Telaah THT
Telaah THT
Telaah THT
Introduction patient survival have been achieved since the time of Sir Joseph
Lister, Bt., a British surgeon and pioneer of antiseptic surgery,
The late 21st century witnessed advancement in endoscopic through the use of numerous innovations in preoperative
sinus surgery (ESS), from technological evolutions in fiber-optic planning, intraoperative procedures and postoperative analysis
endoscopy to medical imaging and computer aided surgery. ESS of surgical procedures, in particular, the use of MIS. At the turn
has gained growing popularity with indications expanding beyond of the 20th and 21st century, a new developmental incentive in
rhino sinusitis to include tumors, developmental malformations, surgery emerged with the advent of 3D-visualization of anatomy
skull base pathologies, orbital pathologies and management and pathology and differential-color imaging of various tissues,
of facial fractures. Preoperative high-resolution computed consistent with transparency difference (pixels) on digital 2D-256-
tomography (HRCT) scan is essential in providing the surgical level-gray medical diagnostic [4].
map for surgeon [1, 2]. In addition of being a diagnostic imaging
Variable preoperative CT checklists were published in literature
technique, it gives valuable information about origin, nature and
in order to standardize radiological reporting and assess surgical
extension of the pathology to adjacent structures. Furthermore,
planning. However, those lists have rarely been utilized which
areas with bone dehiscence that required attention can be
is very likely due to complexity, deficiencies and low clinical
identified preoperatively. Moreover, preoperative review of CT
applicability [5].
scan is crucial in order to understand nature and epicentre of the
pathology along with the contributing factors in order to perform Sinusitis is the swelling of the nasal sinuses or passages. It is
successful and complete surgery with low risk for complications sometimes called a sinus infection. A person with sinusitis may
[3]. Since the very beginning of this most prestigious field of have the following symptoms:
medicine, surgeons all over the world have always tended to
1. Pressure around the nose, eyes, or forehead
conceive and then implement perfect, ideal conditions in the OR.
Improved conditions in surgical practice and considerably longer 2. A stuffy nose
3. Thick and discoloured nasal drainage sinus, sphenoid sinus, anterior skull base, anterior ethmoidal
artery, lamina papyracea, bony margins of sinuses, orbit, brain
4. A cough
and nasopharynx [10]. However, the description of the pathology
5. Head congestion and headaches was not included in the report.
6. Bad-tasting post-nasal drip
7. Blocked ears or changes in hearing
Preoperative CT checklist for endoscopic sinus surgery improves
Types of sinus surgeries surgeon understanding of the anatomy, nature of the disease
and helps planning the surgery. The checklist aids to organize
There are several types of sinus surgeries: the process of interpretation of CT scans and avoids missing
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS): This is the most significant findings. In addition, it improves young resident’s
common type of sinus surgery. This surgery widens the drainage knowledge and helps to build up their surgical concept. However,
passages between your nose and your sinuses, removing bone careful reviewing of preoperative images with radiologist is
or infected tissue so mucus trapped in your sinuses can get out. crucial and can help to address critical anatomical areas in order
Healthcare providers use endoscopes to see inside of your nose to avoid complications. The ultimate goal of this innovative
and sinuses and guide the surgery. Endoscopes are thin tubes surgical procedure is to allow the presentation of virtual objects
with lights on the end. Healthcare providers may use an image- to all of the human senses in a way identical to their natural
guided system to do FESS [5]. In image-guided surgery, healthcare counterpart. This technique will enable surgeons to get complete
providers use computed tomography (CT) scans to “see” the and aware orientation in the operative field, where ‘overlapping’
inside of your sinuses. of the real and virtually created anatomic models is inevitable.
New ‘spatial experience’ in the OR must be comprehensively and
Balloon sinuplasty: Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive
correctly recognized in each segment of the operation. Precise
treatment for sinusitis. Healthcare providers use an endoscope
differentiation of pathology and normal soft tissue differences,
and catheter to guide a small balloon into your nose. They inflate
as well as fine bony details, in ideal conditions , are basic
the balloon to increase the passageway to your sinuses [6].
conditions in which our SW can be employed, integrating LM-
Caldwell Luc surgery: Healthcare providers may do this surgery controller with medical imaging systems only with ‘in the air’ real
when approaches that are more traditional haven’t resolved your control by surgeon’s hands. In this application, it is very easy to
sinus issues. In this surgery, providers make a new opening from integrate real and 3D-virtual objects (with high rendering speed
your maxillary sinus the sinus cavity behind your cheek to your without reducing visual quality), making it necessary to present
nose so mucus can drain from your sinus cavities [7]. and manipulate them simultaneously in a single scene1, with
development of hybrid systems referred to as AR systems, or
Discussion similar. Patients should be inspected by dentists carefully when
the patient has symptoms rather than sinusitis-like symptoms,
Literature review showed four relevant published checklists;
the possibility of OMS should always be considered. Dental
three in constructed forms and one within a text. Surgery
examination can help to determine whether a maxillary sinusitis
planning, radiology reporting template and resident education
has a dental origin, periodontitis and odontogenic radicular cysts
were within objectives. Martinez Del Pero and Philpott proposed
still are the most common causes comparing with iatrogenic
a preoperative CT checklist to evaluate paranasal sinuses [8].
factors. Patients treated with ESS showed better tolerance and
Anatomical structures were reviewed in coronal, axial and sagittal
fewer postsurgical complications. Not all patients with OMS
cuts to include: Frontal sinus, nasal septum, anterior ethmoid
including SDCT need definitely surgery whether ESS or intraoral
artery, uncinate process attachment, concha bullosa, Haller cells,
approach, removing dental focus followed with antibiotics would
hypoplastic maxillary sinus, ethmoid bulla, Keros classification,
be optimistic choice.
dehiscence of lamina papyracea, frontal recess, Onodi cells,
superior turbinate attachment to sphenoid face, dehiscence of In this way, three-way communication between the endocamera,
carotid artery and height of ethmoidal cells. The checklist did not VE-LP-monitors and the surgeon’s senses will provide active
consider description of the pathology or the complete boundaries virtual tracking, with detecting abnormal patterns in rhinologic
of the sinuses [9]. endoscopy (any model and/or virtual model of the surgical field
is defined as it actually exists in its natural surroundings of the
S Vaid, et al. published a radiological-reporting form for
surgical field).
preoperative CT in consideration of sinonasal surgical approach.
Anatomical structures and surgical relevance were explained and
illustrated with figures. These included septum, middle turbinate,
uncinate process, ostiomeatal complex, maxillary sinus, None
frontal sinus drainage pathway, frontal peak, Agger nasi cell,
frontoethmoidal cells, frontal sinus, anterior ethmoid cells, bulla Conflict of Interest
ethmoidalis, supraorbital cells, basal lamella, posterior ethmoid None
Journal of Universal Surgery
Vol. 10 No. 12: 82