Set-2 - ESE - Dec22 - B TECH (CSE+AI&ML) - VII - CSBA4015P - Data Analytics For IOT
Set-2 - ESE - Dec22 - B TECH (CSE+AI&ML) - VII - CSBA4015P - Data Analytics For IOT
Set-2 - ESE - Dec22 - B TECH (CSE+AI&ML) - VII - CSBA4015P - Data Analytics For IOT
Enrolment No:
S. No. Marks CO
Q1 How predictive analytics is different than descriptive analytics? 4 CO1
Q2 Describe Prescriptive analysis with an example. 4 CO1
Q3 Describe the five key areas of strategy. 4 CO1
Q4 Briefly describe the key features of IBM Watson IoT Platform 4 CO4
Q5 Discuss the dashboard design rules for analytics. 4 CO2
Q6 Describe the “Harrah’s Case” scenario in context of impact of business intelligence. 10 CO3
Q7 What are the different adoption structures for Bigdata analysis? Also list the two
10 CO3
amendments that are required to bring Bigdata and Cloud together.
Q8 Describe the characteristics of Bigdata in terms of four V’s. 10 CO2
Q9 List and compare various data analyzing tools for IoT. 10 CO3