Epoxy Asphalt Concrete
Epoxy Asphalt Concrete
Epoxy Asphalt Concrete
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Modified (diluted) Epoxy Binders for On-Grade Roads A critical performance advantage of Epoxy Asphalt is its superior
New Zealand, in 2007 as a participant in the OECD research, trialled resistance to oxidative aging, so many of these comparison tests are
epoxy asphalt binder in motorway open graded surfaces. In 2012, conducted after 20-40 days of accelerated heat aging at 80-85°C. After
NZTA added (locally sourced) diluted epoxy asphalt binder to their heat aging, the tensile, fatigue, raveling and cracking test results are
OGPA (open graded permeable asphalt) motorway national standard demonstrably better in epoxy modified than comparable mix design
where it replaced SBS modified binders for this low noise, high standard and polymer modified asphalt pavements. Epoxy Asphalt
friction pavement design. NZTA durability test models predict epoxy modified OGFC mixtures (20-30% diluted) show reduced Cantabro
modified OGPA surfacing lifespans of several decades or more. More loss, increased indirect tensile (IDT) strength, and increased IDT
recently, the Netherlands has installed epoxy modified binders in fracture energy (Gf) results, indicating improved raveling resistance,
both SMA (stone mastic asphalt) and open graded pavements in both tensile strength, and fracture resistance compared to SBS modified
urban and motorway applications. Within the EU, the Netherlands is and standard binder mixes.
a leader in quantifying and implementing sustainability criteria for
transportation materials.
• Energy Saving
• Record-Setting Stability, no rutting
• Oxidation Resistance
• Renewable Raw Materials
• Fatigue Resistance
• No Raveling, Delamination or Stripping
Typical Uses
NZ motorway as built drawing
• Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges
• Overlays on Concrete
Universities and road authorities of several countries (including China, • On grade surface courses
Korea, Ethiopia and U.S.) are now collaborating to install urban road • High speed motorways
and motorway tests of epoxy modified binders for dense graded, SMA
and OGFC overlays. With the superior oxidation resistance of epoxy Pavements
modified binders, permeable mix designs can last two or three times • Open Graded Pavement (OGFC)
longer than standard or polymer modified binders. Dense and SMA • Dense Graded
epoxy mix designs are often preferred if the roadway will be subject • Gap Graded
to substantial quantities of severe overweight axle traffic. • Stone mastic (SMA)
chemcosystems.com | 2800 Bay Road, Redwood City, CA 94063 | Phone: +1.650.261.3790 | FAX: +1.650.261.3799 Page 2
Diluted Epoxy Binder vs. SBS Polymer Modified
The following charts from 3rd party sources illustrate performance
differences between (diluted) epoxy modified binders and standard
or SBS asphalt binders. Most of this comparative data is based on
open graded, permeable pavement design.
Various epoxy asphalt dilutions compared to SBS Polymer Mod. Binder TU Delft Netherlands fatigue comparison,
NCAT report, for Florida DOT contract BE702 (July 2021) G. Pipintakos thesis. (2018)
Various epoxy asphalt dilutions compared to SBS Polymer Mod. Binder NZ test data (after heat aging),
NCAT report, for Florida DOT contract BE702 (July 2021) “Long term durabilty of epoxy modified open-graded asphalt wearing course”
Wu, et al. (2017)
chemcosystems.com | 2800 Bay Road, Redwood City, CA 94063 | Phone: +1.650.261.3790 | FAX: +1.650.261.3799 Page 3
BAST is German federal paving authority,
OECD/ITF long-life surfaces or busy roads (2008)
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