MST Underground Services (Electrical)
MST Underground Services (Electrical)
MST Underground Services (Electrical)
Revision : 00
1.1 General Description 4
1.2 References 4
1.3 Materials 5
1.4 Plant and Equipment 7
1.5 Manpower 8
1.6 Work Procedures 9
3.1 Environmental Aspects, Impacts and Control Measures 18
3.2 Temporary Erosion Protection 18
3.3 Air Quality Control 18
3.4 Noise and Vibration Control 19
3.5 Water Quality 19
3.6 Waste Management 19
Appendix 5.1 : Construction Sequence
Appendix 5.2 : Job Safety and Health Analysis
Appendix 5.3 : Environmental Operation Control Log
Appendix 5.4 : Inspection and Test Plan
Appendix 5.5 : Quality Control Inspection Forms and Checklist
Appendix 5.6 : Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 5.7 : Others
1.1.1 This statement is to outline the installation of underground services and ducting
manhole at the Package S208. This statement also to ensure the work is carried
out in controlled and systematic manner. All respective parties shall confirm to the
specified requirements, emphasizing, on the aspects of meeting quality standard,
safe working environment and compliance of safety requirements as stipulated in
the Contract during project implementation.
1.1.2 Prior to start work, identify, analyse the site situation and condition.
1.2 References
Emergency Response Plan SSP-MTDC-STP8-OVPR-PLN-00006
5. Environmental Management Plan SSP-MTDC-STP8-OVPR-PLN-00007
8. IFC Drawing
1.3 Materials
1.3.1 Underground services and ducting manhole installation consisting of the following
components for the purpose of completion and functional performance of the
installed systems: - S12 (Electrical Manhole) 2.5m (L) x 2.5m (W) x 3.0m (D)
1.5 Manpower Excavation
a) When lifting manhole and pipes, make sure the lifting belt length
are long enough to prevent contact with the tongue and groove
area and are kept at appropriate lifting angles. Special precaution
shall be emphasized such that it does not damage the external
b) The manhole lifting apparatus must meet or exceed safe working
load capacity with respect to the lifting points. All lifting points
should be use and the product should be handled with equal
“picking” force on all lifting points.
a) HDPE PN10, HDPE Double Wall Corrugated Pipe, and uPVC pipes
are laid at a minimum depth of 600mm to 1500mm underground.
b) Sand of 25mm thickness is to be used as a bedding to backfill the
bottom layers of the trench before underground piping laid.
c) After laying first layer of pipes, earth soil of 25mm-50mm thickness
will be filled on top of the first layer of pipes.
d) Second layer of pipe to be laid after the concreting is done. Once
second layer of pipes laid, earth soil of 25mm-50mm thickness will
be filled.
e) Finally, earth soil of 300mm thickness to be backfilled into the
trench fully with original earth soil to original level.
f) All stages of works need to be witnessed to ensure all works are up
to specification.
25mm - Sand Backfill
The implementation of Safety & Health shall be complied with General Specification
Section G9 and Project Safety & Health Plan Ref No.SSP-AZSB-STP2-OVPR-PLN-
2.1.1 The Job Safety Analysis shall be carried out at project site and discussed in
HIRARC Committee Meeting. No work may commence until the Job Safety
Analysis approved by PDP and endorsed by HIRARC Committee. Refer to
Appendix 5.2 for details Job Safety Analysis.
2.1.2 The pre-task briefing shall be conducted to site personnel involved in the activity
prior start work. No work may commence until all of the specified control
measures are in place and pre-task briefing as specified in SHOC requirements
G9.17 was carried out at site.
2.2.1 All site personnel must complete and attended the KVMRT SHE Passport
Scheme prior of start work at site. Only the managers, engineers, supervisors
and workers who have successfully completed the training for their role will be
allowed working on site.
2.2.2 All workers and site personnel employed in the project site must have valid CIDB
Green Card.
2.2.3 All new workers and staff to attend the Safety Induction before commencing
works at site and attendances shall be recorded in an induction record.
2.2.4 All site personnel shall wear approved Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) as
2.3.1 The specific Emergency Response Plan (ERP) has been developed based on the
KVMRT GS 9.8. (Reference No. SSP-MTDC-STP2-OVPR-PLN-00011)
2.3.2 Flow chart for the potential emergency such as fire explosion, evacuation,
structure collapse, major injury or fatality from accidents, major chemical spillage,
road Accident / vehicle breakdown, flooding and heavy machinery breakdown,
protest/riot, food poisoning and unstable person has been specified in Emergency
Response Plan.
2.3.3 The organization chart, list of emergency contact person and relevant authorities
with their contact numbers shall be posted on the Notice Board. These lists can be
obtained from the Emergency Response Plan.
2.3.4 In the event of emergency, the Emergency Coordinator is responsible for co-
coordinating the response strategy and take immediate actions to reduce or
eliminate the threats of the emergency. The SNAH ERT is led by the Emergency
Commander and to decide to declare the “EMERGENCY”. Reference: Emergency Response
Plan Rev01 (Item 1.9)
No Source:
Permit Remarks Project
. Safety &
1 Hot Work Validity – Daily Permit Plan
7. Electrical Permit
3.1.1 The Environmental Aspects & Impact Register have been identified and listed in
the Appendix 5.3.
3.2.1 The control for erosion and sedimentation shall be complied with the Package
ESCP, DEIA Approval Condition and GS G11.21.13.
3.2.2 Site clearing works shall be limited to construction areas only. Earth stockpile
areas shall be located away from the surface runoff and protective with sheeting.
3.2.3 Temporary erosion protection for exposed slopes under construction shall be
provided until such time when the permanent measures are provided. Temporary
earth slopes that are to be exposed shall be covered with organic erosion control
blanket (ECB).
3.2.4 Sediment control measures such as check dams/ temporary earth drains, silt
fences, turfing, silt traps, wheel washing facility and sediment ponds shall be
constructed prior to commencement of work and shall be maintained.
3.3.1 Site clearance and earthwork shall be carried out in stages to minimize the
exposed soil.
3.3.2 Vehicle washing facilities shall be provided at site exit. Public roads shall be kept
clear of soil and cleaned.
3.3.3 Traffic control such as speed limit and traffic volume restrictions to be
implemented especially at sensitive areas.
3.4.1 Noise and vibration control to be complied with Package EMP, DEIA Approval
Condition and GS G11.21.6.
3.4.2 Movement of heavy vehicles shall be restricted to daytime working hours and
minimized during night time. Construction work during night time shall get the
approval from PDP and local authorities.
3.4.3 Noise generating equipment and machinery shall be inspected regularly and
maintained in good working condition. Noise and vibration emitting from
equipment shall be placed away from sensitive receptors.
3.5.1 Water pollution control to be complied with Package ESCP, Package EMP, DEIA
Approval Condition and GS G11.21.2.
3.5.2 Surface run-off shall be treated prior discharged and shall not exceed 50 mg/l for
TSS and 250 NTU for turbidity.
3.5.3 The earthworks activity shall cease the final silt discharge level exceeds 250
NTU. The activities can be resumed upon rectification for control measures are
3.6.1 All types of waste shall be segregated, stored and disposed of in accordance with
Package EMP, DEIA Approval Condition, Waste Management Plan and GS
3.6.3 Waste containers and storage areas shall be sufficient capacity to contain all
waste generated.
3.6.4 Scheduled waste shall be properly stored and disposed by DOE licensed
contractors at approved facilities.
4.1.1 The general requirements for Underground Services / Ducting Manhole shall be in
accordance with Materials and Workmanship Specification.
4.2.1 All inspection and testing involved shall be in accordance to the Inspection and
Test Plan. Refer to Appendix 5.4.
4.3.1 Detail implementations for checklist mentioned in the Inspection Checklist and
Test Plan attached.