Demography of Pakistan Set 1
Demography of Pakistan Set 1
Demography of Pakistan Set 1
1. According to 1998 Census the total population increased over the last census
held in 1981 by:
A. 44.98%
B. 54.98%
C. 64.98%
D. 74.98%
Answer: B
2. The 1998 Census showed the average growth rate of ______ as against 3.06%
during 1972-81.
A. 0.61%
o m
B. 1.61%
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C. 2.61% te
D. 3.61%
Answer: C
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3. According to 1998 Census there is a decline in the rate of population growth in
all areas except:
A. Islamabad
C. Northern Areas
D. None of the above
Answer: A
7. According to 1998 Census which area has the lowest urban proportion:
A. Islamabad
C. Northern Areas
D. None of above
Answer: B
11. The least urbanized province is the NWFP where only ______ of the people
dwell in the urban centers.
A. 13.9%
B. 14.9%
C. 15.9%
D. 16.9%
Answer: D
12. According to the 1998 Census, the urban population in Balochistan has
increased from 15.6% in 1981 to ______.
A. 10.3%
B. 13.3%
C. 23.3%
D. 30.3%
Answer: C
13. According to 1998 Census, the biggest city is Karachi with a total population of
A. 5.269 m
B. 9.269 m
C. 10.269 m
D. 6.269 m
Answer: B
14. According to 1998 Census, the second biggest city is Lahore with a total
population of:
A. 5.063 m
B. 4.063 m
C. 3.063 m
15. Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad account for ______ of the total urban
population of Pakistan.
A. 28.4%
B. 38.4%
C. 48.4%
D. 10.84%
Answer: B
17. Sindh is the most urbanized province, where ______ of the population is living
in urban areas.
A. 38.9%
B. 48.9%
C. 58.9%
D. 28.9%
Answer: B
18. The Balochistan population has also a nominal fall from 5.1% to:
A. 2.0
B. 3.1%
C. 4.1%
D. 5.0%
Answer: D
19. The sex ratio is slightly higher in urban areas because of:
A. economic reasons
B. social reasons
C. political reasons
20. The rural share of population has fallen from 71.7% to:
A. 69.5%
B. 67.5%
C. 65.5%
D. 62.5%
Answer: B
21. In 1981, Pakistan was the worlds ninth most populous country and in 1998
A. Tenth
B. Eighth
C. Sixth
D. Seventh
Answer: D
23. The urban population growth rate is 3.45%, whereas the rural population
growth rate is:
A. 1.24%
B. 2.24%
C. 3.24%
D. 4.24%
Answer: B
25. According to the 1998 Census, the total population of Pakistan is 130.5 m. It
was ______ in 1981.
A. 64.2 m
B. 70.2 m
C. 74.2 m
D. 80.2 m
Answer: A