Missing You Endlessly-1
Missing You Endlessly-1
Missing You Endlessly-1
Its morning here now 6:33am.. we had raining here and its really wet and cool inside and
outsite and I really wish you were right here with me now so it wouldn't be so hard for me spend
my day and moments as I miss you. I'm just here thinking about you. and I hope you're as
happy as me... i miss chatting with you hence i can't wait to chat with again and again.. The
thought of me and you together right now sounds so good to me. I just want you to know how
much i like you and been happy to be your soulmate and friend, I like you with every beat of my
heart, and with every ounce of my soul. You are the absolute best thing to ever happen in my
life. And, you are the most sensitive, caring, tender, considerate, loving man,funny and
passionate easy going man I have ever met. You are simply amazing. I would never dream of
letting you go, and I wouldn't be able to live another breath in this world if I didn't have you in my
life because you are the precious thing i adore and since you came into my life. i found the best
part of me thats missing since years ago.
Since we've met eachother while ago, I miss you every seconds of my life and like you more
and more each second of the day cos surely you are what i have been seeking for years. I knew
I found someone special to share my opinions,secrets and life with. I will always dedicate my life
and everything to you and every time i read your words, I would smile and I will happy always
and forever.
All I have right now are my dreams of you, so I will close now to dream of us, and wait for that
precious tomorrow when I can wake up to my dream come true -- YOU!! Stay strong, Baby, and
I will always be there for you, and I can't wait to be in your arms always and forever. Because
my feelings for you won't change in a moment , not even a life time. It is you and me, Baby,
forever. Thank you for making me happy; I have never truly lived until the day you came into my
life. I just can't wait until the very precious day we both in eachother's arms, I like you always
and forever and Can't wait till we're in eachother's arm and grow old together.
I can tell this frankly that its a miracleous way that we met on here.. i never thought i will meet
someone special and loving as you on here but i thank God. and i know that its heaven that sent
you to me to be my soulmate moreover, we are meant and destined to be for eachother cos the
way we get along and share things with eachother makes me really think so great and good that
you're the woman for me with no doubts. you are the person i have been searching for, and I will
love to be with you and make you happy always and forever, I am just really hoping you'll make
me happy always and treat right and love me forever and ever till death do us part. thanks
always and forever
Note: Please for the sake of God, As we are building the foundation of our
friendship/relationship, I don't want us to listen to any side talk or allow any third party to come
into our friendship/relationship, I want us to follow our hearts and do everything for eachother
with one heart and soul, I want us to love eachother and never ever leave eachother for one
moment as i have promised myself that i will never hurt you or break your heart and i am really
hoping you will never hurt me or break my heart as well.. I want everything between us to be
between us and never ever let anyone knows the reason that we are happy.. Trust me, not
everyone wants happiness for you and me.. remember a song from Akon that sings "No Body
Wanna See Us Together" Believe me, no body wanna see us together and be happy as a
happy family but we have to be always careful of what people arround us say about our
relationship.. people may think we're doing the wrong thing but i always believe we're on the
right side and we're doing the best thing ever.. we don't let any body breakup our relationship or
destroy the foundation of our love and never listen to any bad advices from other people...
Remember "Two are Unite while Three are Crowd" thats why i'll never let anyone teach or
advice me the best way i am gonna treat you cos if i allow anyone to tell me what to do, they
can slightly teach me on the wrong way But I'll always do all my best to please you and make
you happy always and forever without letting any thirdparty Sweety, I wanna to spend the rest of
my life with you and grow old with you and I never want any breakup between us cos you're the
source of my joy and i want you always and forever.. Think very deep about my words Sweety
and you'll know what i mean.. Have a wonderful Day My dearly Don
pa: pls come online 5am your time i want to chat with yoo my husband.
Love always,
Van bel