GRP2 Chap5template

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In this concluding chapter, we consolidate the core outcomes of our research, distilling the

essential discoveries and insights that have emerged from our exploration. We provide a succinct

summary of our key findings, offering a comprehensive overview of our contributions to the

field. Building upon this, we draw conclusions that reflect the broader implications and

significance of our work, shedding light on the answers to the research questions posed. Finally,

we offer a series of informed recommendations that serve as a guidepost for future research and

practical applications in our area of study. This chapter serves as the culmination of our scholarly

journey, providing a comprehensive perspective on the research conducted and its potential

impact on the broader academic and practical landscape.

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this study is to…

1. How do selected Grade 12 STEM-Architecture students of NU-Fairview perceive and

experience the pressure of short academic deadlines?

The data analyzed in the pressure experienced and perceived on short academic deadlines presents

that majority of the participants encountered many effects such as stress and pressure that

ultimately affect their mental well-being. The participants struggle with the amount of task being

given in a short period where the majority of the tasks are heavy tasks. Furthermore, some

participants also stated that they are feeling drained by both their academic and personal lives,

unsure of what to prioritize first as the pressure of the deadlines affects their problems,

complicating the situation further. It is also stated here that the academic works that the participants

create are often lower in quality as the time to create the task is limited preventing some from

putting greater effort into the task. Experiencing struggles as the participants are being given heavy

tasks often puts great pressure on the participants as the amount of tasks flows making it harder to

keep up with the demands. However, some participants stated that the practice of doing short

deadlines with heavy workloads can aid in future work teaching time management and preventing

procrastination from occurring.

2. What emotional and psychological effects do tight deadlines have on a student’s mental


With the aid of the data gathering procedure, it is identified that the most frequent emotional and

psychological responses to the implementation of tight deadlines in heavy academic workload are

mostly negative. As shown at table 2, it emphasizes the following sub-themes under the master

theme that explains the different phenomenas that are encountered mentally. The negative

emotional and psychological effects are seen as factors that influence the impact of tight deadlines

on the mental state of the participants. It aggravates the cognitive deficiencies of the participants

and has an impact on the work required. Also, the inability to demonstrate motivation in executing

effort, as well as the negative mentality that is applied in accomplishing activities. Where creates

a barrier from attaining quality education and healthy lifestyle.

3. What coping strategies do students employ to manage stress and anxiety associated with

short deadlines?

The summation of the collected data from the conducted semi-structured interviews regarding

employed coping mechanisms of the participants to aid the impacts of tight deadlines of heavy

workload resulted in the following outcomes, the target participants employed four major ways

as shown in Table 3. Participants engaged in taking breaks while accomplishing tasks. Time

management as they would identify the priority of each daily task and recognize which should be

done immediately. Applying a reward system wherein they would constantly reward themselves

after a task accomplishment. Lastly, the participants would conduct and engage in peer group

discussions as it provides comfort and stands as their support system.

4. What changes or improvements could be suggested in academic settings to alleviate the

negative mental health impact of short academic deadlines on students?

There are many ways that can improve the academic setting in order to lessen the negative impact

on mental health that students suffer the most. Thanks to our participants, we can implement the

following suggestions: “Proposed timeline” (having a final-final deadline, remove tight deadlines,

or stop rushed deadlines). “Consideration” (extending deadlines and allot more time).

“Communication” (have an open communication between teachers and students to discuss further

concerns). And lastly, “List of tasks” (planned ahead of time, list of tasks given beforehand,

announce activities early, or a roadmap).


The study's findings reveal how tight deadlines can have a negative impact on students'

mental well-being. Students can benefit from the implementation of recommended interventions

to manage stress, improve their mental health, and promote overall academic success.

Conclusion 1

In conclusion the theme analysis revealed that the participants experienced and perceived short

academic deadlines in a negative insight where the participants felt, and experienced struggles and

effect of the pressure encountered. The master theme, when analyzed, emerged four sub-themes

that is under the negative impacts of short academic deadlines presents the struggles of the

participants where it affects their mental being. The stressful effect on one’s mind, the sub-theme

created, exhibits the effect that the participants encountered where stress and pressure are the two

common effects, this is when short deadlines are given to heavy workload in which contributes to

the impact. The sub-theme of the low quality of the academic task presented the impact of short

deadlines on the work itself and shows the kind of quality and the effort that the participants give

when being presented with short deadlines. The sub-theme, conflict between academic and

personal lives, addresses the participants struggles when the addition of the participant’s personal

problem is intersected with the academic struggles being experienced where the mental state

begins to deteriorate with the pressure of both struggles. Lastly, the sub-theme of the struggles on

heavy consecutive tasks emphasizes the troubles of the participants as the pressure and the feeling

of being overwhelmed is very common.

Conclusion 2

The thematic analysis provided results that reveal the emotional and psychological effects

influence the impact of tight deadlines in heavy academic workload on the mental well-being of

the participants. With a total of three sub-themes identified from the insights expressed, the sub-

theme of mental fatigue indicates the overwhelming effect of the tight deadlines which

aggravates the mental health issues of the individuals. The sub-theme of unmotivated lethargic

conveys the negative emotional state of the participants regarding performing the responsibilities

which creates a hindrance for the participants to perform wisely and efficiently. Lastly, the sub-

theme of ineptly delayed expresses the negative mentality on tight deadlines in heavy academic

workload. Under these factors based on the results provided, it affects the cognitive thinking that

aggravates the cognitive deficits of the participants which will exert influence on the work

demanded. Also, it governs the incapability of showing enthusiasm and willingness in executing

effort. These emphasize the importance of formulating strategies in order to improve the

environment and decrease the risks of impact of tight deadlines.

Conclusion 3

As shown on the data gathered by the researchers through conducting a semi-structured

interview, the provided results regarding the employed coping mechanisms of the target

participants resulted to various ways in alleviating the negative impacts of tight deadlines of

heavy workload on their mental health. The outcomes expressed that participants who managed

to practice the four sub-themes as shown on table 3, experienced better work quality, increase in

productivity, improved understanding of the given tasks and the participants were able to allot

more time significantly in the important tasks that they must accomplish.

Conclusion 4

Based on the results of the data analysis, we can see that most of the answers shows a negative

impact of tight deadlines on students overall mental well-being, while some of them acknowledged

the fact that tight deadlines are “necessary” and still has benefits attached to it. Tight deadlines are

considered to be a “flawed practice” that is inefficient, unethical, ineffective, but yet beneficial

and necessary. It is a risky practice for your own psychological and mental health aspect, which

can result in a stressful lifestyle, anxiety, burnout, and a draining cycle that affects your

performance in academics and to your personal life as well. Tight deadlines can also affect your

sleep too, from the way you sleep, the quality of rest, to the sleep schedules / patterns that you

acquire, leaving students with more problems to face.


Through thematic analysis, insight has been gained on how students can handle the stress

of tight deadlines, such as:

Recommendation 1

- School administrators should understand and prioritize the students’ well-being, creating

a safe environment where it is possible to efficiently manage and maintain the

momentum of development of knowledge and skills and an open community where

individuals are encouraged to engage supporting one another and addressing academic

issues in order to improve the quality of education and learning emphasizing the

significance of the mental well-being of the participants.

Recommendation 2

- Ensuring communication between the teacher and the student that creates a balanced

surrounding where both the teacher and the student can agree on a specific deadline.

Furthermore, asking for other tasks that the students will accomplish to prepare an

agreeable timeline that will not intervene with the other tasks being given. Considering

the state of the students, if they are already struggling with other tasks, giving them a

longer deadline for heavier workloads can help them feel less pressured and stressed.

Recommendation 3

- The collected data regarding the employed coping mechanisms of Taking rests,

Practicing Time management, applying a reward system, and engaging in group

discussions that the target participants resulted in mitigation of the negative impacts of

tight deadlines of heavy academic workload on their mental health. Further methods such

as guidance counseling, or consulting with professional mental health experts to lessen

the stress and anxiety caused by the tight deadlines of heavy workload. Identifying work

routines and academic strategies wherein planning out different approaches in conducting

work may also be beneficial in alleviating the experienced mental health problems

regarding tight deadlines of heavy workloads.

Recommendation 4

- Implementing the proposed timeline and roadmap can have a good effect on the student’s

perspective since promoting advanced study can prepare students for future activities.

Awareness is important in most cases; it helps you to understand better when you have

more time. Doing so leads to better performance with high-quality contributions to the

participants’ academics.

Recommendation 5

- Implementing a two-to-three-day break for every term can provide the students time to

accomplish missed tasks. Furthermore, it will help the students comply and finish their

tasks accordingly, possibly even enhancing the quality of the work produced. This can

also give the students more ample time for themselves and clear their minds from

academic pressure being experienced.


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