Advertising 2023-24 v2
Advertising 2023-24 v2
Advertising 2023-24 v2
Unit 9: Characteristics and contexts in media and communication
In the media industry video adverts are a quick and easy way to promote a product in just 30 seconds (or
more). Current day adverts have become multi-dimensional and are in-sync across different platforms:
television, online, posters, social media etc.
Creative Agencies are now responsible for the development, delivery and creative content that you see
every day.
Although you are working in a team, you will be assessed on your individual contributions that you will be
evidenced in your online journal and observations by your tutors in class. You will be assessed on 6 areas
of criteria: Planning and production, Research, Context, Practical Skills, Presentation and Reflection and
1) Pre-production Folder – You will provide evidence for planning and production by
completing industry standard Pre-Production paperwork, whilst providing continuous
evaluation against your production aims and ambitions. DEADLINE: Friday 17th
November 2023 @4:30pm
2) Advert Package (Video Advert and print bus back poster) – You will evidence your
presentation skills by creating a range of advertising materials that will be used in
your pitch presentation. You will also upload your final advert materials to the
presentation section of your online journal. DEADLINE: Friday 8th December 2023 @
3) Pitch Presentation – You will provide context to your work by pitching your
campaign and presenting your final advert package to a panel of your tutors and
peers. DEADLINE: Tuesday 12th December 2023 @9:00am
4) Online Journal – You will evidence ongoing research, practical skills and reflection
and evaluation in the form of an online journal. DEADLINE: Tuesday 2nd January
2023 @ 4:30pm
You must produce a physical pre-production folder to support the development of your project. Your
folder should include a selection of the following relevant paperwork:
Your tutors will review and assess your paperwork before you start production. All paperwork should be
approved before production begins.
You should upload a copy of each document to the Planning and production section of your Online Journal
along with relevant context and evaluation to support the documentation included.
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
Ineffective planning and Evidence of effective Coherent and reasoned Detailed and coherent self-
little or no evaluation planning and evaluation planning, subject directed planning and
against aims. Task or tasks against aims that have engagement and negotiation, subject
are incomplete. contributed to a commitment. Realistic engagement and
satisfactory completion of evaluation against aims commitment.
the task or tasks. and efficient production Continuous evaluation
against timescales. against aims and efficient
production against
1) 120 second (2 minute) video advert – Working in small groups, you will plan, film and edit a 120
second (2 minute) advert for John Lewis’ Christmas campaign. The narrative and content of the
advert is completely up to you but your advert must contain the following:
• Your video must be exactly 120 seconds (2 minutes) in length – no more or less.
• Your product must also follow and adhere to CAP codes and ASA standards.
• Your product must show a clear consideration of your target audience
2) A bus back print poster – You will also produce a print advert that can be physically displayed to
the general public to support your campaign via a bus back poster. Your print products should
• The John Lewis Name/Logo and memorable tagline
• The posters must consider codes and conventions of print advertising and be consistent with the
theme, tone and style of your campaign.
• All images must be original and self-produced.
You will have a designated production window for production of these products.
The production window dates are Monday 20th November – Friday 8th December 2023
All final adverts must be submitted onto the Course Dropbox in time for the screening and the bus back
poster should be prepared for appropriate display for the panel. Copies of your final advert and bus back
poster should also be put onto the presentation section of your Individual Online Journal
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
ineffective communication Competent Confident selection, Confident selection,
and presentation of ideas. communication and organisation and organisation and
Lack of clarity in structure, sufficient clarity and communication of ideas. communication of ideas.
selection and consistency in presentation Consistent approach to Demonstrating autonomy,
organisation. of ideas appropriate to the presentation personal style and an
intended audience. demonstrating a good ambitious use of available
understanding of resources to communicate
conventions and ideas effectively to an
standards. intended audience.
You will prepare and deliver a pitch presentation in a designated 15-minute timeslot (including feedback)
to a panel. Your pitch should include the following:
You will be given an allotted 15-minute time slot by your tutors and present your pitch in front of the panel
in the TV studio.
Screenings and pitch presentations will take place on Tuesday 12th December from 9am
You should also upload a copy of your pitch as well as any recorded feedback from your tutors and peers to
the context section of your online journal.
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
TASK 4 - Online Journal
You must use your online journal as a way to present, document and evidence the work you do throughout
your project. There are some areas of your project that can only be evidenced using your online journal.
The following content outlines the criteria that will be assessed primarily from your online journal.
1) RESEARCH - You should include a wide range of research to support the production of your project.
You should have evidence of primary and secondary research in the following areas:
• Client Research – John Lewis
• Advertising Codes and Conventions
• Similar product analysis
• Techniques of persuasion
• Narrative and Storytelling in advertising
• Primary research – Questionnaires, surveys, focus groups etc.
• Audience research - Demographics and Psychographics
• Creative Agencies – structure and industry
• Job roles and responsibilities in advertising
• Production techniques – Camera, Sound, Editing and SFX etc.
Remember to always consider and explain WHAT, WHY and HOW that research is useful.
(E.g. WHAT did you find out? WHY is it relevant? And HOW can it be useful for your media production?)
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
2) PRACTICAL SKILLS – You should provide a relevant range of evidence of ongoing practical skills you
learn, develop and apply in this project. This could include:
• Workshops
• Self-taught/ experiments/ tutorials
• Production – Filming and Editing
• Mock-ups/Drafts of your final product
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets Work submitted meets Work submitted meets
meet one or more of the all of the assessment all assessment criteria all assessment criteria
assessment criteria and criteria and is of a and is of a high standard and is of a very high
is of a poor standard satisfactory standard standard
4) REFLECTION AND EVALUATION - You should reflect and evaluate your progress weekly considering
what you learnt/did towards your project. You should ensure that you document reflections
throughout the following stages of your production:
• Idea Development and Research
• Pre-Production
• Production
• Post- Production
Upon completion of your project, you will participate in a screening where you will receive and
provide constructive feedback. This feedback will help you summarize the whole production
process in a Final Evaluation reflecting upon the following:
• Did you meet all the requirements outlined in the brief?
• Did you meet your original intentions?
• Were you happy with the final outcome and why or why not? (strengths and weaknesses)
• Analyze and evaluate the data and constructive feedback received from your Peers & Tutors
• Based on this experience, is there anything you would do differently in the future?
Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets Work submitted meets Work submitted meets
meet one or more of the all of the assessment all assessment criteria all assessment criteria
assessment criteria and criteria and is of a and is of a high standard and is of a very high
is of a poor standard satisfactory standard standard