CH 1
CH 1
CH 1
Fig. 1.4. Vigorous spring growth of native grasses
following winter burning, in open Eucalyptus
woodland in the Undara Volcanic National Park in
far north Queensland, Australia.
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
resources by one species, Grime and Tilman differ grass was about 22% compared with a silvergrass-
on which mechanism determines the long-term free environment.
outcome of competition. Dominance of one species by another may also
Goldberg (1990) suggests that the two models occur in an established pasture as a result of a dif-
agree over a successional sequence which progresses ferential response to seasonal climate variation or to
from fast-growing species with rapid resource selective grazing or simply as a result of differences
uptake rates to slower-growing species that are tol- in growth habit. One of the tasks of grazing man-
erant of low resource levels. Tilman’s R* value for agement is to prevent excessive or prolonged domi-
species with the lowest resource requirement would nance of one desirable component of a pasture over
refer to dominant, highly stress-tolerant species in another, thus preventing excessive lowering of the
equilibrium (non-successional) communities. ‘presence’ of the latter (see Kemp and King,
Asymmetric competition may occur between Chapter 5; and Harris, Chapter 8, this volume).
plants of the same species (as part of intraspecific
competition) or of different species (interspecific
competition). It accounts for self-thinning, particu- Competition – Quantification of
larly in newly established pasture. Populations
experiencing the greatest degree of crowding (inten-
sity of competition) have the greatest size inequal-
In any practical consideration of competition in
ity, i.e. competition exaggerates underlying size
plant communities, it is of value to be able to quan-
inequalities (Begon et al., 1996). Thus self-thinning
tify the effect of competitive interactions on the
occurs in response to plant density, but the level of
components of the community and on the course
thinning is also modified by the availability of
of competition over time. In pasture communities,
resources, such as moisture and light.
it is useful if the results can be related to environ-
Plants which establish earliest not only have a
mental factors or to management treatments that
large adverse effect on later-appearing plants, but
have been applied. This should also lead to the
are themselves little affected by the latter. Thus the
defining of appropriate management for regulating
earliest-established plants tend to persist, while
interplant relations. Keddy (1989, 1990) has
attempts to invade their environs continue to fail,
defined competition intensity as ‘the combined
at least where the initial density of the earliest
(negative) effects of all neighbours on the perfor-
plants is high (see Fig. 1.3). This principle is used
mance of an individual or population’. It is mea-
where possible in pasture management to exclude
sured by comparing the performance of
weeds. However, it also means that the introduc-
components in a mixture with those in monocul-
tion of desirable species into existing swards is
ture, or comparing the performance of ‘target’
unlikely to succeed unless adequately sized gaps are
plants surrounded by neighbours with that of the
created by the use of cultivation, herbicides or
plants in plots cleared of neighbours. Grace (1995)
heavy grazing. Once gaps are created, the way is
has argued the inadequacy of using absolute differ-
open for rapidly establishing ‘opportunists’ (ruder-
ences between yields in monoculture and mixture as
als) to fill them. Gaps are also created and weeds
a measure of competition intensity. This is because
allowed to enter when desirable species die due to
the magnitude of the difference would depend not
extreme climate conditions or attack by insect pests
only on the relative competitive abilities, but also
and diseases. For example, the grassy weeds Vulpia
on the relative magnitude of monoculture yields.
spp. invaded large areas of southern Australian
Thus he proposed that a more appropriate index
lucerne-based pastures when Hunter River lucerne
would be one that reflected the proportional impact
(Medicago sativa cv. Hunter River) was decimated
of competition on plant performance, i.e.
by the spotted alfalfa aphid in 1978/79. Vulpia
then spread to other pasture areas as opportunity relative competitive intensity (RCI) =
arose. A survey of farms in south-eastern South performance in monoculture − performance in mixture
Australia and western Victoria showed that, by performance in monoculture
1998, Vulpia fasciculata (silvergrass) and other
Vulpia species were at a serious level of infestation De Wit and van den Bergh (1965) also pointed
on 1.8 million ha (Silvergrass Task Force, 1998). out that the intensity and course of competition
The average loss of gross farm income due to silver- between species in pasture could not be unambigu-
Competition and Succession in Pastures 7
ously quantified by simply comparing the perfor- the course of competition, in place of grain yields
mance of the species in the mixture. First, yields of used for crops. The index to define the course of
individual species at particular times cannot be competition was called the relative replacement rate
equated with others, i.e. 1 g of one is not necessarily (ρ). Relative yields are used to define ρ of species a
the same as 1 g of another. They stressed the need for with respect to species b at the nth harvest with
a dimensionless measure, such as the relative yield respect to the mth harvest by
(yield of a species in mixture/yield of the species in n
ra / m r a
monoculture). They also pointed out that reference nm
ρ ab = n
to monoculture yields enables changes in growing rb / m r b
conditions and varying lengths of growing period to If ρ > 1, species a is the strongest competitor. If
be taken into account. If only differences between ρ < 1, species b is the strongest. If ρ is plotted on a
species in mixture are measured, it is difficult to logarithmic scale against time, the angle of the line
determine whether these are due to differences in with the horizontal is a measure of the relative rate
competitive ability or to differences in response to at which one species replaces another. The same
growing conditions. Including monoculture yields in course line may be obtained by plotting the ratio of
the formula helps to account for the latter. relative yields at successive harvests (van den Bergh,
An important measure of competition, devel- 1968). This course line is very useful for judging
oped by de Wit (1960, 1961) is the relative crowd- the direction of competitive relationships over time
ing coefficient (k) (see also Sackville Hamilton, but not for further quantitative analysis of the
Chapter 2, this volume). This is a measure of ‘com- mutual interference. Van den Bergh conducted
petitive power’, namely, the degree to which a experiments to show the effects on the course of
stronger competitor crowds a weaker one. De Wit competition of various factors, e.g. plant density,
studied numerous field experiments in which barley plant nutrient treatments and pH levels. De Wit
and oats were grown both in monoculture and in and van den Bergh also found that, almost invari-
mixtures, where various proportions of barley were ably, grass species were mutually exclusive
replaced by the same proportions of oats (replace- (RYT = 1), i.e. they were competing for the same
ment design). The results showed that, in the mix- resources and the relative replacement rate was
tures, one species always crowded the other out of independent of the relative frequency (sowing pro-
some of the space ‘allotted’ to it according to the portions) of the component species. This is an
composition of the sown mixture. Gains and losses important ecological concept. While not yet
were equivalent. Consequently, in terms of grain explained, it helps illustrate and predict how
yield, the relative crowding coefficient of barley (kb) stronger and weaker competitors interact when
with respect to oats was the reciprocal of the rela- competing for the same set of resources.
tive crowding coefficient of oats (ko) with respect to In contrast to the situation with mixtures of
barley, i.e. kb × ko = 1. Furthermore, the relative grasses, de Wit et al. (1966) found that a grass and a
yield total (RYT) = 1, where legume were not mutually exclusive when the
legume obtained N from symbiotic fixation. Their
grain yield barley in mixture
RYT = experiment was conducted with and without rhizo-
grain yield barley in monoculture bial inoculation of the legume. Without rhizobium
grain yield oats in mixture and N fixation, the grass and legume were mutually
+ exclusive (RYT = 1). With rhizobium, however, N
grain yield oats in monoculture
fixation gave the legume a competitive advantage.
In terms of competition theory, this means that the RYT was greater than 1 and the species were not
two species were crowding for the same ‘space’ or mutually exclusive because the legume had an addi-
resources. In these circumstances, yields of mixtures tional source of N not available to the grass. When
cannot exceed the yield of the highest-yielding course lines of the ratio of relative yields were
monoculture. drawn, over seven harvests, the lines of mixtures of
De Wit and van den Bergh (1965) and van den different sowing frequencies tended to converge and
Bergh (1968) showed that the above concepts also to approach equilibrium (no change, no one species
apply to mixtures of pasture grasses. They found winning competitively). These trends were attrib-
that yields of successive harvests provided an appro- uted to a combination of N fixation (which
priate measure of plant performance for defining favoured the legume competitively) and N transfer
8 P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby
from legume to grass (which favoured the grass dominance. Furthermore, white clover content in
competitively). It is now widely assumed that mix- pastures is also subject to long-term fluctuations or
tures of grasses and legumes, at least those based on cycles (Chapman et al., 1996).
white clover, have a capacity to regulate the N cycle Renewed interest in white clover–grass pastures
in the pasture (Chapman et al., 1996). over the past 20 years (reflected in the increased
In later experiments in both field and glasshouse number of relevant publications, for example, in
(Tow, 1993; Tow et al., 1997), trends with time in Grass and Forage Science) is related to the belief that
the ratio of relative yields provided further evidence clover N, compared with fertilizer N will reduce
of the tendency for a dynamic equilibrium to occur, costs, use of fossil energy and leaching of nitrate to
provided that: (i) one species did not remain domi- groundwater. Further, Ennik (1981, 1982), exam-
nant for too long; and (ii) growing conditions were ining experimental data in the literature, found
generally favourable to the growth of the legume. that the DM yield of a mixed white clover–grass
As indicated above, such course lines show if and sward receiving N fertilizer at varying levels was
under what conditions grasses and legumes tend always higher than that of a pure grass sward at the
towards equilibrium, but do not provide a means of same rate of mineral N application. This was
further analysing competitive interactions. A ten- because, with increasing application of N, the gain
dency for equilibrium should have a positive influ- in grass DM was higher than the loss of clover
ence on stability of botanical composition and DM. He also estimated that the amount of fertil-
species persistence. izer N needing to be applied to a pure grass sward
Where climatic conditions fluctuate over time, to obtain an N yield equal to that of a mixed sward
the course of competition may also fluctuate. This was about 80 kg N t−1 of clover in the mixture
may result in breakdown in equilibrium. However, (after the first tonne). This linear relationship,
the work of Tow and his colleagues quoted above accompanied by an inverse relationship between
provides evidence that, as long as dominance is not rate of fertilizer N input and clover content of the
too severe, there is a persistent tendency to equilib- mixture led to the conclusion that most of the fer-
rium. Equilibrium between species, or at least coex- tilizer N was taken up by the grass. Furthermore,
istence, is often said to be due to the fact that they he concluded that, while introduction of more
occupy different niches. In grass–legume mixtures, competitive clover varieties into a mixed pasture
the legume occupies a different niche in the sense may increase N yield of the mixture, it was unlikely
that it has an independent source of N. to increase DM yield.
The attainment of equilibrium or coexistence Improvement of clover yield, N2-fixation and
sometimes requires an input of management that persistence have all been recent objectives of plant
assists towards reducing the dominance of strong breeders, agronomists and modellers. (Caradus et
competitors, e.g. grass over legume. Such manage- al., 1996; Chapman et al., 1996; Evans et al., 1996;
ment is of most benefit if it achieves competitive Schwinning and Parsons, 1996). All agree that
balance without loss of productivity and with bene- effective production and utilization of grass–clover
fit to the grazing animal (see Davies, Chapter 4; pastures require understanding of the interactions
Kemp and King, Chapter 5; and Harris, Chapter 8, of the two components. This becomes all the more
this volume). important as attempts are made to achieve a combi-
Achieving a competitive balance is more com- nation of aims, such as: (i) increasing the yield of
plex than might be supposed. For instance, a gen- clover by breeding more competitive cultivars and
eral problem with white clover–grass pastures is the cultivars with a higher capacity for N2-fixation,
difficulty of maintaining the clover content of some while avoiding leakage of nitrate to groundwater;
30% thought to be desirable (Martin, 1960). This (ii) increasing total yield by the use of N fertilizer
might be simply a problem of reducing grass domi- without losing clover content; (iii) managing
nance by appropriate management. However, grass–clover swards for optimal animal production;
defining appropriate management of grass–legume and (iv) assessing new cultivars of white clover
competition and N relations has to take account of under grazing conditions (see also Nurjaya and Tow,
the spatial heterogeneity (patchiness) of clover con- Chapter 3; and Davies, Chapter 4, this volume).
tent brought about by spatially random urine depo- Experience with grass–clover mixtures provides a
sition. This keeps different areas in the field ‘out of reminder that competition usually operates in con-
phase’ with respect to surrounding grass or legume junction with other factors that affect companion
Competition and Succession in Pastures 9
plants differentially. In such mixtures, the most with their competitive abilility. Such traits do not
important factors would probably be N2-fixation, N always define the mechanism involved, but they assist
transfer and selective grazing. Competition is some- in explaining or predicting competitive outcomes
times distinguished from ‘apparent competition’, (see Nurjaya and Tow, Chapter 3; Skarpe, Chapter 9;
where reduced yield of one component of a mixture and Peltzer and Wilson, Chapter 10, this volume).
may be due to differential effects of another organ-
ism on that component, e.g. selective grazing of
palatable species, leaving an unpalatable one in Succession
higher proportions; or the same effect by selective
attack by an insect pest. Begon et al. (1996) quote an Succession, the change in botanical composition
example discussed by Connell (1990) of an indirect over time, is currently a subject of great importance
effect of Artemesia bushes on the growth of associ- in both natural and sown pastures (as illustrated by
ated herbs. The beneficial effect of removing the the contents of this volume). Such importance
bushes on the growth of the herbs was initially attrib- arises because of the many changes that have
uted to reduced competition for water. It was then occurred over the past century, largely resulting
found that removal of Artemesia also discouraged from increasing intensification of pasture use.
deer, rodent and insect consumers of the herbs which Succession has long been linked to competition.
used this plant as a source of both food and shelter. More than 70 years ago, Clements et al. (1929)
Figure 1.8 and accompanying commentary illustrate concluded, from their North American research
just how complex interspecies relationships can be. and experience, that competition ‘is the controlling
In attempting to understand the mechanisms of function in successional development, and it is sec-
competition and to predict the outcome, many ondary only to the control of climate in the case of
researchers have identified morphological and physi- climaxes’. They also concluded that the regular out-
ological traits or characteristics of plants associated come of competition is dominance, the successful
competitors coming to control the habitat more or
less completely. Other components of the plant
community face suppression or even extinction.
As a feature of cyclic changes, Clements and his
colleagues envisage regular invasion of plant com-
munities from species outside. Hence their asser-
tion that:
These and related conclusions were subse- invasion, effects of climate change and an increas-
quently translated into a successional approach to ing range of technological inputs. The so-called
rangeland management (the so-called range succes- state and transition model seems to satisfy these
sion model) and a practical system of range classifi- needs. It involves the concept of ‘thresholds of envi-
cation (Westoby et al., 1989; Laycock, 1991). As ronmental change’, which cause ‘transition’ from
summarized by Westoby et al. (1989): one discrete or stable ‘state’ of the vegetation to
another. Such transition requires the imposition of
the [range succession] model supposes that a given a threshold of stress or perturbation. The prediction
rangeland has a single, persistent state (the climax) in or early detection of an impending threshold would
the absence of grazing. Succession towards this climax allow management action to be taken to maintain
is a steady process. Grazing pressure produces changes
or achieve desirable botanical structure and produc-
which are also progressive and are in the opposite
direction to the successional tendency. Therefore the
tivity levels.
grazing pressure can be made equal and opposite to Westoby et al. (1989) suggest that, for the effec-
the successional tendency, producing an equilibrium tive use of the state and transition model, recorded
in the vegetation at a set stocking rate. information on particular areas of rangeland should
include catalogues of possible alternative states,
The main tool of range management for the range possible transition pathways, opportunities for pos-
succession model is thus the level of stocking rate. itive management action and hazards which may
However, ‘vegetation changes in response to grazing produce an unfavourable transition. The experi-
have been found to be not continuous, not mental testing of hypotheses (e.g. opportunistically
reversible or not consistent’, particularly in arid and during the occurrence of isolated events or
semi-arid areas. These observations have led to a sequences of events) should be a regular feature of
general questioning of the range succession model. information gathering. This needs to be accompa-
In recent years, the need for an alternative nied by the estimation of probabilities of occur-
model to describe and assess rangeland condition rence of climatic circumstances relevant to
and dynamics has been discussed by many workers, particular transitions. Such information should also
e.g. Westoby et al. (1989), Friedel (1991), Laycock be of value for describing and managing other types
(1991) and Humphreys (1997). Particularly ques- of grassland, at least for long-term pastures.
tioned has been the need to manage rangeland to Similarly, the proposals of Friedel (1991) should be
achieve a single, climax state or at least some desir- applicable to a wide range of grasslands and pas-
able, stable state in equilibrium with an economic tures. She argues for the need to monitor botanical
stocking rate. A ‘stable’ system (in terms of botani- composition and yield of arid and semi-arid range-
cal composition) returns to the original steady state lands in order to detect the approach of a ‘thresh-
after being disturbed or deflected. Some researchers old’ of change from one state to another. She
and practitioners prefer a system to have ‘resilience’, presents evidence that this is feasible from monitor-
namely, the capacity to adapt to change, without ing programmes and the use of multivariate analy-
necessarily reverting to the original state. What is ses and ordination techniques. The research
regarded as important would depend on both the suggests that rangeland which is deteriorating may
economic and conservation goals of management retain the capacity to recover up to a certain point,
and the opportunities and limitations set by the beyond which it cannot readily return to its former
environment and available technology. Rangeland state. Some factor, such as drought, fire or flooding,
stability and resilience may each be important in usually coincides with excessive grazing to ‘tip the
particular situations and can be envisaged as depen- balance’. Appropriate monitoring needs to be com-
dent to some extent on interspecific competition. bined with an understanding of plant–environment
The above authors thus favour a model of relations to allow prediction of approaching thresh-
rangeland dynamics that caters for the occurrence olds, thereby enabling preventive action to be
of multiple states of vegetation structure, changing taken.
influences on these states and the need for flexibil- The role of competition in determining vegeta-
ity of short-term aims and management. A model tion structure and succession has received little crit-
of this nature should also be appropriate for many ical attention in the above debate. It may be that, in
other grasslands, where botanical structure has been arid and semi-arid areas, the overriding influences
or is being greatly modified by over-grazing, weed on plant community structure and succession are
Competition and Succession in Pastures 11
indices enable comparisons to be made of the mining the botanical composition of pastures
effects of genotype and environmental factors on remains unclear. Even so, integrating the bank of
such outcomes. Other investigations have resulted information and improved understanding arising
in the description and classification of the botanical from the array of ecological and agronomic research
structure of grasslands and any changes over time, should provide a real opportunity to develop man-
thereby providing a basis for management deci- agement systems to achieve long-term use and sta-
sions. Yet the precise role of competition in deter- bility of grasslands.
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