15 Biodiversity N Conservation-Entrance Questions

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1. Who popularized the term ‘biodiversity’? c. Tropical forest region like Equador has up to 10
a. Robert May b. Edward Wilson times of vascular plant species as compared to a
c. Humboldt d. Borlaug temperate forest region like the Midwest of USA
2. Choose the right one which denotes genetic diversity in d. Number of fungi species is less than the combined
correct sequence. www.bankofbiology.com total of the species of fishes, amphibians, reptiles &
a. Nucleotides → Genes → Chromosomes → mammals
Individuals → Populations 7. Given here is a pie chart representation of the extent of
b. Chromosomes → Nucleotides → Genes → global diversity of invertebrates. What groups the four
Individuals → Populations portions (A-D) represent respectively?
c. Populations → Individuals → Chromosomes →
Nucleotides → Genes
d. Genes → Nucleotides → Chromosomes →
Individuals → Populations
3. Deserts, forests, alpine meadows etc. are examples for
a. Diversity at genetic level
b. Diversity at species level
a. A- Insects, B- Molluscs, C- Crustaceans, D- Other
c. Diversity at ecosystem level
animal groups
d. All of these
b. A- Insects, B- Crustaceans, C- Other animal groups,
4. Diversity of the habitats over the landscape or
D- Molluscs
geographical area is called
c. A- Crustaceans, B- Insects, C- Molluscs, D- Other
a. Alpha diversity b. Beta diversity
animal groups
c. Gamma diversity d. Species diversity
d. A- Molluscs, B- Other animal groups, C-
5. According to IUCN (2004) the number of species
Crustaceans, D- Insects
described so far is
8. Biologists are not sure about total number of many
a. 15 million b. 1.5 million
prokaryotic species because
c. 15 billion d. 1.5 billion
a. Conventional taxonomic methods are not suitable
6. Find out the false statement related with species
for identifying microbial species.
richness of the world.
b. In laboratory, many species cannot be cultured.
a. There are more than 20,000 species of ants and
3,00,000 species of beetles
c. Biochemical or molecular criteria for delineating
prokaryotic species is not widely accepted.
b. There are more than 28,000 species of fishes and
d. All the above.
nearly 20,000 species of orchids www.bankofbiology.com


9. Latitudinal range of tropics is d. All the above
a. 20.5oN to 20.5o S b. 23.5oN to 23.5o S 12. Rivet Popper Hypothesis is proposed by
c. 33.5 N to 33.5 So d. 43.5oN to 43.5o S a. Paul Ehrlich b. Humboldt
10. The relation between species richness and area is c. David Tilman d. Robert May
describes on a logarithmic scale by the equation 13. Based on Rivet Popper Hypothesis, honeybees can be
a. Log S = log C – Z log A b. Log S = Z log A compared to
c. Log S = log C + Z log A d. Log S = log C a. Rivets on the seats of airplane
11. Species richness is highest in tropics because b. Rivets on the windows of airplane
a. Tropics had more evolutionary time c. Rivets on the wings of airplane
b. Tropics has relatively constant environment d. Passenger in airplane
c. Tropics gets more solar energy www.bankofbiology.com
14. IUCN Red List (2004) documents extinction of …… a. Alien species invasion b. Overexploitation
species c. Co-extinction d. Habitat loss
a. 1200 b. 784 c. 338 d. 359 16. Which of the following is not ‘The Evil Quartet’?
15. Stellar’s sea cow, passenger pigeon etc. are extinct a. Habitat loss b. Over exploitation
mainly due to c. Co-extinction d. Drought
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17. Example for co-extinction is d. 1. Full human activity without ecological

a. Extinction of Didus ineptus disturbance 2. Limited human activity 3. No
b. Extinction of parasites human activity
c. Extinction of pollinator www.bankofbiology.com 21. Vulnerable taxon means
d. All of these a. Facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in
18. The ecosystem service that gives aesthetic value is the immediate future
a. Ecotourism, bird-watching, gardening, pet keeping, b. Facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in
wildlife etc. the near future
b. Maintenance of gaseous composition of atmosphere c. Facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the
c. Climate control, natural pest control, pollination etc. medium-term future
d. Purification of water and nutrient cycling d. All of the above
19. What is true about biosphere reserves? 22. Which of the following is not broadly utilitarian
a. Wild populations are protected argument?
b. Native tribal are protected a. Pollination b. Provision of oxygen
c. Cultivated plants are protected c. Provision of food d. Intrinsic value of species
d. Domesticated animals are protected 23. Odd man out
e. All the above are protected a. National park b. Sanctuaries
20. In a biosphere reserves, 1. Core zone 2. Buffer zone and c. Zoological park d. Sacred forest
3. Transition (manipulation) zone represent 24. Number of hotspots in world
a. 1. No human activity 2. Limited human activity 3. a. 3 b. 34 c. 112 d. 96
Full human activity without ecological disturbance 25. The Earth Summit (1992) was conducted in
b. 1. Limited human activity 2. No human activity 3. a. Johannes Berg b. Rio de Jeneiro
Full human activity without ecological disturbance c. Washington d. Paris
c. 1. Full human activity without ecological 26. Example for alien species invasion
disturbance 2. No human activity 3. Limited human a. Nile perch b. Parthenium
activity c. Eicchornia d. All of these
27. Number biosphere reserves in India
www.bankofbiology.com a. 14 b. 90 c. 448 d. 22

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