Disc Da
Disc Da
Disc Da
Introduction to Data Analytics
CAS Data and Insurance Series Course
This Data and Insurance Series Course, Introduction to Data and Analytics (the DISC DA Course), prepares CAS candidates for a
100-minute, seventy-five-point multiple-choice examination. The online course and exam were developed collaboratively with
The Institutes. The online course is available through the Casualty Actuarial Society Online Courses webpage on The Institutes’
website. Similarly, the exam is administered online by The Institutes during four, two-month testing windows annually.
The study material for DISC DA Course is contained in the online course access. The fee for access to the online course includes
one attempt at passing the exam. Candidates are required to purchase the online course to obtain access to the exam. Exam
retakes may be purchased separately if needed.
Purchasing the course requires that candidates declare the testing window in which they are planning to take the exam. To
register for the exam, a candidate must call The Institutes at 800.644.2101 or 610. 644.2100, extension 6000, to register for the
exam itself. This will make the candidate eligible for the associated online exam.
There is a $95 fee for changing testing windows. Questions or concerns regarding DISC DA should be directed to The Institutes’
Customer Success group at 800.644.2101 or 610. 644.2100, extension 6000, or [email protected].
© 2022 Casualty Actuarial Society and The Institutes, All Rights Reserved
Casualty Actuarial Society, 4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 250, Arlington, VA 22203
Introduction to Data Analytics
CAS Data and Insurance Series Course
Harnessing the Power of Data Explain how insurers and risk managers use data-driven
decision making.
Applying Data Quality Principles Apply data quality principles to an insurer data modeling
Documenting Data Illustrate key data documentation practices.
Statistical Plans Compare the two basic types of statistical plans used in
insurers’ predictive modeling and ratemaking.
External Data Sources Distinguish among the external sources of data for insurer
Querying Data Explain how to query data from a database using Structured
Query Language.
Joining Data Tables Explain how to join data tables using Structured Query
Indexes, Null Values, and User-Defined Functions Explain how Structured Query Language’s indexes, null
values, and user-defined functions help optimize data retrieval.
Extracting Data From Internet Sources and Data Marts Distinguish between frequently used methods for obtaining
data from the Internet and data marts.
Testing Data Summarize the fundamental concepts associated with testing
Working With Structured Data Explain how to work with frequently encountered types of
structured data
Working With Unstructured Data Explain how to work with frequently encountered types of
unstructured data
Working With Messy Data Illustrate the basic categories of messy data and how to treat
data drawn from them.
Selecting the Right Presentation Visualization Choose the right visualization type to present data, given the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
Basic Data Modeling Concepts Differentiate among the data basic modeling techniques
actuaries use.
Similarity and Distance in Data Modeling Illustrate how actuaries apply similarity and distance in data
Predictive Model Training and Evaluation Determine how actuaries train and evaluate predictive
Traditional Data Analysis Summarize traditional data analysis techniques and how
actuaries apply them to risk management and insurance.
Analyzing Data With Classification Trees Explain how actuaries use classification trees to analyze risk
management and insurance data.
Analyzing Data With Linear Functions Explain how actuaries use linear functions to analyze risk
management and insurance data.
Segmenting Data With Cluster Analysis Explain how actuaries use cluster analysis to segment risk
management and insurance data.
Insurance Applications of Data Preparation Apply Structured Query Language to develop profiles from
premium and loss data summaries.
Creating Datasets for Claims Models Examine the process of creating datasets for claims models.
Creating Datasets for Underwriting Models Examine the process of creating datasets for underwriting
Printable Study Outline—Perfect for taking notes, the printable study outline has key points for each assignment and review
questions (and answers!) to help you test your knowledge as you move through the course.
Practice Quizzes—Quickly see where your knowledge gaps are with online practice quizzes for each assignment and for the full
course. And bonus—take them as many times as you want.
Simulated Exam—Designed to give you the full experience of your final exam, the simulated exam is a timed exam that you can
take only once. It mimics the exam structure and level of questions you’ll find on the actual exam. Students who take their
Institutes simulated exam pass their exams at higher rates than students who don’t.
Flashcards—Test yourself on key terms with flashcards that help you fit studying into your busy schedule.
Depending on the package you choose, you may receive a printed course book as well.
Questions about potentially defective questions or material should be directed to The Institutes’ Customer Success group at
800.644.2101 or 610. 644.2100, extension 6000, or [email protected].
The Institutes, 720 Providence Road, Suite 100, Malvern, PA 19355-3433; telephone: 800.644.2101 or 610.644.2100, ext.
6000; e-mail: [email protected]; website for CAS Online Courses: www.aicpcu.org/cas.htm.
Exam Results
Candidates taking this computer-based test will receive unofficial pass/fail results at the conclusion of their exam. The unofficial
pass/fail result will be displayed on the computer screen at the conclusion of the exam. The candidate should carefully read the
result that is displayed on the computer screen at the conclusion of the exam.
When the official grades have been processed, candidates will receive an e-mail from The Institutes stating that their grades are
available. Candidates may then log into their account on The Institutes’ website (www.TheInstitutes.org) to access their grades.
The grade report for each candidate will show the candidate’s overall score on the exam in ten-point increments (e.g., 60 to 69%,
70 to 79%, and so on). It will similarly show the candidate’s performance by assignment using those same ten-point increments.