IntermediateCourse QnA
IntermediateCourse QnA
IntermediateCourse QnA
Question 1
Which of the events is performed in the beginning of the sprint?
Your answer
@ Sprint planning
Question Z
What happens in the daily scrum?
Your answer
O Team members share their progress, plans, and issues.
Which of the following approaches needs to be used to sort items in the product backlog from top to bDttom?
Your answer
@ Based on the descending priority.
Question 5
During which of the Sprint Events does the development team determine user stories that will be finished in the sprint?
Your answer
@ Sprint Planning
Question 1
Which folders cDntain sourclz information tied to a specific module enabling reuse of this module in another project?
Your answer
O Javascriptsource and javasource folders
Question 2 file belonging to the System module is stored in which of the javasource sub-folders?
Your answer
O Actions
Question 3 file is stored in which sub-fDIder of javasource directory?
Your answlzr
O Proxies
Question 4
Which of the following sources are typically stored in the Resources folder of the App Directory7
Your answer
@ Configuration files, HTM L and java files
Question S
Files and folders that together form the styling of your applfCation are typically stored fn vvhiCh of the following folders2
Your answer
O Theme
Question 1
When working in an app with vRrsion control, which concept would you use to share your database with your team?
Your answer
@ By creating a data snapshot and adding it to the depIoyr+1Rnt directory of yDur app.
Question 2
What type of conflict occurs whin you and yDur cDlleague both modified the microflow implementing the delete behavior?
Your answer
O Modify-Modify
Question 3
Which of the below listed definitiDns can be applied to explain what does a tagged version mean?
Your answer
O A revision that has been used to build a Mx deployment package.
Question 4
Which function is used to merge a complete branch into the mainline and is only available on the main line?
Your answer
O Merge feature branch
Question S
Which Df the below mentioned options can be used to merge revisions into and from all lines, main line or branch line?
Your answer
@ Advanced merge
Question 1
Where in Mendix Studio Pro can you configure XPaths?
Your answer
O List Views
Question 2
Which Widget feature utilizes XPaths?
Your answer
@ Selectable data constraints on Reference Selectors
Question 3
Where can you utilize XPaths in microflows?
Your answer
O In thB- ’Retrieve’ action
Question 1
How do you begin typing an XPath?
Your answer
Question 2
If you want to open the XPath auto-complete menu, you need to press:
Your answer
O Ctrl + Space
Question 3
Say you are writing an XPath in a Retrieve action for the VacationRequest entity in a Microflow. If you write in the XPath window [Status =
’Cancelled’], what will be returned*
Your answer
@ A list of all requests with the status set to ’Cancelled'.
Question 1
Let’s assume you add a new decimal attribute to the VacationRequest entity called ’DaysUsed’. The value represents the total amount of days used
for the requested vacation. If you write a microflow with a Retrieve action, what will be the return if yve use the following XPath
DaysUsed < 4.5
not(Vacation Management.VacationRequest Submitter/Administration.Account)I
Your answer
o A list of all VacationRequests chat are shorter than 4.5 days and do not have a Submitter assigned
Question 2
If we populate a DataGrid of VacationRequest entities with the following XPath constraint, what will happen?
[StartDate = empty]
Your answer
@ The grid will show All VacationRequests where the StartDate is not populated.
QuesGon 1
Which of the following options indicates a correct way of structuring resources within App Explorer*
Your answer
O Manually
Question 2
When structuring the App Explorer, which of the following subfolders would be the best choice to store things like Enumerations and Regular
Your answer
@ Resources
When connecting a profile picture to an account of a team member, providing that it should be possible to alter the picture, which of the following
options would you choose?
Your answer
O Create a ProfilePicture entity and configuring Image entity in the System module as its generalization.
QuesWon 5
Which widget from the list below needs to be placed inside of a data widget to visualize a dynamic image?
Your answer
o Dynamic Image
Question 1
Which of the following options is used for featuring the navigation menu in a sidebar?
Your answer
O Atlas Default
Question 2
Which of the following terms refers to the empty areas that form the canvas for any pages that make use of the layout?
Your answer
O Placeholders
Question 3
When a layout is based on another layout, which of the mentioned option refers to the parent layout?
Your answer
O Master layout
Question 1 “
You want to re-use a header on multiple pages, which of the following options can you use to ensure that the content of the header throughout the
app automatically changes after you modify its content?
Your answer
Q Snippet
Question 2
Which of the following widgets can be used to select associated objects, when multiple select is possible*
Your answer
O Reference set selector
Question 3
From the buttons on a Data Grid widget that work with single select mode, which ones need to be configured with multi-select mode?
Your answer
O Edit, Delete
Question 1
How is the size of popup windows set to fixed?
Your answer
O By setting the resizable property of the page to No.
Question 2
How can you ensure that the buttons in the footer area of the relatively long and scrollable pop-up page are always visible?
Your answer
question 3
What constraint can you use to show the most recently created items at the top of the page?
Your answer
O created Date (descending)
Question 5
How to make the popup window always visible*
Your answer
@ Remove the outer layer grid.
C}uestion 1
Which of the following options provides an easy way to limit access rights for a given role to a specific functionality within an app?
Your answer
@ By adding a separate module.
Question 2
Where on the page can the Menu document be displayed in an app?
Your answer
Q Anywhere
Question 3
What alternative to drawing an association between two entities can you use to connect two entities, each \ocated in a separate öomain model?
Your answer
0 By right-CliCking in an entity and selecting Add>Association.
Question 5
What can you use whenever you wish to display a navigation menu, but not the main navigation tree?
Your answer
O Menu
Question 1
How many source and destination languages can you specify?
Your answer
O o ne source, one destination
question 2
What does default project language define?
Your answer
@ The language which users will see when using your app.
question 3
When and how a dRfñtult language of an app needs to be selected?
Your answer
O Automatically at the mDment of app creation.
Question 4
Where can you choose the development language*
Your answer
O i n the toolbar of Studio Pro
Which of the following functionalities do you need to use to show a complete list of all translatable texts of a source and destination language?
Your answer
O Batch translation
Question 1
What is the easiest way to collect feedback from users from within your app?
Your answer
O Use the Feedback widget.
Question 2
Where is page access configured?
Your answer
O Module Security
QuestiDn 3
What would be a reasonable validation rule to use for AllowedNumberOfVisitarsPerDay?
Your answer
@ Range <= 1000
Question 4
How can you easily manage accounts for your app*
Your answer
O Connect navigation to the built-in Account_Overview page
Question 5
Is it possible to limit an entity to only one object?
Your answRr
@ Yes, through a Microflow
Question 1
What is a limitation of a sub-microflovv compared to a regular microflow?
Your answer
O None. Sub-microflOW5 are equally capable.
Question 2
What main benefit do sub-microflows offer?
Your answer
o Better maintainability
Question 3
If you want te leave notes far future developers (or yourself) in a microflow, what can you use?
Your answer
O Annotations
Question 5
You’ve replaced a microflow with newer functionality and want to test it. However, you don’t want to delete the old microflow permanently in case
something goes wrong. How can you do this?
Your answer
@ Exclude it from the project.
Question 1
How can you allow users to access parts of an app (like a login page) without needing to log in?
Your answer
O Set up anonymous users.
Question 2
In a microflow, what is a token?
Your answer
@ A system-generated value.
Question 3
In a microflow expression, “toUpperCase” is an example of what?
Your answer
O A function
Question 5
You need to debug a microflow in production but don’t want to impact your users. How can you tripper debugging only when you personally are
running the microflow?
Your answer
O Set a breakpoint condition.
Question 1
How can you have a microflovv automatically run at a specific moment in time?
Question 2
Whit can you use to exit a loop early, instead of finishing the entire list of iterator objects?
Your answer
O A break event
Question 3
You want to find the total number of objects in a list. What can you easily use to do this?
Your answer
O Use an aggregate list function.
Question 5
What is the list objeCt in a loop called?
Your answer
O An iterdtor
Question 1
What is another way of calling an association?
Your answer
O Reference
How many associations can you add between two entities?
Your answer
o Many associations of various multiplicity.
Question 3
What is a good reason to choose to use an Information Entity instead of multiple associatiDns?
Your answer
O You want to display additional information about an association.
Question 1
Where do you define the "persistable" property of an entity?
Your answer
O in the domain model
Question 2
For which of the following entity types does Mendix create a database table?
Your answer
O For persistable entity
Your answer
0 For persistable entity
Question 3
What happens on commit of a non-persistable entity?
Your answer
0 Current attribute values and association values are stored in memory.
QuestiDn 4
What would be a gDod situation tD uSR II Calculated attribute?
Your answer
0 When a value changes more often than it is viewed
Question 1
When connecting 2 entities of 2 different modules how do we typically call that association?
Your answer
@ Cross-module association
Question 2
You connE'cted two entities by a cross-module association. You want Studio Pro to take you to the associated entity in the other modute - which
option do you need to choose when you right click the association?
Your answer
O Go to the other side
Question 4
Which of the following terms is used to indicate a user that created the object of the given entity*
Your answer
@ Owner
Question 1
If you need to import data regularly, what is the best way to do so?
Your answer
o Services such as SOAP, REST, and oData
question 2
What are some alternative methods for importing files into a Mendix app?
Your answer
O Flat files, CSV, Excel
Question 3
When transforming, why should you import large datasets into a flat structure before running the transformation?
Your answer
O To not overrun available memory
Question I
What is the fastest way to create overview pages for all of the entities in your domain mDdel?
Your answer
Q Right click an Entity and select “Generate overview pages...” for all entities.
Question 2
How can you show data from multiple entities in the same data grid?
Your answer
@ Add columns whiCh use associations.
Question 3
Where do yDu Connect User rDles to Module roles?
Your answE›r
O App security
Question 1
What does your app need in order to import Excel data into a Mendix app?
Your answer
o The Excel Importer module from the Marketplace.
Question 2
What does the Mx Model Reflection module do?
Your answer
@ It shows the configuration of your domain model in the client.
C}uestion 3
Why shouldn't you make changes to Marketplace modules?
Your answer
O Updating to a new version of the module erases your changes.
Question 1
What are jSON structures converted to in Mendix?
Your answer
@ Objects
Question 2
What do you use to interpret XML or jsoN into Mendix objects*
Your answer
o ‹mport mappings
Question 3
How do you get REST data using a microflow?
Your answer
O Use a Call REST Service action.
Question 1
What are export mappings used to accomplish?
Your answer
@ Converting Mendix objects to XML orjSON
Question 2
What does a message definition do?
Your answer
@ It defines the messages that are sent to and from your app
Question 3
What type of role should you make for your published REST services documents in security?
Your answer
O Module role
C}uestion 1
You want to manipulate your data as you import it. Which of the following methods would be best suited to accomplish this?
Your answer
O The Excel Importer module
Question 2
For the Export to Excel button to properly function, what must be the source of its data grid?
Your answer
@ XPath
Question 3
page for the user to see?
How can you export columns from your data grid without displaying them on the
Your answer
@ Use CSS to set the column to Display: none
Question 1
A client wants their application to have a very specific color scheme. Whose work is most likely to be affected?
Your answer
O The UI designer
Question 2
A page is taking forever to load. Whose responsibility is it to solve this?
Your answer
Q The Frontend developer
Create and Share Data Between Apps Using the Data Hub Catalog
Question 1
Where can published data be found?
Your answer
O Data Hub Catalog
Question 2
What is a piece of data from Data Hub called?
Your answer
O External Entity
question 3
Why is the version number assigned to an OData Service important?
Your answer
O There can be multiple versions of a service and users can conneCt to a specific one using it.
Create and Share Data Between Apps Using the Data Hub Catalog
Question 1
What is an External Entity?
Your answer
O An entity that is connected to a dataset in Data Hub.
Question 2
What source type is used within Microsoft Excel to connect to a dataset in Data Hub?
Your answer
O OData Feed
Question 3
Where can you edit the properties (i.e, attributes, name, etc.) of an External Entity*
Your answer
O In the domain model of the app where the External Entity is defined.
Create and Share Data Between Apps Using the Data Hub Catalog
Question 1
What would yOu use to save Changes to an external entity?
Your answer
@ A Send external object activity
Question 2
Can you modify data in an External Entity?
Your answer
O Yes, if the Updateable(write) property of its public resource settings is checked.
Question 3
What does the D in CRUD stand for?
Your answer
0 Delete
Create and Share Data Between App5 Using the Data Hub Catalog
Question 1
How do you get the Data Hub Landscape?
Your answer
O Clicking the Landscape tab.
Question 1
An app connected by a grey dotted line to your service in the Data Hub Landscape means what?
Your answer
O The app is consuming data from your service.
Question 3
An app connected by a grey solid line to yDur service in the Data Hub Landscape means what?
Your answer
O The app is providing data to your service.