English Assignment
English Assignment
English Assignment
Assignment 1
Life big and small in every corner of the earth living of one another, for one another, this life
keeps a living ecosystems healthy and us alive, but I don’t like what I see.
Pronomen Us This
Præposition Of In
Assignment 2
Navn: Elisabeth 2e Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC Ørsted Lyngby Dato: 6/10
Eksamensnummer: side 2 af 7
I come to you with five basic messages. They really are simple. But in their simplicity, they have
been overlooked. Because human society has taken nature for granted for so long. We assume
that that season will follow season; that our fields will be pollinated and yield bountiful harvests;
that the soil will be fertile and that the rains will come. We assume that this fine web of life on
which our very existence depends will remain unaltered. Even as we carelessly pave over,
extract, emit, cause effluents, fragment and exterminate.
So in their simplicity, perhaps each of my five messages will touch a note of deeper meaning.
My first message is quite simple: that biodiversity is critical for human existence. But biodiversity
is also under huge threats. As we destroy biodiversity, we not only lose species, we also lose the
very foundation of our existence.
Biodiversity also secures our health. We need to think of biodiversity as both a source of health
and medicine as well as a pathogen. It is known that exposure to nature reduces our blood
pressure, our stress levels; enhances our children’s cognitive development, and of course – when
we move in nature – helps reduce incidences of cardio vascular disease and diabetes.
Sætning uden adverbium: Adverbiet, der Skriv sætningen med adverbiet indsat
skal indsættes: korrekt:
They really are simple rather They really are rather simple
But in their simplicity, they much But in their simplicity, they have been
have been overlooked much overlooked
We assume that this fine web very We assume that this very fine web of life
of life on which our very on which our very existence depends will
existence depends will remain remain unaltered
But biodiversity is also under globally But biodiversity is also globally under
huge threats huge threats
Assignment 3
Afgør, hvorvidt de understregede sætninger er aktive eller passive. Udfyld skemaet nedenfor.
Mind-bogglingly diverse. The simplest aspect to consider is species. About 1.7 million species of
animals, plants and fungi have been recorded, but there are likely to be 8-9 million and possibly
up to 100 million. The heartland of biodiversity is the tropics, which teems with species. In 15
hectares (37 acres) of Borneo forest, for example, there are 700 species of tree – the same
number as the whole of North America.
The concern is that many species are being lost before we are even aware of them, or the role
they play in the circle of life.
Very. The best studied creatures are the ones like us – large mammals. Tiger numbers, for
example, have plunged by 97% in the last century. In many places, bigger animals have already
been wiped out by humans – think dodos or woolly mammoths.
Assignment 4
I din tekst skal du anvende tre synonymer for substantivet (navneordet) ’waste’. Du skal
markere dine tre synonymer i din tekst.
Din tekst:
In the picture, we see a great example of how people don’t clean up after themselves.
While four people are sitting on the bus stop and eating, there is all kinds of garbage
lying on the ground around them. When people are eating fast food, they normally don’t
throw away the bags in the trash, mostly the paper bags and other kinds of trash end up
on the ground, and this mess is especially not good for the environment.
Assignment 5:
Navn: Elisabeth 2e Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC Ørsted Lyngby Dato: 6/10
Eksamensnummer: side 5 af 7
The importance of
Biodiversity is the most complicated feature of our planet, nevertheless it is the
foundation of life on earth. It is the collective term of the variety of life, such as
animals, plants, fungi and even microorganisms like bacteria. When we talk about
biodiversity, it comprises three levels, such as the ecosystem biodiversity, which is the
largest scale of biodiversity since it compares the diversity across different ecosystems.
The species biodiversity is the second level, which is where we look at the life forms
within a region as well as the number of each type of species in an area. Finally, the
third level which is genetic biodiversity, here we look even further into species, in the
range of different inherited characteristics. These levels are extremely important for
us, they provide us, the medicines, and the materials that we use for our homes and
clothes. However, without a wide range of animals, plants, and other organisms, we
won’t be able to have healthy ecosystems, which we rely on to provide us with the air
we breathe as well as the food we eat. Because we put pressure on our planet, by
consuming more resources, we risk losing biodiversity as well as upsetting the balance
of ecosystems. Therefore, we must find solutions to conserve biodiversity for our
Article: What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us? (l. 18-19)
Navn: Elisabeth 2e Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC Ørsted Lyngby Dato: 6/10
Eksamensnummer: side 6 af 7
most crucial factors in our life, they help plants reproduce, and they are also
responsible for growing the majority of our food. Pollinators are critical to the
ecosystem, because without them we would not be able to eat apples, almonds,
berries, and a wide variety of other foods. As a result, we have indeed benefited
greatly from biodiversity and our world has been provided with everything we need to
Furthermore, biodiversity does not only provide us with essentials like food and fresh
air, but it provides us another range of benefits, such as health benefits. Our health
ultimately depends upon the ecosystem, and the services it gives us, such as fresh
water and food and even medicine. In terms of money, the services provided by
ecosystems are estimated to be worth trillions of dollars, this is equivalent to double
the world's yearly GDP. Currently 50% of the medicine we consume is harvested from
nature. Plants as well as other resources in nature, helps us to provide our health, and
even to prevent diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, for instance, “Many new
medicines are harvested from nature, such as a fungi that grows on the fur of sloths
and can fight cancer”2. Numerous plants, animals og fungi have played a key role in the
development of many modern medicines, as well as to create vitamins, painkillers, and
other drugs. Not only has the ecosystem provided us healthcare but giving us
resources that can help fight cancer as well as other diseases.
On the other hand, recent changes in climate have already had a significant impact on
biodiversity, as well as ecosystems in certain regions. As the temperature rises, more
animals are losing their habitat, as well as in the oceans, increasing temperatures can
lead to the loss of coral ecosystems. Climate changes have not only affected the health
of ecosystems but have destabilized ecosystems. Throughout the years many animals
are already going extinct, in the video3, they talk about how one million species are at
risk of extinction by humans. As we consume and utilize more resources than before,
Article: What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us? (l. 28-29)
UN report: 1 million species at risk of extinction (0:28-00:36)
Navn: Elisabeth 2e Fag: Engelsk
Skole: HC Ørsted Lyngby Dato: 6/10
Eksamensnummer: side 7 af 7
the pressure we put will expected cause the ecosystems to be in danger and will lead
to loss of biodiversity. Global shipping, for instance, has also impacted biodiversity by
spreading highly damaging invasive species such as rats, worldwide. These Invasive
species can lead to the extinctions of native plants, animals as well as altering habitats
permanently. Furthermore, it can affect human health, as it creates the opportunity
for invasive animals to spread viruses and diseases, which then can be spread to
humans. In general, biodiversity is facing numerous challenges, which is why we must
find solutions to conserve biodiversity as well as reduce the pressure on the
To summarize, biodiversity has provided us with a variety of food, materials, and other
resources that we need for our survival and well-being. It is a significant factor in
maintaining the health of our ecosystem and has been instrumental in developing
numerous modern medicines, such as cancer treatments and other drugs. However,
biodiversity has faced numerous challenges for many years, such as climate change,
global shipping, and the resources that we employ, have contributed to the ecosystem.