Philosophy Reviewer
Philosophy Reviewer
Philosophy Reviewer
THREE (3) THEORIES OF ECOCENTRIC MODEL However, between the two natures, it is maintained
1. Deep Ecology that the soul is the ultimate real.
2. Social Ecology
The existence of the body, in fact, is considered as Through our spirituality, we have
nothing more than an illusion and even an obstacle CONSCIENCE; to choose to be GOOD OR
to an individual’s realization of one’s real self. EVIL
Hindus believe that: Theistic hypothesis
God provides the best explanation of the
existence of the world
soul is eternal but bounded by Wisdom is not only just an abstract logical
KARMA (ACTION) to the world of matter construction; but is also THE LOVE OF GOD
God allots rewards and punishments The teachings of Christianity are based on the
to all beings according to Karma love of God
it is the spirit neither born nor dies,
goes through a transmigratory or EVALUATE OWN LIMITATIONS AND THE
metempsychosis (passed through creature, POSSIBILITIES FOR THEIR TRANSCENDENCE
human, or animal) series of birth and death A. Forgiveness
B. The Beauty of Nature
1. BUDDHISM- From Tears to Enlightenment- C. Vulnerability
FOUNDER: Siddharta Gautama or the D. Failure
Buddha E. Loneliness
Gautama search for answers to the F. Love
riddle of life’s sufferings, disease, old age,
and death After resting and meditating, WEEK 10: Freedom Of The Human Person
came to a clear realization that the solution DEMONSTRATE THE VIRTUES OF
1. Life is full of sufferings Erich Fromm, 2013 proposed a new
2. Suffering is caused by passionate desires society that should encourage the emergence
3. Only if these are obliterated (eliminated) of a new human being that will foster prudence
4. Such eradication of desire may be
and moderation of frugality
accomplished only by following the
EIGHTFOLD PATH Fromm’s envisioned society
Teachings of Buddha: EIGHTFOLD PATH 1. The willingness to give up all forms of
1. Right belief in and acceptance of the having, in order to fully be
FOURTHFOLD TRUTH 2. Being fully present where one is
2. Right aspiration for one’s self and for others 3. Trying to reduce greed, hate, and
3. Right speech that harms no one illusions as much as one is capable
4. Right conduct, motivated by goodwill toward 4. Making the full growth of oneself and of
all human beings one’s fellow beings the supreme goal of
5. Right means of livelihood, or effort to direct living
6. Right endeavor, or effort to direct one’s 5. Not deceiving others, but also being
energies toward wise ends
deceived by others; one may be called
7. Right mindfulness in choosing topics for
thought innocent, but not naive
8. Right meditation, or concentration to the 6. Freedom that is not arbitrariness but the
point of complete absorption in mystic possibility to oneself, not as a bundle of
ecstasy (happiness/joy) greedy desires, but a delicately
balanced structure that at any moment
2. CHRISTIANITY- The Biblical God and is confronted with the alternatives of
Humanity: St. Augustine of Hippo and St. growth or decay, life or death
Thomas Aquinas 7. Happiness in the ever-growing
Treatises: Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa aliveness, whatever the furthest point is
Theological that fate permits one to reach, for living
Human beings are MORAL AGENT (we are as fully as one can satisfactory that the
both spiritual and body elements; the spiritual
concern for what might or might not
attain has little chance to develop
8. Joy that comes from giving and sharing, Determines actual human morals, rights,
not from hoarding and exploiting values and responsibilities through human-
9. Develop one’s capacity for critical made systems and regulations
unsentimental thought Ex: Humans purpose of living a happy life
10. Shedding one’s narcissism and
accepting those tragic limitations ETERNAL LAW
inherent in in human existence The decree of God that governs all creation
Ex: The 10commandments