36 25.00 50.35
275.00 19.00 38.26 28.00 56.39 27.00 54.38
300.00 18.00 36.25 27.00 54.38 28.00 56.39
325.00 30.00 60.42
350.00 32.00 64.44
375.00 34.00 68.47
400.00 36.00 72.50
500.00 34.00 68.47
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
75 y = 0.2187x + 30.208
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 30.21 KN/m2
Φ 12.33 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 272.36
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.52
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 180.16
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 159.63
Wt of cont.(gm) 56.21
Wt of dry soil(gm) 103.42
Wt of water (gm) 20.53
M/C, % : 19.85
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 2.00 4.03 1.00 2.01 2.00 4.03
50.00 3.00 6.04 3.00 6.04 5.00 10.07
75.00 5.00 10.07 5.00 10.07 7.00 14.10
100.00 6.00 12.08 6.00 12.08 8.00 16.11
125.00 7.00 14.10 8.00 16.11 10.00 20.14
150.00 8.00 16.11 9.00 18.13 12.00 24.17
175.00 9.00 18.13 10.00 20.14 13.50 27.19
200.00 10.50 21.15 11.00 22.15 15.00 30.21
225.00 12.00 24.17 12.00 24.17 18.00 36.25
250.00 16.00 32.22 14.00 28.19 20.00 40.28
275.00 18.00 36.25 16.00 32.22 22.00 44.31
300.00 17.00 34.24 18.00 36.25 25.00 50.35
325.00 21.00 42.29 28.00 56.39
350.00 24.00 48.33 31.00 62.43
375.00 26.00 52.36 30.00 60.42
400.00 25.00 50.35 33.00 66.46
500.00 35.00 70.49
600.00 33.00 66.46
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
75 y = 0.2215x + 27.188
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 27.19 KN/m2
Φ 12.49 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 271.39
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.51
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 136.25
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 122.20
Wt of cont.(gm) 60.12
Wt of dry soil(gm) 62.08
Wt of water (gm) 14.05
M/C, % : 22.63
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 1.00 2.01 2.00 4.03 4.00 8.06
50.00 2.00 4.03 4.00 8.06 6.00 12.08
75.00 3.00 6.04 5.00 10.07 8.00 16.11
100.00 4.00 8.06 6.00 12.08 9.00 18.13
125.00 5.00 10.07 8.00 16.11 10.00 20.14
150.00 6.00 12.08 9.00 18.13 12.00 24.17
175.00 6.00 12.08 11.00 22.15 13.50 27.19
200.00 7.00 14.10 13.00 26.18 15.00 30.21
225.00 9.00 18.13 15.00 30.21 16.00 32.22
250.00 10.00 20.14 17.00 34.24 18.00 36.25
275.00 14.00 28.19 18.00 36.25 19.50 39.27
300.00 17.00 34.24 20.00 40.28 23.00 46.32
325.00 18.00 36.25 24.00 48.33 28.00 56.39
350.00 17.00 34.24 27.00 54.38 31.00 62.43
375.00 26.00 52.36 37.00 74.51
400.00 35.00 70.49
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
y = 0.2474x + 26.181
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 26.18 KN/m2
Φ 13.9 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 272.36
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.52
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 187.02
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 163.96
Wt of cont.(gm) 69.23
Wt of dry soil(gm) 94.73
Wt of water (gm) 23.06
M/C, % : 24.34
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 1.00 2.01 4.00 8.06 2.00 4.03
50.00 2.00 4.03 6.00 12.08 3.00 6.04
75.00 3.00 6.04 7.50 15.10 5.00 10.07
100.00 6.00 12.08 8.50 17.12 7.00 14.10
125.00 7.00 14.10 9.50 19.13 9.00 18.13
150.00 9.00 18.13 10.50 21.15 11.00 22.15
175.00 11.00 22.15 11.00 22.15 13.00 26.18
200.00 14.00 28.19 12.00 24.17 14.00 28.19
225.00 15.00 30.21 12.50 25.17 15.00 30.21
250.00 17.00 34.24 13.00 26.18 16.50 33.23
275.00 19.00 38.26 16.00 32.22 19.00 38.26
300.00 18.00 36.25 19.00 38.26 23.00 46.32
325.00 23.00 46.32 25.00 50.35
350.00 26.00 52.36 28.00 56.39
375.00 28.00 56.39 31.00 62.43
400.00 34.00 68.47
500.00 37.00 74.51
600.00 36.00 72.50
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
y = 0.233x + 29.201
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 29.2 KN/m2
Φ 13.12 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 269.00
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.48
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 181.32
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 156.15
Wt of cont.(gm) 55.32
Wt of dry soil(gm) 100.83
Wt of water (gm) 25.17
M/C, % : 24.96
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 1.00 2.01 1.00 2.01 3.00 6.04
50.00 2.00 4.03 3.00 6.04 8.00 16.11
75.00 3.00 6.04 5.00 10.07 10.00 20.14
100.00 5.00 10.07 6.00 12.08 12.00 24.17
125.00 6.00 12.08 8.00 16.11 13.50 27.19
150.00 7.00 14.10 9.00 18.13 15.00 30.21
175.00 8.00 16.11 10.00 20.14 18.00 36.25
200.00 9.00 18.13 11.00 22.15 20.00 40.28
225.00 10.50 21.15 12.00 24.17 22.00 44.31
250.00 12.00 24.17 14.00 28.19 25.00 50.35
275.00 16.00 32.22 16.00 32.22 28.00 56.39
300.00 19.00 38.26 18.00 36.25 31.00 62.43
325.00 18.00 36.25 21.00 42.29 34.00 68.47
350.00 24.00 48.33 36.00 72.50
375.00 27.00 54.38 37.00 74.51
400.00 26.00 52.36 34.00 68.47
500.00 33.00 66.46
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
y = 0.2359x + 28.194
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 28.19 KN/m2
Φ 13.27 Degree
Direct Shear Test {IS : 2720 ( Part 13 ) - 1986}
Detailed soil investigation Report of Buiding Site, Dewanganj-06, Jirogwa, Sunsari.
Test No. 1 1 2 3
Wt. of Mould + sample (gm) 273.49
Wt. of mould (gm) 135.63
Density (gm/cm3) 1.53
Weight of cont. + wet soil (gm) 161.26
Weight of cont. + dry soil (gm) 142.23
Wt of cont.(gm) 59.32
Wt of dry soil(gm) 82.91
Wt of water (gm) 19.03
M/C, % : 22.95
Normal Load 50 kN/m² Normal Load 100.0 kN/m² Normal Load 200.0 kN/m²
Horiz. Dial Reading (x
Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Shear Stress Load Ring Dial Reading Shear Stress KN/m²
Reading KN/m² Reading KN/m²
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25.00 2.00 4.03 5.00 10.07 7.00 14.10
50.00 5.00 10.07 8.00 16.11 9.00 18.13
75.00 6.00 12.08 9.00 18.13 12.00 24.17
100.00 6.00 12.08 11.00 22.15 13.50 27.19
125.00 7.00 14.10 13.00 26.18 15.00 30.21
150.00 9.00 18.13 15.00 30.21 16.00 32.22
175.00 10.00 20.14 17.00 34.24 18.00 36.25
200.00 14.00 28.19 18.00 36.25 19.50 39.27
225.00 15.00 30.21 20.00 40.28 23.00 46.32
250.00 17.00 34.24 22.00 44.31 28.00 56.39
275.00 19.00 38.26 24.00 48.33 31.00 62.43
300.00 18.00 36.25 28.00 56.39 37.00 74.51
325.00 27.00 54.38 42.00 84.58
350.00 25.50 51.35 40.00 80.56
Shear Stress, KN/sq.m
90 y = 0.305x + 24.167
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
C 24.17 KN/m2
Φ 16.96 Degree