5.dental Anomalies PDF
5.dental Anomalies PDF
5.dental Anomalies PDF
Case 1
radiograph showed
many impacted
1- Diagnose this condition.
– Malformed teeth
– Crowns of teeth show gemination
– Hooked roots
– Multiple dentigerous cysts
– Enamel hypoplasia
Case 3
This is a
radiograph of a
patient who has a
larger upper left
central incisor than
the right one.
Diagnose this condition.
Localized Macrodontia
(Macrodontia of a single tooth)
Case 13
A patient experienced
a significant difficulty
in extraction of
maxillary third molar
which was
unexpectedly joined
to its neighboring
1-Diagnose this condition.
2- What is the significance of this condition?
• Concrescence.
A patient presented by
an accessory cusp on
the occlusal surface
between the buccal
and lingual cusps of
the premolar
1-Diagnose this condition.
2- What is the significance of this condition?
• Dens Evaginatus
This tooth is
showing a
spherical enamel
projection at the
bifurcation area
Radiographic picture showing globule of enamel at the bifurcation
of buccal roots of maxillary second molar.
1-Diagnose this condition.
2- What is the nature of this condition?
● Enamel Pearl