Integrated Business Process Management in Contemporary Enterprises - A Challenge or A Necessity?
Integrated Business Process Management in Contemporary Enterprises - A Challenge or A Necessity?
Integrated Business Process Management in Contemporary Enterprises - A Challenge or A Necessity?
ABSTRACT The progressing globalization processes and new technological solutions require the organiza-
tion to constantly adapt to changes taking place in the environment. More and more compa-
nies implement process management, both at the strategic and operational levels, considering
the project and knowledge perspective. The article aims to show the usefulness of building the
concept of integrated process management, based on the triad: processes, projects, knowl-
edge in modern enterprises. The following research methods and techniques were used in the
article: analysis of the literature on the subject, comparative analysis of the results of research
carried out in the world, and the effects of own research carried out in Poland. The research has
shown that usefulness of integrated business process management is ensured by the coordina-
tion of processes and links with strategic and operational assumptions, synergies of processes,
projects, and knowledge. Such a solution can help the organization and transformation pro-
cesses in the effective implementation of the strategy.
KEY WORDS: business process management, projects, knowledge, integrated business process management. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
375 Vol.16 Issue 4 2022 374-386 Stanisław Brzeziński, Agnieszka Bitkowska
2021; Lee & Suh, 2022; Liu & Li, 2021; Martínez et process management in response to the changing
al., 2022; Skare & Soriano, 2021; Štemberger et al., requirements of the environment (Bandara et al.,
2009;). The development of digital transformation, 2011; Jeston & Nelis, 2014; Malinova & Mendling,
especially 4G technology and currently 5G, and 2018).
collecting data in a computing cloud causes enter- The main research question is formulated as:
prises to analyze business processes using machine how do contemporary organizations implement
learning algorithms. Artificial intelligence competes integrated business process management? The ar-
with classic solutions in the field of process optimi- ticle aims to identify and indicate usefulness of the
zation (Staniewski & Nurudeen, 2019; Szopiński concept of integrated process management based on
& Staniewski, 2017; Wodecki, 2019, 2020;). Such empirical research carried out in Poland compared
conditions of a dynamically changing environment to selected research results in the world. The paper
require introducing new solutions through a project presents the results of a survey conducted in 2020
approach (Trocki, 2018; Wyrozębski, 2014, 2019). on a sample of 120 enterprises. The considerations
Concerning economic processes, projects to imple- in the article and the effects of theoretical and em-
ment the strategy assumptions to the process model pirical works presented in the article may constitute
of the enterprise are used (Nowosielski, 2018). The guidelines for the managerial staff in building inte-
project approach is also used to implement process grated process management. The issues presented in
management and improve processes, introducing the report have both cognitive and practical value.
new innovative solutions, including digital innova-
tions (Gross et al., 2020; Mendling et al., 2020; Sliż, 2. Theoretical Background
2021;). Under these conditions, an appropriate ap-
proach to knowledge management, its use or dis- 2.1. A Triad of Processes-Projects-Knowledge
semination is applicable (Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018; Recent changes in the environment take place
Brzeziński, 2015; Glinkowska, 2017; Staniewski, dynamically and include, among others, the
2008, 2016a, 2016b). Hence, it is justified for pro- fourth technological revolution (Industry 4.0),
cess management to be an integrator of all activities the development of technologies in the field of
carried out in the enterprise, involving manage- artificial intelligence (AI), or process automation
ment concepts and methods based on the process (Robotic Process Automation - RPA), which
approach (Nowosielski, 2018). The insufficient determines the functioning of modern enterprises
publications in the Polish literature on the issues of (Sliż, 2019; Swanson, 2019). Factors influencing
integrated process management indicate the need the evolution of process management also include
to consider both theoretical and practical. As em- strong customer-oriented needs and expectations,
phasized by S. Nowosielski (2018), in practice, more their impact on the course of processes, process
than in theory, attempts are made to comprehen- variability and configuration depending on the
sively approach project and process management in dynamic environment, advanced technologies
introducing organizational changes. used to implement and improve processes
The discussed issues of business process manage- (Antonucci & Goeke, 2011; Cruz-Cárdenas et
ment in the context of the emerging new challenges al., 2019; Di Ciccio et al., 2019 Jędrzejczyk &
of the knowledge-based economy in relation to Brzeziński, 2021; Malinova & Mendling, 2018;
modern enterprises are worth scientific exploration Rosemann & Vom Brocke, 2015). Introducing
and require a new look at the methods and tools these solutions requires introducing changes,
used in enterprises from the perspective of integrat- which is most often implemented in accordance
ed process management. The issues in dynamically with the design approach, based on appropriate
changing environmental conditions are insuffi- knowledge resources and modern IT tools such
ciently explored and presented in foreign and Polish as Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, or
publications. There is a lack of both theoretical and Internet of Things (El Ghalbzouri & El Bouhdidi,
empirical scientific studies on integrated business 2022; Mohamad et al., 2022; Paschek et al., 2018). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
377 Vol.16 Issue 4 2022 374-386 Stanisław Brzeziński, Agnieszka Bitkowska
2.3. Building Integrated Business Process Manage- the construction of mechanisms and tools conducive to
ment strengthening the integration of process management with
In the approach to building integrated process manage- other concepts based on the process approach, namely,
ment, the following stages of transformation from classical hard solutions. It should be emphasized that an important
to integrated process management were assumed, includ- role is played by the soft aspects, that is, culture and em-
ing four successive stages: internal integration, harmoni- ployees, constituting the capital of the organization, which
zation and standardization, coordination, and external in- are the carrier of organizational knowledge (Hrabal et al.,
tegration (Bitkowska, 2019) (Table 2). Integrated business 2021; Schmiedel, et al., 2020;). Hence, the key role of em-
process management should be considered multidimen- ployees should be aimed at meeting the needs and moni-
sionally through basic levels, which include: structure and toring of external and internal customer satisfaction and
culture, technologies and tools, strategic fit, order, meth- generating improvements that increase the share of intel-
ods, and human resources (Bitkowska, 2019; Gudelj et al., ligent processes in the organization's process architecture
2021; Helbin & van Looy, 2017). The key issue concerns (Dumas et al., 2013; Schmiedel et al., 2019).
Table 1
Phases in Integrated Business Process Management
Table 2
Stages in Integrated Business Process Management
3. Building an Integrated Business material allowing to assess the validity of the solutions
Process Management - The Results of presented in this article. The main research was car-
Empirical Research in the World and ried out with the use of a questionnaire, which was
in Poland addressed to specialists in the field of process manage-
ment from various industries, such as, production, lo-
3.1. Research Method gistics, energy, banking, education, public administra-
Business process management is of interest to both tion, and enterprises of different sizes: small, medium
academics and practitioners. The number of research and large. The survey instrument was constructed
studies and areas of analysis in the discussed issue is based on the literature review. The research was con-
increasing, while there is no comprehensive research ducted in the first quarter of 2020 in Poland among
in the field of integrated business process manage- 121 process-oriented enterprises.
ment. The obtained research results were analyzed consid-
The conducted analysis of empirical research in- ering selected categories appearing in the record, such
cludes the results of research carried out cyclically in as the size of the enterprise or the scope of activity. The
the world as part of BPM Trends and own research. presented conclusions will constitute guidelines for
The research in the world was carried out in 2020 on the proposition of further research directions and will
a sample of 129 enterprises, while the research in Po- give the trends taking place in process-oriented enter-
land was carried out in 2021 and covered 120 enter- prises. The research goals adopted in work required
prises. The first part presents a comparative analysis the selection of a research method and the construc-
of a study conducted abroad and in Poland. On the tion of a research tool allowing for the collection of
other hand, the second part presents the results of own empirical material. The research used the method of
research, pointing to the benefits and barriers in build- a diagnostic survey based on the questionnaire tech-
ing integrated process management in enterprises op- nique, where the research tool was a questionnaire
erating in Poland. developed for this study.
The analysis of the current state of knowledge and
the issues of process management allowed us to iden- 3.2. Research Method
tify the methods, tools, and approaches used in enter- The surveyed companies, both in the world and in
prises in response to contemporary challenges of the Poland, undertook many initiatives in business pro-
environment. The main goal was to assess the current cess management related to adapting to the changing
state of implementation of the method of transforma- environmental conditions (Table 3). The solutions
tion towards integrated process management in enter- concerned the introduction of new technological
prises (the triad of processes-project-knowledge). The solutions supporting the process approach. The re-
implementation of this intention was to fill the existing spondents indicated the need to use cloud computing
knowledge gap in this area and to present empirical solutions (47.00% in the world, 20.00% in Poland),
Table 3
Technological Solutions Used in the Surveyed Enterprises
Source: Harmon & Garcia (2020); results of own research conducted in 2020 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
379 Vol.16 Issue 4 2022 374-386 Stanisław Brzeziński, Agnieszka Bitkowska
or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) (38.00% in the business processes and training process managers was
world, 15.00% in Poland), artificial intelligence (20, particularly important. Initiatives to coordinate changes
00% in the world, 4.00% in Poland). The research re- in processes, improvement of process architecture, and
sults indicate that enterprises invest in developing the undertaking serious projects and process automation
latest technological solutions enabling the more efficient was important.
implementation of processes and processed data. In Pol- The research results in the world and Poland indicate
ish enterprises, the implementation of these solutions is an increase in the design approach in process-oriented
only just beginning. organizations, which results from the requirements re-
Changes taking place in the environment determine lated to adaptation to the changes in the environment
the initiatives implemented by process-oriented enter- (Table 5). It is essential to use the knowledge needed for
prises (Table 4). Enterprises in the world mainly imple- implementation and initiate new projects. 56.00% in
mented projects in the field of undertaking projects the world, 43.00% of respondents in Poland stated that
related to the reorganization of processes, development their companies are involved in the implementation of
of process architecture, coordination of changes in busi- many projects (project portfolio), 29% - that in a limited
ness processes, and projects in the field of process auto- number of them, and 23% - that their management has
mation. When analyzing the dynamism in the presented undertaken significant activities related to the involve-
research concerning the process architecture, it should ment of newly established project initiatives. Research
be emphasized that the fundamental processes under- respondents around the world emphasize that their in-
went the most significant changes. In contrast, the aux- volvement in the implementation of larger projects is
iliary and management processes functioned without growing because more than 50 projects are mainly car-
significant deviations. In relation to Polish enterprises, ried out by large companies from North America and
developing a system for measuring the efficiency of Europe.
Table 4
Implementation of Process Initiatives in the Surveyed Enterprises
Source: Harmon & Garcia (2020); results of own research conducted in 2020
Table 5
Process Initiatives Implemented in the Surveyed Companies
Source: Harmon & Garcia (2020); results of own research conducted in 2020
Table 6
Organization of the Approach to Project Management in the Surveyed Enterprises
Source: Harmon & Garcia (2020); results of own research conducted in 2020
The organizational aspect of project management modern enterprises through internal adaptation to dy-
is also important because managers mostly do the namic changes taking place on the market, internal or-
initiation and implementation of projects (26.00% in dering, and building relationships with stakeholders.
the world, 34.00% in Poland, department managers
(24.00% in the world, 28.00% in Poland), top man- 3.3. Prerequisites for Building Integrated Business
agement (13.00% in the world, 19.00% in Poland) or Process Management - Results of Own Research
a process management office (13.00% in the world, in Poland
18.00% in Poland) (Table 6) The most important role A reasonable solution is the implementation of inte-
in the approach to project management, both in Po- gration activities in an evolutionary manner using the
land and in the world, is played by department man- stages of transformation of business process manage-
agers and managers. Project initiatives were observed ment towards process management. Such an approach
through the process or project offices. will allow for smooth changes, although the path to
The presented research results show that process- consistency is lengthy and requires consistency and
oriented enterprises undertake many activities to persistence for management and employees. In our
improve their activities through the use of process study carried out in Poland in 2020, respondents de-
management and the implementation of an increasing fined the level of integration of the concept of process,
number of projects, including the implementation of project, and knowledge management in the form of
technological solutions. In this situation, knowledge successive stages of integrated process management.
resources are also necessary to implement projects ef- Stage 1 - Coordinated management concepts operate
fectively. It is also essential to define the process archi- separately in the same organization (22.13%), stage
tecture and its improvement through design activities, 2 - Common elements of individual management
based on the knowledge of employees, customers, and, concepts are identified (e.g., process management
above all, changes in the environment. The model's and knowledge management in terms of technology,
usefulness has been confirmed by its application for resources) (31.97%), stage 3 - Identified common el- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
381 Vol.16 Issue 4 2022 374-386 Stanisław Brzeziński, Agnieszka Bitkowska
ements characteristic of many concepts are properly dents also indicated the progress of the company's
coordinated (34.43%), stage 4 - An integrated manage- image and more efficient implementation of changes.
ment system is in place, which includes common ele- Moreover, the respondents pointed to difficulties
ments from all selected systems (17.21%). resulting from the construction of integrated process
The respondents were asked about the benefits of management (Table 8), which mainly included: lack
introducing integrated process management (Table of proper preparation of employees, difficulties in un-
7). They mainly indicated: organizing activities and derstanding and applying integrated process manage-
processes, the possibility of continuous improvement, ment, as well as the excessive formalization of docu-
standardization of documentation, better information mentation and barriers to the integration of systems
flow, and the creation of good practices. The respon- based on the process approach.
Table 7
Benefits of Integrated Business Process Management in the Surveyed Enterprises, Taking Into Account the Number of Employees
Table 8
Limitations of Integrated Business Process Management in the Surveyed Enterprises, Taking Into Account the Number of Employees This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
383 Vol.16 Issue 4 2022 374-386 Stanisław Brzeziński, Agnieszka Bitkowska
aration of planned activities in a design perspective. multi-dimensional face of integrated business pro-
Under these conditions, it is necessary to take the cess management. The issues raised in the context of
following actions: the emerging new challenges of the knowledge-based
• looking for opportunities in the digitization of economy in relation to modern enterprises are worth
processes through the implementation of projects to further scientific exploration and require a new look
be related to the organization's strategy, at the methods and tools used in enterprises from the
• implementation of advanced technologies and perspective of integrated business process management.
development of the necessary skills of employees re- The issues of integrated business process management in
lated to their operation and maintenance, dynamically changing environmental conditions fill the
• implementation of projects and initiatives to gap in the field of both theoretical and empirical scientif-
improve customer satisfaction (through the cus- ic studies. Attempts to identify relations within the pro-
tomer experience approach, customer journey) to cess-projects-knowledge triad should be explored in the
undertake more comprehensive cooperation with aspect of empirical research. Making managers aware
the customer, of the relationship in relation to the three above-men-
• creating a toolkit for improving the methodol- tioned factors may significantly affect the functioning
ogy, from Lean analysis and processes to automation of enterprises and the implementation of strategic goals.
technologies, The key will be to define the relationship between the
• employee involvement in the implementation three interdependent categories and the strength of their
of changes and improvement of their skills. interaction. The analysis of the literature on the subject
The analysis of the literature on the subject and the indicates the need for further scientific and research ex-
research procedure carried out in the work deepens ploration in this subject. The issues of interoperability
the scientific knowledge and fills the research gap in process management, project management as well as
in the field of building integrated process manage- other management concepts from a knowledge perspec-
ment in contemporary organizations, with particu- tive require further research and broader discussion.
lar emphasis on Polish enterprises in comparison to There is also a lack of broader analyzes of the ways and
foreign ones. In the literature on the subject, the re- methods of integrating process management with other
search was carried out in a fragmentary manner and management concepts, including project management
related to selected areas of business process manage- and knowledge management. This area requires further
ment, but not to the full extent of integrated business in-depth literature and empirical research. Future con-
process management. In addition, the work indicates cept research and the answer to the question: How will
and describes the current scientific achievements in organizations implement new technological solutions in
the target of research, which is integrated process the context of integrated business process management
management and the ways of its evolution and inter- seem justified? The discussed issues will continue to be
action with other management concepts. the field of scientific and pragmatic considerations and
inquiries of many contemporary researchers and prac-
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